K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F On its way
Good luck to you - I wish for you speed and all the best in your petition!! I believe you will be a May filer - correct me if I am wrong, but it depends on your receipt date as to what month you are categorized in - yes?.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-30 07:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaNews Information for those in Morocco or those entering Morocco

Thanks for the info! My brother-in-law had his tourist visa interview schedued for tomorrow. I guess I'll check out the website to see what to do.....

You are very welcome - things are escalating here and in Algeria - please track news through, it will come up in arabic, but there is a link to click on for english. My prayers are with you and yours!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-11 07:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaNews Information for those in Morocco or those entering Morocco
This is a message I received in my e-mail today from the Consulate in Casablanca, Morocco. I am posting this for those members who are in Morocco or are planning a trip here. Right now the Consulate is closed to any public services due to the recent events of terrorist activities here - In the beginning of March there was a suicide bombing that took place in a cyber cafe in Casablanca - since then there has been 31 arrests. Here is the most recent article that was just posted about one hour ago: Below that article you will find the warden message as well. Please be careful in your travel plans and tell our spouse to stay safe as well.

Suicide blasts rock Casablanca

Three bombers blew themselves up and one was shot after a police raid [AFP]

A third man has blown himself up in the Moroccan city of Casablanca, police sources said late on Tuesday. The blast came after police raided an apartment building in the el Fida neighbourhood before dawn on Tuesday, searching for four people suspected of planning to carry out a series of suicide attacks. One suspect blew himself up during the raid and another was shot dead as he attempted to detonate 4kg of explosives he was carrying, officials said. Two suspects escaped, one of them blowing himself up near the scene later, killing one police officer and seriously wounding another. A 7-year-old child was also hurt in that blast. Police cordoned off the area, erecting metal barriers to find the fourth suspect. But he appeared to have deliberately targeted the police, injuring five of them and 14 other people, a policeman at the scene said. "He sneaked through the police cordon and then elbowed his way through a crowd of onlookers and journalists to move close to a cluster of policemen where he blew himself up," the policeman said. Al Jazeera has learnt that Moroccan police were pursuing the men on suspicion of involvement in a suicide attack on an internet cafe on March 11. A man carrying explosives was killed in that attack. An accomplice and three customers in the cafe were also injured. Thirty-one people have been arrested since the March 11 attack. Police sources said they believed the suspects had started wearing explosives belts all the time to prevent security forces from taking them alive. Investigations into the internet cafe blast led police to suspected plots to attack ships in Casablanca's port, police stations and tourist sites in Morocco. An interior ministry official told The Associated Press news agency that the two men killed in the dawn raid were also being sought in connection with suicide bombings in the city in 2003 which left 45 people dead.

(End of Article)

Warden Message
April 10, 2007
As noted in the November 20, 2006 Public Announcement for the Middle East and North Africa, there are ongoing security concerns in the region. Further to the November Public Announcement and the February 9, 2007 warden message issued by the Consulate General, U.S. citizens in Morocco are reminded to maintain a high level of vigilance and to take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness.
Following an April 10 incident in Casablanca during which Moroccan police confronted three potential terrorists in a residential neighborhood, the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca temporarily suspended services to the public. The potential for violence against American interests and citizens and other Western targets remains high in Morocco and the Consulate General encourages Americans in Morocco to remain vigilant regarding their personal security. Moroccan authorities continue to disrupt groups seeking to attack U.S.- or Western-affiliated targets and arrest individuals associated with international terrorist groups. Establishments which are readily identifiable with the United States are potential targets for attacks. These may include facilities where US citizens and other foreigners congregate, including clubs, restaurants, places of worship, schools, hotels, movie theaters and other public areas. Such targets may also include establishments where activities occur that may offend religious sensitivities, such as casinos or places where alcoholic beverages are sold or consumed. Due to varying degrees of security at all such locations, Americans should be particularly vigilant when visiting these establishments.
While in Morocco, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and maintain a low profile. All U.S. citizens are urged to consider seriously their personal security and to take those measures they deem appropriate to ensure their well-being. Report any suspicious incidents or problems immediately to Moroccan authorities and the U.S. Embassy in Rabat or the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca.
The U.S. Department of State encourages all American citizens residing in Morocco to register their presence and obtain up-to-date information on security conditions at the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca at 8 Blvd. Moulay Youssef, Telephone: 022-43-05-78. After hours, please call 022-26-45-50 or 061-17-23-67. Information is also available on our website at:
For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department's Internet website at where the current Worldwide Caution Public Announcement, Middle East and North Africa Public Announcement, and other Travel Warnings and Public Announcements can be found. Up to date information on security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the United States, or, for callers outside the United States and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-10 18:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinued Suicide Bombings in Morocco - TODAY

Oh good Aicha you are there with your husband.

I know his family has to be thrilled you are there, of course I know they wish it could be under different circumstances though.

Bonne Chance!

Yes I have been living here since November - his family is elated and want me to stay forever, and if things keep going the way they are going - that may happen. Teh circumstances of us still being here are ahrd, but at least we are together - i just wish it was not so hard on my children and now with the continued month of suicide bombings, it sure is not making them feel any better - they missed me before, but now they are jsut downright scared. Thank you for your support - it is wonderful to have that from someone besides my family.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 11:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinued Suicide Bombings in Morocco - TODAY

Please say this is figured out soon :(

If my fiance gets denied I swear I am moving over there no matter how dangerous it is for me. After what it took to find this man. No, one way or another I'm going to be with him. This one is my Chosen.


Good for you - I know it is hard to make that choice -this country is not easy to live in, but I have been living here side by side with my husband since November 2006 while we go through this grueling process and we were denied on March 21, 2007 - and then others have been approved - it is a hard consulate - more than 50 percent denial rates.

I do wish you and yorus a beautiful life together and inchaallah - you will receive your VISA.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinued Suicide Bombings in Morocco - TODAY

Warden Message-April 14, 2007
From: ACS, Casablanca (
Add contact
Sent:Sat 4/14/07 1:24 PM

Warden Message

April 14, 2007

On the morning of April 14, two suicide bombs were detonated on Boulevard Moulay Youssef in central Casablanca, one near the United States Consulate General and the other near the American Language Center. Police have secured the area and are undertaking an investigation. Other than the two suicide bombers, the U.S. Mission in Morocco has received no reports of fatalities or serious injuries. U.S. government personnel in Casablanca have been advised to remain at home. American citizens are urged to remain alert to local security developments and be vigilant regarding their personal security.

The potential for violence against American interests and citizens and other Western targets remains high in Morocco. Moroccan authorities continue to disrupt groups seeking to attack U.S.- or Western-affiliated targets and arrest individuals associated with international terrorist groups. Establishments which are readily identifiable with the United States are potential targets for attacks. These may include facilities where US citizens and other foreigners congregate, including clubs, restaurants, places of worship, schools, hotels, movie theaters and other public areas. Such targets may also include establishments where activities occur that may offend religious sensitivities, such as casinos or places where alcoholic beverages are sold or consumed. Due to varying degrees of security at all such locations, Americans should be particularly vigilant when visiting these establishments.

While in Morocco, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and maintain a low profile. All U.S. citizens are urged to consider seriously their personal security and to take those measures they deem appropriate to ensure their well-being. Report any suspicious incidents or problems immediately to Moroccan authorities and the U.S. Embassy in Rabat or the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca.

The U.S. Department of State encourages all American citizens residing in Morocco to register their presence and obtain up-to-date information on security conditions at the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca at 8 Blvd. Moulay Youssef, Telephone: 022-43-05-78. After hours, please call 022-26-45-50 or 061-17-23-67. Information is also available on our website at:

For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department's Internet website at where the current Worldwide Caution Public Announcement, Middle East and North Africa Public Announcement, and other Travel Warnings and Public Announcements can be found. Up to date information on security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the United States, or, for callers outside the United States and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 15:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinued Suicide Bombings in Morocco - TODAY
my name is mourad - I am aicha's husband in morocco.

I am so sorry what happend in morocco - really I hate so very much the terrorists anywhere in this world.

on monday - the day before the tuesday bombings - my wife and I were upstairs and we were watching the sky and I told my wife that I feel something bad will happen and the next day there were more suicide bombings in morocco - but I want everone in this world to know that I will never let anyone touch my wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( I am very sure )

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 15:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinued Suicide Bombings in Morocco - TODAY

I am so happy to see all of the support you all have for each other - I am still new to this site, but because I am actually living here fighting my husband's denial - I am trying to at least keep you all informed as much as I can on news issues. If I receive any information on the consulate and there services again - I will let you know - I get e-mails from them because I am living here. My prayers are with all of your families that are here and just continue to tell them to stay safe and be very aware of their surroundings, especially when in Casablanca.

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinued Suicide Bombings in Morocco - TODAY

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 08:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinued Suicide Bombings in Morocco - TODAY

Update - here is the news just in on Aljazeera News network. Will continue to post more news as I can get it. I am sure that because the targets this time were of US nature, that you will see a lot of news in the sates on this matter. I tell you though, being here in the midst of all of this is making me very uneasy! God be with us all in this!


aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 08:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinued Suicide Bombings in Morocco - TODAY

This is too inform those who have friends, family, spouses, etc. in Morocco. There was another suicide bombing in Casablanca, Morocco Today - I can not give you news sites as of yet, because it has just happened. Please be warned and warn your loved ones about this - THIS TIME THE ACTUAL TARGET WAS THE US CONSULATE AND THE US CULTURAL CENTER! Thank God that no one was injured or killed only the two bombers - but it is also a Saturday, so there is not much avtivity in that area on Saturday. Aljazeera News is saying that the terrorists were making a point to authority figures that they can and will get to areas that are even highly protected. I will provide more news as it becomes available. I am sure that this will cause more problems now at the consulate and delays in their services there.

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 08:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaFollow up to Casablanca cyber cafe bombing...
I am giving you all a few different news links that are more accurate as to all that is happening in Morocco and Algeria. these are updated all the time and the information is better. Let us all remember that we are here for helping each other and all of us are in the same position - marraige and immigration - having disagreements over why things are happeing on terrorist activities and pointing fingers is not something that is necessary.;fr=ush-news;type=feature



This should give you a good starting point to keep an eye on things for yourself - I will do my best to continue to provide information as I can since I am living here right now.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-11 09:06:00
Middle East and North Africamedical in morocco

Already stated, but worth repeating...

Make sure you get a copy of the DS-3025 (vaccination worksheet). It says right on the form, give a copy to the applicant, if anyone gives you a hard time about it.

You need it for AOS!

Also, if your SO has a mommy that saved his or her vaccination card, if they bring it with them they may be able to save money on some of the vaccinations that they've already had.

Okay - I obviously missed this - who was supposed to give a copy of that form? My husband had his vaccinations, but we never seen a form on it.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-25 06:59:00
Middle East and North Africamedical in morocco
I think in all for the doctor, the lab, the x-rays and the vaccination medicine from the pharmacy - we paid in all around 150 USD. The doctor herself, is a real good woman and speaks english too. But, yes there is a lot of running around to do, so there are the additional taxi fees as well. We had train fees too which I did not include in the medical expenses. The lab place likes to cause a few problems here and there, but he x-ray place is very nice - a lot of waiting at both places. The receptionist at the doctor's office even loaned us money because we did not bring enough with us and then we just had the money wired to us by family to pay her back. Hope this helps on some info on this subject and this doctor. Not sure if she is more expensive, but I think she is worth it if she is - we could not get ahold of the other two doctors.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-20 09:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo one answered my question
I really enjoyed this posting - you guys make life a little easier when emotions are crazy! Or maybe that is the point - crazy to counteract crazy! Anyways thanks - needed a few laughs!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-24 15:09:00
Middle East and North Africaitty bitty baby steps in the returned petition process

Looks like your timeline is about 2 months ahead of ours with the return, you dont think California will just cancel it? and hearing it takes about 6 months to get the paper before we can refile.

i know there is a possibility that they could deny it but i refuse to dwell on it. when i found out that our petition had been returned, i knew we weren't going to be one of the lucky couples. our journey was going to be long and frustrating. i just keep in mind that it can't last forever and one day, driss and i will be together. if a denial is in our future, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, but like you and yours, casa has not seen the last of driss and allie! keep us in the know about your baby steps, too. lots of luck! :)

Well said Allie!!!!!!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-25 07:04:00
Middle East and North Africaitty bitty baby steps in the returned petition process

Keep your chin up!!! Everytime I whine or complain about it taking so long, Mohammed says we are seasoning our love(ok well in his english this isnt exactly what he says but Im paraphrasing here!!!)When I ask him to explain he says anyone can fall in love when its easy and live, but when you have to fight and struggle to be together you come to realize how much it means. Just hold on to your love.....6 days more or 6 months more what is it really when you look at 50 more years together???

You could not be more right than that! We all need to remember that our love will be strong through all things - we do not just marry and walk happily down the aisle together and go off about our lives - we work hard and go through separations and mountains of process to bring our lives together - we start out giving everything we have and more to each other and that makes for a much stronger, purer and brighter future. Love each other until the day you die and then marry each other again for eternity with God in heaven!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-24 14:32:00
Middle East and North Africaitty bitty baby steps in the returned petition process

With a returned petition any knowledge is a comforting thing. Most of the time we spend totally in the dark about these petitions.

You still have a wait ahead of you but you are one step closer nontheless. Now is the time to prepare for the NOIR. Best wishes!

Well said - dark is a very hard place to be, so when you get that little bit of light - it sure does help a lot.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-24 14:28:00
Middle East and North Africaitty bitty baby steps in the returned petition process
Good luck to you and your fiance! Where are you guys in Morocco?
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-24 08:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Consulate Information - CASABLANCA CO
You are correct - thanks - it would not come up the last time I looked, but now it is back up again.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-26 17:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Consulate Information - CASABLANCA CO
I believe the CO is re-opened - it is no longer on their website front page that they are closed - so I think they are back in service - If I hear otherwise - I will let you know.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-26 16:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Consulate Information - CASABLANCA CO
Just a quick update - I jsut got off of a message from the Senator in my state and was informed that their communications with the CO here are a little on hold at the moment due to the security issues at hand - they were told directly form the CO that there are only a few personnel in the office here and until the security measeures are lifted it will stay that way. Sorry to those who had interviews scheduled.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-16 16:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Consulate Information - CASABLANCA CO

Thanks for the update! Looks like my BIL's interview will be rescheduled AGAIN! :wacko:

Do services for the public mean interviews also? Or just consulate services for the American public in Morocco?

Well, it was the same wording as the memo posted on Tuesday, and sure enough, interviews were cancelled on Wednesday. So I'm thinking it means all services.

You know the emailed us *after* the scheduled interview time to tell us it had been postponed? :blink: I think they have the idea that everyone lives around the corner. :lol:

The CO is closed - it is not just for public services - the CO is actually CLOSED (they did not close last time, just delayed services) - all US government employees have been urged to stay home - this will take place until further notice.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-16 06:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Consulate Information - CASABLANCA CO

Thanks for the update. Where are you in Morocco?

I am in Kenitra - Luckily two hours from Casa by train, three by taxi. But we have friends and family in Casa.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-16 06:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Consulate Information - CASABLANCA CO
Warden Message- April 15, 2007
From: ACS, Casablanca (
Add contact
Sent:Sun 4/15/07 1:38 PM

Here is the latest from the US Consulate in Casablanca, Morocco - sorry for all of those who have pending interviews - I really do not know what this does for your cases. When I have anything new - I will post it. Good luck to you all.

Warden Message- April 15, 2007
The U.S. Consulate Temporarily Closed to the Public

Effective immediately, the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca has temporarily suspended services to the public for a review of security measures.

The U.S. Department of State encourages all American citizens residing in Morocco to register their presence and obtain up-to-date information on security conditions at the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca at 8 Blvd. Moulay Youssef, Telephone: 022-43-05-78. After hours, please call 022-26-45-50 or 061-17-23-67. Information is also available on our website at:
For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department's Internet website at where the current Worldwide Caution Public Announcement, Middle East and North Africa Public Announcement, and other Travel Warnings and Public Announcements can be found. Up to date information on security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the United States, or, for callers outside the United States and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 16:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaPoetry and Immigration

Thoughts To Ponder

Life it seems is never what we choose - it will forever have the curves, obstacles and the boundaries of others opinions and judgements. We do not even have the right to be born - we just are. The Journey Begins.

We do not choose the family we are born into - the life we are given - the people who will intertwine throughout. Most will disagreee and say we do have choices. However, those choices are limited to the abitlity to freely make them.

Anyone can make choices, but will society in general allow those choices? Will they allow them to be kept and at what price? A sacrifice here and there - is that what pleases others to see? Some are born into great lives, lives where they seem to never have to make any sacrifices - all the good is merely given to them. Is that true or right? Not really - it only seems so on the surface - those people suffer too in different ways.

Most of them suffer due to the fact that they are in the watchful eyes of society and one mistake can live with them forever. Although, to feel the suffering of those in poverty or in normal everyday lives - nearly impossible. Some of them come from hard backgrounds, but somewhere along the trail of life, they forget that previous life and never turn back to offer help to those still in need of something better - someone caring - someone remembering of the horrors of the other life. Most of their hardships or suffering can be chased away because they have money or influence in the right sectors of life.

But, where does that leave the remainder of society who merely beg and plea just to have a normal life - the right to make choices for their personal soul - to right their dreams - the right to give their family a snack at midnight without the cupboards being bare - the right to clothe their family with clothes that have no holes - the right to sleep safely in a bed that is warm and without danger - the right to not be hurt physically, emotionally or sexually - the right to share life with that perfect person if you find them - The Right To Live Because You Were Born!

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-27 10:47:00
Middle East and North Africaany CASA updates?
The website still says the services are suspended at this time - no date yet on re-opening.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-22 17:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

oh gosh this is so difficult.

you are getting the wrong info regarding your I-130. it will be the petition USCIS wil review and use to issue you the NOIR. the NOIR will be sent where? you will have 30 days to respond to it or your I-130 will be revoked. will you still be in Morocco when the NOIR arrives?
Chi, I think you are talking about my other post on this one, so I will go there to reply on your comment about the petition status.

i could not find your reply

as to the residency in Morocco. this is what their website says>>>>

Residence permit
Americans and other foreign nationals interested in residing in Morocco for more than three months have to report their intention to stay in Morocco to the nearest police station of their place of residence within two weeks of their entrance. To apply for a resident card, non-Moroccan nationals have to provide supporting documents of their place as well as reason of residence (e.g.: job contract, employment verification, proof of investment, proof of registration for students, marriage certificate for people married to Moroccan nationals). When first issued, residency cards are valid for one year, renewable every year. Processing time takes approximately 3 to 6 months.

did you report your intention with in the first 2 weeks there?

Yes - we did exactly this - I wrote to the US CO here to get all of the information and we followed each and every step for their process here for a residence permit. So I am aware of all of this information - we researched before starting. I took in all of the supporting documents - even my husbands family signed papers to sponsor me with my husband - I went through the interview and everything - we were applying for the residence permit - the man processed as only a tourist extension. He said there was no reason for me to stay here - if I wanted to I could come back.

are you going back?

as to the corruption. they do not consider asking for money as wrong. it is a way of life. you do for me i do for you. your husband must know this. we call it corruption they call it life. (is it right? not by our standards.) but this is how this culture lives and it is expected if you want something you will pay for it. plain and simple. there is no way you will be able to change this. going higher up the chain of command usally doesnt help either because they do the same thing and they will say there must have been a misunderstanding or whatever. its a battle you cannot win. what is the saying, when in spain do as spain does or something to that effect.

just give the money to renew your stay. even if you do go to spain i am sure you will still have to pay someone else for it so why bother unless you just want to take the trip?

one question, did you apply for a tourist or residency permit? Residency Permit

i wish you the best. this is such an emotional time for you. i so understand. please dont get angry for what i have told you.

I have no reason to get angry at you Chi - people have really got the wrong idea about me through this battle - I am really an easy going person. As for the corruption issue - I will stand by my beliefs, as will my husband - we both are very aware of the system here, but we do not have to aid it - if we have to go other methods to do things right, then that is what we will do. And I stood on the belief I can never win the battle - then why I am I even here - I know what battle you are speaking of, but in my philosophy - all of life is a battle and I will fight each and every one I come faced with, but I will do it with my ethics in tact and believe that if people believe in somethng enough - it can be changed - if we all go through life thinking that these battles can not be changed - then what good are any of us in this world?. And I have went up the chain of command here and won each and every time - I believe there is good in this country - I have seen it many times. Sadly for one good - there is ten bad, but I seekl to find the one good and will go through the ten to get to that one. I hope you understand - thank you so much for all of your help and advice - you are a good person!


i have no wrong idea about you at all. i understand all you are going through. i am just not sure how you will be able to accomplish what you want.

how will you do battle with USCIS for your husband living in Morocco? have you changed your address with them? USCIS are notorious for blunders in this area (among other things as well). My address still exists in the states - I have not needed to do this, as I have not given up my residence - all of my mail is screened by my adult children, so it is being taken care of - anything that would have came in would have been taken care of in plenty of time - believe me I did have everything put in place so nothing would have been missed that way or any other.

how much experience does your senator have with immigration and USCIS issues, especially returned cases? mine told me to continue processing our approved I-130 saying it would get send to Casa and we would get a visa with that petition. right in the middle of processing it was sent back to CSC for further review. senator was wrong. senator's liason said she learned something new. (gulp, at my expense) in the 2 years i have been learning it has been my experience no represenative knows this process. which i would expect to be the case since this is not their area of work. as a matter of fact each service center seems to have their own way of handling returned cases. I am checking into their experience - I feel they have done and responded very accordingly and they have got results that my lawyer was not getting to say the least - they were even getting response from the CO here, so I am comfortable so far, but can not answer you on the experience issue.

my point is that you cannot always go by what senators/congressman tell you since they dont know much either. in your case, i find it reasonable that your approved I-130 is in storage. it is awaiting the K3 return and expiration then they USCIS will pull it for review, send you the NOIR and go from there. This is where you were not understanding the issues with my CR1 - the CR1 petition was approved on January 31, 2007 - they sent it to storage from there. They would not have even been aware of my K3 denial or interview at that time - my K3 interview was on March 21, 2007 - so you see what you are saying is not making sense to me - it could not have been waiting the K3 return on January 31 when the K3 had not even arrived in Casa for a scheduled interview yet. My K3 and CR1 petitions were being processed at about the same time - my CR1 was right behind the K3. But they finished and sent my CR1 eroneously to Storage.

staying with your husband is a wonderful thing. how i wish i could have stayed with mine. but i would have lost my job, our home and the abilty to fight the denial. there would have been no place for us to come home to when we did overturn the denial. We have a life to go back to in the states and a place to stay.

i understand your desire for right and wrong. but to do battle with a culture that has existed for centuries by yourself is certainly applauable and admiral. if aiding the sysyem (corruption) there would have helped us i would certainly have done it! as i stated, this is life there. we payed many hands just to get married in Morocco. it was that or no marriage.

We were in the same position, but we still chose not to pay and we hired a local lawyer - we got married - a few more steps, but we did it without compromising our beliefs. I am not trying to do battle with them - I jsut will not waiver on my beliefs and neither will my husband. There is good here and we just sometimes have to go the extra steps to get there.

however would not your energies be better directed at the USCIS since this will be the next step in the process? My energies are being spent where they are needed one step at a time - I am a very organized person, so I am not over stepping myself or my abilities, but thank you Chi for caring so much!

your battle at the moment is not with the corruption issue there but with the DOS and USCIS since these are the American govermental agencies who have the power to issue a visa for your husband. how will doing battle with the Moroccan way of of life change anything for you? this is what i dont understand. is your plan perhaps to remain in Morocco with your husband or is your plan to one day come to the states with him? if the latter is true why waste your time and most of all your energy on what Morocco does? certainly that issue can wait until you have cleared up the visa problem. I am not in a battle with these people, this is just one issue with my residence permit, (some of the things they are doing makes me upset) and right now with the way the CO is, we have no idea how long we could be here. Our choice is to be in the states because of my children and my parents due to their health issues. I am heading back to the states to deal with a few things there and to try and set up some kind of assistance for my step-father. I will deal with a few other things and get some binders set up to deal with rebuttal or with my CR1, whichever it is that comes first. But when I come back here it will be until we have VISA in hand and can return together, so my residence permit here was important and on my return we will go directly to Rabat to the Ministry of Interiot - he is the one who makes the decison and approves the residence permits. The man here in Kenitra just decided to only put in for a extension of stay even though we requested a residence permit.

i am just an outsider reading and these are my thoughts. being that i also have been through this in approval processing. very same process i know how easy it is to get sidetracked. my suggestion is to keep focused on what you have the power to do and leave the rest behind. keep your focus on establishing a valid marriage. My focus is fine - i may go off once in awhile about the way things are being handled, but I am okay Chi - I know this process is long and can be very agonizing, but I am in no dream, fantasy world here - I know the way it is and I will do what it takes, but we will stand by our ethics.

living in Morocco is not necessarily proof that you have a valid marriage. keep that in mind. one of the best proofs is letters from those who will verify they know you as a couple. you will want to gather as many of these as you can for the NOIR. all of those letters will come from our family and friends here - out of our ten month marriage - eight of those months have been spent here with our family and friends. My children and my mom have wrote their letter already. I do not have much else for back in the states - most of my time has been here and all of those who know us as a couple are here.

my best wishes and prayers for a quick resolution to your case. Thank you so much Chi, I always enjoy talking with you, Aicha

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 16:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

oh gosh this is so difficult.

you are getting the wrong info regarding your I-130. it will be the petition USCIS wil review and use to issue you the NOIR. the NOIR will be sent where? you will have 30 days to respond to it or your I-130 will be revoked. will you still be in Morocco when the NOIR arrives?
Chi, I think you are talking about my other post on this one, so I will go there to reply on your comment about the petition status.

as to the residency in Morocco. this is what their website says>>>>

Residence permit
Americans and other foreign nationals interested in residing in Morocco for more than three months have to report their intention to stay in Morocco to the nearest police station of their place of residence within two weeks of their entrance. To apply for a resident card, non-Moroccan nationals have to provide supporting documents of their place as well as reason of residence (e.g.: job contract, employment verification, proof of investment, proof of registration for students, marriage certificate for people married to Moroccan nationals). When first issued, residency cards are valid for one year, renewable every year. Processing time takes approximately 3 to 6 months.

did you report your intention with in the first 2 weeks there?

Yes - we did exactly this - I wrote to the US CO here to get all of the information and we followed each and every step for their process here for a residence permit. So I am aware of all of this information - we researched before starting. I took in all of the supporting documents - even my husbands family signed papers to sponsor me with my husband - I went through the interview and everything - we were applying for the residence permit - the man processed as only a tourist extension. He said there was no reason for me to stay here - if I wanted to I could come back.

as to the corruption. they do not consider asking for money as wrong. it is a way of life. you do for me i do for you. your husband must know this. we call it corruption they call it life. (is it right? not by our standards.) but this is how this culture lives and it is expected if you want something you will pay for it. plain and simple. there is no way you will be able to change this. going higher up the chain of command usally doesnt help either because they do the same thing and they will say there must have been a misunderstanding or whatever. its a battle you cannot win. what is the saying, when in spain do as spain does or something to that effect.

just give the money to renew your stay. even if you do go to spain i am sure you will still have to pay someone else for it so why bother unless you just want to take the trip?

one question, did you apply for a tourist or residency permit? Residency Permit

i wish you the best. this is such an emotional time for you. i so understand. please dont get angry for what i have told you.

I have no reason to get angry at you Chi - people have really got the wrong idea about me through this battle - I am really an easy going person. As for the corruption issue - I will stand by my beliefs, as will my husband - we both are very aware of the system here, but we do not have to aid it - if we have to go other methods to do things right, then that is what we will do. And I stood on the belief I can never win the battle - then why I am I even here - I know what battle you are speaking of, but in my philosophy - all of life is a battle and I will fight each and every one I come faced with, but I will do it with my ethics in tact and believe that if people believe in somethng enough - it can be changed - if we all go through life thinking that these battles can not be changed - then what good are any of us in this world?. And I have went up the chain of command here and won each and every time - I believe there is good in this country - I have seen it many times. Sadly for one good - there is ten bad, but I seekl to find the one good and will go through the ten to get to that one. I hope you understand - thank you so much for all of your help and advice - you are a good person!


aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 07:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

Stay strong and hold on to your beliefs because you are the one who has to lives with the choices you make. I don't really know how things work in that country and I havenot had to personally endure this stuff. I know when I follow my ethics, values and principals I can live with myself better and I have the faith and trust in God to provide the path which He would have me follow.

I know at times ecspecially now that if i could pay to get my husband here right now I would beg, borrower or still to do it. I don't have the option so oh well i have to wait out the AP. My mom was jsut given a few months to live and I want more then anything for m y husband to met her before she passes as she really wants to met him, i ahve to hold to my beliefs that if God wants them to be abel to met that He will provide a way for it to happen. That is why He won't allow options for me to beg, borrower or steal to get him here. We are never quite sure of why things happen they way the do only that it is of God's amking or it simply wouldn't be, as I believe nothing happens in the world by mistake. The heartache is real as is the pain and I can only pray that it will soon be over and you will see what needed to be learned by this lesson in life that you are experiencing. I know that i am learning that the love and support that i have encountered through this process is so great, and teh best part is not having to do this alone. God has joined many into our lives that are of all different races, creeds, religions and we are joining as a tight knit group.

I will help you in your fight with the system in anyway I can.

I have learned a great deal through this experience - as I have through all other experiences in my life, my background has never been easy, but I continue to endure. I feel very much taht there are many reasons for all that is happening and my hsuband and I are discussing those various reasons. Through this we are trying to make a decision that will be right for our future and still be able to live with the choices we are making. As my husband says - it is the "maktoub" - God's written plan - I believe this very much - sometimes we just feel the pain so great that we feel as though we will fall forever and never stop. We know there is a light to the end of this and our life will take on an enormous beauty because of all we have endured to get there - that we hold close to our souls and that keeps our love strong.

Thank you for the offer of help on the sytem - will talk to you later.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 07:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

Esalaamu Aleikum Rahmat Allah dearest Aicha!
I pray this finds you in the highest form of faith, understanding and sisterhood. I can only imagine what you are going throu dearest sister.
I myself, have jumped the hurdles of bureaucratic BS and red tape in my husband's country. And I myself, still waiting for Algerian residency...thanks to John Walsh and the new CO here. I keep thinking if I could have only filed last year, when several others had filed DCF and gotten approvals within a month. And I hit my head against the wall, cos I know the conidtion of my dh (if we were in the US) would be solved by now. He would be walking...getting meds that he needs.
But no... Allah destined us for us something else. WHat I cannot say... but I do say BarakuAllah fik my sister. I sa your petition and signed. I comend your efforts and pray Allah ease your suffering and trails.
I do wonder sister, since I see you are filing k3 you are legally married... how can the Morrocan goverment deny you residency? ALgeria is not Morroco, true, but I do not understand how a country can deny residency when it based on marriage? Enchallah I will try to look into and enchallah maybe find you some light in the tunnel. INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAHI RAJI'UN Be strong my sister and remember Allah only gives what He can take away. You are in my duúa!

Shukran bezaf for all of your comments - they really meant a lot! My faith has always been my stronghold in life and i can only do my best to try and seek and understand god's plans for me and my husband - and I will do my best to do what he is asking of our life in this struggle. I am so sorry for your struggles also and I can see that your faith is also very high with Allah and that is wonderful - you too keep fighting for what you know he wants from you. What is wrong with your husband, if I may ask? I will say lots of prayers for you also - I feel I am always praying now and Allah must have an open ear with my name on it.

I only understand how corrupt things are here - I have seen so much and anytime you give these people money - they will jump though hoops for what you want. the police here are shocked by what this man did to us and we will continue to fight the powers that be, but until then we need to follow the laws. you also will continue to be in my duùa!

Speaking of money, greed and bureaucratic BS...when my husband and I were applying for our marriage premit here in Algeria... the officer at the local city hall/police station after knowing I had ties to the US... first question asked was: Are you rich? ... then came the sly speech about helping him with 7000DA (which is only about $100, but still) and buying him a PC. Ye whatever! I feel it here daily, when I go out shopping people are kind to me cos I am foreigner, thinking someday somehow I will doing them favours. But as far as the bureacracy...unless you shovel over some liquide cash you will waiting and waiting until Judgement Day. :wacko: :angry: :blink: :unsure:
I know I am country away, but I will PM you my (enchallah I pray you do not) but if you do help...enchallah my family and I are here to help. I pray things get resolved. I know it hard enough being a foreigner, but when you get stuck with obastacles of extreme not much fun! Allah Ma'3ki sister!

I know exactly what you mean - but here in Kenitra - when they see foreigner's, especially Americans - the prices on everything get jacked up, even if I am not buying anything - if I am out with our sister or our mom, they try to charge them more money. Tahnk you Henia - your support is great - I will look for your pm.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 07:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

Good luck to you! Going to Melilla sounds like a great idea and very inexpensive. I see your point about not aiding the corruption, but if you're going to be living in Morocco your life might be alot more difficult. To ensure to be together with my husband I would do as all Moroccans do. It's part of life there, just consider it tipping.


I have tipped a lot - people who do their job - this man has been rude and inconsiderate to me and my hsuband since the beginning - he told us flat out that "Americans make it hard for everyone else, so we are going to make it hard for you" - I do not think it is just about the money - I think he is just trying to prove something.

My husband and I are both very aware of what it is like here, of course, but it does not mean we need to compromise our ethics and we won't. We will take other actions to fix this - the advice has been great - thank you.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 07:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

The border between Morocco and Algeria is closed and you will not be allowed to enter into Algeria. But it's nto necessary to go that far. A few dirhams will get you a bus from Kenitra to Melilla which is controlled by Spain. The train from Kenitra to Nador is only about 6 stops away. A taxi will take you from Nador to Melilla for about $1-2 dollars.

Thank you so much for this information - I was not aware of this city and giving me the money prices also helped a great deal - we will check into it. Thank you again!!!

Just so everyone knows - I have not given up and packed my bags yet - we are also contacting Rabat - the Ministry of Interior - like I said we had applied and done the interview for a residence permit not just an extension of stay, so I will be contacting them to find out how to fix what this man did. I am willing to do anything that it takes to fix this and stay here - the last thing I want to do is leave - I just want to do it legal and keep to our ethics - I do not feel anything is wrong in that.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 13:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

How much could it be to give the guy a little money to extend the visa?

It is not really the point of how much it would be - it is the point that it is not ethically right to do this and I will not be one who condones what is happening here. If I pay this man off - what kind of person does that make me - I am trying to do everything legal - everything right - if I start falling into the illegal class, then all of my words through this would have meant nothing. I understand why people do that - I am just not going to start following that path. I hope you understand what I am saying. My husband and I love each other more than anything in this world, but we will not taint our love or our beliefs by doing things that are just not right - and encouraging these corrupt individuals is just not right. Our doors will open and in the end we will walk away knowing we never compromised our selves to make it happen.

You're making far too big a deal out of this for a few bucks. It's not like it will be documented that you helped the guy with Friday couscous so you could get a few months. Until there is a huge change in the economy, your refusal to give the guy a few dollars makes no change at all in the "system" and only hurts you and your plans.

And if you don't want to give the guy some money, why don't you take a day trip to Melilla to get the visitor visa extended? This is totally legal and people do it everyday. It seems like you are refusing to do any of the things suggested just because one man is trying to get some money out of you. He isn't your only option.


Thanks for your comment - I did not refuse to do the Spain thing - I refuse to do the money thing - I did not know about the Spain thing until I started getting the posts here and comments about it - I am considering this option. I would never refuse to do something that is legal to help us - and the Spain trip is now becoming an option. But I have paid out enough money on the other things - I should not have to continue to pay more just because they are corrupt. I am checking into a lot of other options and I posted to get comments and suggestions. So thank you to everyone for your prayers and for your suggestions and especially for the trip advice to the city controlled by Spain.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?


There is not much that I can say except that I hope that you will find an answer to your prayers and that you will find the right way to solve this horrible situations. I have not spend much time in morocco - total of about 30 days but I have witnessed the enormous amount of corruption - it is truly disgusting and the worse part is that most of the time is just pure jealousy that is behind these actions affecting lives of so many people.

My prayers are with you and your husband.

Stay strong,


You are so correct in your statement, the corruption here is a lot of jealousy issues - I just can not follow that path of condoning what they do here by paying out bribes to get what I want - we will find a way to fix everything and it will be done the right way. My heart goes out so much to those who are continually having to pay out money in bribes for things. Our sister just had a baby and we had to pay money to the nurses just to take care of here and give her medicine - our mom could not even stay at the hospital with her without us having to pay a lot of money to stay, like it was a hotel or something - crazy!

I pray for you and your love to be together forever soon. I know how hard this process is and yes at times you get tired of being patient and waiting everything out, this process is really hard and emotionally draining. But you are a strong woman and you know that the love you have with your man is real so you will get through this i know that. I will keep you both in my prayers. God bless you.

AJ1 (F)

Thank you so much for your prayers - we will make it - I believe that with my whole heart and soul!

I know that you don't like the idea of leaving Morocco and reentering in order to extend your tourist visa, but you really might need to do it in order to buy yourself more time, no? It would make me very nervous to be in Morocco without a valid visa, so just make sure that you're careful, aicha. Better to hop a ferry to Spain and back to have your visa extended until October and have more time to figure out a course of action than have to deal with the consequences of overstaying your current visa. Good luck to you!

Just wanted to express sympathy and second this. Make sure you keep your end legal; the last thing you need is another hassle at this point. Hang in there; you'll get through this.

Tahnk you and you are right - I am not about to do anything illegal in this process - we will endure and survive and be stronger because of it!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 07:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

I do not know how to feel anymore - I thought I would be okay through all of this - even when we kept getting screwed by all of the processes and how they handled our case. First our denial on our K3 and then finding out the reasons were just so out of context and then finding out that our CR1 petition was approved January 31 and should have been in process at the NVC, but my Senator finds out that the CSC erroneously sent it to storage instead of to the NVC! Now we are having to wait even longer for the processing of it. But I still thought I would be okay because my husband and I were together.

I sold everything I own to move to his country to live side by side with my husband until we could return together to the states to start and build out future together. The police and authorities here all told me the same thing - you have nothing to worry about - you can stay here for years, no problem. We did what we were supposed to do and filed my papers here - I went through the interview and the papers were sent off to Rabat for approval stamping - little did we know the man at the Foreigner's Office here requested that I only be given four months. He said we should not have needed any more time than that. We filed all the papers we needed to get my residence permit, which is good for 10 years. But this man screwed us - after two and a half months of waiting - we got our papers back and they only gave me until June 20 to stay here in this country - not a residence permit, only a temporary VISA stamp in my passport. We asked if they will extend it - can we file more papers - the man told us No!

So now not only are we having to endure the American government, but now also the Moroccan government. I do not understand how these people actually sleep at night with their selves - really! My husband and I have shared the last three days now just watching each other and tears falling - we do not even know where to go from here - we both hurt so much more then we can even explain. Both of our families are beside themselves - the hurt is tenfold for all of us!

I am not standing by anymore while the governments of this world continue to do this to innocent people who just try so hard to follow the laws that govern us in life. I am preparing letters/articles to be submitted to any and all media agencies, as well as government agencies. I am not sitting on my hands anymore - it is time we all stand up for our rights and the right to have a process that is fair and just for those that follow the law to do it right. I am so tired of just sitting back and hearing story after story of complete heartbreak in so many people - I really do not understand how so many people in this system over the years have just not done anything to change this. I can not sit back and watch one more person have to bare these atrocities.

Right now I do not even have money to fight this - I have spent every dime I had to fight our own process and denials and on and on, but I will find a way to make this happen, if I have to start walking across America to make a point! I for one can not handle one more hang in there - stay strong comment - I will stay strong by fighting this system and getting the national public to pay attention to what is happening to innocent people who are just trying to love and marry and be happy and do it legally!!

Hi Aicha--Your experience is really frightening to all of us getting ready to go through the Moroccan consulate. It seems that Americans have no rights when it comes to immigration of fiances from there. Be assured you are in my prayers--I wish I could stay with Hamid in Morocco forever!!! Keep the faith....Debbie

Debbie - thank you for the prayers - I guess if I was just his fiance I could understand them not allowing me to stay very long here, but I am his wife and we did all of the process and the interview for my residence permit, which is supposed to be good for ten years, but the man at the foreigner's office put in our papers to only request an extension and not the actual residence permit. Try not to be scared, just make sure you are prepared for everything! Good luck to you and yours!

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 07:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

How much could it be to give the guy a little money to extend the visa?

It is not really the point of how much it would be - it is the point that it is not ethically right to do this and I will not be one who condones what is happening here. If I pay this man off - what kind of person does that make me - I am trying to do everything legal - everything right - if I start falling into the illegal class, then all of my words through this would have meant nothing. I understand why people do that - I am just not going to start following that path. I hope you understand what I am saying. My husband and I love each other more than anything in this world, but we will not taint our love or our beliefs by doing things that are just not right - and encouraging these corrupt individuals is just not right. Our doors will open and in the end we will walk away knowing we never compromised our selves to make it happen.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 06:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?
SORRY JENN - really sometimes I just hit that wrong button - I have to laugh at myself - it is that silly Arabic keyboard - lol!

You are right - leaving my husband is not something I want - he is my husband - when I married him I made a decision to be with him, whether it was here or there. The papers we filed were for a residence permit and the man merely put in the papers to request only an extension. I will not stay here illegally - not out to hurt our case in any way - I will do what I am having to do - this will give me a little time to take care of issues at home with my family and maybe get some things started for my fight against this system. I know my husband will not be far behind - I pray! Our Senator and the NVC have all agreed to work together on getting our CR1 expedited - now all I have to do is pray the CO opens again soon here.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 06:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

I know that you don't like the idea of leaving Morocco and reentering in order to extend your tourist visa, but you really might need to do it in order to buy yourself more time, no? It would make me very nervous to be in Morocco without a valid visa, so just make sure that you're careful, aicha. Better to hop a ferry to Spain and back to have your visa extended until October and have more time to figure out a course of action than have to deal with the consequences of overstaying your current visa. Good luck to you!

You are right - leaving my hsuband is not something I want - he is my husband - when I married him I made a decision to be with him, whether it was here or there. The papers we filed were for a residence permit and the man merely put in the papers to request only an extension. I will not stay here illegally - not out to hurt our case in any way - I will do what I am having to do - this will give me a little time to take care of issues at home with my family and maybe get some things started for my fight against this system. I know my hsuband will not be fa
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 06:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

Esalaamu Aleikum Rahmat Allah dearest Aicha!
I pray this finds you in the highest form of faith, understanding and sisterhood. I can only imagine what you are going throu dearest sister.
I myself, have jumped the hurdles of bureaucratic BS and red tape in my husband's country. And I myself, still waiting for Algerian residency...thanks to John Walsh and the new CO here. I keep thinking if I could have only filed last year, when several others had filed DCF and gotten approvals within a month. And I hit my head against the wall, cos I know the conidtion of my dh (if we were in the US) would be solved by now. He would be walking...getting meds that he needs.
But no... Allah destined us for us something else. WHat I cannot say... but I do say BarakuAllah fik my sister. I sa your petition and signed. I comend your efforts and pray Allah ease your suffering and trails.
I do wonder sister, since I see you are filing k3 you are legally married... how can the Morrocan goverment deny you residency? ALgeria is not Morroco, true, but I do not understand how a country can deny residency when it based on marriage? Enchallah I will try to look into and enchallah maybe find you some light in the tunnel. INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAHI RAJI'UN Be strong my sister and remember Allah only gives what He can take away. You are in my duúa!

Shukran bezaf for all of your comments - they really meant a lot! My faith has always been my stronghold in life and i can only do my best to try and seek and understand god's plans for me and my husband - and I will do my best to do what he is asking of our life in this struggle. I am so sorry for your struggles also and I can see that your faith is also very high with Allah and that is wonderful - you too keep fighting for what you know he wants from you. What is wrong with your husband, if I may ask? I will say lots of prayers for you also - I feel I am always praying now and Allah must have an open ear with my name on it.

I only understand how corrupt things are here - I have seen so much and anytime you give these people money - they will jump though hoops for what you want. the police here are shocked by what this man did to us and we will continue to fight the powers that be, but until then we need to follow the laws. you also will continue to be in my duùa!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 18:42:00