K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Out Advice
Thanks for the tip, i found some PDF file whereby you can fill the G-325A online and it automatically fills in the other 3 forms, thanks to a tip on here.

I went looking for some US style passports in Sheffield today only to be told on one photographer does them, and he wanted £50 for 2 single photo's. i just laughed and left, i'll have to make a trip up to snappy snaps in leeds where we got 4 for something like £13 when we got my son's photos for his US passport.

But the I-130 should be away be the end of the week.
SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-30 10:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Out Advice
Ok, i've filled in all the forms and copied all the relevant certicates and such, and was going to post to the US embassy in London, but i've had a nasty thought, if i send this application in and start the visa process, will this affect my rights to travel to the US when we go across to the states? We travel twice a year to Boston, and i'd HATE to think i'd have trouble getting through immigration the next time we go because they think because i've filed for an immigration visa i want to stay there permanently, i know how twitched some of these guys can be.
SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-29 17:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Out Advice
See, that's why i love getting advice from forums. Great tip, i didn't know the PDF files were writeable.

OK, so thats I-130 form filled in, G-325a for both me and the other half completed, most of the Documentation found (i take it these do have to be originals, i HATE to send the originals to everything, it would be a nightmare if they lost them) & we'll make a trip to the nearest photographers that do US style passport photo's this weekend. Hopefully posted off the London Monday & and i'll take it from there, i still haven't seen what the IR-1 application involves but i imagine it's all good fun.
SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-25 09:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Out Advice
Thats good to know, but i take it on the I-130, you put a family address as the place you intend to live. We have no intentions of living with my wifes family as we should be self-sufficient.

Also, i've started filling in the G-325A forms, can i ask, it informs you to fill in all 4 pages but the pages are duplicates, i take it you have to fill them all in with the same info. Seems a bit unnessesarly labourious, but i guess i'll get used to all the beaurocricy.
SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-25 08:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Out Advice
Hmmm, thanks for the info pushbrk, perhaps a moderator could move it to save me typing it all out again.

Your point about finding a US employer to sponser me may be a route of interest, as i work for a multi-international company with offices in 140 countries, and all over the states, but i'm not sure if they deal in my area of expertise, in the location where we wish to move (Boston). So i might be best biting the bullet and setting out on this journey not relying on my employer, although i will get in touch with our human resources and make enquiries (it would oviously make it an easier transition if i know where i can find work). :thumbs:

But at this point i'm of the opinion i'd rather get all the paperwork out of the way here and now, while we have no pressure, then leave a transistion period if/when we move to find a job. I'm in what is considered a skilled occupation, so i'm hoping ( with addition skill training specific to the US) i'd find work, if i gave myself, say, a set period of a year.
SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-24 10:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Out Advice
Hmmm, i've look on the US dept of state website for additional information.....and WOW.

It looks like the 1st course of action is to file a I-130. I know it was mentined that domicile wouldn't be an issue, but she has been here so long that she no longer has a US address (apart from family addresses), so i'm not sure how that will play out.

I've started filling out the I-130 form, and hit a few hurdles already, for example, "18. Address in the United States where your relative intends to live", well, we simply don't know yet, i "guess" we could put her parents address down, but we have no intentions of doing so. I've also looked at the documentaion required to prove a family relationship:

1) a marriage certificate (easy)
2) termination of previous marriages (not applicible)
3) Photo's (a real pain to find a photographer to do US style photos, as experiance by trying to get our son's done)
4) a completed and signed form G-325A biographical information for me. (i'm having trouble finding this form, but i take it it's a medical check, so i guess i should book an appointment to the quacks).

When i said earlier i shall make it a bit of a project, i think i mean't to say a major project, just looking at http://travel.state....types_2991.html has given me a headache and i need to take 2 neurofens and lay down.......not a good start. :P
SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-24 09:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Out Advice
Thanks a lot for the swift reply.

I can see i came to the right place for advice. Both of us do not have any criminal record, neither of us have outstayed any previous visa's and we have more than enough equity not to be a financial burden on the state. The only major thing that is kinda putting me off is the US healthcare insurance system with the wife's previous history, but thats a different matter.

I shall try and obtain more information on the IR1 visa, and see what is required. I can't see it will be problem, i'm solvent, employable, no criminal record, healthy etc. I think i might make it a little project and see where it goes. It really is all above realising our options at the moment.

Again, thanks for the info homesick. Much appriciated

SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-24 09:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Out Advice

I'll start with a bit of relevant history, I met my wife while she was studying during the summer in the UK in 1998, She went home and we visited each other at every opportunity, She moved over here in Sept 2000, and was married in March 2001. Our Son was born Oct 2005 ( got him a US passport & SS number at earliest opportunity), Wife was diagnosed with cancer in March 2006 and recently was given the all clear. :dance:

Obvisously all our priorities have changed and she gave up her great job to become a stay at home mum and look after out son Josh. We have recently been considering a move to the states before our son reaches schooling age, 2008ish, i've got to say at this point it IS only a consideration, mainly on how easy it would be for me to get a visa and work in the states.

I'm just after a bit of advice on how easy it actually is to get the K3 Visa ( if that is actually the best route to take), How long the process could realistically take (we're in no rush what-so-ever) and is the visa time-limited (i.e. can we get the visa, THEN plan on moving 6 months down the line).

I know these questions seem a bit flakey, but were really just at the stage of weighing up the pro's & con's, and i'm sure i'll have a lot more questions. We have a pretty good standard of living in the UK, but i know the wife would like our son, to better get to know the American side of the family & friends and experiance a bit of american up-bringing.

Thank for any responses

SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-24 08:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPosted from K3 forum
Hi there,

I started out asking advice in the K3 visa forums but after i got some great advice in there it was pointed out that i may be better to ask for advice in here. :whistle:;#entry859802

If any of you could offer any additional advice or information, it would be most appriciated.


SheffieldGuyMale02007-04-24 10:39:00