CanadaCanadian ROE & EI Questions & POE Question

I understand Canadians can file and collect EI after moving on a K1 Visa to the US. I have talked to the payroll dept where I work in Calgary and they just told me to let them know what exactly it is they need to write in the comments section when they do up my ROE. They said they won't mark it as "quit"..... will mark it as "other" and then put an explanation in the comments section. My last day of work here will be Feb.28/07 and they have told me they will make sure I have my ROE with my last paycheque on the 28th. Any info on this subject greatly appreciated! I am leaving Canada on March 13/07.... so do I file before I leave and give them my ROE then...... I heard you file online after you are in the US you then mail your ROE???? Like I said....any info would be helpful.

I will be flying out on March 13/07 with Calgary International Airport being my POE. Anyone else out there with the same POE with any info to share? My flight is at 3:20 pm and I am wondering how much ealier I should arrive at the airport. They normally say 2 hours for an international flight but that is without surrendering a K1 Visa.

See the EI discussion pinned to this board...

Allow at least an hour at the POE for processing of your visa in addition to other time considerations...

I tried to go to EI thread here but when I click on it.... it says the menu is disabled and I don't get anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-02 23:16:00
CanadaCanadian ROE & EI Questions & POE Question

ROE is the record of employment!! It has Info on it that the EI people will require to calculate how much EI $$ you canget and for how long!! Ensure you photocopyit, as you have to mail in the ORIGINAL to the EI people!!

Does she get this from her boss or at the end of the year with her tax info or somewhere else? Thanks.

ROE stands for Record of Employment and it comes from whomever in the business you work for does the payroll. I think they legally have up to approximately 2 weeks to mail it out to you.

Put : Relocation due to marriage of USC

Thanks Buttons!
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-02 19:03:00
CanadaCanadian ROE & EI Questions & POE Question
I understand Canadians can file and collect EI after moving on a K1 Visa to the US. I have talked to the payroll dept where I work in Calgary and they just told me to let them know what exactly it is they need to write in the comments section when they do up my ROE. They said they won't mark it as "quit"..... will mark it as "other" and then put an explanation in the comments section. My last day of work here will be Feb.28/07 and they have told me they will make sure I have my ROE with my last paycheque on the 28th. Any info on this subject greatly appreciated! I am leaving Canada on March 13/07.... so do I file before I leave and give them my ROE then...... I heard you file online after you are in the US you then mail your ROE???? Like I said....any info would be helpful.

I will be flying out on March 13/07 with Calgary International Airport being my POE. Anyone else out there with the same POE with any info to share? My flight is at 3:20 pm and I am wondering how much ealier I should arrive at the airport. They normally say 2 hours for an international flight but that is without surrendering a K1 Visa.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-02 12:55:00
Canadai got my interview date

hi everyone i emailed vancouver and boy they are fast on replies. i got my date its march 8th at 10 am. how long does it take to get to consulate from airport? I'm planning on flying in same day and flying home that evening. anyone else got that date?

Yes..... as a few others have mentioned if you give yourself an hour you should be fine. I took a taxi from the airport to the Consulate and back to the airport again and it was $37.00 each way.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-05 19:39:00
CanadaHealth Insurance?
Yes..... I am also boggled and concerned with the health care system in the US. My fiance checked with his insurance company about adding me on once I get there in March 07 and get married and they wanted and extra $500.00 per month. He already pays $250.00 just for himself. Then as mentioned there are the deductibles. I think this is absolutely a total rip off. As I am 51 years old and in good health at the moment, one never knows when that could change and these costs horrify me...once I'm able to work am I going to be working to just pay health care every month! Just my two cents worth.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-02 11:46:00
CanadaCalgary's lone K-1 / K-3 doctor

When do you find out where all these various places are to get these tests done?
Am I expected to get all this done in one day?
Are all 3 of the places fairly easily accessible by Calgary Transit?

I am carless and know no one here who would drive me around to anywhere. I have lived in CGY only for a year and a half or so and am not familiar with pretty much anything that is here (came for work). I don't have a doctor. I go to a clinic on 17th Ave somewhere when I need something looked at. I live downtown, but on the south side of the tracks (Beltline, for those who know).

PS: Thank you everyone for your answers. Thank you especially to CanuckmeetsYank. Very informative and horribly clear at the same time. Oh, well: they'll be in my life for what?---45 minutes? S'okay. :-\

When you are at the doctor's office for your medical the nurse will give you a sheet with the different locations you can go to for the blood work and the chest x-ray. It's kind of a small somewhat hand drawn map. They are pretty helpful with directions and stuff too. You probably don't have to get it all done in one day but then it just takes longer for the doctor to get all the reports in from each place so he can put your results package together.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-06 20:59:00
CanadaEI denied?

So why would one bother to look for work when you can't work....... that is a job in itself looking for one. This just doesn't make sense to me.

Because you are getting "paid" for the effort via the EI benefits...?

I realize you are getting paid for the effort but if you can't accept a job without an EAD??? Isnt' this kind of being dishonest? I was originally under the understanding that you can't collect until you have your EAD and then are looking for work. I will be filing for my AOS and EAD in Oklahoma City which is under the DORA program (rapid adjustment) so maybe I will be lucky and have my EAD by time the 90 days is up on my I-94 as I am planning on filing approximately one week after I arrive in the US.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-08 18:17:00
CanadaEI denied?

No, you can't work without a stamp from the POE. It's a "technicality" that we can collect EI during the first 90 days.

EI = Employment Insurance

Carla (F)

Okay..........getting more confused so can we file and collect right after moving to the US and not have to be looking for work until we do get our EAD? I am curious as to how you fill out the cards then????

Even though you *can't* work without a stamp, you still have to be "looking for work" to be eligible for EI.

Still confused here........... so you can file and collect EI within the 90 day time frame of the I-94 when you actually can't work........ so you have to be sending out resumes etc. actively looking for work......... so if someone offers you a job do you just tell them you are not able to work yet or what? I don't get this. I would really like to get this all figured out as I will be done work on Feb.28th and moving shortly afterwards and filing for EI.........

YOu can look for work.. it's not your fault that they can't hire you without a written EAD...

So why would one bother to look for work when you can't work....... that is a job in itself looking for one. This just doesn't make sense to me.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-08 15:42:00
CanadaEI denied?

No, you can't work without a stamp from the POE. It's a "technicality" that we can collect EI during the first 90 days.

EI = Employment Insurance

Carla (F)

Okay..........getting more confused so can we file and collect right after moving to the US and not have to be looking for work until we do get our EAD? I am curious as to how you fill out the cards then????

Even though you *can't* work without a stamp, you still have to be "looking for work" to be eligible for EI.

Still confused here........... so you can file and collect EI within the 90 day time frame of the I-94 when you actually can't work........ so you have to be sending out resumes etc. actively looking for work......... so if someone offers you a job do you just tell them you are not able to work yet or what? I don't get this. I would really like to get this all figured out as I will be done work on Feb.28th and moving shortly afterwards and filing for EI.........
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-08 14:14:00
CanadaEI denied?

No, you can't work without a stamp from the POE. It's a "technicality" that we can collect EI during the first 90 days.

EI = Employment Insurance

Carla (F)

Okay..........getting more confused so can we file and collect right after moving to the US and not have to be looking for work until we do get our EAD? I am curious as to how you fill out the cards then????
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-08 13:18:00
CanadaEI denied?

I just got a call from the lady ("Maureen") handling my case at the Interstate Claims office regarding the fax I sent in (SSA policy page). She kept insisting at first that I still needed an EAD (even though Section C of the policy page says I don't require one to be work authorized). So I asked her if it meant that Section C meant nothing to them. She looked for Section C and read it out loud. Here it is for those still unsure of whether or not you can collect EI on a K1:

"The following lists nonimmigrants, by alien classification, who are authorized to work in the US without specific work authorization from INS. The alien's I-94 will not have the INS employment authorization stamp and the alien will not have an EAD ... K-1 Fiance(e) of US citizen ... "

So, I'm guessing that when she got the fax, she didn't read this part even though I pointed it out on my cover letter. She then asked me several questions about the K1 visa and I-94 and I told her that when the I-94 expires, that's when I no longer have any work authorization (and hence my application for an EAD). It seemed like she didn't know how the process went. She said she would lift my disentitlement but would first double check with the other girl who processes K1 cases.

She also mentioned that the new report card system hasn't been working very well, so she had me verbally answer the report cards. She said I didn't need to send in the ones I just got (but I still will, just in case!). I don't know how the system glitches are affecting the report cards being sent out to everyone else...

So now that you have sent the SSA Policy page and they start paying you EI.......are you actively looking for work now, do you have to look for work to be able to collect? Do you have to work and then quit your job if you don't get your EAD before the 90 days when the I-94 expires? How would you prove to an employer you are entitled to work if you don't have your EAD? This is all so confusing. Thank heavens there are so many people before us to answer all these questions. Thanks.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-08 10:56:00
CanadaEI denied? I'm really getting confused here. I will be moving on March 13th to the US on my K1 and planning on applying for EI. From what I could figure out so far you have to wait till after you move to file and you can't collect till you have your EAD?? I have noticed some say they filed before they left Canada. If you sent the the SSA policy page, can you still collect even if you don't get a work authorization stamp in your passport when you cross the border? My POE will be Calgary and I've heard they don't give the stamp. What happens when that 90 days expires and you don't have your EAD yet? How would you answer the question about being willing, able and ready to work when you report? Do they actually send reporting cards or can you report online?

I applied for EI online two weeks after I moved here, then sent them my original ROE's, copies of my passport bio page, K1 visa and I-94. A couple of weeks later, they sent me my first report card, where I answered "yes" to the "willing and able" question as advised by the fellow VJ'ers here who have successfully collected EI on a K1 (without an EAD stamp/card). Then a few days after mailing off the report card, I received the above denial/ineligibility letter. I just faxed off that policy page from SSA today, so we'll have to wait and see what they say about it. Hopefully they accept it like they did with zyggy. Oh, and I got all report cards in the mail today with dates spanning from when I applied to the date when my I-94 expired. I'll be dropping them off in the mail tomorrow.

You stop receiving EI after your I-94 expires, and it should resume when you send them a copy of your EAD card when you get it.

Thank you for your reply. I have one more question...... How long is the I-94 good for? Do you get it when you go through your POE?
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-06 20:37:00
CanadaEI denied?

Make a photocopy of the SSA policy page that states that K1 holders are employment authorized and fax it to them....

That worked for us...

Is this the document you speak of?

I'll fax it to them ASAP. Thanks! I'm really getting confused here. I will be moving on March 13th to the US on my K1 and planning on applying for EI. From what I could figure out so far you have to wait till after you move to file and you can't collect till you have your EAD?? I have noticed some say they filed before they left Canada. If you sent the the SSA policy page, can you still collect even if you don't get a work authorization stamp in your passport when you cross the border? My POE will be Calgary and I've heard they don't give the stamp. What happens when that 90 days expires and you don't have your EAD yet? How would you answer the question about being willing, able and ready to work when you report? Do they actually send reporting cards or can you report online?
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-02-05 19:56:00

just a quick note to you I'm off to catch the plane to vancouver for tomorrows interview . I will post the results friday evening when I'm back. Have a great day all. terry

Best wishes......... congratulations! Everyone in Vancouver was very nice!!
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-03-08 01:46:00
CanadaPOE Experience

Congratulations and welcome to Tulsa!!!!! :)

Thanks Cheryl............ things are going good........we went to Bank of Oklahoma today..... I don't have an SSN yet and they added me added onto my hubby's account and opened an account for me in my own name too....... I was pretty surprised at that one. All I had to show for ID was my passport and Visa. They told me when I get my SSN and Oklahoma driver's to bring them in for them to copy. Hope everything in OKC with DORA next Wednesday goes as smooth!


Yeah, I had a pretty easy time of it when going to my husband's bank branch, they set me up about as easy as what you went through. I will warn you that you won't be able to get a driver's license until you have your EAD card or your permanent residency card because you entered as a K-1. However, you are allowed to drive around using your Canadian DL (if it's still valid) -- just carry around a photocopy of your marriage certificate with you if you are using your married name on all the rest of your ID.

Tulsa is very beautiful this time of year, with all the redbud trees and Bradford Pear trees flowering. I like it alot :)

Yes indeed.......... the Bradford Pear trees in full bloom was one of the first things I noticed when I got here on Tuesday night........ I'm sure enjoying the weather here.........wearing flip flops in March.....gotta love it!
We were at a Tag Agency the other day to get my pics done for my AOS and I asked them about the OK driver's license......... they told me they thought all I had to do was an eye exam and then it would just be changed over. They gave me a number to call in Jenks. My Cdn DL is still good for 4 years so I'm not really worried about changing it over immediately as hopefully with going through DORA in OKC next week I will have my GC in the 90 day time frame.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-03-17 06:28:00
CanadaPOE Experience

Congratulations and welcome to Tulsa!!!!! :)

Thanks Cheryl............ things are going good........we went to Bank of Oklahoma today..... I don't have an SSN yet and they added me added onto my hubby's account and opened an account for me in my own name too....... I was pretty surprised at that one. All I had to show for ID was my passport and Visa. They told me when I get my SSN and Oklahoma driver's to bring them in for them to copy. Hope everything in OKC with DORA next Wednesday goes as smooth!

susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-03-16 21:20:00
CanadaPOE Experience
Well the day I waited for so long for has now come and gone. I arrived in Tulsa, OK yesterday to start my new life........ getting married tomorrow, March 15th........... :) so have been busy running around today getting prepared. We then have my infopass appt. through D.O.R.A. for AOS in one week's time on March 21st.
I had phoned US Customs at the Calgary Airport a few weeks prior to leaving to see how much time I needed to allow before my flight to surrender my visa and get my I-94 and be on my way. They told me you are required to be there 2 hours before any international flight and so I should come 3 hours prior to my flight time. When I was taken into the waiting room there were 7 guys having their work visas processed that were all ahead of me. I waited for approximately 45 minutes, then was finally called. I walked up to the desk, the Officer said he was just verifying I was there and then told me to sit down again. A few minutes later he called me back up and told me to fill out the I-94 in the waiting room and he would call me again. He called me in about 10 minutes and gave me my passport back with my I-94 stapled in it, told me it was good for 90 days and I was done. About 15 minutes from start to finish once they got to my case. They weren't over friendly or anything........ I guess just doing there jobs!

susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-03-14 18:59:00
Canadahas anyone had luck with upack?

Im still working my way through the forums and came across this old thread..My husband recently found some info on UPack and brought up the idea of possibly using them when we move..

Has anyone used them, would love to hear your experiences... there were a few people on this thread that said they were going to use them but I couldnt find any reviews from them..

I have Upack dropping off a 28' trailer this Friday, March 9th in Calgary, AB. I will pack it, install the bulkhead wall against my stuff and they will pick it up on Monday, March 11th in the morning. I fly out to Tulsa, OK on Tuesday, March 13th. The next day I have to fax a copy of my I-94 back to ABF in Calgary, AB and then they will send my belongs on there way. I am doing what is called "door to terminal"....once the truck arrives in Tulsa we will rent a UHaul for the day and pick up my stuff from the truck at the ABF terminal there. For this service it is costing me $1300.00 USD.
You need to make packing lists with every box numbered and description of what is in it too. What a pain.......... I'm not sure how detailed the lists need to be. They also want a dollar value on the shipment. Can't wait till all this moving stuff is done........ I'm stressed to the max :wacko:


Attached Files

susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-03-07 08:07:00
CanadaThe work thing...
My POE was also Calgary and they do not give you any stamp or work authorization at all.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-04-13 19:42:00
CanadaAttention Canadian folks...question about Moving and crossing the border

Hi all,

Does anyone have a good link to the US Border site? We're getting close enough that we'd like to start getting prepared for 'The Big Move' . Thus far, i've looked at movers sites and many allude to using a particular form (name or #?) and having them handle everything. However, consider the cost involved with having someone move me, we're considering renting a truck and handling it ourselves.

I'd like to know if anyone has moved recently from Canada or is about to and can tell me about their experience.

Thanks :)

I just moved recently from Calgary, AB to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I flew down on March 13th and I shipped my stuff with ABF Freight. I had checked out U-haul and it was more expensive in the end. It would have taken 3 or 4 days driving time, the cost of my fiance (now hubby) flying to Calgary, staying in motels on the way down, meals in restaurants, etc. The form you refer too is called a 3299. I printed it off from ABF's website. You have to have it completed with your goods no matter how you bring them into the US. I also had every box numbered with a list of what was in each box. You have to do that for customs. I was told I had to be physically in the US before my belongings could be released from Calgary. Once I arrived in Tulsa I just went to the ABF office here and they faxed a copy of my I-94 back to the ABF office in Calgary and my stuff was on it's way. They had no problems at the border and nothing was opened or inspected. Hope this helps.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-03-26 19:16:00
CanadaWhat size marriage certificate from Alberta?
Mine wasn't from Alberta ........ I ordered mine in the larger paper size, not a wallet type certificate and they accepted it in Vancouver.

susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-04-14 14:36:00
CanadaHow do I plan a wedding from up here?

We're planning on getting married in October....seems iffy right now. I'm hoping for an interview before September. We DO NOT want to get married by a J.O.P.
I won't be moving until at least mid Sept and that only gives me a few weeks to get everything together. I can't expect much help from him because he's trying to build a house for us and he's already killing himself between that and his fulltime, overtime job :( I know he can get the church though.
I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice.
He's in Arkansas.

Hmmm think I have done everything I can with the K1, now I have to find something else to stress about :lol:

Hi.......... I arrived last month in March here in the US and we drove from Tulsa to Eureka Springs to get married. In Arkansas you can not get married by a JP. The are all ordained ministers. We chose to go there as we are older, second marriage for both of us and we didn't want a fuss. You don't need to have any blood tests, any witnesses and there is no waiting time once you buy your licence. We bought our licence and headed right over to the chapel, got married, took the paperwork back to the courthouse and we had our certified marriage certifcate within minutes. There are many many chapels etc. that will cater to all kinds of needs...... just do a search on google for Eureka Springs weddings. The lady at the courthouse told us that Eureka Springs is 2nd in the US after Vegas for doing weddings so I would start looking into things if that's where you think you want to get married. It was pretty quiet in March but I guess it is a happening place in the summer and the weather in September would still be really nice so will probably still be busy. I thought it was a beautiful little town. Good luck and best wishes.

susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-04-24 16:25:00
CanadaCulture shock for Canadians in the US
I've been here almost 2 yrs in June and I am still trying to adjust to this place. It is so unfriendly.

I just mentioned to my hubby a few days ago how unfriendly I find the people here. The only person that I could get any kind of conversation out of was the nail tech that did my nails last week...... and I think he could relate as he was an immigrant from Vietnam. He asked my why I would ever leave Canada to move to the US........ said he heard it was a better place to live........ :thumbs:

Hope things get better for you soon...... it's really hard when you never feel like you're at home.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-04-26 20:30:00
CanadaBehaviors, manners and overall attitude

You know.. we went looking for boot trays here in CT.. NO WHERE could we find them.. strange I thought, but now it's all making sense!!

DeadpoolX - thanks for the explanation.. It makes sense.. Although we go to a small group in New Haven with a bunch of Yale grad students and they ALL take off their shoes and they are from all over the place. I dunno.. i'm still trying to make sense of it all!

I brought 2 boot trays with me....... when we came upon them unloading the moving truck..... my hubby asked me what they were?.. .... he now knows what they are and uses it too :thumbs: .........and just out of curiosity....... I checked in Walmart and Target and never saw a boot tray anywhere.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-05-01 19:53:00
CanadaDouble turkey!

My hubby hates turkey........ :( ...... he says his family has it for American Thanksgiving but he just kinda gags a mouthful or two down if he is with them at that time..... most of his family lives about 3.5 hours away from us. And to top that off....... his family never has turkey for Christmas either.... I don't know what I'm going to do here..... they have a ham and a brisket for Christmas. My family tradition in Canada was turkey, stuffing, cabbage rolls...... he hates them too...... Yikes!! :o

Susan in Tulsa

Come over to my house, Susan -- you and I will have the turkey, the boys can go out and grill something. :P

I had a good chuckle when I read your post........ it's a date....... and Mike would be in his glory grilling something!
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-05-31 22:43:00
CanadaDouble turkey!
My hubby hates turkey........ :( ...... he says his family has it for American Thanksgiving but he just kinda gags a mouthful or two down if he is with them at that time..... most of his family lives about 3.5 hours away from us. And to top that off....... his family never has turkey for Christmas either.... I don't know what I'm going to do here..... they have a ham and a brisket for Christmas. My family tradition in Canada was turkey, stuffing, cabbage rolls...... he hates them too...... Yikes!! :o

Susan in Tulsa
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-05-31 20:30:00
CanadaWe're gonna be making a run for the border soon!!!!
Congratulations! :thumbs:
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-09 10:17:00
CanadaBoot Tray

After much looking I found a boot tray!! Christmas Tree Shoppes sell them for 2.99!!! :)

I brought two of them that I already had from Canada with me! Wise move I'd say on my part as I've never seen on in any of the stores here in Tulsa. The biggest bonus is hubby is actually using it! :thumbs:

Susan in Tulsa
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-13 15:23:00
CanadaMedical -- Edmonton area

Thank you! This really does help!

$220 Canadian? Yeesh. I hope it comes with a free wax & detail job. ;)

In Calgary last summer the doctor there charged me $ you must have hit a sale :thumbs: ....... lol!...... and I didn't get any extras the doctor had the bedside manner of a knat!

Susan in Tulsa
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-09 23:26:00
CanadaChretien's Retirement Dinner:-)

Chretien's Retirement Dinner

At a dinner thrown in her husband's honour, a man turned to Madame Chrétien and said, "Your husband has been such a prominent public figure with such a busy schedule. How quiet retirement will seem in comparison. What are you most looking forward to in these retirement years?"

"A #######," replied Madame Aline Chrétien. A hush fell over the table. Everyone heard her answer yet no one knew what to say next.

Jean leaned over to his wife and said, "Aline, in Hinglish dey pronounce dat word, "Appiness".

Thanks for the chuckle....... I needed it today!
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-20 19:54:00
CanadaEI, cards and address

yup Im waiting for them to call me back :) I left the message

How long did it take you to received any answer or money?

I tried to check my status online but it asks for the province and neither the province or the state worked. Any idea?

You have to put ON for the province for matter what province you are's something to do with the out of country EI office being in Ontario.
I had a problem also with the address thing..... I phoned them and they corrected it. Also, I sent them a copy of my marriage certificate when I sent my ROE and all my paperwork and put a note on it asking them to put everything in my married name. Well a few weeks went by and everything was still in my maiden name so I called them again, told the lady I had sent a copy of my marriage cert and asked if my name could be changed. She changed it right then and there while we were on the phone. I find it makes it easier when I take my checks to the bank too having them in my married name.
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-25 16:42:00
CanadaVisa In Hand
Congratulations! Happy moving! :dance:
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-26 17:51:00
CanadaUS Banking Vs Canadian Banking

From my own experiences with US banking, Canada seems to be a few steps ahead technologically,

Can say that again!

I don't think anyone has mentioned these crazy debit/check cards or debit/Visa cards......whatever they call them here. When I was in Canada you had a debit card and then you had seperate credit cards. Not here......... (well there are seperate credit cards but that's another story) You can use your Debit/Visa card like a visa..... you can use it to book a flight online or a hotel room, whatever you like. When u buy groceries or anything else for that matter it can go through like a Visa card and you have to sign like for credit.... but it's not really credit cause it's coming out of your account right away. That's the part that really baffles me...... a credit card to me is buy now.....get a bill in the mail , then pay, not the amount coming out of my acct the next day. Some places you can put in your pin #, some places put it through as if it is Visa but you don't have to sign the slip.... it's confusing. Last week I had to get money orders from my bank here and I handed the teller my debit card.... he just kind of looked at me funny....... I had to write out a check for the amount to the bank..... I was thinking he would just swipe my card like they did in Canada........nope! Then the part that really gets me is at some businesses if it goes through as a Visa they always always ask for ID here....... I have no American ID at all. In Oklahoma I can't get a driver's license till I have my Green Card and they wouldn't give me a SSN yet either. It really picks my butt they want ID for a stupid debit card!
Well that's my rant for today folks! :blink:

Susan in Tulsa
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-28 20:16:00
CanadaIM 36!!!
Happy Birthday...... hope you have a wonderful day! :dance:
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-07-01 13:43:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day
Happy Birthday Canada! I miss you!
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-07-01 13:41:00
CanadaGoing Home!!
Enjoy your trip........ I'm envious .......wish my feet were going to be touching Cdn. soil soon :unsure:
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-28 12:05:00
CanadaPolice Certificate question

My hubby got a police certificate from the Calgary Police Service that states "A search based on the above names and birthdate has not disclosed a record of criminal convictions in Canada's National Repository for criminal records."

But, there is also this stamped note in red at the top of the page...

"Please Note: The CPS Security Clearance Unit recommends a local police check be conducted where this applicant previously resided."

Has anyone seen this on their certificate? Do you think this certificate is sufficient since it is a search in the 'National Repository' or do I need him to get another local one for his previous city?

I had my police certificate also done in Calgary last September. Mine said exactly the same thing as yours but didn't have the stamped note in red. I'm not sure what that is about at all. I would go back downtown in Calgary to the main police station and take the letter with you and ask them about it. I don't undertand about the previously resided thing as they check Canada wide. Unless of course you lived perhaps in some other country before Canada?

Susan in Tulsa
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-07-03 15:40:00
Canadaalmost moving day.....
Best of luck on your move and congratulations on the upcoming wedding! :dance:
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-30 21:54:00
CanadaAll Time Dumbest Questions asked by Tourists to Banff Park

I made a typo yesterday at work and wrote $100 as 100$...

I got an e-mail saying "here in america we put the $ before the dollar amount not after " :blink:

hee hee.. of course they were playing with me!!

Well they write their addresses backwards here....... :lol: so why not 100$!
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-28 20:21:00
CanadaAll Time Dumbest Questions asked by Tourists to Banff Park
It boggles my mind just how stupid some people can be! I get so ticked off everytime I say I'm from Canada the first thing people always say is "oh it's so cold there" as if Canada is just one big expanse of frozen tundra. In this day and age I find it hard to understand why so many Americans are still so ignorant about their neigbors to the north!
susan+mikeFemaleCanada2007-06-27 21:11:00