Russia, Ukraine and BelarusA few thoughts on the Embassy in Moscow

I went to the interview with my fiancee last Thursday in Moscow and saw a few things that might be worth telling.


1) DO NOT take a laptop or backpack! You will make that Russian woman at the holding area flip out and it's not pretty! Cell phones are alright and they will hold them for you, they will hold the laptop as well but you are going to get chewed on for a minute about bringing it. You would be amazed at the things people brought to the Embassy.

2) Get there early. We were there at 7:30 and the line was already 50 yards long.

3) If you go with your fiancee/fiance, when they call her/his name just go to the window with them. They will interview you both at the same time. Really not that many questions. After all the waiting you did to this point it is pretty painless and quick.

4) Be prepared to wait. The line moves quickly and you will be told where to go (if you bring a laptop you will be told where to go alright!) but it is pretty simple. First  hand in your interview conformation letter, next to fingerprints then to waiting room.

5) If your paperwork is in order, relax it's your time to shine!smile.png


For some reason I can't edit this post?


After your fingerprints you go to the waiting room and when they call your name you will hand in all your documents. When they call your name again it's for the interview itself.

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-21 06:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusA few thoughts on the Embassy in Moscow

I went to the interview with my fiancee last Thursday in Moscow and saw a few things that might be worth telling.


1) DO NOT take a laptop or backpack! You will make that Russian woman at the holding area flip out and it's not pretty! Cell phones are alright and they will hold them for you, they will hold the laptop as well but you are going to get chewed on for a minute about bringing it. You would be amazed at the things people brought to the Embassy.

2) Get there early. We were there at 7:30 and the line was already 50 yards long.

3) If you go with your fiancee/fiance, when they call her/his name just go to the window with them. They will interview you both at the same time. Really not that many questions. After all the waiting you did to this point it is pretty painless and quick.

4) Be prepared to wait. The line moves quickly and you will be told where to go (if you bring a laptop you will be told where to go alright!) but it is pretty simple. First  hand in your interview conformation letter, next to fingerprints then to waiting room.

5) If your paperwork is in order, relax it's your time to shine!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-21 06:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill waiting for Russian police report

My fiancee requested a police report in her hometown in Russia nearly eight weeks ago, I was not expecting such a long wait. I would like to hear comments from others that have gone through this process in Russia and get your experience to see if this is common or if there might be a problem.




My fiancee filed for her's about two weeks ago and they told her a month it would be done. She lives in a pretty good sized city and has live there for many years so maybe that's why? I hope it doesn't take two months.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-01 15:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy would a Russian be denied K1 visa at interview?

I brought it in a carry on bag. Good thing because Air France was right on their game and sent my luggage somewhere else. Air France/CDG layover virtually assures lost luggage. Carry it on, hold it in your hand. :lol:

In our case it was WAY overkill but who cares? I only recently discarded all that stuff...after citizenship

Oh yes! They will be with me in the plane not in my checked luggage. Learned my lesson there the hard way, after 5 days of the same clothes and 7 hours in customs and 125.oo getting my suitcase back. Only to find they stole every gift I had for her out of it! It's funny now but not at the time I was rather pissed to be honest.. :lol:
paws057MaleRussia2013-04-14 10:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy would a Russian be denied K1 visa at interview?

James. I brought evidence of meeting 6 times, and a stack of phone logs, email logs, dozens and dozens of photos, maybe 100, I do not remember. I had every form of back u for the I-134 possible and a couple extra. I brought every document that had ever been mailed to anyone. I carried it with me on my lap on the plane and brought it by hand delivery to the interview myself. I basically killed a fly with a thermonuclear warhead!

There is no one that says "use enough gun" more than me. Better to be slightly over-gunned than be trampled by an elephant. :blush:

I'm not sure how in the world I'm going to carry all this stuff to the interview but I will. I have everything I have ever sent her, letters, Skype chat logs, phone bills, gifts, photos, plane tickets and luggage tags, every letter she has sent to me. It might be overkill but I would rather have everything then have them ask me for something and opps, I don't have it. :thumbs:
paws057MaleRussia2013-04-07 11:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy would a Russian be denied K1 visa at interview?

Privet everyone! I am relatively new to the forums here, as well as to international relationships and immigration law, so I beg your forgiveness for my ignorance in advance)))

I met my fiance online last year, and after several interesting trials (check my posts here if you are curious), we are ready to marry. A good friend of mine, who I completely trust to give me good and accurate advice told me that the US consulate in Russian is extremely critical on couples applying for visa. She explained that Russia is a high visa fraud country and that meeting once is no longer acceptable in their eyes, insisting that we meet twice to have any real chance to be approved for a visa.

She also asked me to check with you guys in the RUB forum, and praised all of you for your kindness and unbiased advice. What I would like to know is do we really have to meet again? My girl has a 7 year old daughter, and besides the financial burden it will place on us to take another vacation together, it is extremely difficult for her to secure someone she trusts to watch her little girl while she leaves the country to visit a man.

Furthermore, is there any advice you can give that pertains to the US consulate in St. Petersburg that can help us not to make any mistakes, or things they like to see in lieu of a second meeting? I understand that it is not all of you I must convince that the relationship is real. All of you are no different than me in this regard. But I really love this woman and her daughter, and only want the chance to provide the life for them that I know they deserve.

Thank you for your help. I am proud to be part of this community.

Yes, her interview will be in Moscow as it is the only Embassy in Russia that processes K1 visa to my knowledge. I really don't think it matters where you meet as long as you have met her in person.
paws057MaleRussia2013-04-07 11:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGood hotels for Moscow interview?

I'm looking for ideas as to a convenient and not devastatingly expensive hotel for my fiancée to stay in Moscow. Both her medical (at IOM) and interview are early in the morning so congestion on the metro needs to be considered too. Is there a favorite place to stay?


We are staying at the Best Western Vega Hotel and I think it was about 90 dollars a night. It's a few stops east of the IOM and the Embassy. If I remember right there were a lot of hotels in the same area.

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-03 06:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation



I am US citizen and I received my 3 year Tourist Russian Visa a while ago and am finally preparing to go to Russia in a month or so, I was looking at it and under the Invitation by section it list nothing just a simple: -


There is also no Invitation Number, that area is blank. under additional information it just lists that it is valid for a max stay of 6 months.


I filled the visa through an agency who dealed with invitation and hotel and what not so I had no contact with Russian Consulate at all. That said I know nothing about what they said or did.


I am worried that with my lack of russian I will have problems when I am passing immigration at the airport to enter Russia. I booked my hotel in moscow for 4 days already but that is about it in terms of plans. I am sort of going to wing my whole trip since I really don't know much I will spend in each place other than at least my first part in moscow. Any tips for stuff that the immigration officer might ask or if this lack of invitation will pose a problem? I could go to one of those websiste and get an invitation just for safety but I'd rather not throw away money.


So anyway any tips on that and what kind of stuff immigration may ask me I would appreciate.


Parallel to this I am meeting up with my girlfriend in Russia and am getting married, I will go to her home for 1-2 weeks, should I not mention this at the border to not have issues of them asking why I didn't get a homestay visa?


Thanks and great forums, I've been reading them for a while, got lot's of useful info from here that led to me getting my visa smile.png



PS: I look forward to being an active member of this forums once I return to USA and start the process for my girlfriend's visa smile.png

The invitation is only to get the visa and is not needed after you get the visa. Of course you can keep it if you wish but you don't have to. At passport control they will not ask you anything, nothing. They just look at your passport and at you, print out your migration card, tear off one half of it, stamp your passport and you are free to go. Your visa is good for 6 months so don't worry.


. Just be sure you register your visa within 7 days. If you have a shorter stay don't worry about it but since it looks like you are staying longer make sure that gets done. Go to any post office (that's an experience in itself!) and have your girlfriend fill out the information (two forms) and pay the 235 rubles. Also don't lose that migration paper they give you as they want it when you leave the country. 


What I usually do is send some money to my girl ahead of time. MoneyGram or Western Union are the best and they have offices all over the place. The big cities you can use the plastic money but in the smaller towns a lot of them are still cash only. Some banks here will not allow a credit card to be used there because of the fraud. So contact your bank before you leave to be sure they will accept the charges.


Other than that enjoy yourself it's a great country to visit!:)


paws057MaleRussia2013-06-28 08:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation

You should always call the bank first to inform them you are taking an oversea trip, or else after you've used it once it will be flagged and shut off until you call. At least this is what my bank does if I don't let them know about it.



Citi Bank is usually pretty good about this if you call before you go or set it up online that you will be traveling. But they did give me a hard time about a money gram the last trip for some reason? I had to send it three times and of course two phone calls to get it to clear.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-04 07:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation

This is great news! I appreciate the prompt responses. It certainly makes me feel better about that. I know about the visa registration and will try to register at the hotel I am going to and then again when I go to her town through post office (she asked about it and they said there's no problem for visa registration there)


I will be sure to notify my banks and carry some cash just incase, but I also feel a little bad that my girlfriend and her family too want to cover all the cost. Must be a russian tradition, but I will do my best to avoid that tongue.png


I guess I might as well ask one more question while I am at it. Do you guys recommend I carry my passport with visa at all times incase Russian Police stop me or will a copy (notarized or not) suffice?

Thanks again!


I've never been stopped by the police but it is a good idea to have your passport and migration card at all times. Some banks will not allow you to use a credit card in any former Soviet country. They say it is because of the fraud over there. The major banks will but a local bank probably won't. So what I do just in case that stupid card doesn't work is I wire some money through MoneyGram to my girl. Then if I need it we go and get it, if I don't need it, well that s a gift for her!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-01 15:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation



I am US citizen and I received my 3 year Tourist Russian Visa a while ago and am finally preparing to go to Russia in a month or so, I was looking at it and under the Invitation by section it list nothing just a simple: -


There is also no Invitation Number, that area is blank. under additional information it just lists that it is valid for a max stay of 6 months.


I filled the visa through an agency who dealed with invitation and hotel and what not so I had no contact with Russian Consulate at all. That said I know nothing about what they said or did.


I am worried that with my lack of russian I will have problems when I am passing immigration at the airport to enter Russia. I booked my hotel in moscow for 4 days already but that is about it in terms of plans. I am sort of going to wing my whole trip since I really don't know much I will spend in each place other than at least my first part in moscow. Any tips for stuff that the immigration officer might ask or if this lack of invitation will pose a problem? I could go to one of those websiste and get an invitation just for safety but I'd rather not throw away money.


So anyway any tips on that and what kind of stuff immigration may ask me I would appreciate.


Parallel to this I am meeting up with my girlfriend in Russia and am getting married, I will go to her home for 1-2 weeks, should I not mention this at the border to not have issues of them asking why I didn't get a homestay visa?


Thanks and great forums, I've been reading them for a while, got lot's of useful info from here that led to me getting my visa smile.png



PS: I look forward to being an active member of this forums once I return to USA and start the process for my girlfriend's visa smile.png


The letter of invitation is only for the Russian Embassy here in the states to get the visa.  You do not need to take it with you because all they will do at passport control is throw it back at you. I've been there 6 times now and they never ask you anything. Also now the migration cards you used to have to fill out on the plane going to Russia and now done by passport control on a printer with the information off your passport. They keep one copy and give you the other one, you will need this when you go back through passport control to go home.  Just remember if you stay 7 days or more register your visa through any post office. To register your visa you will need a scan of your bio page from your passport and a scan of the visa itself with the entry stamp in it. You can do the bio page at home and take it with you but the visa will have ot be done in country after it has been stamped. Be prepared to wait if you go to the post office, speed is not their strong suit! If you are there less than 7 days or are staying at a hotel don't worry about it they do it for you. I hope this helps!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-01 15:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust left NVC to Moscow!

Okay so the NVC told me that yesterday, they sent off our case to Moscow I also sent all the documents I needed to my fiancée I-129F copy NOA2 copy pay stubs I-134 etc what do we do now? I want to be prepared as possible


Relax!:) Your almost there. Just make sure she has everything she needs for the interview is about all you can do.

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-21 06:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow, Interview Date Notification

Thank you once again smile.png It's really helpful to get an opinion and advice from someone who knows what we are going through.

We wish you good luck on your continuing journey and happiness together with your fiancee! 


Thank you!:) Good luck on your journey, believe me it is worth all the waiting we all had to do!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-09-18 13:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow, Interview Date Notification

Thank you so much for answer!

Glad to be able to help.:)Just remember the only thing you will get from the Embassy is a letter that asks you to set up an interview. There will be no other 'packets' for a K1 visa. Also when you go to pay for the visa itself you will look for it under the immigrant visa section even though it is a non-immigrant visa.


The Embassy in Moscow is very highly rated and they are very polite as well. So don't worry you will get your visa if all the paperwork is in order!:)

Good Luck!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-09-17 07:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow, Interview Date Notification


So, the appointment letter IS the invitation letter required for the interview as mentioned on the traveldocs website?



On the TravelDocs site you will pay for the visa through the Russian Standard Bank (by credit card). When (after about two days you will see on the site it was paid) you will be able to set up your interview and print your receipt with the bar code on it. That is the only thing you will need for your interview along with your documents of course.

Good Luck!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-09-16 19:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in the states?

Only our experience, Lena told me that tamoshna in Detroit thoroughly went through her two big suitcases. She was pissed that the officer went through all of her underwear. That's all. Total time at Customs in Detroit was 30 minutes. Go through Detroit, you are close to home. Good luck and keep in touch. Igor


30 minutes is not bad at all. Yes I'll bet she was upset about him digging through her panties!:) Thanks I will keep in touch!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-22 11:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in the states?

Detroit, American home of Severstal Steel. Large RUB population. Western Ukrainians live on one side of town and Eastern Ukrainians and Russians live on the other side of town. Go figure.


Detroit, that's pretty close to here. I see the POE was Detroit and wanted to ask you how it was there? After going through JFK Saturday and seeing the visitor's line I am really thinking of getting a flight that goes direct to Detroit and have that be her POE.

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-22 08:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in the states?



Near Toledo Ohio. There is a large population of RUB in Detroit and Cleveland which are not far from here. All the Russian stores, churches ect. Houston sounds great to and it's warm there which I'm sure she would like very much!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-21 06:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmy wife is a natural born shooter

Alla loves to shoot but she would NOT be excited about a woodland camo shirt. laughing.gif She is definitely a "lipstick shootistova". 


Oh I never said she wouldn't have lipstick on, that's a must whenever she leaves the house. Of course the color would not 'clash' with the camo shirt as well.

paws057MaleRussia2013-10-06 13:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmy wife is a natural born shooter

And if one of them gets left at home, it should be the cell phone


You got that right!:) I gave her an old woodland camo shirt tonight and she actually got excited, wow I love that woman!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-10-02 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmy wife is a natural born shooter

The key to getting them out there is to find a friend or two of hers and convince all of them that it's a fun day out in nature and they can enjoy a day outside. Also, that you're only staying for a half hour or so and that's it. Don't be too pressing. If you can get her friend's boyfriend to join you too, it's a win-win. You have a new shooting buddy and the girls can get some trigger time. 

Some pics from the last Appleseed we went to - 




And just hanging out at home - 





Because you can never have enough armor - 



You gotta love those black rifles!:) We were out walking last night and I told her if she wanted to walk alone at night she needed two things with her, a cell phone and she said a gun! Bless her heart she's becoming an American already!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-10-01 08:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Bride, K-1 vs K-3

Hi Darnell & AmyWrites,


OK ... So, change of Tactic ... I am going to Pursue ... CR-1 Route.


So, now I have to scour the VJ pages to see what is needed for me to do BEFORE I fly to Moscow and get married ...


1) Like, what will I need to do or take with me so my Marriage over there is all LEGAL and Validated.


2) What I need to Bring Back with me from there ... while I am in Moscow with Her and Her Family ... Parents and all.


@ AmyWrites ... You mentioned that going to Russia is NOT Hard.  But when I am on their Embassy Site is almost like they don't want you there ...


Q1: So, they need a Sponsor ... even as a Tourist?


I suppose my Wife To Be, will be my Sponsor ... right?  Or someone else need to be?


Any pointers here would be appreciated.


Thanks again!


Z! smile.png


Going to Russia is very easy really. Go to the site and fill out the form for a Russian visa, print it, sign it,(also buy an invitation from the same company. The invitation costs about 20 dollars)  and send it and the fee's to the company in Washington DC. Two or three weeks later they will send you your visa. If you have never had one before it's best to go for the 30 day visa instead of the three year visa which you might need an interview for since you have not had one before.


paws057MaleRussia2013-10-01 08:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusok question about after she arrives


The people in the office are also idiots. When the government reopens (as long as it's at least 2 weeks before I-94 expires or earlier), print out their page on the site that says that people on K1 visas can get a SSN and go get it. As far as I know even if you get the EAD but if your I-94 expires (even starting 2 weeks before it expires) and your status is just AOS applicant, they will not issue a SSN then. You would have to wait until you get your GC unless you get a SSN within the first 2.5 months after coming to the US.

The problem is she is not authorized to work in this country and probably will not work either. Here is what the site says


If you are not authorized by DHS to work in
the United States, you can get a Social Security
number only if you can prove you need it for
a valid non-work reason. That might happen,
for example, if a state or federal law requires
you to have a Social Security number to obtain
benefits to which you have already established
If you need a number for tax purposes
and you are not authorized to work in the
United States, you can apply for an Individual
Taxpayer Identification Number from the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Visit IRS
in person or call the IRS toll-free number,
1-800-TAXFORM (1-800-829-3676), and request
Form W-7, Application For An Individual
Taxpayer Identification Number.
If a business or government agency asks you
for a Social Security number and you are not
authorized to work in the United States, ask if
they can identify you in some other way. In most
cases, you will be able to get the service or license
you need without a Social Security number."




How do I get a Social Security number so I can work, if my immigration document shows K-1?

To request a number:

Step 1: Gather documents proving your:

Step 2: Complete an Application for a Social Security Card.

Step 3: Take or mail your completed application and documents to your local Social Security office or your local Social Security Card Center

All documents must be either originals or certified copies by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. Any documents you mail to us will be returned to you along with a receipt.

Important Information

We will mail your card as soon as we have verified your documents. You should receive your card within 10 business days from the date on your receipt."


In other words they are telling me she doesn't work and she doesn't need a number just a TIN. She won't get her EAD until the AOS is finished from what I've read. I'm not sure why it's a big deal to them to give her a number?

paws057MaleRussia2013-10-10 09:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusok question about after she arrives

1. Never talk to the lawyer again. He is an idiot

2. You do no tneed a SSN to get married anywhere in the USA.  If the application asks for it put "none" if you have none.  You don;t think all those people coming from foreign countries to get married in Vegas and the Poconos have SSNs do you?

3. Go to the SS office and aply for a SS card.  You can get the number the day after you apply, the card comes in a week or so.

4. Apply in her MAIDEN NAME as in her passport.  Use her passport for ID as well as her visa.  Bring her I-94 also. If you run into clerks that do not know what they are doing, ask for a supervisor.  DO NOT leave until you have the SS application successfully completed and a reciept for it.


Alla applied for her SSN 16 hours after she arrived. She arrived on a Wednesday afternoon, we applied for the SS card Thursday morning, went back Friday morning and got her number, then opened bank accounts, joint account and got her grant for education finalized (she needed the SSN for that)


You DO NOT need it to get married.  You DO NOT need it for AOS.  You MUSt apply for the number within the first 76 days of her arrival (2 weeks before her I-94 expires) or you have to wait until she has an EAD or Green card


Lose your lawyers phone number, sorry you got ripped off.  Ask questions here.  We have actually done this stuff.


I called the local SS office this morning and they told me since she can't work she doesn't need a number and also they are not processing them because of the shutdown. This woman told me once we are married we have to go through INS and DHS to change her status to married then after we file for AOS they will issue the card. She said we have to apply for a tax ID through the IRS to get a bank account and to file my taxes at the end of the year.


This is the very same thing they told a friend of mine who just got married and is trying to file for his wife's SSN in another state. We are not married yet but will be shortly and guess the number will have to wait?

paws057MaleRussia2013-10-09 09:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Moscow embassy, pay $240 visa fee before or at interview?

Maybe I am totally dense but I can't make heads or tails out of the website. Is there a tutorial somewhere? I created an account using my name and that seems to have been the totally wrong thing to have done as I am not the one the visa is being issued for. Help!


First go into the site and choose your visa type and in the profile put all of her information there. You can of course use your email address but all the other information is her's. Then you pay your visa fees and wait a couple of days and it will show up on your home page as being paid. Then you can put in your receipt number and set the interview date. I hope this helps. :)

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-02 03:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Moscow embassy, pay $240 visa fee before or at interview?

I'm still lost as to what website you are referring to and how my payment is linked to my MOS. I didn't have to enter the MOS number when I paid so the only linkages are my name and email address.


This is the site you use to set up your appointment:


It is a Department of State website. When you set up your new user account and after you are on the site it will ask what visa you are applying for, visa fee's (which will take you to another site to pay the fee) Your fiancee's information (and anyone traveling with her such as a child)  and address where you want the visa delivered to and of course your appointment date and time. All this will show up on the home page once you have done all this and sign in.

Edited by paws057, 25 June 2013 - 03:19 PM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-25 15:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Moscow embassy, pay $240 visa fee before or at interview?

Did you use your email address or that of your fiancee when you registered to make the actual appointment? It says that a new account is needed and I would need to use my email if there is some sort of email authentication step. Thanks!

Yes, I used my own email address so the receipt came to me. It will show you paid on the home page of the web site, just like it shows your visa class and your appointment.


paws057MaleRussia2013-06-25 12:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Moscow embassy, pay $240 visa fee before or at interview?

Great, so I can do all the scheduling then? My fiancée is very busy pulling everything else needed (police report, vaccinations, passport, etc.) together so it would be a lot easier for her if I could set up the interview for her.


Yes you can schedule the interview for her if you wish. One thing you might want to remember is not all credit cards will allow you to charge something in Russia. If it is a major bank there is no problem but if it is a local bank they might not allow the charge to go through. I called the company before I paid the visa fee just to be sure they would allow it to go through. That is one charge I didn't want to see fail to go through.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-24 03:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Moscow embassy, pay $240 visa fee before or at interview?

Two fees for two people


Well, there is an option to pay by credit card, but I'm not sure if there may be any conflict between the name of a person scheduling the interview, and the name on the card (and therefore receipt). Check with the call-center. I paid at VTB24 Bank just to have a paper slip available if needed.

I paid by credit card and didn't have any problems at all. It still shows that my fiancee is the one with the appointment. I paid through the Russian Standard Bank and it did take two business days to show up on the website. When you print the receipt it will have a number on it and that is the one you will use to set your interview with. Once it's on the website you can put in that number and it will let you schedule an interview.




paws057MaleRussia2013-06-23 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAffidavit support documents question?

Great.. Thanks guys!! One more question. I have already gotten a letter from my employer and it is dated November 2013. Let's say our interview is in April or so, will the letter be too old then? Or is it ok? There shouldn't be in change in my compensation during this time.


You want the letter of employment dated as close to your interview as possible I was told. Then again if nothing changes you could always have them (your employer) update it with a new date and initial it?


You should have transcripts or actual tax forms for three years. If you haven't worked that long then I wouldn't worry about it. W-2's for that same time period as well. Two or three of the latest pay stubs should be fine to.


Moscow is a very good Embassy and it is an easy interview. If they ask about it just explain it to them. They are more than willing to work with you.


Good luck!:)


paws057MaleRussia2014-01-11 10:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAbbreviation

Unemployed is unemployed. No job. No income. No way to support the other person. What more needs to be said? This becomes an issue of support. That support has to come from somewhere. That hole must be filled. Explaining is ok but simply amplifies the fact there is no means of support and wont be any as long as this person is in RU. That means the support will have to come from someone else.

I believe if you look he said he has a sponsor so does it really matter if he's employed or not? No he won't be able to make money while living in Russia but if they are not living there he can find a job here. That's why the sponsor!


paws057MaleRussia2014-01-11 11:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAbbreviation

Ah and another question as I am unemployed, I was going to put "Unemployed, reference attachment" and then just attach a paper explaining that I've been living in Russia the past five months without a work permit so I have not had employment.  What do you guys think?  Should I do that or should I just put "Unemployed" without an explaination.  I will be attending the interview with my fiance so if they have questions when they read it, they can ask me directly.  

I would put the explanation in there. Never hurts to explain. If they ask at the interview then you can go into more detail if you need to.


Good Luck!


paws057MaleRussia2014-01-11 10:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man

She doesn't do toilets and she does not do "man's work" Man's work is anything done with a "greasy machine" (lawn mower, chain saw, weedwhacker, etc) or anything which is "heavy lifting" or "dirty" So trash, moving furniture (she will wash the windows but you have to move the sofa out of the way) She does not "fix"'s job. Light bulbs, change furnace filter, unclog toilets, broken handle on the pots and pans, hanging pictures and curtain rods...all man's work.

She does not clean her own rifle! Hoppe's number 9 is not her favortie fragrance. :lol:

Also she would accept assistance on anything but I have to be supervised because men generally cannot do these things properly because it is not in our nature and this knowledge is way above us...except for toilets


She won't clean her own rifle? Can't blame here on the smell of Hoppe's # 9 though.


I did notice when I was back there at New Years and this spring I couldn't chop anything small enough for her. I can chop just fine here in the USA but there not a chance.:) I did have to 'fix' a few things while I was there but that is fine and I enjoy that anyway.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-14 20:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 Visa Interview Attendance!

One more thing, a guard asked my fiancee (since he knew I was American) if I had a gun with me! Loved that one!! rofl.gif

paws057MaleRussia2014-01-11 11:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 Visa Interview Attendance!

I emailed the Moscow consular unit about the possiblity of attending my fiance's K1 visa interview with him coming up here real soon!


They said I can.  This is the exact conversation.


My Email...






Case number:




Am I allowed to attend my fiance's interview?

I will be traveling with him to Moscow for his interview. 

I'm wondering where I am supposed to wait if I am not allowed to attend the interview with my fiance?  




The embassy's reply:


"You are welcome to attend the interview. Your name will be on the entrance list.





Public Liaison Unit

Consular Section"


SO needless to say, I am thrilled!


I attended my wife's (then Fiancee) interview and I was very glad to be there, she was glad I was there to. Takes about two hours give or take and the interview itself about 5 minutes or less. More waiting than anything else.


A little advice, get there early as you won't believe the line out front. Don't worry it moves quickly though. Don't take cell phones,computers, large bags, ect into the Embassy. You will make the woman who stores all that stuff, flip out! Once you are inside you will understand about the storage space.


Good Luck!:)

paws057MaleRussia2014-01-11 11:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCase recieved by Embassy in Moscow, but now what?



Well to be honest we didn't have the police certificate translated. Only her birth and divorce certificates. From what I remember they said they will only use the police certificate at the Embassy and it didn't need to be translated. I remember I had the NVC number but don't remember using it for anything. I know the receipt number will allow you to set the interview appointment. 


Another little tip, if you are setting the interview more than a month in advance you might have to wait until that month opens up on the site. We wanted ours in July and I paid for her visa in May so I had to wait until mid June to set the appointment at the Embassy.

paws057MaleRussia2014-03-17 10:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCase recieved by Embassy in Moscow, but now what?

Our case is now "ready" on the site.  I need to get my invoice number and with that and the case number I can pay for the interview and the visa application.  But what is this "packet 3" I keep hearing about and how will my fiancé receive it?  How will they know where to send it?


There is no 'packet 3' really, just an email for you and a letter for your fiancee. They will use the information you provided for her address for her letter.  If I remember right you don't need the NVC number either. I believe it took about a week to get my email and about two weeks for her to get the letter. If fact by the time she got the letter the appointment was set and the visa paid for already. I did everything for her and paid with a credit card to the Russian Standard Bank and you use that receipt number to set the interview appointment at the Embassy.

Hope this helps?  Good Luck!:)

paws057MaleRussia2014-03-17 09:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDoes anybody have Police report translation from Russian

Hi VJers.


I'm sure many of you have past that stage already.


Does anyone have a sample of the translation of the required police report (from Russian to English)? I just want to see how it should be done (of course all names and dates could be fake) before I start re-inventing the wheel. 


I don't remember if we had that translated or not?

Edited by paws057, 09 October 2013 - 08:50 AM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-10-09 08:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Interview in Moscow on 03/19!

I posted a lot of questions (and received a lot of great help, advice, etc.) during this entire K-1 process and our interview is finally almost here! It's the morning of March 19 (Wednesday) in Moscow. My fiancee is currently on his way to Moscow for his medical exam (03/18) and then the interview. 


I am so nervous! I can't even express how much I want it to be approved. I feel like my nerves are the worst now that the interview date is finally here, because I am so scared about something going wrong! 


For those of you who completed the process, how did you deal with those last few days leading up to the interview? They're incredibly exciting, but also terrifying.. can't wait to hear a "I got approved!" from my fiancee... 


*fingers crossed* 


~ Samantha =) 

Really I wasn't that nervous to be honest and I don't know why? I guess I figured they really don't have a good reason to deny her the visa. She was nervous but since I went with her it helped. You might want to tell him to be there early if it is an 8:30am appointment. When we got to the Embassy at 7:30 there was a line 50 yards long! The interview itself was very easy and lasted about 5 minutes. She got her visa a week later in the mail.


I'm sure everything will go well for you!:) That Embassy has very good reviews and the consular that did our interview was very polite. Good Luck!:)

paws057MaleRussia2014-03-17 09:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical exam before interview scheduled?

Hello everyone,


I was wondering if it is possible to schedule the medical exam before the interview date is given by the NVC. I'm expecting my case complete in about 10 days or so but I would like to go ahead and schedule the medical exam if possible.


Does anyone know? 





I do believe the medical exams are good for one year. You just have to be sure you are using a US Embassy approved doctor and of course they will give you a list of doctors.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-01 14:57:00