United Kingdomleaving the US
WOW... that's a lot of infos, thank you guys for sharing this and your experience with me... I will call the airline though I think, just to make sure... Oh, and I think I'm not even gonna get a new passport, it's good for 4 more years and if it doesn't matter if it's a different name than on the GC (as long as I have my marriage certificet) I'll save myself some money and some stress ( wink.gif @ Tex'n'Brit)

Thanks again to everybody!!!!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2008-03-27 19:24:00
United Kingdomleaving the US
Thank you guys, that really helps a lot!!!!!! Now I'm a little more relaxed cool.gif
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2008-03-25 11:35:00
United Kingdomleaving the US
Hi everybody...
I know, this has been asked a million times, but I just want to make sure. I got my 2 year green card in november last year and I want to visit my family in germany in mai but I'm not sure if I'm gonna have problems to come back in. My passport is still in my maiden name and my green card is in my married name, is it enough to bring my original marriage certificate with me to proof that this is my green card when I come back in? I also planed to get a name change on my german passport while I'm there but than I'm gonna have a different name on the passport than on the plain ticket, will that be a problem?

Anybody who has experience with that?!

Thanks a lot!!!!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2008-03-25 06:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Interview waiting time for Germany?
Oh yeah, and the medical... I went to the doctor in Frankfurt (he was one of the ones on the list I got form the Consulat). I didn't need an appointment there. You just go as early as you can and they take you. And if you go the day of your interview at the consulat you don't have to wait in line, you just tell them and they'll take you right away. But you should check with the doctor again, they might have changed that.

Well, good luck for you.
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-08-16 13:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Interview waiting time for Germany?

I got my interview within 3 weeks after sending off the last paperwork. The people in Frankfurt were very nice and helpfull!
When she gets the interview just make sure that she goes there very early. My interview time was 7.30 ( I guess like everybody elses ) and I was in Frankfurt at the Consulat at 6, by that time about 15 people were already in line. Thats ok though cause I went through the whole prozess within 2 hourse!

Good luck for her.
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-08-16 06:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello!
QUOTE (me! @ Dec 17 2007, 12:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sandy cheeks @ Oct 28 2007, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not really close to Pittsburgh but still in PA, I'm in Gillett, very close to Elmira NY. I was born in Poland and grew up there and as I see from your timeline you met your husband in Krakow, that's about 1 1/2 hrs from my hometown in Poland yes.gif

Hello! I was born in a town just outside of johnstown and am currently living in pittsburgh. Small world! I am currently applying for a visa for my boyfriend, Michal, who is polish I'm hoping he'll be here by April, but it might even be longer. Anyway, when do you move to PA? What town will you live in exactly? You will love it here. The weather gets cold, particularly in johnstown, but pittsburgh isn't bad. The people are very friendly though, and pittsburgh has all these wonderful little neighborhoods that make up the larger city. So far I have met a few people who spent their early childhoods in poland and speak some of the language, but I've only met one person who lived there most of her life and speaks fluently. Actually, she lives down the street from me. I haven't talked to her in months though... Anyway, let me know when and where you plan to move and if you need any info about anything or any help. Good luck!

Hi... I'm in upstate PA, the town is called Gillett, but it's so small, noone knows it... :-) It's really beautifull here, it reminds me a lot of Europe. I've been here for about 6 month now and I don't know if it's me or that area, but I haven't met many ppl yet. Well, I don't really go out either, maybe that's the reason... whistling.gif But the ppl that I've met at work are all nice. I really like it here... Well, could be a little bit warmer ;)
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-12-18 07:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello!
I'm not really close to Pittsburgh but still in PA, I'm in Gillett, very close to Elmira NY. I was born in Poland and grew up there and as I see from your timeline you met your husband in Krakow, that's about 1 1/2 hrs from my hometown in Poland yes.gif
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-10-28 20:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hallo alle zusammen...

I hätte da mal ne Frage zum Führerschein... hhmmm, ihr habt vor nicht allzu langer Zeit darüber gesprochen, aber irgendwie hab ich da immernoch ein kleines Problem... vielleicht kann mir einer von euch ja helfen biggrin.gif

Ich kam hier also mit K-1 Visa und hab dann geheiratet... bla, bla, bla... naja, nachdem ich AOS beantragt hab, wollte ich mir hier einen Führerschein holen (ID card hab ich übrigens bekommen). Naja, da ich einen deutschen Führerschein hab hat die Dame beim DMV zu mir gesagt, dass sie nur ein paar Unterlagen nach D faxen muss und dann bekomm ich meinen DF überschrieben... Naja, alles schön und gut, aber das war jetzt etwa 6 Wochen her und ich hab den Schein immernoch nicht. Ich ruf da auch ständig an, aber immer die gleiche Leier... Leider wurde uns aus D noch nichts zugeschickt, wir müssen warten...

Hatte jemand von euch das selbe Problem? Oh, bin übrigens in PA, das macht ja überall einen Unterschied. Jetzt hab ich mir gedacht, ich geh einfach zu nem anderen DMV und mach so, also ob ich gar keine Führerschein hab und mach den dann einfach nochmal.

Irgendwelche Vorschläge... ?! blush.gif

Danke in Voraus
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-10-17 17:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
QUOTE (Joel @ Sep 26 2007, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
@sydinsatsop: herzlich willkommen und herzlichen glueckwunsch zur hochzeit..!!

@beachmouse: wenn du net hin kannst musst du alles beim notar beglaubigen lassen..

hat schon mal jemand geld nach Dtl. geschickt per bank oder western union..?


Ich hab Geld nach D geschickt und von meiner Bank in D auf die Bank in den USA einfach per paypal. Eine Transaktion hat insgesamt 4 Tage gedauert und mich nichts gekostet. Man kann mit paypal bis zu 500 Euro im Monat ueberweisen. Falls du es nicht kennst, es ist ganz einfach. Gehst auf oder .de und meldest dich dort an. Die schicken dir dann 2 Geldbetraege auf dein Konto, um zu ueberpruefen, ob es wirklich dein Konto ist. Wenn du das bestaetigst hast, kannst du ganz viele Dinge mit dem Konto machen, unter anderem kostenlos Geld ueberweisen.

Gruss, Beate
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-26 12:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Willkommen in unserer Runde Sandy! Ja, es ist schon schön, zu wissen, dass hier ein paar deutsche Mädels sind, die in ähnlichen Situationen sind, und sie können einem fast immer weiterhelfen...

Ich war übrigens letztens bei einem deutschen Treffen hier bei mir in der Gegend, hab ich zufällig gefunden und da gibts 2 German groups in meiner gegend, vielleicht gibts ja auch eine in deiner, musst mal gucken. War auf jeden Fall ganz nett, erst waren nur ältere Leute da, aber später kam noch ne ganz nette Österreicherin und ne deutsche, beide mein Alter, dieses WE gehen wir zusammen an leicht kann man also jemanden kennenlernen. ist doch mal ganz schön, auch ein paar deutsche leute zu kennen, und deutsch zu sprechen...

Noch immer keine Neuigkeiten wegen dem RFE, aber das wird schon!
Liebi: wie lange hat es denn gedauert, bis du nachdem du das RFE abgeschickt hast, was von denen gehört hast? Und was war es? Die Interview Benachrichtigung?
Wünsche dir auf jeden Fal viel Glück beim Interview! Wird schon alles gut gehen...

Danke schön an alle für die liebe Aufnahme :blush: Hab mich echt gefreut...

@ steffi... danke für den Tip, hab mir die Seite gleich angeschaut, und du wirst es nicht glauben, hier gibt es wirklich so ein Treffen für Deutsche in meiner Nähe... :thumbs:
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-08-16 19:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hallo alle zusammen...

Das ist vielleicht nicht der Beste Zeitpunkt (hab die letzten paar Einträge mitgelesen), aber ich habe diesen Eintrag auf deutsch erst heute hier entdeckt und mir gedacht, ich stelle mich einfach mal vor. Ich bin noch nicht so lange bei VJ und auch erst seit etwa 2 Monaten hier in den usa. Aus diesem Grund kenne ich ausser der Familie meines Mannes noch nicht wirklich irgendwelche Leute. Ich dachte mir auf diesem Wege kann ich hier ein paar neue Freunde/Bekannte kennen lernen.
Ich heiße Beate, bin 25 und wohne wie schon gesagt erst seit Mitte Juni hier in Gillett, PA. Bin in Kaiserslautern aufgewachsen und hab dort vor 4 Jahren auch meinen Mann kennen gelernt. Er war damals noch bei der AF, ist allerdings jetzt nicht mehr dabei... ich weiß, nicht besonders spannend und im Moment weiß ich auch nicht wirklich, was ich erzählen soll... Naja, der erste Schritt ist auf jeden Fall mal gemacht. :blush:
Ich hoffe, ich kann hier wirklich ein paar Leute kennen lernen (die vielleicht sogar hier in der Nähe wohnen), finde es nämlich echt klasse, wie ihr alle zusammen haltet!!!! :thumbs:

Naja, bis dann
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-08-14 20:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)family visit from poland
Thanks guys... My sister has strong ties in Poland, she's got a family and a business there, that should be good enough wink.gif

I will tell her everything and hope she'll get it soon that my mom can visit me.

Thanks again!!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2008-11-12 17:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)family visit from poland
Hey everybody...

I would like my mom (german citizen) to visit me here in the US cause she has not really seen much of the world. But my mom has never been anywhere by herself, especially not so far away from home. That's why she wants my sister to come with her so nothing happens. Now, my sister is a polish citizen and as far as I know they do need a visa to visit the US. I've also heard somewhere, that I (german citizen with green card) or my husband (us-citizen) can write her an "invitation" or something like that, so she gets the visa to visit me with our mom.

Did anyone of you every had your family from poland (or other countries that need a tourist visa) visit you in the US, and if so, what kind of visa do I or my sister have to apply for? And is there anything like an "invitation".

I'm kinda confused and don't really know what I'm doing right now, so any kind of help is appreciated!!!!

Thanks a lot!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2008-11-09 11:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
Hey guys... I just wanted to share some good news with you... my case has been transfered to CSC... kicking.gif kicking.gif
Hopefully it doesn't take that long anymore and I get the green card soon. That would be the best Christmas gift ever... wink.gif
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-11-29 07:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (me! @ Nov 19 2007, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone! I just started applying for a k-1 for my boyfriend who is from chelm, poland. I'm glad to see there is a thread particularly for poles. It will be nice to be able to talk to you all.

My biggest worry about the visa process is that my boyfriend doesn't speak english. Were/are any of you in that situation? How were things when you got to the states? Did you feel isolated and have a hard time finding work, or did you learn quickly and transition smoothly? Did you find Polish-speaking friends quickly here in the states? How soon after getting married can you go back to poland to visit?

I just worry after all the work of getting the visa that Michal will get homesick! How do you all deal with homesickness?

I'm going to visit poland over christmas! I can't wait! We are going to a sylwester for new years. It'll be my first. Any idea what sort of clothes I should wear? A full-length gown?

Also, I speak polish somewhat, but need A LOT of practice with my spelling and grammar. Maybe reading all your posts will give me practice! smile.gif

I'm excited to meet you all!


Hi Me!

First of all welcome!!!

I don't think you are gonna have any problems with your boyfriend not speaking english since you speak polish and as long as you guys can proof that you are in a "real" relationship everything will be fine! Plus as soon as he comes here he's gonna "have" to learn english just to get around.

Homesichness is something you're gonna have to deal with no matter what I guess. My husband is the US citizen in our relationship so I know how it is being so far away from your family. Especially since polish familys are usually very close to each other. But I'm sure you guys get through that good. Also you can always go back just for visits. When he comes here you'll have to get married and than apply for AOS. Whit that application you're also gonna apply for AP, which is kind like a free pass to be able to leave the states. Cause he won't be able to leave the US while his AOS is pending, with AP he can. But you'll learn about all that when you apply for it.

Good luck and happy thanksgiving... Oh, and have fun in Poland over christmas, you're gonna like it... I'm really jealous!!!!! And you probably wanna wear a full lenght gown as you already said it ;) But you should talk to your boyfriend about what kind of party that's gonna be.

sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-11-20 08:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (nie wiem @ Sep 29 2007, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nanusia & Lukaszek @ Sep 28 2007, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sandy cheeks,

Swieconka is not really a "dish" but all the contents of your Easter basket that you get blessed in church. Like bread, kielbasa or other meat, eggs, butter, horseradish, cakes or whatever else you put in there depending on taste/region.

p.s. I'm in the Chicago area.

Nie Wiem - I visited the polish consulate here in Chicago, and they said, although they dont make the passports themselves... they do take care of the whole process for people with expired ones, or those who can't travel (like those with expired visa's). They said it takes longer, and of couse much more $$.

Any one know of any good sites on cheap air fares to Poland for the fall? My husband wants to go real bad, but I can't seem to find anything under $900 to Gdansk sad.gif Usually in the fall/winter months flights were in the $500-650 range, now that the USD is so weak and fuel so expensive its getting hard. If you guys know of any good deals, pass along the info please biggrin.gif


Lufthansa has some really good pricing, via Frankfurt - take a look at Sidestep, and I think you'll see some attractive fares.

Sandy Cheeks - I checked with Mama, and she says that it is most likely the meal that she was referring to. All the items in the basket, plus what ever else you want to prepare, and each table/home is a bit different.

Here is a bit of help though - Swieconka

Maine here...

Thanks for taking the time and asking your "mamusia" nie wiem, I appreciate it. I didn't have much time yet but I'm also gonna have a look at the link you gave me and let my friend know.
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-10-02 18:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (Nanusia & Lukaszek @ Sep 28 2007, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sandy cheeks,

Swieconka is not really a "dish" but all the contents of your Easter basket that you get blessed in church. Like bread, kielbasa or other meat, eggs, butter, horseradish, cakes or whatever else you put in there depending on taste/region.

p.s. I'm in the Chicago area.

Nie Wiem - I visited the polish consulate here in Chicago, and they said, although they dont make the passports themselves... they do take care of the whole process for people with expired ones, or those who can't travel (like those with expired visa's). They said it takes longer, and of couse much more $$.

Any one know of any good sites on cheap air fares to Poland for the fall? My husband wants to go real bad, but I can't seem to find anything under $900 to Gdansk sad.gif Usually in the fall/winter months flights were in the $500-650 range, now that the USD is so weak and fuel so expensive its getting hard. If you guys know of any good deals, pass along the info please biggrin.gif

I know that you call the stuff in the basket swienconka, but I met an older lady the other day and her parents were from poland. She said, her mom used to make something called swienconka and she made it out of all the stuff that was left in the basket.

About the plane ticket. Why don't you book a flight to germany and than from there to poland. I flew from frankfurt to krakow for 100 Euro. I just had a look online and just picked the to the 30 October. A flight from chicago to frankfurt is 486$ and from frankfurt to gdansk is 182 Euro. That would be about 700 $ per person. I found the first flight on and the second one on

If you don't speak german let me know when you want to go and I'll have a look for you.

Good luck.
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-28 14:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (nie wiem @ Sep 28 2007, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sandy cheeks @ Sep 28 2007, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pilot @ Sep 27 2007, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got a new dowod osobisty based on my american marriage cert.... all I had to do was to "umiejscowic" it at my local (in Poland) townhome. And get it officially translated.

Did you have to be there in person or did you do it by mail? I'm trying to get my new dowod osobisty right now but I can figure out how to do it except going there in person. And I'm in the US now and have no clue when I'm gonna be back in Poland again. Maybe I can do it at the polish consulate?!?

Oh... sorry for the stupide question... but what is a Apostille???? blink.gif

@ nie wiem... sorry, I don't know anybody in Minsk

Sandy Cheeks -

I think this will answer a few questions, but in short it seems everything needs to be done there. Even passports can't be done at the consulate anymore.

An apostille is basically a certification by the state of issuance legalizing a document for International use in accordance with the Hague Convention, which, Poland is now a signatory to since it is an EU member nation. This eliminates the need for doing what Pilot's Girl had to do with her umiejscowanie, and subsequent official translation by a consular officer, or official translator.

Have a good day...

Thanks for that explanation biggrin.gif And also thanks for that link, yeah, it does help. It's a lot of polish... I never went to a polish school so never really learned to read or write it but I can speak it. It's just gonna take me a little longer wink.gif

Oh, and to everybody... does someone of you know a recipe for an easter disch called swienconka (or something like that)...?!?

Are all of you guys in the US?? Where are you. I'm in the north of PA, about 10 min. from the border to NY state.
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-28 08:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (pilot @ Sep 27 2007, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got a new dowod osobisty based on my american marriage cert.... all I had to do was to "umiejscowic" it at my local (in Poland) townhome. And get it officially translated.

Did you have to be there in person or did you do it by mail? I'm trying to get my new dowod osobisty right now but I can figure out how to do it except going there in person. And I'm in the US now and have no clue when I'm gonna be back in Poland again. Maybe I can do it at the polish consulate?!?

Oh... sorry for the stupide question... but what is a Apostille???? blink.gif

@ nie wiem... sorry, I don't know anybody in Minsk
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-28 07:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (Nanusia & Lukaszek @ Sep 17 2007, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My hubby is from Gdynia/Gdansk area, the opposite side of PL smile.gif We are actually planning a trip there later this fall for a Christening. He just got his AP this weekend so we are excited about that. kicking.gif I do know where Katowice are, my family is from southern Poland, dad from Krakow, mom from Tarnow if you are familiar with those cities. The past several years I've been going to poland every year. Mostly to see my husband... and then to travel around Europe too.

Depending on time, we may actually do a weekend trip to Germany, somewhere in the Hamburg area. I've never been to Germany, so that will be fun.

Are you getting homesick? He misses home a lot, since he doesn't have any other family in the US. unsure.gif

Yeah, I'm familiar with those cities. I've been to Gdansk and Krakow is just a couple hours away from my hometown. Those are really beautifull cities!! Germany has a lot to offer too though. I've traveled there a lot with my husband since I grew up in germany. I'm sure you're gonna like it there.

I am actually getting very homesick every now and than crying.gif . I'm the jungest from 5 kids and we have a big family in general and I do miss them all a lot. I've been here in the US for about 3 month now and for some reason I still didn't really meet anybody to hang out with, someone like a friend... I'm sure your husband knows what I mean, you might too. I got my husbands family around and stuff, but they have their own things to do you know?! Job, hobbys... plus he's got a very small family so there is not much to pick from... laughing.gif

Well, hope you're gonna have fun in europe!!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-17 15:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (Nanusia & Lukaszek @ Sep 14 2007, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you are still zameldowana, you have nothing to worry about, it's similar then to getting a renewal... but I'm going only off of what I hear.

Where in Poland are you from?

That's good to know!! good.gif
I was born in Rybnik, that's about 30 min. away from Katowize if you know that. Your fiance/husband is from Poland too, where is he from? You've been there before? Do you like it smile.gif . We want to go back to Europe some time in the future when we are both done with school, it might be germany or poland, we don't know yet.
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-15 07:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (Nanusia & Lukaszek @ Sep 14 2007, 01:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This whole getting citizenship through Poland got a lot tougher now that they are in the EU, so expect to be jumping through some hoops... cause they are making me do it. I was contemplating whether to seek citizenship through my Polish parents, or marriage to my husband. Turns out the parent way is simpler... and that takes 1 yr to process and of course a bunch of fees.

At least when I was getting the paperwork for my fiance/now husband through USCIS I knew what to expect, but everytime I talk to the Polish consulate I get a new story on what the requirements are. So this keeps delaying the case. ugh! wacko.gif

Sorry I cant help with how to get it going for your husband, but at the least, expect that the process will definitely take longer than 1 yr to process, and at some point you have to say you guys want to live in Poland (they are going to ask why he seeks citizenship).

About the ID (dowod osobisty), its not that if you dont get the new plastic one by the end of the yr that you will never be able to have one, its just that the one you have will no longer be valid. The next time you are in Poland you can get one... but it takes about 3 weeks to make it and you have to pick it up yourself. They are switching to a system that the plastic ID cards will be valid for 10yrs, where the previous ones had no expiration date. I think the only potential issue you may have with the ID card is that you have to be "zameldowana" in Poland, and not sure whether you are since you lived in Germany.

Well, yeah, I was expecting that it's gonna take a while for him to get the citizenship, and I know that it's gonna suck since right now I'm waiting on my papers here and it sucks for me... like for all of us... yes.gif

I am "zameldowana" in Poland since the day I was born, I was never "odmeldowana". My sister still lives there so I use her adress as mine. I was in Poland just a few month ago but back than I didn't know that they are gonna change their ID cards and when I found out I was already here in the US. Hopefully I can go there next summer and have that thing done.

Thanks for everything!!!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-14 12:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (tobben15 @ Sep 10 2007, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pilot @ Sep 9 2007, 07:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sandy cheeks @ Sep 8 2007, 06:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here is the thing... I know that poland is issuing new ID cards (plastic ones) and they give everybody time to the end of the year to get it changed. As far as I know after that there'll be no way to change your old ID (dowod osobisty).

As far as I know, and I might be wrong, you don't need to have Polish ID (meaning dowod osobisty) if you don't live in Poland. Your passport is enough. I'd check on that if I were you though... What you can do is call the Town Hall that issued your original ID and ask them what you should do.

Will I lose my polish citizenship and will I have to apply for it again when I go back there or how the heck can I get my ID changed into the new one.

No way you're gonna lose your polish citizenship. You don't lose a citizenship only because you don't have an ID... As for how to get a new one (other than going to Poland in person and doing it) I don't know. Again, call the Town Hall or the consulate.

Because as far as I know Poland doesn't tolerate 2 citizenships.

Most countries don't. Including USA. HOWEVER, it means that they don't *recognize* you as a foreign citizen. As far as Poland is concerned you're a Polish citizen and they don't give a ####### about your American citizenship. That's why when you're in Poland you're supposed to use only Polish documents, like passport, and not (for example) American passport. It's against the law. People do that though. I've seen tons on Polish-American citizens coming to Poland and using American passport.

An other question is, how can my husband apply for the polish citizenship and would he lose his american if the'd get the polish one?!

Honestly... I'd forget about it. It's not worth it. He'd have to first become a permanent resident and then citizen after spending certain amount of years in Poland. I don't know what happens to his American citizenship though.

Oh, and will I be able to keep my other 2 citizenships when I get the american one (one of these days... tongue.gif )

Probably, but again, I'm not sure.

Here is my situation and maybe it might help with answering your questions but I am not sure. My husband is Slovak and I am American and we live in Poland. I only have American citizenship/passport, my husband has only Slovak citizenship/passport. When we came to live in Poland a year ago. My husband had to fill out a few papers and he was able to get temporary resident card (approx. 5 years) to live and work in Poland since he is from another EU country. Because I am his wife I am also allowed to get a temporary resident permit, I also filled out a few papers and I am also able to live and work in Poland.
Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot for you help!!!

I know that he can work in europe without any problems. That's not what I wanted though. The thing is just, that I'm worried about having some kind of problems when I go back to poland and want my new ID card. Plus my husband wants the polish citizenship wink.gif I just talked to my dad the other day and he goes to Poland (from Germany) like once a month, I send him my marriage certificate and my husbands bithcertificate, he's gonna try to find out that stuff for me since he's going there next week again.

But again, thanks for all you help!!! good.gif
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-14 05:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
Czesc wam...

Mam pare pytan skuli polskiego obywatelstw, ale najlepjej napisze po angielsku bo inaczej tu bende siedziala calom noc laughing.gif

I was born in Poland as were my parents, and when I was 7 we moved to germany and got the german citizenship. Back than we were allowed to keep our polish citizenship, so now we all have leagaly 2. ( anyone of you in the same situation?!)
Here is the thing... I know that poland is issuing new ID cards (plastic ones) and they give everybody time to the end of the year to get it changed. As far as I know after that there'll be no way to change your old ID (dowod osobisty). Will I lose my polish citizenship and will I have to apply for it again when I go back there or how the heck can I get my ID changed into the new one. Maybe over here at the consulate? Because as far as I know Poland doesn't tolerate 2 citizenships.

An other question is, how can my husband apply for the polish citizenship and would he lose his american if the'd get the polish one?!

Oh, and will I be able to keep my other 2 citizenships when I get the american one (one of these days... tongue.gif )

Dzienki wam za pomoc!!!! Thanks to everybody for your help!!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-09-08 17:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
QUOTE (pilot @ Aug 19 2007, 05:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Czesc Beata!

Juz mialam powiedziec, ze super ekscytujacy watek nam sie zrobil... wink.gif w kazdym razie witaj w polskim watku! Gdzie dokladnie mieszkasz w Pennsylwanii? Moj maz pochodzi z poludniowo-wschodniej czesci na granicy z DE i MD. Ja tez tam jakis czas mieszkalam. Piekne miejsce. W ogole bardzo lubie Pennsylwanie!

No to sprubuje po polsku... blush.gif

Mieszkam w Gillett, to jest bardzo male miasteczko pszy granicy to Nowego Yorku, to znaczy mieszkam na polnocy. Naj blirzsze wjelkie miasto jest Elmira, NY. Jest tutaj super, bardzo mi sie tutaj podoba... troszke tak jak bylo w polsce :-D Moj Maz stont pochodzi.
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-08-19 17:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Poland!
Czesc wam...

First of all, sorry for writing in english, but I do way to many mistakes. I just found this threat and thought... not many ppl write here so lets just do it blush.gif
My name is Beata and I was born in Poland, lived there for 7 years and moved than to germany with my parents. I do speak polish since that's all we spoke at home, but I'm not really good at writing it, cause I never went to a polish school.
I'm in the US with my husband now and I really miss my family back in germany and poland so it's really good to see other ppl here form there.

I hope I can stay in contact with some of you here and maybe, how knows, meet somebody who lives around here.

Pozdrawjam wszystkich serdecznie... Beata
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2007-08-19 12:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni 751 QUESTION
QUOTE (NArocks @ Aug 28 2009, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sandy cheeks @ Aug 28 2009, 09:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everybody. I'm also getting ready to file for removing condition. I'm a little confused though, not sure what stuff I have to send in. Last night I read some posts over here and people where talking about co-signers. Last time we filed for AOS we had a co-signer because we are both students and our income was not sufficient. Today we are still students and I would assume that our income is still not sufficient, however, the I-751 does not ask for financial evidence. Could anyone please help me on this one?

Thanks a lot!!!

No Co SPonsor needed for ROC, Just submit proof of the Valid relationship , Bills, Taxes etc with both names smile.gif

Awesome, thank you so much!!!!!!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-08-28 08:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni 751 QUESTION
Hey everybody. I'm also getting ready to file for removing condition. I'm a little confused though, not sure what stuff I have to send in. Last night I read some posts over here and people where talking about co-signers. Last time we filed for AOS we had a co-signer because we are both students and our income was not sufficient. Today we are still students and I would assume that our income is still not sufficient, however, the I-751 does not ask for financial evidence. Could anyone please help me on this one?

Thanks a lot!!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-08-28 08:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiongetting ready to file
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!!!!! I'm not here often enough otherwise I'd probably do at least a few things right, like posting it in the right category blush.gif

But you were a great help!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-09-20 15:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiongetting ready to file
Hi everybody.

Although our window for filling already opened last tuesday, we haven't send off our package yet, because we are still waiting on a couple affidavits. However, because we are already late I don't want to screw it up and not send enough or the wrong stuff, I have a couple of questions:

When we filled for AOS we needed a co-signer because our income was under the poverty line (we are both college students). Some of my poof for removing conditions are bank statements from our joint bank account, and because we are students and don't have much of an income we don't have millions of dollars in there. The question is, should I black out the numbers on the statement or just leave it the way it is. I'm just worried that they are going to ask me for a co-signer (and if you ask me, it is nobody's business how much money I have anyways, as long as I'm not living off of the state --- and I'm not!!!). The same with our joint tax return papers... should those numbers be blacked out too?

Second, and less important question, is it ok to staple the papers together that go together, e.g. all the bank statements, all the bills, etc.

sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-09-19 12:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSeptember 2009 I-751 filers
Hey everybody... Just came back from a short trip and guess what, this is the letter I found in my mailbox:

"Congratulations! Your request for the removal of the conditional basis of your permanent resident status has been approved... You should receive your perminent resident card within 60 days"

Woohoo... awesome start in the new year. Decision date was 12/23/09. However, the letter only says the first initial of my name and not my whole first name, should I call them up and make sure they put my whole name on my new GC or are they automatically going to do that?
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-12-31 18:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSeptember 2009 I-751 filers
Yay... finally got my bio appointment

California Service Center - CSC [/u]
VJName.................Date of I-751........NOA1 Date............Biometrics.........Approved
David-and-Mae..........09/02/09.............--/--/--.............10/19/09...........10/20/09 Early bio 10/05/09
CB's Daughter..........09/04/09.............09/08/09.............--/--/--...........--/--/--
NycBra.................09/16/09.............09/18/09.............10/24/09...........10/20/09 Early bio 10/16/09
RomeoNan...............09/17/09.............09/21/09.............10/24/09...........--/--/-- Early bio 10/21/2009
Kabigon................09/21/09.............09/22/09.............10/22/09...........--/--/-- Early bio 10/17/09
prettyfacenbody........09/23/09.............09/26/09.............10/22/09...........10/20/09 Early bio 10/16/09

Vermont Service Center - VSC
VJName.................Date of I-751..........NOA1 Date...........Biometrics.........Approved
Lhedyjoe...............09/08/09...............09/14/09............10/23/09...........--/--/-- Early bio 10/14/09
Dayna and Ali..........09/12/09...............--/--/--............--/--/--...........--/--/--
Berber Mama............09/12/09...............09/15/09............10/21/09...........--/--/--
Sandy Cheecks..........09/23/09...............--/--/--............11/09/09...........--/--/--

sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-10-22 17:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSeptember 2009 I-751 filers
Wow... that's frustrating... it's been two weeks and still no NOA1... How long do you guys think I should wait before I freak out... hhmmm... I mean before I should call them up?!

I want to go to Europe for Christmas and need to buy my tickets soon, but I can't without that letter...

Any advise?!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-10-11 10:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSeptember 2009 I-751 filers
Hi... I'm not sure how/where to change the text editor setting and I didn't want to screw it up... whistling.gif So, could someone please add us to the list? We send off the papers today to VT.


QUOTE (E&K @ Sep 22 2009, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
*Updated* - With rich text editor
California Service Center - CSC
VJName.................Date of I-751........NOA1 Date............Biometrics.........Approved

Vermont Service Center - VSC
VJName.................Date of I-751..........NOA1 Date...........Biometrics.........Approved
Dayna and Ali..........09/12/09...............--/--/--............--/--/--...........--/--/--
Berber Mama............09/12/09...............09/15/09............--/--/--...........--/--/--


*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and
scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
Leave only the list/table section and these instructions.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* It is helpful to copy the last line under either VSC or CSC. Paste it and change the name to yours and the date to yours.
Make sure your date is aligned with the date above.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.

**When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly**

sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-09-23 12:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSeptember 2009 I-751 filers
Hey guys...

I'm just getting ready to send off my papers this coming weekend, and I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right!!! All I have to send off is I-751, a check and lots of evidence, right? There is NO other form that has to be filled out?! I'm asking because that seems so little compared to last time we filled. Also, my timeline starts September 14th, and I'm sure that I won't get the papers back till December, will I still be able to leave the country for Christmas? We would like to spend it in Germany with my family this year, but as far as I know I was not "allowed" to leave the country last time my papers were processed. So I'm not sure if I can buy tickets or not.

Thanks for all your help!!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-09-06 08:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSeptember 2009 I-751 filers

Hi everyone.

Finally there is a September threat, that means we are getting there... unfortunatelly my timeline doesn't start till September 14th :-( But I though I'll write something in here anyways.

Good luck to everybody and stay in touch!
sandy cheeksFemaleGermany2009-08-30 17:19:00