K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe were chosen for Administrative processing!

I am stuck in AP at this time. NVC received my case on december 13 and I was put in AP on the 14. Its been 3 weeks as of today and im still in AP. I was also told there is no time frame for AP. Good luck. Hope we both get out of AP soon.

What the :ranting: !!!

I was approved on Dec 5th. The NVC still don't have our file. Whether that means were in AP or not, I don't know. Seems like it's an unnecessary step in the whole thing, to be honest.

Hope we all get answers soon! :yes:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-05 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWanting to marry in foreign country and then America

Hi all,

I am new to this board because I just got engaged last week! My fiance is from Israel, and we want to have the wedding in Israel but he is going to move to America after we get married. Waiting for a green card after we get married will take too long to process. Is it possible to file for a K-1 visa, do the religious wedding ceremony/reception in Israel first, then once approved for the visa, he comes to America for the legal marriage? Do you think that matters at all to Immigration? I just want to make sure we will be doing everything legally.
Is anyone doing something similar? Thanks!

If you use the K-1 Fiancee visa, you MUST get married in the USA first! No exceptions to that rule I'm afraid.
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-06 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile going to NVC... need some help

Hi Everyone,

We recieved our NOA2 (approved) on Dec 30th. Our file should be at the NVC soon, if it isn't already. I did a search on packets 3 and 4 and saw a lot of useful information, but I think I was a little overwhelmed with all the provided information and how to use it :yes:

I have read on here before (I think) that you can schedule your interview as soon as you get your case number from NVC as opposed to waiting for it to be scheduled by the Embassy; is that accurate? Shirley already filed for her police report one month ago and should be receiving it soon. We will have to submit the paperwork required and she would have to take the medical, which is a simple process in Malaysia (from what I understand).

I guess what I am asking is this: Can we speed up this process if we are proactive? If so, what are the best ways to do so? Shirley is now pregnant with my child as of my last trip to Malaysia in November so I am axious to get her over here and place her on my health benefits and have my child born in the U.S.

Are we notified when our case is at the NVC or will we have to call to find out?

Also, I will be attending the interview :)

Any answers are appreciated. :clock:

I suppose you can, I mean you can download the files needed.
Click on your flag under your name, then click the link that says 'Malaysia Embassy Info." or something like that. When you are on that page, you should be able to see what docs are needed by the embassy and what you need to fill out. You will also find medical information on that page. You can download the docs you need, fill them out and have them ready for the Embassy.
I have also heard that you can actually send your stuff to the Embassy BEFORE you get packet 3... I, however, have no idea about this, or how it works.

NVC will notify you when they have entered your file into their system and have sent it to the Embassy. You can also call them, tell them your case number, and they will tell you whether they have it yet or not.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-06 13:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresold/new I 134

i am not able to put up both forms but the one the CO sent me the expiration date at the top says omb no 1615-0014, exp. 04-30-07...and revised 07/14/06 (its at the bottom)....the one i sent my fiance doesnt have an expiration date at the only says omb no 1615-0014 and at the bottom it says revised 05/25/11

I would have thought that both would be acceptable... however, I AM NOT AN EXPERT! Please don't take this assumption for fact.
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-08 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresold/new I 134

Hi everyone, my fiance has all the documents for his interview this month. However, i noticed the I 134 form was different from the one the Consulate sent in the packet. The one my fiance has i signed my full name and dated it...(is that one the old or new version) also do you think they will delay us becuz i didnt fill out the form they sent?
thanks so much

Could you possible put up pictures of the 2 different forms?
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-08 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical: What constitutes a fail?
Just an update for everyone, I had my medical today.

It probably lasted 20 mins.
I met the doctor, he took some blood, checked my blood pressure, height, weight, checked my eyesight, listened to my chest, glanced at my privates, asked some questions about my medical history, gave me an MMR Vaccine booster.

Then I went and had a chest X-ray.

Results in 7 days, but they said they will keep the results for me so that when I go for my interview I can call and collect my medical results before heading to the Embassy.

The US Embassy and the Clinic are close to each other in Dublin. I don't live close to Dublin, so it makes it easier for me.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-10 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical: What constitutes a fail?

i have question related to pregnancy is the x-ray have to be done or can be waived for pregnancy safety? and if they waved the x-ray does this mean the medical is incomplete and the beneficiary will not get her interview for that reason?? thank for all your advise

If the applicant is pregnant must she have a chest x-ray?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requires that women who are pregnant and required to have a medical examination in connection with the issuance of a visa, and are examined in a country currently using the 2007 TB Technical Instructions must have a chest x-ray examination conducted. Pregnant women will have to provide the panel physician with consent to conduct the chest x-ray. For the health of the applicant and her unborn child, CDC instructs panel physicians and laboratories to provide abdominal and pelvic protection with double layer, wrap-around lead shields when they receive the chest radiographs. This requirement does not apply to countries using the 1991 TB Technical Instructions which allow for an exemption of the chest x-ray requirement for pregnant women. Pregnant applicants who do not wish to have the X-ray will be granted a temporary exemption when they provide written certification of pregnancy signed by their personal physician or obstetrician.

I stole that answer from this site: http://travel.state....#_What_if_the_1
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-08 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical: What constitutes a fail?

This is the post I read just before I took my medical.


That seems stupid!

If my doctor on Tuesday decides to slap a 'denied due to high bp' on my papers, there will be serious words!

High bp is in my family, mother, grandfather, cousins etc.

My own gp told me that one day in the future, I will need treatment for it. But currently I'm 26 years old, of average weight, and don't think I need it yet...

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-08 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical: What constitutes a fail?

I've read of someone failing with very high blood pressure. I have always had high blood pressure so this worried me when I went for my medical in London. Obviously the stress and worry made my blood pressure higher. When the doctor checked it she exclaimed "Wow!" Then she asked me if I was stressed. I took this to be a bad sign! It was extremely high. I had only just started taking meds for it and I convinced her I would go back to my doctor and get the dose increased and work at it till it was under control. This seemed to satisfy her. I needed to get a diphtheria and tetanus booster and the MMR. Then I passed subject to the results of the blood test. One other thing you can fail for is alcoholism. I assume that if you fail and it's for something that can be fixed they will give you the chance to fix it and get another medical. If it is something that can't be fixed you won't be able to get a visa.

Friend of mine went for the medical here, Doctor told him he had high blood pressure. Didn't fail him though. That's not something you can be failed on, as far as I know.

High Blood Pressure, is one of THE most common health issues in the World!

Edited by Widsy97, 08 January 2012 - 12:17 PM.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-08 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical: What constitutes a fail?

Your third question is more difficult to answer. It depends on what the issue is. Have a look here. http://travel.state..../info_3745.html

Good link! :thumbs:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-08 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical: What constitutes a fail?
Just googled a list of Communicable diseases:

2.1 Diseases preventable by vaccination
Infections with haemophilus influenza group B
2.2 Sexually transmitted diseases
Chlamydia infections
Gonococcal infections
2.3 Viral hepatitis
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
2.4 Food- and water-borne diseases and diseases of environmental origin
Infection with Enterohaemorrhagic E.coli
2.5 Other diseases
2.5.1. Diseases transmitted by non-conventional agents
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies variant (CJD)
2.5.2. Air-borne diseases
Meningococcal disease
Pneumococcal infections
2.5.3. Zoonoses (other than in 2.4)
2.5.4. Serious imported diseases
Viral haemorrhagic fever

Lookin' for all of them??
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-07 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical: What constitutes a fail?

They are mainly looking for communicable diseases.

Like TB??
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-07 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical: What constitutes a fail?
Just wondering, with my medical looming, how does one pass/fail the medical?

What are they lookin' for?

What if you fail?
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-07 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIts been 1month and 2weeks passed but the Nvc didn't get our papers:(

1. you have to fill out a release form, sign it, get it back to that office
2. at some point, an Immigration Liason Staffer from the Congressmans's office will touch base with the USCitizen Petitioner, get all info/particulars, then
3. the ILS Human™ will talk with a USCIS human™ and figure out what's what. then
4. the USCitizen Spouse will get a detailed record of what transpired between the ILS Human™ and the USCIS™ Human.

Expect a 2 week turn-around, from start to finish. Expect never to speak with the Congressman - only the Immigration Liason Staffer. One bit of ruler, though - ask of the ILS Human™ - how long have they been handling Immigration issues? If less than 6 months, is good chance they NOT have the connections inside of USCIS that are useful.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-12 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIts been 1month and 2weeks passed but the Nvc didn't get our papers:(

Tell him your story that they sent it to the nvc but they never received it tell them from Vermont to new Hampshire is 1 day by mail I would call don't email tell them everyone is givin u the run around also let them no u voted for them they like that


Thanks for the info!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 21:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIts been 1month and 2weeks passed but the Nvc didn't get our papers:(

This happened to me before when I applied for my ex wife they sent the paper work to the wrong location after calling the nvc and Vermont no one would help they kept saying they sent it ya they sent it to the wrong spot I ended up calling my senator and talking with their legal team and low and behold they called me back within 15 min and told me my paperwork was sent to the wrong spot and that from hear on out she wod be in touch with Vermont and embassy and my case was being expedited hope it all make sense

We emailed the local Congressman today. Hope he gets back to us soon! Don't really know how to approach him about what we want him to do.

How does that work anyway!? Does he write to them? Call them?
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIts been 1month and 2weeks passed but the Nvc didn't get our papers:(

My USC Fianceé just called the USCIS, asked to be transferred to a Tier 2 Officer.

Got through to one of them, they took all the information from her and said that our case HAS been sent to the NVC but they can't see WHEN it was sent.

They said wait a week and then call the Tier 2 people back again... :bonk: :ranting: :mellow: :o :wow:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIts been 1month and 2weeks passed but the Nvc didn't get our papers:(
Just got told by USCIS that no files ever get sent to the NVC, just a number..... what!?! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIts been 1month and 2weeks passed but the Nvc didn't get our papers:(

You can do your medical before receiving packet 4?

You can in Ireland anyway. Dunno about other countries.
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIts been 1month and 2weeks passed but the Nvc didn't get our papers:(

Hi anadgzmn

Don't feel alone. We went through the same craziness from USCIS and NVC. Same Service Center Vermont.

Read my Thread on our experience at that time.

In the same boat as anadgzmn...

We were approved on Dec. 5th. I have everything ready to go for my interview. Even did my medical yesterday!

Our file has yet to leave Vermont... :ranting: :ranting:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's
Thank you Congressmans representative!

After 7 1/2 weeks our file is IN THE SYSTEM at the NVC.

Now we have our NVC Case number.

Hopefully the file will be on it's way to Dublin soon.

I'm visiting the States next week for a week, hopefully will have Packet 3 waiting for me when I get back.
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-25 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's
So, we contacted a Congressman about our case file and the delay.

They called us back on Friday.

They were in touch with Vermont, and the people in Vermont went and searched for it while the Congressman's Representative was on the phone to them...

Low and behold, our file is STILL IN VERMONT almost 7 WEEKS after our approval!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-22 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's

Another one without a clue. Local offices have nothing to do with the petition process. You are likely in AP if it has been that long. You will get notification when they are finished with it.

I've heard of people being in AP at the NVC, but at least they were told; 'It's here, and it's in AP'.
We just get told; 'Sorry, we have not recieved it!'
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-18 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's
Called NVC again, nothing there.

It's been 6 and a half weeks now since approval.

This time the person told us to contact a Local Immigration Office.


Edited by Widsy97, 18 January 2012 - 07:48 PM.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-18 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's

They can't tell you because the people you talk to are not at NVC, they are contracted telephone operators. Neither NVC nor USCIS is set up to respond to you with reliable answers and have no desire to do so. You will be notified by mail, that is how it works.

I have three personal friends that work at VSC. Two are adjudicators, One in a management position. My wife does interpretations for them. Your approved petition is sent immediately to NVC. It is highly unlikely it even waits until the next day.

The main purpose of the telephone operators is to prevent you from calling AGAIN. It is not working for you because you won't stop. This is your problem, not theirs. It causes YOU frustration, not them. This is why they will usually finish the call with something like "call back in 30 days" knowing the problem will resolve itself by then and you never call again. They will tell you whatever they can to prevent you from calling back.

You can continue to call if you want, makes no difference to me but as I said, I am not guessing.

My suggestion? Put the hammer down and stop hitting yourself on the head. Your petition IS at NVC, it WILL go through the process, you WILL be notified when they have forwarded it to the consulate and the consulate WILL let you know when they have it.

Thank you for your insight. :thumbs: :thumbs:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-12 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's

A man went to his doctor, walked into the room with a hammer. He started hitting himself on the head with the hammer and said "Doctor, it hurst when I do this" The doctor said "Stop doing that"

The best way to stop getting conflicting advice is to stop calling people that have no clue.

Approved petitions are forwarded to NVC the same day or next day (latest) No exceptions. NVC has it. The person you talk to there has no way to know they have it, so stop calling.

When the NVC is finished with it they will send the petitioner a letter with a consulate case number and a notice that it has been sent to the consulate.

Calling them just increases frustration. So stop.

If the NVC have it, then why would they not tell me that!?! I sent them a request to look for it, and nothing turned up, they called Vermont and were told that they still have it.

Why would the NVC go to such lengths as to fabricate a story, if they have it!?!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-12 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's

I meant NVC not USCIS. NVC will answer your questions it seems. You might get more help from them too.

Ya, I have called them. They were helpful, but they can't really do anything 'cause our file is still at Vermont.
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-12 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's

You know Widsy, why don't you call them? I'm the beneficiary over here and I have a skype subscription. Last time I rang there was a half hour wait but it didn't matter cos the calls are so cheap. they have happily talked to me everytime I call. Why wait for your fiancee to get home from work?

I rang the USCIS, each time they told me; 'If you're not the Petitioner, we can't help you'.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-12 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's

My NOA2 was approved on December 28th and I think the NVC got my documents probably around January 8th but they said it was still in processing. Good luck.
So frustrating for you. I wish I could offer advice.

At least they received yours... everytime I ring, they tell me that it's not in the system call back in a week! :wacko: :wacko:

Have you organised for your Fiance to contact a congressman yet? Sounds like it maight be the only way left to get the mess sorted out. I rang NVC on Tuesday and they had just recieved my file, but not in system yet. Seems like the sending and recieivng after NOA 2 is as random as the processing for NOA 2 is...Sorry you are having all this hassle.

That's what we are thinkin'... shes at work at the moment, but we will have to contact someone, because this is just ridiculous!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-12 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need the help of some experienced VJer's
Here we go;

On Dec. 5th we were approved for our I-129f in Vermont.

As of TODAY, NVC has NOT received our file.

Yesterday, my USC fianceé called the USCIS and spoke with someone on Tier 2. The Officer told her; "It HAS been sent to Vermont, but we can't tell you the date".

I decided to conduct my own investigation... I emailed the NVC a scanned copy of our approval notice, they haven't received it, AND they contacted Vermont for us, Vermont said: "It HAS NOT left Vermont"

So, the USCIS is telling us, we sent it.
They are telling the NVC, we haven't sent it.

What are we supposed to do now!?! We are getting the run around here!

I am goin' to get my fianceé to call the USCIS again today and go to Tier 2 and let rip on them! Even though I know she won't.

What to do VJer's?

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-12 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

Congrats!!! What state does ur fiance live in? I think I will have to inquire to my Congressman.

Hey, she lives in Florida, but there are different areas of Florida which are represented by different Congressmen. A quick google search should find the one you need to contact!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-25 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Thank you Congressmans representative!

After 7 1/2 weeks our file is IN THE SYSTEM at the NVC.

Now we have our NVC Case number.

Hopefully the file will be on it's way to Dublin soon.

I'm visiting the States next week for a week, hopefully will have Packet 3 waiting for me when I get back.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-25 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
So, we contacted a Congressman about our case file and the delay.

They called us back on Friday.

They were in touch with Vermont, and the people in Vermont went and searched for it while the Congressman's Representative was on the phone to them...

Low and behold, our file is STILL IN VERMONT almost 7 WEEKS after our approval!

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-22 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

well, lets hope it moves faster from here! :thumbs:

at least you guys are completely ready now!

I know, I even did my medical yesterday! :bonk:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

My USC Fianceé just called the USCIS, asked to be transferred to a Tier 2 Officer.

Got through to one of them, they took all the information from her and said that our case HAS been sent to the NVC but they can't see WHEN it was sent.

They said wait a week and then call the Tier 2 people back again... :bonk: :ranting: :mellow: :o :wow:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Just got told by USCIS that no files ever get sent to the NVC, just a number..... what!?! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Just called the Department of State, 'cause well I seem to be calling everyone today! :bonk:

Got through to an operator, explained the whole story to her, then she replied with this:

'Why are you calling us?'

I... almost...lost... my mind!

I asked her if contacting a congressman would help me get answers... her response was:

'You contact whoever you like!'


Wow, thanks!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Thinking of contacting the local Congressman...

Your thoughts?
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
What the hell is takin' so long!?!

Called NVC again today, still have not received it from Vermont.

Called USCIS, and ACTUALLY SPOKE TO A PERSON, may as well not have though! She told me it could take up to 3 months for NVC to receive a case...

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-11 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

interview date not set till after you return packet 3 - you have 'some time' to return packet 3.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-06 10:48:00