Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWestern Union or Moneygram?
I believe that the interview (if required) would be on the sending side but I do not know about any laws on the receiving side.

I feel that sending 600 - 700 USD at a time would would be easier to get done. I am not saying that if they request an interview you will not receive the money it is just an extra hoop to pass through. You say that it is for a tuition bill - Are you sure that they require cash money??? They will not accept a credit / debit card for payment or a bank wire direct to their bank account?

I think that a credit / debit card for payment or a bank wire direct to their bank account would be easier.

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2012-08-21 23:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWestern Union or Moneygram?
I have no idea why you need 3600 USD (It is really none of my business) but to me it is a large sum of money. I use both western union and money gram several times a week. In our business I have many occasions where I need to send money to employees who work in the field. If I send 800 - 1000 dollars they ask for ID but I have seen that sending 800 dollars flags a request for an interview.

We are doing nothing illegal - It is just the way there system is setup - I do not know all the ins and outs of how their systems works but I would try to find a why to do it without sending that much money at one time. Once they have your money you will have to prove that the use of your money is legal if the transaction is flagged. Most all transactions from the United States to many countries is considered suspect and Russia is one of they countries that is watched.

Good Luck

Edited by AL+ ALENA FOREVER, 20 August 2012 - 10:58 PM.

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2012-08-20 22:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWestern Union or Moneygram?
I have used both

They worked the same for me - money gram will save you some money.

I would have the person receiving the money call the local banks to learn which service they work with

It is a must to make sure the name is 100 percent the same as on the passport of the person receiving the money

You should know that if it a very large sum the services will assume you are laundering money - You will then have to prove that you are not laundering money. They will hold your funds until you prove that you are not laundering money


Edited by AL+ ALENA FOREVER, 20 August 2012 - 01:12 PM.

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2012-08-20 13:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChicago POE without speaking English

My wife entered through Chicago May 2011.

She said tell you husband to relax everything will be fine.

The following is what she told me?.

-        There are 2 lines 1 for US CITIZENS - 1 for GUESTS - Your husband needs to go in the Guest line.

-        She waited in the GUEST line.

-        She handed them her pass port

-        She had her immigration packet ready and handed to them when it was her turn.

For her this was all that happened ? They stamped her pass port and sent her through. She said that her bags were scanned but not searched. I told my wife not to bring in anything that was not allowed ? I did not want any problem bring in anything that was not allowed especially with her limited English.

She said that there were many Polish people coming through on her flight. One man spoke NO ENGLISH the people in immigration walked around asking if someone spoke both English and Polish until they found someone

I suggest sending him some basic phrases that he could put on index cards.





These are a few that come to mind that may help him.

Let me know if you have any questions.

My wife said that she would call you husband if you feel he would like to speak to someone in Russian. Of course you would have to send me his phone number to call.

Good Luck

Al & Lena

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2013-10-24 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal Problems
We have not had any fights but Iagree the whole process extremely stressful. The process of filing theapplication for the K1 Visa and just waiting for people who do not know us todetermine if the relationship is real. I cannot understand why they make uswait 5 months. How can it take 5 months to process the application for a K1Visa. I do not think that anyone is looking at the paperwork it just sits therewaiting for someone to look at the application. I cannot see why the wholeprocess should take more then 2 months. If it is a lack of employees to do thework they should be able to hire more employees. If it takes more money to hiremore employees then charge me more to process the application for a K1 Visa butget it done on a timely basis. I cannot speak for other people but I wouldrather pay more money then sit here waiting for someone to pickup theapplication for a K1 Visa and go through the steps to determine if ourrelationship is real (I have idea how they can make that determination based onthe application). Maybe this is all a test that they want to put us through. Ifwe can last the 5 months then it raises their confidence in the relationship.If we are still together, but yet still apart at the end of the 5 months we arethen considered a real couple. We spend 5 - 7 hours a day between chatting onthe computer & talking on the phone each and everyday. It is just extremelystressful to be sitting on the other side of the world from the woman I will bespending the rest of my life with. I am sure other people may have differentideas.

I hope everyone's process findsits way to a positive conclusion very soon.

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-02-06 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAprroved NOA2
Congratulations!!!! - GOOD LUCK - The Hard Part is Behind you now
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-02-27 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot noa2 today
Congratulations!!!!!! Way to go - GOOD LUCK
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-03-14 23:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2
Congratulations - Good Luck with your interview!!!!
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-03-22 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMovement to Expedite VSC K-1s
Is this just for Vermont filers??
Is there a similar program for California filers.
I am a strong believer that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Maybe we need to unite and be heard.
I still do not understand why the process takes so very long.
Why do we to have our paperwork sit for 5 plus months to be looked at?
If this is suppose to be a FIRST IN FIRST OUT process how do some people get their files adjudicated in 2 - 3 weeks and some people take 5 - 6 plus months. This does not sound like FIRST IN FIRST OUT to me.
I feel if it is a NO then it is a NO but to keep people's life in limbo is just wrong.
Why do they need more then 2 - 4 weeks to adjudicate a application???
If they need people then they should hire the people.
If it takes more money to process the application in a reasonable time period then charge me more money. I can deal with a high cost easier then deal with being apart from the woman that I love.
It is a cruel and unusually punishment to make us wait, wait, and wait.
If the application does not justify a positive outcome so be it. I can deal with a NO easier then a I do NOT know.
Let's unite - UNITED we will be stronger then divided - We should all unite as one force united with one goal in mind.

Tell me YES or tell me NO but tell me something.

Edited by AL+ ALENA FOREVER, 18 March 2011 - 01:25 AM.

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-03-18 01:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F VSC APPROVED!!!
Congratulations! - GOOD LUCK!!!
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-03-31 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE'RE APPROVED!!! Received NOA2!!!
Congratulations to you - I hope everything moves quickly for you!!!
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-04-07 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsk1 approved
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-05-07 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved - yes!!
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-05-09 01:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresapproval
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-03-30 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout Attorney.
It really depends on your situation if you need a lawyer or not. Your boyfriend will have to do the bulk of the work with or without a lawyer. Either way your boyfriend will have to provide the tax returns, proof of a relationship, and all the needed information. Unless you have a case that is outside of the norm as jkelly07 has said all the forms are on the site and there are many people here that will point to you where to find the information you need.

Of course if your boyfriend has more money then he needs go for the lawyer. Unless your lawyer has a direct line to MS Clinton or someone high up in her staff I do not feel the lawyer will speed up the process but the lawyer will help to empty your pockets.

Good Luck in whatever you decide
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-02-24 02:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for NOA2


I ask the same question many times every day. Why do they make us wait?

I do not understand why the whole process takes more then 2 months.

We should be able to file the paperwork and as long as the paperwork is complete (NO RFE'S) we should have an answer in 1 - 2 weeks. Then the time between 2 weeks and 2 months when I meet my fiancé at the airport she can say her goodbyes to family and friends - pack her bags - tie up any lose ends. That is it. What are they doing that takes so much time. I sent them my tax returns and pay stubs - They see I make several time the required salary. I provided a death certificate for my late wife so they can see I am legal to marry. They can check my criminal record and except for having a lead foot I stay away from officer friendly. It has even has even been over 25 years since officer friendly and I have talked about my speeding problem.

So I ask again what is the purpose behind this waiting?? Why do they make us wait? If they need more people to process the paper work then hire more people - It is better to pay someone to process the applications for VISA then pay people to be on the 2 year vacation plan looking for a job.

Why are some VISA'S like

Nonimmigrant VISA'S

Alien Entrepreneur VISA'S

Processed between 2 - 10 weeks?

Why does a K1 VISA take a longer time then these VISA'S take to process??

What is the value of making people put their life in a holding pattern for 5 plus months.

I understand that some people have been waiting a lot longer then we have and I am happy for anyone who's processing time was less.

I feel that there needs to be logic and reason in what we do. Where is the logic in making people who want to be together be apart?

Unless we do not meet the requirements that whoever is in charge has set why do they make us wait?

In May 2010 I knew that we will needed patience with each other to make our life's together work but I had no idea how much our future together will be determined by a process that we totally have no control over.

We both are committed to wait as long as it take - That is not a problem.

I hope everyone gets to be with the person that they love sooner rather the later - I also wish to improve the process. For people to call USCIS and be told that they need to wait 5 months plus an additional 30 days for adjudicative review and processing before we can request expeditious processing is not the solution to the problem.

Of course these are just my thoughts

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-02-13 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage before K1 visa approval!
I think that everyone has spelled out to you the facts. I can understand that you have a desire to get married to the one person what you love but to do it the wrong way cause you and your fiancee too many problem to list. I think that you need to find the strength to go through this process legally.

Of Course no one can force you to listen - You need to weight the positive of weighting to get married after you K1 visa was issued VS and negative of getting married before you receive an answer on your K1 application.

I hope you pick the option that best ensures a happy life together with you fiancee

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-03-20 00:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certifcate or Passport?
I think that you should not wait until the interview to try to explain the different birth place. Any explanation that you try to present during the interview process may require documentation to back up your explanation. I think it is better to come to the interview with the documentation ready to present. You will feel better if your fiancée will have this done before the interview.

She can go to her local police department and request that they give her a paper explaining why the passport and birth certificate have a different birth place. If she has a family friend who works for the police department it might be helpful to ask the family friend for help in getting this done.

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-05-08 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion...
You are receiving sound advise from everyone on VJ. Any child of a US citizen is a US citizen at birth.

The February 2001 Child Citizenship Act (CCA) says that a child who is under the age of 18 and was born outside the U.S., and has at least one U.S. citizen parent automatically acquires U.S. citizenship upon entry into the country as an immigrant. No further paperwork is necessary. The parent may request a Certificate of Citizenship and U.S. Passport for the child if proof of the baby's American-ness is desired.

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-05-16 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Photo
Having her email the pictures is truly you best option. I worked for me.

Good Luck

Having her email the pictures is truly you best option. I worked for me.

Good Luck
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-05-23 01:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Dates California Service Center
The current update is that as of 5:15PM 10/28/2011 I became the luckiest man in the world. I came to work today Tuesday 10/29/2011 as I was going through the several hundred emails that I always have waiting for me I found in 1 of my many in-boxes an email stating that we were approved at 5:15PM 10/28/2011


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: WAC**********

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On March 28, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results
listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current
processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check Processing Times.

*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)


I would like to comment on some of the replies I have received and the entire process but at this point I am still on cloud nine. My head is spinning with so many thoughts that I need to slow down before I reply to the comments. I still cannot believe that it is true.Posted ImagePosted Image
AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-03-29 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Dates California Service Center
OK - The way I calculate the time-line today was month # 5 for us. I could not take it any more so I called.

1. I dialed the phone number several times before I got through.
2. I had many levels of phone prompts.
3. I was told that they receive my paperwork on Oct 29th not the date of Oct 18th which was when we received our NOA1
4. Then I was told that all processing dates are just estimates
5. Then she read from her scripts.
6. Then she look up what date the California Service Center is currently processing - She told me it was OCT16. She told me that there are 13 more processing days before they get to OCT 29 fillers
7. She explained to me that a 1 processing day does not equal 1 earth day. A processing day maybe an hour - a day - a week - a month - It depends on many factors.
8. She told me that I can call back do get an update on their processing date.

It was a smooth phone call but I did not really push for more information.

Now if anyone can explain to me why they are not able to process the applications on a first in first out basis

How does a filler from Jan / Feb get approved when Sept and Oct fillers are still waiting - To me it seems like a simple process to process the applications 1st in 1st out.

Is there any reason that they could not display on there web site their current processing date????

AL+ ALENA FOREVERMaleRussia2011-03-29 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible

It is just part of requirements for processing. You won't know if she is approved, or denied, until the end. An form submitted with basic information and a check was all you needed to get to this point. Until the case is actually adjudicated, you won't know what the decision will be. They may even ask for an interview, and render the decision then, or even afterwards.

Okay, I understand. Thank you for your help. I will check in the morning (my time) night your time for any further advice.
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible
that is correct. She wasn't required one the for the J-1 for some reason. Maybe because she had one on file from the first trip to work. I just believe that they wouldn't ask her to get one plus biometrics if she wasn't approved for the adjustment... right?

that is correct. She wasn't required one the for the J-1 for some reason. Maybe because she had one on file from the first trip to work. I just believe that they wouldn't ask her to get one plus biometrics if she wasn't approved for the adjustment... right?
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible

no, i meant for the daughter. was an I-130 + I-485 filed for her, or not ?

In response to the !-130 and I-485, she was not told that she aged out or that she did not qualify. They instructed her to get a medical physical and get her finger prints done and photo taken

this was filed for who, and on what basis ?

an I-485 was submitted for her after her mother and i got married. I submitted the whole family at one time. I am not sure now about an I-130. I don't believe one was necessary.
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible

The I-130 and I-485 is typically submitted together
one is adjusting for a green card,
after marriage,
regardless of current or prior visa type,
when one is IN the USA.

Please tell us on what basis these two forms were filed?

we submitted the I-485 immediately after we got married. I believe the I-130 was submitted with the I-129F.
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible
It is night time here. I don't want you to think i am blowing you off but it is past my bedtime. Thank you for the advice. I will pursue USCIS tomorrow and if need be the DOS. Thank you again. I will check in the morning for any further advice.
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible

decribe more about the I-539, specifically if to extend something or to change to immigrant status.

The I-539 was a form requesting a change of visa status. There was no avenue to try to change her from the J-1 visa to any other visa. We really should not have even submitted it.
In response to the !-130 and I-485, she was not told that she aged out or that she did not qualify. They instructed her to get a medical physical and get her finger prints done and photo taken. The rest of the family only had to get finger prints and photo. This tells me that she is still in the process of the package for that.
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible

I am confused a little then. If she was eligible under the 129F when it was submitted something i have confirmed several times with USCIS would she age out. They agree that as long as she was 20 at the time of filing that she is eligible. Sorry I get the I would be the sponsor not her Mom. :) She was not denied anything until she filed the I-539. She has received letter instructions for the continuation of the I-485

There was nothing to do to get her into the states on the I-129F because she was already there. She is however still part of the I-129F package that was approved. From what i can see on the passport and I-94 there is no H.R.R on it. You will have to forgive me, i am not at home. I work in Afghanistan while my family is in Lubbock. My wife looked and saw no H.R.R on any part.
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible

the mother wouldn't be the sponser on a K-2 - that would be YOU.

She's aged out for K-2, and even an I-130 that you file won't be eligible ..

Since no K-2 stuff was done at the IV Unit in Manila, you might want to revisit the option of her marrying her boyfriend asap , filing for Adjustment of Status,

DO STUDY the J1 visa stamp, let us know if anything there with 'H.R.R.' printed, and if so, write back to us , here, the entire line containing 'H.R.R.'

I am confused a little then. If she was eligible under the 129F when it was submitted something i have confirmed several times with USCIS would she age out. They agree that as long as she was 20 at the time of filing that she is eligible. Sorry I get the I would be the sponsor not her Mom. :) She was not denied anything until she filed the I-539. She has received letter instructions for the continuation of the I-485
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible

Any lawyer that suggests marriage for immigration benefits should be reported immedately

I understand it would be a way out, but i honestly believe i am right on her still being in country legally under the I-129F
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible
I am sorry but i thought i had better add that through out this process, prior to the letter pertaining to the I-539. The daughter had received a letter telling her to submit a physical since she didn't get one like the rest of the family and a letter to get her biometrics done just as the rest of the family received. If she did not qualify for this wouldn't they have just sent the letter of denial?
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild 20 submitted on I-129f, already in U.S. on J1 and turned 21 and now being told not eligible
I submitted and I-129F package for my now wife, then fianc'e. Her oldest daughter was 20 at the time the package was submitted. The rules state that as long as the child was under 21 when package was submitted she is eligible to be approved. The oldest daughter at the time was already in the states working under a J-1 temp work visa. She turned 21 a couple of months after the package was submitted. I have asked at every stage if she was still approved to be part of the package even though she was already in the states and would be 21 before it was approved. USCIS assured me multiple times that she was. The I-129F was approved in the first part of November. When going through the process nothing had to be done for the oldest because she was already in the U.S. legally. Therefore she did not require a K-2 entry Visa. Once my fiance' and the rest of the children arrived we of course got married and i filed all the documents to adjust everyones status. I discussed with USCIS what i needed to do about the J-1 status of the oldest daughter, they said that even though was not no way to adjust the entry visa from J-1 to K-2 to submit and I-539 anyways just to buy the time needed for the other to run its course.

If the I-129F approved for her to be in country under the fianc'e visa does the J-1 visa even apply anymore?

The letter we received pertaining to the I-539 stated that she terminated her job before the contract was up and had no status to be in the US. They stated because she was 21 she did not qualify under the K-2 visa either and that she needed to depart the country immediately. What neither her Mom or I knew, about 2 weeks after the I-29F was approved she resigned her job and went to live with her boyfriend. She told us she was transferred there. To help matters she is now with child and they want to be married.

I found on one of your forums that once the I-129F is approved for that person to be in country that no matter what legal means they were in country that they were authorized to stay even if that visa had since expired.

A lawyer i have consulted states that the best way out of this is for her to get married immediately. I disagree because now would make him her sponsor, not her Mother. If they divorce in a year it will be a fraudulent marriage and she will be deported. Where if she truly is authorized to be in country under the I-129F. She would be sponsored by her Mother.

If anyone has any advise on this i would greatly appreciate it. I will call USCIS on monday morning to discuss this and see if this holds true or not.
jredwards1960Not TellingPhilippines2013-03-31 09:53:00