Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me
Satellite and AK...

Your comments are received and considered.

It is nice to have other's perspective.

I'm more worried about my NOA2 than how much money she needs once she gets here. But she will need something and I am prepared to deal with it.

My point being that I made initially is that the original poster of this thread did not appear to be financially prepared.

Either that or he is controlling and does not want his wife to have freedoms. She is a freak for cutting herself of course but the whole story seems odd.

Again... Why was there a 4 month delay between her visa and her POE?
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-10 11:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me

Well, If I recall correctly from a few years ago yours brought enough to give you an allowance but mine will not have that situation. Mine usually travels with $ 400-500 on her. Still I don't want her spending her money.

AK, There are cash people and plastic people and I am a cash people. I have not used an ATM machine in 15 years and the only ATM card I have is in Russia. I have a wallet full of credit cards but use them as little as possible except for business. I don't go out for a quart of milk without what a lot of people would consider a lot of money on me.

I guess the money in the drawer thing would work fine. That is what I used to do with my ex long ago. My fiancee asked about an allowance so she did not have to ask me for money. If she is more comfortable with a couple of thousand sitting in a drawer that she can access whenever she needs that is fine with me. In fact I already have that so all I would have to do is tell her what drawers. She is a very conservative gal so I don't worry about her blowing it because it is there.

T/G... I think we're on the same wavelength.

Not that we're right... but at least I can suggest that we're not necessarily wrong.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-09 21:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me

Well AK, from the time she arrives until she can work she is about as dependent on you as a child would be, is she not?

Well, if she doesn't show up with any money I guess, sure.

What if she is hot and want a soda and can't find a soda machine that will take plastic.

Don't you guys have a convenience store on practically every corner? If not, maybe we can send some your way.

Only cash I usually carry is quarters for parking meters, and even so, that's a stash that is sitting in the car somewhere.

If you feel cash is the only way to get by, then leave a big pile of cash in the house and tell her to use some when she needs some. Makes cash available, without an allowance, and without having to ask for it. An ATM card will also serve this purpose. No need to resort to an allowance system.

The problem with an allowance system is that it tends to create a desire to spend money. The thought process goes like this, "I get $X per whatever to spend on anything I want. This is MY money. Therefore, I will spend $X per whatever on anything I want." There TENDS to be less thought given to what one really needs to spend, or should spend. Same thing happens in government. "Well, property taxes brought in $x this year. We need to find a way to spend that money." God forbid it spends only what is necessary and gives the rest back to the tax payers. Hell no, it will spend every last dime, and usually then some.


Very good points about government and well taken.

I'm not sure exactly what we will do. I was thinking to give her a reasonable weekly cash amount to freely spend or save. This is difficult to put a number on because we (On this board) are obviously all in different financial situations.

I do agree with you with the credit card deal. I mean... she will have credit cards of course. I was commenting only on the cash available without her needing to ask or me seeing the statements. Freedom in spending.

I think we're going slightly off topic and this could be a thread all by itself.

In any case... I was thinking of ways to ensure she feels free and comfortable. Giving her about the same money per month/week she makes working back home until she can work here seemed like a logical start. This would allow her to live with the same financial freedoms she did back home. Am I terribly wrong in this thought?

I honestly would like some russian women input on this question.

I spent a few weeks in Russia and I cannot imagine being there without cash. Why on earth would I expect my wife to be without cash? Again... am i wrong?
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-09 20:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me

As for another poster's comment - $200-$300/week spending money? Christ, I don't even get that kind of spening money, and I make a shitload. I don't think most people are in that kind of situation, where they can absorb blowing that kind of cash. I don't think "not being financially ready" is a valid argument. People live like they live, and I don't know ANYONE running up those kind of phone and text messaging bills, no matter how much they make. There is something called trust and responsibility and understanding. In this case, the topic was discussed, an understanding was made, and actions did not follow. That's a problem.


AK... What do you consider a shitload of money? Ah... nevermind. I think $200 a week is fine. After all I plan on charging her rent, food, and of course she will need to pay me for sex. This will cut into her allowance but will keep her fed until she can get her green card and get a job to support me and my son.

(That was a joke)

But seriously... I don't think it unreasonable for a household to set aside some spending money for a new wife coming from overseas. And... maybe it would only be $100.00 a month in some households but it MUST be something.

With my income the $200 weekly feels ok for me. For others it might be less or more.

When I first started communicating to russia I ran up some large phone bills. So what. Pay them and move on.

People place way too much importance on money I think.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-09 12:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me

Too bad you didn't learn about Three months of unlimited calling to Russia (land lines) for about $13 total. My wife is calling to her daughter and friends almost every day.

But I guess there is much more to your relationship problems than phone bills....

I use skype for outgoing calls and sms to russia. It is much more affordable than phone company.

you can see at

I agree with T/G... It is just not right in my opinion to stop someone from the freedom of communication. Especially after bringing her to this country.

Having said that... I would like to comment a bit more. This relationship seems strange.

Like T/G said... if you're worried about $75.00 a month... or even a few hundred... then you are probably under capitalized on the whole international marriage deal. I mean when your woman comes to this country she has no source of income. You should at least have a reasonable amount of spending money to give her. If she is like many women from Russia she will need that money to help her support family and at a minimum be able to buy herself things needed.

I plan on giving my woman about $200.00 -$300.00 a week spending money. More if she needs it or wants a major item. Probably a couple thousand extra during the first few weeks so she can purchase items to help in her transition.

BUT... In line with what Slim stated... regardless of whether this is a RW or AW you have a huge problem if she is really cutting herself. First I would be concerned about hers and yours safety. This is unacceptable. Second you are on the verge of facing serious charges if she is taken seriously by police and hospital. Unfortunately for you if she is really cutting herself, she WILL be taken seriously.

I think you need to make a quick decision to not be around this woman without an escort at all if this is the case. I would even go so far as ask the police be present while you get your things and find a hotel room until she can leave the country.

I looked at your timeline and noticed something odd:

Visa Received : 2006-10-17
US Entry : 2007-02-12

Why did it take 4 months before she came to you here? This smells like something is not kosher. I know once my Fiancee gets her visa she will want to fly within a few days to her new home.

Was it her that delayed her entry for some reason?

Or was it because of your financial situation and you needed to wait for an airline ticket?

This whole story sounds odd.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-09 10:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review

Most NVC A/R delays I notice are for beneficiaries that have entered and left the USA in the past

Hmmm, I hope that's not true, my girl has been here twice on tourist visas and to be honest that doesnt make sense to me. From what I understand they run background/security checks before they will even give a tourist visa, I would think the exact opposite would be true, if they have already checked someone out a few times and they came here and did nothing wrong what else is there to look for?


Congrats on the NOA2! I know it we were both waiting.

Now... I am not saying that all people who's fiancees have been here end up in A/R black hole.

I am saying that the people that are stuck in A/R review - many of them so it seems - have had their fiancees here on a K-1 or K-3 visa in the past, then they returned to home country - then on the next K-1 or K-3 visa is when it seems they have a higher chance of getting stuck.

I'm uncertain of the effect of a previous tourist visa but like you suggest I would guess it is not a big deal. A second K-1 or K-3 seems to be a bigger flag.

There was even one gentleman who had his fiancee here one time on a K-1, for some reason they did not marry in 90 days. They were still engaged and she came over a second time on a new K-1 - same people - and they got stuck in A/R for a few months.

Then there are cases like Turbo - his fiancee's second K-1 but with a different man. They have been in A/R for 4 months. There are MANY cases like his.

Women here in the USA who are bringing their male fiances to the USA seem to have a higher chance of getting some A/R delays also. While I don't agree with the delay - it does seem natural to me that a man entering the USA would get examined and checked a little closer than a woman.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-13 09:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review
I just talked in detail with my lawyer about extended Administrative Review at the NVC level. My attorney is Holmes and Lolly and they do hundreds of K-1's.

First... They told me just like NVC told me - ALL cases go through SOME admistrative review. They told me it is usually very quick.

They also shed some light on who's background check they are checking. They told me that the petitioner gets complete extensive checks at the USCIS level. At NVC the beneficiary goes through security checks. I asked twice and made my question clear. They said my fiancee gets the checks at NVC and not me.

NO - I do not think that everything that every lawyer tells me is true. But it seems to jive with the research I had done over the weekend.

Most NVC A/R delays I notice are for beneficiaries that have entered and left the USA in the past, or are from an unfriendly country. I think it's possible if the security checks are done for the petitioner at the USCIS and that takes a while occasionally, that the same would hold true for the beneficiary if NO background checks are done on him/her until the NVC level.

We will see when Elena clears the NVC. She has no problems ever from what she has told me.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-12 16:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review

A woman at NVC told me this morning that we're still in Administrative Processing.

When I asked if there was anything special about our case that flagged this, she said "no, it is due to the aftermath of 9/11 and there is no timeframe for completion of these security checks."

She also asked me to call back as often as I wanted.

I called also. I kind of interrogated the lady a little and she seemed knowledgeable and ameanable to my questions.

Me: I was told on Friday my case was in Administrative Review.

NVC operator: Your case is in Administrative Processing.

Me: You are using the term Administrative Processing but I was told on Friday I am in Administrative Review. What is the difference?

NVC Operator: There is NO difference. It depends on which operator tells you this. They are the same thing, security checks.

Me: Wait a second. On Friday I was told my file was flagged and was sent to Washington DC for Administrative Review.

NVC Operator: I don't see the word flag in that conversation.

Me: I am using the term flag. I assumed from that conversation that somehow my case was special and had been sent to Washington DC. This is what he told me on Friday.

NVC Operator: No. Your case is HERE. We sent a cable to Washington DC for security checks. This is standard for ALL cases due to post 9/11 procedures.

Me: So when cleared by Washington they send a cable back and everything will be OK?

NVC Operator: Yes. Your case is being processed normally. Nothing special.

Me: Thank you so much for the information.

SO... There you go. I waited and panicked all weekend for no reason. BUT... there are still some people stuck in A/R at NVC level. So there is still a remote chance for a file to get stuck at this point.

From my research this weekend and the phone call this morning, I would say A/R is not only common - but that 100% of all petitions go through this.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-11 07:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review

OK -- so there are a few of us in Administrative Processing at NVC at this moment. Maybe part of the issue is that we are in a cohort watching things particularly closely -- so we and post about details of the process that might have gone unnoticed by others.

Let's let each other know as we clear NVC and go onto Moscow.

I'll be calling NVC tomorrow, probably very early in the morning.

OK -- so there are a few of us in Administrative Processing at NVC at this moment. Maybe part of the issue is that we are in a cohort watching things particularly closely -- so we and post about details of the process that might have gone unnoticed by others.

Let's let each other know as we clear NVC and go onto Moscow.

I'll be calling NVC tomorrow, probably very early in the morning.

I will call tomorrow also to try and get clarification of what they mean by A/R.

Also I think it is KEY that we both inquire as to whether this is normal for all cases - or if this is a special case and we have been "Flagged" by something in our file.

If I get an answer that my case is "Flagged" I will do my best to try and find out what the trigger is.

- David

PS I just got back from my bike ride from yesterday today at 2:00 in the afternoon! ;) Awesome riding. I went up to Americade in Lake George, NY and hung out with 30,000 other riders last night. It was a nice escape from the worries of the visa process.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-10 14:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review
Having only known a few things about the term "Administrative Review" before hearing my case was in it... I freaked out. It was like saying: You're screwed! Hehe

I hope this is normal for all cases. I will call Monday if I have time until I have an answer on this. If someone else knows for sure then please chime in.

I've been stressing all night and morning. I'm going for a bike ride and get some wind in my face. And it's not a damn bicycle! Hehe

- David
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-09 10:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review

When I called the NVC, the customer service rep told me that all cases are considered in "Administrative review" until they are approved. Your timeline shows they just received your case on May 29. If you look at the Immigration timelines of VJ members with petitions for Russian citizens, you will see that usually it takes between 2 to 5 days before they are sent to the embassy. Mine took 7 days (yes I was scared). Thus, I would not start to worry until after at least 7 days.

OK... This MIGHT be hope for me. I called the NVC after they had my case in their system for only one day. They told me I am in "Administrative Review" and sent to Washington DC. SO... Are ALL cases considered in A/R technically? Or has my case been flagged as soon as they received it since they told me it is going to DC?

I mean... maybe I am jumping the gun and everything is going normally and I just do not know the terminology?

Anyone know? Wil?
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-09 05:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSmooth as Silk
Hey there!

I have been wondering how things went. I logged on just to check on you.


My Elena has her interview Aug 21st, so I hope things go just as well.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-07-10 08:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruspacket 4 from moscow embassy

I had called DOS and they told me that moscow embassy had sent the packet 4 on July 20th.
It has not yet reached yet. I am trying to find out how does embassy send this packet - DHL or
pony express or the russian postal department?

They use regular post. It will be a manilla color full size 8 1/2 by 11 envelope. My Elena calls it the "Yellow packet" just like she refers to my tan boots "yellow shoes."

She received her packet about 1 1/2 weeks after it was mailed.

Oh... and here's a picture of mailboxes in typical russian flats. They are ALL like this - on every floor.

Attached Files

MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-07-28 19:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend

I have a few questions.

How long did you date her before she actually flew to USA to marry you?

How many times did you visit her before bringing her to the USA?

How much total time with her did you spend in Russia before her coming to you?

Did you have an affectionate relationship before/after being married?

Did you live with her - in her flat or home - in her home town - for any of your visits?

Just curious.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-08-07 11:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend

This is certainly sad to hear and makes you wonder sometimes what's going on in our mate's mind.
Time usually heals our wounds....then we can gather it all back together again and move on in life.


Well I am sorry to hear that but believe me I have heard worse stories. I will strongly urge you to do something. If you don't it could be a big mistake. There is a guy named Maxx who has been through the same and can give you some advice that may make a big difference. He is a really great guy and he works with men all over the country going through what you have just started with. Actually it would have been better sooner but better now than later.

The easist way I can tell you to reach him is to go to and register and pm him. Do it as soon as you can. Maxx is the guy. You may see a Maxxim there, that is not the right guy. Take my word for it and do it.

thanks turbo guy...i will try to find him....i had no clue that this was going to was a total surprise and day i am at the mall buying them clothes and cosmetics, the next day they i understand it clearly now...i don't feel anything other than being the fool......

Yes - Maxx is his screen name. Not me. :) I have the same alias there also.

- David
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-05 12:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Review - Who else, how long

I was told scary things by NVC operators, that our file was placed under an administrative review, due to 9/11, blah-blah, they can't predict how long it might take etc. I was so depressed. But!!! I asked if ALL or SOME files are placed under AR, and they said yes, ALL files. Then I called again and another operator didn't mention any 9/11 and had a different wording of the same thing.
They just have standard answers for everybody who calls or emails, because operators there don't really know what is happening to your file. They can just look in their computer system and give standard answers.
Out file cleared NVC in 7 days!!! Despite all things told to me about being placed under AR etc.

I called this morning. I kind of interrogated the lady a little and she seemed knowledgeable and ameanable to my questions.

Me: I was told on Friday my case was in Administrative Review.

NVC operator: Your case is in Administrative Processing.

Me: You are using the term Administrative Processing but I was told on Friday I am in Administrative Review. What is the difference?

NVC Operator: There is NO difference. It depends on which operator tells you this. They are the same thing, security checks.

Me: Wait a second. On Friday I was told my file was flagged and was sent to Washington DC for Administrative Review.

NVC Operator: I don't see the word flag in that conversation.

Me: I am using the term flag. I assumed from that conversation that somehow my case was special and had been sent to Washington DC. This is what he told me on Friday.

NVC Operator: No. Your case is HERE. We sent a cable to Washington DC for security checks. This is standard for ALL cases due to post 9/11 procedures.

Me: So when cleared by Washington they send a cable back and everything will be OK?

NVC Operator: Yes. Your case is being processed normally. Nothing special.

Me: Thank you so much for the information.

SO... There you go. I waited and panicked all weekend for no reason. BUT... there are still some people stuck in A/R at NVC level. So there is still a remote chance for a file to get stuck at this point.

From my research this weekend and the phone call this morning, I would say A/R is not only common - but that 100% of all petitions go through this.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-11 08:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Review - Who else, how long
Another question...

Are there any instances of NVC A/R that end up in a denial? Or do you simply go into some deep black hole if they don't let you past the A/R.

In other words... Anyone been sent to A/R and told their case is terminated due to ________???
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-09 08:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Review - Who else, how long

Sorry to hear about your A/R situation. It is the pits. Usually A/R at the embassy level seems to go a little faster than A/R at NVC level but that is not an absolute thing. I do wish you a speedy journey through it. There are 138,000 people in A/R according to the USCIS website and 68% go longer than 3 months with 35% going longer than one year. I could say it is frustrating but that is not strong enough. Good luck.


Do you have a link to where you read this?

- Dave
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-09 08:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Review - Who else, how long

We all wish you good luck Randy. The good news is that it seems like some of the Manila A/R's have been processed quickly. I saw a couple that lasted only 30 days. Yours may be only days away.

I agree, everyone stay in touch. The more we know the better.

Hi. My name's Dave, and I'm in Administrative Review!

((Hi, Dave!))

#######... Just like other groups that use a similar introduction... I hate to admit, but I am here in A/R at NVC.

I think it may have something to do with my criminal history. I had a few things from MANY years ago. - All minor misdemeanors. I supplied dispositions for every single incident in my life save for one that was not available because it was in 1992 and the records don't exist. And I'm not even 100% sure this caused the flag for review because they did not tell me, and the USCIS approved my petition even with this information.

This is my first K-1 petition and approval. This is my fiancee's first K-1 application also. She is from Russia. She has a clean record. I am 39 years old and she will be 31 soon - so no major age gap.

I got my NOA2 approval on June 4, 2007. Four days later I call the NVC just for shits and giggles to see if I can get my NVC case number. I was pleasantly surprised that they already had my file. Then they give me my MOS case number and tell me my file has been sent to washington for "Administrative Review". I have been reading about T/G's troubles with this process so I am aware this is a VERY bad thing. They cannot tell me why other than it is a post 9/11 policy that some get sent to washington for review. Not sure if he mentioned the FBI or not but I think so. I should have recorded the conversation or taken notes.

Either way this totally sucks.

Are there any experiences of short time in A/R? A few weeks? Two months?

What are the shortest A/R times we know of?

What is the average time in A/R we know of?

Is there anything my lawyer can do?

In some ways I feel like my dream of bringing my soulmate to live with me is shattered. Is it only dented and not shattered?

OMG... I'm freaking out!

True to form when I told my Elena about this she calmed me down a bit. She tells me she will wait and she is not worried she knows she wants to wait - no matter how long it takes. She stated that she just wants to be with me and she is not interested in stopping the process. I am so lucky to have this woman in my life. All we want is to be together and share our life.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-09 03:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat paperwork for Interview in Moscow will we get back?
I have originals of everything that I am sending to the Interview with Elena. We have a lot of evidence for my financial status and our communications.

My question is - does the Moscow embassy just view this and then approve? Or do they keep all of the papers?

Anyone with experience please respond. Our interview is Aug 21 so we have time to copy everything but it's A LOT of papers.

Thank you in advance.

- David
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-07-03 03:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC NOA1 Mar 13... still no NOA2!?!?! Been 36 days or so... something wrong?

I know other service centers are slower than VSC but I am concerned because there is no approval yet. Anyone else have this many days at VSC? Seems march filers from that date are all approved.

Any ideas what may have caused delay?

I do have past DWI charges. Would that slow the process?

With these many touches your case will probably get an RFE. Call 18003755283 and type 122421 you will be transferred to VSC not USCIS customer service they will tell you if you got an RFE or not. That is how I found out about my RFE that was generated on 03/15/2007 but not received until 04/07/2007.
I hope your case is not the same but usually VSC does not take that long unless you have a RFE. :dance: :help:

OK... Bimax,

I tried this telephone number again on Thursday and got through to VSC. Thank you.

I was told there is an RFE on the way. On friday the RFE came through on the website. I still do not know what they are asking for.

I have a lawyer - Holmes and Lolly out of California. It seems they had a very complete checklist and they reviewed my packet before sending it in. I doubt it is something simple like a signature.

Seeing that I have an attorney to check everything first... I am very curious to find out what the RFE will be asking for.

Sheesh... Looks like I am going to have one more month to my estimated time just because of this, and I am worried what the RFE might ask for.

Any ideas?
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-04-22 06:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC NOA1 Mar 13... still no NOA2!?!?! Been 36 days or so... something wrong?
Thanks for the info/support. I have been lurking here and researching for a few weeks.

I can understand stopping (trying to stop) terrorists from entering the country... but we american citizens already live here. Why should they (US gov) delay any free american citizen from bringing a fiance(e)? Nevermind... different topic and let's not go down that road.

In any case, I am a bit concerned and my concern grows larger a bit every day. I hope everything will be OK and I am just worrying for no reason.

I tried that phone number and extension but did not get the VSC. I will try again after I post this.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-04-19 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC NOA1 Mar 13... still no NOA2!?!?! Been 36 days or so... something wrong?
I know other service centers are slower than VSC but I am concerned because there is no approval yet. Anyone else have this many days at VSC? Seems march filers from that date are all approved.

Any ideas what may have caused delay?

I do have past DWI charges. Would that slow the process?
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-04-19 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIt's outta here!

Hello all!
Our I-129F is on its way to Moscow. All of the worrying we did was in vein. The whole process has been pretty painless considering the issues I had with my past. I did have to phone NVC to get the downlow on the date of receipt and date the petition was forwarded to Moscow. The automated phone info was useless. I only had to wait two minutes on the phone to speak to someone and they promtly gave me the dates I asked for after a few security questions.
Best of luck to you all!

Congratulations my friend.

I hope the best for your fiancee and child in russia. Hopefully your case will be speedy.

MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-04-23 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhy Send All Petitions to CSC?

to be honest with you, once i have my babydoll here with me, i dont care how long the rest of the process takes ;) So i really rather be in your shoes :yes:


Not all of us VSC K-1 filers are getting that 2 week approval. I used a lawyer with a thourough checklist... and I am still not approved after 6 weeks.

I got an RFE being snail mailed to me as of the 20th of April but I don't know what on earth they are going to ask for. I am sure it is something which is not simple because... like i said... my law firm had a complete checklist.

When I first filed I estimated time of visa at 3 1/2 to 4 months if we got NOA2 in a couple weeks. Now I am adding time to that estimate every day it takes to get the NOA2.

All of this is a little confusing to me. I mean... it really sucks that me and my darling need to wait. I was in Russia for three weeks in April with her (second visit) and we are so close. We are definitely the other half of each other and both of us just want to be together so we can live our life.

I'm with you! I don't care if the other processes take a bit longer, as long as we're together while we wait.

- David
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-04-22 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe "No, Nothing Yet" Thread

For what it's worth, I have prayed for all of us who are waiting for the NOA ( miracle ) -2 just a few ago. I tried to remember as many names as possible.

Thank you.

I have said a silent prayer myself after reading about your prayer.

I'm not very religious but I do believe.

My signature says it all as for delays. I know I have not been waiting as long as some of you but it is a long time for the VSC.

I don't know what to do. Besides delays in the K-1 there are also personal issues affecting my income and I don't know how things will turn out in that regard until a day or two. I mean... I will make enough for us to live a nice life but things are going to be much different for me financially due to circumstances beyond my control. I have told my fiancee this. She was upset but not because of the money part. She was upset because I am upset and confused for now. The biggest problem is not knowing. Just like the K-1 NOA2 there are other things up in the air. Very trying times that were completely unexpected.

My fiancee has been supportive and told me we are life partners. She is such a good woman.

Sometimes I feel like it is just unfair that there is some process that might keep soulmates from being with each other. We are SO happy when we are with each other. It's amazing how much we complement each other as people.

I'm stressed... and I am definitely having trouble sleeping for the past few days.

I know that these things will all pass... but it is difficult to relax given the financial trauma on top of all the other worries.

Any input appreciated.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-16 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2!!!!!!
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-17 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTouch, Touch, Touch... 3 days in a row... still no NOA2
Another touch today! Ugh! I hope this is a good sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-18 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTouch, Touch, Touch... 3 days in a row... still no NOA2
Thank you all so much for the words.

There are many issues going on in my life right now and I just want my honey here with me.

MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-17 21:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTouch, Touch, Touch... 3 days in a row... still no NOA2
We had an RFE for something that happened 15 years ago in my life. The records they asked for no longer exist because they were minro so we submitted certified documents from courts stating this.

I've been stressed out over this and other issues in life. Finally got some sleep last night somehow but still on edge.

Take a look at my sig timeline. Think our NOA2 is coming soon?

Is it possible to get touches like this and get denied?
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-17 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInformation about VSC...

hey, how did you get someone at VSC that could tell you about your file?!?!

Dial the toll free number to USCIS.

At prompts dial 1,2,2,4,2,1 Enter your case number. Press 1 after confirming case number. Soon you will be talking to a "front line" person who can give very basic information.

Then you need to get lucky as hell and get someone who cares. Tell them your situation.

Ugh... I notice your timeline. You're in worse shape than me with the delays.

May I ask what your RFE requested?
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-29 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInformation about VSC...
Read my entry from today to my signature.

Basically there was some sort of delay because almost all of the staff at Vermont's Service Center was overloaded with some work load. I think she said H-1's or something like that. The lady I talked to on the telephone said this caused a slow down in work for K-1's since April.

She mentioned that that overload had been dealt with and now things are back on track as they were before this extra work.

So... Anyone with a petition experiencing a delay a little longer than normal for VSC do not fret... things are back to normal.

I hope my NOA2 comes soon. Please keep me and Elena in your thoughts and prayers. I will do the same for all of you.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-29 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat should I do?

I would wait until the day they tell you, then call. If you don't have anything, ask them to enter your name. If they've done anything with it, they can give you your receipt number. I was getting pretty frustrated with them because I filed on April 26th and it was received two days later, but I had no notice and nothing had happened with my bank account. I called this morning, and got an officer would was no help and told me to wait another 30 days. I called a few hours later, got someone else, and after explaining to her that all I knew was it was received via USPS, and that I had filed more than 30 days ago, she asked for my name, then verified my birthdate, my fiance's name and birthdate and was able to get me my receipt number, even though the check hasn't cleared my bank and I haven't received anything physical. Now I can at least track it online. Just be persistent, but polite, and don't let them try to give you vague answers so you go away. It takes less than 5 minutes for them to type in your name and look it up.

I second the part about waiting a short time then calling again. You can tell fairly quickly whether the person that answer the phone "wants" to help you or not.

I usually act very polite, tell them I am deeply concerned, and simply want my to know more. I ask please help. Sometimes the person on the line has been helpful. Other times I get the old "call back in 30 days" speach. Check out my signature and it shows they can and will give information if they want to.

DON'T give up. Visit your fiancee again. Have her visit you. Should be easy from UK. My girl is in Russia and I plan to visit about once every two months until she has her visa. Expensive... but it's much better to be planning your next visit than to stress about the visa.

My fiancee has handled our delays well. She is upset that the lawyer told us one thing... but the USCIS is taking their sweet time considering we are at the VSC.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-30 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAm I the last VSC March Filer waiting for an NOA?

I wonder.......... :wacko:


My friend... We are the in the same boat. Read our sig line.

We have been, and will be, praying nightly for this process to be faster for all of us.

We thought all is well until we had delays in the K-1 petition.

Don't worry too much. Just be patient and plan a visit if you can.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-05-30 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Fianaly!!


Congratulations to you!!! Yes we are celebrating! :dance: :dance: :dance: I called Sao and told her last night and she was so happy! But what is ironic is that people on VJ knew before her. :whistle: Of-course it was the time difference and all. Congrats again!


Oh my... I received news today and SMS'd her while she was at work. She ran out of minutes so she had to wait until after work to call me. I told her I had news and wanted to tell her on webcams. She begged for the news so I told her first on the phone.

We both got a bottle of champagne and drank it just now on webcams. She gets tipsy after a couple glasses so I let her go lay down.

Now I am spreading the news.

A happy day indeed!
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-04 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Fianaly!!

Congrats man, still waiting here.......did you get to VSC on the phone or just USCIS helpline? Think I might try again today.....

Same number I told you before. Dial USCIS and do follow the prompts. Their "combination" is 1,2,2,4,2,1,Enter case number, 1 to talk to customer service.

We are REAL close in timelines after our RFE. Call them!
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-04 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Fianaly!!

:dance: Hellllllo Everyone! :dance:

NOA2 received via email 06/03/07, Sunday. The actual approval date was 06/01/07. I received two identical emails for the approval. I got a touch on Friday, so I was going to start really paying attention on Monday. But when I checked email this afternoon, there it was. On Sunday no-less.

I can't wait to break the news to my lady. She will be so happy.

Thanks everyone! Good Luck!



I called USCIS this morning. They informed me that as of this morning I am approved with NOA2. They said the website will be updated today to show "Approval Notice Sent." I asked the woman if she was 100% sure and she said yes!

So.. I am celebrating with you!
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-04 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE
Check out my signature.

My RFE took 10 days just to receive. I was going nuts wondering about it also.

The nonsense "Evidence" they asked for were court documents from a minor infraction that have been thrown away for over five years. (Something that happened in 1991)

Don't worry... You will get your RFE. They do not mail the RFE the day it says it is mailed. I think it takes many days before it even leaves the facility at VSC.

Good luck. Vent. I did. :)

BTW... NOA2 today for us. You will get yours also. Be patient. It will happen.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-04 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 received... how do we track the rest of the process?
I tried to find a sticky that explained how to track this but I did not see it.

So we have our NOA2 - How long until I contact NVC to make sure they received the file? What numbers to call? Can we continue to track the file at the USCIS website or do we go elsewhere to register again online?

If there is a sticky explaining this please post the link as I could not find it.
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-06-07 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLike a moth to a flame
When at USCIS I called weekly and checked every day a few times for touches. Some weeks I called twice. When at NVC I called daily until my file was gone. When at the embassy I called daily until I got the interview date.

It's your tax dollars at work - check as many times as you want and call if you want also.

As for the obsesssion - yes - for me it was. Anything keeping me and my darling apart is an obsession for me to get rid of. This process is hell on those of us that are not used to waiting for what we want.

Hang in there!
MaxxumUSAMaleRussia2007-08-05 08:03:00