Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
QUOTE (culture1 @ Mar 23 2009, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My guy recently paid 150 us for 5 vaccines at mobayhope, plus a tip 'to make it good'...whatever the going bribery charge is. The police records cost $100 us. I never believe in the set is all subject to change ..and who's asking.

If anyone needs a great place to stay close to Mobay friend in Coral Garden has a villa up on the hill, awesome views, safe...3 gen of women, cooking up the best homestyle , very reasonable rates for both rooms in the main house and a single studio apt/kitchenette. These people are GREAT and can take great care of both short or longer visits. Hit me up for details if you like.

ya know this economy is hitting Jamaica real hard, and i get lots of requests to help out. i'm almost about to change my number ...but waiting to get this interview passage to go thru, then many changes ahead. But how do you deal with the money requests...or bring this/that for everyone...and those you haven't met yet!!!

Oh, i'm dying for some spooning........ heart.gif

Hi Culture.

I dont think anyone here is better equipped to answer this question than me. I visit my SO every month in Negril SINCE APRIL 2007. (I have the passport to prove it) And the way I deal with request is I say NO!!!!

First of all you have to pay for what they are asking for.(mOST OF THE PEOPLE ASKING WILL PROMISE TO PAY "you back", can someone please start a forum on how many people recieved their money back !!! whistling.gif I can wait!)

Then you have to pay the cost of your checked baggage. If you get "Caught up" in customs you could be responsible for paying duty! And above all you will never be able to keep up with the request! Each time you bring a requested item. YOU WILL HAVE MORE DAYUM REQUEST!

The man that sells chicken in town in Negril told my SO to ask me to bring him a microwave!!! My SO told him NOT "go to hell" But go to Sav! Sav La mAR THAT IS , BIG STORES WITH CHEAPPER ######! LMAO

Seriously though. Apply a level of common sense. If you are the type of woman who bought alot things for you last relationship in the states. And you are still "NOT HAPPLY INVOLVED WITH THAT PERSON". Then understand that saying "No will kill this relationship, If it is ment to be"

I challenge some of the ladies to eliminate the monitary investments, gifts, and treats of the relationships for 60 days and see if the relationship is still so happy or even exsistent.

Remember ladies we can only be "USED" if we allow ourselves to be "USED UP"

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-24 23:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
I am phenonminal Hot Legz

I return to the states this coming monday. So that is exciting. Everything here in Negril is on the up. Contrary to what some people may think or have told Spring Break has been very busy so I have had a good time. I finally got my internet connection so I guess I am excited about my simple pleasures

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-24 23:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Mar 24 2009, 10:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

DOn't bee foolish...keep ur eyes opened..i'm not saying this is a redflag or he's using u..BUT he needs to be showing an effort! It seems he's buying the $100 credits to satisfy his calling to u for the not feel it necessary to be the one keeping communication opened both ways..if u can call and it's cheaper..u do just when u can...he always new he made little money..that's not was he surviving before? How long have u known him Ells?

Speak Preacher!! Ells, basically what she is saying is use the same common sense with a long distance relationship with a Jamaican man as you would with an American Man! If you take away the accent, the beach and the curry chicken . THEY ALL THE SAME MEN!!! LMAO

Hi guys, Just doing my weekly "catch up" take care!

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-24 22:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
Hey Nat

You cant send pic mail to digicel phone or any other prepaid service in Jamaica. I personally t hink AT&T has the best service but I am not even sure they can recieve pic mail. Inquire about "Digicell Quad Band" phone I am not sure if this is the correct name. But if at all possible this may work. Consider web cam?
if he has pc.


QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Mar 6 2009, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Mar 6 2009, 12:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Ya'll I have a question about camera phones...

Have any of you sent picture messages from Digicel to a US phone? does it work?

He wants to buy a camera phone so we can send pictures back and forth, but he sent me a wallpaper image the other day and it never come through to me. So we are worried that the camera phone won't work even if he buys it... helpsmilie.gif

I have the same question.
We bought a Claro (formerly MiPhone) camera phone, but he can't send me pictures messages. Only text ones. Plus, I can't send him any texts on that phone at all.

So he plans to get rid of the Claro phone and get a Digicel camera phone (already has a Digicel non-camera phone). However, that might not work either, so I'm curious to see what the responses to this question are.

Edited to add: After reading more posts, I saw that one person said that you can't send pictures messages with any prepaid phone. Has anyone been able to do so with any non-Digicel phone?

Edited by JOURNEE1125, 08 March 2009 - 02:39 AM.

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-08 02:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
Got me already for some good scoup and SHE DROPPED THE BALL!
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-08 02:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
All is increasingly well at "Mi Yard" hope all is well with you to. Thanks everyone here for being so cool and keeping it real! You all make my day. Although I am not in the US for long periods of time I must admit when I am in St. Louis I check in more and "Y'all" keep me smiling.

QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Mar 5 2009, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
morning all..

honey.. i haven't used the rosemary.. the natural hair shop i go to, everyone is just always talking about it.. it must be some liquid or creme form cuz they say u put it on ur scalp..i will try and find out more..

welcome sam and brooke, and welcome back journee how are things at the yaad??

good news tre.. GOD is so good and always on time!

glad everything is going well shrewdie... congrats to hubby on such quick success in the job arena.. told u ur blessings were gonna be bigger than ur trials LOL

as far as moving to JA, when i first met Roger that is all that was on my mind, i figured working for the government, i could get a good paying job there w/ immigration or at the us embassy or consulate (i wasnt made for self employment) once my kids graduate in another 10 years, I would be OFF..
BUT being the way I am, the comforts of home are really gonna be hard to give up, those things Lawny mentioned we really take for granted. We will be fine w/ just building a house there and maybe going back for long stays in our retirement years.

jawi or sus...u around?? have u heard the new movado?? gil mentioned it was released and I was wondering if it was good..


yeah shrewd, go to the auto section of msn or yahoo and u can get consumer reviews.. i always check there..

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-05 12:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
Hello Ladies,

JG you are sooo funny <Chaps are hot on some dudes> lmao
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-05 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-04 21:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part13)
Hi Ladies hope all is well with you
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-03-04 21:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWeddings in Jamaica Negril
As some of you all my already know. I am in Jamaica just about every 2 weeks.
My sister is a professional wedding planner and we decided to open a Wedding Store in Jamaica together.

Thank You's
I got the location this week (Praise God!) & I AM SO EXCITED (to those of you, who knew I was considering this.
Thank you all for the help and advice, feedback positive and negative). I really appreciate it.

I would like for anyone who is interested to send me some feedback. I am asking so that I have input from a variety of women.
All races, cultures, backgrounds and most importantly Budgets.

I am adapting the Jamican Philosphy of "If you are gonna do a business , offer as many services as you can!"

Store Info: Elite Upscale Weddings,
Quality Weddings at Affordable prices.
#6 Kings Plaza , Negril, Ja (The Plaza across from Hi Lo and NCB bank)

Specializing in Wedding Apparel/Accessories & Shoes for the entire Bridal Party (Sizes 1 to 32) We have Dresses" Off the Rack or Customized"

Professional Wedding Planning Services. Engagement Party to The after your nuptials we want can help.
We want to be your "One Stop Shop" for all of your wedding needs

Full Line of Wedding, Reception and Copying Services (Marriage License, Birth Certificates and hopefully passport services)

3 Different Ministers available to service any schedule

Rental Items: Chair Cover, Candel Stands, Chairs, Tables, Tents ect.

We also have decorations Candels, Bouquets, Ring Pillow, Favors, Gazebos ect.

Website (will be completed within the next month or so.)

3 different Photographers 3 different styles, you choose who can best accomidate your style.

Okay so now to the questions.

Please Answer the following Questions

If you were getting married what would you look for in a Wedding Planner?

What would impress you the most about her service?

How much would you think is an affordable rate to pay an Experianced Wedding Planner ?

When entering a bridal/ wedding store what would you not expect to see. But would BE "WOWED" BY?

What would you consider an affordable rate for a Experianced Photographer?

Thanks for your feedback! Once the store is complete I am offering all VJ'ers a 25% discount on our wedding services. Also, dont feel as though you have to answer me on this forum. You can keep sending me emails to my person email or you can email me at ""

Even if you are not using any of our services I would be happy to help you with your wedding in way I can.

Thanks Again Ladies,

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-05-01 14:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFILING QUESTION FOR YARDIES
QUOTE (Marie87 @ Nov 12 2008, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lance and I have known each other for 5 years. Our families know each mom went to school with his father. I already know about the culture/his element because I am from there. I wasn't concerned about making visits because before our relationship began I was already making 2-3 visits a year to see family and for business reasons. Wechose to do the CR1 because we would like for him to be able to work when he gets here and to be able to travel back in case of an emergency and although I miss him like hell and wish he was here with me right now, I'm in no rush because we have the rest of our lives the choice on which visa to file for is definetly a personal one. star_smile.gif

Not meaning to sound ignorant. WHAT IS A DAYUM CR1? Please dont refer me to the pluckin immigration guide like some smart ### did. Just please give me the short clean answer....

No Coffee this morning. Sorry a Biotch is just a little cranky today lmao blink.gif
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2008-11-12 18:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFILING QUESTION FOR YARDIES
Opps forgot to add the fees; (wah mi lef out)
Filing - $455
Police Certificate - $36
Non-Impiedment - $72
Medical - $95 (no shots required)&nbsp; -- try and get them prior to the medical at the clinic
Airpak - $8
Flights - Sept.&nbsp;($305); Nov ($281); Apr. ($338); June ($500); SO flight one-way Jul. ($270)
AOS - $1010
passport pics for AOS $10.00
****fees for other things while he was in Jamaica, but he paid those like (passport, passport pics, extra birthcertificate&nbsp;and shots needed for medical)

I really appreciate the help. There so many abbrevreations that it is easy for someone who hasnt started to be ignorant.

On a K1 and K3 how long is it before they can work and travel?

Edited by JOURNEE1125, 12 November 2008 - 06:00 PM.

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2008-11-12 17:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFILING QUESTION FOR YARDIES

Has a good point. I have been spending time with my SO and I have learned alot about him, culture and most importantly " about US". I cant imagine what it must be like when some of the ladies here are only able to visit once every 9 months or so.

I feel way more confident in what I am getting myself into, Let me change that the "committment" I am going into.

My question is which process takes longer?

K1 OR K3 And "without beating the same dog with a different stick" what is the total cost <less travel fees.>
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2008-11-11 22:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part15)
QUOTE (Jamerican Queen @ Jun 25 2009, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shaunsgal @ Jun 23 2009, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Birthday Finesse!
Congratulations Jamerican Queen on the Interview Date
Philly rose.gif heart.gif

Thanks to all of you!!!!!
We are so excited I'm not going to JA til end of July to August 10th or so, hopefully I can bring hubby back (hopefully)

Thanks to VJ and all my sisters for the help because this was a PROCESS,


What is going on that you girls know if in August. offtopic45vn.gif A few years ago we (my hubby and my sister and her then boyfriend) went to "St mary mi come from" that was great!!!!!!!

Thats the year NOrris Man and Sizzla started fighting on stage wow it was crazy that night. Off-Topic2.gif

but do you know of anything now because its coming up and I want to make my days around something. Beside hubby B-day thats 2 days b4 the interview date.

Thanks again all kicking.gif

ATI Black Beach Week in Negril is in the beg of Aug. So there will be alot of shows here! Have fun

Edited by JOURNEE1125, 25 June 2009 - 10:37 AM.

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-06-25 10:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
Hey All just stopping by to say Hi....
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-08-06 13:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-08-03 23:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
Ahhhhhhhh...I think I may have done it got more $$$$ -- but I won't be happy until I see it in writing.

Go Lawny its your day! See a closed mouth dont get fed! You told them what you wnated and now its time to pay up! Make sure you get it writting so that you cover your own ####!

Congrats you deserve it
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-07-22 12:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
QUOTE (dillon @ Jul 22 2009, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good to see you Journee and it is great to hear that your business is off to a good start. How long are you coming back to St. Louis for this time 3 days? Just messing with you.

QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Jul 22 2009, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ya'll pray for me I'm going to ask for a raise...I support 164 people got an assistant a few months ago, but prior to that I've been holding it down on my own...I've rewritten my job description and I'm prepared with a positive attitude -- she bettah no come outtah ar mout wrang cause mi ago bex....thankful I have a job though, but I think people should be recognized as an valuable employee.

I'm praying fi yuh Lawny I hope you get the answer you are looking for! I know you deserve the increa$e good.gif

Her and her boss must really be talking...she hasn't been back to give us an update yet.

You crazy lol.... No I will be home for almost 3 weeks. Worryfree not offering Charter flights in Sept so I will have to find a reasonable flight back. Your wedding pics look so good. I love your colors.
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-07-22 12:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Jul 22 2009, 11:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Jul 22 2009, 11:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lawny, All prayers from me on your promotion request. You deserve it!

Where the hell you been? Well I went home (Stl) In june for 2 days left went to ATL for my Uncles Bday Party and to visit "A sweet but crazy #### bride" that I had a ball with. Then went back to Stl for a few days and came back to Negril. (I'VE BEEN EVERYWHERE, MAN I'VE BEEN EVERYWHERE) bUT NOW I am in hot #### Negril where else.

Oh yeah I cried and my sweetie me bought an airconditioner! PRAISE THE LORD!

Missed Dillon's wedding....we needed a 4th stooge in the picture! You know you are crazy! But I come home Aug 10 so I promise we are gonna do something! And I have Dillions gift so I didnt forget her. I saw her pictures and the Wedding was NIce, Her daughter is gorgeous.

How's the business going? Very well! I had the Grand Opening July 13th and I didnt have enough space for everyone that showed up. We ARE the only location in Negril that offers full service wedding planning , coordinating, All bridal party apperal and services ie" Photography, catering, location scouting ect.
I also offer chairs, sashes and table rentals. . So we invited All of the Planners from the Resorts and hotels so I had a good turn out and they were so positive! Of course they wont send us clients but they have been buying wedding ALOT of decoration products colored tulle and ###### that u cant find easily in Jamaica. So All is well. PRAISE THE LORD.

I just saw somebody's birthday post and now I can't find it. Who's birthday was yesterday???????? My birthday is Nov 25 is you' ll want to send me some early gifts....

I miss you guys. I have been sticking in "The Yard" every now and then. But it is too much trying to keep up. I hope all is well on everyones journey. And I will see you soon JG, AND Dillion I am sorry MRS. Dillion lol

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-07-22 11:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
Lawny, All prayers from me on your promotion request. You deserve it!
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-07-22 11:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ May 1 2009, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ May 1 2009, 11:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... Nat, I must miss you and your SO, alot because our guest that are here now I have called her Natalie, each time I have spoke to her! lol Bad part about it she kept answering me as Natalie, were her name. And ofcourse now my Sweetie is calling her Natalie as well. rofl...

I guess "Natalie" does have a beautiful ring to it! laughing.gif My cousin & I are heading to Negril in 2 weeks. I want to go to one of those restaurants you mentioned in the cliffs... what are their names again?

QUOTE (shrewdgal @ May 1 2009, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ May 1 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> sorry that you are now dreaming about the sucky VSC. The sad thing is that you can't even begin Congressional inquiry until the Processing Time for VSC has elapsed. You are in my prayers. It's coming...I know it.

They say that but mine checked clearly didnt do ANY good... AT ALL

Shrewdgal, you mean that someone actually checked on your case before the processing time? I don't mind if my case takes longer to get approved, I just want to know that it isn't lost. Might they be able to tell me that?

I was gonna call at work today, but my manager happened to come to this location today and is sitting across the hall from me. Guess I'll wait until after work.

Hey Nat,

The one in particular is "On the Rocks" they have really good food.
Also "Sips and Bites" is up the cliff they have good food and great service.

In town past Scotia Bank the first building on the left (with an up stairs) going toward the cliffs. On the first floor there is Mrs. Bucks Restaurant. although she is only opened until around 6pm. Her food is great and she deliveries.

Sorry I wont be here I leave for Saint Louis May 11th. But hopefully I will see you the next time you are here

Muah (Blowing Kisses at one of the sweetest couples I have ever me in Jamaica)

Happy Eating:)
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-05-01 14:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
Dont ya just want to give her a bigg sheet to cover up with.

I am a big gurl (Size 20-22) and I love "Trendy" fashion. But aint no way in the hell you can believe for some one any size.

This is officially entered in the HOT AZZ MESS catagory!
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-05-01 14:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)

It is al most time for your BIG!! Day. I am so excited for you!!! Are you registered anywhere?
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-05-01 12:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Jomo's girl @ May 1 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ May 1 2009, 11:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good Mornin Ladies, From Hott #### Negril.

The weather here today is Hott, Had been rainy all week but stil just as beautiful as ever! Hope all is well with each of you (and yours)

Nat, I must miss you and your SO, alot because our guest that are here now I have called her Natalie, each time I have spoke to her! lol Bad part about it she kept answering me as Natalie, were her name. And ofcourse now my Sweetie is calling her Natalie as well. rofl...

Any Who, just dropping in to say HEYYYYY!!!

Big night tonight, Journee. Going to miss you!!!!!

Okay, just turn the knife. You know I wont get to kick it like that in JA!!!

Tell Tyler I said Good Luck and I cant wait to get back so I come and see the pictures. And we can hang out.
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-05-01 12:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ May 1 2009, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ May 1 2009, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (newlynluv @ May 1 2009, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mawning ladies

Sus you are in my prayers and i hope everything work out for you chicka...

ummm so this guy at my job got laid off today for sleeping at the job overnight and his position is now available i already got confirmation that the next admin position to open up will be mines if i wanted... the only thing is the position only pay about 4 grand more a year and its a bigger work load but if i take the position i will not be under the hands of my now supervisor that has it out for me any suggestions ppl??? more work & a lil more pay vs lil work same pay & bi*ch #### supervisor?

i would opt for the more work load
would moving to that position amount to a promotion?
if so take it
it will look good on your resume

I WOULD SAY take it tooo...can u handle the work alone?4g a 4g yuh know wah mi a sey...

QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ May 1 2009, 12:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good Mornin Ladies, From Hott #### Negril.

The weather here today is Hott, Had been rainy all week but stil just as beautiful as ever! Hope all is well with each of you (and yours)

Nat, I must miss you and your SO, alot because our guest that are here now I have called her Natalie, each time I have spoke to her! lol Bad part about it she kept answering me as Natalie, were her name. And ofcourse now my Sweetie is calling her Natalie as well. rofl...

Any Who, just dropping in to say HEYYYYY!!!

Hey Journee how yuh doing..mi glad u a enjoy some nice weather

QUOTE (DaDa @ May 1 2009, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (newlynluv @ May 1 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hummm i just got the scoop so he is what i like to call preferred staff we call him Day 26 because he is either late everyday or not in at all but as preferred staff no one do anything about it, well apperantly he has a lil stealing and drug problem that led him to be kicked out his dad house and ummmm he is jamaican and gay but that dont matter he was doing alot of stuff i even caught him stealing before but he was sleeping here last night and someone caught him so they had no choice but to act on it he had a good run tho...

HI Dada *waving* gurrrl i wish they selled vacation days shoot it would be over but i think imma keep what i got because i would be working for 4 managers including staff that's a bit much i think i would be setting myself up

Hey newly (waving back).. My company sells days star_smile.gif I actually bought 5 and I would buy 20 if they let us but the max you can buy is 5.... much they cost?

QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ May 1 2009, 12:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I ask, what outfit are you going to wear a 1100 dollar shoes with, in the rule of fashion the outfit must cost more or equal to the price of the shoe.

Let's see 1100 dollars shoes to be stored in a shoe box on the shelf, will it gain any intrest while it is resting on the shelf to be worn, maybe once a month.

But if it makes you happy, then it's money well spent.

huh..who a spend $1100 pon shoes?

Hey Mz. Hot Legs..

Mi Doin Jus Phyne. Im wishin lovely dayz fer ya as well!!! lol

BTW: We decided to go the CR1 route. Thanks to yours and Trelawny advice. So bigg ups to you all. Hopefully, once approved my "TERRIFIED TO FLY" Sweetie will get his #### on the plane! lmao.

Take Care

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-05-01 11:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
Good Mornin Ladies, From Hott #### Negril.

The weather here today is Hott, Had been rainy all week but stil just as beautiful as ever! Hope all is well with each of you (and yours)

Nat, I must miss you and your SO, alot because our guest that are here now I have called her Natalie, each time I have spoke to her! lol Bad part about it she kept answering me as Natalie, were her name. And ofcourse now my Sweetie is calling her Natalie as well. rofl...

Any Who, just dropping in to say HEYYYYY!!!
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-05-01 11:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAirTran w/begin going to Nassau and Mo Bay!!!
I was told this by a rep in June. She said that Airtran would definately be picking the cancelled chartered flights out of St. Louis (USA3000 BOOKED BY WORRYFREE!) going into Mobay. They have started making the changes at Lambert Already
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-09-23 14:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Sep 23 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Sep 23 2009, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You missed it JG cause you wont come see me when I am in Stl and you wont come see me in Ja <Like every one else> You are acting funny but that is okay. I though you were my girl. No "Soup" for you!!! <Soup Nazi Seinfield 1999>

QUOTE (DaDa @ Sep 23 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shemmy @ Sep 23 2009, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My friend recently didn't get a job a SYMS retail store cuz of her credit. What in the world??? I can see some companies but retail!!!

Maybe they think she'll steal to sell the stuff and pay off some of her debt.


I never know when you are in St. Louis.

I may never visit JA again, so that may actually be out.

Dont say that Jamaica should always be a possibility. It was before you met "Mr" and it should always be. Dont let'em take your shine Girl.
But any who I will drop you a line when I come back to Stl.

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-09-23 15:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Sep 23 2009, 03:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DaDa @ Sep 23 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Sep 23 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep u missed it. My status changed quite some time ago. lol. I would be in Part 7 if I tried to keep up with you all. That is why I just drop by to say Hi! Wish every one well.

Hey Journee...

Question have you ever attended any of the Special Events conferences? Next year I see its in New Orleans. I was thinking of going but dang it can add up.

When you say Special Events do you mean like Wedding Conferences/ Conventions?

With the Wedding Shows you just have to unfortunatly wait until the last minute to get the best rates on those things. Same with Wedding Planning Conventions. They advertise one price but then the week before they drop the prices to dayum near free. Economy has the affect
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-09-23 15:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (DaDa @ Sep 23 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Sep 23 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep u missed it. My status changed quite some time ago. lol. I would be in Part 7 if I tried to keep up with you all. That is why I just drop by to say Hi! Wish every one well.

Hey Journee...

Question have you ever attended any of the Special Events conferences? Next year I see its in New Orleans. I was thinking of going but dang it can add up.

When you say Special Events do you mean like Wedding Conferences/ Conventions?
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-09-23 15:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
You missed it JG cause you wont come see me when I am in Stl and you wont come see me in Ja <Like every one else> You are acting funny but that is okay. I though you were my girl. No "Soup" for you!!! <Soup Nazi Seinfield 1999>

QUOTE (DaDa @ Sep 23 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shemmy @ Sep 23 2009, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My friend recently didn't get a job a SYMS retail store cuz of her credit. What in the world??? I can see some companies but retail!!!

Maybe they think she'll steal to sell the stuff and pay off some of her debt.

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-09-23 15:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Sep 23 2009, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Sep 23 2009, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
whoa.. i would have thought the tourism would have made it a little better too.. once thos ppl get in those jobs, they never leave huh..heehee

QUOTE (DaDa @ Sep 23 2009, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ha! Serves him right. Make sure when you leave court you sing so he can hear you. Happy Birthday to me.....

leave it to u da.. to put that spin on it!!! LOL.. i do love u HA

QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Sep 23 2009, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Haymsmorgan @ Sep 23 2009, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Sep 23 2009, 03:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is yelling Heyyyyy to all my VJ Sistahs hoping all is well with each and every one of you! Take care

Hey there Journee, how are u?

I am good. Just hot as hell here today. But all is well. I missed you guys

okay, am i the only one in the dark.. journee, i didnt know u got married.. thought u were gonna file K1 after ur divorce.. i see ur got cr1 on ur profile.. forgive me if im slow or but
CONGRATS.. blush.gif

Did you, Journee?

Yep u missed it. My status changed quite some time ago. lol. I would be in Part 7 if I tried to keep up with you all. That is why I just drop by to say Hi! Wish every one well.

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-09-23 15:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (Haymsmorgan @ Sep 23 2009, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Sep 23 2009, 03:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is yelling Heyyyyy to all my VJ Sistahs hoping all is well with each and every one of you! Take care

Hey there Journee, how are u?

I am good. Just hot as hell here today. But all is well. I missed you guys
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-09-23 14:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Is yelling Heyyyyy to all my VJ Sistahs hoping all is well with each and every one of you! Take care
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-09-23 14:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCriminal Record - do we have hope?
QUOTE (Sam & Rasta @ Apr 13 2009, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KIMCORENE @ Apr 13 2009, 05:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with the previous posters who encourage you to walk with a wad of cash- in Jamaica all it tek is a "ting" to solve any administrative problems. devil.gif It is what it is.

Thanks to all who've replied here and privately. My husband has told me much the same many of your have; it can go away. We have a friend who's nephew was in a similar situation and got the record expunged. Hubby is going to Kingston tomorrow to apply for expungement and bringing cash, after all it is the Jamaican way! I am keeping the faith!

Good Luck, most polica and court issues in Jamaica can be resolved with cash!

Edited by JOURNEE1125, 24 April 2009 - 01:32 PM.

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-04-24 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Dec 18 2009, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thisislove @ Dec 18 2009, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

i can stay 3 more years, no problem!!! i know we will need more than 4 bedrooms when roger files for the boys, but i don't see that happening that much quicker than 3 years

and you right dada, at first roger said outright NO.. he didn't want to live there, but he reconsidered after a heart to heart w/ a good friend.. my credit is becoming more important to me esp since i don't have the ex to lean on anymore and roger's credit is just beginning.. i really hope i can keep from foreclosing but if not, i know what God has for me, it is for me in DUE TIME lol

u right dada.. the ex might try to burn it down.. lmao..

jq..why you gotta post that pic of lil wayne!!! you know we all have some "not so hot" looking days LOL, yeah his tattos are a bit much.. LOL

hey ells!!!

Good luck, my friend.

QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Dec 18 2009, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*JG* @ Dec 18 2009, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Dec 18 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Ladies !!! Hope all is well with each of you!!!

BTW: Quite Claim doesnt always work. My parents did it and My Moms title/deed to her house came 6 years after divorce with my Dads name on it. Was told in Illinois (St. Clair County) will recognize of tax purposes but most mortgage companies still recognize parties who orginate the loan as being liable.....

Any Who have a good one "Er Body" wink.gif

JOURNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where you been??????

In Negril until Monday then to Stl for xmas then back to Negril Dec 28th for a wedding Dec 31st then back to Stl Jan 11th then back to Negril for 3 Weddings and then back to stl ...... so on and so on... How have you been. Your hair is cute on the pic!! I am waving " My I am Woman AND and I AM fly as hell" at you JG..

So thankful

So, it is going well I assume. Happy for you.

There's a story behind that picture. Not for public though. devil.gif

Baby (In my Loudest Monique Voice) , I feel that story in My Heart!!! And you deserve every moment of it! ;0) Live your life girl you dont need no man to validate you. That is why Real Women dont miss a beat. We just keep on Drummin wink.gif

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-12-18 14:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Dec 18 2009, 01:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thisislove @ Dec 18 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Dec 18 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*JG* @ Dec 18 2009, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Dec 18 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Ladies !!! Hope all is well with each of you!!!

BTW: Quite Claim doesnt always work. My parents did it and My Moms title/deed to her house came 6 years after divorce with my Dads name on it. Was told in Illinois (St. Clair County) will recognize of tax purposes but most mortgage companies still recognize parties who orginate the loan as being liable.....

Any Who have a good one "Er Body" wink.gif

JOURNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where you been??????

In Negril until Monday then to Stl for xmas then back to Negril Dec 28th for a wedding Dec 31st then back to Stl Jan 11th then back to Negril for 3 Weddings and then back to stl ...... so on and so on... How have you been. Your hair is cute on the pic!! I am waving " My I am Woman AND and I AM fly as hell" at you JG..

So thankful

wow journee..your business is really taking off.. you have a green thumb for self employment girl
WHAT A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wayne need a touch up on them dreds too.DANG. jq.. you gotta find a better pic.. NO FAIR.. lol

When I left Corporate America I BECAME SERIOUS AS HELL NOT TO RETURN!!! wink.gif So WE work!!! But I cant fake it. I love every minute

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-12-18 14:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
QUOTE (thisislove @ Dec 18 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Dec 18 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*JG* @ Dec 18 2009, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Dec 18 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Ladies !!! Hope all is well with each of you!!!

BTW: Quite Claim doesnt always work. My parents did it and My Moms title/deed to her house came 6 years after divorce with my Dads name on it. Was told in Illinois (St. Clair County) will recognize of tax purposes but most mortgage companies still recognize parties who orginate the loan as being liable.....

Any Who have a good one "Er Body" wink.gif

JOURNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where you been??????

In Negril until Monday then to Stl for xmas then back to Negril Dec 28th for a wedding Dec 31st then back to Stl Jan 11th then back to Negril for 3 Weddings and then back to stl ...... so on and so on... How have you been. Your hair is cute on the pic!! I am waving " My I am Woman AND and I AM fly as hell" at you JG..

So thankful

wow journee..your business is really taking off.. you have a green thumb for self employment girl
WHAT A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wayne need a touch up on them dreds too.DANG. jq.. you gotta find a better pic.. NO FAIR.. lol

When I left Corporate America I BECAME SERIOUS AS HELL NOT TO RETURN!!! wink.gif So WE work!!! But I cant fake it. I love every minute

JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-12-18 14:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Dec 18 2009, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Dec 18 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Ladies !!! Hope all is well with each of you!!!

BTW: Quite Claim doesnt always work. My parents did it and My Moms title/deed to her house came 6 years after divorce with my Dads name on it. Was told in Illinois (St. Clair County) will recognize of tax purposes but most mortgage companies still recognize parties who orginate the loan as being liable.....

Any Who have a good one "Er Body" wink.gif

JOURNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where you been??????

In Negril until Monday then to Stl for xmas then back to Negril Dec 28th for a wedding Dec 31st then back to Stl Jan 11th then back to Negril for 3 Weddings and then back to stl ...... so on and so on... How have you been. Your hair is cute on the pic!! I am waving " My I am Woman AND and I AM fly as hell" at you JG..

So thankful
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-12-18 14:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
Hey Ladies !!! Hope all is well with each of you!!!

BTW: Quite Claim doesnt always work. My parents did it and My Moms title/deed to her house came 6 years after divorce with my Dads name on it. Was told in Illinois (St. Clair County) will recognize of tax purposes but most mortgage companies still recognize parties who orginate the loan as being liable.....

Any Who have a good one "Er Body" wink.gif
JOURNEE1125FemaleJamaica2009-12-18 14:03:00