National Visa Center (Dept of State)Please help....Affidavit of Support...Income Requirements
QUOTE (hyd617 @ May 13 2008, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yes u should definately ask ur dad to be the sponsor or co sponsor.. he would have to fill out i 864A and u would do the i864.. hope this helps! good.gif

Yes, this helps a lot, thank u so much!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-05-13 16:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Please help....Affidavit of Support...Income Requirements
[quote name='MarkNAshley' date='May 13 2008, 08:36 PM' post='1836426']
What visa are you applying for? What part of the process are you at?? You said your husband is still awaiting his visa but you have AOS? That doesn't seem to make sense to me.

You need to provide us with a bit more information in order for us to help you.

Fill in your timeline too, as it will help too!!

Hello neighbors, I m from Phoenix. :yes:
We added few things to our time line, so I hope that will help you, to help us. Since I m not in U.S. at the moment. I quit my job in Sept. of last year and come here to Bosnia to spend time with my hubby till he gets approved for visa, to travel with me to the U.S. So I have been out of work for a quite some time. I will be his sponsor in order for him to come to the States. Do you think that it would be a problem for us, since I didn t make the a lot of money last year? Should I ask my dad to be a second sponsor, since we live in the same household? I hope this info helps.
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-05-13 14:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Please help....Affidavit of Support...Income Requirements
We got our AOS today, finally. Thank God!!! I m not in the States at the moment, and I woun t be till my hubby gets his visa. Which means that I have been out of work since Sept. of the last year. Now my question is..... How much money do I need to have on my account in order to get approved and be a sponsor to my husband? So I woun t have to ask my parents to help me out with this. Does anyone knows the answer on my question, if yes please, please help.
Good luck to all of you!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-05-13 13:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I864- AOS Bill paid with money order...Quick question
Hello everyone!
Well I had a question about money order payment that we made. We sent our AOS bill to NVC, Express mail on May 16th, and they received it the very next day. When I called the operator this morning she informed me that they didn t receive the payment yet. My question is, how long those is take them to process the payment? Also, I went to Immigrant visa payment center (sign in page) to see if it shows as paid and it doesn t. Now, since we paid by money order, instead of going on line and make a payment will it show as paid when they process the payment, or does this site works only for people who paid on line.
Please help, I m so confused.
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-06-02 17:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-184-A co sponsor question please help me
Yes that is correct girl. No problem, anytime. wacko.gif
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-06-09 08:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-184-A co sponsor question please help me
Yes, if you are only sponsoring your husband, in indicate number line you should put number 1. I called an operator on that one last week.
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-06-09 07:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Coments please,.????.thanks,..
Naravno, na nas uvjek mozete da razunate. Ako mozemo da budemo od neke pomoci slobodno se javite. Hvala na lijepom, prijatnom i na kraju krajeva korisnom razgovoru. Saljemo vam puno pozdrava i zelimo mnogo srece!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-06-25 14:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Coments please,.????.thanks,..
Drago nam je da su ti to razjasnili. Meni onda zaista nije jasno zasto su nama rekli suprotno. Sada se pitam da to zavisi od operatora do operatora. Ali dobro sta je tu je. Mi smo izvadili i ovaj iz suda, pa sta bude. E da jos nesto sam htjela da ti kazem. Sto mi bas i nije jasno. Zvala sam NVC dva puta prosle sedmice i izmedju ostalog dva puta sam postavila pitanje, da li trebamo prevoditi DS-230 dokumente. I oba puta, od dva razlicita operatora sam dobila isti odgovor, NE TREBA. Pa mi nije jasno kako ce oni znati sta onda pise na ovim dokumentima. Jedino postoji mogucnost da imaju tamo nekoga ko govori nas jezik. Zaista mi nista drugo ne pada na pamet. Tacnije rekli su mi, da ako ce moj muz obavljati razgovor u drzavi u kojoj trenutno zivi, onda ne treba prevod. Sta su tebi rekli za prevod? I da li si uopste pitao da li da prevodis dokumenta ili ne? I na kraju da te pitamo, odakle ste ti i tvoja supruga? Pozdrav od nas!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-06-25 14:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Coments please,.????.thanks,..
Da, da mislim na DS-230 dokumenta. U redu je to sto si izvadio taj dokumenat iz policije na kome pise da se ne vodi postupak protiv tebe. To inace pise na svakom policijskom certifikatu. Ali ja ti samo naglasavam da ti treba i iz suda ovjeren dokumenat. Znaci trebaju ti dva dokumenta sto se tice ne kaznjavanja. Licno sam ih zvala i pitala prosle sedmice i oni su mi to potvrdili. Sto se takse tice, zaista nisam sigurna. Jer tamo pise da je obavezna taksa za prethodnu godinu, tj. 2007-mu. A 2006 i 2005 su optional. Mislim da nisu obavezne. Ja bih ti predlozila da ih sada nazoves i pitas da li ti treba court and prison records, i vidi sta ce ti reci. Kao sto sam vec rekla, prosli petak kada sam ih zvala, rekli su mi da je taj dokumenat obavezan. Javi nam sta si rijesio po top pitanju. Veliki pozdrav!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-06-25 13:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Coments please,.????.thanks,..
Cao, i mi smo na istom mjestu gdje i ti. Znaci prikupljamo dokumenta za I864 I DS-230. Primjetila sam da nisi navela dokumenat koji je za njih jako vazan a to je court and prison records. Ovaj dokumenat se vadi naravno u sudu. Trazis od njih da ti izdaju dokumenat koji potvrdjuje da se protiv tebe ne vodi nikakav krivicni postupak.
Zelimo ti puno srece!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-06-25 12:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Ds 230 forms!
No, they don t send DS 230 Form along with the instruction package, you need to download it yourself. In your instruction package that you received, there should be one page with the bar code on it. So print out the form, fill out part 1 and part 2, but don t sign part two (you are only suppose to sign part one). Than attach bar code on top of the form and send it out. I hope this helps. Good luck to you!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-07-28 08:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)interview date
As an operator told me, sometimes they send it the same day or the following week, but sometimes it might take up to 6 weeks. Good luck to you and congrats!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-07-28 08:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Complete
We are hoping to hear an interview date soon. star_smile.gif
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-08-06 14:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Complete
Thank you guys, thanks a lot!!! We are hoping to hear an interview date next week.
Do you guys think that they will contact our embassy next week to schedule an interview for us?

Hvala puno, i od srca vam zelimo da vam razgovor protekne u naj boljem redu. Gdje putujete u Ameruku, mislim u koju drzavu?
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-08-03 07:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Complete
I still can t believe what an operator told me five a minutes ago. "Your case has been completed today"she said. kicking.gif
I have to admit, I m a little lost and exited at the same time. I want to thank all of you guys. You have been so helpfull. And to wish you ALL A GOOD LUCK in this process.
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-07-31 16:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Finally!!!!!!!!
(Not yet,... crying.gif crying.gif ,....I am calling them everyday to find out a interview date ,...they said to me today to call them on the end of the week or on next week,,,I'll call them tomorrow again,....

I have been calling them every day as well. They told me that we will not get an interview in August, since the embassy is booked. We hope to get an interview in September.
Please let us know when you get your interview date. Good luck to you!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-08-08 06:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)TRACK ALL DS-230 TO INTERVIEW
Please add our case to the list: Entered into system- 07/29/08; Case complete-07/31/08; Interview date-09/15/08. THX ! Mirjana i Veljko
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-08-13 16:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Working hours
Thanks a lot!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-07-26 15:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Working hours
Actually what confuses me is NVC s working hours. I was wondering since we are able to talk to an operator Mon.- Fri. 7:30am to midnight, what about those guys who work on our cases,(who enter them in the system, and get our cases complete) do they have a different working hours? For example 8:00am to 5:00pm. Or do they work to the midnight as well? Any help would be appreciated!!! Thanks guys!!!
mirjana i veljkoNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2008-07-26 06:02:00