K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a "certified copy" of divorce decree?

Yeah, I see it misused a few time here on VJ. A notary is only an official witness that the person who signs a document IS the person that signed the document AT the time of signing. Doesn't do any good for example in the case of a 10 yr old divorce document. It must be Certified, in this case, Certified means that the state or county has certifed the document to be true and legal, and usually has a state seal or stamp.

Here in Palm Beach County Florida a certified copy has no raised seal. It only has the stamp of the clerk of courts and a signature of the clerk. It looks very " unofficial " but thta's all you will get here!
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-02 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions
Here is the last(I hope)entry on this K-2 topic. I finally got a copy of my fiancées daughter J-1 visa and it says: "Bearer is not subject to section 212(E). Two year rule does not apply (Ukraine)" So... this means she CAN get the K-2 visa without an additional waiver! :dance:
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-04-04 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions
OK ... Here is another crazy little problem with this K-2! :
Since my fiancées daughter has been here previously on a "J" visa, according to the DS-230 part2, she is NOT eligible for a K visa because she has not fulfilled the 2 year foreign residency requirement!! I called the State Dept and they said I need to file a DS-3035 (Waiver of 2 year residency) right now and have it in hand at the interview in Kiev. Of course it's another $250.00 out of pocket and even more waiting, (which I don't have the luxury of!) Any comments or help on this?

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-29 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions
Well ... As expected the expedite was denied. I hope the the AOS process will grant me an expedite when the time comes.
USCIS answer:

Your USCIS Account Number (A-number):
-- Information not available

Type of service requested:
-- Expedite

The status of this service request is:

This expedite request is denied.

Please note that an approved expedite request must meet one of the following criteria:

Extreme Emergency
Severe Financial Loss
Service Error (Does not apply to data entry errors)
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-26 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions
I called the USCIS this morning and found out possible "age-out" is a valid reason to ask for an expedite. I made the request and have a request number (or whatever they call it) I'll let everyone know the outcome of this, it might be helpful to others in this situation.... Heck, it's worth a try. "nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-19 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions

Life is a b1tch and then you die.

True that!
They are both ready, it's up to VSC .... When I factor in all the average waiting times I come up with August.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-17 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions
I want to thank everyone again for the incredible wealth of knowledge, freely exchanged on this site!
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-17 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions
I was under the impression (wrongly it seems) that if Tanya's daughter came with the K-2 visa and was under 21 at the time the visa was issued, the fact that she turned 21 after was not a problem. So let me get this right: She needs to have the green card before she turns 21, not the K-2 visa before she turns 21?
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-17 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions

Help in what way? For AOS? not a chance... she will sit in the queue just like everyone else... and besides she needs to have mom's approved first anyway before hers can be approved.

I see. Well, I'm not going to fret over it because it's out of my control.
Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-17 07:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions

That is cutting it way close if they are not arriving until August... AOS can be a finicky process with it taking anywhere from 3-7 mos. typical (though things have sped up a little)...

and yes, Gary's son is studying in Moscow (I think)... He would be a good source

I know, but what can I do....?! :wacko: Tanya's daughter has been to the States before with a J visa and has a social security number so I'm hoping that will help. (I am basing this hope on nothing by the way :P )
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-17 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions

VJ member Gary and Alla did this with a university bound student... Hopefully he will be by

When will she turn 21? I'd be very afraid of "aging out" when it comes to the GC

She will be 21 November 22. That's why I have some concern, because i want to make sure she gets her K-2 and permanent status before that date. Then I thinking she can go back to Ukraine and continue her studies without worry. -- Am I right? --- Thanks for the help!

(sorry about the typo's!)
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-17 07:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Questions
My Fiancee's 20 year old daughter is in University and wants to finish school in Ukraine. She will be coming to the US with Tanya (hopefully in August). After she receives here green card she intends on returning to Ukraine. Does any one have any experience concerning this? Is it allowed by immigration? Do we need some kind of special permission for this so she doesn't lose her permanent resident status? -- thanks!
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-03-17 07:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespermission of non custodial parent K-1/K-2

You are welcome, and spot on with your sentiment. We joke quite a bit about the cultural issues we encounter every day, but we wouldn't trade the life for anything. We should talk sometime about language issues, as Vika and I STILL misunderstand each other regularly - and can laugh like crazy once we clear it up.

Also, prepare yourself for the fact that people who haven't taken the same path to happiness that you have will find it VERY hard to understand what you are doing. Even in Florida, where I assume cross-cultural relationships are pretty common, you will find that explaining how different and awesome it is being married to a Ukrainian is a total waste of time. Talk to us instead, we get it ;)

Waiting ... Waiting ... Waiting ... for this awesome woman! B-)
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-04-26 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespermission of non custodial parent K-1/K-2

I like your avatar, funny. You know, of course, it falls under the category of "things you will never see in Ukraine" :rofl:

My experience: Even when you say "HET" for some reason they think you mean "DA" ... you're drinking anyway! :dance:
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-04-26 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespermission of non custodial parent K-1/K-2

You have a whole 'nother problem than what you thought. The letter is moot, you do not need it for a 20 year old. You need to get her here ASAP and file for her AOS ASAP. You will also have to get married and file for your wife's (her daughter is not eligible without her AOS) You can file them together and request an expedite for the daughter on the basis of age out. Write "Possible Age Out" on the package when you send it.

In general if the AOS if filed before her 21st birthday you are OK, but if there are any errors on your part they can be denied and you would have no recourse as she is almost too old now and IS to old to file an I-130 (the marriage would have to be before her 18th birthday to be eligible for an I-130) so you have one shot...make it a good one. Get the latest vaccination list for AOS and make SURE she has all the needed vaccinations NOW and that she takes the vaccination records to the medical in Kiev so she will get a DS-3025 and be ready for that part of the AOS. Get her I-485 papers (both hers and your fiancee's) ready now, just add your marriage certificate and copies of their I-94s when they arrive. When you get married (ASAP after arrival) make sure the officiators know you need certified copies of the marriage cetificate quickly. If necessary you may need to drive to the issuing place and get copies. DO NOT get stuck in a beaurocratic quagmire waiting for snail mail to send you copies of your marriage certificate.

You pointed out this problem a few weeks ago, so I'm prepared with everything I need (I think) in order to move quickly once I get through VSC. I tried to get a expedite from VSC for this problem but they denied my request ( hence, the 3 touches ).

I can tell you I'm am looking forward to each broken plate, household appliance, and critter! I know both of you are enjoying every minute of it, and I can't wait!

Another topic Tanya and I have talked about is the chance that she might come across and Alligator. She can't believe these animals run loose here, Quote: "Why can't something be done about it!"

Thanks again for all your help Brad, Gary and all others who have commented!
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-04-25 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespermission of non custodial parent K-1/K-2
"The machine for washing the dishes" has been a topic of great interest to Tanya, So... yes I do understand the hierarchy in the household! After being a single parent of 2 teenagers for a while now, I will gladly relinquish all household duties to her! :lol:
Tanya's daughter is 20 so I don't think we will have any trouble leaving Ukraine. I believe I only need this letter for the embassy interview to obtain the K-2 visa. Right?
She will be staying in the US until she gets her green card and will turn 21 in November, so after this date ... no worries about permission from Dad. It's unfortunate that we even need his permission since she is already 20 years old but the law is the law.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-04-25 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespermission of non custodial parent K-1/K-2
The Kiev embassy info packet just says: letter authorizing, notarized by non custodial parent and a copy of his passport.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-04-24 07:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespermission of non custodial parent K-1/K-2
Does anyone have a sample letter that they have used for the non-custodial parent to give permission for the embassy in Kiev (K-2 visa)? I need to prepare one for my step daughter. Her father has said yes but he does not want to be bothered to write it, he wants to just sign and get it notarized.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-04-23 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress question
I don't see you having a problem with this. I also live in the house that I still own with my ex. USCIS doesn't care who you own property with, only that you are divorced and free to marry.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-05-10 06:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespermission for child from left behind parent
How old is the child?
I think Gary would be a good person to ask concerning this question, he has experience bringing over a "child-to-follow".
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-05-10 20:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Getting Started
Great looking couple!
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-05-15 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Getting Started
First, ... Yes Ukrainian women are amazing! :dance:
Second, First thing to do is check out the guides, it's the link right next to "portals". Read everything you see there concerning K-1 Fiancée visa. Then, after that, if you have additional questions, (I'm sure you will) you can try typing in your question in the search box. I'v found most questions have been asked before and the answers are right there at your fingertips. If not, of course post a new question!

Good Luck in your Visa Journey!

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-05-15 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 18 I-129F, having met

Am I supposed to go into huge detail about how we met, or is a brief description enough? Here's what I wrote:

"My fiancé and I have been friends since late 2004, when we were both users on a popular blogging website, Our friendship blossomed over the years, and on November 2008 we fell in love and decide to establish a relationship. He came to Puerto Rico (from Australia) in June 2008 to physically meet and visit me for six days in which we were inseparable. Our love grew in this meeting and our families approved, and then we decided to see each other in December 2009 (my schedule only permitted me to visit him in December), but in his home in Sydney, Australia

I landed in Sydney in December and left in January, spending a month together in which we learned a lot more about each other and realized this was a relationship we both took very seriously. He proposed to be in January."

That okay?

I wrote a brief description(one that fit into the space provided) and I had no trouble at all.(approved in 91 days) I think the description you wrote sounds just fine. Make sure you put proof of these meetings in your packet: Photos of you together, boarding passes, passport stamps, hotel bills, anything you have to prove these meetings took place.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-05-20 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot Able to Pay for Visa Appt App in Advance -- Now What???
Here is another item that has come up since the fee increase. There is conflicting information on the Kiev website about how to pay this new fee. It appears that Pro Credit Bank will only accept $130 - $140 dollars and the remainder must be paid at the consulate. It also states on the State Dept website that the entire fee should be paid at the consulate. Does anyone know what's up with this?
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-06-13 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust about Ready To send I-129F
I just organized it in sections with paper clips on each section and then just put a big clip on the whole thing with the check on top followed by the cover letter.
Yes 2 passport photos of both of you. Write your names and birth dates on the back of them.
MAKE SURE you didn't leave ANY questions unanswered or forget to sign somewhere. This was the number one reason most people in my month (Feb) got a RFE. It seemed to take at least a month more when you get an RFE for this little mistake so do everything you can to make sure the package is perfect the first time.
BTW, if your birth certificate is blank on the back, make a copy of that side ANYWAY, set the exposure so you can make out the outline of it and just write on the sheet: "back of (Your Name) birth certificate".

Good Luck!
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-06-26 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F from abroad
Since you are already living abroad, there might be better alternatives for you than K-1
Check out ALL your options below. (I'm thinking: get married in the UK and file DCF or another route, since you will have to marry within 90 days of arrival with a K-1 anyway) It also might save you a boatload of money and time!

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-06-27 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGifts for Proof Ongoing relationship
I see your points. I guess there are some Consulates that look for any reason to deny. I'm glad Kiev isn't one of them!
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-06-29 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGifts for Proof Ongoing relationship
I'm not sure I understand how $100 or $200 dollars a month would raise red flags. It seems perfectly logical that someone with a much better standard of living would send his or her fiancé(e) a small amount each month to make life a little easier. If you have lots of other proof of an ongoing relationship, I can't see this little "care package" being any kind of negative indicator. It would make more sense about raising concerns if there was a large lump sum payment of something like that but I'm sure a person doing that would not make mention of it.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-06-29 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis a response to an intent to deny a RFE or something else?
Sorry to hear about your intent to deny. Maybe you can try a different tactic? ... CR-1 / IR-1 Visa?
How about getting married in Ukraine and then applying for: http://www.visajourn...tent/i130guide1
Maybe some other members with more knowledge than I have (this will include almost everyone :lol: ) can let you know if this option is a good one or even an option at all.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-07-04 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Question and validity of document
It will cost $350 per visa. In my case I have my Fiancée and her daughter.... so $700 for me. I think you are in the same boat. In addition to this there will be $125 per person for the medical exam and then any vaccinations needed are extra. I would expect to pay at least $1000 for all this at the minimum.
What age is her son? There are some important things you need to do if he is under 16 and doesn't have his own passport. Go to: http://ukraine.usemb...ncee-step1.html and read all of it.

(then after you marry, get ready for another hefty fee for AOS!) Posted Image

Good Luck,
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-07-06 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce papers certified or not?
You should send a certified copy of the divorce decree with the stamp or seal on it. In regards to birth certificates and passport pages, photocopies are enough. Just make sure you include the back of each document even if it's blank ( write: Back of birth certificate, if it's blank ) on it.

Good Luck .. and read the guides, it will answer most questions and stop you from getting an RFE!

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-05-23 06:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused...
Yeah ... I heard that 90 day thing from one of the operators. If you press them, they will pull an answer from " where the sun don't shine" and then you will get upset. It's complete bull. Again, don't ask them for answers that they simply don't have. Just remember that the petition WILL surface. Just keep making that call each day.Posted Image
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-07-10 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused...
Don't listen to these operators. They know nothing and all you will do is drive yourself crazy. Just call each day and see if they have a KEV number yet. If they don't, hang up and try again tomorrow. After 15 business days they will start to look for it but there is nothing you can do about it in the meantime. I have been where you are right now, I understand the frustration.

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-07-10 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused...
I am fairly sure it was NVC because from everything I have read they don't keep those petitions at VSC once they are approved, they ship them out right away. Gary knows a lot about VSC because he has friends that work there and he said the same thing. I'm also pretty sure because of how fast it moved out of NVC once I was able to send them a request to search for it. I don't have to tell you how ###### this feels. You expect the wait at VSC but you're not prepared for a hold up at NVC. It really bothered me. hang in there, it WILL show up.

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-07-07 20:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused...
Mine took 3 weeks lost somewhere at NVC before they sent it to Kiev. There is no rhyme or reason as to why some people fly in and out of there and some take 3 weeks. .... Keep calling each day. ... BTW, after 15 business days you can email them a request to search for your petition. I did that. The same day I sent the email, it was suddenly sent to Kiev that same day! ... Hmmmm ... coincidence?Posted Image ( I think they were using mine under a table leg in the break room.)
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-07-07 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question

my first question regarding her(beneficiary) g-325a form. applicants residence last five years, she lists her current address from when she began living there thru present, no problem so far. she lived there much longer than 5 years. so there is only one entry in that section. just below it asks for applicants last address outside the united states of more than one year. should she leave it blank or should she re-enter the same address from above with start date thru date that she signs the form?
I had the exact same situation as you do. My Wife and I (Fiancée at the time) filled out this form I put the address in two places, it's best to not leave blanks or "assume" they realize anything!

and lastly, near the bottom it wants her name in native alphabet if other than roman letters. should she write this in by hand with pen in her native alphabet of russian or is it ok to type that line in her native russian alphabet while filling out the rest of the form on her computer?
I had her type it in her native alphabet . .. Since she is Ukrainian I think it's best done in that language but some have don it in Russian with no problem.

i know she must sign the g-325a form in ink, i believe in blue preferably as well as her "letter of intent to marry".
Forms require black to be used to fill out the forms but I agree that they can't mistake blue as a copy when signing.

i may be looking too much into this, but like most good folks, i just want to do right by her and not have any cause for their to be a reason for the USCIS to issue an RFE. she is the most important person in my life and i love her dearly!
Being careful is the best way to go. Dot every " I " and cross every " T "... and yes we all know that Ukrainian women are incredible! Posted Image

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-09-22 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Letter of Intent with K2 as well

Okay, perhaps I was searching for the wrong thing, but could not find anything over this. In addition, from what I can gather, I do NOT need to mention the beneficiary's child in the letter of intent with the I-129F, correct? I just want to be sure. Thank you again!

I didn't mention it on the letter of intent to marry. Although there are plenty of other places you will be mentioning the K2.

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-11-18 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA1?????

Hi All....

I received my NOA 1 on the 22nd... YUPPY!!!!! :yes: Is "touched" the same as "last updated" on the USCIS website?

Yes (congrats!)

tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-11-24 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F - Question #14
Don't leave that blank. Put the address the US citizen lives now (an address in the USA)
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-11-26 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Status Update...
Give your congressman's office a call. It can't hurt.
tom&tanyaMaleUkraine2010-12-16 07:29:00