How great.. More delays... Someone should let them know that fiber is actually good.. And not the paper kind we so carefully filed out.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-25 21:13:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Closed for 2 days

Must have been a pretty significant plumbing problem. The CSC is in a government complex that appears to be the size of 4-5 walmarts. How the heck can a large portion of such a building be rendered inoperable by a plumbing problem?

man what kind of plumbing issue could there be to shut down a monster building like that? prob just another excuse for them to not file and take the easter week off...sighs...

walmart just across the street too haha!

Edited by LA and CF, 27 March 2013 - 08:18 AM.

LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-27 08:13:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Mission Statement........
i think they forgot to send that memo to CSC..
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-27 11:50:00
USCIS Service Centersmarch filer for k1
Best wishes and speedy answers for all of you.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-26 21:28:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS California Service Center Has Reopened
and now back to regular waiting... wonders what excuse for closing they will have next week... sorry but csc had to close due to roddent infestation? :bonk:

best wishes and speedy processes to everyone, lets hope that now that they are all cleared up they can get back to work on our petitions
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-27 11:48:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center.....what is going ON????

What's going on is that, since August, 2012, they have moved resources from I-129F processing to making sure that DACA applications get processed quickly, leaving I-129Fs with record low completion rates. You can find more about the details of this in my CSC data thread.

indeed... we also filled in the beginning of august, and my fiance (he who sent in the application) is getting beyond himself about all this, had to make him watch that ''hitler hits k1 snag'' to get him to laugh and vent a bit cause he is turning into the new vesuvius man....
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-27 07:49:00
USCIS Service CentersWhere are You All?

210 days here

few days away from 8 months for me.. sheesh i could have had the time to give birth before even getting the visas... taking a long long time at csc
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-01 23:53:00
USCIS Service CentersIs CSC moving again?

The H-1B is a skilled working/professional non-immigrant Visa which is applied for yearly by employers seeking foreign workers with a qualification they need, it usually has a 2 week application period starting on April 1st, then the Visa's are usually approved some withing 10-15 days if they employer pays extra for preferential treatment or within 2-3 months for the rest. My guess is that given this Visa serves business and the economy it will definitely gain priority over K-1's, further stretching CSC understaffed resources.

Oh joy... :blink:
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-02 06:18:00
USCIS Service CentersIs CSC moving again?

The H-1B Visa submissions are about to also start flooding in on April 1st, they are also given processing priority and have to be approved within quite a quick time frame, I'd expect the .5 of a person working on K-1's to be shifted to processing H-1B's during April further adding to the significant delays...

what are those :o... i'm afraid to even know! can you explain it a bit more or link to some info so i can then go bang my head of the walls a bit more?

on another note, i have sent a letter to 60 minutes about this situation, as well as to the white house, not that i expect them to do anything about it. But being a defense employee, who knows they might actually open it before deleting it
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-02 00:01:00
USCIS Service CentersIs CSC moving again?

Our congressman has been really helpful at taking info from us. We are not complaining about the wait... I'm a few days under 5 months and know I need to wait my turn. We are complaining about the decrease in the number of files being processed and the reason it seems to be brought to a halt. Out communication thus far with the congressman has been very positive. We will see where it goes. My daughter has been given a starting position on a post secondary school in the US in her sport. If my visa is not in place in time she will lose a year of school and perhaps the option to play sports and get an athletic scholarship. The F1 student visa doesn't appear to be an option because of my K1 application. I know my reasons for wanting it sooner are nowhere near as "big" as others. To us though, it matters. I'll let you know what our congressman finds out.

thanks, i'm afraid as well she might be held back another year, since schools here are all french and even though she does speaks fluent english, her reading might not be up to level, was hoping she would be able to finish her first grade in the us and sign her up for classes to freshen up on things for second grade, she is starting be scared she will have to do first grade again, the wait is starting to make it look like she might be held back again, i sure hope not though. i'll keep you posted too on any changes, hopefully my fiance can recontact them and give them a bit more of a shake to get better answers, not just for us, but to make them realize that this procrastinating and waiting on csc's part is getting beyond rediculous.

like that video said, all thats left to do is make sure papers are in order for next step and get to know your fiance better and wait. after 7 years i think i've covered the get to know them better part :P
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-28 17:13:00
USCIS Service CentersIs CSC moving again?
just got an answer back from my congressman's office, they talked to CSC last week and were told they would get an answer by the end of this week, today CSC called them back and told them that they are currently only processing forms from july 18th or before.

UHHH Excuse me? I'm sorry but most cases going through right now are end of july and august if not later, i mean come on, if you want to lie and make an excuse at least make sure it makes sense. I find it ridiculous that we have to hunt these people down for them to actually do anything. Its starting to really tick me off, if it was just me waiting ok, fine, but there are young kids involved, school will be over soon and parents need answers on what to do with them for the summer. Daycamps here or summer daycares are paid in advance no refund if canceled and can easily be close to 1000$. Not money i want to throw away.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-28 16:47:00
USCIS Service CentersIs CSC moving again?

Well, 3 so far for yesterday. We need to see a consistent uptick in the average before I would declare the CSC moving in a significant way. Even 3 a day is "under-processing", but it is at least better than it has been if that would be the case.

maybe they accidentally worked yesterday and those escaped the prison cage where all our files are being held :D
how mean of them to actually show remote signs of having done something :o

just kidding haha, but seriously, i do hope they start moving again soon, getting a bit frustrated not being able to plan anything for the summer and end of kids school year.. kinda need to know since i have to plan work time off too hmm....
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-28 13:20:00
USCIS Service CentersIs CSC moving again?
i do wish it didnt have to come to the point of getting congress people involved for them to do the papers in a timely fashion... august 10 filer here and still no answers... sighs
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-03-28 09:06:00
USCIS Service Centersdear biological clock is ticking....

i would love to have a child with my fiance once we are married and some time to enjoy our "just us time" before bringing in a new baby


8 months and still no NOA2!!!!!!!!

this is just ridiculous

i would like to move on with my life and be productive citizen but cant....

rant over

sorry i had a lol moment there but more of a desperation kind of laughter as im also approaching the 8 month mark, we are dying to add some more kids to our family as well and i am seriously turning ocd with all the home cleaning and organizing and painting blogs ive been reading to keep my mind off csc. that is not a good thing as my fiancee already warned me that it was the third and last time he would remove the label machine from our amazon online cart.

hmm maybe someone should go over to csc and organize them a bit too

seriously... it is way beyond ridiculous that we re still waiting this whole time with no idea when it will get better grr
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-01 22:41:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC is on Yelp!
posted, pass it on!
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-03 11:17:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC plumbing delay true
i at least hope they have a decency of contacting all the people affected or emailing them as soon as possible if it was those kinds of files that were damaged, instead of leaving us waiting with no idea of whats going on, and then months from now informing us that we have to start over because they have lost our papers. :bonk:
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-03 12:57:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC plumbing delay true
O M G seriously?! :( :wow: :angry: :blink:
i think i will have to be taken away from reading anymore things like this , i fear i will go into a depression and rage soon arghhhhh
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-03 11:10:00
USCIS Service CentersQuick Response from Ombudsman (CSC)

Has anyone ever tried to actually visit the CSC? Is that possible? Where is this place located???? Probably would get the same answers were all getting now, but just wondering.

there is a map here :
or here:

but i dont think they allow visitors unless they have an appointement and valid visitors pass.. but if you pretend you are delivering a gazillion pizzas they might just let you in :D

Edited by LA and CF, 03 April 2013 - 08:12 AM.

LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-03 08:09:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC

It may explain slow processing the past month, but it does not explain the slowdown from the end of last year until March.

Well, that doesn't sound good anyway you look at it.

"But hey, let's go work on December petitions! That makes a lot of sense!"

aye, been seeing those go through since last week and am going WTH!? what about all the july/august/september people still waiting?
i hav already contacted our representative, and so far they are just being fed lies by csc. they did send an expedite request though, not sure it will do anything the way things are going. I am currently living in montreal with an apartment lease contract due to be renewed july 1st. If i am still here at that time i will be forced to sign and be responsible until the following july which to me is about 10,000$ worth of rent i might not be here for. Not to mention i cant plan summer camp or daycare as it is pay in advance no refunds and alot of money, first come first serve. If i sign the kids up now, pay and then get the papers in i would lose alot of money as well. Not to mention my job for the city will be at risk since they canot hire a replacement for me for the summer since i wouldnt have officially left yet. All these things are just driving me insane as well as all the delays. And then for over a week to be seeing october/november/december filers go through ahead of all the others waiting does not help me feel better all. I do wish the best to all those that got their noa2's and am very happy for them, but also am angry for all those left behind.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-12 09:27:00
USCIS Service CentersI CSC moving AGAIN?
i was going by threads made on these forums and not only talking about csc, also i did mention november filers, not just september or october. i dont just stare at csc when i see noa2's going through, but even then i did not write it to spread misinformation, god forbid i start saying that all september and october people went through or tht we will get a complimentary lollypop once those waiting over 6-7-8 months get approved. I can if you so wish admit that at csc there hasnt been that much movement, but everyone knows that already. But if you take screenshots, it would be nice to not just generalize csc, makes for good comparison. Going back to igor's list, if you sort it out and actually scroll down you will see at least 10 other sept/october fillers that have got their noa2 already.

peace to you and good luck on your journey as well, we all need it before we all start bitting at each other.

Edited by LA and CF, 12 April 2013 - 10:42 AM.

LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-12 10:32:00
USCIS Service CentersI CSC moving AGAIN?

I think most of those approved sept filers have involved their representative. And who can blame them? the waiting is not easy.
but the nov/dec filers that were approved recently, most of them said that they didn't take any action prior to their approvals.
So what can we do, us who have been waiting for more than 6 months, when CSC is approving whatever filles they want? i feel so depressed :(

i totally understand how you feel, we have been in contact with our congress representative for about a month now, with no news on anything despite an expedite requested by the rep. Hopefully we will have our papers by end of june, and i hope for everyone still waiting things get sorted out. Depressed is a mild way of puting how i feel, on a brink of a nervous breakdown would be a better way to put it.

my prayers to you and all those who fell into a black hole at csc, hopefully good news arrives before we all go nuts.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-12 09:52:00
USCIS Service CentersI CSC moving AGAIN?

Many september/october filers getting approved? where?? those many approvals are from nov/dec...

earlier last week there were end of september/october going through, this week seems a rush of november / december filers. and amazingly a couple with under 3 month process went through as well, though in those cases i believe those countries are on expedite.
kind of gets depressing watching the forums everyday and seeing all this.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-12 09:32:00
USCIS Service CentersI CSC moving AGAIN?

Or maybe by mistake they transfered the July-September to TSC with DACA....

Don't say that :o im early august and still waiting along with many others, and i'm still open outhed at so many september october november filers getting noa2 already!

ack!! but hopefully it means csc is starting their engines again, and possible good news will be here before the end of the summer :P
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-12 09:01:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC file damage is true
i at least hope they have a decency of contacting all the people affected or emailing them as soon as possible if it was those kinds of files that were damaged, instead of leaving us waiting with no idea of whats going on, and then months from now informing us that we have to start over because they have lost our papers. :bonk:
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-03 15:17:00
im expecting to have to wait another 2 months at the very least, not going to hold my breath anymore, ive contacted everyone i could think of, expedite requests have been sent by our congress person, so now its like you know what, i`ll just zone out and go oh joy when email and papers are finally through to the next fase. the way its going i`ll be a year and still no noa2...
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-04 10:03:00
USCIS Service Centerswhat is going on with CSC

you seriously have no idea what the hell you are talking about. there is exactly one day of evidence on record that the CSC has been working quickly on the files they should be, and that day is today. and even if they do start processing again, the July-August-September-October-November petitions face substantially delays, some up to over 10 months.

not only is this something worth complaining about, but it is something worth complaining very loudly about. in fact, one VJer got an email from his senator that cited all these complaints on this site (which for some unexplained reason annoy you) as a reason for why the CSC finally got their act together and began processing the correct apps today.

you and others like you on this site who feel some bizarre urge to belittle the problems of others are the only ones with a *me* mentality here. you think that because you do not want to read about our problems that we should not discuss them and advocate on our behalf. if we did that, you'd have some weird abstract benefit of not voluntarily clicking on threads you didn't want to read and we'd still be waiting for the CSC to refocus on I-129Fs. no. I think we made the right choice in continuing to "complain" about the horribly mismanagement of the CSC and we bettered all of our lots as a result. that's been the theory from the start and we saw it through. if that annoys you for some inexplicable reason, you should keep to yourself.

Very well said. Couldn't put it better myself.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-16 21:04:00
USCIS Service Centerswhat is going on with CSC

What a bunch of complaining negative people on here. Just wait, you're time will come. Mamichou's posts are notorious for this. His profile icon alone says it all :no:

i have to second all the WOWs, sheesh.... for someone who got their NOA2 way before many others, that is extremely rude and insensitive of you.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-16 15:35:00
USCIS Service CentersNew info regarding CSC

Yeah, I keep telling my fiancée " service for most things in the US is usually pretty good...except all the things we have to deal with to get you here". And she's like "ok, yeah, sure" :rolleyes:

lol 100% agree with that :D cant stop laughing now! thank you!
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-17 08:46:00
USCIS Service CentersGetting ready to call The California Service Center
service requests never worked for me as they never got passed the august 10 date sighs..
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-15 10:08:00
USCIS Service CentersDecember filers
I was being sarcastic
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-15 08:51:00
USCIS Service CentersDecember filers
i wish they were being that fast, i would have moved and started my life by now lol but yeah as they are mentioning all over, unexplained cases of late nov and december going through while there are still many july-november fillers still waiting. no idea what is going on except they might have grabbed the wrong boxes accidentaly on purpose? one can only speculate.
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-15 08:17:00
Canadacanada people

Posted Image
I was in the Vancouver film industry for years, worked on SG1 a few times..

Very cool to hear how people have meet..

I have to say, if not for that series I would never have met the awesome people I know now
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-09 16:39:00
Canadacanada people

*I met my husband while I was on vacation.... in the middle of the Pacific Ocean Posted Image
(I love telling it like that, it's true & sounds more romantic than at a bar in Hawaii, which is also true...Posted Image)

still sounds better than telling people we met while holding set props of alien slug/snake larva in our hands for pics during the stargate sci-fi convention hahahaha
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-03 15:23:00
Canadacanada people

NOA1 received In end of january 2013 with both mistakes in my fiance name and year of birth... i'm not a patient person and it stress me out. I am from montreal quebec and my man is from california, we met while i was studying aboard! How did you all met? and anybody received their K1 Visa from the montreal consulate? Thanks!

where are you from fellow canadian :)

I'm from Montreal. Been living here since I was 5 or so. Will hopefully be moving to Minnesota once all this is done with :D
met my fiance about 7 years ago at a stargate sci-fi convention :D been geekily stuck together since then

Edited by LA and CF, 03 April 2013 - 09:46 AM.

LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-03 09:43:00
Canadacanada people
as a fellow canadian waiting for her noa2 and fellow csc, prepare thyself for a very long wait...

other than that i have not gone far enough into the process to give out much more info, i'm currently beating csc with oak bats by email in hopes of an answer soon, idealy before the 1st of july i will have all papers in and (in my dreams ha!)
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-02 18:24:00
CanadaWhat to do in Montreal

Don't forget the Poutine Tour !! For some of you, this'll be the last chance you have to get some decent poutine.

Oh ok, last chance to get some EXCELLENT poutine.

must remember to do that before i move out of montreal for god :o didnt even think that minnesota might not know what a poutine is omg!
darn been here for over 20 years and cant believe the only thing ill be missing is that hahahaha! gotta love MTL!
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-02 18:28:00
CanadaCrossing while CR-1 in process

during the whole process i have been regularly to the US for shoping and visits with my fiance, its only been since our file went into noa2 and passed nvc that our congress rep told us  (later comfirmed by border agents) that it is now best that i do not travel across until i have my visa in hand and am ready to move. They said that traveling this close to the end of the process could appear shady in the file...


didnt understand that part too well and they bassically told me at the border when i called them up that it would look wrong going across shoping for clothes with couple months left till visa in hand.. i was like hmm ok, not sure why but i can wait.


anyways, during the whole submissions, and waiting for noa2 i have not had a signle problem, just let them know that our papers were being processed and we promised not to get married while shopping :D


we got our noa2 may 3rd i believe, and papers got to the embassy here in montreal this morning, now we are just waiting for pack 3 and them appointment, so we figure we can wait a bit before crossing the border for some ben and jerrys :D


my suggestion would be call the border office near you, or the one you use the most to go over the border, they will let you know the best thing to do :) as well as any precautions or things to avoid 

LA and CFMaleCanada2013-05-10 12:50:00
CanadaLoomis Account

Applicant Summary

Applicant Information

blabla [Edit] Primary Applicant Passport Number: Q Reference ID: 3 Date of Birth: MRV Fee Receipt:  


blabla [Edit /Remove] Child Passport Number: Q Reference ID: Date of Birth: MRV Fee Receipt:


Appointment Information

 You currently have the following appointment scheduled:

Appointment Date: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 Appointment Time: 08:00 AM Trip Purpose: Permanently Immigrate to the United States (Fiance ? K1/K2) Consulate: Montreal Consulate Address: U.S. Consulate General Montreal
1155 rue St-Alexandre 
Montréal, Québec 
H3B 1Z1


Number of Applicants: 2 Reschedule/ Cancel Deadline: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 17:00 PM

Loomis Information [Edit]

Loomis Branch: Dorval Loomis Branch Address:

1805 Chemin St Francois
Dorval , QC

What would you like to do?


Edited by LA and CF, 18 June 2013 - 02:37 PM.

LA and CFMaleCanada2013-06-18 14:30:00
PhilippinesCan I adopt my wifes daughters

I Am wondering if anyone has Adopted their wife's children once the kids have their AOS, which in our case should be this summer.
Does anyone have any experience with this. We would like to make this happen sooner than later.

Eddie & Teresa

thats actually a very good question, we had been told that we had to wait a year before being able to do that, but i'm curious to know if anyone has an good answer to that.

best wishes
LA and CFMaleCanada2013-04-12 09:47:00
PhilippinesAvailable Interview dates for May and June

Aw great now I'll have that in my head until I go stuff myself with them haha

LA and CFMaleCanada2013-05-03 11:59:00