Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Unique Problem during my interview, PLease HELP ME!

You people really need to read her entire post.  She clearly states that her friend that was interviewed after her was told that HER husband has charges against him, not the ops fiance. 
And charges usually mean that the case has not yet been adjudicated in court.  Pending charges usually means a court case has not yet commenced.  A person could be arrested and "charges" could hang around for years before any court case or they could simply expire by statute.
In all fairness to poster it would be nice if everyone would try to read complete posts so they better know how to respond.

You don't get this?  She is saying that perhaps the two files were mixed up after the two interviews. 

Actually she says her friend was told her fiancé had charges then at her interview she was then herself told same thing

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-12 14:04:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I had my boobies felt but only cs if had a benign lump in there as a teen, he didn't point out that I hadn't had breakfast probably because of my belly fat lol but to clarify this I'm a size 10 and it was only slightly podgy cos I was wearing leggings lol
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 01:16:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Okay I'm back from London!

I was psyching myself up for a full-on, boobs-out, knickers-down medicalfest. FORTUNATELY it was nothing like that and I needn't have worried at all.
So I got to Bentick Mansions. My first thought was that it's a bit weird to have a medical practice in the building with a bunch of flats, but hey ho.
I went in and handed my forms to the receptionist, who was very pleasant. She told me to take a seat, and then a few minutes later the nurse came to collect me. I was taken into a quiet room and she told me that I was missing one vaccination, and that I could either get it done there, or wait until AOS, or they could prepare a letter for me to take to my GP and get it done there. I chose to just have it done at the medical, to get it over with.

Next, I was handed over to a rather jolly chap in the x-ray room. I went behind the curtain and had to take off everything from my chin to my waist, and then put on a robe, that actually turned out to be a really comfy dressing-gown type thing, it didn't feel clinical at all. I had to rest my chin on a thing, push my chest against a thing, hold my hands on my waist with my elbows out to the side like when you do the "I'm a little teapot" dance, and hold a thing behind me. That is the most accurate description of the x-ray experience that I can muster.
I was then taken in to see the doctor, and based on reading others' tales of their medical, I was really happy to see that my doctor was the happy Asian man. Still wearing my robe, I had to sit down and answer some questions as he filled out another questionnaire. Then he weighed me and measured my height, and blood pressure. Then I had to lie down on the bed, and he looked in my eyes and mouth and nose, and prodded my stomach a little (saying "you haven't had lunch?", felt my lymph nodes, and then listened to my chest a bit with the stethoscope. After this it was time to have my blood taken, which was over pretty quickly, then I got to have a nice lie down while I held the cotton ball against my arm. I thought at that point that I would quite like to stay there and take a nap.
And after all that fun and frolicking, it was time to leave, so I changed back into my clothes and had to go wait in the waiting room again until the receptionist had finished with my paperwork. FYI: when in the waiting room, sit on the sofa, it's way more comfortable than the chairs.
And that's it! I do have a history of depression and anxiety, which I did declare on my questionnaire, and I took a letter from my private counsellor as verification that I'm all right now. Unfortunately, they still want a note from my GP, so I dropped that into the GP on my way home and was assisted by a very nice receptionist, not the Dragon Lady who denied my vaccinations.
Fingers crossed for the all-clear from my blood/x-ray results, and for a swift response from the GP!

All in all, a good visit! But mostly because I took the opportunity of being near Oxford Street to go to the Hummingbird Bakery and get cupcakes.

Oh yeh we should make everyone aware that there are no signs outside indicating that the doctors is in there at all!! I walked past the building about 5 times!
Also why do they check your shins, wish I'd asked now, wonder if he was checking for self harming because of my history of depression

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 12:27:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Had my medical at 10:50 today,
My thoughts are :

- the vaccination lady is lovely
- the x ray man is really rude and deserves a slap, tries to make you feel stupid when really he's just bad at giving directions, heard him mocking the next person who went in after me too, what am idiot .
- dr huang who did my physical was a strange fellow, didn't check my lady parts thank god but did delight in counting the spots on my back and mentioning that I had a podgy tummy, is this medically relevant... Lol. I liked him though.

Unfortunately they need more info on a surgery I had and a history of depression when I was a teen so my case is gona be delayed while I wait a couple of weeks for my GP to pass on the info to them

Overall found the medical centre a bit run down and unprofessional for the cost of it!

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 12:09:00
United KingdomWhat order for interview planning- k1 visa
Thank you that's great help, only thing that threw me was the two packs of letters?! Iv only been asked to send a few forms. Il actually send those off now then as they are ready so that the ball is rolling. We've got a bit of a tricky situation for the wedding because we're going to have a big wedding for friends and family 8 months after I get there but go to government centre to have a quick civil ceremony type thing about a week after I get there because we obviously have to marry within 3 months, do you think they'll understand this or frown upon it?
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-28 10:49:00
United KingdomWhat order for interview planning- k1 visa
Did you guys book medical before your police certificate came back or wait til you had gotten it. And once you'd booked medical did you send off notification of readiness or wait til after you'd actually had the medical?
Can't figure out whether to speed up process by sending it off at once or whether that's too risky

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-28 05:17:00
United KingdomWaiting on appointment, need help.
They should do them in order I think , doesn't seem fair the way they do it
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 01:02:00
United KingdomCan you change interview date?

Then my best suggestion to you is --

1) keep up with NHS to know when they send the info
2) then call Knightsbridge to confirm the date they sent the medical forms.
3) then contact the embassy via the contact form and say "LNDXXXXXX. My forms and medical results have arrived at the embassy and I am ready to interview. May I please request an interview be assigned between October x and October y. My fiancé from the United States will be in the UK at that time and would like to accompany me to London. Please add his name to the list as attending the interview and confirm by email. His name is (give name on his passport).

Sending or calling before you are eligible for interview stands the chance of being forgotten when the time comes. Asking for a change after assignment may mean the slots are already filled. Getting a request when everything is in and you are eligible, may prompt them to pull your file and assign the interview right then for the time window you request.

Contact form http://london.usemba...ntact_form.html

Tick the reason " I would like to add the name of my U.S. citizen spouse/child to my IV appointment."

Thank you so much for the help there! Il definitely do that

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 10:28:00
United KingdomCan you change interview date?
Had medical on Wednesday but they nee more info so gona b a couple of weeks apparently for my drs to send it off to them cos lets face it it's the NHS and they're eternally understaffed. Sent my ds2001 about 2 weeks before that
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 09:45:00
United KingdomCan you change interview date?
I've already sent off my ds2001 :(, Hopefully I can change it to then anyway
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 09:24:00
United KingdomCan you change interview date?
Yeh I want him there that's why I want the interview then! Why shouldn't I change it tho?
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 01:29:00
United KingdomCan you change interview date?
My fiancée is coming to stay for 2 weeks in October which should be roughly when my interview is but if it falls out of that time can I call them and change it? I also don't have any work holiday left so would have difficulty having another day off anyway outside of those 2 weeks
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 00:57:00
United KingdomDeed Poll K1 Interview - I only have a 'certified copy'.
Those embassy links are ridiculous to navigate , that's what's so good about this site as those who have successfully navigated the maze can help others
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-20 17:04:00
United Kingdomwhat a horrible feeling knowing you will most likely be denied
What will it say if you've never done anything and never even had a caution?
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 06:08:00
United Kingdomwhat a horrible feeling knowing you will most likely be denied

the cone never came from the road thats my point i found it in a hedge and it could not be traced to an owner it was halloween i put it on my head to be a witch 
i can promise nobody was put in danger i can ussure you i would of left it alone if it was on the road i would not put anyone in danger 

yeah i hear lots of that i was just unfortunate that i was given a caution for this prank 

Do cautions show on your record then?

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 05:38:00
United Kingdomwhat a horrible feeling knowing you will most likely be denied
Oh my goodness !! I swear every university student has done this drunkrnly at some point!!
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 00:40:00
United Kingdomwhat a horrible feeling knowing you will most likely be denied
What's a cimt?
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-03 16:02:00
United KingdomHow do I track the courier?
Our visa was approved last Friday but going through my emails I can't figure out how to track getting my passport back!
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 09:14:00
United KingdomPolice Cbeck
Mine arrived easy within 10 working days and I had booked my medical for two weeks after I ordered police check and didn't sweat at all
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-03 17:12:00
United KingdomAffidavit of Support problem!
I think I'm going to have the same problem as my fiancé was only meeting the criteria from around march last year and when we adjust status in February hel have earnt enough for the actual calendar year but not the precious tax year. So if anyone knows the answer to this it'd be a great help to me too
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-03 17:48:00
United KingdomAffidavit of Support problem!
Don't forget when you adjust status they will be looking at your wife's previous tax year not her current income
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-03 17:31:00
United KingdomNerves (interview)
Did he make it?
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-07 03:47:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

Well we are *finally* in California. Willow (large lurcher) flew on the same VA flight as me. I paid Petair to organise everything and although expensive it was worth making it a hassle free experience. I was moving out of my house the day before my flight - something I really do not recommend.

I printed up a postcard with Willow's photo on it and asked one of the crew to hand to the Captain (it asked him/her to check the heating was on). I then had visits from most of the crew confirming that Willow (and the other dog on board) were fine. I even got a visit mid flight by the First Officer to chat about the dog. She said they rarely get to see the actual animals and were amused and chuffed to get the photo. They were particularly interested to know how I knew that they controlled the heating. Internet research was my answer :-)
Following immigration (which tool nearly and hour due to queues) we had to drive over to the VA freight terminal, collect customs documents , take them to customs who stamped them and then return to terminal to pick up hound.

Willow was veryyyyyy pleased to get out of the crate but was otherwise fine and clean. Skittish for 24hrs after arrival but now settling in.

thanks for the response it has really helped ease my nerves. I won't be flying on same flight as Simba but I may ask petair to pass on photo to pilot!
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-19 18:32:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

I have nothing helpful to contribute to this discussion.  However, I got a good chuckle after having a somewhat drab day when I read the subject of the thread.  A picture popped up in my head of an tabby fixing goggles to his face and letting the wind blow threw his fur.  Yeah.... I'm weird.

Haha the cat will not be the vessel we fly on
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-15 03:46:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA
To be honest id rather he be in cargo , he'd have to be in smaller carrier in cabin and I know if he could see me he'd be crying whole time
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-12 02:37:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA
My Simba flies out January 30th and I'm some what relieved hearing that the flight staff have access to the pets in flight, I thought they were just put in there n door were locked n that's it until they got, with an 11 hour flight the idea petrifies me. I know in the long run Simba will be better because hel have me looking after him and il alway make sure he gets the best care but got to be honest I feel guilty as hell putting him through the flight :(
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-09 07:01:00
United KingdomANGER yet relieved
They lost half the address for my delivery and didn't bother telling me , I just waited and waited
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-19 18:34:00
United KingdomCan I visit my partner in UK with just a US passport?
My fiancé visited twice this year and the first time had completely forgotten where I live in England and the second time we were going to fly out to turkey for a week together as soon as he arrived and he had absolutely no idea where we were going lol officers were very suspicious but believed him when he said I organise everything n he just goes along with it. I think as long as you know where u staying n hv return address no worries
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-20 02:20:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
I'm so bad that I've even looked into ways of getting a boat there lol but it not possible to get to LA, I pictured myself strolling around the cruise with simba the cat on a lead haha
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 03:41:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK

Edited by Cam54, 04 August 2013 - 02:33 AM.

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 02:31:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
I need to fly to California and I can't really expect him to not go toilet for that 11 hour flight plus the 2 hour transfers either side!, how did you deal with that. Simbas a prince so it's hard enough taking him to vets
Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 02:27:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
I would love to bring my cat simba but as a terrified flyer I can only imagine hel just have a heart attack being on the plane, he's a healthy 4 year old boy but I just don't think I can put him through it :(
I'd probably do it if you could sedate them but you can't can you?
I meant I'm a terrified flyer by the way

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 02:18:00
United Kingdomuk tv

Tunnelbear VPN costs $3 a month for an ipad (which you can then connect to your tv) and is very reliable.
FilmOn tv streams live uk free to air channels and is free.
Uktveverywhere costs $25 a month but hooks up to your tv and allows you to record UK channels and comes complete with a 2 week programme guide.

 hola is free though, you can get on 4od, itv player and bbc on demand through it for no charge

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-27 22:42:00
United Kingdomuk tv

thanks everyone! the err legal side of it isn't an issue lol, free was what I was looking for too but thanks for the variety

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 10:44:00
United Kingdomuk tv

iv searched for ways to watch UK tv in the US but they all seem out of date now, anyone got any tips?

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-22 23:13:00
United KingdomHow long did your tax refunds take?

I recently sent in the p85 to HMRC and they advised they will do a direct pay into my bank any refund owing, im due about 800pounds refund so eager to get that!, did any of you claim a refund and how long did it take?

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 10:42:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?


I miss the rain!!!!!!!!!!!!


are you sure?...


lol we had a little bit of rain here in California recently, I actually quite enjoyed it as it stopped me feelin guilty about bein lazy

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 18:51:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Anyone else miss Marksies? I also miss real butchers and bakerys (especially sausage rolls)


Marksies ready meals are on a different planet sometimes.


I really miss M&S, when me and my man had to do long distance while waiting for our visa id see my friends buying the 10pound dinner deal and think it was romantic in a strange way and I couldn't wait to do that with my man but it doesn't exist here


Hehe that's my fiancé's favourite game when he comes over here. Trying our chocolate bars and figuring out what their equivalent is. He still insists our Milky Ways and their Milky Ways are similar enough...I say otherwise tongue.png


American milky ways aren't light and airy enough!!

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 18:18:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

As a veggie, I miss the choice I used to have in restaurants.  Now I usually have one choice, if I'm lucky.  And it's usually a veggie burger.  Labeling on supermarket food is not good.  I miss having the 'v' symbol on veggie food and I now have to read the labels thoroughly.  The put chicken stock in the obscurest foods and I can't eat Dean's Onion Dip because they put gelatin in it!  So sour cream and Lipton's Onion Soup mix for my dip.


I miss Reggae Reggae sauce.  I did buy 2 bottles off Amazon for a daft amount of money but it tasted so good.


And I still miss Warburton's crumpets.  Nothing here is the same - they're like flat, airy pancakes.  I've tried making then and, frankly, they weren't worth the effort.


Im veggie too! and agree that there is animal in such random things here, really do miss the V logo. And totally agree about veggie choices in restaurants, end up lookin in salad section thinking 'surely there must be something here' and turns out they love to throw bacon on their salads

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 18:16:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Jiff Peanut butter in Walmart $2.78...



Think I need to move to Virginia!

Cam54FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-03 23:26:00