Asia: East and PacificWhat type of visa do I apply for?

Sounds to me that you are already married. Therefore you would apply for a K-3 visa.;page=compare

Thanks Lurker!

Another question...

Do I have to move back to the US to file? It looks like I will have to have some type of job in place so that I can show support requirements. If I can file while still living in australia, what office would I send the forms to? Looks like doing away with the DCF has made a mess for people like me who happen to be residing in a foreign country.

I do not have a permanent residence in the US; however, I have used my daughter's address to keep my driver's licence current in Utah.
GuinavereFemaleAustralia2007-02-10 16:40:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat type of visa do I apply for?
Hello everyone! I hope I can get some good advice on how to start this procedure!

First let me give you some background info. I am American, married to an aussie husband. I am a permanent resident of Australia and have lived in Melbourne since November 2003. We just recently celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary! woohoo!

Anyway, now we are seriously considering moving to the US because my father who is 75 years old is in declining health and it would be nice if I could be closer, plus the fact that my adult children are having and raising beautiful grandchildren that I am unable to see . Two new babies have just been added to the family in the past 6 weeks.

What is the best way for me to go about moving back to the US and being able to have my husband be with me and not have to be seperated?

Thanks for any advice you might have for me.
GuinavereFemaleAustralia2007-02-10 06:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi Guinavere! Welcome to the Aussie thread lot's of nice people in here. :)

Wow, another Aussie going to Colorado awesome! Oh and you're from Melbourne too, even better! Sorry to hear about your father but I think it is great that you will be nearer to him and will be able to spend more time with him.

How are you K3ers going? I have been reading your postings and the whole thing since the new rules came in seems horribly confusing and complex! I hope you all hear something soon. We almost got married in Maui last year but decided to wait..I am glad we did now.

Hey I have been helping an Aussie in PM. Her name is Koukla07 so if you see her about VJ say hello to her. She is having a hard time. She had her K1 interview 6 Feb and they gave her passport back but told her she is approved...weird. I am trying to ascertain what that means and have encouraged her to send an email to the consulate and ask what her status is.

Still trying to sell my stupid car!


Hi! I have downloaded all the forms I think we need so that I can read through them and gather all the stuff we need to file. I want to get as much in place before I go back to Denver so that my sweet hubby won't have too much to try and figure out on his own! LOL...It is quite confusing! More so than when I immigrated to Australia. Maybe the US can learn some lessons from the way it is done here! LOL sure would cut down on all the forms and paperwork involved. It was great to be assigned an immigration officer who was keeping track of my application throughout the entire process. And even when he went on holiday, I was notified of another immigration whom I could contact in case of emergencies! So efficient! But then again I have heard of others who have migrated to OZ and had many problems. so I guess it goes to show that not all are as lucky as I was.

My original goal was to file for citizenship here so that I would have a dual citizenship. I would be able to file for that at the end of this year, but I am not sure now how to handle that with my father in the condition he is in. ah well...c'est la vie!

Now if I can just make sense of this paperwork for the USCIS! LOL

Good luck with the sale of your car...hope it happens soon!!

I had to sell my car in the US when I came down I will have to find myself a cheap car when I get back so that I can get back and forth to a job!
GuinavereFemaleAustralia2007-02-20 03:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I will be going to Denver too! It's my hometown, but Melbourne has been home for just over the past three years. My hubby and I were married at the registry in Melbourne and just recently had our 3rd anniversary. I went through so much paperwork to get my permanent residency here in asutralia and the thought of going through it in reverse to get to Denver is quite intimidating. But with my father's declining health and my mother needing me closer, it looks like I really don't have much choice. I so hate the fact that they have done away with the DCF!
GuinavereFemaleAustralia2007-02-19 06:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Australia to move to US

I was wondering if the following scenario is possible and if anyone has any recommendations. I am looking what would be necessary to marry and aussie and have her immigrate to the US.

What we would like to do:

* Her come to USA (I'm a US Citizen) -- get engaged, plan wedding
* Go to Australia and get married (she wants her family there..)
* Come back to the USA
* Live happily ever after.

It might be worth mentioning she already has a SS card from working temporarily in the US. I'm not sure if this helps/hurts. The part I'm most concerned about is the "Come back to the USA." Does anyone know what I need to do so she can come back immediately and then get spousal status?

I am in similar situation except that I have been married for three years to my aussie hubby and I have permanent resident status here in OZ. I am originally from Denver. The steps I am looking into is filing the I-130 petition along with the k-3 visa and hope that it doesn't take forever. In the meantime it looks as if I will have to go to the US and find a job considering I will have to show affadavit of support. That means we will be separated during the processing of that k visa which will allow my husband to come to the US while the rest of the application is being processed. I haven't seen any other way to do it legally. And I am not about to take a risk any other way. As $hitty as that will be to be apart from my hubby...well...I want him to be able to stay with me in the US without the stress of doing something dodgy.
GuinavereFemaleAustralia2007-02-19 22:40:00