United KingdomIreland as POE

Very much so! We plan on flying through either Dublin or Shannon when we finally move since the wait for us was in total about 40 minutes (and that's only because they made us wait in a small lobby-like area as they processed others with tighter flight connections). They were a lot friendlier than any other customs officers we've had to deal with, even made small talk. Not to mention when you sit on the plane and realize you're already "in the US" and not having to rush around when you land makes the flight a thousand times more enjoyable.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-08 07:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Is Germany k1 visa similar to us k1?
There's also other forms of financial aid available to couples here. Wohngeld ("living money") is anywhere between 200-300 Euros or more a month, depending on your income and situation. They also help out interns with Ausbildungsbeihilfe ("internship assistance"), but if you're married you're unlikely to receive it.

There are many options here besides actual welfare. You just have to sit down with someone at the local town hall and discuss your financial status so she/he can determine which aid programs you could qualify for. They'll have you fill out paperwork and send it back to their office and they'll keep sending out your applications until one program accepts you. It typically gets cut at the end of a fiscal year so that you have to reapply. You'll still get reaccepted, but they cut a little bit of aide off each year til you no longer need their help.

Like Wacken said, it's ridiculously easy to immigrate here as long as you have a German spouse and you can speak German well. Even if you can't speak German, they'll still accept you, but you MUST go to an 8-month integrations course or else your residence permit will go through a shredder. If you CAN speak German then don't be afraid to show it at the aliens office - otherwise they assume you can't and they'll still sign you up for the course.
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-02-07 12:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Marriage to a German citizen in Germany
The birth certificate doesn't have to be new, just official. The certificate stating you're still single is the one that has to be less than 6 months old. We got married in 2011 and back then they said we had to have apostilles attached, which we obtained from an online source where you mail the birth certificate and notarized (can be done by someone at a US bank) certificate of free status to them and they'll mail them back fairly quickly with the apostilles stapled to the papers. Then just get them translated by a certified translator (Germans only accept certified translations) either in the US or Germany and you'll be set with your documentation. Only thing to add to the pile would of course be the USC's passport, which the official will Ooh and Ahh about the pages being so pretty compared to the German passport. :P

Things could be different in other states, but not very likely. We filed in Nordrhein-Westfalen. PS- if the USC has taken any German courses in the US then they HAVE to bring along some proof of their performance in school in those courses and be sure to show off their skills when at the Ausländeramt if they're getting their residence permit to live in Germany. Otherwise they'll enroll them into an integrations course that's quite pricy and lasts about a whole year.

Edited by Stressed Out, 06 March 2013 - 06:05 AM.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-03-06 05:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)ID Help!
Surely they have a website he can go to to see if they have such services in the WA location. Normally they should be able to do such a simple task. However, I don't see the importance of it since he has a Belgian passport still, which can always be used as identification.
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-03-19 04:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Traveling in Europe

I live nextdoor in Germany and I just always carry my passport and residence permit. EU has open borders so they won't be checking, but incase you're pulled over by the cops for speeding, etc. they want to see that you're just a tourist/legally residing in an EU country.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-06-06 05:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Step-father - proof of relationship? (I-864A)
Most likely the sponsor's birth certificate (establishing relationship to mother) and the co-sponsor's marriage certificate (establishing relationship between mother and stepfather) should be enough to prove that he is, indeed, his "father".
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-03-28 06:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Filling out AOS Form I-864EZ

Never leave stuff blank, even if it seems obvious. For part 3 #9 I'd just write "Same as Mailing Address". As far as the last part goes, like I said I don't like leaving stuff blank since too many people get checklists for the I-864's on here for the dumbest reasons....I'd write in the first available line (Signature) in parenthesis "(Prepared by sponsor)". 

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-22 09:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the LONGEST this can take? Getting tired of waiting...

True, a congressional inquiry regarding abnormal processing times can speed things up as they have only 48 hours to respond to the liaison's message. Not saying you'd get something in 48 hours, but it could at least bump your petition up.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-08 05:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno income and using a joint sponsor

1. From my understanding the OP will need to have his brother use the i-864a because he is the OP's sibling and lives in the same household. Am I not understanding this correctly? Here is the instruction sheet.


2. The OP will fill out the regular i-864. Some one please correct me if I am wrong. But this is my understanding from what I have read.




I'd say you're right when you look at the instructions. I HAD said that on this site before and people jumped on my like wolves, but I don't see any other way of interpreting that paragraph, hah.


And yeah, the regular I-864 would then be filed by the sponsor.


A third opinion would be nice...and would finally answer this for me.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-09 05:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno income and using a joint sponsor

In the case of an I-864a it's filled out by second party that includes you as a dependant as you're part of their household. I don't think this is the case, so just 1x I-864 for each of you. Best of luck!

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-09 02:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno income and using a joint sponsor

Yes, your brother can sponsor you. 


Filing taxes separately means you'd each fill out your own I-864. And, yes, $0 in 13 a.-c. Leaving that blank will get you a checklist.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-09 01:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAwaiting Return of Documents

Okay, nevermind. It seriously just came in the mail not 5 minutes ago. :P

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-07-03 04:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAwaiting Return of Documents

Yeah I just sent an email. Hopefully it doesn't take the full five days estimate they gave me for a response. I'm a very impatient person, and yes I know that's a recipe for disaster considering I'm about to file for a spousal visa, haha. Thanks, anyhow!

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-07-03 01:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAwaiting Return of Documents

On Friday I received a notification from DHL that the courier had delivered my parcel to the US consulate in Frankfurt. I had sent them my old and new passports and my marriage certificate so I could change my name on my social security card. Has anyone else dealt with Frankfurt (or any other US federal benefits office) and can tell me about how long it takes to get your stuff back? It has me a little worried since they're original documents and they could've at least shot me a one-sentence email saying they got my packet.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-07-02 00:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBest Breakfast on Interview day?

My vote goes to the All-'Murican bacon n' eggs. But instead of orange juice, I'd substitute some cranberry juice to make it taste even more of freedom.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-09-26 04:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionClothes to wear for interview

Just don't wear anything embarrassing like dirty clothes, haha. There's no dress code, so the only thing I'd worry about is insulting them thinking it's okay to come in some Adidas training pants.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-15 09:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionClothes to wear for interview

I wouldn't necessarily come in food-stained Walmart pajamas, but they also don't need you to come in a Hugo Boss suit. Jeans and nice shirt is fine.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-15 08:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI have my medical next week, please help.

If you say you can barely notice it I can't imagine it causing any issues at the medical. Yes it reads "permanent in nature", but you need to focus more on the following "substantial departure from normal physical well-being"...which, based off of what you've explained, doesn't seem to be some freakish physical disorder that would necessarily hinder you.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-25 09:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion regarding Frankfurt N-400 interviews

Glad to see you got that resolved. My username came from the time we had scheduled my husband's interview for early November and still hadn't gotten our visa payment confirmation from that stupid German company that's responsible for taking your credit card info online, like the government's version of PayPal, and so I had to reschedule it when we were needing to leave for the US in only two weeks time. Had rebook hotels and everything, all because of a confirmation letter.

Your situation is much more dire, however, considering it has to do with naturalization. :P

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-21 06:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion regarding Frankfurt N-400 interviews

How often did you try calling? When I had to reschedule the interview for my husband's B-2 I had to try over 4 times until I got someone.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-21 02:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsconfused on dis approval
I agree with Darnell. Sounds like you've gone into some sort of administrative review of your case, most likely caused by an error of some sort. My guess is that it'll go back to its orginal stage of review and will just be delayed a few weeks then be on its way to a proper NOA2. "appellate body" simply means a board of review to reverse decisions, which is what makes me think it was an error on someone's part.

I think the government finds it funny sometimes to word documents in such a manner that even natives have to pull up Google every once in a while. In total, though, I wouldn't worry. Maybe put in a phone call and they should be more than happy to make their point clear to you.
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-01-26 05:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp With Family Name On Forms

Well I gotta say as someone who's stuck at the moment due to an RFE (incredibly frustrating knowing it could all be processing now, but nooo), I don't recommend being anxious or, as I was, lazy about obtaining or preparing certain documents. Name change is a big thing to these guys and I'd recommend making it clear to them that she carries your name now.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-09-19 15:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp With Family Name On Forms

Weird, I've yet to see a marriage certificate that doesn't formally state the new surname of the bride. Perhaps you could request a formal document showing her maiden and new name? Though if that's the way Michigan does it there has to be a way for her to at least replace her license. 

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-09-19 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp With Family Name On Forms

She should be able to prove she has a new surname somehow. Why isn't it on the marriage certificate? And in many governments (like in Germany) there's a second "change of name" certificate that accompanies the marriage certificate. She wouldn't be able to change the name on her passport/license until she has a document to show a name change in the first place.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-09-19 15:06:00
PhilippinesCan my USC husband have dual citizenship?

If you have hold a foreign passport you still have to line up with the "tourists".
that is what had happened with my son (usc through crba and holding a us and pi passport) and i during our last trip - oct 2012.
such a pain....

Weird, they've let my husband and me go through the USC line together every single time with him just being a tourist. Last time, too, and that was in December. The first time we actually assumed that we had to split up, but the ladies at the passport check told us both to go through the USC line since we were married.

Edited by Stressed Out, 05 February 2013 - 03:04 PM.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-02-05 15:01:00
PhilippinesCan my USC husband have dual citizenship?
Unless all these years I've been reading things incorrectly, I'm 90% sure the US only recognizes dual citizenship from children born to parents from two different nations, even if one has renounced one citizenship to obtain another. As long as one parent holds a foreign birth certificate, the child can become a dual citizen. However with adults it's not possible since they weren't born with that right.

At least I know for a fact this is how the US and Germany have agreed on this, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same for everyone else since it appeared to be standard policies in both the US and Germany. My husband and I have looked into this crossing our fingers, but it seems he'll have to keep his citizenship and keep renewing his green cards or he'll have to naturalize.
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-02-04 04:20:00
Philippinescarry on luggage with pal

It depends on the airport security and what they say. Do you not have a hard case that you could stuff lots and lots of clothes in to cushion it? Either way, you should inform the airline reps at check-in that it's fragile.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-15 10:43:00
PhilippinesDoes congressman letter really helps??

Somebody on here had posted an article way back where they "interviewed" an ex-NVC worker and they had said that "congressionals" actually do help a bit as they have only 48 hours to respond to the Congressman's inquiry, so they're told to pull the file and respond to the message as soon as possible. Doesn't necessarily mean it'll get approved in 2 days, but could definitely get them to blow the dust off of your file, hehe.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-20 00:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS offices are closed Monday, Oct. 13

Not to mention others were there way before he was, haha.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-11 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsg-325a/ I-129f

Hopefully that's not all that they filed since there are more required documents than just the G-325a's (which you need two of) and the I-129 petition itself.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-09 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp with Passport Style Photos!!!

Everything you need to know about the photo requirements:



 We didn't get any RFE regarding our photos.

Edited by Stressed Out, 18 October 2014 - 05:38 PM.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-18 17:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaG-325A Form

Each of you is considered the applicant on your own G-325a, so I filled out even my own name in that box and didn't get any RFE or whatever regarding that. For Alien Number I put N/A for myself and None for my husband, since he doesn't have one as of yet.

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-18 16:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I get a letter of certification for every translated document ?
Yeah I did. The above certification declaration is recommended for people translating documents at home. Only time a professional is required is when submitting documents to the embassy for your interview that aren't in English or the language of the country the embassy stands. (i.e. Italian documents for a German embassy would require professional translating at the NVC stage)
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-22 10:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I get a letter of certification for every translated document ?

In their recommended translation certification it reads "for attached, titled..." so I did it for each document, not all in one. Better safe than sorry, I say.


From USCIS's website as a recommended certification: (I pasted it at the bottom of the translated copies)


Certification by Translator

[typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.

Date                                             Typed Name

Stressed OutFemaleGermany2014-10-16 08:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion over Affidavit
Good to hear. Thanks for the advice!
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-01-21 03:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion over Affidavit

Our saving grace is the fact that I left everything I owned in the United States (work home family friends everything) to actually MOVE to Morocco and marry my husband and I never left not even for a short visit until after he got the visa.

Yeah, we've gone back to US a few times on vacation to visit family, but we've gone together there every time. Except for last July I went alone in only a week's notice after I found out my mother had two heart attacks and was in the hospital, (husband couldn't get off of work) but I'm sure I could get her to retrieve the medical records to show why I travelled alone that one time. And I still have a bedroom with all my stuff still in it with twin beds for whenever we visit, so it's not like we don't have a place to go when we move. Only reason I sold my Mercedes was because it had about $8k worth of work to be done on it to fight away the rust that was catching up on it and it wasn't going to be driven while I was gone anyway.

But I'm sure now with my parents having their own company, giving us a place to stay and being willing to hire us into their office we shouldn't have a problem with the I-864's.
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-01-20 12:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion over Affidavit
Alright, glad I asked, hehe. I know what it's like to apply for a visa and find out certain information at the wrong time. Happened with us when we wanted to pay via money transfer for my husband's tourist visa just 5 weeks prior to flying and we found out the day before our appointment the transfer would take 3-5 business days. (German banks like the money to circulate a bit before they transfer it into the second account) I was so stressed out to find that we'd have to reschedule our appointment, our hotel reservations, etc.

How long do you think it'd take with DCF if I did everything right? I know it has to do with which country and which consulate, but would you say 6 months - a year for DCF? Either way I know it's a heck of a lot faster abroad than applying within the US.
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-01-20 10:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion over Affidavit

Sorry I just remembered that with the I864 your parents will need to provide THEIR income tax documents and also proof of income and proof of citizenship for the main co-sponsor. Also the last 3 months of bank statements. That is all they required for our co-sponsor.

I noticed that on the normal I-864 form there was a field saying "I'm the first/second of two joint sponsors". Is that the field we both fill out, only I fill out first and my parents fill out second? I don't know for sure if there's a difference between co and joint in this case.

And as far as proving my domicile it's definitely going to be more than just my voters card, haha. Also going to setup a bank account again when I go back next time on vacation. Going to change my name finally on my SSN card and take some photos of my grandmother's furniture that's in storage and waiting for us to use it in an apartment or house. Still maintain my driver's license and my mom's going to print out a company letter stating they're going to hire us once we arrive, so I've got some good ties to the US.

And good idea with the IRS email, I'll have to keep that in mind when the time comes to apply. Thanks again for the juicy information! :)
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-01-20 07:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion over Affidavit

Since your husband will be authorised to work immediately when he immigrates, it is fine to mention that there will be a job for both of you. Bank account is a great idea too. Did you vote in the USA or abroad (via the embassy or whatever)? If you voted in your home district, the local county clerk should be able to print something out saying you are registered to vote there.

I voted abroad using an absentee ballot. But, I have my voters registration card with me at all times, so that should be enough I guess. So you're saying we don't have to apply for a work permit - it comes along with the green card for spouses?

Thanks for the info.
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-01-19 19:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion over Affidavit

You will need to show INTENT TO RE=ESTABLISH domicile in this case. This can be things like buying a house in the USA, enrolling kids in school, getting registered with recruiters, being in touch with a real estate agent, flying over for a vacation and getting your drivers license renewed and voter ID etc.

I was thinking I could renew my driver's license one more time. I voted in the last election, but can I get some sort of paper proving my voting history? I guess reopening a new bank account would be wise as well. Also could get my parents to write (on official letterhead) that they plan to hire me into the family company once we move there. Should they also mention hiring my husband as well, or is that unwise? (Don't you have to apply for a work permit afterwords, or does it automatically come with a spouse's green card?)
Stressed OutFemaleGermany2013-01-19 12:05:00