K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
This is likely a stupid question ,but what do we do now?
We have all of the next paperwork done, I filled it out in Ireland when I was there in July and Ray has it all. We have his medical and police certs done....
Do we get notice from NVC when they get our file? Do they notify us when it goes to Dublin? Or do we have to call to get that info?

I was so obsessed with the NOA2.... I am unclear about the NVC stage. :help:
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-09 07:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Thanks Everyone!!! Now for Tex!!!! Thursday is her day... whoop whoop, lets keep this going VSC!!!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-09 07:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Thanks Everyone! Texas22, you are up tomorrow! Thursday is a big day for approvals!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-08 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Oh my god!!!! I was driving home and my phone chimed that I had a text. I was just going to ignore it, but I took a peek to see who it was from and it was those infamous digits that come at the top of a USCIC text.
I almost wrecked my car!!!! I got to the stop light, clicked on my mail, and there it was APPROVED!!!! I started bawling, Posted Image the car behind me was honking at me to go, Posted Image I forgot how to drive for a minute!!!! I have never felt happier in my life. I called Ray from my cell, and he knew as soon as he saw me calling because we never call, we text or skype....
195 days!!!!!! Thank you all for being so supportive. I need a drink, or a hug, or something... not sure..... Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Now all I can think about is you Texas22... Please say you got one too....
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-08 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

hahaha Sara... great idea!! I'm heading back to Canada in a week.. If we don't get NOA2 by then, maybe I should make a pitstop in Vermont on the way back!! :rofl:

Wanna join me Mel?? :P

hahaha :lol: thanks Texas and Sara! I needed something to giggle at.... Heck yeah Texas, let's do it! I would bake every person in that place a dozen cookies if I thought they would approve the 2 of us....

I have a BIG mouth, the cheering just may work, or we could get arrested... Imagine that call, "sorry Ray, not only are we not getting our NOA2, but I drove VCS and they arrested me for putting on a display in the loby." "please bail me out..." :rofl:
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-08 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Texas22, get your dancing shoes on! :dance: Today is the day! (or maybe tomorrow, :rofl: ) Come on VCS!!!!!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-08 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Congrats Dare! Oh my! Just me a Tex left waiting. :whistle: :blink: :wacko: Please don't leave us in the dust everyone. This is the best support group and Ray and I drive each other crazy talking about this visa! I need you all!

Tex, hang in there girl. We will wrap this up soon up hope!!!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-07 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

I had a very nice phone call on my cell from the US Embassy Dublin today Aug 7th, they were checking i received my pack3, and if i was ready to send them back. I said i just did!. The lady said excellent see you soon. Was not expecting a call but it was a nice touch! Go Dublin Embassy!!

Wow! Neetz, this really lifted my spirits. Seems like they move pretty fast over there! Praying it will be the same for us. :thumbs:

Edited by rayandmel, 07 August 2012 - 09:44 AM.

rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-07 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Wow! Nice to see some RFE movement too. It is my worst nightmare to be one of those January people getting approved near the end of the all the February peeps... Posted Image All for a stupid mistake getting us an RFE... I am praying the trend continues all week.
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-06 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

She certainly is!! :)

Dare, I'm with ya!! I'm totally losing my mind over this. If I don't get approval this week I think I am going to be so depressed...and I have to try not to be.. and just spend the last weekend with my hunny before going back, but I feel like crying right now ... :crying:

I'm with you both! Ray and I could really use a pick-me-up. I just want to pick a date for our wedding... I don't dare do it until we get the NOA2. I had this strange gut feeling this morning... maybe that is good news for all of us. I had a dream that we got a second RFE... Please no, please! Posted Image
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-06 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Yes I still need all of you guys!! And don't forget Mel and Ray and Level99 too!! :P

Definitely!!! :D

Thanks friend!!!! I am hoping that the RFE people are next. Lets keep each other motivated!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-02 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
OMG guys!!!! Big round up today! YAY!!! How ironic that you all got approved on the same day! So happy for you guys. I hope NVC is running a bit faster. Posted Image
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-08-02 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Congrats to Kittylondon! Our file changed to RFE response review today. At least they are looking at our file! Hoping for a quick approval from this point. Praying for a good week for us all! Hang in there gang!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-30 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Yeah.....that January 12th petition? That was us:(

Guys...why!? Why would we be denied?? What reasons could you be? We have no criminal records, nothing. The journey is over for us now. I cannot wait any longer. We must be together. I am gonna get everything in order to move to him and marry him there. Does anybody have any advice? I'm in shock. Complete shock. 6.5 months and a denial. I don't understand!

If I live with him there, can I apply for a marriage visa for the U.S. in like a year? I am certain I am going there. That's the only way. I pray no one else gets denied. What an unbelievable, horrible nightmare this year has been.

I am so sorry. Did your fiance ever over-stay a visa here? I would move too! That is freakin crazy. The people who decide these things surely have never been apart from the one they love. I could just cry for you. So so sorry.
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-27 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

im clinging to the slim chance of hope that they just accept that birth cert cause its more detailed, it has everything they would want to prove citizenship. y does it even matter anyway??? as long as you were born in the US your a why wouldnt they wanna accept it? there isnt much proof of authenticity??? obama has the same thing and they still cant prove if he is a us citizen or not :devil:

I hope you are right friend. The green one you posted is the state one. Silly, I know but my state on looks similar and that is the one they wanted... IDK.... The other one is much more detailed, mine was a lot like it and they gave me and RFE for it...????? I think it is all a up to the person who has your file. :wacko: I hope you get by with what you sent and you get approved very soon. Hang in there!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-27 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: we needed a little laughter after this nasty week...
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-27 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Hey djricky4, I did not know you were going to marry Barack Obama!!! :lol: :P ... Wow, VSC treats him this way too!

Must be Republicans up there!

Edited by rayandmelissa, 27 July 2012 - 08:19 AM.

rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-27 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

i dont understand when both my fiancee's birth cert are saying state of *****, how do you know which is the offical state one in that case?

The hospital one will typically have the name of the hospital on it, and sometimes the baby's footprints. It is usually signed by someone in the hospital, like a director. Your state birth cert. should have the state crest something on it. It will be signed by a state official. Thinking of you. Hoping for no RFE.
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-26 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

is it possible to shed some light on this issue of RFE and Birth cert... it hink its stupid to give an RFE for that after someone waited for 6 months, besides, isnt it the same information on both. Im starting to worry cause it seems like we sent the hospital version :help:

I don't want to make you panic my friend, but the RFE I got said they could not use the one I sent as proof of my US citizenship... Crazy huh? I am from PA originally. Paul is correct, the hospital birth cert. is technically a "record" of birth. In PA, it is 2 pages and has more information on it than that state cert. So, when I read "long version" in the paperwork, I assumed it was the correct one. Never thinking (logically now) that they would obviously want the state record. Funny thing is the hospital cert has a raised seal and everything, the state one seems too simple.

If the USC sends in copies of their passport you are ok too. In my RFE response I sent back the state cert and all of my passport. I hope if you made the same mistake, they over-look it, but I think proof of US citizenship is not easily overlooked. I was 5 months and 3 weeks when I got my RFE. Seems like no mercy over there, sorry to say. Posted Image I wish you luck
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-26 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Thanks Mel, did you get your RFE in the mail yet? Do you know what it was for?

Yes stupid mistake really. The long birth cert. there is the one from the hospital, which is the one I sent. It had all of my parent's info on it etc. They wanted the state one. Stupid mistake that could have been avoided if I had just copied and sent my passport instead... I sent it back on 7/23, same day I got it. I am hoping our status changes to RFE review soon. Thanks for asking! Enjoy some sugar from your hunny!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-26 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Hey guys, safely made it to Texas and sitting with my Hunny right now! (L)

Border Patrol was good... no hassles when crossing. :)

I think I missed almost 30 pages of our thread in 3 days, wow we are good!! :D

Can I just get a quick update? Any approvals?? I sure hope so!! Hope everyone
is well!!

Thank you!

Glad you made it safe. Enjoy your time! Not much movement this week for approvals. :angry:
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-26 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Yup, that's exactly what I was wondering. Really hoping that when they finally get to our petitions, they look through the WHOLE thing when nitpicking out issues and don't just send RFE for one issue while another went unnoticed.

I could not agree more. I can only handle one RFE. I know another girl from VSC who got a recent RFE and it had all of her problems listed out... She was missing 3 things. So, I think they TEND to put all of them on the same RFE, but they CAN send you another. I will lose it if we get another :wacko: !
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-24 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

That was an interesting read. I see a lot of people on here recommending people to just send what they forgot pre-RFE notice, so that is definitely not the way to go since it seems VSC is planning to start (rightfully IMO) returning anything without the RFE notice documentation vs. trying to play "find the needle."

I just replied to our RFE, and You have to send the blue notice they give you back with your stuff. I can see how it would get confusing if they just got random papers in the mail. The blue notice stands out and lets them get you in the correct place. Also it had our A# on it, so we have been given an A# at this point.
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-24 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Got our RFE today.Posted Image They did not like the Birth Cert I sent in, my mistake really, thinking it was the "long form" (I sent the 2 page cert with the raised seal provided by the hospital). In Pennsylvania, the state birth cert is a tiny half page cert. with very little info on it, so I thought the hospital one was the correct one. Well, quick fix!!! Thank god! Copy of my passport and state birth cert. already sent out tonight express shipment. Hope it is a quick turn-around and then NOA2 baby! Posted Image
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-23 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Congrats Rui&Kate and Mrjohnblack!

Omg I can't believe all those RFEs! They ARE just stamping them out over the stupidest things that don't really matter I bet just so they can delay the process and buy themselves more time. Just like the "passport photos being too big" really? I don't think so... They don't even use those for anything I don't think except to put a face with a name.... London embassy requires another set of passport photos for the visa....

I hope Paul, Sabi Vos, Tex and the rest of you guys hear something soon! This is $@&%ing ridiculous!

By the way, I was talking to a nurse that I work with and she was telling me that her husband was from Scotland (he died awhile back) and they didn't know anything about getting a visa so he stayed in the US on the 3 month visa you automatically get to enter the country for visits and then he went home for a few days and came back. The customs officer told him he couldn't do that but he'd let him in this time but not to over stay. They went to the immigration office in our state and asked what they could do for him to stay. She said the immigration officer said "I'm really not suppose to tell you this but just go get married and apply for AOS" !!!!!!! That was 10 yrs ago but still! I can't believe they told them to do that!!!! Anyway, I thought it was interesting.

It is so funny that you brought this up, because someone I know just asked why Ray and I just don't do that.... Ray was so pissed about the RFE and he knows how much I wanted to get married by the end of October he said he was tempted to just fly here and do that. It really sucks when you try to do the right thing and get punished for it... Boo USA Booo!!!!!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-21 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

hahahahaha a good one Mary!

sure why not:

RFE Request For correcting an Error - mostly error on USCIS' side

Processing time - a time that has nothing to do with the actual is the period of time during which your petition will collect a nice layer of dust, usually 5 months up...

Initial Review
please see Processing Time

Instruction on USCIS website - not fully complete source of information

Adjudicators- position very similar to GOD. someone you will most probably never meet in your life and who has the power over your life. Your future lies in their hands...

1-800-375-5283: Number you call so a drama student can read to you from a script, a set line of bull #@!*
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-20 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Thanks Nick&Ann. The initial shock was so hard, to get an RFE this late in the game and all, but we have re-grouped. :thumbs: It has to be something they lost or a simple un-checked box or something. Our file seemed spot-on. We will overnight it back and pray they approve us fast. A lot of people get approved within 2 weeks of sending back the RFE info.

Hope everyone else gets approved today! What a bunch of jerks. They are handing out RFEs like crazy! I pray no one else from our VJ family gets one. :innocent:

Edited by rayandmelissa, 20 July 2012 - 11:06 AM.

rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-20 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Ray and Mel... I am so sorry to hear this happened to you guys at this stage... :( I hope that it is some simple fix for you guys and that you can return it quickly to them.

On the bright side (if there is one to this maddening process :angry: ) at least you know that your file has been looked at and it hasn't fallen into VSC abyss somewhere... :huh:

The least they can do (after giving us RFE's so late into the processing time) is to give us a quick turnaround on our RFE responses... :whistle:

Thank you so much for your words of encouragment! Is it bad that I feel comfort in not being alone? I would not wish an RFE on anyone, but it is nice to have others to share this with. I hope you hear something fast! Do you have any clue on what the turn around time is on an RFE? On average? What was your RFE for?
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-19 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

10/20 was also my prelim wedding day.. i dont see it happening now

I am so sorry... VSC is just messing with everyone's plans. We originally thought August wedding.... :rofl: What a laugh that is now. We came to our senses about a month ago and pushed it forward... Now I am scared we wont be able to do that! Good luck Miguel.angel, I hope you hear something soon. And NO RFE.

Edited by rayandmelissa, 19 July 2012 - 11:26 AM.

rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-19 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

unless they have lost something which happens as I believe...

It is really shame they don't tell you straight away and you have to wait for a mail which can take a few days...

I am actually expecting RFE too, we didn't send the front and the back passport cover, I bet they will say they needed it! :P lol

Yikes, I did not send that either... could be that. Mail is usually fast, after the initial shock of it, crying, and venting to you all, I am ok. At least if it is an easy fix, we should be approved soon after I send it back. I really appreciate you all. :yes: I think I would go crazy if I did not have this site for support. :thumbs: Poor Ray is freaking out thinking he did something wrong. I told him it is not him vs me, it is us and that file is OURS. We did it together, we will fix it together. All will be ok. I just really want to get married on 10/20!!!! So I am praying this will be over soon.

Edited by rayandmelissa, 19 July 2012 - 10:54 AM.

rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-19 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

I can't imagine it would be because of the description. they don't need a novel. only proof that a meeting occurred in the past 2 years. and just some information about how the couple met. In the past people have included only a single sentence. Makes no sense that they would be RFEing for that. Details are for the consulate stage (questions at interview), not USCIS. Hopefully they didn't lose any documents. Maybe it's something really minor, some annoying small thing.

That is what I thought. I kept it to the point. Ray and I had seen each other 5 times prior to filing, I wrote a summary of that, had all of the passport stamps and the plane tickets with our names on them, plus a photo from each time... I can't imagine they need info regarding that... So I am not sure what it is they are looking for? I will be so pissed if it is a mistake they made, like losing a paper..

Edited by rayandmelissa, 19 July 2012 - 10:15 AM.

rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-19 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

I am waiting for mine also. I didnt use an attorney, but i had an attorney buddy of mine come and review mine before i sent. I followed VJ guidelines and he mentioned he had never seen a complete package like mine before, that i had nothing to worry about. Then again, he's an "expert"in latin american cases and based on his suggestions, my fiancee got her tourist visa denied in the first place so im not so sure myself... :unsure: :unsure:

Can you call USCIS as ask what it is they need? Will they give you any info over the phone?
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-19 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

any idea what it could possibly be? did you use an attorney at all?

No idea??? I thought my shizit was together.... I can't even imagine... Unless my description on how we met was not long enough??? I followed everything on this site...

Oh and sorry, no we did not use and attorney.

Edited by rayandmelissa, 19 July 2012 - 09:49 AM.

rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-19 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Thanks guys! I sure hope it is something simple. I don't want to have to wait for something in the mail from Ireland. (last time even express took a week or so) I just wish they told you what they need in the e-mail. I would at least feel comforted if I could start working on it... I am a doer. Ok we got an RFE, lets fix it... move on. GRRRRR. Snail mail. GRRRR.

You don't suppose they saw my text from yesterday to Ray calling them bad things? LOL Big brother always watching?
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-19 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Well, I just checked, they sent us an RFE today.. I can't stop crying... Wow, so much for wanting my file looked at.
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-19 08:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
I called USCIS today to see if they would let me file a service request... She started doing it, then said she had to check to see what date VSC is processing first. They are still claiming Jan 9th. So I asked her how often that info gets updated because they have been saying Jan 9th for over a month. She said it is updated each month on the 15th. Then quickly added that she has seen it take up to the 23rd for the update. OMG they have an answer for everything. Call back on Monday I guess.
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-18 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

ok I think we can officially say they got into the missing box...

so far today we have:

January 19:
5 x approvals

January 20:
2 x RFE
1 x approval

January 22:
2 x approval

January 30:
2 x approval

I saw an RFE for January 24th .... I only check the ones right around mine. I am a January 24th'er.
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-18 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Don't know if I should be happy that they are getting close to mine or scared, but one unlucky person a few numbers down from mine got and RFE today. Yikes!
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-18 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
I usually miss a few days on this tread so I try to catch up but it is hard at work! I just had a quick question:

Are a lot of you contacting your congress-person? What do you think the benefit is? My fear is that is will just piss people off. I have a lot of friends here who work for governement facilities (not USCIS) and said that it could place a chip on the shoulder of the person looking at my file. Any thoughts? I don't want to red-flag myself, but I am tired of this mess. As I am sure you all are too. :bonk:

Praying for an end soon... Thanks all. Mel
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-18 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Oh well, let's say I just don't get excited after a week of one approval a day to see six January approvals. I'm not a downer, I just don't want to keep my hopes up as I did for the past 3 months and ended up with a great disappointment each time I saw some movement. And that and only that made me down. Everyone deals with this journey the way that makes them feel better. That's my way of dealing with this now. If I see this consistency for the next 3-5 days then I'll believe something has finally moved at VSC!

Having said that I am of course really happy for each and every person approved today :) that's us getting closer each day with every new approval.. :)

Oh Sabi, I'm not picking you, you know I am here for you! I just want to give you a boost. I want to make sure you stay my upbeat friend! This will all be done soon, keep your head above the water just a bit longer. To be frank, the government is just F-ing with all of us. Most government employees don't have heavy demands on productivity. I mean, seriously, this country can't even approve a budget most years...

This is likely one of the hardest things any of us will go through, and I know my friends who have not gone through it would disagree, but what do they know, hahaha, I think that each and every one of us will appreciate our partners so much more and our marriages will be so much stronger than a traditional relationship. Hang in there Sabi and everyone! And congrats to those approved. As for me, I can not take it any longer, I am flying to Ireland today to get some SUGAR!!!! Hug all! Posted Image
rayandmelFemaleIreland2012-07-12 05:05:00