Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

Is your lawyer a CO, or ever been one? Then, yes, his opinion matters, but not so, and more importantly, he can be wrong.... I won't get started on "immigration lawyers" who end up further screwing up petitioners or slowing things down. In fact I don't understand why people hire lawyers for easy cases in easy consulates, but many feel a sense of security with a lawyer.

NO my lawyer has never been a "CO" to my knowledge. Has a "CO" ever been put through the ringer like this process does to people? I doubt it. Has a "CO" EVER walked in the common man's shoes and had to endure and suffer the dealings with the US Government, not likely. Is there any real benefit for the "system" to work like this, not really because it is corrupt, fallible, inefficient, time and money wasting. It gives the rights of POWER over everyday taxpayers/people to those who are severely handicapped by either personally deficiencies and have "power egos" like many police officers when given the power. It is ABUSED and it is a WASTE of the TAXPAYER'S money from the bottom to the top and from side to side. I'd enjoy standing toe to toe or sitting eye ball to eye ball on "even ground" with some of these SOB's that think they are so smart and doing such a great job "serving America". All they do is perpetuate their jobs and careers. Generation after generation. :blink:

Don't hand me all this ####### about how dedicated these State Department people are if they conduct business and their jobs this way. Just because something is done a certain dysfunctional way or something is "legal" DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT. That is the whole problem, no one "thinks differently and more efficiently", they just fall in line and perpetuate the clusterf**k. Then they can climb the ladder in government service, get promotions, perks, benefits and privileges the everday taxpayer has never imagined. And they get "connections" within the power matrix of the US Government for conforming. It was the same with Roman bureaucrats, so just keep on keeping on. The "High and Almighty US Government Official" is a buffoon to the American public. What's that famous line? "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you". Right............... :angry:

And for anyone going through this gauntlet, I am very sorry it happened to you. I would not wish this on anyone. But to those of you who want to compare your situation with mine, bear in mind one thing. My fiance is from Ukraine, NOT a known nation with a population that is anti American, supportive of terrorist activity or a place where terrorists hide and originate from. And it is a nation with some cultural, spritual and friendly ties to the United States. Doesn't matter what anyone says, THOSE FACTS MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE PERCEPTION an immigrant faces when they file a petition. :o

My fiance arrives on March 22. The idiots did not even realize at first they had her Ukraine Passport because they emailed me in the US to contact her in Ukraine to send them her Ukraine passport. DUH! :o I do not feel one damned bit less angry about this BS. I will move on, but I will make my complaints in the appropriate places and agencies. I would not ask the American Embassy in Kiev for one damned thing, I'm better off with my family helping me when I am there if I ever have trouble. No doubt about it. In Ukraine at least you know what you going to get for your money, in America you don't get your money's worth. :bonk:

Attached Files

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-03-19 23:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv
I have asked my Congressional Office to contact their State Department liason to call these idiots in Kyiv to get this matter straightened out before it becomes a major clusterf**k. I am afraid that it might do just that thanks to their "professional" handling of their job duties as State Department Employees. Not many people are born like that, they have to be made that way by some process.

Edited by Katiedog, 13 March 2012 - 12:40 AM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-03-13 00:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv
Here is the latest update in our situation. Marina received a call from the Embassy on Thursday last week telling her that her Visa will be issued this week (March 12-17) and that she should be expecting to receive it as well. Of course it was a big relief and good news but since we still do not have it in our hands and all the paperwork that she will need to enter the USA, I am reserving a celebration until that happens. I do not trust this bunch of people (if you can call them that) any more than I could make a phone call direct to the officer handling the situation in the first place.

On February 29, about three or four days after my Congressman's office inquired with the Embassy getting a "Not Ready Response", I emailed the Embassy making an inquiry. I received no reply and on March 7 I made ANOTHER inquiry by email. Here it is March 12 and they finally answer that they need her passport to finish processing the Visa for her. Of course since they have had her International Ukraine Passport since November 16, 2011 has not even occurred to them I guess. They are really "on the ball" so to speak.

So I wrote back in an email reply that they had the passport they were asking me (in America) to get from her (in Ukraine) to send to them (in Ukraine). Great logistics, really outstanding and efficient handling of the matter. Especially since they have the passport in their own hands if they have not lost it.

I told them it might be more efficient to contact Marina direct by phone in Ukraine to get the passport they want if the one they have is not the one they require. We shall see.

These people need a good dose of what it is like to sit on our side of the equation. A bucketful of reality dumped on their heads. Bunch of Sorry SOB's. :yes:

I really do not care if my opinion offends some of the readers of this post because this situation is NOT RIGHT. This way of handling things is NOT RIGHT. It is legally abusing a privilege given to them for the efficient performance of their duties which obviously they do not do very well. I don't give a damn how much preparation, training and sacrifice these people go through to get a job like that, they abuse the people they serve with an omniscient God-like attitude and it is not supposed to be that way. "protecting America" BS. Same as the lawyers, courts and "justice" system "protecting our rights and freedom" while they rob us and use us to feed the legal machinery of the country.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-03-12 11:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

I think those who have to go through AP should get a red frame around their picture here or some other badge to show the pangs they had to endure.

All I want is a valid Visa that will bring her here to the USA ASAP. We have a lot of things to do even after that, so the longer we wait, the longer it will take. Longer it will take to bring her daughter here so that she can possibly begin school here at the start of a semester instead in mid term. I have to keep in mind that the philosophy of how I conduct my life based on "The Golden Rule" has absolutely NO bearing whatsoever on these people. I hope what goes around comes around sooner or later.

I loved the Kyiv Embassy review of one forum member who recently got on the spot approval. He complained he was mistreated by waiting too long in the cold, was treated with a fair amount of rudeness on the part of the Consul Officer and felt as an American Citizen he deserved at least a little respect. I agree with that completely from the bottom of my heart, but I wrote him and told him he was one of the fortunate ones. He needed to read this thread for a reality check of what can happen.

Edited by Katiedog, 04 February 2012 - 12:48 AM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-04 00:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv
Thank you very much for commenting in this thread AmyWrites. Of course your inside viewpoint is of particular value along with several others (Robert/Karen for one) who know what is looks like from the Consulate Side. For everyone who has contributed I am grateful for your input. I look at the situation soberly but I still get angry about it happening when all was rolling along as quickly and smoothly as it can in the process. It is my private life, my personal life and my time which is valuable to me that is most effected. I also see my loved ones affected and that is a flashpoint for me.

Everyone in the US sees the flaunting of Government red tape, excess, waste, corruption and most all the other sins our Maker warns us about committing. And as time passes the Government becomes more invasive into our private and very personal lives. Everyone resents it but it seems it takes a very long time for anything positive to change for the private citizen, except the things that spread the powers of the Government to reach deeper and further into our lives. The harsh reality is that the US Government with its power and money can do virtually anything it wants with a private citizen. It can do it legally, bending the law, making up law, smoke and mirrors of legality, manipulation of the law or just plain breaking it to achieve their agenda or goals. That is the reality of the cat watching the mouse these days we live in.

As for myself, I love America, but there are some things that I do not like that I believe need change. There are some things that will have to change sooner or later. Plus I have lived long enough and been through enough experiences to have little patience with another Government excess, mistake, policy, power, legal power or something else that will reach even deeper into my personal life or that I will be forced to deal with. This comes to a person as they get older and have many experiences imprinted on their minds from the past and the present.

The initial process of filing the petition is needlessly stretched out for a great deal of time wasted, communication is limited between applicant and Government and then the Government once more drops the ball of service (despite the claim of security and protection for us) at yet another juncture with this 221g power. Were circumstances different in my fiance's and my life or she from some other country, it might be understandable, but that is not the case at all.

There is no one in high office from Congress upwards that I have voted for in the last election for any of those offices. I know my Congressman personally as he is from my hometown and it is a small town. He is a nice guy and seems to be honest (which is rare), but I know he is part of the Machine (over 20 years) we all complain and carp about. So with good conscience I cannot give him my vote.

This callous, overburdening, ineffective, antiquated system of dealing with immigration needs complete overhaul but no one comes forward to do it. They don't know how to handle the illegal immigrants and they do not know how to handle the legal ones that would come to the country and contribute something of value and good to us all in our society and way of life. It seems the legal immigrants are treated much more poorly and harshly than those that come illegally. That is the real bone in people's throat about this matter.

Edited by Katiedog, 03 February 2012 - 12:05 PM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-03 12:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

You're shoveling it out pretty deep in here, I am glad I have my waders on for the time being. :lol:

Edited by Katiedog, 03 February 2012 - 05:52 AM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-03 05:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

OP, if misery loves company, you'll appreciate this:

See the text under my username in the left sidebar of this message.

Several who were hosed are planning to write "after-visa complaints" to the Dept, of State and to the Inspector General of the consulate.

The Federal government has unlimited time and resources to make our lives miserable.

Yes, I appreciate your response and hear you loud and clear. It is an exclusive club we belong to with this experience under our belts, but not a club I would care to join had I known. Like Groucho said, "I never wanted to belong to any club that wanted me".

The Federal Government intends to make life difficult and miserable on purpose. Doing so creates more government jobs and keeps the private citizen "in line". I am glad there are people who can think independently for themselves, speak out, still love America and be proud to be an American. That is what so many Americans sacrificed so much, in so many ways, so many times........... to have in this country, Freedom.

Brings back memories of when it was wrong and unpatriotic to speak bad about the war in Viet Nam. Guess that all passed on with time. Morality, social mores and patriotism change platforms from time to time but love of a mother country does not. Common sense, respect for your fellow man and doing unto to others as you would have done to you will never change either.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-03 02:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv
There is lots of "hair splitting" in this post and lots of others. You can interpret whatever I write as you wish since it is your perception and your perception as I have indicated are from the other side of the equation and there is no meeting in the middle or consideration of my side of the equation. THAT is the problem. The skeptical/negative mindset from the onset towards a petitioner is the problem.

This will not change in my lifetime, maybe not ever. But at one time women could not vote, black people had to live in seperate neighborhoods and could not stay in good hotels, etc. I could go on and on, but the point is that just because something is legal and it is part of a "system" does not make it right. You say the "system" works, yes, so did Model T cars, but they were improved quite a bit some time ago.

America bashing? Call it what you want. But I will not wrap myself in a flag and turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the blatant malfunctions of the country. Ignoring the truth and blatantly obvious is what has caused the situation the average American finds themselves in today trying to maintain a level of security and comfort for the future. 75% of American believe Congress has ruined completely any chances of redeeming themselves. That is a fact. Is that America bashing? Just the truth, NOT being Anti-American. People on this thread wanted or set themselves up to have examples of what I spoke about and I provided them. That's all I did. I did not say I did not love America, I merely stated facts which are true and easily proven to illustrate my points and you don't like it. For someone seeking truth and verification, you have an unusual standard of what is acceptable as truth and what is to be forgotten or ignored. Take a look at the BIG picture and your perception will improve. It will not make you Anti-American, an American basher or even someone who is of the radical inclination.

BTW. whatever happened to the political implementation that Obama said was to make the American Government more "open" and private Citizen friendly than it ever had been in the past?

So we agree to disagree and that is what I would have expected when I started this thread. But if you have never been in the same position as I am now with my fiance, you have no idea of what it is like. You can have no appreciation for what it causes. I hope it doesn't happen to so many good people on this forum that go through the process with bright hopes and anticipation. As for the Consulate Officers who do a genuinely good job with dedication and fortitude, I surely admire them, but the powers they have and the methods they utilize in matters such as this leave a great deal to be desired because it is unfair, biased and a needless waste of everyones time, effort and the government's money.

It is a FREE country, so we can agree to disagree. I will meet you in the middle of any issue or argument, why do I not deserve the same treatment and consideration?
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 21:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

"my attorney who is Board Certified to practise Immigration Law, a member of high standing in AILA and frequently gives lectures and writes columns about Immigration Law"

As I remember you have a severe distaste for lawyers.... :lol:

Yes, they are like another old profession that is paid for intangible services and they only work for you and care about you as long as you pay them. No money, no love. :lol:

Edited by Katiedog, 02 February 2012 - 03:55 PM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 15:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

You may not be given the opportunity until the very end, if at all. If there is a classified process involved then don't expect much at all. The details they find may not be classified but the methods and sources used to obtain the information may be. Thus the data is classified solely to protect others and is not about the information itself.

You know that and she knows that, but the rest of the world does not.

We are very limited here, we do not know you, we have not seen your packet, we never spoke on the phone or hung out at a ball game. All we have is the impression that you leave us. Remember the old adage "It is easier to trap flies with honey than with vinegar." You can ask the same question in two ways and have completely different reactions. Going around berating America and how it conducts business is the vinegar way, and you will get resistance from any government office with that attitude. on the other hand if you mention how great they have been so far but you have a teensy problem and are wondering what's going on, you will be viewed with a different attitude. I'm not saying information will be withheld if you cop an attitude, but you can easily find doors opening to you for service with a little kindness. It sounds to me like you may have started off great but feel beaten down by the system and are now frustrated. Remember you are not the only person to every go through this, there re those who are told nothing and suddenly they never hear from their fiance again. Some countries also generate more suspicion than others because of past rates of fraud. Yup, someone else can make you look bad. It sucks, but it happens.

Happens all the time. How about your boss asking you to come into his office? And then he talks slowly about your work? Are you promoted or fired? You don't know! My tax guy is like yhis, he wants to tell me all about the calculation she made, I just want him to tell me if I owe or have a refund.

Anything that you give the government, plan on them looking up the original themselves.

That is one of the most condescending things a person can say to another (unless it is from a parent to a child), "It's for your own protection". Well kiss my grits and slap my face, I was so naive. WHO are they "protecting". They are merely in CYA mode according to protocol.

A highly trained, educated and experienced Consular Officer would grasp the fact initially that Marina was being truthful and honest. Someone (and the rest of the unperceptive world or someone with negative inclinations) else would be overly skeptical and accusatory in the meeting.

I was in commercial lending for 30 years and dealt with many people from all walks of life, different views, different goals and different circumstances in their lives. If I began my dealings with them in a negative manner, I would have not gotten anywhere and I would not have been doing my job. And you learn with experience to get an impression from meeting a person the first time about their credibility. You have to be objective, somewhat neutral and willing to understand their side of the situation. That is your skill as a person with discretionary authority, education, maturity and training.

Yes the "FBI method of obtaining its own information in its own manner" is well known and utilized. It is a narrow path and one heavily interspersed with misleading rabbit trails and false impressions. But the ultimate goal is to find the truth as long is fits your agenda. If it doesn't then keep looking and ignore anything objective, good or helpful to the opposite persons even though it be factual.

Robert/Karen, I truly appreciate your input, although I can grasp a sense of your skeptical outlook running your thoughts and deeds. It is good to be skeptical in some ways as long as it is tempered and balanced. Nonetheless your input is valuable to me to give me the other side of this equation although I do not agree with the manners and methods employed. I am not "whipped", I am in this for the long haul if it is a long haul. I am indignant because the SYSTEM does not have to be this way to achieve its goals and provide the service it is intended to provide to American Citizens and potential immigrants. You only need to look at history and learn that just because something is legal or made legal, does not make it right or correct according to the pervading morality standards and culture of a society. Conversely something that is against the same standards may be entirely legal as we see in the news each day.

Edited by Katiedog, 02 February 2012 - 03:57 PM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 15:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

Affidavits don't mean squat... anyone can make them. Most evidence can be faked somehow.

I agree that if she memorized what to say, it will sound suspicious. Did she take the interview in english or in her native language? The memorization bit will be all the more obvious if she took it in English.

I used the term "rehearsed". It was a figure of speech to describe our going over the facts of what might be asked and discussed. My main point in this statement was to indicate that she is and was totally and completely familiar with me, my background, work, past, present, family, everything and that nothing was left out. Marina is not a person who would have spoken like it was a rehearsed discussion. She was relaxed and was comfortable, but a bit puzzled at the brevity of the "interview". When she told me of the recent phone call, she indicated the woman was abrupt, terse and it was like an interrogation. I asked Marina how she answered and I asked her if she was shaken up or upset by the intial tone and questions. She told me she just answered the questions of the lady and did not let the person upset her or get her nervous. She indicated the phone call ended with the woman being at ease and seemingly satisfied. There was a much more pleasant tone at the end of the phone call coming from her. Marina just handled it all as any person would who knows the facts and speaks the truth. There is nothing to hide or fear.

Since you and Robert&Karen both have or do work for the Foreign Service and seem to light up with suspicion on the same things, let me point out that it is a sign on your parts of initial skepticism in your demeanor. Another thing about affidavits. If they don't mean "squat", why did my attorney who is Board Certified to practise Immigration Law, a member of high standing in AILA and frequently gives lectures and writes columns about Immigration Law, tell me to get these affidavits and have them notarized? I guess he thinks they were a good idea to include. I will tell him that they are viewed with little or no validity in these petitions the next time I see him.

What is more is that you are viewing the situation from the side of the Consular Officer. I understand that fact and what motivates you. You need to be aware of the way this all comes across to the average US Citizen or even a potential immigrant who is truthful and honest. It can be intimidating and scary and it can put you off balance because there is so much at stake from the outcome.

Consider this scenario: Your doctor calls you with the latest report from you last bloodwork. He/she says they need to see you right away and can you come right away to their office.
How does the doctor handle this situation which may be serious or may be routine? You have no idea what is going on but it has the potential to be bad and the outcome is serious one way or the other, good or bad.

And you further state that any documentation can be "faked somehow". If that is the case and I provided the documentation as required to the letter by the guidelines, what is the purpose of providing certified, original, translated, notarized, etc. documentation if it is viewed as probably faked? You are giving off some negative vibes and skepticism I addressed in one of my posts about US Government employees with discretionary authority. A pre-determined mental attitude of "this deal can't be good" from the beginning.

This situation is like most things in life, it involves "communication". The protocol of handling a petition in 221g does not involve communication with the parties involved between themselves. It is like being tried in a court and you are not allowed to be present, your information you provided as required is questioned as if it was all fraudulently prepared for fraudulent purposes. And the basic decision to approve or disapprove has already been made before it even goes to court. You were never given the chance to set things correctly.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 14:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

If you can imagine the lies they hear, how they are berated, how they are talked down to, you'd understand their indignation at the slightest offense. Give them a little credit, be the person they WANT to talk to, be the person they wish everyone was, and watch their attitude change in an instant. You'd be surprised.

Robert&Karen, IF I were given the opportunity to talk to them, yes, I agree. I have not been given that opportunity and do not expect it to happen. THAT IS THE ISSUE HERE, COMMUNICATION. There has been little or none between us and it is not for lack of trying on my part.

Yes, I love America, but it has a number of malfunctions that need addressing and repair. Take a broad look at the big picture with some objectivity instead of wrapping up in the flag. I merely point out the glaring malfunctions that are so evident to everyday American Citizens and I do not want to get into a political discussion. The surest way to flame someone up is to talk about their money, their religion, their family or their politics.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 13:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

That's not true, they are highly educated, and work very difficult to get in the Foreign Service. These are not TSA employees. You have no idea what you're talking about (or to who, apparently).

Some of us are on that track for that career or are in it already, and we didn't get here by being "robots" or being bitter. We got here because we want to represent the USA as best as we could, positively, and using our skills and knowledge towards that goal.

I wish someone like yourself would handle this matter in my K1 petition. This is my first dealing with Foreign Service employees. My past experience has been with many other departments of the US Government. Unfortunately this left me with some bad impressions no doubt. Maybe I just never encountered someone like yourself who worked for the government. My bad luck.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 13:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

I see a lot of indignation and sense of entitlement, because the USC paid a few hundred bucks they should get to hold power over someone else's privacy? You got your service, an approved petition.

There are reasons this is happening. I do sympathize with the opacity of AP, but it is there to protect YOU, the USC.

You are correct in your brilliant deduction that I am indeed indignant at my treatment, the methods and the manner this matter is being handled. I did not get my service, I did not get a Visa nor did I get the reasons for this happening or the delay. I have not been given any opportunity to handle any problems in the matter to solve the dilemma, nor has my fiance for her part of the petition. If my fiance has lived a double life in Ukraine, I suppose anything is possible. But Harpa Timsah I did not "fall off the turnip truck" driving into town. My larger head has been in control of the situation for quite some time.

Yes, I am also familiar with the US Government's idea of "protection". Many times I have seen it and many times I have seen it fail and falter. We are getting into politics here but let's witness Hurricane Katrina's aftermath, the dictatorship and diefication of J. Edgar Hoover, the failure to follow through with the impeachment removal of Bill Clinton (for only God know how much he did wrong or illegal as President), the manipulation of information about WMD in Iraq leading to war a second time, the slap on the wrists of Charles Rangel for not paying taxes (not only as a private citizen but also as a trusted elected member of Congress), like the one sided railroad system of "Justice" backed by the deep pockets of the United States Treasury, like utter failure of handling the illegal alien community within the law, like giving the child of an illegal alien US Citizenship after being born here of illegal parentage and paid for by US tax dollars. Yes, it's here to "protect" me and perserve my way of life, the average US Citizen. But, I digress.

All I want is fairness, consideration and the basic courtesy that any human being deserves. A person has the right to know about what is going on in this type of matter. Even my fiance said that. After all it is our life and our life together.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 13:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

Don't think CO's are idiots. They are not, and they go through hell to get their jobs. Don't compare them to TSA employees because the TSA employs mainly mediocre people, to be a CO you have to pass through horrible difficult hoops to MAYBE get hired.

Something must be up for it to be put in AP in such an easy embassy. Time to go through every single little thing that could've slipped through.

I don't find anything in my posts about "idiots". I am familiar with this type of government bureaucrat, the "career" type with powers over people in daily life or business.

They are known as "lifers". They are in it for life and they handle the job like the robots they were trained to be. Nothing outside of the box, follow procedure letter for letter, think in negative terms first before considering anything objectively, NEVER "think on your feet", make sure you preserve the status quo culture of the job and the department for your own future and security. Enjoy the benefits and power trip you have been given courtesy of the United States Government. Go home to your family and enjoy your personal life which is something you may have denied or maybe destroyed of another person because of your "job". Know that you get ahead in the government culture and system by not questioning anything to do with the job. Know and fully comprehend by finding fault, guilt, non-conformance to government policy or requirement (no matter how small or accidental) or problems with the real world people and their situations, you are a most valued government employee to be given further discretionary powers over the same private citizens in their lives. Your negativity is to be rewarded and you will never be held accountable for doing your job in this manner. You do not even have to show common respect and decency to the private citizen, you are immune from accountability to them.

This is NOT the government the Founders of America or Thomas Jefferson envisioned for America.

Erudite..Is this you?

Kiev is an easy embassy. Like Gary said there has to be something that they hit on. Either a name check or an anomoly in your or your fiance's background. But it is not random or spurious.

Best of Luck,


Yes, it is me. None other.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 12:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

I have 2 questions that I see no answers to:
1) How many times you met in person and when?
2) Did your fiancee have previous visits to US? Did she apply for visa before?

We met on four of my five trips to Ukraine from 2009 through 2011. The second trip in June, 2010 I met her as the second woman I was to meet and from that point forward we were together, I met no other women. The 3rd trip was made in November 2010. For the 4th, I returned to celebrate New Years and Ukraine Christmas in late December 2011. I took my 11 year old son. In May 2011 I made the 5th trip to Ukraine and it was the 4th trip to be with Marina and her family. This was right after filing the K1 Petition in April 2011. Each time I spent about two weeks or more in Ukraine. She has never been outside of Ukraine in her lifetime.

As I told my attorney the other day, if the people at the Consulate have questions about our relationship, all they need to do is look at the package with the documentation. It is in-escapable and irrefutable of a bona fide and genuine relationship. Probably even more evident than at least half of the other petitioners not only in physical proof but by face to face contact time. There are even signed affidavits from my 27 year old daughter and my 11 year old son about their knowledge and affirmation of the relationship and our intent to marry in the USA. Additionally not many men take one of their children to meet their significant other in Ukraine BEFORE they file a K1 Petition as I did.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 12:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

The officials words "the package was thorough enough it would take some time to read" are very contradictory to me. If it's thorough enough then what is there to read? I can't even imagine your feelings and with my fiancées interview coming it's giving a bit of an uneasiness feeling to me. It doesn't seem its anything to do with your evidence to me but maybe her name came up as common with someone else in one of the data bases they look at and just needs to be investigated and cleared. I'm no expert but just giving my opinion. A few questions I do have is you mentioned they took her Ukraine passport. Did they take her international passport also? Did they ask her for her Ukraine passport specifically? Usually you don't even need to show the Ukraine passport from what I have read. Was she previously married? I pray it all works out for you.

Hello spectec,

I would not worry about your situation until something bad happens. Kyiv has a good reputation, but of course in my situation the good reputation counted for nothing. I felt we were a "shoo in" approval from what I read, the petition quality, content, organization, Marina's preparation and the input of our attorneys.

Personally I think my fiance drew an officer that for whatever reasons just had their mind made up before the interview and has now dug in their heels so that they will not back off protocol and concluding the matter more quickly. Maybe the officer overreacted to Marina negatively (but Marina did not think so), misjudged, misunderstood, underanalyzed or over analyzed the Visa Petition. We will never know but we get the consequences of it all the same.

I considered going to Ukraine for the interview, but we have friends who have gone through the K1 before and they did not think it necessary. Additionally they all had less of a "track record" of a relationship in terms of time and visits. They were all issued Visas without any problems, so that is what we expected. It is expensive to travel there and we figured on saving the money for a return visit to bring her daughter back in 2012. Everything is up in the air now. So if the question is about the relationship being genuine, all I can say they must be blind or cannot read and understand very thorough documentation and proof. When the lady on the phone call to Marina tried to rattle her like a police interrogation, she never flinched, did not get excited and she was consistent with her answers. She had nothing to hide and nothing to speak but the complete truth. We had gone over details from interviews many many times before the actual interview in November. The phone call did end with the woman at the other end being courteous and more friendly than in the beginning and the interview, but no doubt she was only following orders given to her by the Consul Officer with the file.

Marina has a Ukraine International Passport newly issued. She had all the clearances from the Police. She was previously married and all documents relating to it and the divorce were certified, stamped and presented in the package. Most Ukraine documents were translated and certified as to the translation as well even if not required to do so. They kept her Ukraine International Passport and with the way the interview concluded, the language at the end from the officer and the notation of information taken from her at the department for issuing the Visa, we thought all was well and we expected to receive the Visa within days.

Goes to show "don't ever count your chickens before the eggs hatch" even though they are in an incubator with a high hatch rate.

One way or another, one year or the next, I will bring Marina and her daughter here to be my wife and stepdaughter. These people at the Consulate may make my life miserable and difficult for the time being, but they will not ruin my life when it is ready to begin.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 04:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

Please disclose the answers to these questions for us to help you further? The Kiev Embassy is an easy Embassy....for them to place you into "AP Hell", then they, who are very professionally trained, more than you and your lawyer have been, means that they have seen something in your case that raises their eyebrows and warrants them to use this "power" that your elected Congressional regulations have bestowed upon them to use as their discretion towards you. Nothing personal but they are doing the job that they and you have trained them to do. Period

I answered your questions in my first post of the thread if you care to read it with some form of comprehension.

I have been a witness first hand to the "professionally trained" US Government employees who "are here to help me" on some occasions. I have born witness to it all my life at many levels, high and low. They are professionally trained by another bureaucrat that has been trained by another and so forth with the express goal of preserving the protocol and bureaucratic processes that allow them to keep their jobs and security.

How many examples of "professionally trained" Government Employees do you hear about that search old women in airports by means of a strip search for dangerous contraband. Indeed their department head stands by his employees being "professional" but also utters pathetic phrases like "they made a mistake or could use some better judgement". Same situation here. The job goal is security and protection of US Citizens. It is laughable if it were not so true and sad.

I don't fault the reasons for the guidelines, but I do fault the means of solving questions, finding answers that are valid and correct, following the wrong trail based on a false assumptions, etc. Whenever a person in this type of Government environment is employed to find fault before facts, they inevitably find the faults first and ignore the obvious facts. The do not go about their jobs with an attitude of the positive, because their job is to prove the negative. They get promoted and recognition that way.

You are someone I would probably ignore for advice for obvious reasons.

The fact remains that our petition was a lay down deal, "straight forward" as our attorneys said. They are the experts, not some lethargic, apathetic, self important bureaucrat who ignores common sense in favor of protocol. That's the kind of thing that gets people killed in war and causes incalculable problems in real life for people who deserve better treatment and service. It doesn't take over 60 days to verify anything necessary in the petition and it certainly doesn't take over 60 days to review and understand it.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 01:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

And to that we can only say "it is what it is"

In the other case, after a lengthy delay in AP the case was denied and sent back to USCIS. I advised the petitioner NOT to appeal but to withdraw that petition and start a new one. She did and it was approved and they had a new visa in less time than the AP!

They have no way of knowing a rabbit trail is false until they follow it. In this other case, they never did sort it out to their satisfaction and the petitions (I presume both petitions) were denied and sent back.

FWIW your greatest fear, even if it happens, will be overcome eventually.

This advice and encouragement is greatly appreciated because I visit Visa Journey often but rarely post. I read your posts and know you are well informed and reasonable, balanced.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 01:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

And to that we can only say "it is what it is"

In the other case, after a lengthy delay in AP the case was denied and sent back to USCIS. I advised the petitioner NOT to appeal but to withdraw that petition and start a new one. She did and it was approved and they had a new visa in less time than the AP!

They have no way of knowing a rabbit trail is false until they follow it. In this other case, they never did sort it out to their satisfaction and the petitions (I presume both petitions) were denied and sent back.

FWIW your greatest fear, even if it happens, will be overcome eventually.

Thank you very much for the sound and common sense approach advice. I am surely going to keep this in mind.

This is something I have never encountered in my life in dealing with the US Government and it has been not only very stressful and depressing, but it has made me livid when I dwell on it in my mind. There just is no real justification for the method and means employed. And I deeply resent the treatment I have been handed as a US Citizen who has broken no laws, provided false information nor made no false statements.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-02 00:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

This is more or less true. There is quite likely some issue neither you, your fiancee or attorney are aware of. This is not normal and does not "just happen" We saw a similar case here recently in Russia and again there was no explanation anyone could fathom. That petition was eventually denied and the couple re-applied got approved and got a visa. At that time they asked the consulate "What the hell happened" and it turns out that the ex wife of the foreign fiancee is this case was applying also for a K-1 at exactly the same time! Neither of them knew there ex's were doing this and it seemed overly suspicious to the consulate. Who could know? "there are more things in heaven and earth..."

Actually you should be able to talk to an American there by calling the visa section direct. However if it is in AP they will not give you details of it and there is no one that can intercede. They will eventually come to a conclusion and then you can proceed.

Unfortunately, until then, there is nothing much to do but wait patiently

Thank you for the reply. Yes, I get the point about the situation you used for illustration. That does not change the fact that the truth and clear facts could have been cleared up in the time frame of the original petition had anyone involved at the Consulate level handled the matter with common sense and contacted or interviewed the two people affected instead of following some false "rabbit trail" that messed everything up needlessly. That possibility is the great fear in my situation at the present time. Unfounded fantasies that the Consulate Officer does not take the time or proper clear cut methods to resolve due to "protocol", apathy, or personal prejudice.

Edited by Katiedog, 01 February 2012 - 09:15 PM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-01 21:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv

Did you ever email the Embassy in Kiev and inquire that way?

Phone calls are usually not helpful and emails always get the correct attention.

I've asked the Mods to move this to the RUB regional forum since you are inquiring about country/Embassy specific information.

Again.... emails almost always get you the information and you have no "right" to immigration for a foreign spouse. Get off that high horse and don't worry, if all is fine all will be fine.

Numerous emails have been sent by myself along with phone calls. Several emails from my attorney have been sent and phone calls made. My Congressional office made official inquiry through the special email system between The Department of State and individual Congressmen. The answers are all terse, blunt, uninformative and impersonal to me. The Congressman got a much better response with more courtesy, offering "any further assistance he needed". Of course what the Congressman wanted was information and answers, but they did not give those even though they offer to "be of assistance further".

The "High Horse" here is the system that implements this protocol all too easily and each Consul Officer is cautioned in the guidelines given to them on how to conduct the investigations and interviews. The Official Guidelines state "221g is to be invoked with great caution and to be used only sparingly". It's an abuse of power and not of any "vetting" benefit in many cases.

I don't think you understand the tone of my original posting. It is like knowing you made a 90 or 100 grade on an exam. Your professor will not tell you if you passed or failed, much less when they will share the information. It is subjective discrimination power in the hands of people who may not be mature enough or trained enough to handle it. I was a banker for 30 years in commercial lending. I saw it all the time with people who came into authority and power without the maturity or knowledge to use is properly or as was intended.

Edited by Katiedog, 01 February 2012 - 09:07 PM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-01 21:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A Nightmare from Kyiv
I am missing my beloved fiance from Kharkiv Ukraine who by now in February should have been here in Texas with me and we would have been married in January. But, something has gone wrong and we have no idea what it is nor does our attorney who is Board Certified in Immigration Law, a member of AILA and writes in their legal newsletter. His credentials are exceptional and impeccible.

In late April I filed our K1 Visa petition for my fiance in Kharkiv to come to the US and we would be wed. Things progressed fairly normal and quick by the standard we normally see with these petitions and accordingly we were given the NOA2 on September 20, 2011. We never received any notifications of problems, questions, or additional documents needed through an RFE.

Our attorney did a very thorough and complete package with our help an it was very easy to follow and understand even for a layman like me. Ample and even additional proof of the relationship (I made four trips to see her and meet her family, taking my 11 year old son on one of them). Pictures, tickets, receipts, even notarized statements from my son and daughter to the Consul about Marina and my relationship and intention to marry soon after her arrival.

My home is free and clear of debt, my income exceeds the required amount, I have no Adam Walsh Act crimes in my background or crimes of moral turpitude. All birth certficates, employment, tax returns, receipts, biographical information, prior marriage records, etc. was thorough and complete, easy to understand and interpret. All documentation was notarized, witnessed or certified by the appropriate authority and all translations were complete. Marina and I talk on SKYPE twice a day usually for an hour at a time and have done so since August 2010. There was proof of this as well.

Her interview was scheduled for November 16, 2010, so we were very excited and of course nervous. We expected no problems since in reality there was nothing we could imagine (nor the lawyers) a reason for delay or denial.

Marina prepared for the interview, she knows me like a book and all my history, past and present. We went through everything many times and rehearsed it. She speaks at least intermediate English as well, having learned it entirely since we met in June 2010.

She went to the interview on time and had a very short and brief interview. Later she said it was not even an interview. The officer was very pleasant, said Marina should return home and everything was fine. The Officer said that the package was thorough enough it would take some time to read and review so she issued Marina a pink form with the hand written notice "additional processing". They took her Ukraine Passport and also took her information for a delivery address for the Visa. Little did we know or realize what situation we had just been place in either by a quota, by incompetance, a misunderstanding, apathy and laziness to conduct a proper interview and check the petition or some unknown flaw or "red flag" about us or our petition.

Since that time it has been really hell for us. We had planned on spending the holidays together with my family and getting married soon after her arrival. I would initiate the process to get her the SS card, green card, etc. I would start the process to bring her daughter (14 years old) to the USA this year as her stepfather on a petition. Of course the absence of a loved one for so long is not without its own pain as well. But our relationship is strong and the love is genuine. We realize it is not us, it is them, the Consul in Kyiv, doing this.

Numerous calls by me at timed and normal inquiry intervals, calls by her on the PIN number, an inquiry by our attorneys three separate times and an inquiry from my Congressman's office have all resulted in nothing. She did receive a phone call from the Embassy a couple of weeks ago asking some questions about me and our relationship. The caller was a Ukraine national employed by the Embassy. NO ONE is allowed to speak with a person of authority or power who is American. Even I have to purchase an 8 minute PIN for $12.00 to call my own American Embassy to ask about my own American K1 Visa petition and I get to speak with a Ukraine clerk who is either friendly and attempts to help, but really knows nothing OR I get to speak with a Ukrainian clerk who spends about 4 or 5 minutes asking me my name and information over and over again. The last time I had that happen and they never asked me for the CASE number! He just said all these "administrative processing" is handled somewhere else and maybe sent to the USA.

I know that is incorrect because the month before I got to speak with a very courteous and nice Ukraine clerk who had no information about our case, but made another call to find out where it was and its current status (was told it is still in administrative processing). So I know this guy just did not want to help me or talk with me even to tell me the same thing.

Having lived in America all my life, I have been truly struck dumb by this action and behaviour on the part of a branch of the United States Government towards me. I have no rights in this, I have no rights to ask or question, I am not even entitled to the respect given to a doorman at a cheap hotel by my own fellow Americans with this all mighty "God like" power over my life. And I pay for all of it. It just does not seem right, it does not seem American. I know it is not right and it is not moral even though it is legal. It is bureaucratic protocol with a blind eye to common sense, courtesy and decency.

I truly have never been treated so harshly by my own government in my life. I get better treatment traveling in other countries as a foreigner. Certainly it is even easier for me to enter them than the USA as a citizen.

This has been a very long post, but I wanted to share the complete situation with forum members to ask for any input about my situation. I am not looking for sympathy, I do not consider our situation to be special,unique deserving special treatment. I never asked for this process we are under going to be waived. I did ask for the process to be finalized more expeditiously and offered to provide anything necessary to implement that happening. I have not let my temper reflect in my inquiries to the Embassy even though I have gotten very angry at all of the absurdity of it. All inquiries all have been professional, not repetitous/often and have been courteous despite the terse, abrupt and empty responses I get from them. I wish no one any ill will, I just want my fiance to be here with me so that we can begin our life together and make our future together with our kids. Everyone of us feels the pain of this and none of us have any explanations or reasons why it exists.

Since I have never read about anyone having a similar experience on this forum, especially from Kyiv, I thought perhaps my post might bring forth some information to the subject and possible solutions, possible outcome, etc. I thank you all for your responses in advance.

Edited by Katiedog, 01 February 2012 - 07:03 PM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2012-02-01 18:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusActual "man hours" in processing K1 or K3 Visa
Thank you very much Gary and Alla for your courteous and quick reply. I appreciate the information. It is, as I suspected, bureaucracy at its finest.

Edited by Katiedog, 14 April 2011 - 10:12 PM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-04-14 22:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusActual "man hours" in processing K1 or K3 Visa
I do not know if this subject has been presented before. If it has, my apologies for being redundant. Certainly I realize that nothing about the K1, K3 or other Visa process times will change barring intervention by a Supreme Being, but I am curious to have some idea of the actual "man hours" (or female hours) that are truly necessary to process a typical Visa application that has nothing lacking or without problems.

I would guess it would not be very long other than the delays of sending back and forth between Government Agencies for information. In reality it should be a fairly quick process to make sure all the blanks are filled in, the necessary information is checked for meeting criteria and there is all necessary information required by the guidelines.

Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts about this? Maybe actual processing time and not time spent on a desk, in a file or waiting on someone else to send information to the processor for verifications?

Edited by Katiedog, 14 April 2011 - 12:47 PM.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-04-14 12:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 from Ukraine
Hello everyone. I have applied for a K1 Visa for my fiance in Ukraine. I have followed the time lines on this forum and this website since the early summer when she and I began talking about doing this. Since then I found the Ukraine section of this forum and read the time lines of the most recent couples who have been approved either for an interview at the Embassy in Kyiv or have finished and been approved. It seems that once everything is approved and the Embassy interview is set by date, it is over 200 days in most all cases. Is this just the process or something unusual in Kyiv? Some people have over 300 days before the interview!
KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-04-07 21:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTransit visa question...London
I am a member of an excellent international forum known as Russian Ukrainian Adventures. Many of the members are UK residents. There are some people with lots of native knowledge about such things on the forum. You might give it a visit. Here is the link:
KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-04-24 02:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusADDITIONAL PROCESSING
The FBI, Department of Injustice, Judges, etc, ALL have the power to bend/break the law and abuse it and they do, all the time. The United States Government can do anything it wants with little old you and me and don't fool yourself into believing otherwise. By the time they get through with you, you have no chance to fight back or call their hand. The laws, the power, the money are all far into their favor and they will see it stays that way. It is like pointing a double barrel 12 gauge at a mosquito and pulling the trigger. They want it that way because it preserves their power and money stream. It is NOT the country Thomas Jefferson and his peers envisioned and founded. It is not a government for the people and serving the people, it is a government serving its own interests under the guise of serving the people.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-12-01 18:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusADDITIONAL PROCESSING

Here in the US, there's two powerful, god-like positions no one can easily override: The Fire Marshall and a Consulate Immigration Officer.

I've dealt with both.

You left out any FBI or DOJ agent/employee or Judge. They are all "GOD" in their own eyes over the rest of us and how they do love to play the part to the fullest extent.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-12-01 01:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusADDITIONAL PROCESSING
Thank you all for your input and encouragement. I will wager a highly ranked legislator could pull strings for his own benefit with them if necessary, but I am not affiliated with this sort of political animal. Unfortunately or fortunately I am just an average everyday American.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-11-30 13:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusADDITIONAL PROCESSING

As Baron555 says maybe this is regionally specific but did they keep her passport? and, have you called DOS? In my case I found there is a big difference between "Additional Processing" and "Administrative Processing".

Obviously I have no experience with Kiev but I always got good information from DOS rather than trying to communicate with Guangzhou.

It's easy to get spun up when you feel like you've been treated poorly but I'd wait to be sure of the situation.

The Kiev Embassy kept her Ukraine Passport. They took her to another department to get the address and delivery information from her (for the packet I suppose). She was given a Pink Sheet or Card that has handwritten, Additional Processing. Nothing negative at all, nothing firing off alarms. The lady from the interview said that all was well and in a more or less roundabout way that she was approved. They needed more time to go through her package since it was so large.

It was large because of all proof of a relationship documents we filed. The package was airtight so to speak with "overkill" documentation and proof of everything. The immigration lawyer and I made doubly sure that it was comprehensive and complete with nothing left to chance.

My fiance has no criminal history and nothing that she nor I know about that would cause a flag. All doors for her to leave Ukraine are open legally. She owes no one and has no legal problems.

The Congressional office person who spoke with me said that this is common. She deals with many Embassies. She said that she can make an inquiry SIX WEEKS into the situation (from now) but that to contact them before then would maybe antagonize the personnel towards our petition. The lawyer said the same thing. So all are treading water softly. So apparently this ALL POWERFUL GOD LIKE BUREAURACY EVEN HAS CONGRESS BLUFFED. How ridiculous and absurd.

I just find this God like attitude unacceptable. We are people just like the ones reviewing the package and our lives and future depend on their decision. We hang on their whimsy. I do not like this at all.

When I was in banking for many years, I fully realized that my decisions and my ability to be responsible to other people was a big influence on their lives, that of their children and that of their future. Apparently NONE of the bureaucrats has any inkling, appreciation for this fact and little respect for the people whose lives they control.

The two things I fear are them following some misguided rabbit trail without addressing the issue with Marina and I OR them taking their own sweet time and arbitrarily judging or misjudging us and our case unfairly. We meet and exceed all qualifications required and our package was thorough and professionally prepared.
KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-11-30 12:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusADDITIONAL PROCESSING
My Fiance in Ukraine had her interview on November 16 at the US Embassy in Kiev. She passed it and the medical with all positive indications. She was encouraged and congratulated by the officer who said her packet was so big that it needed additional review. That it could not be done at the same time of the interview because it was too big. Marina said her package was twice as thick as others she saw.

They took her delivery information for the Visa packet. They gave her a pink card on which was written Additional Processing.

I have called the Embassy and spoken with some "clerk" who said that the packet is being reviewed and they could not or would not tell me what real situation is. They said that she is "Not approved yet" and that the "consular officer" is reviewing the package. They would give me no indication of time. Just basically "stonewalled" me. They said I could not speak with the officer either.

Of course the fact that their pledge is to treat everyone with dignity and respect is completely out the window and that I have PAID them to handle this in a timely manner, makes no difference.

I find this type of "processing" and behaviour, the stonewalling, etc. completely ridiculous and in-excusable. To be so High Handed and operate like "God" is unspeakable.

My attorney is going to try to find out what the situation is, but said it should not take longer than another two or three weeks! How absurd. For them to sit on this perfectly acceptable Visa application without any lacking documentation and that meets all minimum criteria. I am going to ask my Congressman's office to try to intervene in my behalf. I am livid with these bureaucratic fools.

Does anyone have any advice or input about this type of situation?
KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-11-28 12:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYulia sentenced
To why_me: You keep blasting Eastern Ukraine and the people. You pointed out, rightfully so, that Eastern Ukraine voted by a majority for the criminal now in the Kyiv "white house". I know a few Eastern Ukrainians of the younger and older generations in the Kharkiv area and NONE of them voted for the clown. NONE of them like him. Even everyday people a person has a little conversation with don't like him.

Eastern Ukraine suffered greviously under Russian rule and people in the eastern part of the country have not forgotten it. And there was a Holodomor memorial service in KYIV broadcast on National Television. The Russians in Moscow didn't have much to contribute. I was in Kharkiv during the Victory Day celebration this past May. Why shouldn't the people who suffered the most under Germany and its allies celebrate Victory?

The power, the money, the economic raw material is in the eastern part of Ukraine just like the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE! You didn't mention that fact. Eastern Ukrainians all believe the election was rigged. Fairly obvious to anyone that voter fraud takes place usually in the districts with the largest numbers of voters.

The Eastern Ukraine people I know are all proud of being Ukrainian and do not promote Russian ties in family or anything else. They are proud of being Ukrainian citizens but they are NOT proud of the country. Big difference.

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KatiedogMaleUkraine2011-10-29 01:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDigging in deep into the trenches of the USCIS

I think that if you are a Hispanic entering the USA illegally, you will be catered to in all aspects; however if you are from a European country you have to pay for everything and still get treated to a heavy dose of red tape bureaucracy that is entirely unnecessary and no doubt unconstitutional when you consider racial aspects and formal immigration legalities.  The fees alone and the hassles are discriminatory on the US Government's part.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2013-08-12 18:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB'S a gathering in San Antonio Texas

We live near Dallas and my wife and I have met a number of FSU couples.  My wife has made some good friends from both Russia and Ukraine.  We might be able to attend, will have to see how things go in September as she is hoping to go to Ukraine some time in late September or October.  BTW, my wife came in March 2012 and she IS NOT HOMESICK for Ukraine at all.  She is from Kharkiv, born and raised.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2013-08-19 20:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOptions for calling Ukraine

My wife has a WDT card for phone calls.  There are not any hidden bs with this company and the rates are not bad.  The operators at customer service also speak Russian and Ukrainian.  You can find them on most search engines.  They are based in the Chicago area.  She also uses SKYPE a lot with her Iphone5.  We will be riding down the road and she will be talking to someone in Ukraine on her phone, looking at their picture. Pretty bizarre for an old school guy like me.  Also want to recommend a company called MEEST.  They are based in New Jersey.  They ship heavy and large packaged to Ukraine at very good rates.  Not airmail, takes about four weeks, but really great for sending "care" packages to family and friends.  They also deliver the packages to the door of the recipient.


KatiedogMaleUkraine2013-08-19 20:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus70 Years of Liberation! what a Great Trip

Thanks for the ideas!


I am really looking forward to the New Year's celebration.  We hit a sushi restaraunt near Shevchenko park.  A girl was handing out their flyers on the street (that hardly ever happens, right?) with a complete menu and photos.  Both the women love sushi.  Not for me, but I had the shrimp tempura and it was great! 


I have rarely been disappointed with the food in restaraunts in Ukraine.  I used to hang out in a place called "the Irish Pub" in Odessa because their menu was (sort of) in English and everyone working there (sort of) spoke English.  It was a popular place for sailors from English speaking countries and Americans on "tours" for women. So  I deciphered that the menu listing of "New English Musse Soupe" was actually a poor translation of New England Clam Chowder and decided "What the heck?"  It was THE BEST clam chowder I ever ate!  rofl.gif


We saw an "Irish Pub" in Kharkov also. Didn't get nto it though.  


Alla misses many things about Ukraine but can get her fill of what she misses in about 2 weeks and then she is ready to come back.  


She refuses to ride on the Trams, period. She is done with those.  She will walk for hours before she will ride on a tram in Ukraine.  She has no problem with the subways except for the crowds sometimes and she is OK with buses and Martshukas but she is definitely spoiled by having a car.  She did not like having no clothes dryer.


She complains about the broken sidewalks and streets, (Really? You never noticed that before?) I consider it "texture" and proof that Ukraine is not over-run with liability attorneys


I'm with you!  Kharkov is a fascinating place.  

My wife only misses family and friends, but she just told me the other day that she loves Texas right out of the blue.  So I doubt she will want to stay long in Ukraine when she goes for a visit. 


I agree with Alla about Matushkas.  In the summer everyone looks miserable and probably is.  Clothes dryers are rare, but I rent an apartment that has one.   The broken sidewalks and streets definitely add character and I agree about liability lawyers.  In Ukraine, you do not get paid for being stupid or obtuse and that is one of its greatest tributes.  And in the courts, at least you know what justice you can get when you pay for it. 


I recently read about a stiletto race held in Kyiv. The winner won a car!  I can just picture it after seeing countless women skillfully walking the Kharkiv streets in stilettos.


KatiedogMaleUkraine2013-09-25 12:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus70 Years of Liberation! what a Great Trip

They shoot fireworks all over the city on New Year's and it sounds like a war.  They just shoot them everywhere they like all week long.  Big parties and wild parties on New Years and the whole week of Christmas and New Years.  Usually there is a carnival with rides and a concert with a light show at Freedom Square at that time.  They like to celebrate and party in Kharkiv.  Next trip try to get to the very old and still operating Candy Shop in downtown.  It has been there at least since the Tsar was in power and still in operation.  You can get some of the best Sushi in the world in Kharkiv and try to get to the Melnista (Windmill) Restaurant in the Saltov section of town.  Traditional Georgian food in a park beside the lake with music of course.  Kharkiv is magic during the holidays no doubt about it.  There are some sections, buildings and residential areas in town that are still standing and in use that have survived the Tsar, Revolution, Communism and World War II.  They are very very interesting for me to see and let my mind wonder about what has happened around them and in them.  The original City Firestation in Kharkiv is in the old part and is dated with 1844 above the doors where fire wagons and trucks emerge.  Just stuff like that.  Don't forget to go to a Banya, preferably a traditional style one built by hand if you can manage it.   Just too much to talk about so I will stop.

KatiedogMaleUkraine2013-09-10 18:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus70 Years of Liberation! what a Great Trip

My wife was born and raised in Kharkiv and I have spent a lot of time there.  Lots of family and friends there still.  She does not miss anything in Ukraine but her family, but I miss it all. I really love the city and enjoy my time there.  So much to see and do inside and outside the city.  The people are wonderful to me as well.  I love history and Kharkiv and its Oblast truly reek with history.  If you ever get back to Kharkiv or anyone is going there, be sure to visit the traditional Ukrainian restaurant in Kharkiv called Sloboda and the mud,wood and straw restaurant known as The Drunk House in the small village of Korobov Khutor which is on the River Donets about 40 km south of Kharkiv in the Gomolshan National Forest Preserve.  


I have never seen fireworks shows in the US to equal those done at Freedom Square, especially on Victory Day in May.  Schevchenko Park is so gorgeous right beside it.  When I was single I used to say that Kharkiv has more living, breathing, walking "art" than any place I had ever been.  Now I am married, but I still admire the same beauty in a different way of course. LOL

KatiedogMaleUkraine2013-09-10 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFelony for Theft 5 years ago

If it is not an IMBRA crime or an AWA crime it will not have an effect on the petition.... FWIW, AWA crimes are the only crimes that cause a USC to be ineligible to petition

If the crime is not an IMBRA or AWA crime, will my name come up on a criminal background check list when they do the search?
KatiedogMaleUkraine2010-07-18 12:24:00