US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPlease Help! Proof of income for interview

I have read that you can't have a cosponser when filing for k-1. Is there any way he can actually be the primary sponser and me the co sponser.

I'm waiting for my fiance to file our I-129F so I'm not the oracle on this, but you can have a co-sponsor when filing a K-1. I think there's no way he can be primary sponsor, since it's your fiance and not his, but he can co-sponsor provided he meets the income requirement.

Edited by bigsim, 03 June 2007 - 06:38 PM.

bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-03 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
QUOTE (mox @ Jan 10 2008, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well dang. Is she working with a case officer right now to investigate? And did she make a copy of the entire file?

She's not told me anything about a case officer yet, and she's got copies of "the entire file except your biographical forms, which I didn't copy." Can't entirely blame her for that, since they were my forms and I don't have another copy either. I did, of course, until someone mistook them for trash.

QUOTE (mox @ Jan 10 2008, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The fact that she had to purchase the money order should have left some kind of money trail, and might be enough to convince them that there really was an initial filing.

I'll post more if I can think of anything else. Really sorry to hear about this, I hope it can be worked out quickly.

It might. The worry there is that I paid for it, with money that I had on a travellers cheque debit card, and I wouldn't imagine she transferred any money from there to her account before purchasing the money order - I'm sure all she'll have done is withdrawn the money from an ATM, which happened after I'd left for home. There's a real lack of ATM machines in her area, which came as a bit of a shock. Really, everything that could have been done badly has been done badly... helpsmilie.gif

In happier news, congratulations on the approval Bobalouie!

Edited by bigsim, 09 January 2008 - 09:14 PM.

bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-09 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
QUOTE (mox @ Jan 10 2008, 01:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did she send it registered mail, and if so, does she still have the receipt? If she still has the receipt then all is not lost and they will honor the date you sent it, even if they lost it. It's trickier if you have no evidence of even having sent it. Did they ever cash her check?

So sorry to hear this. Let us know how things progress and the resolution. We're all pulling for you!

Thanks for the kind words. Despite repeated reminders, promptings and what have you, she didn't send it registered mail and used a money order. She also appears to have known about this for a day or two already and yet I've only just found out. I can't quite tell whether I'm angry, amused or upset at the minute.

She's apparently trying to trace the money order now, though she was apparently trying to do that some weeks ago too. As far as I can tell, mox, there's nothing to show when it was sent.
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-09 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
QUOTE (lancer1655 @ Jan 9 2008, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well it was nice thinking i was a september filer, but I doubt they'll back date my receipt. Good waste of 4 months i say.

My file apparently doesn't exist. My fiancee got back to me today, and says they can find no record of it being received. Happy happy joy joy.
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-09 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
This September filer is still waiting. How dare they!

QUOTE (mox @ Dec 24 2007, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bigsim, welcome to the thread and congrats! With regards to not receiving NOA1 yet, give USCIS a call the day after Christmas. You should be right at the 90 day waiting period for them to initiate an investigation. Do you know if your check was cashed?

I should check back here more often, clearly. I still have no idea what's been cashed, because a) it was a money order and b ) my fiancee isn't doing a sparkling job of tracking it. I'm not panicking, because I know of enough cases being processed without ever receiving NOA1, but it'd be nice to find out more and I'm still bugging her about it...

Keep your heads up, boys and girls - as has already been observed, time passes by faster than you realise.

Edited by bigsim, 08 January 2008 - 10:52 PM.

bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-08 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hello to you all, you lovely, lovely people. Haven't posted here for nearly a year - I'm in with the September filers too, posted off late in the month but we haven't even received NOA1 yet so I've absolutely no idea where we are or what's going on. I'm the non-USC of the pairing, and I've just driven my beloved to the airport after a fabulous week together so I'm quietly falling to bits and hoping for some good news soon...

bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-23 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie seeking help
Cool, I think I can manage that without stuffing up. I note that the required photos have to have been taken within 30 days of the application filing date, so I'd have to mail those to her instead of taking them with me, I suppose.

Sarah won't be starting her job until after my next visit, so it'll take a little while to get all of the financial bits and bobs we'd need for my interview, should we get that far into it. I'm sure this has a very simple, common-sense answer but I want to check anyway - Sarah lives in a large household but has no dependants. Will that mean she'd only need to demonstrate the ability to support me and not anyone else living with her?
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-31 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie seeking help

My name is Adam. I'm hoping someone here can help me with a few questions that I have regarding the K1 visa and things like that. Tis my first go at posting here, so be gentle with me...

I'm 21 years old and the UK half of a long-distance relationship. I'll spare you the details, since I imagine we're all here because of our love for someone far far away. My beloved is 20 and studying for what she ultimately hopes will become a doctorate. Having looked very quickly into living together either here or in the USA, it seems that it'd be easier from a legal standpoint to live in the UK, but that'd play havoc with her education and so I'm hoping to head to the States.

We'll next meet in May, and we'll use some of our time together to gather some of the necessary evidence for the I-129F petition. Before we can do that, there are a few things we'd like to know.

What can I put together in advance to take to the USA with me and add to the petition? If there are things I need to do for it (the biographical [?] data form and things like that) can I prepare those before I travel and take them with me? Can we apply for the forms now and fill in what we can ahead of time, or is there a time limit between applying and submission?

A little further down the line, we're worried about the I-134 form too. Since Sarah studies and lives at home with her mother, her mother's fiance, two sisters and a niece or nephew on the way, her income wouldn't be enough to fulfil the requirements. I'd be taking money to the US with me but I don't think that has any impact on our application, does it? Anyway, the point - Sarah is considering getting her own place and a spa job once she has the relevant licences, which shouldn't be too far into the future. The spa job should allow her to reach the 125% of poverty for two people. How long would she need to be employed in that role before she could use it as a means of demonstrating support? She'd also carry on her studies with night classes - would that matter?

One last thing. If she's unable to meet all the criteria, we know there's the option to use a co-sponsor. Does the co-sponsor have to be someone related to the petitioner or can any willing person be co-sponsor? We think we might struggle to find a co-sponsor too, so...eep.

Any help and advice you could give us would be appreciated.

Adam and Sarah
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-31 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Conditions - Help A Simpleton Out

I feel I can call you that now, but probably not for much longer if I keep asking daft questions...anyway, to the point.

As mentioned earlier, my fiance doesn't earn a dime at present. Her aunt earns 21-22k or so a year, in a job she's held for two years. Questions have arisen regarding the demonstration of income and financial support, and these questions are being directed at me, and I don't know the sodding answers...

The understanding of it that I've passed on to Sarah is that when it's time to send me the I-134 document, both she and her aunt will need to complete the form and provide the documentary evidence, such as the last three years of tax returns and a letter from their employer. Is that right?

Additionally, Sarah wants to wait until she's employed before filing the petition - will that bring any benefit to us as we move through the process or will the authorities be concerned only with her aunt's income since it's she who'll fulfil the income requirements?

With thanks for your continued tolerance of me,
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-03 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Conditions - Help A Simpleton Out

One other thing that Sarah just thought of, since you've all been so helpful so far - Sarah lives with her mother, who has said she'd be perfectly happy for me to live with them. Sarah's aunt would be the co-sponsor, so it would be her who'd need to commit to providing room and board and all the rest of it...would I need to live with Sarah's aunt for her sponsorship to be valid?


My, I think I love you. Thanks.
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Conditions - Help A Simpleton Out
One other thing that Sarah just thought of, since you've all been so helpful so far - Sarah lives with her mother, who has said she'd be perfectly happy for me to live with them. Sarah's aunt would be the co-sponsor, so it would be her who'd need to commit to providing room and board and all the rest of it...would I need to live with Sarah's aunt for her sponsorship to be valid?
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Conditions - Help A Simpleton Out

I was mistaken. I am not sure how that works if the OP's fiance doesn't make any $$.

Does the aunt support the USC? Or claim her?

My fiance doesn't live with the aunt, but with her mother, so...I'm only a simple man but I can't imagine that her aunt would have to support her even if she's co-sponsoring. Sarah will make some money at some point soon in any case, albeit nowhere near enough to fulfil the sponsorship requirements, since she's looking for new work after leaving her old job. However, I don't know, which I suppose is why I was asking in the first place, so what I've just said could just as easily be quite wrong.
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Conditions - Help A Simpleton Out

The Aunt sounds fine as a sponsor. Remember she just needs to show support (125% poverty guideline) for everyone she is responsible for ie. claims on her taxes (sounds like just herself and maybe her partner) and the

To clarify, then - since she's not married and is childless, she's basically needing to meet 125% of the level for a 2-person household, me and her?

The only other things I can think of as evidence are cinema tickets and hotel receipts - I have mine, but Sarah has the hotel receipts and I don't know that she kept them. Thanks for your help - I'm sure we're all in or have been in the same boat, so you'll know that we're very nervous about the process and keen to do as much as possible to minimise our chances of being delayed or rejected.
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Conditions - Help A Simpleton Out

Hopefully this is an easy question to answer, and hopefully someone will give me the answer I'm hoping for, but even after scouring this place I'm not able to convince myself that I know the answer, so please bear with me even if you find this question silly.

Last weekend I returned from visiting my beloved Sarah in Florida. During the visit I proposed, she accepted and there was much happiness. We don't have rings, nor did we have a party or anything, just a simple proposal and acceptance.

Sarah is 20, I'm 21. Sarah dreams of being a dermatologist and studies full-time, something she'll be doing for some years to come owing to the specialised nature of her chosen career. She does work part-time but is currently between jobs. Her aunt, who is very fond of us both, has said she will be willing to act as a co-sponsor should we wish to file a petition and begin the process of trying to get a K1 visa. Her aunt has no children, lives with her partner and earns in the region of 21-22k a year, which according to the latest poverty guidelines should be enough to meet the income requirement for sponsorship (please correct me if I have that wrong).

I've kept my boarding passes, I've got my passport stamps and there are a million and one photos of our most recent week together we can submit as proof of our relationship. It's driving us both mad being apart from each other and we're keen to get going on this as soon as we can - are we good to go or would something like Sarah's current lack of income pose a problem? Is there anything else you'd need to know before that question could be answered?

Thanks in advance,

Edit: I'm also planning on a further visit in August, and Sarah wants to come to England in the winter time, around Christmas. I know her visit wouldn't be a problem, and I also know that mine could be - am I at risk of being turned away at a POE as soon as the petition is filed or does the process need to be more advanced before I'm at risk?

Edited by bigsim, 28 May 2007 - 09:41 PM.

bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Employment Data Question
Really, boys and girls and others, what I'm a bit muddled about isn't so much the job I hold now (I've had one job. Ever. At all. Even I can list that without messing up, I hope) but the time before that in which all I did was study. Do I need to tell them I studied? Going back 5 years has me at sixth form college (for the non-UK bods, that's the part between school and university) and I have no idea whether I'd need to tell them that or just put 'unemployed July 1985 to xx/yy/20xx or what...any ideas?
bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-17 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Employment Data Question

The G-325A form asks for my employment history for the last 5 years and I'm a little unsure of what to include. That's what I get for thinking the form looked easy, I suppose.

I've held my present position since November 2004, though I was working part-time hours until January of this year. Between September 2003 and October 2005 I studied Marketing at the University of Teesside. Between September 2001 and June 2003 I studied at Hartlepool Sixth Form College, and I didn't take a 'proper job' between leaving college and starting university.

Since I'm not quite sure what would and wouldn't constitute employment, and being 21 haven't had 5 years since leaving university to amass actual work experience, how much of that information do I need to include and how do they want me to present that? I've checked the example form but it seems to assume 5 years of work experience and/or unemployment, and I'm not sure how I fit into that.

bigsimMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-17 00:05:00