USCIS Service CentersTexas Service Center??
Thank you =)
Nichola81Female02013-09-07 01:21:00
USCIS Service CentersTexas Service Center??
Hey has anyone had an experience with Texas? Are the quick? Slow? I sent my application in last Saturday and I got a message they opened it. I was just wondering what to expect? Thanks good luck to all. =)
Nichola81Female02013-09-07 01:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need interpretation

How long did your administrative processing last?  Did you get the visa yet?  My fiancé was given a 221g and it said that they need "proof of claimed income" I don't understand that.  It is for my mother who is my co-sponsor.  She receives well above the poverty guidelines.  I figured it was income taxes they wanted, but i sent them 2 years worth along with bank statements, letters from Social Security and letters from the pension.  I am confused.

Nichola81Female02014-01-29 13:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 and 4 for Algeria

Hey, I was just wondering if anyone knows what information and documents will be needed for packet 3 and 4 for the US Embassy in Algeria?  We were approved today =) so now on to the next level.  Just looking to get a jump on the papers so my fiance can have them ready to go.  Thanks Good Luck to all!!



Nichola81Female02013-10-17 21:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionconfused about DS-160???
The US Embassy in Algeria has a new system. In a few hours I will send the link to the page explaining what the system is if anyone wants it.
Nichola81Female02013-10-21 07:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate asking for new affidavit of support

I sent my moms w2s plus i sent the entire packets you get back from the accountant when you file.  Everything down to the guys title pages explaining who he is and his phone number.  I sent 3 years worth, I checked yesterday.  I filed in August of 2013 it made it to the embassy in November.  I sent what I had.  The poverty level is $25,000 maybe a few hundred more for a family of 4 between my moms pension and social security she makes $38,600 after taxes she has $26,200 but she gets the $2,400 back.  I am so upset because they do not clearly state what they want.  I just don't get it.  I sent them the w2s for this year.  They acknowledged they got it but who knows how long it will take to be reviewed.  =( I hope you have better luck then us.  Good luck with everything.


Nichola81Female02014-01-28 15:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate asking for new affidavit of support

I just don't understand what claimed income is.  I was always taught that was income taxes.  Everything was sent in though taxes and all my moms financial information, bank account statements. i'm so confused. 

Nichola81Female02014-01-27 20:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate asking for new affidavit of support

Hey, my fiancé went today for his interview.  He said they told him you are approved and took his visa, but they are looking for proof of my cosponsors claimed $36,000 what the hell does that mean?  I sent them 4 years worth of taxes.  How else do you prove your claimed income.  I don't know maybe you can help me.  are the looking for 2013 W2's?  I hope everything works out for you!  this is too nerve racking.  My stomach is in knots.



Nichola81Female02014-01-27 13:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSomeone please help! Given a 221g but instructions NOT clear!

Thank you for getting back to me both of you.  I am so upset and at a loss.  I know i sent them in letters from social security and my moms pension, a letter from the bank saying it was opened, when it was opened and that it is in good standing with how much was in all 3 accounts, i also sent both tax return packets with the 1099s from 2012 and 2011.  My mom doesn't work so there will be no paid stubs.  Other than that I sent everything you mentioned.  So when she asked for this again, I sent her this years 1099 for both SS and her Pension and a letter that my mom will getting a cost of living increase from social security.  Could the CO have possibly missed what I sent?  Could she have made a mistake?  I emailed them to ask what they were looking for but they have not answered.  Thank you again so much!!


Nichola81Female02014-01-30 17:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSomeone please help! Given a 221g but instructions NOT clear!

Hey everyone!  I hope everyone is having good luck.  My fiancé went for his interview Monday January 27th, at the Algiers embassy.  My fiancé said the woman was so nice and was laughing and joking with him, but at the end he said she told her "you are approved but you need to get these documents before we will issue the visa"  she handed him a 221g that states we need to provide proof of my co-sponsor's "CLAIMED INCOME" what the hell is that?  I sent them every paper that had to do with income.  My mom receives a steady income it is Social Security and a pension and receives well over the amount needed for the poverty guidelines.  Does anyone know what this means?  They took his passport.  I sent them her 1099s for this year....I emailed them to ask them and have gotten no response.  I am so confused and don't know what "claimed income is to them"  When I sent my mothers previous taxes I sent EVERYTHING the account gave us.  What she claimed, who she claims etc.  Please someone help.  I just want to get them the right paperwork and not delay it any longer then it has to be.  I love him and just miss him so much! =( 


Thank you in advance!  Good luck to everyone  =)

Nichola81Female02014-01-30 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsapproval noticr

I wish it they had a delete post LoL.  I didn't realize I was even in the wrong forum last night. =( I would never give someone the wrong advice.  This process is stressful enough without bad advice or someone scaring the ####### out of you.  

Nichola81Female02014-02-02 11:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsapproval noticr

whoa there.


when assuming next time,  read the sub-forum name prior.


This one, IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures , not do the steps you outlined.



Excuse me but I wasn't assuming.  I didn't see what they put obviously since i stated that, and after I read it again I saw it.  I couldn't take my post down.  

Nichola81Female02014-02-01 22:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsapproval noticr

I am assuming you are talking about USICS?  If you are talking about the first stages then yes you were approved, it will go to the National Visa Center (NVC) and be sent to the embassy which he is applying for the visa from.  It take about 2 weeks to get a case number from NVC and about a week to get to the embassy.

Nichola81Female02014-02-01 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTexas Processing Center?

Does anyone know the processing times for Texas?  I went to the website but the I-129f is not even on there =\


Thanks =)

Nichola81Female02013-09-06 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa issued & delivered within 24 hrs

Congrats.  My fiancé got his email today.  He is going to pick it up Thursday!  Finally it's over!  Good luck to you and your fiancé? Good luck to everyone that is still waiting hang in there the approval is coming!! 

Nichola81Female02014-02-03 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED!

Congrats!! My fiancé was also approved on Saturday night.  I was so worried when i saw they changed the creation date, I thought we were going to have to start all over.  I almost got sick, so I googled it and found out they do that before they issue the visa, then in the morning when I saw it said issued, I couldn't stop crying and I thanked God for like an hour!  Congrats and good luck on the rest of your journey!  Now I just want to know how long until he has it in hand =)

Nichola81Female02014-02-03 06:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNo joint sponsor, assets not enough... What now?

Not to be rude but nobody should be making assumptions. We will be able to support our family we have a very strong connection with both sides of our family and they help us only thing is they all live here in the Cayman Islands and if they could have done the affidavit I would be set but it has to be someone who is domicile to the US and working and we don't know alot of people.

My husband is a student and he is not living off of government his mother helps him. And I was living in the states 3 months at a time on my British Passport with our son not working and not living off of the government my father was helping and also my mother in law was helping.

So before any one asks how we are gonna support ourselves leave us to decide that if i knew we would suffer we would not migrate thank you very much

Can you possibly get a family member or a friend to help you?  I don't work I am in school about to apply to graduate school.  I also have a daughter and my mom helps me with everything!  She is my fiance's sponsor.  I hope everything works out for you.  Good Luck!!

Nichola81Female02014-02-03 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K-1 visa and past convictions of a controlled substance.
Do I have to send all my conversations since I met my fiancé? I have over 3,000 pages
Nichola81Female02013-08-26 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K-1 visa and past convictions of a controlled substance.
Lol thanks. I called immigration. They told me I don't have to send my criminal records. They said to just write out my charges and details that if they need more information they will notify me. Thanks for your help!
Nichola81Female02013-08-26 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K-1 visa and past convictions of a controlled substance.
Sorry to sound so stupid but what does OP stand for?
Nichola81Female02013-08-26 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K-1 visa and past convictions of a controlled substance.
Lol it's all good. My fiancé who is the beneficiary is clean as a whistle lol. He was a good boy growing up and still is. Doesn't smoke or drink. He has in the past but just stopped. I the petitioner am the one that has past convictions.
Nichola81Female02013-08-25 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K-1 visa and past convictions of a controlled substance.

Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me or point me in the right direction.  I am wondering if my past charges for a controlled substance will be grounds for a denial.  I never served jail time and the last charge was over seven years ago.  I have been clean and off drugs for over six years.  I have become a productive member of society and am working on my bachelors degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice.  None of my charges were violent crimes and none of my charges were felonies.  As I know I have done wrong in the past and accepted my part did my time and moved on to better my life. I am just worried they will keep me from bringing my fiancé over here.  any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you

Nichola81Female02013-08-25 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe fees?
I know the fee is $340 for the I-129f. How much is the ds 156, ds 156k, the visa itself, and to apply for work? Anyone know how much all the fees come to? Thanks
Nichola81Female02013-08-27 01:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!

I am just added:


Regarding about Skype, my fiance and I are doing video calls most of times, only a few chats to mentioned. Just try to print screen while both of you sending videos to each others. I did it. But, I did not send those ensembled into our I-129F. You will need it for proof ongoing relatioship. Good luck in your journey.

Thank you for your advice. I hope the whole journey doesn't take longer than 6 months. 

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-21 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!

If you fulfill USCIS requirements, your I-129F petition will be approved.

If you fulfill the consulate's requirements, the K-1 visa will be granted.

The second stage is often extremely overlooked, to people's chagrin and lasting regret.


Go atop any VJ page, click the links for "Embassy Info" and "Reviews: Embassy," read thoroughly (paying particular attention to the very WORST stories), and prepare accordingly by including necessary or desired materials (to be passed to the consulate) with your petition package.  This is called front-loading.  It's crucial in many instances and not so much in others.

Thank you for all your advice :) I really hope he'll get the visa. We have all the proper documentation and proof, and have followed all the guidelines to fill the petition.. 

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-21 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!

The 100 pages of Skype & Facebook correspondence is far too much.  No one at any stage of the process will want to read that much.  Instead, prepare a log of the conversations, and include perhaps half a dozen full conversations that you want the consulate to see.


USCIS will not care about this extra material, but will pass it to the consulate, which will care.


Edit:  Your ages are not an issue.

The thing is that when you Skype with someone you don't really write that much, but you video chat, and even though we have a few sentences here and there, i didn't even translate them, i just highlighted the dates and how many hours we've talked each time from 2011-2013. Actual translated conversations are about 5 pages. From what you read so far from my case, do you think there's a chance of not being approved? 

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!

You're welcome! And yes you are correct about the affidavit.


Per USCIS directions, if item is not applicable or answer is none, leave the space blank.

To be honest though, when we submitted ours, we still put none or N/A and didn't encounter and problems with it.

I will put none and n/a just in case because i don't want any confusion or any RFE! can i translate all the Facebook conversations by myself or does it have to be a legit translator? hoping for the best now, hopefully it doesn't take longer than 5-6 months. thank you for helping me. congratulations on getting your NOA2 so fast. you're almost there, 2 more months max. biggrin.png

p.s. do you think our age will be an issue since we're so young?? I'm 19 and he's 24. 

Edited by Lorixoxo10, 20 September 2013 - 11:37 PM.

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 23:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!

Lori, please read the Guides (link atop any VJ page) and study the forums.  Everything that you're asking right now can be found there.  If questions remain after your reading and studying, feel free to ask them here. smile.png


The processing time is estimated to be 5 months, but it can be somewhat shorter or far, far longer.  Received petitions go into boxes on shelves until their time comes for review.  Much patience is required.

I have read them over and over so many times. And i am a week away from sending everything, and the whole process is so stressful. Thank you for your support and patience. 

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!


Co-sponsors really depend on the consulate. They review it on a case to case basis so I cant answer if they will accept yours or not. Its IS allowed to use a cosponsor though so go for it. It may take longer than 5 months. If yours takes longer than that for some reason, you just need to call them and let them know your petition is already beyond the normal processing time. I know its really scary, but the guides here on VJ are really straight forward and easy to follow. Just stick to them and you will be fine.

I don't need to send the affidavit of support with my petition, as long as my fiance has it with him in his interview, correct? 
Thank you so much for your help with all my heart. I hope they won't take long on my case because it's very simple and straight-forward. 
And in my petition should i write NONE or N/A for all the blanks that are not applicable to us, like being married before, or having children, etc.? 

Edited by Lorixoxo10, 20 September 2013 - 11:21 PM.

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!


Oh I forgot, here is the poverty guideline for 2013. Make sure you meet it too:
If you've never been married before, you dont have to affix anything on the petition. However, during the interview, the beneficiary needs to provide proof that she has never been married. The type of form you have for this is country specific. Like with my country, we have CENOMAR (certificate of no marriage). Try to check the Albania portal here to ask about that no marriage proof.
Lately, the process depends on which service center you get assigned to. Lately, Texas and California are moving faster than Vermont. But always remember that the processing time is 5 months. Dont expect too much basing on the other couples quick approvals, you'll only be disappointed. You need to be extremely patient throughout the process, I swear, it will really drive you insane.


I do work however i do not meet the guidelines, that is why his cousin will be our co-sponsor. Is that okay?
The processing times says 5 months, so does that mean they're not allowed to take longer than that? Please please let me know because im really scared. 

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!


Here is the VJ guide. Everything you need to know about the documents needed for the petition is here:




Do not forget that you and your fiance must each make a Letter of Intent and sign it. They need to be original. Your main focus on the petition is to prove you have physically met within 2 years of filing. Focus on passport stamps, receipts, airline boarding passes, etc. Sure, you can add maybe 15-20 photos and chosen skype chat logs, just to add more evidence that you met and have an ongoing relationship. While it is good that her parents wrote a letter about you living with them, in the adjudicators eyes, anyone could write that and say anything. Like I said, focus on more concrete evidences that you were with her. The albums of photos and 100 pages of skype transcripts come in handy more during the interview. Make sure you triple check documents. Dont forget to tick the necessary boxes & all forms are signed. Goodluck! smile.png

Thank you so much for your response! :) I am 19 years old and he is 24. We have never been married before. do we need documents to prove that. How long do you think the process might take? I have all the right documents, our relationship is genuine, i have plenty of proofs. Thank you again! :)

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!

 I am 19 and he is 24 years old. We have never been married before. Should we include like a statement saying so? 

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!

Hi everyone,

So I'm now in the process of collecting my documents for the petition for the K1 fiance visa. So far i have my naturalization certificate, both birth certificates for me and my fiance, evidence which include 100 photos, stamps on my passport, letter from his parents stating that i lived with them for 3 months, around 100 pages of skype and facebook conversation showing that we did talk and skype everyday. What other evidence do you think i should collect? We started dating December 3, 2011. I first went to Albania to see him on November 2012 for three weeks, then May 2013 lived with him for three months. I am from Albania too so all of our conversations are in albanian. On the skype printouts i have just highlighted the duration of the calls and the dates. How long do you think the process will take? I've heard from 3-5 months. Is that possible? 

Please, please help me out,

Thank you!!!!

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Help!!!

Hi everyone,

So I'm now in the process of collecting my documents for the petition for the K1 fiance visa. So far i have my naturalization certificate, both birth certificates for me and my fiance, evidence which include 100 photos, stamps on my passport, letter from his parents stating that i lived with them for 3 months, around 100 pages of skype and facebook conversation showing that we did talk and skype everyday. What other evidence do you think i should collect? We started dating December 3, 2011. I first went to Albania to see him on November 2012 for three weeks, then May 2013 lived with him for three months. I am from Albania too so all of our conversations are in albanian. On the skype printouts i have just highlighted the duration of the calls and the dates. How long do you think the process will take? I've heard from 3-5 months. Is that possible? 

Please, please help me out,

Thank you!!!!

Lorixoxo10FemaleAlbania2013-09-20 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with K1 visa!

I'm new to visa journey so any information would be a huge help!


Me and my partner are currently gathering all of the documents and proof needed for the I-129F. We plan on sending it to the Dallas Lockbox sometime in March 2014. However, I'm going to visit my partner in America in June until August 2014. My question is, what happens if the I-129F is approved when I am in America? I don't want to be given an interview date at the US embassy in London (I'm British) whilst I am in America.


To put it simply, does anyone know usually how long it takes for the I-129F to be approved, and how long it takes to be given an interview date after? I just want to make sure that I am in England ready for my interview rather than being in America with my partner. 


Processing times vary. I am the petitioner, and filed the I-129f in January, and didn't receive I-129 approval until the end of August, after you receive the I-129 approval, information is sent to the consulate, and you have 4 months before the I-129 approval expires (4 months to gather the documents that they request and have a medical exam and interview). Your fiance should also be informed of the I-129 approval, so that is good too. 


We just received approval for the visa December 4, so all in all, it took us about 11 months, but it could have been sooner, we chose to interview closer to the expiry date. 


Good luck~!

smarieNot TellingKenya2013-12-08 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Advanced Parole and other options for leaving country

first, if you are not planning on using the K1 visa until April or May - be sure to check the expiration date on the visa because the K1 does expire, usually the expiration date is  6months from the date the visa was issued. You can apply for an extension, but not once it has expired. 


When your fiance enters the country with the K1 visa, you then have 90 days to get married.  So, to clarify things, the K1 visa is what gets your fiance a one time entry into the country.  The I94 issued at POE will be valid for 90 days ( the time frame you are given to marry within)  After you marry you will apply for the AOS/ EAD/AP for travel -it takes about 60 - 90 days to be issued the valid EAD/AP card.  while you are waiting on this your fiance can not leave the USA.  if he does, you will have to start all over with a spouse visa if you want to come back.    Once the EAD/AP card is issued, they can travel abroad, however they can not reside abroad.  For the green card you will need to be here if you are chosen for an interview.  Not all applications get picked for an interview, however, there is no way to know if you will have an interview or not until you get a letter in the mail from USCIS.  The amount of time you will need to be here waiting for approval of the green card can be vary greatly.  If you receive an interview you could get it within a few months of applying, others can wait up to a year.  Basically, if you take a job out of the country and your fiance will be going with you before the greencard is issued, you will have to abandon the greencard and wait and apply for a spouse visa when you come back to reside here.  

Congratulations and good luck to you guys!





Thank you. What if we don't end up getting married, are we only allowed to apply for the K1 once? Or can he come, we end up not getting married because I''ll end up residing out of the country (and possibly sooner than I thought and not enough time for wedding, etc) and then we can apply for a K1 again at a later time? Has this happened before? Or can I only apply for a K1 once for him and never again? 





smarieNot TellingKenya2013-12-10 01:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Advanced Parole and other options for leaving country

first, if you are not planning on using the K1 visa until April or May - be sure to check the expiration date on the visa because the K1 does expire, usually the expiration date is  6months from the date the visa was issued. You can apply for an extension, but not once it has expired. 


When your fiance enters the country with the K1 visa, you then have 90 days to get married.  So, to clarify things, the K1 visa is what gets your fiance a one time entry into the country.  The I94 issued at POE will be valid for 90 days ( the time frame you are given to marry within)  After you marry you will apply for the AOS/ EAD/AP for travel -it takes about 60 - 90 days to be issued the valid EAD/AP card.  while you are waiting on this your fiance can not leave the USA.  if he does, you will have to start all over with a spouse visa if you want to come back.    Once the EAD/AP card is issued, they can travel abroad, however they can not reside abroad.  For the green card you will need to be here if you are chosen for an interview.  Not all applications get picked for an interview, however, there is no way to know if you will have an interview or not until you get a letter in the mail from USCIS.  The amount of time you will need to be here waiting for approval of the green card can be vary greatly.  If you receive an interview you could get it within a few months of applying, others can wait up to a year.  Basically, if you take a job out of the country and your fiance will be going with you before the greencard is issued, you will have to abandon the greencard and wait and apply for a spouse visa when you come back to reside here.  

Congratulations and good luck to you guys!


Thank you so much for your help and information. We are very excited to get the visa, but I am just nervous because I don't know what my future job situation will be like (we sent in the I-129f in January of this year, when I was more sure that I would be in the US..and that has since changed). 


My other question is: if he comes, and then I need to leave for a job, and we decide NOT to marry because I need to leave the country sooner than I thought and we aren't able to have our wedding due to me leaving or something else, and he DOES leave within the 90 day period and we save that proof, can we later on apply for a K1 again? Will they accept this since he came, but we ended up not marrying due to external circumstances, but he abides by the rule and ends up leaving the country within the 90 day period?


Just want clarification on this. 


Thanks so much. 

You can enter the US with the K-1, get married and if you need to leave, then go ahead and leave without filing for AOS. When you are ready to move back to the US, then you file for a spousal visa. You really only need to get a green card if you plan on living in the US.


Thank you. Do you know if  spousal visa processing time differs from K1 visa processing time? 

smarieNot TellingKenya2013-12-08 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Advanced Parole and other options for leaving country

*** One post has been removed for being less positive than the follow-up post. ***


(Moderator hat off)

Scenario 1:  There are residency requirements that apply until U.S. citizenship is achieved; otherwise, either green card can be revoked.  Being granted AP is no guarantee of being granted entry to the U.S. upon its attempted use.  The beneficiary's presence in the U.S. is required for biometrics appointments.  AP can be for "one-time" or "multiple" use.  It's not recommended that a green card ever be mailed overseas -- there's too great a risk that it can be lost.  Scenario 1 is not an option.


Scenario 2:  All things being equal, the chances of a second approval are pretty good.  Just be sure to notify USCIS and the Nairobi embassy that the beneficiary is leaving the U.S. within the 90 days, and that further progress through the immigration system won't be pursued at this time.  Save concrete evidence that the beneficiary has left the U.S.


Thank you very much. In terms of Scenario 1:  so If we go to the US, get married there, apply for a green card/adjustment of status and then both have to leave the country because of my work, there is nothing that we can do to exempt us from being in the country while waiting for the green card?

smarieNot TellingKenya2013-12-07 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Advanced Parole and other options for leaving country

If you both are living at the same country, why applyvfor a k1?
If you applied for a k1 it was because you thought to live at usa no abroad.



We applied because a year ago I was living in the US, and am in Kenya only for approximately 6 months for work, and then will return again in May to graduate grad school--and then we aren't sure where I'll be living for work, but the US is likely. 

smarieNot TellingKenya2013-12-07 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Advanced Parole and other options for leaving country



I am hoping people on here could help me answer some questions:


I am a US citizen. My fiance was just granted a K1 visa from the Nairobi consulate (yay!!!) Now, we do not know where in the world we will be living, as I am likely to gain employment in another country very soon (currently we both reside in Kenya). It is likely I may continue to work in Kenya or another country in the near future (perhaps in the next year), but we got the visa anyway so that he can at least come back with me when I go home in April or May, and it is also possible that I will stay there--and in that case get married and apply for AOS etc. 


My question is:


Scenario 1: We enter the US with the K1 visa, we marry and I end up getting a job out of the country, before he receives he green card--I presume he can apply for the advanced parole together with the I-485, BUT how long is the AP valid for? If the green card arrives while we are both abroad, can we just have it mailed to us and use it? What would happen to the biometrics appointments and stuff? Basically--how long is an AP valid for, is it valid up until the time the green card is received, or does it expire after a certain amount of time?


Scenario 2: We enter the US with a K1 visa, and end up not marrying for whatever reason (timing, family issues, any other reason), how likely is it that he will be approved for another K1 if we begin the process again? (keeping in mind that he did NOT overstay his time in the US and left within the 90 day period)? 


Thanks so much for all your help!

smarieNot TellingKenya2013-12-06 04:27:00