US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I just wanted to say thanks to everybody on the forum. I am so glad i found you guys and really, until i sat back and thought about it, i didnt realize how helpful and homey the forum is in helping with questions and reassuring fears. I know i still have a ways to go because Alfredo has yet to have his interview, but i just wanted to say thanks to everybody now, because you guys have already been so helpful.

Thanks caityrose for being.... well ... in almost the same situation i am. It is nice to know that i am not the only college student in love with a man from mexico who would do anything to be with him. It sounds like our situations are pretty similar. My parents (my mom and my step dad) did the 1-134 for me because mine isnt going to be that impressive because i only work when i have breaks. Also, our fiances sound pretty similar too. haha convincing themselves that they have every illness in the book and then when it comes time to go to the doctor that they are sure they are going to be told they only have 3 weeks to live or something like that. It might be a hispanic thing because my puerto rican grandparents are the same way yes.gif Just out of curiousity, does Angel speak any english? haha just to find out another similarity, Alfredo knows some basics, alot of restaurant lingo since that is his second job here in the U.S but I speak spanish so that is how we communicate. You said angel had never been to the U.S so that was why i was wondering.

It feels nice to be able to talk to people especially you caity that are going through almost the same things that i am going through, or will be going through in this process.

thanks for helping me maintain a full head of hair!!! good.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-10-16 18:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Just out of curiousity, did anyone notice that once you print the papers that your fiance needs to complete off of the ciudad juarez site, that they all have expiration dates up at the top and that they are already expired? does that matter ? or will the consulate even look at that? What did you guys do? wacko.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-10-12 10:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
My fiance is actually here in the U.S on an H2B visa, and it expires in December so that is when he is going to go back to mexico for the interview. I do have another question tho, I realized that on the I-129F petition that i filed, i put down my fathers address for where he (my fiance) intended to live, but things have changed, and he now lives with my mom, as do i when i am not in college, When they ask him at the interview where he plans on living, what does he say? does he tell the truth, or just say that he plans on living at my dads address so that it doesnt cause any problems? I dont think it will cause problems, but i also dont want alfredo to be interviewed by the ####### that looks for anything to not give him the visa.

What do you think?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-10-09 18:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I was just reading over some old posts on pg. 121, and the 1 guy had 2 copies of his intent to marry his fiance, i have not come across where that is mandatory, not that it is

a problem or anything, but do we pretty much do what we did for the I-129F ???????? Like i just typed up a simple letter saying that i fully intend to marry my fiance (name

stated) within 90 days of him arriving in the united states, i dated it and signed it, and he did that same thing, and i sent them in with the rest of the I-129F stuff.

Also, everyone seems to be taking copies of their original I-129F, i have them, but i also read the post on 121 and all the copies that the woman had, they just gave them

back to her, the extras were not needed, they are just taken along for emergencies right??????

This is gonna sound really bad, but im getting nervous just thinking about it, when you get to the consulate and stuff, i am hoping it is pretty self explanitory, b/c it is not that i just dont trust my my fiance, but i think he is unorganized, and hahaha im at that stage where EVERYTHING IS JUST BETTER IF I DO IT!!! I think if i just organize everything for him and maybe clip things together with names on post its for him he should be ok, unfortunately i do not think i am going to be able to go with him this december for his doctors appt. or consulate visit, and that worries me.

I am sure he will do good, but up until this point, he really hasnt had to handle any paperworks, i have been doing it, and im just paranoid!!!! crying.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-10-08 21:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (caityrose @ Sep 23 2008, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (GueraKristina @ Sep 23 2008, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel dumb asking this stuff, but In December my fiance will be going back to mexico for his doctors appt. and interview (he was lucky enough to get another h2b visa this year good till dec.)
But what is the NOA2? it is an abbreviation for something i know that but i dont know what it is.
Also what is the Invitation letter? and where do i get that?
Also, why do you need a copy of the front page of your fiance's passport?
As far as the Original I-129F goes, i thought the consulate (Ciudad Juarez) had that, i thought that they were sent all of that stuff
Also, why do you need to include your Birth Certificate (+ copy)?

I feel so much better being able to ask about this stuff, i really dont know how i made it this far getting approved and everything all by myself. I know you guys will definatley help. As for the Police Report, i actually called Ciudad Juarez, and after i spent 30 minutes talking to the guy, and $45 dollars later, he told me that even though my fiance has not commited a crime, he still needs a police report stating that he hes not done anything. If worst comes to worst, just get it anyway. Im sure you would rather have it and not need it than not have it and need it. P.S Caity, I am a full time student too, how did you go about getting the enrollment certificate? Did you just go to the office of admissions at your college? My point is was it hard to get? wacko.gif

First- don't feel dumb...

NOA2 on his website is what we call the approval of your petition. It's the very official notice that says "I-797, Notice of Action" on the top of it, and under notice type says "Approval Notice." Your fiance will need that for his interview.

The "invitation" letter is included in the packet of information that your fiance (and probably you) will get from the embassy in Ciudad Juarez. It's basically a simple letter addressed to the Mexican citizen saying that they may now come to Ciudad Juarez for their open interview appointment. He will need to show that at his interview (and medical??)

The only reason we copied the front page of his passport was because it's just a good idea to have an original and a copy of everything. He's never actually used his passport (so he has no stamps) and so we just made a copy of the front page, incase the embassy would want to keep a copy.

The consulate does have the original I-129F petition, but from what I've read here, the foreign fiance should also bring a copy of the original petition. I'm not sure if it's actually necessary, but I just like to cover ALL bases.

As far as MY birth certificate goes- it's not required, however I've read other people's posts on this thread that said the officer requested the petitioner's (US citizen) birth certificate at the interview. Again, I'm all for the idea of "better safe than sorry."

My university recently started offering the free service of enrollment certificates. We can print them out ourselves, so I suppose it's not super official, but it's official enough for me. Especially because it's technically not needed, but I just wanted to be able to prove that I AM a student, and that's why I don't have much of an income yet.

I hope that answers your questions. When was your petition approved?

Also, i have a really quick question, right now my mom is filling out the I-134 affidavit of support, for the 'presently residing part' alfredo is in the U.S right now, and he is living with my mom because of the h2b visa that is good until december, so should she put that address down, even though he is a citizen of mexico and everything? i think that it would be fine if she put down the U.S address he is living at since that is where he is living right now, and when alfredo gets to the consulate, he can just explain that he had an H2b visa at the time, and that is where he was living at the time, and that is where he plans on living when he gets back to the U.S. Anybody let me know what they think.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-09-24 12:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (caityrose @ Sep 23 2008, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (GueraKristina @ Sep 23 2008, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel dumb asking this stuff, but In December my fiance will be going back to mexico for his doctors appt. and interview (he was lucky enough to get another h2b visa this year good till dec.)
But what is the NOA2? it is an abbreviation for something i know that but i dont know what it is.
Also what is the Invitation letter? and where do i get that?
Also, why do you need a copy of the front page of your fiance's passport?
As far as the Original I-129F goes, i thought the consulate (Ciudad Juarez) had that, i thought that they were sent all of that stuff
Also, why do you need to include your Birth Certificate (+ copy)?

I feel so much better being able to ask about this stuff, i really dont know how i made it this far getting approved and everything all by myself. I know you guys will definatley help. As for the Police Report, i actually called Ciudad Juarez, and after i spent 30 minutes talking to the guy, and $45 dollars later, he told me that even though my fiance has not commited a crime, he still needs a police report stating that he hes not done anything. If worst comes to worst, just get it anyway. Im sure you would rather have it and not need it than not have it and need it. P.S Caity, I am a full time student too, how did you go about getting the enrollment certificate? Did you just go to the office of admissions at your college? My point is was it hard to get? wacko.gif

First- don't feel dumb...

NOA2 on his website is what we call the approval of your petition. It's the very official notice that says "I-797, Notice of Action" on the top of it, and under notice type says "Approval Notice." Your fiance will need that for his interview.

The "invitation" letter is included in the packet of information that your fiance (and probably you) will get from the embassy in Ciudad Juarez. It's basically a simple letter addressed to the Mexican citizen saying that they may now come to Ciudad Juarez for their open interview appointment. He will need to show that at his interview (and medical??)

The only reason we copied the front page of his passport was because it's just a good idea to have an original and a copy of everything. He's never actually used his passport (so he has no stamps) and so we just made a copy of the front page, incase the embassy would want to keep a copy.

The consulate does have the original I-129F petition, but from what I've read here, the foreign fiance should also bring a copy of the original petition. I'm not sure if it's actually necessary, but I just like to cover ALL bases.

As far as MY birth certificate goes- it's not required, however I've read other people's posts on this thread that said the officer requested the petitioner's (US citizen) birth certificate at the interview. Again, I'm all for the idea of "better safe than sorry."

My university recently started offering the free service of enrollment certificates. We can print them out ourselves, so I suppose it's not super official, but it's official enough for me. Especially because it's technically not needed, but I just wanted to be able to prove that I AM a student, and that's why I don't have much of an income yet.

I hope that answers your questions. When was your petition approved?

Thanks so much, that deffinately helps, My I-129F was sent out April 29th and was approved August 11th, I thought that we would never get approved because of my age. Im 19 and i thought they would tell me that im too young or use my age against me, but they didnt and i am so glad! P.S im not sure if anybody has had this problem, but they sent my fiance's approval packet to ME because ( i called them and asked) they said that the mail is too currupt in mexico, welll DUHHH!!! and i asked the guy how was i supposed to get my fiance his paper work to fill out for his interview if i am in the united states with his paper work and he is in mexico waiting on it, and the guy was like well..... you could fax it, or you could mail it. I about threw the phone in fusteration!! crying.gif I told the guy that why would i risk mailing it when mexicos own consulate wont even do it, and also, fax machines in my fiance's little town, thats funny!!!! Anyway, thank god my fiance is now here on his h2b visa and he is living with my mom and my step dad. Hopefully once he has to go back Dec. 15th this whole doctor appt. and interview process will only take at most a week so he can be back for our first christmas together. blush.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-09-24 07:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (caityrose @ Sep 16 2008, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello All:
So... I'm pretty sure Angel's got everything he needs to take to his interview. However, if someone wouldn't mind looking over it just to make sure I'm not missing something important, I would really really appreciate it.

Here's what he's got or what I will be sending him soon:

-NOA2 (Original + copy)
-Invitation letter
-Angel's passport (+ copy of the front page)
-Original I-129F
-Angel's Birth Certificate (+ copy)
-My Birth Certificate (+ copy)
-Unsigned DS-156 (+ copy)
-Unsigned DS-156 K (+ copy)
-DS-157 (+ copy)
-CDJ Form 402 Unsigned
-Letter stating why I am not there with him and my letter of intent to marry him
-2 X 2 passport photos of Angel
-Credencial de elector (+ copy)
-My I-134 Form
Including: Supplement stating that I am a full-time student and therefore don't yet have a full-time job. I included a chart of the 4 part-time jobs I have. I also included an enrollment certificate from my university. 3 years of tax transcripts, and a letter from my bank with information about my accounts.
-My parents I-134 Form
Including: 3 years of tax returns, my mom's W2s, Letter from my mom's employer, Letter from bank with information about her accounts

(Because my parents file taxes together, I had both of my parents fill out an I-134. I don't know if that's the best way to handle it. Let's hope it's ok.)

-Evidence of ongoing relationship- pictures, letters, emails, copies of packages, my flight itineraries, record of phone card I buy to call Mexico, and more...

Then he will have his Banamex receipt and medical results.

Now... he doesn't have to get a police certificate, or does he? I was under the impression that it wasn't necessary, but now I'm concerned that he should have gotten that a while ago. He's never committed any crimes, so he has no record with the police. Also, he does NOT have to fill out the DS-230, does he?? I've seen people post about that form, so that worried me too.

Thanks for your help everyone! I just want to make sure that he has everything he needs. He won't be going until late October, but I just want to try and calm my nerves a bit and reassure him he's got everything.



I feel dumb asking this stuff, but In December my fiance will be going back to mexico for his doctors appt. and interview (he was lucky enough to get another h2b visa this year good till dec.)
But what is the NOA2? it is an abbreviation for something i know that but i dont know what it is.
Also what is the Invitation letter? and where do i get that?
Also, why do you need a copy of the front page of your fiance's passport?
As far as the Original I-129F goes, i thought the consulate (Ciudad Juarez) had that, i thought that they were sent all of that stuff
Also, why do you need to include your Birth Certificate (+ copy)?

I feel so much better being able to ask about this stuff, i really dont know how i made it this far getting approved and everything all by myself. I know you guys will definatley help. As for the Police Report, i actually called Ciudad Juarez, and after i spent 30 minutes talking to the guy, and $45 dollars later, he told me that even though my fiance has not commited a crime, he still needs a police report stating that he hes not done anything. If worst comes to worst, just get it anyway. Im sure you would rather have it and not need it than not have it and need it. P.S Caity, I am a full time student too, how did you go about getting the enrollment certificate? Did you just go to the office of admissions at your college? My point is was it hard to get? wacko.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-09-23 20:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (jmmr @ Sep 12 2008, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (caityrose @ Sep 12 2008, 05:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all- I know I asked this question before, but I'm going to ask it again as Maria and nm123 have recently gone through the interview. On the DS-156 when it asks for "National Identification Number" did your fiances leave it blank, or fill it in??

Maria- I hope that Jorge has safe travels tomorrow and everything goes smoothly. Enjoy it!!! I won't have internet access this weekend, but I hope to hear about it when I get back Monday smile.gif

Take care everyone and have a great weekend!


Hello Caity-

I put N/A for Non applicable. Thank you for your hopes smile.gif he will actually be arriving on Wednesday due to some other plans his mom had. unsure.gif I had my little b*tch fit over that... but oh well. I understand what he and his family is going through. it's hard to say good bye for mostly ever....

I was hoping he would come this weekend but it just won't work. his mom was planning a surprise party for sunday... After being upset for a few days, i now feel a lot better and understand it a lot better. whistling.gif I have to put myself in their shoes. Even though it is very hard to do that sometimes.... it's necessary. I had a really hard time dealing with that this time... but I managed ok and it'll work out. I am going to be married to him for ever...his family only has so little days left. So i do understand that. smile.gif I just feel a lot of times that I give too much to people and i don't understand why some people can't give up things for me? I want to be selfish sometimes... but that's not me. So yea. it's a strange mental disturbance. i'm ok smile.gif i had my tears.

Caity- did you guys decided on a sooner POE?

Have a nice weekend everyone smile.gif

Hey jmmr, quick question, i read somewhere, and because i have read so much stuff on everything about the fiance visa, i can not remember where i read it, but anyway, what did jorge wear to the consulate for his interview? I read that your supposed to dress like really nice, like the works, suit, tie, the best that you can, did jorge do that? if not what did he wear so i can tell my fiance alfredo to do the same thing. (p.s about the jelousy thing that your experiencing with jorge and his family, i get that all the time, now i dont feel so crazy. I know how it feels to want him completely for you and it is very hard to get over. I doubt i will every completely get over it, but I am trying my best to control it. Its hard, so best of luck to ya blush.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-09-15 14:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (caityrose @ Sep 11 2008, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (brian87 @ Sep 11 2008, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for sharing the info. So geuss, I will be safe with Oct. 5/6. Not to be a worry wart, but I have never known any company let alone the government, to make a total move with no hitches.

I would feel better moving it up or back a week. But that is just me, your mileage may vary.


I agree- he seems to be fine with Oct 27 and 28, I just may have to give him a few extra bucks so he can pay for all of it. Although, at this point- I'd empty my entire savings just to have him here with me smile.gif

Just out of curiousity, where is ciudad juarez moving too? like the consulate is actually moving? so there is going to be a different address? Sorry it is probably a dumb

question. headbonk.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-09-11 17:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (caityrose @ Sep 10 2008, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I tried calling the CDJ embassy- at 1-900-476-1212 but my phone said it is not authorized to make that call. Do I need to add some numbers in front of it??

Anyone called before?

I called there on Saterday, and it cost 45 bucks to talk to someone who only made me more confused and he "couldnt" answer most of my questions b/c "it is different with every situation". My question that he wouldnt answer is if we could use the I-134 affidavit for the interview, i eventually got it out of him and he said no, dont use it, but i've been learning from people posting that is quite helpful, so i pretty much wasted 45 bucks. Your probably better off saving your money and waiting for responces online, its cheaper, and alot more effective. good.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-09-10 17:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (GueraKristina @ Sep 9 2008, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ucla_cutie26 @ Oct 19 2006, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola everyone,

I just thought I would say hi, how cool all of us are petitioning for our fiances from Mexico. I just wanted to add something to this post. We have many similarities: our boyfriends/fiance's are all from Mexico, we are all in the k1 process (some a bit more ahead than others), we are all female (right? at least I think, I'm not sure about E&K). Where are your novios from? Mine is from Jalisco!

Viva Mexico! tongue.gif

E&K, we're the only ones without our NOA2, hopefully they come soon smile.gif

Hey, yah it is nice to finally meet people with boyfriends and fiances from mexico. Mine is from Gualupita, Mexico. Which is about 30 minutes outside of Toluca, or 1 hr 30 min, from mexico city. aka, little town in the middle of no where haha good.gif

Due to the fact that we are all petitioning for our men in mexico, i have some problems and questions.

I am hoping someone can help me with some pretty important questions. My fiance visa was approved. I am dealing with the ciudad juarez consulate. When i called to get

some more information as to why i never got a packed of information, and that only my fiance did, i was told that i did not need a packet of information and that only my

fiance would be filling out the papers that he got in his packet which consist of the CDJ-401 Intend to marry affidavit, and also the DS-156. The guy also told me he had to

get a police report and a medical examination, which i already knew. However, the guy at the ciudad juarez consulate told me that only my fiance would be having an

interview and i wouldn't, he also told me that i WOULD NOT need to do the I-134 affidavit, and that i would just need to submit proof that i can support my fiance. But i

thought that that was what the I-134 was for? The I-134 is an organized form, and because i am going to have co-sponsors for my fiance, i was looking forward to using that

form, whereas, the ciudad juarez consulate completely confused me. If someone could help me understand what is going on that would be great.

P>S Preferably someone that has done the fiance visa through the ciudad juarez consulate would be awesome.

2nd problem,
Just looking ahead and wondering, after my fiance and i get married within the 90 days that he receives and arrives in the united states, we have to apply for the I-485, however when we apply for that, does that mean that he can continue to stay here even after his fiance visa timeline expires? (I am talking about after we are already married, and file for the I-485, does that mean that he can stay here without problems?)

Hopefully someone can relate and help me

I was just told that i need the DS-156, CDJ-401, DS-156k, and Ds-157, all of which can be found on the ciudad juarez website, but i can not find them under the fiance visa

information. I was also informed by another member that i will not be having an interview at all in the united states for my fiance to get the visa, is that true?

Would anyone be kind enough to pretty much lay out anything and everything that i need? PLZZZ!!! helpsmilie.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-09-10 07:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (ucla_cutie26 @ Oct 19 2006, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola everyone,

I just thought I would say hi, how cool all of us are petitioning for our fiances from Mexico. I just wanted to add something to this post. We have many similarities: our boyfriends/fiance's are all from Mexico, we are all in the k1 process (some a bit more ahead than others), we are all female (right? at least I think, I'm not sure about E&K). Where are your novios from? Mine is from Jalisco!

Viva Mexico! tongue.gif

E&K, we're the only ones without our NOA2, hopefully they come soon smile.gif

Hey, yah it is nice to finally meet people with boyfriends and fiances from mexico. Mine is from Gualupita, Mexico. Which is about 30 minutes outside of Toluca, or 1 hr 30 min, from mexico city. aka, little town in the middle of no where haha good.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-09-09 23:01:00
US Citizenship General Discussionrestraining order issue and N 400

Hello, I would like to apply for citizenship but I have a problem. 10 years ago I had a restraining order against me in my home country. It was the lesser type, meaning it wasn't for violence or anything like that. I disputed it and was told that as long as I didn't break it it was nothing. So I didn't break it and nothing went on my record (in my home country restraining orders do not go on your record unless you break them). Now reading some posts I think I should have disclosed this to USCIS. I didn't as I didn't think the restraining order was an issue. I was never arrested, detained or put in jail. I wasn't given an alternative sentence or otherwise. I know on the I-751 in asks "Since becoming a conditional resident, have you ever been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinace (excluding traffic regulations), or
committed any crime for which you were not arrested?. That is a no. When this happened I was told that as long as I don't break it I haven't done anything wrong that it is nothing to worry about. So what should I do? I wasn't trying to hide anything and now I'm think I may have made a mistake. What can I do?

Ok, i am not familiar with your case, but based on what you said, if the restraining order isnt on your record, i am assuming it will be treated like stuff is here when you get in trouble before you are 18. If you get in trouble b4 you are 18, it never goes on your real record, so therefore, no one will find it. I highly doubt that it will come up. If you get a letter or review or something like that, and they ask you to explain the 'confrontation' or 'restraining order', then you can explain that you had completely forgotten about it, and that there is no record of it in your country because you never broke it. If you are honest when or if you have an interview, i think everything will be fine. -Kristina
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2010-02-08 11:39:00
US Citizenship General Discussioni failed the us citizenship interview today
just browsing by and read about seperate bank accounts. My husband and i got approved for his greencard in november, and got it in december, the lady drilled him about why we didnt have a joint bank account, he explained how he doesnt like banks, and how he has had bad experiences with banks in mexico, and she was like well ur not in mexico anymore, you are here, so how do i know that you are contributing to this relationship? She was all but calling him an idiot for not having a bank account, and he kinda just nodded and said she was right. Get a joint bank account!!!! plain and simple, even if you only ever use it to buy groceries, put money in it, and show that money is going in and coming out regularly with a statement/letter from the bank, copy a check book with the numbers whited out of course, with both u and ur hubbies name on it, do whatever u have to do. You may not be able to fix the health insurance and mortgage stuff as easily, but the bank stuff is fixable, and doable, and you should get on it.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2010-02-08 20:31:00
CanadaAOS Approved!!
Congrats, that is great, i hope alfredo gets approved super fast too!!!
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-04-07 20:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAffidavit info
Your link doesnt work on my computer, but S.S does mean social security #, it depends on where it says it. If your filling in intended immigrant information, and it asks for an S.S then, yes it is for the intended immigrant, most do not have 1 unless they have had a visa in the U.S b4, like my husband has, but in our case, he does have 1, and i put that 1 in that space, for co-sponsors, or other general sponsors you would put ur S.S # but that is towards the end of the application.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-03-11 15:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionneed help
you can probably file for removal of conditions by urself as long as the marriage was in good faith. ive heard of other people doing that on the site. Sorry things are going sour. i wish you the best.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-03-19 00:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionfiled I-751 too early?!
Ok, i have come to realize that i filed my husbands papers too early, instead of filing 90 days early, i filed 120 days early..... ooops. I guess i just confused myself and thought it was 6 months ahead of time. Ok, so based on what i read on here with the guides and such that if you file early, they will simply just send you the stuff back...... but based on what i read in a previous post by another person.... the same happened to them, and this is what they recieved back... (we have yet to receive anything back since it arrived on July 22nd).......please see copied and pasted post from 2 other members below..... (if we get the packet back, we can just send it back off right?)

Hello, Everybody!
My permanent residency expires on 04/08/2010. We have gathered all the required documents and sent our I-751 along with payment with money order to USCIS on 01/04/2010. the packege was delivered to vermount service center on the 01/06/2010.
Few days ago we have recieved the entire package back from USCIS along with the payment and everything. They have included the blue cover sheet that says: We are returning your I-751 joint petition and any relating fees as your I-751 joint petition was received prior to the 90 day pediod immediately preceding the second anniversary of the date on which the alien obtained permanent residence".
I guess we have messed up on those dates and sent it too early. Today is 01/18/2010.
If we send it out tomorrow it will be recieved in the right period of time, right?
Also, wanted to get advice from those who have been in that situation. USCIS sent all the papers holepunched for filing and they made notes on the actual I-751 form. also they have stamped the back of the money order already.
Should we just mail them that same package again with their stamps? Or do we have to reprint everything and date it within 90 days before my residency expires? If any one can please give me an advice I will be very thankfull. if we send it back the same way all the documents are dated 01/04/2010. Is ok with USCIS as long as they recieve it whithin90 days?
Thank you very much ahead of time! I will be waiting for your responces.

My guess, it is ok to resend the same documents - they actually spent some time on it so I don't think they mind getting back what they started. All they care about is when they receive the package is the date they receive it is within the 90 day window.

Wait and see if others might provide you with a different answer.

Is the blue sheet you are talking about the only document that reflects the early receipt or is there somewhere else that notes that?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-07-28 10:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionstill waiting
Without knowing more about your case, i would just recommend calling USCIS, after 30 days without receiving any NOAs or touches via the website, you can have them put in a request for action on your case. Good luck.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-09-14 12:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionForm I-751 Denied for my Wife! WTF!?

I photocopy one of my ultrasound pics of the baby and send it to them with all the other things. have you thought about that?

i second this, along with the loads of info and proof that we sent, i also sent a photocopy of my little squeaker on his/her ultrasound along with our supporting photos. We got our biometrics, so we havnt had a chance to be 'interviewed', 'questioned', or 'denied', but if you didnt do that, i would send that, along with maybe letters from maybe your wife's obgyn's stating that she has had 3 miscarriages and that you are actively participating in the appointments, or in the healing process, or maybe if your mom went with her your doctor can vouch for that, ....just ideas.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-09-15 11:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
Card production ordered 6/5/12.!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2012-06-05 10:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
Card production ordered!!!! Got the email, text, and letter all in one day! Congrats to previous approvals, and best wishes to those who are still waiting! Good luck, and hope we have minimal to no more RFEs!!!!
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2012-06-01 12:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
That is awesome! So excited! Finally some movement!!! :thumbs:
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2012-05-16 21:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
surprise surprise....still no movement for those of us who filed with vermont service center......i have a feeling our daughter will be here before her daddy gets his 10 yr green card.....ironic since i started these papers for her father a year after we met.....i was 18, 5 years into it...and we still dont have the 10 yr greencard in hand....but we are fortunate to have gotten this far. Congrats to all those who have been approved.... i will be checking in periodically to see the updates. LETS SEE THOSE VERMONT APPROVALS!
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2012-01-30 22:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
just came by to see how every1 was doing. of course VSC is supppper slow, but then again, why WOULDNT it be the one WE had to use?! :blink: haha, well hopefully we some some approvals soon. Good luck, and just in case im not back in time, merry christmas, happy holidays, and have a happy new year.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-12-15 09:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
alfredo did his biometrics yesterday, in and out in 10 minutes. now we wait!...again
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-10-04 12:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
finally!!!! received our biometrics letter today, apt scheduled for Oct. 3rd, philly office, does anybody know if they take walk ins since i have classes all day on mondays.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-09-09 12:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
still no biometrics letter yet. Just an unhappy update.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-09-07 12:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
im getting a little anxious that our bio apt letter hasnt come yet. Due to the hurricane or something crazy everyone in my area has been getting the wrong mail, i got letters that were NOT addressed to me or my husband and in fact from states like MO, ####### is that stuff doing in MY mailbox? I just hope that they dont send our bio letter to someone else! What if they arent as curtious as me and they dont put it back in the mail box?! ~*~think positive thoughts*~* :unsure:
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-09-02 09:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
ty! yeah we might go back to mexico on our early month long trip, but i will be around 7 months pregnant so we will have to see. But i just wanted to try to avoid problems and back up as far as having to explain and show all this stuff that could cause us to miss our flight or something, b/c sometimes leaving mexico bound for the U.S can be a little difficult and time consuming, whereas entering into the U.S is ALOT easier.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-08-24 12:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
Question: The NOA1 says 'Your conditional residence status is extended for a period of one year. During the one-year extension you are authorized employment and travel. Soooo hypothetically speaking if my husband and i go to mexico this december, and his green card has already 'expired' and his papers are still being processed, should he just take this NOA1 with him? will they really let him back into the US with just this sheet and an expired greencard even tho these papers are being processed?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-08-24 11:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
California Service Center (16 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
KELAH AND RAMIRO.....08/02/11........08/04/11.......09/06/11........--/--/--....
JILL R...............08/02/11........--/--/11.......--/--/11........--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center (16 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
KIRSTEN UK...........08/01/11........08/05/11.......--/--/11........--/--/--....
ALOE.................08/03/11........08/05/11.......09/02/11........--/--/--.... (Early Bio 08/19)
SCOTT S..............08/04/11........08/05/11.......09/01/11........--/--/--.... (Early Bio 08/18)
CHADLAURE............08/13/11........08/15/11.......09/08/11........--/--/--.... (Early Bio 08/23)
SHAUN COLE...........08/17/11........--/--/11.......--/--/11........--/--/--....

(added my stuff under our service center), ty
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-08-24 08:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
Sent ours August 17th, received August 18th, and got out first NOA1 August 22nd, ....the only problem so far is the receipt number for our case doesnt work in the system, says it doesnt exist, anybody else having this problem? i think i might have had this problem in the past but it goes away with some time, it registers in the system and i can add it to my portfolio.

Question: The NOA1 says 'Your conditional residence status is extended for a period of one year. During the one-year extension you are authorized employment and travel. Soooo hypothetically speaking if my husband and i go to mexico this december, and his green card has already 'expired' and his papers are still being processed, should he just take this NOA1 with him? will they really let him back into the US with just this sheet and an expired greencard even tho these papers are being processed?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-08-24 08:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 July 2011 Filers
ugh, i just came to realize after reading the first two posts that i think i filed too early......i read in the guides here what they will do if you file early....just send the stuff back b/c its too early......but i hope they send everything back! money and pictures and the whole packet...... then i will just hold onto it to send it again when it is time....i guess i confused myself and thought that it was 6 months before it expired you could send the packet off... i feel like i just got punched in the gut....or maybe thats just the morning sickness...
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2011-07-28 10:09:00
Philippinesaffidavit of support
Wow, im not sure. I know that co-sponsors help. But the whole point of the affidavt of support is so the intending immigrant does not become a public charge. If the USC is a public charge, there is a good change that the intending immigrant may be as well. Does the intending immigrant have any proof that they can get a job here? i know that my husband has had h2b visas here in the past, and i included that with all my affidavit of support, along with my information and my co-sponsors. I think if the co-sponsors make enough say, for themselves, (their dependents) and the intending immigrant, check the 125% above poverty level chart, then i think you should be fine. just look at how much the co-sponsor makes/owns and look at how many people they have as dependents and also the intending immigrant. if they make 125% above the poverty line, i think you have a better chance, but im not sure. Any body else have imput?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-03-03 23:43:00
PhilippinesFavorite Dessert
i dont know what u said at the bottom, but it sounds yummy. Im not a big fan of fruit cocktail, blech, put with all the other stuff, it might just hide the weird taste. I just might have to try it. although i dont know where to get the Kaong, or the nata,
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-03-26 18:48:00
PhilippinesPlease give me dos and donts when wife arrives from Manila
ALthough my husband came from mexico, and it was not his first time here, i still wanted to make him feel super special and very loved. I know every woman likes to be spoiled, so bring on the flowers baby. I dont know much about her phil. culture, and i am not saying that you will have time to do all of this because i am sure you will be working, but you can take her out, take her for walks, sight seeing, show her the best of the US, show her why you live here, and what makes this country sooooo special to you.... and how she has made your life complete. Shower her with lots of love because she will not have her family here. If you think she may get lonely and miss the language or people from the phil. maybe you can find some other phil. ladies who can befriend your wife. I am not sure if your area is very diverse, but its always worth a try for your woman.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-03-31 09:07:00
PhilippinesDocuments to have when travelling with a conditional green card?
I think that is fine. When you travel and have since changed your name, but your passport still has your old one, just take marriage certificate or w/e reason as to 'why' you changed your name, if you had your name changed on your SS card or something, that could help, license, but marriage certificate is the 'why' your name was changed, You should be absolutely fine. After all, for people who get married and still have time on their passport 'validation', what is the sense in paying for a new 1 when you dont have to. Marriage certificate is fine.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-06-16 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2009 K1 Filer
Buena suerte!!!
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-03-03 23:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this discrimination?
QUOTE (ahmkri @ Mar 12 2009, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband has been working as an assistant mgr. at a restaurant. He has a business degree from egypt. He is the assistant manager and the manager is a catholic mexican who is manager bc of his 4 yrs of experience, no education. My family has a get together on the saturday april 11 for easter with the young cousins where they hunt eggs. I am christian my husband is not sure of his religion although he has a muslim sounding name. So i asked my husband to take the april 11 off for the easter with family. He just called me on the phone and said his manager said that HE needs the 2 weekend sat/sunday off because he is christian. Is this right? My husband asked more than a month in advance and hasnt taken a sick day yet. He also closes 6 days a week so THIS manager can see his family at night. There are ppl above this manager and I need to know what other ppl think ?

Maybe the manager didnt mean it to sound like that. Im not trying to make excuses for him, just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt b/c my husband is mexican, and sometimes he tries to say things how he would in spanish but in english but he doesnt understand that it can come off rude. Maybe the manager is chicano (mexican blood, but U.S born), and maybe he wanted it to come off like that. However, i do think that the manager is probably using his position and power to boss other people including ur hubby around. That is just my impression from the little bit you told me though.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-03-12 14:36:00