CanadaGoing to get Washington State Drivers License

Hey guys,

I have a question for those who might know about transferring a BC DL to a WA DL. I have a BC Class 7L driver license (Learners) and when I had called the WA DOL about transferring it over, they didn't even seem to know what the BC learners was. They just wanted to know if I had a valid BC Driver license. I went to one of their offices today here in WA and the woman that I spoke to insisted that it was not a license, but a learners permit. She also didn't even seem to realize that it is actually considered a driver license in BC, but with restrictions. Down here they don't get a learners license, they get a permit. So I was then told that I would have to take their knowledge test and driving test.

In the end, it is not really a big hassle for me to do that, but I was wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and was able to prove to the WA DOL that the BC Class 7L is indeed a drivers license.

Thank you for your time! BC you have the big L on the car??? If so..I would consider that a Learners as you cannot drive without a licenced driver..and that is consistant with the learners permit in WA...graduating to the big happy N would be a regular licence but with restrictions..but still not a valid licence in the state of Wa...
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-22 22:51:00
CanadaGoing to get Washington State Drivers License

Okay! Went to attempt to get my Washington State Drivers License, gave them my SSN, showed my passport with my Visa in it, but didn't have any utility bill (my OOPS) to show proof that it my permanent she processed the DL application (good for 90 days) and I have to go back with proof of my residence....guess I gotta put my name on the garbage bill.

Seriously??? DAMN!!!! Guess I had best go get something from the water company or something to show I live there...ack....what a pain in the a$$
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-15 22:23:00
CanadaGoing to get Washington State Drivers License are prolly right...2 STATE DL's make more sense...
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-01 11:28:00
CanadaGoing to get Washington State Drivers License
YES...i do beleive it is illegal to possess Two DL's ....
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-01 01:40:00
CanadaOMG... And she thought I was lying!!! **You're SO gonna laugh!**

<!--quoteo(post=2895425:date=May 2 2009, 05:38 PM:name=rexalite)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (rexalite @ May 2 2009, 05:38 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2895425"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Anyway, I find the best way to get rid of a pushy salesperson is to say "i'm sorry I need to spend all of my disposable income on therapy. It's one of the conditions of my release." That's a pretty handy conversation stopper.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<img src="http://www.visajourn...>/laughing.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laughing.gif" /> That's great!! Its like whenever one of those Jehovah Witness people come knocking on the door... I just say I'm Jewish and they leave me alone.

ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-04-22 21:29:00
CanadaVisa question?
and knowing you once you are through you will accost a random stranger and shove your camera in their face DEMANDING they take your picture to commemorate getting through that G-Damn POE!!!!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-04-23 23:00:00
CanadaGreen Card Qu...

My passport is in my maiden name as well. WAAAAAAAAAYYYY back when we started this, it was going to take 8 months for me to get a new passport with my married name, so we just went ahead and used the one with my maiden name.

Its no biggie really. I was just curious if I could ask them or not.

never hurts to ask.....but i do know that your Visa is issued in the name on your passport, and your GC is issued with the name on your Visa... but on the bright get a 10 year and you get to file for Citizenship long before me!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-04-23 23:59:00
CanadaGreen Card Qu...
not gonna even ASK why your Visa is in your maiden name when you were granted a IR-1! (wht name is your passport in???) As far as I may have to apply for a legal name change...bbbuuuttt...if you have your marrriage licence and all your other documents..they might issue your SSN in your marrie name...but I have a feeling your GC will be in your maiden name as it is the name on your Visa.... Have no idea if you can change that...??
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-04-23 23:04:00
great news Coralie!! And good Job Amy!!!!!

Hope to hear from you MSN is to you soon!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-04-27 20:19:00
CanadaPhotos of the Consulate in Montreal
Has anyone who has been to Montreal taken pics of the Consulate and the surrounding area???

i thought having a visual would be nice!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-26 16:38:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

No wonder NBC has such piss-poor ratings. They can't even manage the biggest international sporting event. <_<

My husband has a theory....He thinks the Olympics and Canada have an agreement that Canada can brodcast "in real-time" but imposses a 2-3 hour lag time for the States to rebroadcast???? It sounds feesable......??
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-15 17:43:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
and now I am really sad as I cannot stream CTV!! HOW AM I GONNA CHEER ON THE CANADIANS?????

I wonder if Comcast provides CTV??? if anyone knows how I can get a more Canadian tilt on the games..please let me know!!!

And Wyatt..I stayed up until midnight to watch it...and t the beginning, the announcer said LIVE...freaking liars!!!!

Edited by ZansGirl, 13 February 2010 - 10:38 AM.

ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-13 10:37:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I am not sure if this is a Vent or just the beginning of one, but I was not impressed that I couldn't watch the Opening Ceremonies until 9pm brodcasted on King5...

I was reading all about the Ceremonies on Facebook before they even started!! Man I hope I get to watch some of the events that I usually would....and I hope that I can stream CTV on my laptop or I am gonna miss all kinds of great Canadian moments!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-13 10:13:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

How frustrating!

lol...sounds like my hubby's type of reasoning!! Gotta love em!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-06 22:54:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

This is going to sound like such a stupid vent but I had the worst sleep ever last night. The humpbacks are migrating right now in front of the house, and all night they were flapping their tails and fins. It sounded like a fat-man doing belly flops off the high-dive echoing through the house. I have an interview today and am going to have big bags under my eyes.

ROFL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Edited by ZansGirl, 02 February 2010 - 11:56 AM.

ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-02 11:55:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Things that make you go...#######?
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-30 00:23:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois


Did I really just read someone use netiquette?

I beleive you did!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-25 20:14:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Montreal Interviewer: "What do you have in common with each other?"
Peachey: "We're REALLY weird."
Montreal Interviewer (incredulously to me): "Do you agree with that?"
<I think back to several days before the interview. Driving through the country, passing a field with cows...>
Peachey: "MOOOO! MOOOOO! Does this make me weird?"
Me: "No, well yes. Here, let me roll down the windows so they can hear you better!"
Peachey: "MOOOOO!!!!"
<back to interview>
Me: "Yes, yes I do."

EVERYTIME I read this and giggle!!!! Thanks for putting it on your siggy!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-25 13:21:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I like your hair today... it looks great. :thumbs:

Really???? I was a little unsure of the colour this time..and does this emoticon make my butt look big??
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-25 12:55:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-25 12:49:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Hehehe, well thank you, Bern! And thank you for telling me about Yuna - I never knew her story before and that is way cool! I just found the image very appealing so chose her for my avatar. Who knew!?

I am another of those that really thought that Avatar was a REAL pic (facepalm!)
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-24 19:44:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

eat poop, poop head.


grabs chair... :pop: this is gonna be interesting!!!

Edited by ZansGirl, 23 January 2010 - 09:06 PM.

ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-23 21:05:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Posted Image

That's mine.

ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-23 18:04:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I am constantly amazed at the twist, bumpos and absolute u-turns this post takes!!! It is like the amusement park of forums!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-21 14:05:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Sooo...I guess you don't apply those same standards to your VJ posts and PMs, eh?



Challenging me to a DUAL! You are TOO hilarious! Clever, Froggie...clever.


Yea I just hate people, but I don't mind talking to them.

You know... like I'll eat yams if they're there... but I generally don't like them.

lolz, lolz, LOOOOOOOLZ!!!!

Well for all in tents and porpoises, I except as well...

The Things you miss when you get on line late!!!!! LMAO!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-21 13:18:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Yea...he is fine....thankfully he had a friend he called and spent the night there.....I called in a favour and arranged a ride home for him today...

It just really pisses me off because this isn't a one time thing. My son is in his late teens, and has desperatly been trying to have a relationship with his father. My ex is selfish and frankly..I considered myself to be a single parent for most of their childhood. My ex continuously tells my son "yes..we will do this" and then either bails at the last minute..or pulls a no show...and my son FORGIVES him every time and goes back for more. has got worse since the ex moved in with the gf (whom he was having an affair with from 2004 to 2006 when I found out) . She really wants nothing to do with either child and gets quit indignant when they try to have some of his time. She even told my ex inlaws( remember..we were married for 20 years and dated 2.5 before we wed) that they are to have zero contact with me..and my ex goes along!!

And frankly..since she got pregnant ( she is 30..ex is 47 and it was IVF) she has become unbearable!! My daughter is due three months after and the GF had the nerve to call my daughter and ###### a blue streak that she got pregnant 'on purpose to steal her attention" and swore that the EX would NOT visit the grandchild until she saw fit.....

I understand that this is NOT MY BATTLE and I stay out as much as possible..mostly for my own sake..but it rips my heart out when I hear this stuff.....My future son-in-law pretty much despises the ex and hates the GF even more . In some way I am glad I ammoving out of the I don't have to deal with it.....but I swear..I totally beleive in Karma and I wait for the day it hits them. And in some small way, I even feel bad for their unborn child..because me and my two kids have already lived through what it is about to face.......

anyway....Thanks for letting me vent....
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-19 14:31:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Seriously...what type of parent assures their child that they will be at the Greyhound Bus Depot to pick them up and drive them back to the town where they both live, which is two hours away and not on said bus route.....AND THEN NOT SHOW UP..OR ANSWER THEIR PHONE, OR RESPOND TO MESSAGES????????? Ex-Husband!! unfruckingbeleivable!!!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-19 00:46:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I kind of think that car is cool...

what a difference a decade makes!!! I bought that car back in '84 and drove it until '87....we could fit a lot of kids in that car...including the trunk!! (when drive in's were lie 6.50 for a carload!! We got our money worth!!!) But I was constantly teased for my 'orange' crate on wheels.....

I sold it when I moved and bought ...wait for it....a Hyundai Pony Hatchback!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-18 18:33:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Maybe the Austin Marina?

The car known in the UK as the Morris Marina was sold as the Austin Marina in a number of overseas markets, including the US, Canada and South Africa. link

Posted Image

that fugly orange car!!! THAT IS IT!!!!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-18 13:45:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
all i can find online is a very very small picture of a die cast..and it is Aston Marina (google and you get some hotel in Jakarta!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-18 12:48:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
it looked sorta like the bottom pic..but the roof line was flatter....hideous colour huh!!! and you can imagine the teasing I got...with my name being TANGIE and driving an ORANGE car!!! yea!!! GOOD TIMES!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-18 12:36:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

why do you hate chevette? :P chevette was my first car.

I would have been thriled with a Chevette!!

My first car was a 4 door ORANGE 4 speed foreign dad said it was an Astin Marina, but for the life of me I can't seem to find a pic of it on line anywhere!!! It was a boxy little thing with tiny wheels..and BRIGHT ORANGE!!!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-18 12:02:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois


You're in!


and may I inject my biggest vent... If I hear one more person tell me that I don't have to bother with all this immigration stuff 'cause "you are Canadian..all you have to do is be married and they can't kick you out" I may seriously have an aneurysm!

ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-17 12:42:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Maybe the houes look like #######??? Seriously..looking for a home on line is freaking tough....
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-17 12:35:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Is this your first time in this thread, Zan? :o

Did anyone tell her about the initiation requirements? *looks around*

*very small voice* I's brought cookies??!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-17 12:33:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
AH HA!!!!

Now I find out where all the 'cool kids' are hanging out!!!!

plase can I stay??? please?????
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-17 12:11:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

So I told my mom today that I'm pregnant (first pregnancy), that I'm due in Aug 21st. Her response?--Indifference. She said, "Yeah yeah. I don't care what you do with your life."

"Well...I'm done." Then I went upstairs and :crying: .

I know I am not your mother.....but CONGRATULATIONS HONEY!!!!!!
I Wish you a healthy, happy and enjoyable pregnancy and may you have a beautiful, healthy happy child!!!

(hope it helps take the sting out a bit)
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-11 02:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I'm just amazed that she's in the Seattle area and is over three miles away from a Starbucks! :o

Normally you could kick a stone and hit one, have it ricochet and hit another!

I am outside of Puyallup....We have more bikini Baristas than Starbucks

Yay! ZansGirl!! You're home!! I trust everything went smoothly. If there was a thread, I kinda missed it, sorry. :blush:

I did a quike reveiw on my timeline I beleive....i was there from 11.30 to about 1.30 but that was soley due to a trainee doing the forms ans insisting she could do it all by herself......but at least she was very polite!!!
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-16 18:14:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I started Weight Watchers on line end of November wheh my daughter told me i was going to be a grammie (I am 44) Since then, I have lost 24 lbs and I can really feel a difference!! Baby is due I have a goal!!

I am home with my husband finally (POE was Feb 11) and looking forward to getting into a good fitness routine. My husbad likes to walk, but dislikes walking with me. (he says I walk way too fast!! ...he is 6'4 and I am 5'2..and apparently my short little legs go way too fast!!!) So we have decided to join the Y or a gym so we can have our 3x a week walk on a treadmill...that way we can each go our own pace!

I got a bit ambitious yesterday and took Briar, my 7 month old Border Collie for a walk....decided that heading to Starbucks would be a good destination...didn't realize that the round trip was 6.7 miles!!! HOLY COW!1 my hips and feet ached when I got home!! (But I am thinking of doing it again today!! LMAO!!)

Anyway...maybe we should start a Weight loss support thread??????
ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-16 10:20:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Whoa, lots of things happened while I was gone!

Its snowing soo hard right now! :(


Wyatt: Goodluck!!!

Lgg: I completely agree, I HATE winter. I thought I wont have to deal with too much winter moving back to Baltimore, but boy was I wrong :P And its not even snowing in TO :P

Krikit: Well, pretty soon youd be joining us snowed in peeps! :P

TM: Whoa, thats a lot of places! How did you end up in Singapore? Seems really far away! :P

Marilyn: Damn thats a good place to work in... :o

ZansGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-09 20:59:00