K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Yay, I was able to choose my interview date. It is definately quiet at the Vancouver consulate, really excited for August 9th now!

P.S. Happy Mother's Day!

Wow, looks like you filed after us and you've already got your NOA2 and have an interview day - CONGRATS!!!

There's hope after all!! :luv:

EDIT: Just noticed you are CSC :wacko: - still hopeful for VSC, seems to be moving along now!

Edited by JustJanis, 08 May 2011 - 07:10 PM.

JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-05-08 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Congrats on the approvals, and I am especially excited about the latest VSC approval! Only 11 days difference to our NOA2 date, wowza!!

I just wanted to give an update on mz surprise visit for Angelo! I arrived at JFK yesterday morning, and Immigration was a breeze...there was no line so immediately went to a booth (the guy had just been joking with fellow officers which I took as a good sign) and he just took my passport and Customs Declaration, asked me to put 4 fingers of my right hand on the scanner, stamped passport, and handed it back to me...NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I was waiting for him to ask something, or scan my other 6 fingers or take a picture but he just looked at me, pushed my passport towards me and said "bye bye" :blink: I was totally flabbergasted! I mean in December it was the same at JFK, the CO just stamped my passport and took a scan of all fingers but no pictures, also no questions asked but back then we hadn't filed our petition yet and I thought no chance in hell that I"d get so lucky a second time. I was so nervous and had tons of ties :lol: I really love JFK, the 3rd time there in 9 months and always pleasant!

Anyway, I arrived at Angelo's workplace at 5.30PM and just came in and his face just froze and poor guy looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He was so confused :lol: I went and hugged him and his coworkers all started clapping :blush: Later he said he didn't recognize me at in, he knew who I was but he didn't believe it was me as it was impossible :P He's still in shock and says wow every time I come around the corner and asks me if I'm really here :lol: Most successful surprise visit ever!

That's so AWESOME!!! Have a wonderful visit!!!

GO VERMONT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-05-07 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I go to Russia for my birthday. May 18th-25th!!! Nothing better than a birthday wish come true, well except an approval. That would be icing on the proverbial cake!!

Have a wonderful birthday trip!!!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-05-02 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Just changed my return ticket to extend my stay in Virginia and go back to Vancouver June 29th instead of May 18th!!!!!

Now we are wishing, hoping, crossing fingers and praying that our NOA2 comes while I'm still here and before Mark leaves for work in Seattle for a few months. :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-05-01 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Are you joking? Vermont have been far outstripping California for about four weeks now.


I can't believe they're over halfway through November already. Best time to be at VSC for about 7 months.

Well although VSC may be halfway through November 2010... CSC is already processing January 2011 (and from what I can see some February and March's) so I'd much rather be at CSC. We haven't even had a touch :(

C'mon VSC... please catch up and send us our NOA2 (or at least our RFE) while I'm still in Virginia!!!! :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-05-01 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Just poking my head in. I've been a VJ stalker for a while now. Been with my fiance now for over 3 years and we're both well past ready for this! :yes: Hope we all manage to get our NOA2's SOON!! Fingers crossed that VT keeps doing better and better!

Welcome little g :)
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-04-24 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Someone requested an update on next steps, so here goes.

I spent a couple hours reading up last night. So far this is the most useful page I found: http://www.visajourn...he_NVC_ShortCut

It's the guide for doing the NVC steps pro-actively, rather than waiting for them to mail you forms and information.

My next steps are: ordering a long form birth certificate for myself, getting a police record check, getting the medical done, and some passport photos. My american husband-to-be needs to work on the affidavit of support form for himself and our co-sponsor (he is a full time student right now).

In about a week we should be able to call the NVC and get a case number, which will allow us to submit forms electronically. Looks like people get from NOA2 to interview in about two months.

Thanks for the update and CONGRATS! Wished we were going through California too - so much faster... guess we won't have our Embassy interviews close to each other after all. Keep us posted :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-04-22 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Hi there,

I have a quick question for I read your post I saw that you said the officer asked how your K1 process was going. Did you tell him you appied for the K1 or did he just ask?

Also its great to hear there was no issues at POE.:star:


The officer asked what the purpose of my visit was... I said I was going to spend some time with my fiancee and he asked when we were getting married and I told him when our K1 is approved. He seemed familiar with the process when he asked how it was going... my response... longer than I'd like, we both laughed. While he was typing and checking out his screen he asked a bit more about how we met and what my fiancee does but not as if he was grilling me, more curious and congratualtory.

Also, in response to some of the other posts... I was lead to believe that once your I-129f has been filed Homeland Security has the info in the system and it pops up when they run your name on anything... I can't confirm that but when they did my security clearance check for the Navy base in Japan Mark said it seemed like they had all my info already.
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-04-06 06:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Hey everyone... just checking in... been without internet access for over a week, kinda nice to be unplugged.

I'm in Virginia with Mark and enjoying it so much, playing house and being normal while we wait for our forever day to come (no touches or news for us yet). Feeling very fortunate to be able to be with him.

FYI... Had NO issues at the YVR POE, actually the customs officer I got was so nice and didn't ask about employment or to see any paperwork, just confirmed my return ticket date and asked about my fiancee and how the K1 process was going. :thumbs:

Hope this finds you all well. :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-04-05 06:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I was just reading the Tweet the USCIS. I think it could possibly be dangerous unless its the American Citizen themselves doing it. We reeeeaaallly don't want to piss off USCIS if its the "foreigners" doing the tweeting.

ooOOoo very good point!!! Besides, I really didn't want to start on the whole twitter thing unless I had to, I've avoided it this long so I will just support the tweeters with positive thoughts and be as patient as I can be. :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-03-18 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Have you asked for an expedite yet? I would be for sure, as it is a mess over there.

No expedite since he's a US citizen and was just working over there, he's at the airport as I write this waiting for his flight home - which is so far on time!
Wished we could all expedite, K1 is an awfully long process... although this tweet the USCIS campaign has got my curiosity peaked and maybe it will make a difference at some point? I'm not a tweeter but maybe I should consider it just for this?

Good news... got my ticket to Virginia... leave March 26th with a return date of May 18th (then hopefully Seattle after that to wait for our NOA2)!!!! Just have to break it to work that I'm leaving a week early. I feel so fortunate to get to spend time with my honey at his home and get to meet the family in person and spend some time with them too!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-03-18 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Hey January friends, hope this post finds you all well.

So Mark is finally being "evacuated" from Japan today and now our next plans to see each other are all up in the air... on top of that I am moving this weekend and have been STRESSED beyond belief but thought I would drop in to wish you all a happy Friday and a great weekend. :luv:

JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-03-18 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Glad to see you and your fiance are safe! :) Good luck with everything and stay safe, enjoy the rest of your time together! (L)

Unfortuantely we aren't together right now, I'm back in Vancouver packing up my apartment... was suppose to go back to Japan March 26th but that is obviously up in the air right now. :crying: I really wished I was there.
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-03-12 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Thank you all for well wishes. (L) Mark is fine, Yokosuka is 400+ kms south of the epicenter and besides being shook around some and tsunami warnings all night everyone there is well and no damage so far has been noted. My ticket back to Japan is for March 26th... fingers crossed I can still get there then, it's awfully hard being so far away from him with all this happening. :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-03-11 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I think all this surprising of the fiance stuff is super-fantastic!! :star:

Also, I just want to share my good news. Hamilton and I finally found our own apartment!!! YEA!!!
What this means is we will no longer be living with his mom, mom's boyfriend, his brother, sister, and sisters boyfriend!!!

The living situation has been causing us a bit of stress, but now we will be free of that and able to focus on US again!
(I am so excited about having OUR place! OUR kitchen, OUR bathroom, OUR living room!)

.... shoot, I just realized that this post might irritate a lot of people who are not able to live with their fiance during this time....

I appologize for any upset I might cause, I just needed to share my excitement! (L)

So happy for you!!!! :dance: I am leaving my apartment and my job to go to be with my US fiance in Japan for 7 weeks and feel blessed to be able to do so, after that we will be in Seattle (May - Aug/Sep) while we wait for NOA2 and fingers crossed approval and K1 in hand by Sept 2011. Just hoping because I quit my job and have changed address (will be technically living with my mom) that I don't have issues at the POE - no sense worring about it now, guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-03-10 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Ditto! Thanks to everyone for remaining positive, supportive, and respectful. This is a great group!!

Ditto too! It helps to be positive and to get positive feedback from our January friends :thumbs:

Happy Wednesday everyone... busy finishing my last month at work, packing up my apartment and getting ready to head back to Japan for 7 weeks all while fighting a cold... but thought I'd drop in to say have a great day and rest of your week and hope you are all well. :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-03-09 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
PS... Hope you're feeling better Diana. (F)

And very sweet video James (and Oksana) :star:

Count down... 6 days until I get to be with my forever guy for a 10 day visit!!! :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-02-12 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Aww, my little butterfly marks 1 month waiting! :thumbs: :star:

We're on the same timeline, I noticed my this morning that my little heart is sitting at 1 month too :thumbs:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-02-12 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Posted Image

Fiddled around with a little design that I might use for our wedding invitations (if we even have any).
Just drawn in pencil/felt-tip pen, but needs edits when I have an actual art program (since I'm at work).
I think it's cute and thought I'd share. :luv:

Well done, I'm a huge fan of hearts and celtic designs so I think it's great!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-02-10 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

For my own peace of mind I don't really expect for any miracle to happen with our timelines or service centers. I'm here steady for the next 6 months, after that Im getting worried.
I hope we can all manage our waiting with a lot of patience and full of our significant other's loving. I love the harmony we've been able to keep as January Filers and truly hope we can manage to keep it through out this whole process!

God knows when and knows why. =)

Love you All!!


Luv you too Dee & Chris!!!

And I too have no expectations of miracles and actually 5 - 6 months works well for us as we will be in Japan (feeling VERY lucky to be able to spend the waiting time with my love) until the 5 month mark comes up in June and then Seattle after that, stateside makes me feel a bit more secure that we won't miss deadlines etc. I will however start to panic if the dates get close to October as Mark may be back in Japan for a couple months then and that will not be good for our timing.

Keeping my fingers crossed, prayers said and touching wood for all of us! :innocent:

This is a great group of filiers, I feel blessed to be part of the January group! :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-02-08 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

So, how about a topic to pass the time?

We're coming up on Valentine's day in a little over a week.
Anyone have any plans for v-day? If yes, share!
If not, how have you spent previous Valentine's?

We'll definately skype on Valentines Day (like we do everyday) but since I'll be seeing Mark in Japan on the 19th we're going to celebrate then with a nice dinner out and some great time in.
I did send him a card but I'll probably get there before it does and his will probably arrive when I'm there.

Every day we can be together until our forever day comes is like Valentines day (L) special and appreciated.
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-02-06 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I'm with ya.....2 weeks today and I visit Matt in Houston!!

Yipee! :star: Here's to being fortunate and blessed enough to have the opportunity to be with our loved ones while we wait through this process.
What I'm really looking forward to is April - June - I'm lucky enough to be able to go be with him in Japan the whole time while we wait for our RFE or NOA2.
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-02-04 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

All I can say today is: TGIF!!!!! LOL

Here Here!!! It could not have come quick enough. Today it's 2 weeks until I see Mark in Japan (L) I'm so excited I can hardly stand being at work!!!

You all have a great weekend :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-02-04 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

AAah, the silence of a sunday. Have a good night and a very good start for tomorrow's monday morning!! =)

You too! :D
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-30 23:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Welcome to the group!
I went ahead and added you to our timeline information.
Looks like you bumped me out of my spot as 'earliest CSC filer'. No worries though! We're all in this together.
So you have access to your case through the online system?

I haven't seen anyone with an NOA1 after the 4th that has access. Bleh. This is three weeks now. When it hits 30 days, I'm calling to see what the issue is (as if I'll get an answer).

Do you mean online access on USCIS to check the case? We had access almost immediately after the peition was received. Guess we are lucky. :)
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-28 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Your plans sound so exciting, being able to stay together in Japan!! Yea, apart from you going to Japan and me to the US, our stories are very similar :yes: Hmm, about the possible RFE and the /certain/ NOA2, won't you be able to see all that online through opening an account on uscis website? I mean, the NOA2 will just wait for you until you get home (I think the beneficiary has 4 months to complete the Visa process after the US Consulate has received the package from NVC), so the only thing you should try to find info on is the RFE. Could you maybe have someone going over to pick up the mail and water the plants and whatnot back in the US? And if there was something there they could just fax it over to you or scan it and email it. Naturally you will not get any RFE's so no need to worry :luv:

Im so excited about going over to visit, and maybe I will just see how it goes at the POE now and work from there. It'll be so much easier to talk about these decisions together face to face anyways :-) Our plan is to do a little apartment hunting in D.C. while we're there, sooo exciting!!! Ive spent some time googleing for apartments in NW D.C. today and I feel like a slacker with the work piling up. oh well, it's Friday now and tons of time to Skype the next 2 days! (L)

Yes, exciting and a bit rushed and stressful but I'd move mountains to spend time with Mark and he just wants me with him so that makes it all worth while.

We will most likely get an RFE because all I sent with the check were the forms, no pics, no letters, no copies of passports or affidavit of support... so I expect they will ask for that. Good thing though is that because he is out of town for work so much over the past and next few years he moved into his mom's so he has a place when he's in the US so she is forwarding anything to me as soon as it arrives so that helps.

Yipee for skypes!!!! We skype each morning when I wake up and he's going to bed. Looking forward to the longer weekend skypes too but not to heading off to work soon, guess I should get going so I can spend the day at work reading through VJ posts and info ;)

Everyone have a wonderful day and a fantastic weekend :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-28 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Without getting too into details, this is my second K-1. I met Kata for the first time while still married (as a mutual friend of my ex-husband and I). Due to waiting period for separation in Illinois + lawyer issues, it took me nearly nine months to get the divorce finalized and the relationship with Kata developed during that time. And due to said issues, my divorce was only final about 35 days or so before Kata and I ended up filing. etc. You get the idea.

I tried to explain the timing of things up front. We sent six trips worth of itineraries, boarding passes, passport stamps, and photos as well as four months worth of Skype-out calls (we hadn't found the call-exporter yet). So I think we established a lot more proof of relationship than a lot of other cases might have. What mostly has us frightened is that Kata found the thread about NOIDs, and how it can lead to misrepresentation/fraud flags on the beneficiary and how those flags can lead to being inadmissable for life. So yeah, we kind of talked ourselves into freaking out with a lot of 'what ifs' that mostly come down to: what if the embassy doesn't believe our story?

Oh, now another thing to worry about. :blink: Although I have been separated for 11 years neither my ex nor I filed for divorce due to issues with child support and the cost of divorce. Last year the child support issues were done and he decided to finally get married so my divorce was only final April 2010. I hope this won't be an issue... I'll have to pull out our separation agreements and child support court papers.
I'm so dreading the interview - I have a thing about tests, public speaking and stuff like that, I get so nervous for the first few minutes I stammer, turn red in the face and sweat and it sounds like I'm hiding something or lying, gets me pulled over at the border all the time... ugh. Off to find my zen place and think positive thoughts.
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-28 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Yes, by tourist visa I meant the VWP - I wasnt sure if everyone here knew the program so I used the term tourist visa instead (sorry..). the VWP allows you to go and visit for the maximum length of 90 days during which you cannot work, get married, the usual stuff. Im sorry if I didnt explain myself very well :-( I am actually flying over to visit in three weeks (YEEEY!!!!) for a vacation, and I don't have any concerns about going through the POE for my visit. The thing is that we have talked about me going over for the three months that I can stay on the VWP to wait for NOA2 with him in the US. then I would just fly back here to go to the interview and get my K1 Visa before flying back over on the K1 to get married. In that case, I would give up my job and apartment before having the K1, therefore wouldn't have those documents proving that I have ties back in Finland. Which is true, I wouldnt really have any ties, other than my will to do things the legal and the right way (Josh works for the Air Force (as a civilian though) so it is extremely important to do everything by the book). He can't really take a 3-month vacation from his work to come here to wait it out with me, so that option is excluded... I dont know, Im just going through whatever options there are to make the insanely long wait a little more doable... We planned on my moving over late this spring (which would've been the timeline if they got the approval out in 5 months tops and we hadnt had the problem with the petition fee) and I have sorta kinda given an unofficial notice at work already :unsure: I have so many projects going on right now that a month's notice would just leave all my dear co-workers in a lot of trouble, so Ive promised to give them a heads-up as much beforehand as possible. My immediate boss knows what's going on and has been EXTREMELY supportive, giving me time off when Ive asked, and I thinks she deserves this.
Anyway, thank you for your advice!!! (F) Eve

I'm doing exactly the same thing Eve and our stories are very similar. I talked to my boss about getting a leave of absence so I can still work when I get back for the appointments but they can't do that so I'll be quitting mid April and am giving up my apartment for April 1st and moving to mom's (when I'm not in Japan or the US) until the big move. Mark is working overseas and luckily I don't need a visa if I stay 90 days or less, so I'll stay until we get news from VSC - now my worry is that he will be in Japan when our RFE and or NOA2 comes and we will be delayed. Always something to worry about during this process it seems. Good luck with everything and have a wonderful visit (I'm visiting my honey in 3 weeks too!!!).

Now to do a bit more reading about the process of RFE and NOA2 and what happens when the petitioner is out of country, although we will be on a US Navy base so it's kind of American soil - he's a civilian too, Navy contractor.

Does anyone know how long you have to provide the info after you get an RFE? If anyone has links or info on this please post or send them to me. Thx :luv:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-28 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Just got the hard copy of my NOA1... dated January 12, 2011... so good to have it in hand now!!! :dance:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-27 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Has anyone else ever read through some post on the forum only to find someone mentioning a mistake, or an issue they had, and it starts you (and worse your fiance') into a downward spiral of worrying? In that irrational way of: 'I can't do anything about this, and I don't even know if it will be an issue'. That's kind of where we're at today.

Nothing I want to discuss details on really, but it's stressful.
Hopefully it dies down and in a few days I'll go back to the whole 'we'll deal with problems if they come up and not worry about them until then' mentality.


Yes, I understand that completely. Almost everyday I read something that people have done that we didn't do in preparation or with our forms or whatever... I panic for a few moments and then try and find my zen place and remember what's done is done and and I just continue to make sure going forward I've done all I can do to keep my mind at ease.

Take a deep breath and know we are here for you and if you need to PM I'm here to listen. HUGZ!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-27 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

It'll happen when it happens. All I know is that we are all getting married :dance:

Yes, CHEERS to all of our happy marriages!!! I promised to be patient and just let things happen as they do. :whistle: So far so good.
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-27 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

welcome to all our new January filers and good luck with your journey!!

Our little story can be read on my profile - it differs from all your awesome and incredibly romantic stories mostly in that we have known each other since we were 16 years old (we are both 31 now, as much as 3 hrs apart in age in fact which I think is pretty cool :blush: ). Life works in mysterious ways (L)

Have any of you considered going over to be with your significant other on a tourist visa before getting your K1? We are contemplating this option since it looks like it will take as long as 5-6 months, if not more, to get the approval. The consulate here (along with everything else in Finland) will be closed for the whole month of July if not more, which would postpone my process here by another month again. My concern with this is that I've heard that they can actually deny entry at the POE if they in any way think that you might try to stay in the country illegally on your tourist visa. And that it is completely up to the person questioning you whether they believe you in that you are committed to doing things the legal and the right way. If they are suspicious they can just send your hiny back on the next flight over, at your own cost. Obviously I would quit my job here and give up my apartment etc before flying over and I'd just stay at friends and my parents when coming back to get the Visa, so the only proof of actually coming back to Finland would be my return ticket - which Im not sure I should even book in advance in case we by some miracle happen to get our NOA2 earlier than estimated. so many things here to consider....

anyway, me too I want to say that I truly enjoy the positive and supportive atmosphere in our group and it's so wnderful to be making new friends! Best of luck to you all!!!

(F) Eve

Yes, we are planning on being together for the wait - it's just too long to be apart. I will give up my apartment and move me and my stuff to mom's until the final big move and either quit my job or get the leave of absence I asked for (fingers crossed because I'll miss my co-workers and it would be nice to have something to do back in here in Vancouver while I'm waiting on my consulate meeting).
The difference is that he is working overseas so I would be flying from Vancouver to Japan and won't be going through the US and won't need a tourist visa, but I'll still be bringing copies of everything just to be safe and of course will have a return ticket.

First trip to Japan is in 22 days and counting!!! and will only be for 10 days but then the next trip is when I pack up everything here and go for a couple of months (mid April - mid June or July) until it gets closer to NOA2, then I'll come back and finish the K1 process and finally go to be with my love Mark forever and always. (L)
At least that's the plan - should work out ok with the timing of the VSC right now - but it's going to be an awfully busy next 2 months :wacko:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-27 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Hey u all, we new on VJ and we also january filers.

Good luck to everybody!

Welcome to the community!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-25 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I totally agree!! Like I just wrote in my last post, my baby and I just shared one kiss on our first meeting and then spent 6 months apart just talking every day, getting to know each other, before anything physical happened. I think it was much more special that way, and wouldn't have it any other way even though it was difficult waiting 6 months to be able to actually be with him, being in love like that.

Seems the physical distance creates a good basis to get to know someone very well when you have to talk and type out your thoughts. It's worked great for us with daily emails every hour we aren't alseep and at least 1 skype a day while he's in Japan (3 - 4 over Christmas) and our 4 - 6 phone calls a day (2 - 3 while he's in Japan), but we can't and don't want to be physcially apart now for more than 7 weeks... I feel blessed that it works out that we can see each other as much as we do but will sure be happy when our forever together day finally comes!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-25 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

My Story... Haha, Jan 2010. LOL My avatar was sitting on a pixel log and this pixel avatar sat beside me :rofl: We started talking and became friends. I, for some reason, thought I wouldn't engage in any online dating and even went back to a dreadful exBF of mine... I couldn´t stop thinking of Chris... just couldn´t.. and to all fairness to every party involved I finished that relationship weeks after it re-started. Chris and I started talking more and more after that untill one day.. he catched me and I catched him. We found ourselves deeply inlove...and our online relationship started May 10th 2010. Speaking for at least 5 hours a day, not wanting to hang up skype... sleeping with our mics on, texting on yahoo while he was in class and I was at work... (we still do all that :lol: ). He came for the first time Sept. 2010 to spend my birthday with me just 20 days after he graduated (He couldn't wait, we couldn't wait). That was the only thing that kept him from coming earlier, his studies. He came back december, had our engagement dinner, finished off the papers and he sent them 2 days after going back to the USA. (See, that's why we didnt know about the fee changing... end of november and december I was focused on him coming and being here :rofl: :bonk: ) And so it is... to confirm what you have said. "When you know, you know..." Never have I, in my 25 years of existence, been so deeply inlove and felt so loved.

Sorry If I make it confusing sometimes, I think in spanish and write in english. :huh: LOL


Awww I love it Diana... I work for a tech firm and have worked with techies and gamers most of my working life so I can relate. You did good with the English!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-25 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I just read your story! Thats a great story! Your also just as nuts as me and Jason :rofl:
We met on Eharmony on August 16, 2010
Met in person Sept. 3rd
Made us officially b/f and g/f Sept. 5th
Engaged on Nov. 5
K1 Visa January 12

When you know, you KNOW!!! :thumbs:

Always nice to see we're not the only ones with a wirlwind romance... but then we may be a bit older than some of you (45/50) and know, after this much time, exactly what works.

True, when you know you just know. Congrats to you both!!!
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-25 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I just read it. That is truly a beautiful story. I will forever see cockroaches in a different light from now on :P When I find the time I will update the About Me page as well with our story :-) oh, and you signed with 1-4-3? That's my and hubby's number, 143 or 43...he writes me every day at 1:43 to tell me he loves me, we had the #43 on our FedEx tracking number and even our case number has a 43 in it :lol:

The 1-4-3 thing is so cool. We sign with that or vampire teeth V V which is another story all together ;)

Attached Files

JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-25 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
PS... With so much time on the work computer :whistle: if anyone is interested I posted the story of how we met on the About Me section on my profile.
The story also explains why we have matching cockroach tattoos ;)
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-25 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Good luck :) Just make sure someone is there to collect your mail in case VSC does speed as we all hope and you get an RFE while you are away in Japan ;)

Thanks fellow January filers... yep, he has his mom on the US side and I have my mom here in Canada - already have mail being delivered and/or forwarded. I'm a bit of an obsessive organizer so I'll have all that sorted before I go :thumbs:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-25 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

P.s. Are any of you suppose to be working right now?? I see like 7 people on this page. I don't know about you but i'm struggling more and more with keeping my focus on work. Even though my boss is so awesome I'm having troubles keeping focused. Somehow knowing that I'm done, and that Canada wont be my home much longer, sure does force me to have to MAKE myself work! :whistle:

Me too!!!! I can't concentrate on anything else it seems... actually just wrote my boss an email asking if it would be possible to: 1. Drop down to 4 days a week starting in March so I can pack up my apartment and: 2. Take a leave of absence for May - June so I can go keep my love company in Japan for a while while he's working and while we are waiting the 5 - 6 - 7??? months until NOA2. Fingers crossed it can be done but if not I'm going anyhow, just would be nice to have something to do and money in the pocket when I come back to take care of the inevitable RFE and for the interview.

Off to hit send now... wish me luck :yes:
JustJanisFemaleCanada2011-01-25 15:12:00