Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Repost: Advice needed
"loopholes in the time bar law

Not everyone who has ever lived in the U.S. unlawfully will have a time bar problem. The law contains a few loopholes, as follows:

- since the law took effect on April 1, 1997, no unlawful time before that date counts :thumbs:
- none of your unlawfull time when you were under the age of 18 counts
- the law punishes continuous time, so a few months here and there don't count, as long as no single stay lasted 180 days or more"

Source :"Fiance & Marriage Visas" by Attorney Ilona bray (available at "")
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-03 23:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
(re) Bonjour a Tous et Toutes de NYC sous le soleil et sans les moustiques ;)

J'espere que tout va bien pour toi en Algerie avec ton amoureux. tu dois etre vraiment heureuse de le retrouver. Je ne connais pas l'Algerie; par contre j'ai deja visite le Maroc et la Tunisie qui doivent sans doute se ressembler un peu? C'etait il y a deja un certain temps, mais je me souviens encore bien des paysages pittoresques sous le soleil de plomb (Fes ou a Marrakech par exemple), les labyrinthes dans les soucs ou j'avais du mal a suivre mon guide, les thes a la menthe... Il y a une enorme difference entre la perception (souvent mauvaise) que les Occidentaux ont des Magrebins et ce qu'ils sont en realite: des gens d'une grande gentillesse et hospitalite.

Felicitations pour ton EAD!! Mon mari l'attend avec impatience. Apparemment, c'est assez long: entre 2 et 3 mois d'apres ce que je vois dans le forum! Combien de temps ca a mis pour toi? Mon mari commence a s'ennuyer un peu a la maison et aimerait commencer a travailler; helas il n'a pas d'autre choix que de prendre son mal en patience pour le moment... J'espere que cela ne sera plus tres long.

Pour les autres, Betti, Sarah, j'espere que tout va bien! Rien de tres special pour moi ici. J'ai repris le travail et les transport en commun... :whistle:

Bises A bientot B)
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-05-30 15:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
Hi Icespots!

Comment vas-tu? J'espere que tout va bien et que les demarches pour le visa de Yacine progressent.

A propos de moustiques. J'ignorais qu'il y avait beaucoup de moustiques en Algerie. Il y a du paludisme la-bas aussi? :huh: En Guyane, nous avons la dengue ("dengue fever"), le palu ("malaria") et maintenant la fievre "Chikungunya" importee de Madagascar... :o Personnellement, je n'ai jamais vraiment souffert des piqures de moustiques, car mon organisme est relativement habitue et resistant depuis mon enfance. Cela dit, il n'est pas deconseille - aux nouveaux arrivants surtout - de prendre de la nivaquine, s'enduire la peau de pomade a la tombee de la nuit, faire bruler des encens citronnes et/ou installer des moustiquaires au fenetres.

Les Guyanais ne prennent generalement pas de nivaquine toute l'annee, car cela entraine des maux d'estomac et ca perd de son efficacite a la longue... Il y a aussi un genre d'appareil qui se branche aux prises electriques: il emet des ultra-sons tres stridents - imperceptibles pour l'homme - qui effraient les moustiques. C'est la methode la plus efficace que je connaisse, mais encore faut-il avoir une prise electrique a portee de main (en general pas en foret! :lol: ) Je n'ai pas encore vu ce genre de prise/appareil aux USA. C'est pourtant tres bon marche et tres efficace contre les moustiques. Ca te dit quelque chose?
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-05-17 14:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
Hi everyone! I'm back again apres un mois d'absence du forum... J'espere que tout le monde va bien depuis la derniere fois? Moi, je me remets les idees en place tout doucement.... Je viens de revenir de Guyane ou j'etais partie en vacances. Je me sens encore fatiguee du voyage, et surtout tres deprimee!! :crying: J'ai toujours du mal a reprendre le travail, me re-habituer au train-train, au stress, a la salete et a la froideur des gens a NYC (entre autres... )

J'ai vu ma famille (pere, mere et mon frere) et mes amis. Je me suis beaucoup detendue et bien amusee. Cela dit, il pleuvait encore souvent car c'est juste la fin de la saison des pluies en Guyane. Je me suis d'ailleurs faite devoree par les moustiques, chose qui ne m'arrivait pas auparavant. Cela m'apprendra a me croire encore acclimatee aux tropiques! :whistle:

En parlant de moustiques, une nouvelle maladie (transmise par les moustiques) vient d'apparaitre en Guyane, apparemment importee de la Reunion ou de Madasgascar :wacko: . Il n'y a eu seulement que quelques cas en Guyane jusqu'ici, mais les authorites restent sur "alerte rouge". Les personnes ont ete momentanement mises en quarantaine pour eviter que le virus ne se propage en Guyane, chose qui serait desastreuse dans une region particulierement sensible car humide et infestee de moustiques (le parfait vehicule pour les epidemies). Tout ca pour dire que le monde est vraiment petit maintenant. N'est-ce pas incroyable qu'une maladie tropicale, originaire d'un petit bout de terre au milieu de l'Ocean Indien, puisse voyager en quelques semaines seulement jusqu'au fin fond de l'Amazonie???

Bon sur ce, je dois filer mais je vous dis a bientot. Bises a tous et toutes !!! ;)
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-05-17 12:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?

Bonjour tout le monde. Voila je me suis inscrit il n'y a pas très lomgtemps sur le forum donc je me suis dit qu'un petit bonjour serais approprié :-).
Voila moi c'est Alexandre j'habite actuellement en Charente Maritime pres de Royan et j'ai commencé le "Visa Journey" K-1 il y a 1 mois et 20 jours. Voila sinon ma fiancée habite dans l'Idaho a Blackfoot. on s'est rencontrer sur le net et depuis on ne se lache plus !! lol
on a recu le premier Noa et on attend avec impatience de savoir si mon visa sera accepter. Cela m'enlevera deja un poid.
Je souhaite bonne chance a tous le monde dans leur "Visa journey" et puis Que Le Meilleurs Gagne !!! non je rigole j'espere que tout le monde aura ce qu'il desire.

Salut et Bienvenu Alex (your American name)!

Je te souhaite bonne chance et bonne continuation pour tes demarches avec l'immigration. N'hesite pas a venir sur le forum et poser des questions. Si on peut t'aider, fais-nous signe! Bises et a bientot

SatisfactionNot Telling02006-04-19 15:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?

Je sais comme tout ca c'est dur, et j'espere de tout coeur que ton/votre attente ne sera plus tres longue. Je suis aussi passee par la alors je te comprends. Mais il ne faut pas baisser les bras comme ca, meme si c'est difficile parfois. Les efforts finissent toujours par aboutir un jour, meme si on n'y crois pas ou plus. :yes:

Je te souhaite bonne chance et espere qu'il pourra te rejoindre dans les semaines qui viennnent, "Incha'Allah" (je ne sais pas si j'epele correctement ?:unsure: )

Garde le moral :)

SatisfactionNot Telling02006-04-15 22:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
:lol: Salut Hexagonoe,

Je suis contente que tu aies obtenu ton Advance Parole. Maintenant tu peux rentrer en France pour te relaxer un peu ;) . Comme tu me l'as demande, voila des photos de Guyane. Si un jour tu veux y aller, je pourrais te faire des recommendations. "Always welcome!" Mais c'est un peu loin de la metropole, helas.

Quant a moi, je prepare en ce moment notre voyage pour cet ete, avant que les tarifs ne deviennent trop cher. Cela me fait penser que je dois refaire mon passport.... J'oublie toujours quelquechose :lol: Ca, c'est moi!

A part ca, mon mari a enfin recu son visa. Alleluia!!! :dance: Il sera la le mois prochain. Quel bonheur. J'ai hate...

Posted Image

Ca a un peu foire la photo d'avant :huh: :lol: Bon, ca devrait marcher avec mieux avec celles-la. Alors pour te faire plaisir, Hexagone:

(la petite fille, c'est le portrait crache de ma petite fille)

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
A votre tor pour les photos
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-04-13 22:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
Re Salut

Desolee du retard, mais a vrai dire il ne se passe rien d'excitant de mon cote pour le moment. Beaucoup de travail et beaucoup de stress. Mon mari vient de passer ses medicaux, donc son interview au Consulat approche finalement!!! Je croise les doigts.... Quelle suspense... :whistle: Je devient vraiment impatiente. Moi aussi, mon mari me manque beaucoup, beaucoup!! :cry:

Mes enfants partent en France cet ete. Enfin, ils vont en Guyane plus exactement, au moment de la saison seche la-bas. Mes parents sont surexcites de les/nous voir venir. Tous les etes, nous faisons le voyage de Miami a Cayenne (moi je reste deux semaines, mes enfants un mois et demi) Cela me fait toujours rire de voir mes parents retomber dans l'enfance avec eux! Ils deviennent completement "ga-ga"... :P

Je suis aussi heureuse de partir et de retrouver ma famille, cousins, amis.... J'ai besoin de changer d'air. C'est depaysant de quitter les US et atterir sur ce bout de terre au find fond de l'Amerique du Sud, a la lisiere de la (magique) foret amazonienne. Quelle bonheur de se sentir chez soi, pres de ses proches, et sentir la chaleur tropicale humecter mon front, retrouver les cris stridents dans les arbres des "singes hurlants" la nuit , se reveiller avec les appels haut perches des macas ou les chants des oiseaux, les soirees entre potes a Cayenne, la siesta journaliere dans le hamac, la nage et farniente sur la plage de Kourou ... Mon paradis a moi, quoi. Ca me relache de tout le stress accumule ici. J'en reve la nuit!

A toutes et toutes je souhaite bon courage et bonne chance. Mille Bises et a Bientot (L)

SatisfactionNot Telling02006-03-24 23:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?

Oui, je suis inscrite/immatriculee au Consulat de France a NYC. J'ai obtenu un livret de famille il y a plusieurs annees, mais je ne me souviens plus exactement des demarches... Je crois me souvenir que j'ai juste presente mon certificat Americain de marriage et les certificats de naissance de mes enfants. Mes enfants ont aussi obtenu un passeport Francais d'ailleurs :yes: (ils ont la nationalite Francaise par "filiation").

Tiens, une bonne info. Si vous voulez ecouter le journal / les actualites en Francais dans le monde, vous pouvez en allant sur RFI Radioi International >

A bientot et grosses bises ! :star:
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-03-05 20:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
Salut Hexagone

Je te souhaite bonne chance et bon courage pour la suite ;) Tu habites dans quel Etat? C'est vrai que seule et sans travail ici, tu dois trouver la vie bien ennuyeuse. Tout depend de ton environnement aussi. Cela dit, il est vrai que la vie sociale est limitee ici d'une maniere generale, ce qui n'arrange rien. Mais lorsque tu pourras travailler (bientot n'est-ce-pas?), tu te sentiras beaucoup moins isolee et melancolique. Alors, ne desespere pas. Les choses s'arrangeront au fil du temps.

Je suis ici depuis dix ans, du fait que mon pere a la nationalite. Cela dit, il habite et a habite en Guyane la plus grande majeure partie de sa vie. Mon pere m'avait declaree au gouvernement Francais a la naissance, mais pas au gouvernement Americain (il n'y a bien sur pas de consulat en Guyane et a l'epoque, il n'avait pas pense a faire les demarches en metropole), donc il a fallu faire mes papiers par la suite et c'est un peu plus complique. Voila...

Bises et a bientot ;)
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-22 21:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
Salut Hexagone

Ah ouais, tu es a Rhone Island? Moi j'habite a NY, donc un peu loin de chez toi. On aura sans doute du mal a se rencontrer. Mais qui sait? "Tous les chemins menent a Rome", n'est-ce pas? :P J'habite aux US depuis 10 ans maintenant! Ca passe vite en fin de compte... J'ai d'abord habite en Californie et maintenant a NY. Une grande difference de culture et d'environnement. La Californie me manque. Les gens sont tellement plus accueillants sur la Cote Ouest qu'ici. Ou peut-etre je ne suis pas enocre habituee a la Cote Est.

Je ne connais pas du tout Rhode Island. C'est sympa? Cela doit etre plus calme qu'ici sans doute. Tu te plais la-bas? Que fais-tu en ce moment? Cela doit etre un peu dur non d'etre seule. Est-ce que tu as deja des amis? J'espere que oui.

PS: a propos du niveau "intellectuel", ne fais pas attention... Je devais etre enervee mais ce n'est pas grave. Il y a des commentaires que je vois parfois, ca me sidere.... Je pensais etre blazee maintenant. Apparemment non! :lol: Tu me comprendras peut-etre plus tard! Bref, en attendant, restons zen :D

A bientot et grosses bises ;)
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-08 22:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
Jspere que vous avez le sens de l'humour. :unsure:

Je suis morte de rire. Je viens de remarque qu'un(e) des forumiste s'est baptise(e) "cons"! :lol: :lol: je sais que c'est con (c'est le cas de le dire) mais je ne peux pas m'empecher de remarquer ce detail a chaque fois je vais dans la discussion (k3) Ca me fait rigoler a chaque fois!

Bon, c'etait une parenthese...

Entre cons, on se comprend :lol: :lol: Just kidding.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-08 17:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?

Ca fait plaisir de rencontrer des Francais sur ce site! Je suis contente de pouvoir correspondre avec des gens de ma culture (ca releve le niveau intellectuel general des propos que j'ai pu lire sur ce site - sans vouloir offenser ceux qui ne me comprendront pas de toutes facons... Moi, personnellement, ca m'a choque cette naivete et ce manque d'ouverture d'esprit de certains. Pas vous? Anyway).

Moi je suis originaire de Guyane. J'ai fait mes etudes secondaires en metropole, a Vincennes exactement. La Guyane me manque beaucoup mais j'y retourne souvent. J'espere y retourner un jour d'ailleurs.

Dis-moi, tu habites ou aux US?
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-07 20:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFelshen's Hubby's interview Date is tomorrow

I'll be going soon for his interview.... It's a great in so many ways coz we'll get to see each other again!! And visit UG which country I adore as much as mine. Just that in such a situation, it won't be possible to relax completely...We shall see.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-01 23:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI need your help
I don't know where you live, but in NYC you can find shows featuring African dancers, touring the US from various countries in Africa. It is truly a great experience. African traditional dances usually tell a story or depict certain situations.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-06 23:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI need your help
Yes, I have seen many good documentaries on PBS. Some would not always be advisable for children of all ages, depends what you want subject you would like to show them. Many children in Africa live in difficult conditions (I'm not talking about the top of the society). Considering the poverty they live in, these children have a joy for life that I found amazing.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-05 23:13:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanmy favorite African movies
I couldn't find it. Maybe soon? I looked in Amazon and Ebay, but nope.

(PS: It's off topic but I'm watching a great Mexican movie with Salma Hayek: "Midaq Alley" :thumbs: )
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-06 23:30:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanmy favorite African movies
I forgot !

Mandela: Son of Africa, Father of a Nation (1997)
A vibrantly presented and emotionally charged portrait of the dynamic African leader, this needed tighter narration to close informational gaps.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-02 23:02:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanmy favorite African movies
If you love Africa like me, this is the top of my favorite movies! I would recommend:

Sometimes In April (2005) (Rwanda) :star: :star: :star: (L)
"A clear-eyed look at the Rwandan genocide is offered in Sometimes in April, a frank take on the 1994 slaughter that claimed upwards of 800,000 lives"

This movie takes me right to Uganda, although it was filmed in Rwanda

Lumumba (2001) (Congo Belge now DRC) :star: :star: (F) (F)
" The true story of the rise to power and brutal assassination of the formerly vilified and later redeemed leader of the independent Congo, Patrice Lumumba."

Yesterday (2004) (South Africa) :star: :star: :star: (F)
After falling ill, Yesterday (Khumalo) learns that she is HIV positive. With her husband in denial and young daughter to tend to, Yesterday's one goal is to live long enough to see her child go to school.

Nowhere in Africa (German with English Subtitles) (2001) (Kenya) :star: :star: ;)
A Jewish family in Germany emigrate short before the Second World War. They move to Kenya to start running a farm, but not all members of the family come to an arrangement with their new life.

Suggest your favorite movies too ;)
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-02 22:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUSPS nightmare
My husband received his mail from USCIS without any special delivery in just 3 weeks :thumbs: !! But this is a miracle, I suppose :lol: My husband doesn't trust the mail in UG. I usually use FedEx for important docs, although it is more costly. Never had a problem with Fedex.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-01 21:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOur visa journey is finally over.
Of course, true to Visa Journey form, there has to be a party pooper. *sigh*

No offense Satisfaction, but posts like yours are exactly the reason why I rarely post at VJ anymore. I try to escape it by posting almost solely in the Sub-Saharan forum. I'm no fool - I know the potential challenges that may occur in the future, but my visa journey is OVER. O-V-E-R. At this point, any other things that happen in our marriage will simply be a part of life as an international, dual residence, married couple, and not a result of being "pending status."


Well, I didn't mean to be a party pooper as you say. I just don't like the word "over". Plus, it's wrong. That's all. I was an immigrant for 10 years, and I have quite a few friends who are immigrants here too. Don't come and tell me/us, it's "O-V-E-R". The struggle is never over for us here. I never took things for granted since I came here and I don't think anyone coming here should. I think that would be a very ill advice.

You should refer to the VJ Forum : > General Family Based Immigration Topics > Lifting Conditions on Residency General Discussion

"Your permanent residence status will be conditional if it is based on a marriage that was less than two years old on the day you were given permanent residence. You are given conditional resident status on the day you are lawfully admitted to the United States on an immigrant visa or receive adjustment of status. Your permanent resident status is conditional, because you must prove that you did not get married to evade the immigration laws of the United States.

• You and your spouse must apply together to remove the conditions on your residence. You should apply during the 90 days before your second anniversary as a conditional resident. The expiration date on your alien registration card (commonly know as green card) is also the date of your second anniversary as a conditional resident. If you do not apply to remove the conditions in time, you could lose your conditional resident status and be removed from the country."

And see, it isn't completely over yet... Good luck.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-08 15:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOur visa journey is finally over.

Ps: I don't mean to cool the ice here, but the journey with USCIS is not exactly "over" until one becomes a US Citizen (not an obligation). Just be careful. It's not easy to say "bye bye" to DHS you know! :whistle: Most people (like I did) find themselves dealing with DHS again at some point, even after getting their Greencard. There are certain conditions to "hold" a green card: i.e. residing in the US for 6 months out of the year is an example (except with the "authorization" of DHS). Greencard holders can be deported for committing fraud or for being convicted of a crime (I don't know all the rules here). Especially since 9/11, even some minor offenses have caused a few immigrants a lot of truble with DHS, even though they had lived in the US for years. I've read this horrible stories in the news quite a few times....
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-07 17:06:00
Africa: Sub-Saharandivorce rates
It is difficult to assess the accuracy of the author claims and findings, which are merely a list of comments, stereotypes and sweeping generalizations, which fall short of analysis and statistics. I can only read comments but no real information (that’s true of a lot of information that I read in the newspaper anyway).

One factor is the impact of the new American culture. Africans in America stumble on the American culture of rights, and, in many cases, do not know how to handle it”: the same true of all immigrants regardless of their nationality, isn't it?

“In Africa, women are inferior to men, and men have more rights than women. In a typical family, women play domestic roles, while the men are the bread winners. Women do household chores, raise the kids and serve the husband”. That is true in most developing countries in the world, including India and Asia. This stereotype doesn’t account for the many African women who hold university degrees, owns businesses, and are professionals in all areas of the economy and are active participants in society. ILO (International Labor Organization) has revealed that the majority of African women are employed, but mainly in the agriculture sector where they account for a large proportion the workforce. From my own observations, I have noticed that African men and women play an equally important role in raising their children and that both share the family’s responsibilities.

“Domestic abuse incidents are very high in African families.” Domestic abuse is an equal opportunity oppressor. The latest statistics in the US have shown that domestic abuse exists in every class of society, regardless of race, social standing and/or nationality. ”Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives, according to a 1998 Commonwealth Fund survey" (http://www.endabuse....esources/facts/)

“The highest number of divorces occur in African cross-culture and or racial marriages”. On what sources does the author rely? According to a very thorough article on interracial marriages by Victor Greto ( : "there are no reliable statistics on interracial divorces”. The truth is that divorce is perhaps more prevalent among people with economic disadvantages. "People with economic are just as likely to marry as other people, but their marriages are substantially more unstable. There is a martial quality gap between low-income and other couples but it is not as large as might be expected based on the differences in marital disruption rates" ("Married and Poor: Basic Characteristics of Economically Disadvantaged Couples in the US" by David Feinh )
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-04-06 15:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa Fee's
If I'm not mistaken, my husband paid :
+ $150 for his medicals (including vaccinations)
+ $75 for fingerprints
+ $100 at the time of his visa interview

You may also add extras costs for: i.e. the passport (visa) pictures (2 for each applicant), DHL or Fedex shipping expenses, fees for Vital Records certificates (i.e. marriage and birth), notary certifications, photocopying, sometimes travel and accommodation expenses to and from the embassy (in our case the visa interview was in another country!!), telephone calls, etc. etc. All in all, the whole process added up to quite a bit of money, but we didn't have a choice anyway. As long as you make sure that everything is in order, things should go pretty smoothly. Hopefully!

Best of luck
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-04-12 11:16:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanairline tickets
You can make a reservation directly with the airline. Most if not all major airlines will allow someone to make a reservation for a third party, although they will require some paperwork in order to dedit your account/credit card. I have done it before (Sabena airlines, Emirates Airlines and British Airways). Some airlines will fax you a form to fill out. The passenger will pick up the tickets at the airport, at the airline's counter.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-01-29 14:41:00
Africa: Sub-Saharana hello and some concerns

As far as I know, Kampala consulate does not do DCF unfortunately. It doesn't even handles the interviewing of K3 or immigrant visas' petitions!!... :whistle:

You may have to file your petition in the US - or perhaps with the Nairobi embassy which does DCF. I am unsure whether you can file in Nairobi if you reside in UG or not... The telephone lines at Nairobi embassy are constantly engaged, so it will probably be hard getting any information over the phone. I would try inquiring with the US consulate in Kampala first.

I hope all goes well for you. Send me a PM if you need more help. GOOD LUCK and Take care (F)
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-03-31 16:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Spouse Visa General Discussion
Great! Thanks. how did this happened? :huh:
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-01-28 09:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShoud NVC send me a letter (petitioner) after NOA2?

Just to let you know, I finally got through NVC over the phone (there seems to have been some problems last week coz I couldn't get through. Maybe the NVC switchboard was jammed, all lines busy?). They advised me that my husband's petition was send out to the consulate overseas. I haven't yet received a letter though.

It might be worth calling them if you haven't heard from them.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-01-30 12:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShoud NVC send me a letter (petitioner) after NOA2?
Thank U !
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-01-30 08:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShoud NVC send me a letter (petitioner) after NOA2?
I was just wondering if I should expect a letter from NVC confirming that they forwarded file to Conuslate. I haven't received anything in the mail since NOA2 dated 1/17/06. I called NVC but I can't never get through...
Did you receive anything from NVC after your I-129 was approved?...
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-01-29 21:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to Consular
"Action(s) speak louder than words". I agree with other posts. The most important are to document your relationship. Not sure the letter will even be read? :unsure: It might instead go directly in the garbage can.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-01-29 14:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support
From what I understand, she received a letter from NVC regarding the Affidavit of Support (Form I-864).

The consulate will request an affidavit of support (usually Form I-134) to process your husband's K3. The NVC and the U.S. consulate are separate entities. Even if NVC has received your Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) to continue processing your husband's immigrant visa, the consulate will separately request one as well (usually Form I-134) to continue processing his K3 visa.

PS: personally, we chose not to continue with the NVC (I still haven't sent my payment for the Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) fee) But it's up to her. She can still pursue both avenues if she likes.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-02 12:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know you can abandon K3 in favor of IR1 if it gets approved first...

No, in fact that's what the whole "I'm a dumbass" statement was about. I was half asleep when I wrote the orignal post and had very little clue what I was saying...

:lol: :lol:
Nothing's wrong with being a "dumbass" or a "jackass" :thumbs: Actually, I'll take it as a compliment :star: :star: :star:

Let me turn on the radio to Howard Stern. I love it! (VJ can be so "politically correct" :innocent: )

SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-03 22:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC confused? Mispelled name twice...
Thank you so much for your response, I'll call the # tomorrow. My husband and I sent an email to the consulate (no response yet). You're probably right, his name was spelled correctly on the NOA1 for both I-130 and I-129, and NOA2 for I-130. I can't explain why they messed up now.... :huh:

Also, his name is a typical last name in his country (like Anderson or Smith here). The consulate, if familiar with the area, should spot the error right away. I hope.

(I had the same problem with my son's name at school here, but this is America so I can understand)
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-06 23:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC confused? Mispelled name twice...
Now I'm getting really :wacko: :blink: First, NVC mailed me the NOA2 with a BIG mispelling of his last name. Assuming my husband's name is JONES, NVC spelled it NOJES. OK, this is only the first "hiccup", let's forgive them? I mail them a polite letter anyway, with a photocopy of my husband's birth certificate to straighten up their records. Did they pay attention?... :innocent:

From the letter I received last week from the Bureau of Consular Affairs, informing me that his file has been transfered to US consulate in country X, the answer is NO. They mispelled his name incorrectly again! Now his name has become "JOENS" :o (and I though I was the only one intoxicated.... :lol: )

I know African names can be confusing at times, but in the case of my husband it is real simple.

Has this happened to you?

Should I write to the consulate?
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-02-06 22:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do after beneficiary divorces and remarrys a different applicant

She was given an interview appointment towards permanent residency status (scheduled for December 9, 2005 at the Seattle Field Office), but did not attend due to the need to flee emotional and escalating physical abuse from her husband.

Not the smartest thing to do. Why didn't she write a letter when she was advised to, or at that point hire an attorney to represent her at the time of the interview? The fact that her husband was abusive is certainly bad enough (although not documented?), but I am not convinced that it could be used as a reason for not showing up at an interview. The now separated husband would probably not even have bothered showing up there after the whole drama. And even if he did, there is heavy security in all USCIS offices.... Not the best place to punch someone in the face, really. :whistle: ... Since the immigration services are now part of DHS, the guy could even get arrested and locked up on the spot.

I wouldn't know what to advise, except to consult an immigration attorney and explain your situation.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-03-15 11:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Fustrated !!!!!
I would say about 45 days in average. You can look at my timeline below.

The USCIS on-line case status didn't work for me on I-129F (K3): it has never been updated. As a matter of fact, it still shows that the petition is being processed, although it has been approved a few months ago nw! :lol: The USCIS on-line case status was updated for the I-130 petition though. I suppose different people handle different hings... Who knows?

Don't worry, it will come soon ;)
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-03-31 16:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMARRIAGE FRAUD
If she just came over here on a Fiance visa, basically she doesn't even have a greencard or conditional residence at this point and probably never will - unless you file an AOS for her, which seems very unlikely... She can stay in the US with her Fiance visa, but only temporarily. How long is it valid in the US: 2 years?
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-03-10 00:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!

Hi guys,

My I129f finally got approved! Thanks to all of you and best of luck to those who are in line.
My question is: how do we keep track of the petition now? How do we know when it leaves
the NBC and when it gets and leaves the NVC for the embassy?


You can call NVC now by telephone. The number should appear on the notice (NOA2).

You will later receive a letter in the mail from the Bureau of Consular Affairs stating that your file has been forwarded to an overseas consulate. Once your file leaves NVC and is assigned to an overseas post, the NVC can no longer provides information on the rest of the processing.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-04-15 12:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFOR ALL THE NEWLY APPROVED!!!
Maybe they're taking a little longer now... About 15 days after the NVC approved my Form I-129F - if I remember correctly - I received a letter from the "Consulate Services Agency" stating that the file was been forwarded to the overseas consulate.

Sorry the letter was from the Bureau of Consular Affairs.
SatisfactionNot Telling02006-04-15 11:52:00