USCIS Service CentersNOA1 and NOA2 timing
My fiance told me yesterday that he checked the USCIS website and back in May they posted a message saying that theu had a 2 to 4 week delay on sending confirmation notices. I don't know if you guys have heard anything by now, we still haven't. Maybe a quick phone call could be an option? You never know if something just went wrong in the mail.
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-10-29 04:27:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA1 and NOA2 timing
My fiance and I started the process about a month ago. He sent the petition around the 1st of October but we've still not received an e-mail or text, even though we did fill out the form. Through tracking and because they've cashed in the check we know they've received it within a week of us sending it though. I'm trying not to worry about it yet :-s I saw in some people's timelines that they got the NOA1 within a week, for us it's been nearly a month and nothing yet. Good luck!
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-10-26 01:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Who is filing for a Belgian fiance/fiancee??
Hi guys,

Who else is from Belgium? I'm wondering if there's a distinct difference in processing times depending on where the beneficiary lives. I imagine there is, but is it truly that significant and based on where you live?

I just read in a post that someone got approved in less than three months *gasp*. My fiance and I were counting on the "customary" 6 tot 7 months... simply because we literally have a 30 days frame starting May 6 in which to get married while he's in between military assignments. He cannot marry before that because he's abroad on the MSG program (which is how we met). If we get married later than that, when he's already posted somewhere in the US for his last year of service it probably wouldn't be the end of the world but we'd like for at least his family to be there. If we get approved much sooner than we had planned my visa might actually expire before we even have the chance to get married. Say, we get approved in less than three months... is there a way to "stretch" the rest of the process without it negatively affecting it? After talking to someone from the consulate, I'm afraid it might actually go that fast, since I already work for the department of state and have a security clearance, he is in the military and we have a little boy, that already has the american nationality.

I appreciate any thoughts you might have. This website and the people on it have been wonderful so far. I'm so glad I came across VJ!
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-10-12 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill no NOA1...
Hi guys,

My fiance and I mailed the I-129F package on the 1st of October. Through the tracking number we know they received it less than a week later and the check was cashed within two weeks. It's been more than a month now and we've received no e-mail or text (even though we did fill in the necessary document) or even a receipt in the mail to acknowledge they've received our petition. Should we worry? I see so many people getting their NOA1 within a week that we can't help but wonder if something's wrong. We did mail it from Europe so we know we need to allow more time for that, but 6 weeks seems a bit excessive?? What do you think?


cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-11-08 03:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiled Service Request, got a response....not what we wanted to hear

My favorite new tool:


It looks like they have a back-up of 9 months for I-129F cases, and the back-up is getting longer.

I try not to let these posts about backlogs get to me but... dammit. This is insane, why can't they hire more people to make up the difference? If more petitions are being filed, more money is coming in, right? Argh! This is frustrating, it throws everything off, like when to cancel your rent, quit your job, ... Okay, end of rant.
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-02-11 02:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiled Service Request, got a response....not what we wanted to hear
Actually, my fiance is military so I've done some research on this. I'm pretty sure you can only have it expedited if the military spouse is due to be deployed abroad. For example, my fiance will be stationed in Cali for a year starting May. We're about 4 months into the process. Imagine that they tell him that he will be deployed abroad (say, to the middle east) in June, than we could file an expedite request and the odds are that it would be approved. Why? Because if I only get my visa approved in June, than I can't make it to the US in time for us to get married before the 90 days expire cause he'll be gone. I can't wait in Europe for him to be back from deployment either because my visa would expire. At least, that's how I THINK the thought process goes :-)

Edited by cassecouilles, 08 February 2013 - 03:42 AM.

cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-02-08 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThoughts on Government sequestration/shutdown??

I am one of them and the funny thing is they make it sound like its not that much but overall its a 20% paycut per pay period. No one can survive on that for nearly the rest of year.

That really sucks :-s I'm a state employee as well, though I work abroad. Luckily for me, our laws in Belgium protect us and legally my employer is not allowed to force us to take leave without pay. I can imagine that when you have rent, a loan, daycare, etc to pay that it has devastating consequences. I've already made peace with the fact that our original plan of getting married in the US in May will alsmost certainly NOT happen. It really sucks, and I wish it didn't have to be this way, but there you go. There's no sense in getting all worked up about it. The people at CSC are just people too, probably scared and frustrated at what's going on, and are doing what they can. It's not like they look at the mountain high stack of files on their desks and think: hah i'm going to screw you guys over and work EXTRA slowly for the next couple of months. They're doing what they can. I still wish they were doing it a tad faster though :-p
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-04 03:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny data on effectiveness of service requests?

When did you file? and what sc?

We filed on Oct 1st and our petition was sent to CSC. The reasons we cited are financial hardship. I have to give two months' notice at work, they're NOT understanding about this process and I have to be gone by the 15th of May, period. Same goes with daycare. Around the 15th of May I'll be out of a job and without daycare for our little boy. I realise that to most of you these might not seem like pressing reasons, but being without an income until god knows when CSC would have gotten around to approving our petition would have had devasting consequences for me. I can't move in with anybody in the meantime either. Also my fiance is military and shortly after we arrived in Detroit were supposed to move to Cali for his last year but as long as we're not married he cannot request housing for us so we'd have to go to the expense of moving everything twice.
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-06 04:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny data on effectiveness of service requests?
My fiance put in a service request to have our case expedited and we received an e-mail the same evening saying that our request had been approved. They also said we would hear about their decision (NOA2, RFE, etc.) within 7 to 10 days.
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-06 02:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsapproved or denied
Am I the only who thinks it's meanspirited to let the person go without any reassurance at all? Even if it's just to say, we will let you know asap, we might need more information or even just to give an outright refusal. That would seem so much better to me than to be left to wonder.
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-06 02:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMedical Exam
Hi Guys,

I just made an appointment for the medical exam. I haven't received my NOA2 yet but I'm optimistically expecting it soon. Since I have a large workshop coming up at work I wanted to be sure I could fit it in. Hopefully they is okay and they won't say anything about me maybe having done the medical BEFORE I got my embassy packet.
Also.... daaaaaang but 115 EUR, give or take a few depending of what vaccinations you need? If I hadn't been sitting I'd have toppled over :-p

Anyway, what I was wondering is this: what happens if they find something? I mean, what would it take for them to hold you back from traveling? As far as I know I am in complete health, but I do have a rather severe case of psoriasis on my hands, probably brought on by stress. You guys don't think that'd work against me, right?

Just want to get reassured I guess :-)Thanks!

Edited by cassecouilles, 07 March 2013 - 09:45 AM.

cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-07 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsk1 CSC Aug Filer - Senator Response/Updates
And here I was happy that they had agreed to expedite our case and promised a reply within 7 to 10 days. I guess it doesn't mean all that much, huh? I'll sure be glad when this process is over, it's annoying not being able to plan anything at all :-)
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-07 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers

Under your circumstances, you should have filed the I-129F petition earlier because, even if you had received a much earlier approval than expected, you could have delayed your Embassy interview and your visa issuance by having the Embassy revalidate your USCIS-approved I-129F petition for another four months. The Embassy routinely revalidates petitions every four months for up to a year. To revalidate the petition, the petitioner simply emails the Embassy and asks them to do so. Then, when the timing was right, you could have set your Embassy interview appointment on a convenient date without having to worry about whether your visa would expire before you were ready to move.

See, that's the kind of stuff i wish they HAD told me at the embassy, or that I'd read on this website before filing :bonk:
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-04 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers

I got my NOA1 on the 25th October. Have we been hearing of any NOA2s for early October yet? I'm with Vermont Service Centre.

We haven't heard anything yet either, NOA1 date is October 2nd. I just wished we had filed sooner. We waited till October because we had a pretty important timing issue and my fiance was deployed abroad and could not return to the US before May. We could also not risk my visa expiring before we could actually get married (legally he can't yet, he's married to the marine corps). So, when I called the consular section and asked when I should apply they said: oh, it takes about 4 months, apply in October and that should give you plenty of time. Yeah right :-p

I will sheepishly admit this: my fiance called today to put in request to have it expedited. They wrote down his reasons for it and said they would contact us within the next five days to let us know whether the expedite request would be accepted. I really hope it does, yet at the same time realize there are others out there also waiting their turn. For me, the main reason is that my boss needs a 2 month notice, and he already told me today that he had found me a replacement and strongly hinted that I wasn't exactly welcome anymore after the end of April. Same with daycare for our one year old son. Under those circumstances it would be incredibly hard to stay after that if I lose my income. Also, as long as we're not married my fiance cannot request housing for us, so we'd lose a lot of money having to move twice, once for him from his home to the base where he'll be stationed, and then again for me to that same base. We don't know if any of those reasons will be sufficient to have our petition expedited, will be sure to let you guys know!
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-04 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers
Not me :whistle:
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-02-01 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers
Hi guys! My fiance and I sent our petition in on Oct 1st 2012. Last week we had still not received an NOA1 so my fiance decided to call the USCIS customer service to see what's up. Apparently they've already rerouted our petition to the California Service Center and they stated our NOA1 date as Oct 2nd. I don't really see how that it possible since we only filed on the 1st and the petition was sent from Switzerland but oh well :-p
What I mean to say is that if it seems like an inordinately long time since you've sent your petition and you've still to hear something back just give them a call. They're pretty friendly and if they don't know the answer right away they'll promise to call you back... which they do :-)
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-11-14 02:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a
Hello everybody! As you can see, total newbie here and JUST got started on the process. My name is Kimberly, from Belgium and am engaged to the most wonderful man that I met while working at the US embassy here in Brussels.

We started getting the documents together yesterday and what do you know, yup, ran accross a problem already :-p I diligently filled out the I-129F form and the g-325a form and sent the whole thing to my fiance who's currently stationed in Switzerland. He noticed right away that the document has an expiration date: 08/31/2012. I thought maybe it was because I had downloaded it a while ago but could not find a new document with a different expiration date. There is no mention at all of this document on the USCIS website... so I was wondering, is this document still necessary? Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it!


Edited by cassecouilles, 29 August 2012 - 01:18 AM.

cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-08-29 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship
Thank you Celeste that was incredibly helpful! I rather thought that Ian would be sufficient proof in himself ;-)But I guess I'm paranoid and since there's a pretty important timing issue I just wanted to be sure I won't have to contend with an extra RFE. I'll definitely follow your advice on the translation and docs I need!
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-08-30 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship
Hi guys,

I am trying to assemble everything I have for proof of relationship. So far it's print screens of skype, facebook, emails, travel itineraries and hotel confirmations (I never kept actual tickets or boarding cards, think that'll be a problem?), pictures, his orders, etc.

My fiance and I have a 5 months old little boy so I thought to add his birth certificate to the stack because it clearly states that he is our son. However, since Ian was born in Brussels his birth certificate is in French. I translated it once before myself, when we applied for his american citizenship, but never had it translated by a certified translator. Do you think I should when sending the petition? I am perfectly capable of doing it myself as I'm only a couple of classes away from having my degree in translating. By the way, as a benificiary my borth certificate is not required, right? I thought that was a bit strange.

Any opinion is appreciated :-)
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-08-30 02:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTiming issue
Hi guys,

As my fiance and I were talking about the petition yesterday we realized we might have one really BIG problem.

The plan is to file for the K1 now, so that by the time he leaves his post abroad (he's a marine) in May and starts his last 11 months in the fleet I can tag along. However, he won't know until a few months from now which camp he'll get. He could get Hawaii, California or North Carolina. None of those would be an issue. But what if he gets stationed in Japan? I mean he would still take leave and we would both spend about a month in Michigan, get married, start the paperwork. But if he has to go to Japan and my adjustment of status hasn't happened yet, can I go with him or do I have to stay in the US by myself? Would the base in Japan be considered US territory? Argh, it's so confusing :-p

Any thoughts??
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-09-04 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about documents needed once petition is approved
Hi guys,

I'm wondering about the documents needed by the beneficiary once the initial petition is approved. I was checking out the guide but I don't believe they mention those, only the ones the petitioner needs to send to his or her fiance? I'm the beneficiary. Do I need some sort of documents reflecting my financial situation as well?

cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-10-10 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on I-134

Don't forget his tax return, W-2, recent pay stubs. :)

Good luck and God bless.

Thanks! Um... what is W-2?? :-p
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-11-13 06:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on I-134
Hi guys,

Just a few doubts I'm hoping you can clear up. My fiance asked me to make him a checklist of all the documents he needs to get together for the interview. We've only just received our NOA1 (well, Oct 2nd according to the USCIS customer service even though we never actually got anything) but we've been told to begin gathering the documents sooner rather than later. Especially since my fiance is abroad on deployment and needs to rely on relatives and mail to get all the documentation he needs.

This far this is what I think we need:

- A copy of the petition sent to the Dallas Lockbox
- 2 passport-type pictures of both him and me
- 2 to 3 copies of his last or recent pay stubs
- a copy of the I-134
- a letter of marriage intent
- 2 copies of the DS-156 form
- 1 copy of the DS-156K form
- 1 copy of the DS-230 form
- proof of relationship

For the I-134 he needs:
1. Statement of an officer of the bank or other financial institution with deposits, identifying the following details regarding the account:
- Date account opened;
- Total amount deposited for the past year; and
- Present balance.
2. Statement of your employer on business stationery showing:
- Date and nature of employment;
- Salaray paid; and
- Whether the position if temporary or permanent

What I was wondering is this: He owns a house back in the states, which he can mention in the I-134 form. Does he need supporting documentation for this and if so, what? Are his tax receipts sufficient or does he need some other form of proof? Do we need anything else?

Just trying to cover all bases here and be sure I have all the requiered info. Since he placed me in the hot seat by making me responsible for getting everything just right, I don't want to give him the chance to go "Aaaay mujer, you suck at paperwork!" :-p

cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-11-13 05:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBank statement

Wait whyyy do you need a bank statment/?? Do you have to have some kind of savings for you to do a k-1 visa?? I thought all you need was like a paystub to show proof of income?

Check on the embassy website in your country, it might be different. But on the embassy website in Brussels it says you need this:
Statement of an officer of the bank identifying the details of your account(s): date opened; total amount deposited for the past year and present balance.

It's just a quick trip to the bank if you do need it.
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-11-16 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBank statement

Cass, if you edit your Timeline and add the correct service center, you'll get a more accurate estimated date of approval.

If your receipt number starts with EAC it means Vermont is processing your petition, if it starts with WAC it's being processed by California.

Posted Image

Thanks, I did and now it moved from being approved sometime in March to the end of January ;-) Yay!
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-11-16 02:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBank statement

I'd like to know the answer to this as well ... for non-military, that is. (I'm sure the expedition due to military makes things move a lot faster!)

I'm starting to gather my materials for the I-134 and have heard that Chase (my savings bank) might balk about that letter, so I was thinking of going in this or next week to get it started or see if they're going to be nice and easy about it. If they do give me a letter right away in November or December, but our interview doesn't end up being until March ... is that a problem?

We're not having it expedited since we can't risk my visa expiring before he's actually ALLOWED to get married :-) When we started this process we weren't even aware that you could do this.
However, I did call the consulate here in Belgium and they said that such a bank statement is valid for one year. If you do it now it'll be valid till November next year.
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-11-15 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBank statement
Hi guys,

My fiance has started gathering the documents we'll need for the embassy interview. It's very soon but since he's abroad on deployment and needs to het his documents from the states he wants to be sure there will be no extra delays afterwards. we only just got our NOA1.

Anyway, that statement from the bank that you need to present with your I-134 (I think that's the form don't have it in front of me), how recent does it need to be? If it's dated, say today, and the interview is only in March, will that still be okay? Or is it better to wait at least a couple of months more?

cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2012-11-15 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it good enough basis for uscis to expedite K1

If his father is a US Citizen, then the child born of him do not need to wait for a visa.....they are immediately eligible for CRBA at the Embassy and receive his US Passport. Do this if it applies and send him to CA now.

She probably doesn't want to leave her son behind, neither would I. I say try it. They approved our request to expedite and we had much less pressing reasons (just financial ones). You don't have anything to lose and you won't know unless you try.
cassecouillesFemaleBelgium2013-03-07 09:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa
Congratulations! good.gif
greedyFemaleBelgium2007-09-26 10:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionYes!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! kicking.gif
greedyFemaleBelgium2008-01-29 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSent my petition today!
Welcome on board! good.gif
greedyFemaleBelgium2007-09-14 06:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny august filers for I-129F

i have filed my I-129F yesterday at VSC and they have received it today. Are there any august filers and have any of you received noa1 yet? I am hoping that the whole process will be done by end of december. does anyone know if that is realistic?



We sent it today... fingers are crossed...
greedyFemaleBelgium2007-08-16 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally Its Has Happened to Me!!!
Congratulations! kicking.gif
greedyFemaleBelgium2007-11-30 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi-129f approved
greedyFemaleBelgium2007-12-03 04:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYay!!! Received our NOA2 today!!!!
Congratulations! kicking.gif
greedyFemaleBelgium2007-12-03 04:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 APPROVED at CSC!!! - 140 days
Congratulations!!!!!!! kicking.gif
greedyFemaleBelgium2007-12-14 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally, NOA2
greedyFemaleBelgium2007-12-28 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTouch after 4 months of silence
QUOTE (Chad+Lira @ Jan 4 2008, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I smell noa2. Just my opinion of course. Thats how it was for me, touched shortly after they recieved the file and touched again the day before the noa2.... good luck good.gif

I hope soooo much it will be the same for us... wink.gif

Congratulations for your pregnancy! good.gif
greedyFemaleBelgium2008-01-04 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTouch after 4 months of silence
I have been touch again today. My last touch was on August 28. Is it a good sign that our NOA2 is coming soon? or does it mean quite nothing?

I am really scare to hope for something that might not come soon...

Many thanks to share your opinion...
greedyFemaleBelgium2008-01-04 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 APPROVED after 141 days
Really, the Immigration is unpredictable! They touched us on Friday the 4th but no approval emails. I felt silly to check again my emails on Sunday but I was inspired... the email we waited so much has been sent few hours ago!!!!!!!

It says that they approved us on Friday the 4th... I don't know why we received their email on Sunday but I couldn't care less...

Things are moving!

I wish the same kind of touch for everybody...

MANY MANY THANKS to all for your support and advices: it helps a lot! good.gif
greedyFemaleBelgium2008-01-06 17:30:00