United KingdomExtending NOA2 Approval Deadline
Here's the email that we sent to the US Embassy in London:

Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 2:06 PM
To: London, Consular
Subject: Telephone call reference:- CIU282

Dear Sir/Madam

Case Number: ############

Further to my telephone call to your helpline this afternnoon, I would be grateful if you could confirm the discussion. My Fiance and I have received our I-797 Notice of Action which is dated 27th February 2007. It states that this approval is valid until 25th June 2007.

We would like to extend this deadline and believe we can do so for up to 4 months. The process for this is for my fiance to write to the Immigrant Visa Branch in Grosvenor Square to request an extension in timeline and to once again pledge that we will marry within 90 day of my arrival in the US.

I gained the impression that this extention is usually granted as a matter of course providing we follow the above procedure. Is this correct?

Thank you

And the reply from the embassy...only took two weeks for them to reply! I think that they meant United States at the end...She will take this communication to her interview just in case:

From: "London, Consular" <>
Subject: RE: Telephone call reference:- CIU282
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 09:16:05 +0100

The information you have been provided is correct. All that is required is a notarized statement from your fiancé of his intention to marry you within 90 days of your arrival in the United Kingdom.


Consular Information Unit

Edited by Matt and Sarah, 23 May 2007 - 03:47 PM.

Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-05-23 15:46:00
United KingdomExtending NOA2 Approval Deadline
That's a good idea, I'll tell her to send it back then. She sent off for it about two weeks ago.

Also, I found another thread from February where FWAGUY answers the question somewhat:
The petition has a 4 mos. validity date from the date of approval (NOA2)... why I do not know but it does.... Typically the consulate extends the petition automatically if it is actively "in process" but the question is, do you want to take the chance or make an inquiry with a request.

I decided not to take that chance and sent in a notarized letter asking for the extention and re-confirming that we will marry within 90 days of entry into the US.

So I'll let everyone know what my experience is in detail in case this issue comes up again. It seems to me that it would be hard to get in under the deadline anyway unless you really stay a step ahead of the game so I'm not too worried.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-05-23 15:32:00
United KingdomExtending NOA2 Approval Deadline
Our NOA2 approval is up June 25th and we're still waiting on our Police Certificate before we can send in the Packet 3 checklist. Sarah will be here for a visit in Dallas June 7-22, so hopefully we will get everything sent off in time to get Packet 4 before she visits. Yes, we are a little slow due to buys work schedules right now.

Sarah called the US embassy in London and asked what their policy was, and they said that it was no problem that the approval can be extended for up to 4 months.

We then emailed the US embassy asking for confirmation and they said that yes this was common and just to send a letter requesting extention and that we still intended to marry within 90 days of her entering the US. So I Fedex'd a notarized letter to the embassy. And yes, you read that correctly, the embassy DID reply to our email...although it took about two weeks :blink:

Now, my question is this - has anbody else asked for an extension? If so, what was your did they notify you and how long did it take? I just want to cover my bases so we don't have to start all over again.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-05-23 15:17:00
United KingdomCalls from US to UK mobiles
If you are calling mobile to mobile, I'm on Cingular and on some sort of "world" plan that is around 10 cents per minute, and it's cut my cell phone bill down to about $150/month...we were ringing up $400-$500/mo cell phone bills, and that's also with using Skype! We're just too much on on the go and need to use our cells to talk alot....but Cingular is decently cheap considering...

Also, when she's here in the states, she has a Cingular Go Phone. I just put $20 on it when she comes and I get a new phone number for costs $1/day on days when you use it and we get free mobile-to-mobile so if we are apart and I need to talk to her, it works out to be pretty cheap.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-05-23 14:50:00
United KingdomPostal Strike

This is correct! Don't waste your money calling the US Embassy in London. Call the State Department in the US...we just did it this morning, here are the details on how to get through the recorded menus:

Call (202) 663-1225
Press "1"
Press "0" for a Visa Specialist (of course they don't bother to tell you this on the menu)

Our wait time was about 15 minutes. It will either tell you to hold on the line, or hang up and try again.

Give your case number (LND....)
Give your fiance's name
Give your name

They can tell you the status, what day the last packet was sent and what the interview date is...We just found out that the final packet 4 was sent TODAY! Sarah sent off packet 3 on September 4th-ish so it took a little over a month. Her interview is scheduled for November 1st! We were jumping up and down happy! good.gif
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-09 09:12:00
United KingdomPostal Strike
QUOTE (helwardman @ Oct 5 2007, 07:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello again,

I'm waiting for Packet 4 to be delivered and I'm a bit concerned that the impending series of postal strikes may have an affect on when I receive it. On the checklist that I returned from Packet 3, they asked for an email address for me. What are the chances that the Embassy might email people to tell them their interview date to try and beat the inevitable postal backlog?

We have the same problem! My fiance sent off packet 3 back to the embassy about 4 weeks ago and we still haven't received packet 4. We'll try to call them on Monday, bu should we also email the embassy? We don't want to get on their "email" bad side by bugging them too much, their message says to be patient, and we also know from previous communication that it takes 2 weeks for them to email you back. Anybody else with this problem? What have you done?
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-05 15:02:00
United KingdomWait time between Packet 3 sent and Packet 4 received from London Embassy
I put this up in another thread for Postal Service Delays, but here's more info if you are getting worried about the strikes...


Don't waste your money calling the US Embassy in London. Call the State Department in the's free, other than the long distance charges...we just did it this morning, here are the details on how to get through the recorded menus:

Call (202) 663-1225
Press "1"
Press "0" for a Visa Specialist (of course they don't bother to tell you this on the menu)

Our wait time was about 15 minutes. It will either tell you to hold on the line, or hang up and try again.

Give your case number (LND....)
Give your fiance's name
Give your name

They can tell you the status, what day the last packet was sent and what the interview date is...We just found out that the final packet 4 was sent TODAY! Sarah sent off packet 3 on September 4th-ish so it took a little over a month. Her interview is scheduled for November 1st! We were jumping up and down happy!
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-09 10:08:00
United KingdomWait time between Packet 3 sent and Packet 4 received from London Embassy
QUOTE (freecake @ Oct 7 2007, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yep we've been waiting over three weeks now. !!!! ahhh!!!

Ok, good to know, we asked that our interview date be around mid-November so I'm thinking she should get packet 4 any day now. We are going to call the US Embassy today just to confirm everything, will let ya'll know what they say about what's happening with the mail.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-09 07:40:00
United KingdomWait time between Packet 3 sent and Packet 4 received from London Embassy
We are applying for a K1 Visa, my fiance sent in Packet 3 around September 3rd. It's been a month now and she hasn't received packet 4. We are going to call them on Monday. Has anybody had to wait this long before?

One thing that might complicate it, we extended our NVS approval with the embassy due to a medical issue, and told them in two separate letters sent that she would like her interview sometime mid-November. Would they hold packet 4 and send it closer to a mid-November interview time requested? Just curious what others have experienced, we're a bit nervous now. It seems that everyone typically gets their Packet 4 two weeks after sending in Packet 3 and the interview date is a month away...
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-05 15:37:00
United KingdomVisa In-Hand
Great, thanks, just wanted to clarify.

Someone at my mom's office who is married to someone from the UK who came over on a K1 visa said that it took him over 100 days to get his Visa from the time of his interview. I told my mom to tell her that she was wrong that it only takes a few days. She said "well, my husband doesn't lie" and I told her that I think she just mis-understood and that he meant it took over 100 days from the time he was approved to the date of his entry, anyway if she was involved in the process she should know better.

Edited by Matt and Sarah, 22 October 2007 - 11:19 PM.

Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-22 23:18:00
United KingdomVisa In-Hand
Question for all of you who have just been through approved interviews at the London US Embassy for a K-1...

You give them your passport the day of your interview and they take it up, correct? I understand that you will find out if you are approved on the spot, but do they give you your visa there, or does it come by mail later? How long does that take?
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-22 22:48:00
United KingdomInterview tomorrow in London!
Paulinespens I don't know if she saw the band there or not. She was one of the first ones in so it was quick and painless. I'll ask her though. She did talk to a girl who had lived in American for 30 years without a US passport/visa (woops!), didn't even have a British accent, and they stopped her and wouldn't let her board back to America! Better late than never I guess....

She got the passport with the pretty Visa sticker on it today, she was excited that it had George Washington on it and it looked "so official!" hehe. So the timing was pretty quick, two business days is all.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-11-06 00:01:00
United KingdomInterview tomorrow in London!
PASSED! It only took 1.5 hours, she breezed through! Second one in the que and they only asked her a few questions, easy!
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-11-01 05:12:00
United KingdomInterview tomorrow in London!
Sarah has her interview in the morning at 8:00 at the US embassy in London! Good luck to everyone else this week with interview times.

Attached Files

Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-31 20:42:00
United KingdomShipping ?
What about furniture?
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-22 23:29:00
United KingdomA few post-approval questions.....
When are you going to Newark? Sarah's POE will be there as well before she connects to Dallas. It will be sometime in March or April for her, we have to sell her house first.

I'd love to hear how it goes.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-11-05 02:17:00
United KingdomQuestions at London Embassy
Sarah was asked these few questions, took all of 5 minutes:

1. How, where, when did you meet your fiance?
2. When was the next time you saw him?
3. Has he been to Engand?
4. What do your parents think about you moving to America?

Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-11-15 22:30:00
United KingdomIs a lawyer worth the money
I don't think anyone here is down on lawyers or think they are "bad" (although I do get a kick out of ya'll calling them Solicitors smile.gif, that's not what we said. We just were saying that in many cases they are unnecessary. Our case is very cut-and-dry easy, so I'd rather save the $800 for a plane ticket.

My brother used a lawyer to bring his wife from Colombia, and he basically paid a lawyer to have his assistant organize papers (which he still had to take the time to gather information for) and file them. Not worth the cost.

That said, if you have a more difficult case, or are having problems getting it done yourself, then by all means have a consultation...I'm sure there are many people here who can give you a good referral for one in the US. Good luck.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-11-15 22:25:00
United KingdomIs a lawyer worth the money
This website is far better than any lawyer...they are basically charging you big money to file your paper work for you...of which you still have to get organized yourself anyway. Unless your case is going to be pretty complicated, you can get all the guidance you need right here in my opinion. And if it gets sticky, you can always call your local congressman to prod the process along.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-31 20:26:00
United KingdomExporting our dog to america
Wow, that seems pretty expensive...Sarah will fly Continental from Birmingham to Newark to Dallas, and I don't recall it being near that much when we talked with them, and she's bringing TWO Labs. Enyone else chime in on rates?

Here's Continental's pet travel info for those flying Continental: http://www.continent...mals/rates.aspx
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-11-15 08:16:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Sarah has her interview November 1. Just got her packet 4 in the mail last Friday (10/19), glad we called the State Department in the US a few weeks ago. Sending a big Tootle Pip to the Royal Mail strike mad.gif
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-10-22 22:32:00
United KingdomGetting out of Mortgage pre-payment pentalty
Yea I'm not expecting any miracles either since it is a contractual obligation, but I'll at least try....
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2008-01-16 13:16:00
United KingdomGetting out of Mortgage pre-payment pentalty
Thanks. I've talked with a guy at my mom's real estate company who is from England, and he said there is a way out of it and he's trying to find out how...I'll post it if I get any answers.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2008-01-16 12:57:00
United KingdomGetting out of Mortgage pre-payment pentalty
My fiance is all set to come to Texas from England on April 25th. We have a buyer for her house (assuming the chain doesn't fall through!) but there is a pre-payment penalty on her current mortage if you pay it off in less than 5 years (she's three years into it). Has anyone had to deal with this and is there any way out of that pre-payment penalty?


Matt and SarahMaleEngland2008-01-16 12:38:00
United KingdomEasier for Brits to adjust?
QUOTE (Lou Lou @ Jan 2 2008, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (devilette @ Jan 2 2008, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Matt and Sarah @ Jan 2 2008, 06:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, this is my perspective as an American whose fiance is moving to Texas in April. FYI, I'm currently in England for the holidays so we have both experienced each other's worlds to a good extent.

What I think you will like:

Everything in America is 1/2 price! (and you make about the same average wages). Sarah loves getting her hair and nails done twice as much. Gym memberships, cars, houses, restaurants, even Starbucks are much cheaper.

Everything is convenient - more brands to choose from at the supermarket (many have "international" aisles with British brands as well), you don't even have to get out of your car for the pharmacy, bank, dry cleaning and a coffee.

It's sunny most of the time, puts you in a all-around good mood

Our cars are automatic mostly, one less thing for you to worry about while you are learning how to drive on the wrong side of the road!

Service - you will get water, chips and salsa or bread as soon as you sit down at your table in a restaurant. They will keep coming back and ask if you want more tea/water/soda. Your check comes promptly. Why? Because they are working for mostly tips, more incentive to be attentive to you, and get you on your way for the next customers smile.gif

Space - since we have a lot more of it, houses are bigger, rooms are bigger, cars are bigger, roads are wider, everything is more spread out

You will be fascinated a little things, like white picket fences, school buses, American trucks (lorries), cheerleaders, traffic signs, learning our slang (your bonnet and boot or our hood and trunk)

What you won't like:

You and your accent will be a novelty to everyone you meet, sometimes they will patronize you...."what do you mean you don't have BASEBALL in England? EVERYONE has baseball!" Americans like to assume that you have everything we have.

It can get HOT. I mean unimaginably HOT in the summer, depending on where you are at.

It's going to piss you off that frequently Americans think that we are the best at everthing and rule the world although most Americans don't even know where Phoenix, Arizona is.

Lack of national health service (insurance is all privatized in the US but most employers offer insurance as a perk of employment)

You may feel starved of heritage and ancient history like 1,000 year old cathedrals. We think that anything that is 100+ years old is really, really old

Apart from that, she feels that everything is really a plus and is very much looking forward to her April journey to Dallas and our June 7 wedding!

Most of what you said is true, for non metro areas. Things are not half price in NYC, LA, Chicago or other metro areas. Nor can you drive thru places. It's only sunny all the time in Southern areas.

I'm curious how she will feel about all of that after living here for a year. It's very different.

I agree. I was raising my eyebrows at the list of 'likes' cos in fact hardly any of it is true where I live in VT, and quite frankly I'm relieved about that too. tongue.gif

I'm sorry, let me edit for those in NYC and Northeast -

Everything in NYC is overpriced...$8 for a beer?
Traffic is a nighmare, can't get anywhere, even at midnight
Bring your umbrella
Service at, what service? By the way, nobody is REALLY a waiter/waitress, they are all actors
Space - no space, there's 10 million people on a tiny little island paying $2,000/mo rent for a 400 square foot closet apartment
You will be fascinated by the little things, like the lovely aroma of trash day (everyday), jack hammers at 3am, taxis honking at 4am, nobody saying "sorry" or "excuse me"

Yep, you're right. None of my pluses are your pluses. My bad.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2008-01-16 13:48:00
United KingdomEasier for Brits to adjust?
Hi, this is my perspective as an American whose fiance is moving to Texas in April. FYI, I'm currently in England for the holidays so we have both experienced each other's worlds to a good extent.

What I think you will like:

Everything in America is 1/2 price! (and you make about the same average wages). Sarah loves getting her hair and nails done twice as much. Gym memberships, cars, houses, restaurants, even Starbucks are much cheaper.

Everything is convenient - more brands to choose from at the supermarket (many have "international" aisles with British brands as well), you don't even have to get out of your car for the pharmacy, bank, dry cleaning and a coffee.

It's sunny most of the time, puts you in a all-around good mood

Our cars are automatic mostly, one less thing for you to worry about while you are learning how to drive on the wrong side of the road!

Service - you will get water, chips and salsa or bread as soon as you sit down at your table in a restaurant. They will keep coming back and ask if you want more tea/water/soda. Your check comes promptly. Why? Because they are working for mostly tips, more incentive to be attentive to you, and get you on your way for the next customers smile.gif

Space - since we have a lot more of it, houses are bigger, rooms are bigger, cars are bigger, roads are wider, everything is more spread out

You will be fascinated a little things, like white picket fences, school buses, American trucks (lorries), cheerleaders, traffic signs, learning our slang (your bonnet and boot or our hood and trunk)

What you won't like:

You and your accent will be a novelty to everyone you meet, sometimes they will patronize you...."what do you mean you don't have BASEBALL in England? EVERYONE has baseball!" Americans like to assume that you have everything we have.

It can get HOT. I mean unimaginably HOT in the summer, depending on where you are at.

It's going to piss you off that frequently Americans think that we are the best at everthing and rule the world although most Americans don't even know where Phoenix, Arizona is.

Lack of national health service (insurance is all privatized in the US but most employers offer insurance as a perk of employment)

You may feel starved of heritage and ancient history like 1,000 year old cathedrals. We think that anything that is 100+ years old is really, really old

Apart from that, she feels that everything is really a plus and is very much looking forward to her April journey to Dallas and our June 7 wedding!

Hi, this is my perspective as an American whose fiance is moving to Texas in April. FYI, I'm currently in England for the holidays so we have both experienced each other's worlds to a good extent.

What I think you will like:

Everything in America is 1/2 price! (and you make about the same average wages). Sarah loves getting her hair and nails done twice as much. Gym memberships, cars, houses, restaurants, even Starbucks are much cheaper.

Everything is convenient - more brands to choose from at the supermarket (many have "international" aisles with British brands as well), you don't even have to get out of your car for the pharmacy, bank, dry cleaning and a coffee.

It's sunny most of the time, puts you in a all-around good mood

Our cars are automatic mostly, one less thing for you to worry about while you are learning how to drive on the wrong side of the road!

Service - you will get water, chips and salsa or bread as soon as you sit down at your table in a restaurant. They will keep coming back and ask if you want more tea/water/soda. Your check comes promptly. Why? Because they are working for mostly tips, more incentive to be attentive to you, and get you on your way for the next customers smile.gif

Space - since we have a lot more of it, houses are bigger, rooms are bigger, cars are bigger, roads are wider, everything is more spread out

You will be fascinated a little things, like white picket fences, school buses, American trucks (lorries), cheerleaders, traffic signs, learning our slang (your bonnet and boot or our hood and trunk)

What you won't like:

You and your accent will be a novelty to everyone you meet, sometimes they will patronize you...."what do you mean you don't have BASEBALL in England? EVERYONE has baseball!" Americans like to assume that you have everything we have.

It can get HOT. I mean unimaginably HOT in the summer, depending on where you are at.

It's going to piss you off that frequently Americans think that we are the best at everthing and rule the world although most Americans don't even know where Phoenix, Arizona is.

Lack of national health service (insurance is all privatized in the US but most employers offer insurance as a perk of employment)

You may feel starved of heritage and ancient history like 1,000 year old cathedrals. We think that anything that is 100+ years old is really, really old

Apart from that, she feels that everything is really a plus and is very much looking forward to her April journey to Dallas and our June 7 wedding!
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2008-01-02 09:51:00
United KingdomCheap Airline Tickets Heathrow to JFK in Late June
Well, yes for this time of year. But is seems that I can travel to the UK for about 1/2 as much as it costs her to come here.

A Brit here in Dallas told me to seach on think that's correct. He said he books all of his flights back and forth England/Dallas on this website. I checked it out and it doesn't look any cheaper to me, but give it a try.

We also found out if you play with the days you are traveling, it makes a BIG difference in fare price. She's coming in on a Thursday and leaving on a Friday morning. Stay away from Sat/Sun travel.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-05-23 15:53:00
United KingdomCheap Airline Tickets Heathrow to JFK in Late June
Sarah's coming to Dallas for two weeks in June before she goes back to do her interview. The cheapest we could find for Birmingham-->Newark-->Dallas was on Continental for about $1,000 US. Not cheap in the summer!
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-05-23 15:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy - Process Tmes - Need help
This is all good to hear! I'm sending off my I-134 and support info to my fiance in England tomorrow, and she's working on packet three as we speak. Didn't realize that it's going to cost $400 for a fracking medical exam!

Here's my question: How long did it take for you to get a police certificate? We just read 40 days on the embassy packet and our eyeballs popped out. Is that true?

Good luck and let me know how it goes...I'm a step or two behind you.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-04-29 14:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Affidavits and pictures
I had the same two people who sent affedavits the first time do them again to validate our continuing relationship. I sent it two pages of photos, printed in color, with headlines and dates on them as well. I sent in a lot less this time because I'm pretty sure I over-did it before.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2010-11-05 16:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJust curious
From Vermont Service Center (we are in Dallas), we received our first NOA for submitting the package on 06/21/10. We received the NOA for biometrics appointment 10/8/10, so it took about 14 weeks. The biometrics appt. was 4 weeks later, then we received Sarah's Green Card in the mail yesterday 12/2/10 (surprise!!! no interview or letter!)
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2010-12-03 11:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTravel between conditial green card and removing conditions
Agreed, travel agent is wrong, just make sure you have both the expired card and extension letter in hand. In fact, make a few extra copies for safe keeping and take one copy with you as a back-up.

We've done it as well, no problems going to the UK and back.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2010-11-05 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember filers....
One more question...did anyone file at Texas Service Center? When I got my NOA1 notice, at the bottom, it said California Service Center?? Does the TSC forward I-129F's to CSC? I noticed on the TSC website they don't even have I-129F up on process times. If that's the case, I wish that they had told us to send it to to California in the first place...I was wondering why it took them 13 days to notify me when all I had to do was send it cross-town in Dallas.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-01-31 00:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember filers....
12-06 here as well! So if they are working on October and November filers, why does the Govt. website say that they are still working on July? Not that I'm paying attention to that :P

It's been tough on the waiting with my birthday, her birthday, our "anniversary" of meeting, and upcoming Valentine's day all hitting several weeks apart! It looks like 3 months seems to be avg. now? That would put us around March 12 so I'm not getting my hopes up for another month.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-01-30 23:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNEXT STEP IN K1 PROCESS AFTER ARRIVED
(1) Get SS#
(2) Get certified copy of your marriage certificate
(3) Get 6 passport-style photographs of your immigrant spouse (2" x 2" you can get them at Kinko's) within 30 days of sending off your packet
(4) Get money together - $1010
(5) Download forms and instructions needed and begin to fill out as best you can

follow the AOS guide:;page=k1k3aos

and ask questions if you get stuck
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2008-07-11 15:27:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions please someone give me some replies
Getting touches is usually a good thing - somebody is actively reviewing your paperwork. I would hope that you receive some sort of notice by email or in the mail soon.

Good luck and be patient!
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2008-08-26 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!!!
Congratulations! I can't wait for that email! Not expecting it for another 6 weeks though...the waiting is terrible. I hope the hard part is over for you now - smooth sailiing to K1 now :)
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-01-30 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTiming of e-mail

Mine came in the evening, maybe around 9 or so. Several weeks after my NOA2.

Heishe - good luck with your interview tomorrow! Let us know how it goes and also what questions they are asking in London!
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-02-11 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures11-30 Filers getting NOA2s!!!
Hey December filers, check the timelines! There are few filers now as late as November 30 from California Service Center (sorry Vermont Service Center peeps, no compassion for you ;) that received their NOA2's on 2/15!! There are still some November filers waiting so good luck guys, but I'm very excited that December issues are just around the corner, maybe even this week!

Oh, I was able to see my fiance for Valentine's Day...only for a day but it was wonderful after a three month span of not seeing each other. I'll get to see her again next weekend!!

Make sure to update your timelines and let us know your good NOA2 news, inquiring December-filing minds want to know!

Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-02-18 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresParanoia sets in . . .

Looks fine to me. Boarding passes are always good and the most accepted form. Passport stamps are really good too.

Remember to write below or on the back of the photo the date and location of each of your photos. I just printed color copies on regular paper from my computer and wrote that info below each photo.

Also, I typed up an affedavit from a friend and had him sign it and date it, attesting that he was present when we first met in Mexico and also saw us together on subsequent specific dates and times in the USA for further proof of our meeting in person.

I haven't received an RFE, but if I did, I'd probably go a bit overboard just so I don't hold the process up any longer and leave now doubt in the reviewer's mind.

Hope this helps.
Matt and SarahMaleEngland2007-02-20 13:52:00