Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Nov 13 Tomorrow!
QUOTE (norrin @ Nov 12 2009, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Natasha is in Moscow and her interview is today! I am so excited and so nervous. It will be 11 pm here when she walks through the Embassy doors there. I am not sleeping tonight to say the least. The medical went well, she said "simple." She also said that "The hotel is nice and cute. I love my room. I have shower, toilet, a little TV a huge bed and I'm very happy with it. I'm on the 25th floor. I went on a 2 hour bus tour while waiting for the medical results. (she went to IOM) Today I went guess where? haha to the zoo of course!" It was the IZMAILOVO VEGA HOTEL if anyone is interested. Please pray for us for a quick and successful interview and issuing of her visa Thanks


I wish you guys the best ! Good luck! I hope she will get the visa !!!!

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-11-12 18:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Packet 3- Ankara
QUOTE (nicole&efe @ Dec 22 2009, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone, I was going to post this on the Consulate section but I decided to post here for a more specific answer, so please forgive me.

I'm trying to get a little bit ahead because I know putting together all these forms is going to take awhile. Can any of the recent Turkish K-1 interviewees tell me if this is the most up to date Packet 3 from Ankara?



yup yup it is smile.gif Good luck !
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-23 04:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Where are Turkish Grocery Stores and Resturants in Southern CA?
HAMLE turkish market would be your best source.they have all kinds of turkish stuff there.olives,cheese,soup,snacks etc. even turkish delights :)

I would also suggest WHOLESOME CHOICE and SUPER IRVINE. they are both in irvine. LA Turkish community web site.
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-14 20:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi everybody!

I hope everyone is doing well!I just wanted to say that I received my GC today !!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

what a relief! bye bye USCIS till 2012 !:)
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-05-28 22:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hi Everyone,

Just thought I would drop in to say hello and give you a brief update. Surgery was two weeks ago and went well... ended up taking out several organs, but appears they got all the cancer. Still doing chemo to be sure, and that will start on Thursday. Fun, Fun...

My mood has been good and Fuat has been an absolute angel. If he didn't know how to cook,clean or do laundry before he came he does now :)

It will be a few more weeks before I can return to work and just now able to start doing small things around the house.

Nicole and Efe... congrats on the NOA2.

Mindi.... hope things are working out. If all goes well, we should be coming to Michigan in July. Would still like to try to get together.

Hope everyone is well!!

it is very good to hear that you are doing ok Jenn!

I hope you will recover as soon as possible! take care yourself!
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-05-22 01:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thank you kennyandhandan and ErikaandHamit !!! :)
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-05-01 04:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I am so sorry to hear that Jenn... :( my prayers are with you! I hope you will get over this as quick as possible and become even healthier than you were!

take care pls!

I just wanted to let you know guys that I went to my interview today and I got approved!hopefully I will receive the GC soon enough.
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-04-27 23:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I received my interview letter!!! :dance: obviously FBI was able to process my finger prints card this time! :) the interview is scheduled on April 27th! I also received an e-mail saying uscis has approved my EAD application!waiting for my card now! and last but not least I received my AP documents yesterday! :dance:

Jenn congratulations! I am sooo happy for both of you guys! :) I hope all is well with you and Fuat!
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-03-28 23:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

I will have to ask my co-worker what they finally did about hers. She had virtually 0 was calloused off! :)) I do know she got her citizenship after it all though.

I went there today again.luckily they accept early walk ins!

well I can see my finger prints.they are not very visible but if I look close enough I can see them :)) I hope this time it will be ok.

I would love to know what she ended up doing!I might have to do the same thing if this one does not work either... ;)
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-03-11 17:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Congrats again Jenn! Gil/Pel: I have a friend from work go through this 2 or 3 times, but it had to do with the actual prints not being very readable, so she had to do them 2 or 3 times as her fingerprints are very faint on her fingertips (strange I know)...don't know if this your problem?

i think that is what my problem is too... :crying: cause the letter says they can't process my finger print i am guessing it is not readable in my case too :(it seemed just fine to me when the guy took my fingerprints tho...I hope I won't have to go there again after this one :(aahhhhh.... it is getting too hard to be patient...
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-03-10 00:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I received a letter from USCIS today that says FBI was unable to process my fingerprint card and it will be necessary to have my fingerprints re-taken!!! :crying: :crying: :crying: :angry: :angry: :angry: this is ridiculous !!! :angry: new appointment is scheduled for march 23rd.I will try to do early walk in this week ...

has anyone experienced this before ?
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-03-09 00:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish


Er?ka thank you SO MUCH for lett?ng me know you had ema?led the consulate about attend?ng the ?nterv?ew and hav?ng the ema?l w?th you. I dont know ?f I would have thought to do that ?f you hadnt sa?d you d?d ?t.. they were NOT go?ng to let me ?n. Fuat kept say?ng that I should just do what they say and wa?t outs?de.. but I refused and by the th?rd person I talked to they f?nally agreed to look at the ema?l and let me ?n.

They asked h?m two quest?ons.. asked me two quest?ons and then they sa?d yes.

On our way to the bus to Istanbul now. W?ll wr?te more when I have t?me and when I am not on a Turk?sh keyboard


:dance: :dance: CONGRATULATIOONNNSSSS JEENN!!! I am sooo happy for both of you ! :) :dance: :dance:
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-25 00:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hello from Istanbul :D

Just got in a few hours ago and waiting for Fuat to get off work. I can't believe our interview is actually in four days! We'll leave for Ankara on Sunday, and will sight see in the city the day before the interview.. then head back here, on Tuesday, right after the interview. I hope the interview goes well.. otherwise, it's going to be one heck of a long, depressing bus ride back to Istanbul.... but I am keeping my hopes up we won't end up in AP ( though that seems to be the trend lately).

I'll be sure to post on Tuesday and let you know what happened!

Good luck jenn!!!!
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-21 18:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Thanks :) I will have to have him check to see if they are open on Sundays. I get there on a Friday, but we will leave on Sunday afternoon to go to Ankara. He's never been there, so we are going to go two days before our interview. It's kind of funny that I am going to get to show around him HIS capital :)

I will have to try to take as many pics as we can, by Sunday morning, and then print them. I have a friend in Ankara who may be able to tell me where to get more printed there.

16 days.. I can't believe it's actually getting close!

yeah!it is getting pretty close!good luck Jenn!!!

I wish we did not have to do apply for anything else after receiving K1 visa... there is more stuff to do after marriage :( more paperwork, more waiting, more stress... oh well.. at least I am with my baby now! :)
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-07 02:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

OK.. I am going to reorganize everything and separate the stuff they already have then. It will give me something to do this afternoon, since I am snowed in and won't be leaving the house this afternoon:)

We will have 4 days together, before the interview, so we could take pictures. I usually just take my camera card to Walmart and print them out on one of those instant machines. Any idea where I might find something like this in Istanbul or Ankara? What would be the easiest way to get them printed quickly there?

I also have every picture labeled with the month/year and where we were. I wouldn't be able to label the new ones, unless I made up labels ahead of time and just made sure we took pictures that matched the labels :)

Definitely do-able if there is an easy way for me to get the pictures printed quickly. I'll ask Fuat about this, but if you know a place please let me know!

Thanks for the info.

there is one place I know that you can go to to print out pictures.I went there before I sent my package 3 and it took me like 15 min to get the is in ' besiktas'.(in istanbul)the name of the place is "NECDET OZALIT" I will write how to get there in turkish so you can have fuat read this.:)I am pretty sure he will easily find it.u can either burn a cd or put the pics on a flash drive.I don't know if u can just take your camera there but you can always call and ask.

" besiktas'ta eski tansas'in oldugu yerin arka tarafinda.hatta orda otobus duraklari var.otobus duraklarinin arkasinda kalan cadde ustunde hemen.NECDET OZALIT.259 87 11 - 259 07 06 - 227 92 02 telefon numaralari da bunlar."
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-06 21:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

whooaaaa ! :) it seems like you have covered all your bases! :)

Now.. after all my rambling.. here is my question. If they are going to ask him if he has any NEW evidence to submit should we separate all the new stuff from September to the day of the interview, have that all together in a binder, and just hand them that along with the photos and the envelope with cards and letters.... and then keep all the stuff they already have in another binder and keep it handy just in case?

YES YES YES!!it wouldn't hurt to carry the old ones with case they want them,you can hand them right away... I did not give them anything I sent with package,e-mails ... they were all from after we filed petition.I was lucky that I saw him twice after we applied for the visa so I had more pictures to give along with chat logs and e-mails.

Do they let you take backpacks or bags into the Consulate? I've tried to organize it so that it is easy to carry in case they won't let us take a bag in. I know you can't take cell phones in .. but what about a back pack?

I am not sure about backpacks exactly...but if you have a big purse that's fine :) my file was not as thick as yours so I put it in a medium size bag and carried it. :)

Sorry about the long message.. just want to make sure we are properly prepared!

I think you have good amount of proof jen. when the officer asked me when was the last time I saw my back then fiance, I said ''2 days ago'' and she was like " why didn't he come with you ? " since you will go to the interview with him, you will be the biggest proof of your bona fide relationship! :)

I don't know if you will have time but you might try to take some pics before you guys go to the interview :)
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-06 01:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Thanks for the info. I will have to prepare him that I may not be allowed to stand with him the whole time.. he's really worried about questions that have to do with dates, because he has a horrible time remembering dates. Yesterday was his sister's birthday and I had to remind him :)

For some reason he can never remember my brother's name. He can remember my niece and nephew's names.. but not my brother's :) For my mom, he just usually calls her "mom" and I think he will stumble on that if he's asked.

We will probably be prepared for tons of hard questions and only end up getting asked a few easy ones. I could deal with that :)

at the interview the officer asked me how we met, how long I have lived in the states (I had a student visa), when was the last time I saw him and that was it. :) if u sent enough evidence I don't think they will give you guys a hard time.

they let applicants inside the building one by one(after security check).there is a reception desk type of thing right in front of the interview area.the officer there at the desk will be asking your fiance for his passport, 2 passport type photos, his payment record (fortis bank) and medical exam results.then he/she will ask him if he wants to include any additional evidence for your relationship.(new photos,e-mails,chat logs ...) I am pretty sure you guys will have some additional stuff by then so he can give them to the officer.before he/she lets you in, he/she will ask him in what language he would like to be interviewed and then will give him a number and send you guys into the waiting area ... :)
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-05 20:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

It might take a week or two...don't worry though, they will take your money LOL! Did you send the package with delivery confirmation?

thanks for your reply tanya!I sent it visa usps (express) and checked it online the next said it was delivered.

they cashed the check this morning! :) I hope everything will be just fine and I will have an interview date soon!
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-03 20:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
hi everybody!

I hope everything is just fine with all you!

I sent my AOS application last week on tuesday.I keep checking my bank account but they haven't cashed the check you guys know how long it usually takes them to cash it???
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-02-03 00:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Oh, hi Jenn. My computer died so I have to hop on my husband's when I can. UPS delivered the visa packet yesterday. :energy: :joy: :dance:
They didn't really interview us this second time around. We just went in, got a number and went to the window when our number came up. The lady we got didn't say a word. She just motioned for me to hand her the blue slip and my husband's passport that I was holding. She took it, wrote my husband's name and the number 1 on a little card and then she finally spoke and told us to take this card to the UPS desk and pay the fee. So I asked if we were really getting the visa this time and she said it should take 5 working days for it to be sent. So we hopped, skipped and giggled over to the UPS desk to pay the fee. There was an Iranian guy in line ahead of us that asked if he could borrow 2 lira since the shipping cost is 12 lira so I gave it to him without realizing that that left me without exact change. So the UPS worker just told me to pay cash on delivery and handed me the receipt. We tracked the package on the UPS site and were pleasantly surprised to see that it would arrive earlier than expected so we made sure to have our 15 lira and his Turkish residency ID on hand for the UPS man. Since we got the visa I've just been packing, buying souvenirs for my family and checking flights online. The father in law is supposed to come next week to spend a few days and see us off. Now all that is left to do is get the deposit on our flat back from the landlord. We're so excited. It will be a huge relief once we make it through the POE. :goofy:

CONGRATULATIONS Der Bücherwurm!!!!! :dance: great news!! I am sooo happy for you guys! :)
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-01-31 17:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Congratulations/good luck on everyone's current/future interviews!

I just sent out my I-129F this week (finally!) and even though I know it's going to be stressful and a long wait, reading about everyones stories leaves me optimistic about this whole journey:) I can't be completely positive that Efe will enjoy living in the US as much as Turkey, but at least we are taking the right legal steps to be together more than a few month increments at a time. I think I'm most looking forward to having a normal 9-5 schedule together, and a place that we can call our own. A girl can dream...

Good luck!!! :)
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2010-01-31 17:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Melinda&Necmi @ Dec 29 2009, 10:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations!! It is always wonderful to log in and read about such happiness:)

Thank you so much Melinda&Necmi! smile.gif

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-30 11:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
yaaaayyyyy !!! I am with my baby now !!! smile.gif
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-29 21:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I am sorry for your loss Jenn... sad.gif I think it does not get any easier... May God bless you and the rest of your family.

butterfly story really got me too! wwwwooooowwww!!! I don't think there is a better way to show that you guys are meant to be together since he did not even have the slightest idea about what butterflies mean to you!I know I will sound like repeating you guys but I really had goosebumps too!

Hopefully you guys will have a smooth interview experience!
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-18 16:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Der Bücherwurm @ Dec 15 2009, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gil + Pel @ Dec 13 2009, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck Der Bücherwurm ! I wish you a quick and easy interview ! hopefully you won't have to through AP !

Thanks. Unfortunately we were put on AP. They were in an APish kind of mood this morning. There were loads of Iranians in line ahead of us and all of them either got AP, an RFE or denied altogether. My mother is crushed. She was hoping we might be able to make it home for the holidays. I hope it won't be a long AP. sad.gif

sad.gif I am sorry you guys are in AP now sad.gif like you said, hopefully it will be a short one !

Good luck!

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-16 15:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Der Bücherwurm @ Dec 13 2009, 05:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm so nervous/excited. We will be taking an overnight train to Ankara tonight so we can have a full day to explore Ankara tomorrow. Then our interview is bright and early on Tuesday. I so hope it goes well and the AP is short.

Good luck Der Bücherwurm ! I wish you a quick and easy interview ! hopefully you won't have to through AP !

Edited by Gil + Pel, 13 December 2009 - 01:17 PM.

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-13 13:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I received my passport today ! biggrin.gif
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-03 14:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Debra N CandemiR @ Dec 2 2009, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
'Gil + Pel'

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

So happy for you guys!

thank you !! biggrin.gif
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-02 17:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
bhooooaaaa Jenn !!! I just noticed ! congratulations on the interview date!!!

nice coincidence that it is also two year anniversary of the day you guys met ! It will bring you good luck I believe ! yes.gif

Edited by Gil + Pel, 02 December 2009 - 04:36 AM.

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-02 04:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
thank you thank you !!! biggrin.gif

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-02 04:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Dec 1 2009, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

Just got in from Hong Kong last night.. slept almost 13 hours.. but woke up to Packet #4 today. Our interview is February 23rd. The petition expires on Feb. 19th, so now will have to figure out how to apply for an extention.. just happy to finally know a date.

Pel had her interview today and is probably on her way back to Istanbul from Ankara right now. Anxious to hear how it went!!

Pel, can't wait to her from you!!

yaaayyy !!! yaaayy!!!! yaaaayy !!!!

my visa is approved !!!!! smile.gif kicking.gif

the waiting period inside the room was pretty long but the actual interview was pretty short smile.gif it took only 5 minutes smile.gif the CO was a very nice. she said that she got everything she needed smile.gif then she asked me a few questions. how did you guys meet ? how long have you stayed in America ? when was the last time you saw him ? (I told her that it was 2 days ago smile.gif he was here with his parents. then she was like " aaaawww why didn't he come to the interview w/ you ? " I explained her why and she said ok ) she asked me if it was my first time seeing his parents and I said no. ( I spent a lot of time with them when I was in America ) and that was it ! then she said " ok you are good to go "
I was like kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif she gave me a UPS card and told me to go to UPS desk and give them my address. they will send my passport in a week. at least thats what she said... she also wished me good luck in America smile.gif

it was a good interview! I was pretty nervous but everything went just fine!

Dear Jenn thanks for the message again! I hope Fuat's interview will be just as nice as mine ! smile.gif I will keep you guys in my prayers! smile.gif

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-12-01 15:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Keysersoze @ Nov 9 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes you :-)

Maybe because of the expiration issue but i have seen older dates than you but i guess they renewed it. I wish you a good luck and hopefully you will be with your loved one.

thank you ! I wish you good luck too ! smile.gif

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-11-10 17:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Keysersoze @ Nov 8 2009, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It shows that you jump in front of many people.

Who?? me ??? blink.gif

I don't know how they prioritize it but one thing I know is that they consider the expiration date written on NOA2. Ankara embassy usually schedules appointments for 2-3 months after all documents are submitted.I submitted mine on September 24 and got an interview date for december 1. ... 2 months after ... and the expiration date of our NOA2 is december 25.

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-11-08 18:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

I did not receive an interview letter either and what I heard from other people is that they are receiving e-mails instead of letters nowadays.I even called the embassy and told them I did not receive a letter or e-mail related to my interview date.the lady said it was fine since they have my interview date in their records...

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-11-04 07:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Nov 3 2009, 02:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (internetkafe @ Nov 3 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do not think you have to have that 'packet' to send your stuff.I remember writing about it on this thread.Others advised likewise if I am not mistaken...

Really? I knew we didn't need to wait to get the packet to do the paperwork, but that we had to wait to get it before we could send it in!!!

It's all ready to go.. we're just waiting to officially get word to send it in.

I did not receive a packet either. instead, the consulate sent an e-mail to my fiance. here it is...

I think this is what Packet 3 is nowadays...


Greetings from US Embassy, Ankara,

This is in regards to the K1 visa petition you filed on behalf of XXXX. We would like to inform you that your approved petition has reached our office. Please click on: http://turkey.usemba...visa_forms.html to download the “Instructions for K1/K2 visas”. You will not receive a separate paper instruction packet.

Once the necessary documentation and forms are received by our office we will set up a final interview date for your fiancé.

I hope this information is helpful to you.


Immigrant Visa Unit

US Embassy, Ankara, Turkey
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-11-04 05:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Merk @ Oct 15 2009, 06:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I am glad to announce that Iyanna Behiye Bagceci was born Oct 2nd!!!! She came in at a healthy 5lbs 5oz.

awww... she looks adorable ! Masallah ! Allah nazardan saklas?n smile.gif Allah #######? babal? büyütsün insallah smile.gif congratulations !
Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-10-15 12:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Oct 13 2009, 05:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I tried posting this once, but it didn't appear. If it shows up twice.. my apologies smile.gif

Debbie, I hope you and your family are feeling better soon. I think there might be a problem with the emails, since I didn't get the message you asked about, so if you didn't get my message today please let me know.

Does anyone know where Fuat can go to get an official "certified" translation of his documents? When I told him he would have to have certified translations, and he could not do the translation himself, he said he does not know where he would go to have this done. He'll have his birth certificate, police record and military record ( showing his vaccinations).. but they will all be in Turkish and he has been told, by at least one of the offices, they cannot give him an English translation.

Any suggestions where he can go for "certified" translation? He is living in Istanbul.

you can tell him to go to a certified translation office ( yeminli tercüme bürosu is what it is in Turkish smile.gif ) there are plenty of them in istanbul smile.gif I don't know where he lives but I went to the one in Besiktas called 'Global Tercüme'. they are pretty good.

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-10-13 18:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
[quote name='Debra N CandemiR' date='Oct 13 2009, 11:00 AM' post='3397574']
Hi Erika,

How are you and hubby doing? Hope all is going well.

Sickness has come to my home ;-(...nasty bug going around! Just trying to deal with such a quick turn in the just kicked me hard.


Take care and hope all is going well for you both ;-) and everyone. rose.gif

Best wishes,

ohmy.gif hope you feel better soon debbie ... take care.

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-10-13 16:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Debra N CandemiR @ Oct 2 2009, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulation on your interview date Gil + Pel
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Thank you !!!! smile.gif kicking.gif

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-10-02 15:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Debra N CandemiR @ Sep 25 2009, 05:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Gil + Pel,

Yes, send Originals when you can. I also sent in photo copies of the "proof". I ALWAYS made a complete copy of ALL my documents for my own file. This file was used for back up and my husband used it for his interview.

Best wishes to you.

QUOTE (Gil + Pel @ Sep 22 2009, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everybody !

I am preparing my documents to send the embassy ( package 3 ) but I need some help ...

I am going to send the original documents ( birth certificate, police report, I-134 and related documents ) to the embassy and take copies of each document w/ me to the interview right ?

this might be a stupid question but I had to ask ...

thank you very much for your replies debbie. I appreciate it. I sent everything before u posted them tho... even the entire I-129F package... whistling.gif

still tho, thanks a lot ! smile.gif

Edited by Gil + Pel, 28 September 2009 - 04:43 PM.

Gil + PelFemaleTurkey2009-09-28 16:41:00