Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Filing an IR-1 in Frankfurt--what do the timelines look like?

So I just mailed my I-130 petition for my wife to Frankfurt yesterday. Anyone have an idea how long it's taking these days? Maybe more importantly, would it have been better to do a DCF?

It seems from the timelines I've been reading that doing a DCF can get your I-130 approved on the same day, i.e., get you to NOA2 immediately. Is this correct, or is a DCF not quite so lucrative?


Freiburg, Germany
Walter G.MaleGermany2007-03-06 04:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnyone tried calling the Frankfurt USCIS recently?

But my husband succeeded to get transfered to the officer in charge with our case (very nice lady) and she said our case was approved. She apologized it takes so long, they are only 3 officers that work to the cases. Our petition approved is next to another 100 approved petitions that will be transfered to the Visa Section hopefully today.
I hope my answer helps you, I know it is hard not to know what happens.
Just a tip, if you get a human on the phone do not let yourself foul with his answer "we still waiting for I files from the States", put him to check in to the computer and you will have a surprise ;) .
Have a nice day,

Great to hear, Adriana! :dance: Finally!!

Keep me informed as to the further progress!

Walter G.MaleGermany2007-05-04 04:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnyone tried calling the Frankfurt USCIS recently?
So I just tried (again) to call the USCIS in Frankfurt: 069 7535 2233. I get an automated message as I always have, but now there's no offer to forward you to a rep or voice mail, it merely ends saying "we can't answer questions on the phone, write an e-mail." Am I calling the write number? Have they changed their policy?

And are people getting answers via e-mail? I e-mailed three weeks ago and haven't heard a peep...

Walter G.MaleGermany2007-05-04 03:07:00