Asia: East and PacificI think I see a trend
I do not understand why this process has to be so hard. You do a back groud check on both people and if the American is willing to support the person and meets the minimum requirements that should be it. Then once a year on a random date a person from the government "inspects" to see that the couple are still married and living together or the American has a divorce decree and a reciept for the other persons trip back to where they came from. If not the American is taken to jail for 5 years, and the other person has a warrent out for their arrest and deprotation. That should stream line the process and deal with fraud.

There problem solved good.gif good.gif
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-11-24 16:34:00
Asia: East and PacificI think I see a trend
QUOTE (ThaitoUSA @ Nov 22 2008, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A crtical factor in adjudication during the interview is entirely intangible: It's the human element. CO's to varying degrees of skill and accuracy are trained to spot dishonesty. It can be manifest in the documentary evidence or it could simply be the way the beneficiary answers questions. Not the content of the answers, rather how they are answered. These subtleties and nuances are usually not detected by most people most of the time (with the exception of those who are particularly intuitive). Of course the CO's judgement may be off, whether it's permitting a fraud through or denying an honest applicant, but isn't that what it all comes down to, the judgement of the CO? i.e. a human attempting to discern whether another human is in fact honest or not.

Yes I agree with you and I think that is the problem with this entire process. There should not even be an interview. The decision should be made on the evdicene alone OR if an interview is to be used, it should be both at the same time. I think more could be determined by the interaction between the two people then just the the one. After all, it is to determine if the relationship is true or false. If you are going to try to do that they I would think seeing the interaction between the two would be the way to go.

Just a few thoughts.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-11-22 15:55:00
Asia: East and PacificWhite Slip
So go there with your SO and sit near their tabel. While you wait for your food have a conversation with your SO so that they could hear and see if any ears pop up. Maybe if the conversation is good and you seem like you are in need of help, one of them will introduce themself to you and then they will "want" to help. If I had known about this I would have eaten there a few times with Xuan just to see if I could get someone willing to help. I have found that in generial most people want to help if they feel you are worthy of their time and truly need help. At least in my experiance. Now if someone come up to me while I was eating and started to present their case I would do what I could to make sure it never happened for them because they were rude.

just some thoughts
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-06 10:51:00
Asia: East and PacificWhite Slip
QUOTE (RalphandHanh @ Dec 3 2008, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I made up my mind that I'm going. Weather I get a meeting with them or not, I need to see Hanh. I think right now I'm more emotional than she is. Maybe its a delayed reaction. crying.gif crying.gif If I don't get a meeting, I'm going to make plans after the new year to stay a while. I'm going to try and work through my church as a missionary or with her church as an English teacher. Somehow God will provide. I just have to figure out how to ship my guitar over smile.gif I can't live without it.

Here is one of the songs that I wrote for her if anyone is interested

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-03 20:00:00
Asia: East and PacificWhite Slip
QUOTE (RalphandHanh @ Dec 3 2008, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I made up my mind that I'm going. Weather I get a meeting with them or not, I need to see Hanh. I think right now I'm more emotional than she is. Maybe its a delayed reaction. crying.gif crying.gif If I don't get a meeting, I'm going to make plans after the new year to stay a while. I'm going to try and work through my church as a missionary or with her church as an English teacher. Somehow God will provide. I just have to figure out how to ship my guitar over smile.gif I can't live without it.

Here is one of the songs that I wrote for her if anyone is interested

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-03 19:53:00
Asia: East and PacificWhite Slip
QUOTE (niceman @ Dec 3 2008, 01:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Dec 2 2008, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ralphs, sorry to hear that, but I think this is really sucHs, and stupid. In a REAL relationship, nothing to do with Education background, or where I live? I think this is a dump question.

Everyone who will have an interview in HCMC need to be prepare every information about sponsor to benefitcary. CO will ask everything (at least information US citizen filled out on paperwork). In my wife's interview, CO asked about my education background and working place. I prepared them very carefully. I list here some questions which CO asked my wife about myself:
- your husband birthday, where he born?
- Who is he living with? my wife answered that I was living with my parent, they asked" are you sure?"
- The name of city I am living? describe it? how long has he been there?
- Name some interesting place which your husband visited
- How long and how far your husband drives to workplace
- Name of the company your husband work? where is it?
- What time your he drives to and from work?
- Is he still attending school?
- Did he graduate? what major, what degree? when my wife said about my education background. They asked why the major I studied different from the major I am working.
- Do you know name of supervisor of your husband?
- How much your husband salary? he got monthly or weekly pay?
- Did your husband tell you something about his saving? (they know exactly the answer because the information on paycheck stub said about the money deducted before take home monney!)
- Does he have sister or brother?
- Where is she living?
- Does she has kid?
- How old is he? do you visit them? how often? what do you play with her son?

Almost the information of the answes, they really have in my paper document I filled. I prepared for my wife everything. She answered very good, but she still got a blue slip. After she completed addition document required, she got another blue slip. And after 2 month waiting, we got pink slip. Now she is here. I hope some infomation help you prepare the inteview.

This sounds almost exactly like my case only I have not been waiting for 2 months yet and we have not gotten a pink slip yet either. I have my hope renewed after reading your post.

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-03 16:30:00
Asia: East and PacificWhite Slip
QUOTE (J & Q @ Dec 2 2008, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Melrose Plant @ Dec 2 2008, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (J & Q @ Dec 2 2008, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Melrose Plant @ Dec 2 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Someone well known in this forum once told me that if you stick with it, you will eventually win. It's just a question of WHEN.

Well that may be true but I think that most people give up after a while. I have heard of people having to wait as much as 7 years before having their petition approved. I am not sure though about the circumstance of this particular case though. It seems that there are more people being denied since the consulate has undergone a complete change of staff than before. I would think that they would encourage both parties to be present when they conduct an interview, if at all possible. Making the interviews a little more personal wouldn't hurt either. It feels like you in prison talking through the glass windows. I guess that they need it though for protection from all of the people that they piss off during a day.

Yes, I think you're right, most people DO give up. That is why you hear this astronomical failure rate people like to quote you when you begin this process. People whose relationships are shaky to begin with typically don't last for 2 or 3 years of waiting. People whose cases really ARE fraudulent don't last.

I think I heard about that guy who waited 7 years. He's crazy as a loon. If it's the same guy.

Hang in there, fellows.

I don't know, the only fair way I can think of is to meet both or maybe a polygragh test.

I am with you on the having both people there at the same time. This could help prove that you have enough money to support your SO and it would give the CO a very good chance to see how you interact together. I think it would also help to calm the nerves of your SO if you were there as well. This process is amazing to me. On the fraudulent people. I never even thought of that as a way to make money. I understand that America is susposed to be the home of the free and the brave. For some reason I do not feel so free. I felt more free in Vietnam then I do here and I was a US Marine trained to hate the Commies. My first trip to Vietnam really changed my view on all that garbage the fed us. I am sure there are some problems but from my point of view in my limited time there I did not see many. Other then the traffic and the conditions of the roads.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-02 21:42:00
Asia: East and PacificWhite Slip
I am getting a very bad feeling for my case now. We have had some of the same issues with our case though Xuan had no trouble with the questions that were asked about the area I lived or the school I am going to or what I am studying. She could even answer my son's school and what he studied just in case. We practiced all of those questions and more almost every day for about 2 months. she knows more about my live then I do. I have to look to see what year my parents were born and a few other items like that. The only actual similarity is that I purposed to Xuan 1 month before I met her in person then there was about 6 months from my first trip until my second trip where we had the engagement party at her parents home and made it official with the ring and all the pomp of that party. The embassy has been "making a decision" for about 1.5 months now and I was thinking that Ralph and I were in the same boat.

Dude, I am sorry to hear about your case. I know that we both have so much time, emotions, and money invested in this process along with our Si's and another lengthy wait is just a very bad pill to take. I would say to contact Mark Ellis but he has been NO help for me so far. I am hoping that he will at least call the embassy to ask about our case but so far it is hard to get him to return my last email.

Best I can say now is good luck and it may be time to move if you are able to.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-02 16:52:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue slip
QUOTE (RalphandHanh @ Nov 17 2008, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you know... this is absolutely insane! We got a blue slip and I'm still working on all of my paperwork with a lawyer. But I have talked to a few people now that have been married or engaged from people of other countries. One guy that got engaged to a woman from Russia.... no problem at all. Anther from the Philippines... right through... and another person I talked to at church just got his fiance here from China... right though.

Why is Vietnam so different. Don't tell me fraud cause Russia also has a huge fraud rate. I doubt that contacting my congressman will do anything here in New Jersey (one of the most corrupt states in the union). I'm really sick of this B.S. I'm sure that the people that are ruining it for the honest ones get right through. This really is just assured. I see it often, people have the documents that they want.. but they don't want to see them and hand a blue slip. How Perfect do these frickin documents have to be.

sorry.... had to vent... its been a while

I am with you on everything you said. good.gif
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-11-17 18:21:00
Asia: East and PacificHow Free is Vietnam?
QUOTE (Joe Six-Pack @ Dec 3 2008, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well look what you've done now James! You've got the natives all riled up!

Vietnam is what it is. It's their Country. If the people want change they will bring it (see Thailand). I'm pretty sure we tried to impose our will in Vietnam a few years ago. It didn't work out too well for us.

Remember, when in Rome.......

Now now, Don't blame James. I am the one that wrote this on another thread. James just "plucked" if off that thread and did the right thing and started a new thread. I should have been so courtious as to do that myslef. I do think it would be intresting and fun to all meet on messenger and debate this. And I agree with you completely Mr. Six-Pack. It is their Country and I think they have some things right. We have many things right here in America too though.

My comment at the top of this thread or any of the others is not ment to rile anyone up. It is only my observations and opinion. I do love and respect the debate though.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-03 20:52:00
Asia: East and PacificHow Free is Vietnam?
This is a good thread. I agree that in America we may be able to feel safe and think that we are free. The next time you are feeling free try standing on the corner of a street and taking a pee. Or write a letter that suggest even in just a very slight way you wish to harm a political figure in America. Or walk on a plane and just walk near my seat on the way to the toilet and say hi to me. My name is Jack. See how long we remain free. I also know that you can get a bullet in your head for just being in the wrong place at the wrong "drive by time". With all that being said, we as Americans do have more opprotunity to succeed as long as we do not stick our heads up to high. If we are to successful, like Bill Gates, the government will call you to answer for it. Those that choose to take advantage of opprotunities as they are presented do well in many countries. This country used to be free and over time much of that has been removed. Our officials drive very nice cars too and all of us are made to use a seat belt or be harassed by the police.
I am not saying that Vietnam is the best country in the world and may not rank as hi as America.

I enjoy all of the opinions expressed here.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-03 20:23:00
Asia: East and PacificHow Free is Vietnam?
Is bribery really corruption? If we eat at a resturant and we tip the waitress then go back the next day, do you think the waitress will do as good a job or better knowing that she is likely to be tiped again and maybe more? Why then is it a problem to "tip" someone there to help you out. We want a police report and it cost $100 to get it in 3 months BUT if we "tip" the police we can get it the next day. How is that wrong? We have the exact same thing in the states. I want to get a package to my friend. I can use the postal service, and it will take 3to 5 days. Or I can use Fed-ex and pay more to get it there by 8:00am the next day. Now you are not forced to use Fed-ex or "tip" the police and you can still get your result but, if you want special treatment, then you "tip" or pay more in the case of Fed-ex. It is like the saying goes, " you get what you pay for" In many ways America has become more of a comunist government the Vietnam. Treat everyone the same no matter if they can pull their weight or not. Wellfare for everyone. You get headaches, ok here is a disability check so you do not have to even try to earn your way.

I don't know, but something will have to give here in America soon. A few can not be forced to pay for the many and it go on forever. Sooner or later the Tax payer will say, Hey King George I think we will just start our own country. Where have I heard that before?
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-03 16:47:00
Asia: East and Pacifichow to get past the white paper depression?
QUOTE (What's next @ Dec 12 2008, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
go grab a drink, get you mind off of it tonight. go to a bar, have some fun. bars with pole = more fun. Stop stressing yourself for one night.

Great advise
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-12 21:01:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa in hand
QUOTE (sunny_vn00 @ Dec 22 2008, 07:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everybody,
My fiancee finally get visa in hand after waiting for long time since we had first K1 visa which was denied in 2006.
Thankyou very much for helping with information on this site. Very useful site
Merry Christmas & HAppy NEw YEar kicking.gif

Gratz to you both. kicking.gif
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-22 09:13:00
Asia: East and PacificE-mailing the embassy
QUOTE (J & Q @ Dec 24 2008, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jack & Xuan @ Dec 17 2008, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Xuan and I have been waiting for 2 months now since she turned all of the extra documents they requested at her interveiw. I have e-mailed the embassy 2 time, once when she turned the documents in and once about 1 month ago. Each time I got polite responces, each different but both pretty much just say, we will let her know when we decide to make a decision. My questions is does anyone think it would help, hurt or make no difference if I continue to email the embassy expressing our plans for marriage and how we have continued to change them as a result of the delay? And our commitment to see the process through to the end. Any thoughts?


I am in the same boat. I was told about 2 months and it has now been 5 months. I would say that you should be persistent but not overly persistent. I usually check in about 2 times a month but usually get the same response. The last response I received was not very encouraging. I think that the hardest thing is just waiting and not knowing what or when a decision will be reached.

Happy Holidays!!

I just got another reply that said there are many waiting on review and they will be done in the order they were received. Since you have been waiting 5 months then I guess we have at least 3 more to wait. That is not good but at least I have some frame of time to use now. I have been working on a business degree and I think I should be done sometime late next year. If we still have not gotten the Visa by then I am just going to off load my things here and move to Siagon. I have had my resume up on for about 6 months and have had some hits on it. Since I am still here and I do not have my degree yet I have not gotten any bites. I hope that will change once I get that piece of paper that says that I really do know what I am doing. Thanks for the input.

Merry Christmas.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-25 00:08:00
Asia: East and PacificE-mailing the embassy
QUOTE (chuckandkim @ Dec 18 2008, 08:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I remember there was a VJer who emailed HCMC everyday until his wife came to the US smile.gif
NO, the answer is NO, email them as much as you like. That's what email is there for a reason: communicate!
You ask question, they can choose to answer or ignore... However, HCMC staff members will answer EVERY inquiry email you send. I know I did send no less than 20 emails in the 90 days waiting period before the schedule interview date.

So, send email! Plus, It just shows you do care and give a....!!!! good.gif Which you do, don't you?

Thank you for your advice. I just sent my third email and I will continue to send them untill we have a result. I may send one every 2 weeks now instead of once a month.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-18 10:54:00
Asia: East and PacificE-mailing the embassy
Xuan and I have been waiting for 2 months now since she turned all of the extra documents they requested at her interveiw. I have e-mailed the embassy 2 time, once when she turned the documents in and once about 1 month ago. Each time I got polite responces, each different but both pretty much just say, we will let her know when we decide to make a decision. My questions is does anyone think it would help, hurt or make no difference if I continue to email the embassy expressing our plans for marriage and how we have continued to change them as a result of the delay? And our commitment to see the process through to the end. Any thoughts?

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-12-17 23:00:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat's it like after getting the first "No!" at the interview?
QUOTE (What @ Oct 8 2008, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it's sad at first. you get the denial, you feel sorry for your wife. then you become a bit self rightous. you begin to develop a gameplan. you think the counsulate will listen to your side of the story. you think they have to listen to you because you are an american citizen. you believe you have that right because you have a US passport. you want to show them all your evidence, you want to go to the conuate and demand to talk to an officer regarding your case. you are a taxpayer and they work for you type of metality. once you realize you are not in kansas, you start thinking about alternatives. should i ask my senator for help, should i hire an attorney, should we file another case, is all this even worth it, should we call it off and just separate. then you just become helpless and confused. what do i do now? you want to belive this will all work out, but maybe it won't. how long do you hold on for? should i move to vietnam? just some of my thoughts. i may be off base a bit or a little pestimistic but that's how i felt .

Yea what he said. wacko.gif
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-10-08 17:16:00
Asia: East and Pacificjust a general question
thanks for the info

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-01-12 16:52:00
Asia: East and Pacificjust a general question
Does anyone know what determines the, I guess it is rank for lack of a better word? It is the boxes under your name.

Just thought I would ask.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-01-11 21:59:00
Asia: East and PacificPink
Gratz to both of you. It is good to see not everyone gets the second blue slip when they turn in the requested documents.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-01-05 13:44:00
Asia: East and PacificNew Member
Welcome to the forum. I envy your position to be able to stay in Vietnam. I am looking to that option if things do not go our way on this try. I still need to finish my degree and then I hope to be able to find a job there while we wait. For myself, if I were in your position I would continue to try for the visa and just wait it out. The most important thing is, you are with you SO. I know for my part, once I am able to, I would like to retire there in Vietnam. Some say that is crazy but, so far, what I have seen I like.

I check the forum everyday to see if anyone has a question of me or if I can find the answer to one of my questions. It is a great source of information and comfort.

Good luck
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-01-11 21:57:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnam -- 2nd Blue Slip after sumitting addional documents. Wife Visa
We got our second blue slip on Oct 15 2008 and we are still waiting. That is WITH ME as our lawyer. So far he has been able to do absoulty nothing for us. He even got a bit rude in a phone call when I asked if there was anything he could do. He will not even make a phone call. I am not so sure that ME will be able to help if you are already at this point. The best thing to do with that money would be to go for another visit. At least you will have been with your wife while you wait. There is another among us who is in the same boat as we are and he has been waiting for about 6 months for a decision by now. ME says there is some kind of "writ" that will force the embassy to make a decision. It could be good or bad but they would be compelled by the court to make a decision. Now I have thought about this but then I think, if I were the person making a decison and I was force by a court to do it because someone was not willing to wait their turn, then I would just say no and send the case back. I am sure there are people who would do that just to make you wait even longer.

Again, my thoughts are to save your money and just make another trip. I have seen many people say they have gotten there congressmen or senators involved and nothing has ever come of it. But, who knows you may be the first that says anything positive about their help. I do not think it will hurt. Either way you, we are at their mercy.

As Xuan and I like to say.... STUPID embassy
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-02 23:28:00
Asia: East and PacificCase rejected at HCMC and sent back to USCIS what do I do now?
QUOTE (Brianandphuong @ Feb 12 2009, 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here is what Ellis had to say on the matter. Im just waiting this out to see what happens. Once I see the results I will go from there OK...

Hi. The consulate is incorrect. K-1 petitions won't be reviewed by USCIS as of 5/23/2008.
At least they're definitely not reviewed in the California Service Center. You should file again.
And you must rebut the consulate's conclusions about the case.

If the case is closed at the consulate - it's no longer there. The entire file would have been returned to USCIS.
Marriage & a CR-1 are options - but they are not silver bullets. Your case had some problems (either real or
perceived) at the consulate. You need to (a) learn what they are and (cool.gif correct them for the next time around.

So how much help was the conversation?
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-12 18:02:00
Asia: East and PacificCase rejected at HCMC and sent back to USCIS what do I do now?
QUOTE (Joe Six-Pack @ Feb 10 2009, 11:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dai_VN @ Feb 10 2009, 11:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jack & Xuan @ Feb 11 2009, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Brianandphuong @ Feb 10 2009, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lolly and associates are handling my case. They will review the case and find out the reason for my rejection and freeze the case and keep it from being sent back for $500 additional services after that are more. Its worth it to keep the case from being sent back and finding out the correct course of action to take to make sure you dont make any more mistakes.

Sounds like a WISE move. Let me know how it works out for you. I may need their number. Are they state-side lawyers or in HCMC?

Good luck

Holmes and Lolly was one of the lawyers I was planning on using but them tried so hard to tell me I should get married in Thailand instead of Vietnam.
That really turned me off when they tried to push me hard to do that. I decided to use a Vietnamese Attorney with experience with immigration in Vietnam.

This is Holmes and Lolly's website

If something happens where our case is denied in Vietnam then that is what I am going to do. Looking back, that is what I should have done in the first place. I thought about going with them as well. I should have listened to them I think. We will see.

That's actually an interesting idea. I'm assuming they would have wanted the interview to be in Thailand? I had considered trying that.

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-11 07:05:00
Asia: East and PacificCase rejected at HCMC and sent back to USCIS what do I do now?
QUOTE (Brianandphuong @ Feb 10 2009, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lolly and associates are handling my case. They will review the case and find out the reason for my rejection and freeze the case and keep it from being sent back for $500 additional services after that are more. Its worth it to keep the case from being sent back and finding out the correct course of action to take to make sure you dont make any more mistakes.

Sounds like a WISE move. Let me know how it works out for you. I may need their number. Are they state-side lawyers or in HCMC?

Good luck
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-10 23:00:00
Asia: East and PacificCase rejected at HCMC and sent back to USCIS what do I do now?
QUOTE (bryonm4 @ Feb 6 2009, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Brianandphuong @ Feb 6 2009, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is the Dam Hoi? I guess i could get my fiance to tell me but please answer anyways......I guess im in the same boat as Bryon hey thats funny cuz my name is Brian also. Im just trying to figure out the correct course of action and get things squared away before my next trip to Vietnam hopefully this comming May or sooner.

After you read this website it will scare the hell out of you. It scared the hell out of me and its the main reason why Im retaining Marcus Ellis

I have "a lawyer in HCMC" for our case and he will do nothing more then help with the papers. He told me himself he will only help with the papers. Be careful of your expectations for "a lawyer in HCMC". He will not fight for your case. He only helps with the papers. From his mouth to my ears. He will only help with the papers. Also keep in mind the author of the article. Just a heads up. The information on this site is good information EXCEPT for some recommendations for "a lawyer in HCMC". My thought would be that the fee you would use to pay for "a lawyer in HCMC" would be better spent making another trip to help your case. Again this person, only helps with the papers and will not even call the embassy to check on the case. Let alone fight for you in any manner.

Good luck
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-07 00:10:00
Asia: East and PacificCase rejected at HCMC and sent back to USCIS what do I do now?
Did you get 1 or 2 blue sheets? If you got 2, how long did you wait for that email after you got the second blue sheet? I ask because there are many of us who are still waiting on a decision. Maybe good or maybe bad.

Good luck on your decision.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-06 17:24:00
Asia: East and PacificYour new blended family
Thank you for starting this post. I have wanted to read these experiances for some time. There was a post much like this about 6 months ago and it was very good but somehow I lost it or it was moved or something. Having some idea of what to expect based on these postings will help those of us who have not gotten that far in the journey yet.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-15 10:34:00
Asia: East and PacificHB2 Visa
I believe that all new H1b and H2B visa's have been suspended until the economy has gotten better. I could be wrong but I think that is what has happened.

I just go back to what I was thinking when I started this journey. I should have just gotten Xuan a ticket to Mexico and let her come across with all the others.

Or just meet her in Canada and drive across somewhere.

But law way is the best way I guess.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-17 20:11:00
Asia: East and PacificWho has the next interview in Vietnam?
Could all of the blue slips be that they are just not going to give out any more pink's for the rest of this year? Is there some kind of limit they have to work with?
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-11-19 11:07:00
Asia: East and PacificWho has the next interview in Vietnam?
Good luck to all of you with interviews.

As for us we are still waiting for a "decision" I have send two emails and gotten to very nice responces that for the most part say, just wait. Nov 15 will be one month waiting since Xuan turned in the requested documents from the green sheet and was given a blue sheet that said, wait for a decision.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-11-13 10:24:00
Asia: East and PacificGot our visa!!!
Outstanding news. It gives me even more hope. Also thank you for your help. I have used your case as a measure for ours. Your emails and advice have been a big help to us. I am very happy for you and now I may have to make another trip myself. Provided of course I can find the money to do that.

Again, gratz
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-02-18 17:30:00
Asia: East and PacificIt's been a while since I posted on VJ
QUOTE (r0yalflush @ Mar 29 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DPNH @ Mar 29 2009, 10:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CamCoNuong @ Mar 28 2009, 10:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations & thanks for the list. Your baby Lisa is so cute!!!
I don't mean to raise a religious or moral issue or suspect anyone's intention to upset anyone but have you guys noticed something unfair in the K-1 process? We as the K1 petitioners are not supposed to get married and if you are a person who doesn't practise premarital sex because of your faith, your chance of getting K-1 visa is less than that of ones who practise premarital sex. I may be wrong but so far that is what i've observed.
Again, I feel the joy/happiness of people whose genuine love for one another are so great that they bring beautiful kids to the world. And I also share the sadness or disapointment of those whose love for one another are no less than that of others but are trying to overcome disadvantages due to their religious beliefs.
Best wishes to those whose cases are truly genuine regardless your belief.

LOL, what century you're living in? The old days (maybe your wife's mother generation) with the conservative belief about "Cong, Dung, Ngon, Hanh" (ask your wife to see if she knows about this) is way history.

My Mom used to tell me that back in the days she first knew my father, she wasn't allowed to go out with him late at night (past 0800PM). And the Mother-in-Law (father's mom) would NEVER accept any daughter-in-law if she found out the future in-law is no longer a virgin!

Tell that morality to VNese girls nowadays, especially those that have their eyes fixing on marrying a foreigner (Viet Kieu or white Americans), you'll be laughed at like an idiot.

Vietnam girls have evolved far beyond your imagination.

PS> Most of them have learnt this script so well.......Get pregnant with him ASAP so you can tie him up and lessen the chance he changes his mind.

I should be ticked off by this, but instead, this made me really sad because what you said is 90% truth.

I guess I was lucky enough to get one of the 10%. I was upfront from the start that I can not longer have children.

100% of statics can be made to say anything you want 80% of the time. The remaining 20% can be explained away 90% of the time. The left over 2% of the original 100% is discarded for error 110% of the time which leaves you 90% certian that your original 100% of the data is inconclusive.

just a thought blink.gif

Edited by Jack & Xuan, 29 March 2009 - 06:25 PM.

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-03-29 18:25:00
Asia: East and PacificBirth Certificate
Xuan and I have had an ongoing discussion about her not having a "birth certificate" She was born in 1979 and for some reason she does not have a birth certificate. She was assigned a birthday which is something I just do not understand. Of course we have hired Mr. Nam and Ellis and we have gotten past this issue for the interview I guess. My question is, have any of you had anything like this with the birth certificate? I am concerned that if she does not have a real birth certificate when she gets here and we move on to the next steps we will have a great deal of trouble. I have talked about this before and I am still unsure. Xuan says it is not a problem and it may not be while she is there. Once she is here and we have to move forward I am concerned.

Any thoughts?

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-03-29 18:50:00
Asia: East and PacificFirst Blue Slip at HCM - Vote of members
QUOTE (AnhSau @ Mar 31 2009, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Wife picked up her visa today in HCM. Travel arrangements are being made as we speak.


Big gratz to you and your wife. I hope I am as lucky. I think it time for me to make another trip to see if I can talk to someone in the new 1 hour window.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-03-31 22:07:00
Asia: East and PacificFirst Blue Slip at HCM - Vote of members
QUOTE (Dai_VN @ Mar 29 2009, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rental car? Dude you drove a car when you were there? That is some kind of crazy. I thought about that until the taxi left the area near the airport and I saw the traffic in Siagon. Then I see how cheap the taxi's were and that was it for me. I give you much respect if you drove a car in Siagon. Not me brotha.

He probably meant one of those Du Lich Cars you rent with a driver. I rented one of those Innova's that have a driver, he takes me everywhere cause I don't want to ride a motorbike and get hit by a 18 wheeler with faulty brakes.

Ok. I understand now. We did that on our trip to Dalat. Thanks for clearing that up.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-03-29 18:53:00
Asia: East and PacificFirst Blue Slip at HCM - Vote of members
QUOTE (b_weeks @ Mar 29 2009, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AnhSau @ Mar 28 2009, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In your last posting you wrote:

"But one trip they usually deny unless 1. your wife is pregnant or you share common children 2. you and your wife share a common language and she aced the interview, 3. You got an interviewer they use for congressional inquires they almost always pass everybody."

Well either I am fortunate or just lucky.

I only made 1 trip. I have no matches to your outline.

The short order is did the interviewer wake up on the wrong side of the bed that day.

AnhSau is right.

Here were our red flags:
  • Introduced by sister
  • 1 trip to vietnam (6 weeks)
  • 1 month Pregnant at time of filing - 5 months at time of interview

We got PINK the very first interview. They didn't even make her speak english at the interview. She said hello when she walked in, but that was it. I really think they wanted to get her out of the building, as they interviewed her first. I think they wanted to avoid having a baby born in the US Embassy (automatic citizenship, hehehe)

But, you have to remember to present ALL the facts of your case, regardless of the situation. I was smart enough to document our relation ship and KEPT EVERYTHING.

Hiring a lawyer is personal preference. Because I had spent time reading the forums on VJ, I knew about the RED FLAGS. We visited Marc Ellis before my first trip was over, and hired him. He and his staff helped prepare all the papers for filing, and made sure all the facts were present.

But you can't just present the facts. Your papers need to tell a story of true love and committment. Plus we overwhelmed them with evidence at the interview.
  • 3000+ pages of chat logs
  • 200+ pictures
  • 200+ emails
  • Receipts for everything (jewelry, rental car, hotel, reception, dress rental, band, food)

And the TIMELINE is a MUST. You WILL get a blue slip without one. Here are some samples: TIMELINES

Another RED FLAG for HCMC, 99%sure they will NOT accept a co-sponsor.

Please people, ask the questions before hand. Save EVERYTHING.

Rental car? Dude you drove a car when you were there? That is some kind of crazy. I thought about that until the taxi left the area near the airport and I saw the traffic in Siagon. Then I see how cheap the taxi's were and that was it for me. I give you much respect if you drove a car in Siagon. Not me brotha. wow.gif

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-03-29 18:43:00
Asia: East and PacificFirst Blue Slip at HCM - Vote of members
So, after waiting since Oct 15 2007 when we turned in the requested documents and received our second sheet, I got a call from the embassy in HCMC. On Monday 3/3/9/09 at about 10:30pm my time a lady from the embassy called and asked if she could talk to me (like I am going to say no?). She then asked me about 20 or 30 questions. Many about our case but some I will list below were more specific about Xuan and her family. After she asked me the questions I took the opportunity to thank her for calling and asked here a few questions. I asked her if she could tell me what comes next and of course she could not. I explained how hard it has been waiting for the decision and how we understood that it does take time. I thanked her again for the opportunity to answer her questions and then we hung up.

The questions that were not on the list that Peter has sent to me.

How many brothers and sisters dose she have?
Where does her parents live?
Did any of your family come with you on your visits?
Where does she work?
How long has she worked there?
Who does she live with?
Does she live with her parents? (answered 2 times but ok)
How did you meet?
Who started communication?
How do you communicate now?
What is her phone number?
What is your address?
Where do you work?
How long have you worked there?
Who lives with you?
Have you been married before?
How many times?
When did you get divorced?
Where do they live now?
How many visits did you make?
When where your visits?
How long did you stay?
Did you travel when you were here?
Where did you travel?
When did you get engaged?

Ok, some of those questions are on Peter's list. Of course I did explain more then just the answers on each question. Especially the questions about Xuan and her family. I wanted to get across that I actually know what I am talking about (I hope that is what I did anyway)

Now for the fun part. As soon as I was done talking to her I called Xuan but she did not answer. After about 10 min Xuan called me. I guess after the lady hung up with me she called Xuan and asked her about 40 questions. After she was done with Xuan, we talked for about 40 min. Come to find out the embassy then called her father posing as a "friend of Xuan's" asking questions. Her father asked if she was from the embassy and she said no. The lady from the embassy questioned her father for about 20 or 30 questions then hung up. Shortly after that she called back and said she was from the embassy and questioned him some more. Xuan said that her father did very well. We did not match every answer exact but we were very close. The lady asked Xuan to speak in English which she had no problem doing. Xuan said the lady told her that it was getting close to the time where they had to say yes or no to her visa so that is why they are calling. I am not sure exactly if that is a good or bad thing but I am very happy that we had the opportunity to actually talk to someone and had the opportunity to answer their questions and add a few words. I got the impression that we would know for sure very soon.

I hope it was enough to get the Pink. kicking.gif wacko.gif
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-03-12 15:45:00
Asia: East and PacificFirst Blue Slip at HCM - Vote of members
QUOTE (toddandhien @ Mar 9 2009, 04:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jack & Xuan @ Mar 9 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your blue sheet looks almost identical to the first one we got at Xuan's interview. We had Marc Ellis before the interview and we have gotten the first Blue sheet and then a Green once we submitted all of the evidence they requested. We have been waiting since Oct 15 for the "review process". Mr. Nam was very nice to Xuan and helped us with some minor issues then was a nice help for the interview prep. So far since we have been waiting there has been nothing the lawyers can do for us. That is what we are told. I will be happy to go into further detail, if you wish to know just send me a message.

Good luck from what I have seen you can either get pink, have to wait like us, or flat out denied when you turn in the evidence. I think it is a ####### shoot either way.

How often do you call or e-mail the consulate? Are they friendly when you ask for a status update? Just curious about how you are dealing with the wait.

I have emailed the embassy 3 times in 6 months. They are always friendly and it is always a personal email to the questions I have asked in the email. And it always says about the same thing. Using my words it boils down to .... just wait and we will let Xuan know when we have made our decision... but alwasy differenty and always nice.
Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2009-03-09 18:48:00