Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSochi Games
Assuming everything works out for myself and my fiancé in the next few months (interview to be scheduled for late March as she wants to avoid traveling during the Olympics). We want to go to the 2019 Winter Univeriade that will be held in her hometown of Krasnoyarsk.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-17 10:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Pension
My fiancé is concerned how she will be able to handle her Russian pension once we get married and she moves here to the US. I did a little searching through Google with some suggestions, but was wondering if anyone here has gone through the same experience?


Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-14 07:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 Visa Interview Attendance!
I received pretty much the same answer to my email to Moscow. I was thinking about joining my fiancé for a couple of reasons. First to be there with her as support, second to see her again in person since it has been over six months since our last time together, and lastly to be there with her to hopefully celebrate our big next step.

Good luck with your interview. We are planning for mid to late March to avoid the Olympics.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-21 19:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKrasnoyarsk Visit
Yes, on my first visit I stayed at the Hotel Krasnoyarsk. I loved the fountains out front. Some really nice fountain shows, Krasnoyarsk loves their fountains even though they have such a short season. I still say Stolbi was the most fun. We only went once during my first visit and my fiancé hiked circles around me. On my second visit we were there three times and explored many of the back trails even going out to the entrance at the top of the ski slopes. I didn't climb any of the rocks as I am not a climber, but it was amazing to see people free climb those huge rocks.

The recreation island in the river was a lot of fun too. They are really improving it and adding more trails for hiking, biking, or skating. The fact that the island (I can never pronounce the name correctly, it is something like Tateshav) is so near the CBD is really nice as well from a restaurant proximity standpoint.

All-in-all, a really nice city even though I may be a little biased since Krasnoyarsk is where I found my fiancé. I hope to take a train to Lake Baikail on a future visit as I hear it is quite beautiful.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-25 12:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKrasnoyarsk Visit
I was just wondering if anyone else has had the opportunity to visit Krasnoyarsk. I have been there twice to visit my fiancé and I really like the city, however my experience has been limited to Summer time. I really liked the center city area and hiking in Stolbi park. There were many places to go dancing, or to eat, and the people were very nice. I also was able to experience dutcha living in the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk.

On my last visit we also went to Omsk and Abakan to visit some of my fiance's family. Omsk was much like Krasnoyarsk and Abakan was very nice as well.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has any experiences they wish to share.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-17 10:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarushow have your RUB wifes changed if any since coming here
Hello to everyone, I am new hear on VJ, and wish I had found it earlier. Just a brief history. I met a wonderful lady from Russia in the city of Krasnoyarsk in early 2912. I have been there twice so far, but unfortunately she was not able to get a visitor visa to visit me here. On my last visit we decided that we would follow the K1 route as based on our relationship this seemed the best option since we both decided we wanted to share our life with each other. Well now with the K1 approved (NOA2 received December 3) and us just waiting for the transfer to Moscow, we have started discussing the future more and more here in Michigan.

Based on that, this topic has been very helpful. I think her biggest fear is that fact that she will have to start driving again. She told me that she once drove a lot back in the eighties, but now relies on buses and trains to get around. I told her not to worry, we will practice a lot and she is already reading the information the Michigan SOS makes available on the web. Beyond that, we both share the same values with family and friends, and have many of the same interests. I have been trying to learn Russian with some success, but thankfully she speaks excellent English as she is an English teacher in her home town.

My biggest question I have is how to I make her transition as smooth as possible? I know she is making the biggest change to her life moving halfway around the world, and she is very close to her family. I have introduced her to many of my family and friends via Skype and integrated her into as much of my life as possible considering the distance.

Anyway, this topic has helped immensely, but if anyone has any additional ideas I am happy to hear them.


Tahoe1919MaleRussia2013-12-29 16:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruscould the looming Russian Visa restrictions effect me?
I think we will be fine with K1/K3 types of visas. The types that are publicized are the high profile diplomatic, or business level visas. Of course I could be wrong, but I should know by the 21st as that will be my fiancé's interview.

Good luck.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-04 12:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 Interview Moscow March 21st
We just left the consulate in Moscow and are enjoying a celebratory glass of wine. I am so glad I chose to come an be here for my fiancé. As you might have guessed we were approved for our K1 visa. We are both so happy and had a nice time visiting with others also interviewing today. I think most everyone was approved.

Thanks for all the help, I know we are not done yet, but this is a great feeling!

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-21 04:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 Interview Moscow March 21st
I want to thank everyone here for answering my questions as I weaved my way through this process. My fiancé and I are so excited to start planning the next chapter, and we both hope to have a great celebration on Friday afternoon together in a Springtime Moscow.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-18 16:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Interview in Moscow on 03/19!
Best of luck Banshee for you and your fiancé. My fiancé has her interview on the 21st of March, and I am currently sitting at the airport for a ride to Moscow via Amsterdam to be there with her. We are also nervous, but thanks to all the wonderful people here on VJ most of my questions have been answered. We are certainly hoping for a great outcome so we can enjoy a celebration on Friday/Saturday when the weather is supposed to be fairly good.

I cannot believe how fast this has come up since we started in September.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-18 16:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Hotel(s)
Just a quick update. The flats on Sadovya-Kurdrinskaya street are quite nice. We did not arrive until almost 9pm on Wednesday and a very nice lady met us. The cost for 3.5 days was 16k rubles which seemed reasonable. The flat was very modern, really a studio style, but with everything necessary except for curtains from the stairwell into our flat. Didn't realize this at first, so hopefully no one was scared off. Anyway, the flat was very close to the Embassy and not too far from the medical clinic either. I would definitely stay here again when I come back to Moscow.

Btw, my fiancé was approved for her K1 today!

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-21 05:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Hotel(s)
I want to thank everyone for the suggestions. My fiancé found an apartment on Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street that seems reasonable. I will let everyone know the outcome when I get back. I am so looking forward to meeting her for her interview for a lot of reason, but mostly since I haven't seen her for several months.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-02 18:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Hotel(s)

I apologize for such a simple topic, but I am getting ready to go to Moscow (late March) to join my fiance for her interview.  Now I have spent a lot of time in Krasnoyarsk, but I have yet to spend any time in Moscow.  Does anyone have any hotel recommendations for a good and reasonable hotel in Moscow close (within 2 km) of the U.S. Embassy?



Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-02-04 09:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview coming up on 03/20/2014!!
Congratulations! Best of luck!
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-22 01:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview coming up on 03/20/2014!!
Good luck to both of you. My fiancé's interview is scheduled for March 21 in Moscow, and I am going to meet her on Wednesday and accompany her to the embassy. We also have been putting all of our items in order, so hopefully we will be well prepared as well.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-09 16:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat did you do while waiting during visa process
Katya and I are just starting this process now. Up until out k1 was approved last Friday we both avoided talking about the future together I think more because neither one of us wanted to jinx anything. Well now we have a whole lot to discuss in the coming months. I just left her in the Moscow airport as she is heading home to Krasnoyarsk, and I will be flying back to Detroit in a few hours. During our wait at SVO, we began our discussions regarding the immediate future. Right now she is planning on coming over in later Summer as she wants to clear up some current deals and make sure her mother is set. So I told her we can plan for an early September wedding which will turn out to be one year from when we started the k1 journey, and two and a half years since we really started our lasting relationship. I know what everyone means about limiting expenses before your fiancé's arrival, and I plan to do that. I would love to get over to Krasnoyarsk and see her again in the five months, but another item I need to budget is vacation time from work. I want to make sure I have a big block available a for when she arrives. As to the home, I am fairly set there, but am sure she will want to add some touches, so I have put off any re-decorating until after she gets here. Also, I have told her that she will need to re-learn driving here, so she will begin studying the State of Michigan driving book while she waits. I am sure there will be more preparations as we use up this time apart, but that is what we are starting with.

Good luck to everyone.


Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-22 16:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview in place, looking for encouragement!
My fiancé had her interview on March 21 and all went well. I decided to join her for the special day and was a little worried about the political issues between the US and Russia, but I didn't notice any differences from my previous trips to Russia. It sounds like you have everything in order as we did, so I don't think you will have any issues. I would review the potential questions list, but from what I experienced, they were most interested in the truthfulness of the relationship. I am not sure if my being there helped as there were several other women there alone that were approved, so good luck!
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-04-09 18:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian passport renewal in US?
This is a very helpful thread, thanks to all that have contributed as I will soon be going through the three year visa application. On my first three visa applications, the service I used (a local visa/passport service) told me I would need to demonstrate a need for the three year version with multiple single or dual entry visas. Hopefully, three so far will be enough.

Meghan, enjoy your time at the interview. If you need a great place to stay in Moscow about six blocks from the consulate send me a note, or look at my thread about hotels in Moscow. We found a very modern apartment on the same road as the consulate called Apartments on Sadoskaya-Kudrinskaya Street. Booked it through, and it was very reasonable (four days, three nights for around $700). They only take cash (rubles), but the convenience was worth it along with the flexibility for checking in and checking out.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-05-07 16:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTravel to Russia After Marriage
Thanks to all of you for the confirmation. This is pretty much what I thought.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-04-23 17:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTravel to Russia After Marriage
Just a general question for me after my fiancé and I get married this coming September. With her extensive family back in Krasnoyarsk I anticipate several trips in the future for both of us together. Of course she will still have her Russian passport, but for me (now that I am her husband) do I still need to obtain a visa every time? If so (which is what I figure) will I be able to get the multi-entry type now that I have a Russian wife? Lastly, for her, with a US green card, will see need a visa?
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-04-21 18:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEarliest time for interview at Moscow embassy (K-1)?
If I remember correctly, my fiancé was able to schedule her interview about 2 weeks after the NVC transfer notice and after she filled out her DS160 and paid the fee. At the time we were not looking for the earliest possible dates primarily due to the Olympics and the fact that we did not want to travel to Moscow during that period. Once she set up the interview along with the medical exam two days prior to the interview (late March), her and I booked our flights as I met her in Moscow for the interview.

Good luck!

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-05-16 17:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusApproved!
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-07-02 06:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow could potential US/Russia tensions affect visas?
Victor, I am thinking the same thing, and of course hoping for the best. I am amazed by the rhetoric coming from the politicians, but don't see this progressing to a more serious issue. I would think if Russia was really interested in more than protecting its bases in the Crimea, they would have done it already, but one cannot always predict geopolitical moves. As for myself, I am heading to Moscow in two weeks to meet my fiancé for her interview, I am flying through Amsterdam, so am not worried about US flight bans. My Russian visa was issued in record time without paying extra for an expedite process, so I am hopeful.

One last note, although not as big as the Olympics, the Paralympics begin in Sochi this week, so I imagine there will be a lot of people traveling through Moscow over the next few days. So far I haven't heard of any pull-outs, or boycotts coming from any sources. Of course, that may change.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-02 16:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBelarus and the Ukrain Russia Conflict
I am a bit worried about this as well. My fiancé Katya is scheduled to come over in the next few weeks. One thing we did was to route her flights through Beijing, which was more for convenience than for anything else. We wanted her POE to be Detroit so she didn't have to clear customs and still need to find her way to another flight particularly at JFK. However, now I a happy we did it this way just in case there are any issues with commercial flights from Russia through Western Europe.

Good luck to everyone.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-08-18 18:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYour experience in E. Europe or Russia
I have been to Russia three times over the past two years or so. My first two trips were to Krasnoyarsk to meet and visit with my fiancé. Krasnoyarsk is a very nice city particularly in summer. We spent a lot of time together on the first trip exploring the city, and meeting her immediate family. It was great since she speaks very good English, so communication was very easy. Stolbi was also quite nice as we both like hiking.

On the second trip we spent much more time together, and I had my first dutcha experience. My fiancé's family has a small dutcha on the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk and we spent a few days out there enjoying the company of the family. We also took a train to Omsk to meet some more family and spend some more time at their dutcha there. We ended the trip with a visit to Abakan to meet more family, and of course we did more exploring at Stolbi. My Russian was a little better on this trip thanks to RStone, at least I was able to read the signs.

Both times to Krasnoyarsk it took at least two days for my bags to catch up, but that wasn't too much of a problem since the city is quite modern and there were a lot of places to shop. The food was great, but this was not much of a surprise for me as I have eaten ethnic food all over the world, and have not had a bad meal yet. Also, public transportation was quite good, and I was able to stay in touch with my family even on the train to Omsk.

My last trip was the best as I met my fiancé in Moscow for her interview last March. Moscow was a wonderful city, and we were able to do a lot of exploring of the regular sites (the Kremlin, St. Basil's, etc.). She was approved for the K1, and now we have just 36 days before she arrives here and I can start showing her around Michigan.

I cannot wait to travel back with her and visit Lk. Baikail, but first we are planning a visit to Australia.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-08-06 18:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Bank Question
My fiancé is getting ready to depart Russia and we are trying to set up a way to be able to help out her mother. She set up an account with VTB 24 bank in Krasnoyarsk and has a card that can work in either rubles or US dollars,an and we are trying to find a way to tranfer funds to this account as needed.

Has anyone dealt with this bank before? Are there transfer restrictions for private citizens now? Maybe the best step would be to use WU, or MG, but my future MIL is not very mobile.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-09-02 14:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa


Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-09-29 10:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusA Wonderful Wedding Day!

To everyone here on VJ, and especially those in this regional board, I thought I would share some of my happiness from this past weekend.  Katya and I had a wonderful wedding day with close family and friends present in an outdoor setting at my brother's house in Michigan.  We could have not ask for a nicer day in late September with afternoon temperatures around 76 without a cloud in the sky.  We held the ceremony at 6:30pm so we could set up a Webex for her family back home.


Well, the day was exceptional, and it was a fitting end to an adventure that started a little more than a year ago.  Now we can relax a little as we start the next chapter (AOS) in our lives.


Thanks to all that have shared advice and stories here on VJ.  Our process was exceptionally painless with very few hiccups (one RFE), and we are hoping the next step will be equally painless.





Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-09-29 10:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 Approved! How Long Now?
Thanks for the help. As expected we are both a bit excited, so we will have to reign in our excitement and be a bit patient.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2013-12-29 15:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 Approved! How Long Now?

I received my NOA2 on December 3, 2013, and am wondering how long it takes for the Russian Consulate to move the case forward?  My fiance is already gathering the information necessary at her end, but she is getting a little worried since she hasn't heard anything yet.  How will the consulate contact either her or myself?


Thanks in advance.

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2013-12-29 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Notice Received Any Way to Track
Thanks for the tip. Yes, I have the NVC case number, but I was searching under non-immigrant type. Now I guess it is a wait until Moscow contacts my fiancé. Do you know if it will be via snail mail? At least we can start getting the DS160 going as she already has a copy the 129F package that I submitted.


Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-12 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Notice Received Any Way to Track
I received our NVC notice this week and tried checking the status on the list website, but it did not recognize the case number. Is this true for all K1s, or has the website just not caught up with the notice?


Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-12 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved
Congratulations! My fiancé and I are getting closer to the interview and we hope for the same result. I can say finding this forum has helped greatly.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-13 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFreaking Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations and Best Wishes!
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-01-26 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStatus update!
Just for reference, our visa interview was March 21st,, and the CEAC took four working days to update. Be patient, and congrats!
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-29 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA APPROVED
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-28 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Approved!!!
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-04-04 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow helpful was it for your interview with your Fiance(e) present?
From our experience it was very helpful if nothing more than to ease my fiancé for her interview. Moscow did allow me to attend the interview, but not to be part of it. I was sitting a few feet away while it was occurring, and my fiancé chose to do it in English as my Russian is poor. They asked her a few tough questions about two previous visitor visa interviews which were denied, but I felt she was more comfortable with me there that she was able to stay calm and answer honestly and subsequently we were approved.

The other reasons I am glad I was there was to ease my own nervousness, and to be there to experience what I felt to be a life changing event. First of all, I would have been pulling my hair out waiting at home for word. Instead, I was there for what I felt was a momentous event that we will never have to repeat. After the interview both of us were so happy, and this was a great experience to share together.

Lastly, it was another opportunity to be together at least temporarily and get to know each other better in person.

I am not really sure if my presence affected the outcome as other women were also interviewing for K1's and they were also approved (I have not read a response from anyone being there and being denied) However, I don't think it hurt, and could only serve to show the truthfulness of the relationship which seems to be the overall theme of the K1 interview. If you cannot be present for the actual interview I think it looks good if the interviewer asks your fiancé "When is the last time you saw your fiancé?" (Which seems to be a standard question) and their response is "minutes ago as they are waiting outside, or sitting right over there".

Whatever the two of you decide, good luck with your process, it is truly a great experience!

Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-30 04:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview Date!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry about it. My fiancé was very worried about her interview particularly if they would ask any questions about her previous attempts to get a visitor visa last year. Well, they did ask about those and she had her honest answers and she did not freeze up. Maybe part of was due to the fact that I was sitting a few feet away, but I think the most important thing they are looking for is a genuine relationship. If you and your fiancé are solid, I don't think she will have a problem. I also recommend being there for her as this is really a momentous occasion for the both of you. I was so happy to be there when we got the approval news, a next step was ahead of us. Then we went out and bought a nice bottle of wine and celebrated together.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-03-22 07:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!!!
Congrats! We also started back in September and were approved in late March.
Tahoe1919MaleRussia2014-04-21 18:22:00