K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHusband growning impatient with the process

Thanks for the great tips will try them. With us we have to deal with the awful network and sometimey electric power in Nigeria. But it is sure worth a go. Thanks.

Its a pleasure to give ideas! yes! I know it can be difficult sometimes with those issues with the connection there, any way I hope it works!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-03 01:31:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHusband growning impatient with the process

Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I understand all of us on here are waiting out this long, dreaded process but after 7 months of being apart from my husband I'm worried the love we have for eachother might not be enough. We're trying to remain positive but becoming weaker every day.......having a down moment. :(

Hi Christina, I know its a hard journey to wait all this months being apart and together. If you want some ideas what we do when we are weak we create activities together... I know it sounds insane but we use a web site to watch movies together ( or we load the movie and then we hit play at the same time. Then we use a web site for games and we play risk, monopoly or golf solitaire ( and finally one of both of us (in turns) read to the other one, and there are very interesting books, so, besides talking we make some activities together and specially when we are weak because games or movies can help to disipate the sadness that this process can bring and to help the distance not to hurt so much.

I hope it can help you, if you ever need to talk just count on me!

Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-01 20:30:00
USCIS Service CentersNebraska Service Center

Does anyone know which are the processing times for the I 129F K3? It seems that this service center is not as good as California!!

Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2014-02-03 20:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA

Hoy tuve la entrevista y mi visa fue aprobada!!!!!! muchas gracias a todos por el tiempo y la ayuda lo aprecio mucho!!!! gracias ale por la compañia! :D

De nada y gracias a vos tambien! Nosotras tambien salimos aprobadas, muy buena predisposicion el que nos tomo la entrevista! yo ya tengo nro de caso con mi I130, asi que llego a USA y termino tambien con ese! mucha suerte santi!

Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2014-06-02 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA

hola que tal Ale? quizas nos veamos entonces! ja me llamo Santiago por las dudas :P tuve la horrible mala suerte de volver de Estados Unidos el jueves pasado y perder el pasaporte, envie email a la embajada explicandole y fotocopia de la denuncia, espero que no haya problema con eso de que tiene que tener 6 meses de antiguedad el pasaporte :( saludos y nos vemos el jueves, todo va a salir de 10 :D

Hola Santi, si soy Ale y Cate mi nena, todo va a salir de 10!!! El pasaporte tiene que tener 6 meses pero de vigencia, no de antiguedad! Es decir se tiene que vencer dentro de 6 meses o mas pero puede ser recien sacado, al menos eso tengo entendido, que mal que lo perdiste pero eso no te va a condicionar! Nos vemos el jueves!

hola que tal Ale? quizas nos veamos entonces! ja me llamo Santiago por las dudas :P tuve la horrible mala suerte de volver de Estados Unidos el jueves pasado y perder el pasaporte, envie email a la embajada explicandole y fotocopia de la denuncia, espero que no haya problema con eso de que tiene que tener 6 meses de antiguedad el pasaporte :( saludos y nos vemos el jueves, todo va a salir de 10 :D

Hola Santi, si soy Ale y Cate mi nena, todo va a salir de 10!!! El pasaporte tiene que tener 6 meses pero de vigencia, no de antiguedad! Es decir se tiene que vencer dentro de 6 meses o mas pero puede ser recien sacado, al menos eso tengo entendido, que mal que lo perdiste pero eso no te va a condicionar! Nos vemos el jueves!

Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2014-05-26 00:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA

Ufff parece complicado todo eso del aos, work permit, etc. Yo por suerte ya tengo fecha para la entrevista! 29 de mayo a las 9:30! Tengo una duda me piden el ds160 otra vez, llevo la copia de la confirmación del que envíe en el packet 3 o debería completar uno nuevo? Saludos a todos y espero que estén avanzando con sus papeles!

Hola! Yo tengo la entrevista con mi hija el mismo dia a la misma hora! A mi me pidieron todos los originales de lo que mande. Mucha suerte para las 3!!

Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2014-05-25 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA
Las de la visa me refiero... bue ni si mo!!!

Muchisimas suerte el sabado Cele, ya tenes algo azul, prestado nuevo y usado?
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-06-13 15:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA
Dale ya te lo paso!!! por suerte tambien cambiaron las tarifas!!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-06-13 15:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA
No, el medical me falta, lei por ahi que el Dr. Kelly es muy bueno, que hay que hacer con el medical?
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-06-13 15:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA
Perfecto Celes, lo sabía pero quería chequear lo del NVC que me entro la duda creo que de la emoción, apenas recibo el packet 3 ya tengo todo para llevarles listo para ser entregado!!! no lo puedo creer!!!!!!!!!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-06-13 14:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA
Chicas tengo el NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Solo para chequear, tiene que mandar algo al NVC? o directamente a mi para el packet 3 y la entrevista?


Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-06-13 14:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA

Nosotros acá andamos disfrutando de nuestras vacaciones en Buenos Aires. Mañana es nuestra fiesta "de compromiso", el sábado nos "volvemos" a USA, y el 8 de junio nos casamos.

Aproveché que lo tenía acá atrapado para arrastrarlo por Libertad a comprar las alianzas. No compré de oro, compré plata y oro. Vieron como es el tema, gastando tanta plata en trámites y pasajes de avión, una no tiene esa sensación de "uy, sí, es mi boda, como no voy a comprar lo mejor que pueda?" El anillo es el anillo. Si se rompe, se compra otro anillo. Lo que importa es el marido... y la residencia en EEUU!!! :P

Tenes razon Ale, se termina sintiendo que vas a enrollar un form para usar de anillo, cortar cuadraditos para jugar a comer y si sos media manitas le haces un cenicero a alguien que fume, unas flores de origami y hasta el vestido, despues de todo eso todavia te queda 1 packet lleno de papeles para la lenceria de la luna de miel que bien puede ser en el shed por que con la plata tenes que hacer el AOS Posted Image

Jime Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image no se te pasan mas los días no? una idea mas: limpieza de cutis... no importa lo linda que sea tu piel cuando vas a la cosmiatra siempre encuentra algo, pero hacetela enseguida si la haces porque la piel tarda unos dias en recuperarse aunque despues queda hermosa!! fijate por ahi tenes algun grupon inclusive para no gastar mucho.
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-04-27 00:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA

Como hicieron mientras esperaban? yo me la paso llorando como una tonta!!! sin ganas de hacer nada! y el pobre ya no sabe como contenerme!

Hola Nina, yo también estoy esperando... tal vez te sirva de ayuda, sumado a todo lo que te aconsejaron que son ideas buenísimas, y si bien a mi me sirve mucho tener una nena de 10 años y tener que ser mamá es poco probable que te puedas conseguir una hija si no tenes para pasar el rato (ademas son costosas jajaja) con Robert lo que hacemos es, ademas de taladrarle la cabeza con el casamiento y diseñar el menú (nos encanta el tema yo soy chef y el nutricionista), vemos peliculas juntos en la cargamos y despues coordinamos para darle "play", usamos nos creamos cada uno una cuenta y podemos jugar juegos de mesa en mesas privadas, jugamos al teg (risk en ingles) al monopoly entre un monton de juegos disponibles y asi se nos pasa tambien el rato, porque creo que al menos para mi, cuanto mas me concentro en que quiero estar allá, mas quiero que pase el tiempo peor la paso, pero siento que si hacemos actividades juntos aunque separados me ayuda mucho mas.

Celes, y Ale felicitaciones!!! ya tienen organizado el casamiento?

Jime que poco te falta!!!!!!!!!!!

Nina: arriba el ánimo!!!!!!!!!!!

PS si alguna quiere consultarme recetas cuenten conmigo sin ningún problema!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-04-25 22:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA

Hola Ale,

Si, bonos, acciones, propiedades.. todo es considerado.

Aunque no llegue al 125% sobre la linea de probreza, que complete la I-134 con lo que tenga y que la firme y estoy casi segura que sus padres retirados pueden hace de co sponsors pero decime: Los padres, viven y declaran a alguien mas en sus impuestos? Cuantas personas dependen de ellos?)

No se que comoda te sentis con tu ingles como para hacer la pregunta en el foro principal... alli (con lo que yo te pregunte) debieras poder recibir respuesta inmediata..............Si no te sentis segura... te ofrezco dos opciones: 1) Te redarto la pregunta y la pones vos 2) Pongo la pregunta por vos y esperamos la respuesta.

Mas que nada, para quedarnos tranquilas (sabe que NO necesariamente, los sponsors tienen que ser los padres.........puede ser un amigo.....te lo digo, simplemente para lo tengan en cuenta).



Gracias Celes, con mi ingles me siento perfectamente bien pero ayudame a saber en que foro lo pongo? ayer empecé un foro pero no tuve mucha convocatoria Posted Image
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-04-20 11:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA
Perdonnnn me falto una pregunta!!!! Se considera el capital que tiene en acciones en el mercado de valores o las ganancias de eso como parte del monto requerido para ser sponsor?

Mil gracias de nuevo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-04-20 00:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA
Hola chicas!!!! necesito un poco de ayuda con el sponsor, Robert no llego a hacer lo necesario para cubrir el 125% por sobre la linea de pobreza para 3 personas. Pueden los padres de él, que son retirados, hacer de co sponsors? y en ese caso qué se llena? I-134 o el I-864?

Mil gracias!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-04-20 00:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA

Me aprobaron la visaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! :D :dance: :dancing:

Más tarde escribiré el review completo. Ahora necesito tomarme una flor de siesta :P

FELICITACIONES ALE!!!!!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-09 00:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 EN ARGENTINA

Ugh. Está en la sección de visa de turista, pero si es un tema de acceso a la embajada, seguro aplica para nosotros también. Acabo de desarmar toda mi mochila y meter TODOS LOS PAPELES en una carpeta A4 con cierre. Lo único que me queda afuera es el álbum de fotos, el monedero y la llave de mi casa.

Ni siquiera puedo llevar el celular y dejarlo ahí, qué HDPs!!! Cómo le aviso a mi familia si me aprobaron?!! Obvio que salgo de ahí y me tiro de cabeza adentro de un taxi.

Hola Ale yo estuve ahi hace poco, supuestamente la carpeta no puede tener cierre, mejor llevate una transparente. Supuestamente tampoco podes tener monedas, solo billetes, basicamente nada de metal, ni celular, ni liquidos, ni cigarrillos. Para la visa de turismo yo fui con un par de billetes, una carpeta transparente en la mano con papeles y me puse ojotas calzas y un vestido todo sin cierre... y me sacaron las dos hebillas del pelo que eran metalicas!!!!!!!!!!!! unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sali tan caliente que nunca las retire! porque me dijeron que no me daban la visa de turismo por tener una k-1 en curso!

Si tenes la posibilidad andate en taxi con billetes y la carpeta transparente nada mas porque te pueden demorar, al menos habia gente que estaba demorada por las cosas... otras pasaban con bolsos... no se que onda pero preferible prevenir... y mucha suerte!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-08 05:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWooooHoooo!! NOA2!! :) Yay!

I have sent through the USPS 4 times to Peru... Only 2 times did the package or letter arrive. It is not reliable to Peru. I asked for delivery confirmation and the post office told me they can not do it. I am worried if I need to send something to my wife for the visa application. Maybe Fed Ex is better, but I don't know what they charge? 200 dollars???? really?

Hi Cryspy, those times when the package didnt arrive, did you send the simple international letter or the track and confirm with insurance? I think that USPS track and confirm with insurance is far cheaper than Fed Ex and with insurance there's always the chance to start a claim. Although if you want to be sure I would use either Fed Ex or DHL. The national mail in Peru might not be reliable and that's why your letters or packages are not arriving.

I used DHL to send the paper work for the first package and it arrived perfectly in 3 days, and the fee for 1 kilo was 100 dollars, if Fed Ex is 200 and DHL is available for you, you can always use it.
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-29 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWooooHoooo!! NOA2!! :) Yay!
We use usps (with my mail in argentina) all the time and it's great, make sure you do not send the regular, send the fast one with track and trace and insurance if there is something with value that way if they lose it at Nicaragua your fiance can start a claim and they give you the money declare back. If there are no more than papers then use only track and confirm. Everything it's going to be perfect and congrats for your NOA2!!!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-29 04:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa2
Congrats!!!! Did you expedite??
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-28 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal check with my K1 Application

this is what i have on my packet for the k1,

cover letter (table of content of whats inside)

  • 1. payment
  • 2. I-129f
  • 3. G-325A and passport syle photo for me (i signed the g-325a, i wrote my full name on the photo do i need to sign it too)
  • 4. attchment of my employer of last 5 years, (i wrote see attachment on g-325a)
  • 5. my whole copy of u.s. passport and a copy of my citizenship (do i need to sign this somewhere)
  • 6. letter certifying intent to marry from me and her both signed
  • 7 proof of having meet in person, ( i have my itenarary, my passport stamp, and about8-10 pictures of us together) do i need to add?
  • 9. proof of ongoing relationship, ( i have some letters from her 3 letters with stamps, i printed out couple of conversations on yahoo, and copy and paste some skype logs to word document around 10 pages)
  • 11copy of my decree of dissolution of marriage, ( i was divorce so this is the divorce paper works)

is there anything im missing? please help and let me know im just final checking now and getting ready to send

Hi you dont need to sign the pictures or the passport photocopies.

Make sure you have 2 to 4 proof of each type.

And I agree with Celeste, send in the 1145 to stay tuned! Good luck!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-29 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to send my I-129F...
Hi Kendra, there is a very interesting guide here: http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide that can help you to put everything together. Make sure that:

1st) You have a cover letter (sign and date it) (in the guide you can see an example and that's enough to make it)

2nd) The payment method they recommend us to use when we call USCIS before sending in our package was the cashier check, you can buy it at the bank and it should be the first thing after the cover letter or as LeftCoastLady said you can attach it to it. (Our cashier check was 18 dollars to have an idea)

3rd) Follow the order in the guide to put together all the papers

4th) The intent letter you have is enough make sure Rob does the same, and he signs and date it

5th) You sign and date your Intent Letter too!!! (that sounds silly but we almost send in without my Robert's signature!!!)

6th) To explain in detail about your relationship use an extra sheet for question 18 of the I-129F (on the top of the page write "I-129F Question 18 aditional paper" and attach it to the form

7th) Check the guide for the picture and on the back of them write "Photo of xxxx. Month/year" it has to be less then 6 months old. Put them in plastic transparent bags and attach it to the G 325A with the additional sheets you have for the form. Robert has to sign and date also the G 325A.

8th) Make sure you include at least 6 to 8 pictures together, and lots of proof of on going relationship and that you have meet in person in the past 2 years. You can edit personal info from Facebook extracts and emails. Something I did to make things clear for them was to use Post it's en every proof I sent so they can tell what is every paper
(for example: on the mails, Facebook extract, mail receipts, letters and phone bills I put in each one a post it with the label "PROOF OF ON GOING RELATIONSHIP" then on the other "PROOF OF HAVING MEET IN PERSON" that way they are able to tell what is every paper)

If you follow the guide exactly as it is everything is going to be fine!!!! If you dont want to wait for regular mail use DHL when Robert send you the papers. And we send the packege with over night and certified service.

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-31 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to send my I-129F...
Hi Kendra, there is a very interesting guide here: http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide that can help you to put everything together. Make sure that:

1st) You have a cover letter (sign and date it) (in the guide you can see an example and that's enough to make it)

2nd) The payment method they recommend us to use when we call USCIS before sending in our package was the cashier check, you can buy it at the bank and it should be the first thing after the cover letter or as LeftCoastLady said you can attach it to it. (Our cashier check was 18 dollars to have an idea)

3rd) Follow the order in the guide to put together all the papers

4th) The intent letter you have is enough make sure Rob does the same, and he signs and date it

5th) You sign and date your Intent Letter too!!! (that sounds silly but we almost send in without my Robert's signature!!!)

6th) To explain in detail about your relationship use an extra sheet for question 18 of the I-129F (on the top of the page write "I-129F Question 18 aditional paper" and attach it to the form

7th) Check the guide for the picture and on the back of them write "Photo of xxxx. Month/year" it has to be less then 6 months old. Put them in plastic transparent bags and attach it to the G 325A with the additional sheets you have for the form. Robert has to sign and date also the G 325A.

8th) Make sure you include at least 6 to 8 pictures together, and lots of proof of on going relationship and that you have meet in person in the past 2 years. You can edit personal info from Facebook extracts and emails. Something I did to make things clear for them was to use Post it's en every proof I sent so they can tell what is every paper
(for example: on the mails, Facebook extract, mail receipts, letters and phone bills I put in each one a post it with the label "PROOF OF ON GOING RELATIONSHIP" then on the other "PROOF OF HAVING MEET IN PERSON" that way they are able to tell what is every paper)

If you follow the guide exactly as it is everything is going to be fine!!!! If you dont want to wait for regular mail use DHL when Robert send you the papers. And we send the packege with over night and certified service.

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-31 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Citizen in Philippines
You would want to check the VJ Guide step by step to do the K1 following these steps they will not need a lawyer to do it well.


Good Luck
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-03-31 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsor and co-sponsor income

With the I-134, a co-sponsor must qualify on their own for their own household size + the beneficiary + your daughter (if she is coming on a K-2). The incomes are not added together to reach the 125% of the poverty level. Since your fiance does not make enough for a household of 3, he either needs to make up the difference with assets(which need to be 3 times the amount he is short), or find a co-sponsor that makes 125% of the poverty level or greater for their own household size + you and your daughter(if K-2) added in.

Thanks a lot!!!
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-04-21 00:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsor and co-sponsor income
Hello to everyone, I have a question and I wasn't able to find an answer so far so maybe you can help me.

My fiancée made 18000 last year and we are going to be 3 people total in the household, (Him, me and my daughter) from what I understand he has to make 23500 (not the exact number but around it) my question is, if I get a co-sponsor how much he has to demostrate he makes? He has to be working? or can he be retired? It is enough if he demostrates 5300?

Thanks to everybody and have a great journey!!!!

Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-04-19 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS account
Off course we share the info, besides, this is a two people process if you can not trust her/him the password of your case are you going to trust her/him on everything else?
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-04-21 00:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDecember & January Filers
Yes, Im sorry I went out off topic, I answer you there.
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-05-27 03:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDecember & January Filers

(I'm currently visiting my fiancé in the US).

How can it be????????? I have asked for a turist visa to visit my fiancée and the issue why they didnt approved my visa was because I had one K-1 in process and they said that you can not go through a POE with a turist visa if you have a K-1 in process, I try to find out if using my italian passport would be ok to go visit him but they said that was highly possible they send me back because of the K1...

I'm sorry, answersing to the topic... I feel your pain too, and I think that if a processing time takes 5 months there is something wrong with the process itself. They don´t have enough people working in visa cases if they have to take 5 months or more to check someone's background, and personally I feel that making two people wait so longs in some cases much more is inhuman, no one should wait this much to live their life like they want specially if it is in a good way like getting marry.

Sorry I was out off topic but I'm tired of waiting and I can not see my fiancee unless my visa is approved because he has no more vacation and Im not allow to go
Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-05-27 02:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPeople make up your mind before bringing someone here!!
People giving their word either to the goverment (by the intent letter) and to their fiancée and not fulfilling that word have a serius problem of commitment and moral values.

If you are going to get engaged in a relationship and you give your word it is suppose you thought about it and you want to do it. Either you know that person a lot or not. THe problem nowadays is that people and relationships for many people are disposable, so when something gets broke or they go through hard times in the relation, they quit, either way USC or Beneficiary. That happens under a K-1 or not. It happens everyday and every day more. On the other hand If a person lies and scams, that's also a lack of moral principles, they do everything in pursuit of their goal.

I also think this K-1 process it is cruel and wrong. People have to wait 6 months to years to live their life together with no more reason than "because is the process" there is no war, there is no delay with comunications, or postal mails delays like in the past. There is just a problem in the design of the process of the visa. They should give the visa faster and grant people with more time before the wedding, that way, the foreign person can adapt to the new country, traditions, meet the family, friends, help kids in the process to adjust the new country if there are kids, and then get marry, also the K-1 should come with a work permit included that way beneficiary can work right away if they want to.

This way you get there and you better do everything in a rush, 90 days it's too short to organize a wedding after an international move specially if you have kids.

I was denied a tourist visa to go visit under the only reason "because you have a k-1 in process and BY LAW (I know that's a lie but that's what they said in my tourist visa interview) you can not go visit your fiancee during this process " BY LAW"!!!! and later on I found a lot of people that they went to America during their K-1 process (just in case you are wondering: I did have million bonds to show I was coming back that they never ask me to show)

Therefore I will arrive there, never meet anyone in the family but my fiancee, I don´t know anything about living in America, neither my daughter, and in within 90 days I have to get marry , I will not be able to get out of the country until I get my AOS so I'm forced to go to my honeymoon inside America or wait until AOS to go to Europe or even visit my family in Argentina, I'm wondering: what will happen if in the middle of this process I want to come back to Argentina because I didn't like it? I will have to start over if I want to go back, and I have had spent an outrageous amount of money and time just to find out if I like living in America, and everything why? because of this obsolete and slow process that is getting on my nerves: first they didn' t allow me visit, second if my NOA 2 doesn't arrive on time I will have to wait longer due to school times and third I called to the US embassy in my country and at least 4 times I was told to fill for the tourist that I can go to visit just to find after paying that I was not allow to. God bless America folks but I rather prefer so many more countries that don't have this kind of ridiculous organization and are far more reasonable when it comes about living there like some countries in Europe.

Edited by Ale_n_Rober, 05 June 2012 - 01:04 PM.

Ale_GrisoliaFemaleArgentina2012-06-05 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsToday its been 5 months... And no NOA2
We finally received our NOA2 on November 23rd! And its been approved, so we are very happy, at last!
cmnntlFemaleArgentina2011-12-02 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsToday its been 5 months... And no NOA2
Thanks, I guess waiting would be the only option for now...
cmnntlFemaleArgentina2011-11-14 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsToday its been 5 months... And no NOA2

Been reading related topics Here

and Here

But I wanted to ask for your opinion on this, since those topics are from 2010. We received our NOA1 on June 13, today it will be 5 months without any further news. We contacted USCIS customer service center and they sent a letter that wasn't useful at all, it only said the date in which our petition was received.

Should we go ahead and try the baddass congressman intervention or wait some more? Its sooo frustrating.

Edited by cmnntl, 13 November 2011 - 05:47 PM.

cmnntlFemaleArgentina2011-11-13 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 APPROVED!!!!!!
congrats!! :dance:
brendanycamilaFemaleArgentina2011-05-25 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist visa was denied months ago/will they think that i lied before
I also got denied for the tourist visa. I told them the truth, he s my bf! and she said: I m sorry, I can t accept you because I m not a 100% sure that you will return to argentina. I felt humiliated :s
brendanycamilaFemaleArgentina2011-04-21 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresANNOYING...
we got NOA1 on december but we didn t hear anything from them yet. we hope to get the NOA2 by next month. according to visajourney they re processing october filers
brendanycamilaFemaleArgentina2011-04-22 20:37:00