PhilippinesPOE - Detroit
QUOTE (PingLocalHostess @ Nov 2 2008, 08:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CFO Seminar: October 27, 2008

I went with jamesnrei, trinidad-lohner, JoseRizal and natassja. THANKS guys!

We had our seminar and counseling at PRISM. We went there 9.00AM. We had to leave our IDs so we'll be given visitor's IDs.

1. We proceeded to S1 to login. We were asked to go to S2 to fill up the forms (Make sure you know your fiance's mom's maiden name). I have my visa so all they asked is a photocopy of my passport and visa then they gave me a form to fill up. We paid P250.

* For those without visas yet, check out jamesrei's post http://www.visajourn...h...5244&st=645 (post #653).
** For those with visas, bring 2 photocopies of your passport and visa. First copies will be given to Prism, second copies will be given to CFO.

2. We had our pictures taken. Its digital. You just sit and smile. smile.gif

3. After that we went to S3 for the actual seminar. We had to watch this video... which i didnt really pay attention to coz i was busy chatting with trinidad-lohner and jamesnrei. Its wasnt my fault, the TV is small and its placed low... those in the back can hardly see it. Its an old MGB video of this Filipina violated by her husband. Good thing there was no quiz after. Then theres the BDO thingy... which was very convincing so we ended up paying P50 and filled up their forms (Which we withdrew after the seminar coz they were taking too damn long. We were promised we would have the passbook and ATM card RIGHT AFTER the seminar). We then went to USA room where we discussed Airport policies, immigration policies for k1, k3, cr1 and ir1... etc. You will be given handouts so make sure you keep them coz its very informative. You are to ask questions too.

4. One on one counseling. Its like an interview with the CO. You have to convince the counselor you have a sound relationship with your SO. You might need to show them pictures of the two of you... like most of us did.

*** Dont be too comfortable coz they can hold your CFO certificate and deem you not fit to get married (for k1) or to travel to US (for k3, ir1 and cr1). Being denied the certificate is very rare but we were warned during the seminar so that sorta made us nervous.

5. They released our certificates. Its printed on a half sheet (brochure type... sorta like a SECPA) yellow paper. Make sure you check if your name is correct, if its signed and if it has a dry seal.

**** It lasted 3 hours 10.00am to 1.00pm.

6. We had to photocopy the CFO certificate. Then proceed to CFO building. Gave the guard our ID to get visitor's ID again. There are 4 windows inside.

7. We went to the first window on the right. Gave them the photocopy of my CFO certificate, passport and visa. I have to fill up forms again.

8. Then went to the window on the left of that... its labeled 'Verification'. She'll check it and then she'll ask you to pay P400 on the window to the far left - cashier.

9. Paid P400. Then went to the window on the right side of the cashier. Gave them the receipt and waited. They called our names after awhile to give us our green certificate. Released my passport with the stamp as well (my green certificate was stapled in my passport). Its already 3.30PM.

- October 29, 2008


Initially theres a security check at the airport entrance, take off your shoes then go thru the metal detector and all your bags and shoes goes thru the scanner. Walked straight to NWA counter and fell in line. There was a screener... she/he'd check if you have weapons or stuff that someone else asked you to bring to US or if you packed your bags yourself. Checked in at the NWA counter at 3.00am. I have 2 bags (1st: 20 kgs / 2nd: 28 kgs). On NWA website, their limit is 23 kgs (50 lbs) each for the 2 free checked luggage. I was expecting to pay the Heavey Baggage fee of $50 per bag that goes beyond the limit and only up to 31 kgs (70 lbs). I WASNT asked to pay any heavy baggage fee. (Sweet!) I have 2 carry ons (1 garment bag and a purse). Before they printed my boarding passes, they had me pay the travel tax of P1620 (its on the right side of the terminal if you are facing NWA counter). So with my boarding passes on hand, i went straight to immigrations section (its on the left side of the terminal if you are facing NWA counter). Just fall in line in any of the booths. I paid the terminal and security fee (P750) and next is the immigrations booth. Gave my passport, boarding passes and CFO certificate. Everything seems to be fine but he asked for another form... i was stricken... its an immigration form *sigh* (i forgot what its called exactly but every Filipino thats leaving the country has to fill up that form for formality's sake). He said i should just go back to him after i filled up the form so he can let me thru. I couldnt get out of the immigrations area... so i asked the guard on the right side (at the exit). He gave me the form, filled it up and went back to the same immigrations officer. He stamped my boarding pass and he let me thru. There was a security check... same as the entrance... ONLY this time, they checked for liquids or gels and other stuff that are not allowed in the plane. I went thru it smoothly. Once inside the terminal, you will see boutiques of designer stuff and food stalls too. I went to look for my Gate (its on the ticket). Theres checkpoint and i just showed the guard my boarding pass and they let me thru. Before i was allowed in to wait at my Gate (boarding area), NWA has its own security check. Note: When go out of the boarding area (like when you need to go pee or buy food), you have to go thru the same security check to get back in. I was early. I was on the plane an hour before the scheduled take off. We took off early, 7.35am. Every seat has a small pillow and blanket (Weeee!). Free breakfast on the plane, a choice between Pork Asado or Sausage and Egg. Drinks are juice, sodas, coffee, tea or water. I suggest choose Pork Asado coz that'll be the last Pork Asado you will have once you get to US tongue.gif. Reached Narita, Tokyo airport at 1:00pm.


In Narita. Once off the plane, make sure you check which gate you are at before proceeding to the Customs Check. I only got 1 hour and 55 minutes till my next flight. I had to go thru Japan customs and look for my Gate (ermm). Just follow the signs.... its accurate. Its pretty much the same security check as that in Manila Airport... except you need to take off your jacket but you can leave your shoes on. Make sure you fall in the right line... and not in the domestic section. Note: They are VERY strict with liquid and gels. Off i went to the main terminal. Oh my god, everything is SO pretty! If you are an anime geek... you will love it there. I wanted to venture off and get some souvineers but im running late... i only got 10 minutes till boarding (an hour before the flight). BUT I couldnt help myself... i breezed thru a bookstore... manga haven *sigh*... its expensive tongue.gif. Found my gate and fell in line ..... boarded my plane JUST in time. The plane took off on the scheduled time. Every seat has a small pillow and blanket (Weeee!). Free dinner and breakfast. Dinner was a choice between Beef or Chicken, both are served with veggies on the side. Before landing... a stewardess will be going around asking who are US citizens and who arent. If you arent, she'll give you an I-94 (immigration purposes) and US Customs form (for whatever stuff you brought to US... not clothes or money but stuff you bought from your trip). We landed in Detroit, Michigan an hour early than the scheduled time.

POE - Detroit, Michigan

I got off the plane slowly... not in too much of a hurry coz i know i have enough time till my next flight (6 hours). It is freaking cold ermmmm. I searched for restrooms... there wasnt any AT ALL (or i couldnt find any). So i just followed the signs that says international... i should have went with the crowd ermmm. It will lead you to Immigrations Section. It is divided into 2 parts. On the left was for US citizens and on the right is for Visitors. There are more than 10 windows for Visitors section. I searched for the shortest line and fell in line. i took out my completed I-94 and Customs form, passport and the brown envelope. I saw the Immigrations Officer inside the window. I was gestured to come over as it was my turn. It says Home Security and Border Patrol on his jacket. It goes like this:

: How are you doin'?
Me: Good.
Officer: Did you use to work?
Me: Yes.
Officer: As a what?
Me: .... (my work)
Officer: Before that?
Me: ... (my previous work)
Officer: And before that?
Me: ... (my work before my previous work)
(I was shaking... coz IT WAS SO DAMN COLD... and i was wearing a long thin skirt and slippers for crying out loud)
(And he freaking noticed that i was shaking... grrrr)
Officer: Are you okay?
Me: Yes, its cold and im groggy from the long flight.
Officer: Yes, it is a loooong flight.
(He looked at my I-94.)
Officer: *nodded then encircled the address i wrote on the I-94* Who lives here?
Me: My fiance.
Officer: Are you married?
Me: No
Officer: Did you get married?
Me: Not yet.
Officer: Raise both your hands so i can see.
Me: (raised my hands and kept smiling but grrrrr)
Officer: Oh! No wedding ring. Not married? *he had on a thin wicked smile*
Me: Nope.
(He told me to press my fingers on the scanner just like at the embassy.)
Officer: (he relaxed somehow and as he looked at every single page inside the brown folder proceeded to ask questions) Where did you meet?
Me: ... (answered him)
Officer: Got family here?
Me: No. (He didnt ask me about distant relatives hehe)
Officer: Is your family coming over?
Me: I dont know. Probably not.
Officer: Everything seems to be okay here.
(He stamped my passport and wrote a date on the I-94, tore it half then stapled the other half in my passport. He also gave me back the Customs Form)
Officer: Welcome to the United States. *he smiled*
Me: Thanks.

(He's quite tricky, isnt he?)

I went to get my luggage. It took awhile coz there were too many bags. I dragged 1 trolley (no charge). Found my bags. It was SO heavy.... NOBODY will help you... not even the airport staffs... they'll just look at you. I saw old people pulling their heavy bags from the converyor belt and lifting it to their trolley. I helped the old korean couple who sat next to me on the plane coz i was feeling a tad guilty. But we never really had a real conversation during the flight coz they spoke very lil english. Its the least i could do.

Now i had to go thru US Customs. The line was very long. I took out my passport, boarding pass and completed Customs Form. A new window opened so i rushed there... that cut off a few minutes of my waiting time. He didnt even look at my luggage. He just opened my passport and looked at the Customs Form then wrote "A" and encircled it. He pointed to the next room and said " Go thru there and follow the green arrows". I wondered what the "A" was. I struck me as i went thru that room, its "A" for Agriculture. There was nobody in the line so i was entertained immediately. The Customs Officer was nice. He asked "Are there any poultry products or fruits in my luggage... sealed or not.... like balut, mangoes... etc.?" I said, "No." He helped me lift my heavy luggage on the converyor belt and asked, "What about shoes?" I prolly looked confused coz he laughed and smiled. So I said, "Yes, a lot." He winked and joked, "Dont worry about it, you're a woman. You are allowed to have so many shoes." My luggage went thru the scanner and thats it. It just slided to the floor. So i asked looking even more confused, "Is that it? Am i done?" The other Customs Officer said "Yes." I said my thanks and sauntered away from that section. *Whew!* I looked back and there were these 2 japanese guys arguing in there while they searched and rummaged inside their open bags. Im glad i didnt bring any poultry products or fruits with me or id be stuck in that room.

Whats left is i had to recheck my luggage for my next flight. Theres a checkpoint, just showed them my boarding pass in my passport and they let me thru. Just fall in line the domestic section, no need to go to NWA counter to recheck it. You need to leave your checked in luggage right next to the conveyor belt... their staff will push it to the conveyor belt. Wait till its ON the conveyor belt before you leave just to be sure. It will go thru a TFA check while being rechecked. Next is the security check so i can go to the main terminal. So i took off my shoes and jacket, it will go thru the scanner with my carry ons and i went thru the metal detector. After that, i proceeded to the main terminal. I kept my passport from here on (they'll be checking your boarding pass only). I checked the board first which Gate is my next flight. Its not there yet, too early. I had to wait 3 hours before my flight before it appeared on the board. I found the restroom... washed my face and brushed my teeth. I have 4 hours left before my next flight. Its no biggie, its a huge big terminal, lots of shops to go thru, restaurants to eat. Yeyyy! And theres a bullet-like train inside the terminal *big grin*. So if you wanna go around the terminal, you can take your pick, its either the walkway or the train. It was COLD. Almost everyone is wearing winter shoes and im wearing slippers so i sorta stick out like a sore thumb haha.

Thats it.

This is solely based on my experience. smile.gif

Wow, thanks for sharing your POE experience. It looks like you were almost given the third degree by that immigration officer asking a lot of questions. good.gif
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2008-11-02 21:12:00
PhilippinesNeed PHI Lawyer advice on ex boyfriend and families right to take a child

I found this pretty dead on for your situation:

Child Custody Philippine Legal Counseling

This lawyers link also talks about the right to choose the parent you live with at 8:

Phil Child Custody

Hopefully it helps. Either way, I wish you guys the best! :star:

He's right. You need a good lawyer to represent your case. Consult the Family Code of the Philippine particularly Article 213: "No child under seven years of age shall be separated from the mother, except when the court finds cause to order otherwise."

In all questions on the care, custody, education and property of children the latter's welfare shall be paramount. No mother shall be separated from her child under seven years of age, unless the court finds compelling reasons for such measure. (Art. 363 Civil Code of the Philippines.

There is no question that the mother of the children, being minors, is entitled to have custody of them.She cannot be deprived of that right and she may not even renounce or transfer it "except in the cases authorized by law.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2013-03-03 01:19:00
PhilippinesHow did u meet your fiancee/fiance/wife/husband?
QUOTE (Robert E Lee @ Sep 9 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rocky, you must have been chugged full when that Yankee got you in his arms. Me and my buddy, Jeff Davis, we don’t like ‘em Union boys too much. We hated U.S. Grant, Gen. Sherman and all ‘em scalawags! Okay, Rocky, go hog wild with Bullwinkle now! good.gif

Not to worry, for I feel I have cured him of his wicked Yankee ways.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-09-10 09:01:00
PhilippinesHow did u meet your fiancee/fiance/wife/husband?
Okey, isa pa nga.

It was during the war. Union soldiers were raiding the family farm, stealing anything not nailed down. They found me and my younger brother hidden in the cellar. The blue-belly scum had designs on my virtue, but suddenly, there he was. He was a Yankee officer, but he sought to protect my honor. I ran into his arms, and decided right then and there, I would never let him go.

Salbahe ba ako?
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-09-09 11:04:00
PhilippinesHow did u meet your fiancee/fiance/wife/husband?
QUOTE (ilovedo @ Sep 8 2009, 06:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi.. This topic just came abruptly on my mind.. It is very nice to hear from anyone here who has met his/her "THE ONE or ONE GREAT LOVE". Guys, whats was the scenario how you met your partner? Do u believe them at first if they are true about their personal infos or anything about themselves? Do u also feel scary what if he/she is just playing games?

anyways, these are some lines how my partner and I met...

I met my special someone last year at overseas Filipino worker chatroom of Yahoo Messenger. Actually, I am not really personally inclined about using internet just for talking to somebody that I don't know. Then, during that time, i was having my Christmas vacation and got off from work for 1week somehow. Due to boredom, i tried to go to chat room which I really do very seldom before. Then, i have talked to somebody there. Of course, i cant talk to a lot of people that's why "Mr. Right" came when i was about ready to log off. Oh my God, I can tell you, We were talking 6pm until 3am, Phil time for our first time of meeting over the net. That was really a great feeling for me. We shared our personal information and we talked, talked and talked anything under the sun. As a result, we deeply fell in love thats why he did not mind loosing his sleeping hours just to talk to me and vice versa. Then, we met personally after a month of talking over the net and phone.

To tell you honestly, I was a bit scared when i decided to meet him up thinking what if he is not real and what if he wont contact me after leaving the Phils. But those preconceived notions were replaced of more love and trust when we spent our two weeks here. I was very happy and I must say now, I COULD NOT LIVE MY LIFE WITHOUT HIM. We have promised each other that we would love each other FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT..

Hi. The how-did-you-meet and how-can-you-tell-he-is-mr.-right thingy already been asked and answered many, many times. Make a search for these topics and you will get your answers in a jiffy! Good luck on your visa journey.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-09-08 08:45:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

For some reasons I am fascinated with white guys.  It's the skin color. They stand out in the crowd.  I told myself, I'm gonna get me a white guy someday.  And so I did.  It comes with a green card.  That's nice too!  Hee heee hee!


Pizza forever!  Hi Darnell!  I'm back!  And now I'm gone.

Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2013-07-19 19:45:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (Jeff&Madz @ Jun 13 2009, 06:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Naimbag a rabii yu amin manong ken manang ditoy VJ! nagsarak ti ilocana/os ditoy ah. mayat met ta ada lugar pagtungtunggan ngen pagtitinulongan tayo panggep ti visa. heheh! medyo marigatanak alng bassit nu usto met lang it panagsurat ko iti ilocano! sapay kuma ta mayyatmet ti panagbiag tayo amin uray sadinno tayo iti lubong! ag-baig ti ilocano! heheh!!!

grabe! nagad adu gayam toi kasapulan nu agpakasar ditos pinas!

Hay, Ilokano ka met gayam ading ko. Tagatno kay idiay Pilipinas?
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-13 14:26:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (El Ilocano @ Jun 9 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (maritoni @ Jun 9 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello good morning people:)

Hi ading ko nabayag met nga dika nagpakpakita ditoy Vj?:)daytoy ti requirements ti agkasar ti simbaan ditoy pilipinas...

1. Clearance: Foreigners who wish to apply for marriage with a Filipino citizen must first secure clearance from the Archdiocesan Chancery Office at the Arzobispado de Manila, 121 Arzobispo St., Intramuros, Manila (near Manila Cathedral). This clearance must be submitted to the Parish Office upon filing of application for the wedding.

2. Baptismal Certificate: This must the original and obtained not more than three months from the wedding date. It must have the annotation: "FOR MARRIAGE PURPOSE ONLY." This is a requirement for BOTH bride and groom whether they are Catholic or not.

3. Certification of Freedom to Marry: This can be obtained from the Catholic Pastor, Protestant Minister or the Embassy of the foreigner.

4. Marriage License: This can be obtained from the civil authorities; or a Marriage Contract if already married with the civil registry number.

5. Permission and Certification of Singularity: This can be obtained from the parish of the bride if she is Catholic. CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage Record) may also be obtained at the National Statitics Office in leiu of this.

6. Marriage Banns: These have to be posted for three consecutive Sundays.

Additional Requirements for Specific Cases

For Non-Catholics: A certification of his/her legal capacity to marry. Has to be obtained from his/her embassy or from the country of origin.

For Mixed-Marriages: A dispensation from the impediment of mixed marriage/religion (Disparitas Cultas) has to be obtained if necessary.

For Divorced parties: A document of the Declaration of Nullity promulgated by the Catholic Memorial Tribunal or a certification from the Bishop of the party that he/she is free to marry has to be presented to the Archdiocesan Chancery Office for authentication and clearance.

For other nationalities: Ask your respective embassy here in the Philippines for any requirement needed before getting married wih a Filipino national.

Mary Jane should be right with the requirements. Awan ti ammok cadaguiti masapul iti church wedding ta diay la juez ti nagcasaran mi ken ni Tess. Idi nagkasar cami ken daydi manang ni Tess ket nabayag metten (37 years ago), ket nalipatak metten daguidi nasapul diay St. Jude Church diay Davao City.

Congratulations ngarud manong AJ nagkasar kayo gayam men ken Manang Tess. Ngem nagpardas met ti honeymoon yo ta nagsubli kayo met nga dagos ditoy. star_smile.gif
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-10 09:27:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (Dean Cain @ Jun 8 2009, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Jun 8 2009, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (maritoni @ Jun 8 2009, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hahaha..nagraman ti Yoghurt:)lalo tay strawberry flavor:P

Adda Skyflakes a crackers dita?

Adda nakitak diyay Asian store nga pappapanan me ken manong Bill mo. Madik ammo nu mano ta Ritz crackers met ti kanayon na gatangin mi.

Dyay banda dayta Forestville manang?

Ditoy Russian River, 8 miles east of Guerneville, Sonoma County Northern California 70 miles north of San Francisco ading ko. Asidig kami dita Santa Rosa, CA. Sika ngay ading tagatno ka ittoy USA?
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-09 09:14:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (maritoni @ Jun 8 2009, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hahaha..nagraman ti Yoghurt:)lalo tay strawberry flavor:P

Adda Skyflakes a crackers dita?

Adda nakitak diyay Asian store nga pappapanan me ken manong Bill mo. Madik ammo nu mano ta Ritz crackers met ti kanayon na gatangin mi.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-08 20:08:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (maritoni @ Jun 8 2009, 08:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Jun 8 2009, 10:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ay wen a kunam! Di kalman nagsimba kami kami diyay Santa Rosa. Adda yard sale idiay simbaan. Napan kami naggatang ti ay-ayam dagiti kaanakak idiay Manila ipaw-it ko kuma tatta nga bulan. Kunana ditoy ka lang gumatang ngen ta nalaklaka kano ngem diyay Wal-mart. Nagado nagatang me nga ayayam dagiti ubbing ket kaslala barbaro pay. Wen adda ti dakkel nga drum ditoy likod ti balay me. Ur-urnungin me ti recycle dagidiyay lata ti soda saka bote ti mineral water. Tun mapunno ilako ni Bill idiyay recycle counter. Maka- $10 isuna nukwa. Mayat gayam. Idi balasang nak pay lang, madek met ammo ti agurnong. Ti la magatgatang ko ngem di nagasawa kami ni Bill, nagbalin nak ka kermit tin! laughing.gif

hahaha,nalaka met gayam nga allukuyen ni manong Bill aya Marie:P 10 USD a ket dakkel a banag pay a dayta...igatang ti Yoghurt ken Cracker aya? hehe good.gif

Wen Mrs. Smith. Mayat ag-recycle ditoy. Isupay paggatang ti crackers ken Breyers low carb ice cream ni Manong Bill mo. Madi me kayat ti Yoghurt. laughing.gif
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-08 19:20:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (maritoni @ Jun 7 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Jun 8 2009, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nakermit kano dagitoy Ilocano lallalo dagitay naggapo diyay Ilocos Norte. Siguro ket agpayso ngarud ta nu maminsan ket madi ak unay gumatgatang ti nangina la unay. Lalo ni lakay ko ammo na met agurnong saka ag-budget. Nasursurok kanya na kasatno ag-budget. Sa totoo lang, madek ammo!

Kinunam pay a Marie:P ngem nakirmet tayo kunada nga ilocano ket diak met ammot agsalimetmet ti kuartak?hehe basta adda la ketdi ket agwanta gatang!!makaunget pay ni lakay idi addat idtoy a ta la adda a magat gatang ko...ti hilig na met ket aggatang ti gamit nasalimetmet aya ni Manong Bill?smile.gif

Ay wen a kunam! Di kalman nagsimba kami kami diyay Santa Rosa. Adda yard sale idiay simbaan. Napan kami naggatang ti ay-ayam dagiti kaanakak idiay Manila ipaw-it ko kuma tatta nga bulan. Kunana ditoy ka lang gumatang ngen ta nalaklaka kano ngem diyay Wal-mart. Nagado nagatang me nga ayayam dagiti ubbing ket kaslala barbaro pay. Wen adda ti dakkel nga drum ditoy likod ti balay me. Ur-urnungin me ti recycle dagidiyay lata ti soda saka bote ti mineral water. Tun mapunno ilako ni Bill idiyay recycle counter. Maka- $10 isuna nukwa. Mayat gayam. Idi balasang nak pay lang, madek met ammo ti agurnong. Ti la magatgatang ko ngem di nagasawa kami ni Bill, nagbalin nak ka kermit tin! laughing.gif
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-08 08:39:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (maritoni @ Jun 7 2009, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dean Cain @ Jun 8 2009, 08:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sungarod! apay nga ta nya.....Mayaman tayo gamin yes.gif

Di am aminem ngarud nga kuripot ka Dean?hehe,idi ngarud nagtrabajo ak Riyadh ket mapmapanak aggatang to alahas wenno lupot ket no tumawarak...kuna dagitay tindero nga pakistani wenno sri lankan..Ilocano ka ano?tongue.gif he he ...ammo da pay agtagalog kabasat:))

Nakermit kano dagitoy Ilocano lallalo dagitay naggapo diyay Ilocos Norte. Siguro ket agpayso ngarud ta nu maminsan ket madi ak unay gumatgatang ti nangina la unay. Lalo ni lakay ko ammo na met agurnong saka ag-budget. Nasursurok kanya na kasatno ag-budget. Sa totoo lang, madek ammo!
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-07 19:53:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (maritoni @ Jun 6 2009, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dean Cain @ Jun 7 2009, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ay wen ah...narigat ti biyag tat ta ditoy Amerika. Nangina pay ti gagatangen smile.gif

Narigat uray sadinno kabsat...ngem no nasalukag tay la ketdi ah ket mairaus met a ti

Wen! That's my Maritoni! Narigat ngarun uray sadino ngem kadatayo nga Ilocano nga nagagagit uray kasatno nga rigat ti biyag makaraos met uray kasatno.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-07 09:55:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (Señora Bonita @ Jun 5 2009, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Jun 6 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Señora Bonita @ Jun 5 2009, 06:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello friends,

I hail from Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur, a buccolic community just south of Davao City. My husband is in Corona, Calif. and is a G.I. (Genuine Ilocano) from Ciudad Fernandina (Vigan, Ilocos Sur).

My profile might say that I am a newbie but am not really one. You might remember me as I extend my most heartfelt thanks for your posts in this thread. good.gif good.gif good.gif

I think I know you. Why did you open a new profile? star_smile.gif

Sí, ya me conoces, Marie. My fiancee visa was not granted and now we have to follow the I-130 route as I just got married. Thus the necessity of a new VJ account. Hasta luego, amiga mia.

Que lastima! Pero no lo comprende por que es necessito para VJ account nuevo para tuyo. Buenas suerte en empezar viaje nuevo tuyo.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-05 21:14:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (Señora Bonita @ Jun 5 2009, 06:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello friends,

I hail from Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur, a buccolic community just south of Davao City. My husband is in Corona, Calif. and is a G.I. (Genuine Ilocano) from Ciudad Fernandina (Vigan, Ilocos Sur).

My profile might say that I am a newbie but am not really one. You might remember me as I extend my most heartfelt thanks for your posts in this thread. good.gif good.gif good.gif

I think I know you. Why did you open a new profile? star_smile.gif
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-06-05 20:40:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (tin1980 @ May 6 2009, 04:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Eternal Love @ Apr 28 2009, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Apr 19 2009, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (walls1010 @ Apr 19 2009, 01:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Señorita Tessa @ Apr 18 2009, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (majca @ Apr 18 2009, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am ilocana too...and currently here in Palm Springs, California....
nice to meet u all here in VJ's... smile.gif

Welcome to the club, majca. My fiance is also an Ilocano, from Vigan, and he lives in Riverside County, Calif., just like you. He goes to the Palm Springs area every now and then for the golf and for the poker at the casinos! star_smile.gif

Riverside??? Mag-meet tayo pagdating mo, send ka lang ng private message, dito lang kami sa Fontana star_smile.gif

Hi Lorna & Gregg,

I'm Senorita Tessa's fiance, and I'm here in the gateway to the Inland Empire - Corona, Calif. Wen la, nonto sumangpet ni Tess ditoy, agkikita tayonto amin, we'll have lunch at Victoria Gardens. That's a deal! good.gif

nagkaor kayo metten kakabsat.... kagapgapu mi ken baket ko dita San Diego idi last week!!!! Nabayag to manen bago kami makapasyar dita California.... but anyway....we are looking forward to transfer there....see you there!!!! good.gif yes.gif

hi everyone!!
i was born in abulug, cagayan. my mother's side are all ilocano.. I am ibanag, but i can speak ilocano as well.
my family lives in manila now.
my fiance is from ohio smile.gif

Hello Tin! I am from Alicia Isabela. Welcome to VJ. I have been to Tuguegarao a few times. I speak Ilocano, but I don't speak Ibanag.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-05-15 14:32:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
I was born and raised in ILOCOS NORTE and i stayed in manila for 3 years...
Glad to meet a lots of pinoy here in VJ's medyo homesick n po ako...

Another Ilocano member of Visa Journey. I was born and raised in Alicia Isabela. I am Ilocana.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-04-18 08:21:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 21 2009, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 21 2009, 12:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (maritoni @ Mar 20 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ShaneJean @ Mar 20 2009, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmm... most of y'all came from provinces. can't find any from Manila/QC. huh.gif

Hi SJ,goodmorning:)oh yes most of us are from the provinces,but i many of us lives in manila area,i spent almost my entire life overseas and manila,but i still speak my local dialect though smile.gif



Yup. I was born and raised in the north, (Isabela) but I lived in Manila (Sampaloc and Valenzuela) when I went to college, worked three jobs, then I met my husband and then got married in the United States. I consider myself as an adopted daughter of Quiapo and Sampaloc. Quiapo was my happy place because I always go to Quiapo church mostly on Friday afternoons. Valenzuela City was another home when I wanted the peace and quiet.

During bus rides between Ilocos Sur and Manila many years ago during my college years, I always covered my nose as the bus passed by a certain town in Bulacan. This town could have been Valenzuela or Polo or Meycauayan. I am not sure now but the smell of leather that filled the air in this town is still vivid in my recollection. Rocky or Mj, please refresh my memory, is this town Valenzuela or Meycauayan?

Also, there was another town in Bulacan that was famous for having been stigmatized by innuendos of sexual titillation because it was a haven for nightclubs, cabarets and dance halls. This town is Bocaue, and I am sure of this because I have been there quite a few times before. However, I don’t know if these “hospitality” places still exist in Bocaue.

It could be Meycauayan or Valenzuela Manong ko. Nagado factory ditoy nga ili ti Bulacan. Valenzuela Bulacan is now Valenzuela City. I used to spend weekend in Malinta near Karuhatan in Valenzuela City where my grandmother used to live.

Bocaue Bulacan? Yeah, there used to be a place there where guys can hang out and have fun with the bar girls. yes.gif All I know is that Bulacan is a good place to buy "Paputok" for New Years Day celebration.

Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-22 21:12:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (maritoni @ Mar 20 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ShaneJean @ Mar 20 2009, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmm... most of y'all came from provinces. can't find any from Manila/QC. huh.gif

Hi SJ,goodmorning:)oh yes most of us are from the provinces,but i many of us lives in manila area,i spent almost my entire life overseas and manila,but i still speak my local dialect though smile.gif



Yup. I was born and raised in the north, (Isabela) but I lived in Manila (Sampaloc and Valenzuela) when I went to college, worked three jobs, then I met my husband and then got married in the United States. I consider myself as an adopted daughter of Quiapo and Sampaloc. Quiapo was my happy place because I always go to Quiapo church mostly on Friday afternoons. Valenzuela City was another home when I wanted the peace and quiet.

Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-20 23:15:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (Señorita Tessa @ Mar 16 2009, 06:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mariquita linda @ Mar 14 2009, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here are more pictures from my hometown, Baguio City:

The City

Twilight at Burnham Park

Mines View Park

Wright Park

Wow! Baguio must be a very pretty town. Nice weather, I presume, as the third picture shows people in sweaters and jackets. I have never been to Baguio but I think I'll be there someday somehow. star_smile.gif

Yo tambien. Never been to Baguio City. But I will go and see this place someday.

QUOTE (maritoni @ Mar 15 2009, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 15 2009, 09:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 13 2009, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 6 2009, 10:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 6 2009, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 6 2009, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Marie good evening:)bigat ditoy..and we just had our breakfast, check my post at # 92 it's Elpidio Quirino our sixth president...

To Mj and Marie, dios ti agngina kadacayo a dua. Diego Silang, Gabriela Silang & Elpidio Quirino must be very proud in their graves that we have remembered them!

Mj, I'm sorry that I had to let you to do a little homework yesterday. Marie, I think that your hometown of Alicia was named after Pres. Quirino's wife, Alcia Syquia Quirino. Am I correct?

From Wikipedia:

Alicia used to be the old town of Angadanan[1] until the new Angadanan was relocated in 1776 to its current location near the Angadanan Creek. Alicia is known for its old Castilian architectural church as tourists destination. Passing by Angadanan town on February 12, 1805, Fr. Manuel Mora, OP wrote that "Angadanan has a convent of bricks, though not totally finished. Its church is timber, wood and bamboo. The number of inhabitants is 791." Fr. Tomas Calderon (OP) started building the present church that was inaugurated in 1849 and dedicated to the Nuestra Senora de Atocha, more popularly known as Our Lady of Atocha. The old Angadanan was renamed in 1949 in honor of then President Elpidio Quirino's wife: Dona Alicia Syquia Quirino.

Hi MJ. Kumusta? Wen manong ko. Madik ammo nga nainagan gayam kanya na ti Alicia Isabela. Dios ti Agngina. Ditoy nak nga nagiskwela idi elementary saka highschool (School of Our Lady of Atocha). smile.gif

Marie, do the pictures below bring you back memories of your childhood days?

Ay wen manong ko. Kanayon kami nga agsimba ditoy simbaan ti Nuestra Senora de Atocha (Our Lady of Atocha). There is an elementary and highschool adjacent to the church. I went to study elementary and highschoo here. I remember climbing up and down the belfry with my cousins and classmates when we were in grade school. Ngamen adayo ti balay me idiya ili. Isunga nu sumrik kami ti bigat ket agbalon kami ti pangaldaw me tapno madi kami agawid ti aldaw ta narigat ngarud ti lugan idi saka kagurgurak ti magna ti mano nga kilometro ta nagpudot ngarud saka nagadayo apo. Ti aldaw nu malpas kami nga mangan, umuli kami idiay tuktok ti torre kadwak dagidiyay duwa nga ading ko saka kasinsin ko. Agungit nukwa adiay padi nu makita na kami isunga aglibas kami nga umuli. Tun agsimba kami ti Dominggo, ipulong na kami adiay padi kenni inang me. Ay maungtan kami kanayon ta natangkin ti ulo mi iddi ubbing kami.

Thanks for the picture. This surely reminded me of my childhood memories in this place. The last time I went to this church was in the Year 2000 when my grandmother died.

laughing.gif Sign of growing up hehe naalikuteg ka met gayam idi ubing ka aya Marie:))

Saan men unay. nalaing nak lang nga agkalayat. jest.gif
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-16 10:23:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (neenuh @ Mar 14 2009, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
no fair, i can't follow the thread lol
i will have to ask either my mom or my dad for the translation

i knew i should have learned the dialect when i was younger, sigh

That's okay Neenuh. I was just telling Manong AJ that we (my younger siblings, cousins and classmates) used to climb up and down the church belfry when we were kids, you know, when you live in a small town where public transportation wasn't available all the time and you have to walk a mile or two going to school, which I hated back then. Everyday we packed our lunch with us going to school and after lunchtime, we liked climbing that belfry up and down and the parish priest wasn't pleased at all. So we had to sneak going up when he wasn't looking. laughing.gif And then when we go to the Sunday mass with my folks, the parish priest would tell them what we've been doing.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-14 22:57:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 13 2009, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 6 2009, 10:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 6 2009, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 6 2009, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Marie good evening:)bigat ditoy..and we just had our breakfast, check my post at # 92 it's Elpidio Quirino our sixth president...

To Mj and Marie, dios ti agngina kadacayo a dua. Diego Silang, Gabriela Silang & Elpidio Quirino must be very proud in their graves that we have remembered them!

Mj, I'm sorry that I had to let you to do a little homework yesterday. Marie, I think that your hometown of Alicia was named after Pres. Quirino's wife, Alcia Syquia Quirino. Am I correct?

From Wikipedia:

Alicia used to be the old town of Angadanan[1] until the new Angadanan was relocated in 1776 to its current location near the Angadanan Creek. Alicia is known for its old Castilian architectural church as tourists destination. Passing by Angadanan town on February 12, 1805, Fr. Manuel Mora, OP wrote that "Angadanan has a convent of bricks, though not totally finished. Its church is timber, wood and bamboo. The number of inhabitants is 791." Fr. Tomas Calderon (OP) started building the present church that was inaugurated in 1849 and dedicated to the Nuestra Senora de Atocha, more popularly known as Our Lady of Atocha. The old Angadanan was renamed in 1949 in honor of then President Elpidio Quirino's wife: Dona Alicia Syquia Quirino.

Hi MJ. Kumusta? Wen manong ko. Madik ammo nga nainagan gayam kanya na ti Alicia Isabela. Dios ti Agngina. Ditoy nak nga nagiskwela idi elementary saka highschool (School of Our Lady of Atocha). smile.gif

Marie, do the pictures below bring you back memories of your childhood days?

Ay wen manong ko. Kanayon kami nga agsimba ditoy simbaan ti Nuestra Senora de Atocha (Our Lady of Atocha). There is an elementary and highschool adjacent to the church. I went to study elementary and highschoo here. I remember climbing up and down the belfry with my cousins and classmates when we were in grade school. Ngamen adayo ti balay me idiya ili. Isunga nu sumrik kami ti bigat ket agbalon kami ti pangaldaw me tapno madi kami agawid ti aldaw ta narigat ngarud ti lugan idi saka kagurgurak ti magna ti mano nga kilometro ta nagpudot ngarud saka nagadayo apo. Ti aldaw nu malpas kami nga mangan, umuli kami idiay tuktok ti torre kadwak dagidiyay duwa nga ading ko saka kasinsin ko. Agungit nukwa adiay padi nu makita na kami isunga aglibas kami nga umuli. Tun agsimba kami ti Dominggo, ipulong na kami adiay padi kenni inang me. Ay maungtan kami kanayon ta natangkin ti ulo mi iddi ubbing kami.

Thanks for the picture. This surely reminded me of my childhood memories in this place. The last time I went to this church was in the Year 2000 when my grandmother died.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-14 20:10:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (neenuh @ Mar 13 2009, 03:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 13 2009, 03:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, make sure you eat that stuff before you leave the country. You're gonna miss it. I was lucky to have a co-worker who was engaged to my Pinay friend in Manila. When he came back from one of his visits there in October last year, he brought me a small bag of Tuyo. Took me six months to finish that one small pack. Husband cannot stand the smell and I always fry them everytime he is at work. laughing.gif .

I thought the TSA has become stricter with bringing in that kind of stuff?
Would you know how they got away with bringing in the small bag? Give me tips lol
How were you able to make that small bag last for so long? I find it hard to stop eating tuyo once I start eating it wacko.gif

QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 13 2009, 07:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hubby says the same LOLS,but i still cook even he's here with me,and when he complains,i say ,cover your nose or dont breathe whistling.gif
Neenuh i noticed we are in the same boat... smile.gif

roffle @ cover your nose and don't breathe

QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 13 2009, 09:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tuyo,yum yum!i will have some of 'em this morning matching with garlic fried rice,anyone wants some? wink.gif Hubby would go with the oyster though,too bad it's hard to find fresh oysters in manila,can find them at super market but frozen..

You know what I love with tuyo? The crunchy head, soaked in vinegar
Perfect with garlic rice! :drool:

You can get fresh, de-shelled oysters in SM Hypermart, next to Tiendesitas smile.gif

Another thing the hubby finds stinky is patis (fish sauce) lol
I love the smell of pork sautéed with patis, mmm

Hi Neenuh! I don't know what my friend did and got away from the prying eyes of the airport people sneaking that bag of Tuyo for me. I guess he went through the baggage check like everyone did. He got lucky they didn't notice it. laughing.gif I also keep a bottle of Rufina Patis here. Hubby cannot stand the smell either. I just use the Patis when I make ginisa Mung beans (monggo). Hay masarap talaga ang Tuyo, suka at fried rice.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-13 12:52:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 12 2009, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 13 2009, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Señorita Tessa @ Mar 12 2009, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 12 2009, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (neenuh @ Mar 12 2009, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 12 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Robert Lee, thanks for the Pinakbet. This is one of the favorite veggie dishes for Ilocanos like me. Too bad I cannot eat this in California. Husband says it's "stinky".

LOL @ stinky
Same reaction I get from my husband whenever it's cooked here at home

I haven't had tuyo since the husband arrived (about a year now) because he can't stand the smell lol
I will make sure to eat some before I leave the country

Good morning Marie and Neenuh:)

Hubby says the same LOLS,but i still cook even he's here with me,and when he complains,i say ,cover your nose or dont breathe whistling.gif
Neenuh i noticed we are in the same boat... smile.gif

Naimbag a bigat yo mga comadre!

Here's other goodies if your husbands hate tuyo. The most important here is the Ilocano wine, this will increase their appetites. And the oysters will pep up their ...... !

QUOTE (Tessa In NJ @ Mar 12 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SenoritaTeresita @ Feb 25 2009, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My friends,

Where in the Philippines are you or your loved ones from? We'd be thrilled to know. Also, please provide a monicker or description of your town, city or province, if you could.

We'll start with myself. I am from Santa Cruz, a town just south of Davao City, and otherwise known as the Investors' Haven of Davao del Sur because of so many big enterprises with situs here. My fiance in Corona, California was born and raised in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, the Spanish colonial pueblo that was originally named La Ciudad Fernandina by our Castilian founders, in honor of King Ferdinand of Spain.

How about you?

I am from manila and my husband is from New Jersey. Tukayo pala tayo lol...We are now living here in NJ.

Welcome to the thread, tocaya!

Hola Chicas! Buenas dias. Hey, guess what? They sell the boneless bangus in the Filipino stores in Vallejo. Thanks Senorita Teresita for these pictures. My husband always keeps Balsamic vinegar in our pantry. It's quite similar with Suka Basi. We use Balsamic vinegar in our Adobo. Wow, sarap naman ang boneless bangus na yan.

Hiya Marie,so Balsamic vinegar can be a replacement for vinegar?i only use that for salads,i love the Suka Basi from ilocos though...

Agpada ti raman na met kanyak ti Balsamic vinegar da ditoy saka suka basi dita Ilocos. Naimas met ilaok diyay adobo. (For me, the balsamic vinegar and suka basi taste the same. It's good when you use it in your adobo).
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-12 22:45:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (Señorita Tessa @ Mar 12 2009, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 12 2009, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (neenuh @ Mar 12 2009, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 12 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Robert Lee, thanks for the Pinakbet. This is one of the favorite veggie dishes for Ilocanos like me. Too bad I cannot eat this in California. Husband says it's "stinky".

LOL @ stinky
Same reaction I get from my husband whenever it's cooked here at home

I haven't had tuyo since the husband arrived (about a year now) because he can't stand the smell lol
I will make sure to eat some before I leave the country

Good morning Marie and Neenuh:)

Hubby says the same LOLS,but i still cook even he's here with me,and when he complains,i say ,cover your nose or dont breathe whistling.gif
Neenuh i noticed we are in the same boat... smile.gif

Naimbag a bigat yo mga comadre!

Here's other goodies if your husbands hate tuyo. The most important here is the Ilocano wine, this will increase their appetites. And the oysters will pep up their ...... !

QUOTE (Tessa In NJ @ Mar 12 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SenoritaTeresita @ Feb 25 2009, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My friends,

Where in the Philippines are you or your loved ones from? We'd be thrilled to know. Also, please provide a monicker or description of your town, city or province, if you could.

We'll start with myself. I am from Santa Cruz, a town just south of Davao City, and otherwise known as the Investors' Haven of Davao del Sur because of so many big enterprises with situs here. My fiance in Corona, California was born and raised in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, the Spanish colonial pueblo that was originally named La Ciudad Fernandina by our Castilian founders, in honor of King Ferdinand of Spain.

How about you?

I am from manila and my husband is from New Jersey. Tukayo pala tayo lol...We are now living here in NJ.

Welcome to the thread, tocaya!

Hola Chicas! Buenas dias. Hey, guess what? They sell the boneless bangus in the Filipino stores in Vallejo. Thanks Senorita Teresita for these pictures. My husband always keeps Balsamic vinegar in our pantry. It's quite similar with Suka Basi. We use Balsamic vinegar in our Adobo. Wow, sarap naman ang boneless bangus na yan.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-12 20:19:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (neenuh @ Mar 11 2009, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 12 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Robert Lee, thanks for the Pinakbet. This is one of the favorite veggie dishes for Ilocanos like me. Too bad I cannot eat this in California. Husband says it's "stinky".

LOL @ stinky
Same reaction I get from my husband whenever it's cooked here at home

I haven't had tuyo since the husband arrived (about a year now) because he can't stand the smell lol
I will make sure to eat some before I leave the country

Yeah, make sure you eat that stuff before you leave the country. You're gonna miss it. I was lucky to have a co-worker who was engaged to my Pinay friend in Manila. When he came back from one of his visits there in October last year, he brought me a small bag of Tuyo. Took me six months to finish that one small pack. Husband cannot stand the smell and I always fry them everytime he is at work. laughing.gif .
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-12 14:21:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (Robert E Lee @ Mar 11 2009, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 10 2009, 11:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Robert E Lee @ Mar 11 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 9 2009, 07:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning everyone:)

Wow hindi na mahirap hagilapin ang Thread na ito...naw "Pinapaitan makes me feel hungry!

Here's some pinapaitan for you from my fiancee's hometown of Moncada, Tarlac.

Wow that sweet:)salamat po Mr Lee..does your fiancee speaks tagalog or ilocano?or kapangpangan?

She is Ilocano, as most of the people in north Tarlac are. Her grand daddy's house looks like this, in the middle of the rice fields.

Here's some vegetables for your pinakbet.

Robert Lee, thanks for the Pinakbet. This is one of the favorite veggie dishes for Ilocanos like me. Too bad I cannot eat this in California. Husband says it's "stinky".
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-11 22:48:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 6 2009, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 6 2009, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Marie good evening:)bigat ditoy..and we just had our breakfast, check my post at # 92 it's Elpidio Quirino our sixth president...

To Mj and Marie, dios ti agngina kadacayo a dua. Diego Silang, Gabriela Silang & Elpidio Quirino must be very proud in their graves that we have remembered them!

Mj, I'm sorry that I had to let you to do a little homework yesterday. Marie, I think that your hometown of Alicia was named after Pres. Quirino's wife, Alcia Syquia Quirino. Am I correct?

From Wikipedia:

Alicia used to be the old town of Angadanan[1] until the new Angadanan was relocated in 1776 to its current location near the Angadanan Creek. Alicia is known for its old Castilian architectural church as tourists destination. Passing by Angadanan town on February 12, 1805, Fr. Manuel Mora, OP wrote that “Angadanan has a convent of bricks, though not totally finished. Its church is timber, wood and bamboo. The number of inhabitants is 791.” Fr. Tomas Calderon (OP) started building the present church that was inaugurated in 1849 and dedicated to the Nuestra Senora de Atocha, more popularly known as Our Lady of Atocha. The old Angadanan was renamed in 1949 in honor of then President Elpidio Quirino’s wife: Dona Alicia Syquia Quirino.

Hi MJ. Kumusta? Wen manong ko. Madik ammo nga nainagan gayam kanya na ti Alicia Isabela. Dios ti Agngina. Ditoy nak nga nagiskwela idi elementary saka highschool (School of Our Lady of Atocha). smile.gif
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-06 21:39:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 5 2009, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Mar 5 2009, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (taj'samericanwife @ Mar 2 2009, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 2 2009, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 2 2009, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 3 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nagsisinnarak ti agkakaillianen,pakistan met ti bandera na manong?oppsss sorry for speaking taglish..hehehe

Ilocanlish i should say.. smile.gif

Adda ngata diay Pakistan ti lakay na. I think she is the petitioner and her husband, Taj, is still in Pakistan. Anyway, welcome to this small world, Katrina! husband is from pakistan...yes...pero nasa baguio na siya ngayon with my baby (yup..filipino-american-pakistani anak ko...ganda ng mix ano?) while they wait for the cr-1/ir-1...dun kasi parents ko ngayon and my sisters...AMERICAN BY BIRTH AND CITIZENSHIP BUT PINAY NA PINYA BY HEART ako!


Ganda talaga ng mix. Sigurado ako diyan. How about some Tupig and Chitcharon baboy? Adda pay ngata Ilocano ditoy manipud kenni AJ, RickyMJ, Besame mucho,Tajsamerican wife and yours truly, (RockynBullwinkle).

Nothing much to say about my hometown (ALicia Isabela). It's a rice farming town nestled between Santiago City and the land of the Dy Family (Cauayan Iabela). Ilocano, Ibanag, Itawis and Gaddang are the local dialects. I speak Ilocano only. blush.gif

Manong AJ, did you and Senorita Teresita get married na ba? If so, congratulations! -- Bill and Marie

As far as I know, I'm still an unmarried widower and Tess ain't married nobody yet either! She still waiting for her sputum test results and I hope she gets a clean bill of health.

Empanada, ukoy, chicharron? How about sinanglao and kinilao nga kalding?

There are quite a few Ilocanos here on VJ, I know. Below are pictures of some Ilocanos that I have heard of, prides of Vigan, Ilocos Sur they are, although members of VJ they ain't. I won't tell you their names, but the one on the left was a rebel against Spain and the one on the right was his missus. And the man in the middle, a province has been named after him. If you know who they are, tell us, please.

Diego Silang, Elpidio Quirino, Gabriela Silang? Go go go Gabriela! Wow kinilaw na kalding, nagimas met ngem mas kayat ko caldereta nga kalding manong. MJ, Google it please. I am not sure about the guy in the middle. Thanks.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-06 19:41:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (taj'samericanwife @ Mar 2 2009, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AJAnTESS @ Mar 2 2009, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 2 2009, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RickMj @ Mar 3 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nagsisinnarak ti agkakaillianen,pakistan met ti bandera na manong?oppsss sorry for speaking taglish..hehehe

Ilocanlish i should say.. smile.gif

Adda ngata diay Pakistan ti lakay na. I think she is the petitioner and her husband, Taj, is still in Pakistan. Anyway, welcome to this small world, Katrina! husband is from pakistan...yes...pero nasa baguio na siya ngayon with my baby (yup..filipino-american-pakistani anak ko...ganda ng mix ano?) while they wait for the cr-1/ir-1...dun kasi parents ko ngayon and my sisters...AMERICAN BY BIRTH AND CITIZENSHIP BUT PINAY NA PINYA BY HEART ako!


Ganda talaga ng mix. Sigurado ako diyan. How about some Tupig and Chitcharon baboy? Adda pay ngata Ilocano ditoy manipud kenni AJ, RickyMJ, Besame mucho,Tajsamerican wife and yours truly, (RockynBullwinkle).

Nothing much to say about my hometown (ALicia Isabela). It's a rice farming town nestled between Santiago City and the land of the Dy Family (Cauayan Iabela). Ilocano, Ibanag, Itawis and Gaddang are the local dialects. I speak Ilocano only. blush.gif

Manong AJ, did you and Senorita Teresita get married na ba? If so, congratulations! -- Bill and Marie

Edited by Rocky_nBullwinkle, 05 March 2009 - 02:30 PM.

Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-03-05 14:28:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
QUOTE (Robert E Lee @ Feb 27 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancee hails from Moncada, Tarlac.

Moncada is located at the northern tip of Tarlac, by the Pangasinan province line. Moncada became briefly the seat of the "Philippine Republic" headed by Emilio Aguinaldo when he abandoned Malolos, Bulacan in the face of advancing American forces.

I've been to Moncada Tarlac in 2004 during a road trip with my friends. Nice place reminds me of my hometown. The residents speak Ilocano and Kapangpangan and Tagalog?

Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-02-28 00:09:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
Hola Senorita Teresita! Your fiance is Ilocano and that makes me an Ilocana. I was born and raised in Alicia Isabela, the hometown of the famous and infamous kingpins of Isabela -- The Dy family. For the record, Governor Faustino Dy was the governor of Isabela. He held that seat for many years until such time that he got old and cannot serve the office anymore. His son decided to throw his hat in the gubernatorial seat, but he lost to this radio personality named Grace Padaca. Dy filed an electoral protest arguing that Ms. Padaca is a member of the NPA and the rest as they say is history. The underdog won eventually after a lot of controversies.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2009-02-26 01:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI WAS APPROVED
QUOTE (wayne_erin @ Oct 3 2008, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Guys,

I was approved last Oct 2 at USEM MANILA. Thank you so much for the support and for those people who never hesitate to give out information.

My appointment was around 7am.My fiance was with me on that time so tension eases out.

Pre screener: I greeted her goodmorning and she greeted me back and my fiance.she did asked few questions

My name?
Did I travel abroad? I said yes I went to hongkong
Did I work in hongkong? I said No, I went to disneyland as a tourist
Did I have any previous marriage? I said no and Im still single
Where did we met?
When was my fiance first visit?
I told her that the 2nd visit was this year and he arrived last sept 23rd for a vacation
Is my fiance have any previous marriage? I said no...he is single up to now...(hehhehe)

She asked my fiance if he did bring the affidavit of support. He said yes. The lady asked for evidences like: pictures,emails,letters,chatlogs. I didnt gave her the chatlogs and email but instead I send the card that my fiance sent me which is a bunch of them. She didnt asked for the ticket when my fiance went here... She than told us to wait for finger scanning and wait for the number to show up again to be interviewed from the consul. We waited again for atleast an hour I think..Me and my baby constantly praying that hopefully everything will went well.He kept whispering to me that I will be his wife soon and I will be okay. Thank God he is there to ease my tension.

Consul: I greeted her goodmorning and how is she today. She said she's okay and smiling. (room 28 I think was that..I forgot) My fiance waited outside until I had my turn.

Raised my hand..............
How old am I?
The age of my fiance?
Where did we met?
What is his hobbies? I said fishing and cooking..Than th e consul asked me If I like to go to fishing? I said no..than she joked that I can tell my fiance that to go fishing with his friends and we laugh.Do I know how to clean fish? I said no..and we laugh again
Do I have any previous annulment? I said no and never been married.

I dont know why she did asked me this questions:::hehehe.I think no more questions to be asked but my fiance said it might be a background check. The consul was checking my birth certificate and cenomar

She asked me if I was born in a hospital or at home? I said no I was born in the hospital
She asked me I f I knew the hospital.? I provided the name of the hospital
What age of my dad when I was born? I said 27
The name of my mom and Dad?
She flipped the pics of us and us who was the girl on the pic? I told her she is my sister.She said we look very much alike.I joke on her that sometimes that it was mistaken to be my kid and we laugh...hheehehe
She opened the cards that my fiance sent and read them
When will be the wedding? I said on the 3rd wed of december.and the consul said that it will be a christmas wedding..and she smiled
How does my fiance family feel about us getting married?I told her that they are happy bec atlast thier brother will be married soon
What I like about my fiance? I said that he is huggable and smells good. The consul laugh at my answer and joked on me that she agree that the requirements for having a husband is smelling good.

She than told me that: SHE AUTHORIZED TO HAVE MY VISA APPROVED and to wait outside. I was very happy when I went out in the room to tell my fiaance that everything was okay. We were smiling and I told him the answers that I provided to the consul.

TIP:If u have cards that was sent out to u it will be better because its rili hard copy and I think the consul may appreciate that it is genuine relationship. My fiance is an old fashion one that is why he sent out cards. hehehehe. Pray and pray harder.God is good all the time.

Guys thanks so much for the tips,without this site it will not be easy for us. Goodluck and Godbless to everybody on thier journey

good.gif My then fiance is also a bit old-fashioned. He sent me a lot of silly cards and post cards every week. Mr. postman would come twice or three times a week to our house. He and I became friends. During my interview, I brought a bunch of them with me. I guess the consul like them huh! Anyway, congratulations to you guys. You made it!
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2008-10-03 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescalling husband and wife, please help!
Maria is right. It's just a term of endearment. My husband used to call me Ginang Royal in his emails even though we were not married yet.

QUOTE (Laura+Tom @ Sep 23 2008, 02:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MariaKarlaMabulay @ Sep 23 2008, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My fiance calls me Mrs Beautiful Maria Nonweiler and his signature on his email goes like this:


I print it all like 120 copies of his emails. If they will get suspicious then will find time to read all those email and conduct further investigation. And there is your CENOMAR that will prove your Singleness. In my case they did not ask for any proofs of relationship but i have it all readied.

I dont think you have anything to be worried about, it is just a means of endearment. They will ask you if they get curious about it. So worry no more smile.gif

But he doesn't spell it Mrs on your email.

Personally I would avoid anything that will cause the CO to raise further questions.

Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2008-09-24 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie Here!!
Tell your boyfriend to go back to Mexico and you will submit a petition for him to come to the United States on a K-1 visa.

QUOTE (spookyturtle @ Sep 21 2008, 05:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tsup2 @ Sep 21 2008, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you marry him while he is in this country illegally you will not be able to adjust his status. He will get a 10 year ban and be deported.

Partially correct. He cannot obtain legal status without leaving the US and getting a waiver approved. Illegal presence of one year or more bans you for 10 years once you leave the US. If he gets caught here illegally, he will be placed in removal proceedings.

Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2008-09-21 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescriminal record question
QUOTE (texas101 @ Oct 7 2008, 07:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was arrested for assault 16 years and the charge was dismissed ( no conviction) . I answered no on the 129 because of no conviction. But the arrest record is still there . Would that have any bearing on my K1.....I'm the sponser......thanks

You answered correctly because you were not convicted of the crime. However, you still may receive an RFE for more information about the incident. One of the resons why it takes so long to process the petition is it takes that long to perform the national agency check through the FBI. Good luck on your petition.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2008-10-07 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFew questions?
QUOTE (Devkpaik @ Oct 12 2008, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, the maturity of both people and likelihood of a successful marriage is impossible to judge from the place of an officer working on your file or at the consulate. They're not there to make moral judgements, just be convinced that there is a bonafide relationship and that both people have intentions to get married.

I agree. Not sure where you heard that "maturity of both parties" is a requirement. How are they to judge whether one is mature or not through forms and documents? This is just not true. Also, the likelihood of a successful marriage? They can't and don't judge that. They DO make sure that the marriage isn't fraud and that it's a bonafide relationship, but there aren't tarot card readers and psychics working at the USCIS and the embassy. They can't predict whether or not the marriage will last.

I am also a college student and had no income whatsoever (well a TINY bit when I was working for my friend's dads' real estate development company) and my parents co-sponsored and my fiance got her visa and now she's in the US with me.

Perhaps "maturity" is the wrong word. It only applies when the difference in age is greater than 17 years. Though I never said it was a requirement, (or an immediate disqualification,) it is indeed a consideration. The correct term of art is "capacity", and is one reason for the face to face interview. "Capacity" is the ability to enter into a contract.

The current philosophy "by law" is that the prospective immigrant "not become a public burden". That is the whole purpose of showing adequate income, and evaluating the relationship.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2008-10-13 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFew questions?
QUOTE (sze2 @ Oct 12 2008, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello and thanks for helping me out.
I'll just try to keep this short!

Firstly, is there an age limit for a US citizen to apply for the K1 visa/sponsor a noncitizen? Over 18 I'm sure but is there a specific age for those over 18 where they can't file?

Secondly, I'm actually a student in medical school, so I don't work. My parents pay for they have to send their tax return and co-sign/sponsor? They live overseas now, so they file the minimum as US residents. I don't know what that is [the minimum amount of taxes], but I have a feeling this piece of information may hurt? Can anyone elaborate for my situation? Before they moved overseas, they were in the upper bracket of taxes (40% or more) but I don't think the USCIS asks for previous tax returns, right, just the last year's?

Thirdly, does someone need to be physically in the USA to file the petition?

Also, this is just kind of for opinion, if a noncitizen was married overseas to a citizen and said noncitizen came to the US to visit the citizen and wanted to work there, etc, is the marriage visa the only way to come in? Noncitizen can't come in on a work visa or on a visit visa and change their status? They are already married so it's not like false intentions (ie coming in on a visit visa to get married, which I understand is illegal)

Thanks a lot and sorry for anyone who has to repeat information (don't mean to annoy blush.gif)

There is no age limit, but you do have two concerns. One issue that will be examined throughout the process is the maturity of both parties, and the likelyhood of a successful marriage. Second, without suficient income to qualify on your own, your future wife will need a qualifying sponser, perhaps your parents. You, and her sponser, will be responsible for your fiancee while in the U.S. awaiting adjustment of status, and then for ten years, or 40 qualifying quarters, or until she becomes naturalized.

To file a petition, you have to reside in the United States, or be a member of the Military serving overseas. There are other ways to legally enter the US other than marriage, such as a tourist, a student, or a worker. Each has their own restrictions, and qualifications. Remember, however, that intent is everything, and if the DHS or the DOS suspects fraud, then all bets are off.

For what it is worth, finish school, get a job, and then worry about marriage. If your love is true, it will endure, and you will be in a better position in a few years, to provide for your young wife.
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2008-10-12 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRegarding RFE for K-1 Visa...
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Sep 27 2008, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Scott & LC @ Sep 27 2008, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone smile.gif

I was just wondering... we filed for K-1 Visa in June and we received the NOA1 on 24th June. So it's been 3 months now, the last time they touched our petition was 9th July and we haven't heard from the USCIS since. So I was wondering, how long does it take them to let you know about RFEs? 3 months have passed and we've got no news... so does that mean we've steered clear of RFEs? To those who have been issued RFEs, how long did it take for them to let you know?

Hope someone can shed some light on this smile.gif

Thank you!

First a 'touch' doesn't necessarily mean someone is reviewing your file. Many folks only get 'touched' when their case is actually being reviewed - this is when the case is either Approved or an RFE issued (or denied but let's not go there). Hang tight - your time line has a possible adjudication date which is usually a very educated guess - RFE's and/or Approvals are sent right away when/if they occur. good.gif

Give it another couple of months. No news is good news. The only time you will get an RFE is if your application is incomplete, and you usually get those right away. When your fiance sends the petition to the USCIS, it is first looked for completeness and then the RFE is sent. No RFE just means that you're still waiting for your fiance's agency check to be completed and that can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Good luck!
Rocky_nBullwinkleFemalePhilippines2008-09-27 13:09:00