Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
Hard to turn away from an adventure...but it all comes crushing down upon you wen you start missing your mates back home....and they miss you grad degree's in commerce....10 years experience in the industry plus miliatry experience but Im not a us citizen and that goes against you damned if Im working for under 100k....was on 150k back unless I head to NYC to work....I dont have a lot of decent opportunities 60k savings is gone in getting over here and I cant even afford a ticket to go back home for a week or international management degree, and my international working experience that I have through working in another country apart from australia isnt really cutting it here...

Yeah....sweetheart is worth being with...but you gotta have a big think guys about coming over here....I suggest bc australia is doing so well these days....that your better option...if you future spouse STAY IN OZ.......sometimes it isnt an option....but if it is....then look into it BIG TIME...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-11 15:22:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
Yeah guys thanks for your comments, but this is going out to those Australians contemplating migrating to USA....

Some things need to be done before you leave....and if you havnt left then ask yourself...should you reconsider leaving the ONLY COUNTRY IN THE GLOBE THAT HASNT BEEN AFFECTED BY THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISES....

Yes there is great opportunity in the USA but so there are too in Australia....

It costs a lot of money to come over here to live and I just wanna help others to make the process easier....whilst the process of K1 CR1 ETC is covered....what about the other stuff....?

I have a huge network of aussie friends over here....and would be more than happy to get their views on any question i cant help with....-

Yeah guys thanks for your comments, but this is going out to those Australians contemplating migrating to USA....

Some things need to be done before you leave....and if you havnt left then ask yourself...should you reconsider leaving the ONLY COUNTRY IN THE GLOBE THAT HASNT BEEN AFFECTED BY THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISES....

Yes there is great opportunity in the USA but so there are too in Australia....

It costs a lot of money to come over here to live and I just wanna help others to make the process easier....whilst the process of K1 CR1 ETC is covered....what about the other stuff....?

I have a huge network of aussie friends over here....and would be more than happy to get their views on any question i cant help with....-
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-09 12:45:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
For all those who are busting their buts to get to the USA to live....please rethink for just a minute.....could you both migrate to Australia?

Its just that this country is in a recession....meaning, not enough jobs etc..(although on the plus side the houses are cheap...but banks arent lending)

Where as Oz is not.....many more jobs and I believe the country and lifestyle is much more healthier.

Do I regret coming over here....well yes....but no...

eventually my husband and I will move back to Oz, but in the meantime....we are here and I just wish I had of left Australia making sure I had dotted the i's and crossed the t's - instead of rushing off to fit with the timings of the K1 .... hoping when we move back Australia will still be in its boom time....

And....Im sure, my husband and I would have been much better off financially if we had of migrated to oz, rather than here....

There are a number of little issues you will have to deal with once you move from the other side of the world to here..(and worth thinking about NOW...NOT ONCE YOU MOVE)...for an example prepare for going for your learners and licence all over the road rules book for the state your moving to....banking oz and cards Oz....debit cards...

Feel free to ask me any questions should you want a bit of help with before your big move.....Im not doing anything these days....& would love to assist you guys...cheers B-) :dance: :dance: :dance:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-09 11:57:00
Australia and New ZealandApproved!!!

Its annoying to have to fly yourself and 3 kids down to sydney for 10 mins BS - not sure how much it cost you but for me....the whole trip was over 2 grand....and they didnt want to see ANY PICS EMAILS OR SUCH STUFF....could have done the same thing over the phone or skype

anyway.....when you get over here...youll have more mucking around to do.....more money to pay....its ridiculous. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-03-29 12:12:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Passport & Name Change process
Update on the above....I thought I would include the costs involved.

You will need to get your identifying papers photocopied and get a notary to sign them stamped with the true and certified copy notice...but here in the USA the law states that the Notary has to photocopy the required documents himself. So an extra 15c per copy. Therefore, Photocopying and 2 notary seals, plus a witness of my signature on the VIC BDM form. = $12 I got all this done at the local UPS store

Postage to Vic - UPS Express - I need this URGENTLY FOR WORK..= $68.00

Aussie Consulate in Washington DC gave me their fax number and an email address, to include with my notes to Vic BDM. They told me to write a written request to BDM to either email or fax the new birth certificate through to DC from Melbourne which will allow Consulate to start processing my passport expediting the proceedure significantly. But, they wont start until you submit your PC8 application along with required documentation and MONEY to DC first. (saves waiting 7 days for the Birth Cert to be posted back to USA) VIC BDM charges $10 extra for the fax. You must request this in your explanation notes to BDM. Consulate suggests you ask BDM to notify you before they fax the certificate so you can then organize your money and passport form to them so that it all gets to embassy together....(im too scared to ask BDM to do that for fear they'll charge again)

Vic BDM charge $93 for the processing of a change in name + $80 extra if you need it processed in 5 working days compared to 30 days? then $26.50 for the new birth certificate, and another $14 for the postage of the certificate back to the USA.

Aussie Consulate/embassy love to charge as well. The new passport is going to cost me around another $235 and 10 days to process. Or pay an extra $108 and it will be ready in 2 days. The consulate mentioned they could post it out or I can drive down and pick it the time they said $15 bucks extra for postage, I think I was going into cardiac arrest, over the whole expensive exercise.

Mind you if you get your passport changed within 12 mths of marrying there is still no $235 charge. - at this stage - I wonder how much longer that offer will last

I would strongly advise everyone to try and AVOID ALL THIS, If you can. Not sure how, but If the Vic BDM doesnt recognize the USA marriage cert...then maybe you can get re-married in Australia next your visiting... or simply dont change your name to your husbands!

btw...I just tracked my documents with the 68 buck express postage with UPS and they have arrived in Hawaii as of 1pm today...not bad for posting them at 6pm last night....being that its a 9 hour flight from Hawaii to Melbourne....I doubt they will arrive in time for Vic BDM COB Friday arvo :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2013-02-21 13:32:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Passport & Name Change process

Thanks LynJer!

I believe the change has come about due to people changing their names in an attempt to hide from debt. Now the rest of us get to pay for it.

Well yes you would think that...but from what I was told off a GOVT official dealing in this stuff, they did it as a result of a large underworld crime syndicate that was established out of the Asian idea how that correlates to only Women having to go through this exercise everytime we marry overseas - but whatever.... Apparently it was only recently that the Consulates had the ability to read USA marriage certificates and USA Govt issued ID, Im buggered as to why they cant do that anymore....

anyway....I will keep you posted as to what occurs next....

PS....the entire process is even harder should you have had any criminal record on file....or youve got a court appearance due for what ever reason....(even family court) a complete credit history on names previously used and the one you use now was just the minimum....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2013-02-20 12:44:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Passport & Name Change process
OK....Thought I would add some horrible news regarding passports for those who are Australian Citizens born in the state of Victoria, AND married here in the USA.

In order to change your name on your Aussie passport - to match your husbands you will, as before, still need to apply to VIC BDM, completing the 'change of name' form which will result in a new birth certificate with your new married name and this is presented to the embassy for processing. They can then get you your new passport.

HOWEVER, only in the last few months, VIC BDM have altered their forms and the wording is misleading. (thats VIC BDM words to discribe it...not mine)

If you havnt been married before, and if your passport is simply going from your maiden name to your new husbands may not cause you too much heartache....but if you have had a husband or two before prepare yourself for Q 18 through to ignoring the question regarding 'have you ever been known by any other name in AUstralia and overseas' Because if you answer YES will need to supply a complete credit history on all names used and you will need to obtain these reports yourself and they COST $60 bucks each. (and you need an aussie licence and address to get them)

I have since got it in writting that the wording should read FORMAL name change...not name change by marriage....apparently VIC BDM sees that as different???

I was told to write a note referring to this question on a separate piece of paper acknowledging that I have been married and to include all copies of marriage certificates and divorce decrees.

Im still going through this ardous task, so Ill update further information as it comes to hand.....BUT, as of this other state have altered their process, however, be warned... watch this space....I would get in and change your passport name NOW...or as soon as possible, especially if you know you HAVE to do it....I need mine altered for work...otherwise I would be leaving it in my married name....

and yes...I cant help feel discriminated in some way with this whole process - I dont see too many men having to go through it! :devil: .
lynJerFemaleAustralia2013-02-20 10:59:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Passport & Name Change process

I tried to figure out how to change my name in Australia without actually physically going there, and it's all too complicated for me... I haven't travelled anywhere since I was married five years ago, and I can't afford to anyway. My Australian passport expires later this year, and I just won't have one until I get citizenship and can get a US passport. It's not the way I would have chosen to do things, but they essentially tied my hands because of their irrational fear of the evildoers who were flooding the system with marriage-related name-change requests (NOT!)

The name change BS thats going on in Australia at the moment has gone beyond all logic....As I couldnt get a marriage certificate quick enough...even though I could produce a divorce cert...I had to change my name by depoll back to my maiden name....hahah

my sister in law who married over 30 years ago in PNG when it was still a territory of Australia....was told the Australian Govt didnt recognise the marriage and she wasnt able to get her passport...(it had expired) she too had to change her name by depoll....

Talking with the Queensland transport the other day...they told me that I only need provide verification and proof that I will be out of the country when my licence expires which will allow me to renew for up to 10 years....however....I get a sticker to put on the back of the licence and in some countries this sticker is not acceptable....????

Just wondering if this has caused an issue in the usa at all?

And.....I have to go for a new licence when I get to Delaware which includes a driving test and written my aussie licence is not recognised after 60 days....NOTHING UPSETS ME MORE THAN THIS.....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-06-18 18:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)VWP approval after B2 visa denied

My gorgeous hubby and I agonized over who goes to which country for over 20 something a nutshell...

Aussie Govt dont really care if you are married or if you can prove 2 years living guys are a bank account in joint same address??? Or any other documentation....that will help you...

I have been told that if you are married then apply to USGovt for the married spousal visa you GET PRIORIOTY OVER THE K1....

If I had my time again....I would get married in Aust - for you aussie family members... and then visit under the visa waiver to the USA when you can whilst awaiting the visa ####### to be completed....or await the 2 years after marriage and apply for us status...apparently its easier....heaps of jobs in australia....GO TO THE MINES....bulk money to be had there while you await the 2 years....

AOS from VWP can occur....there has been some on this web site that been here illigel for over 3 years...and after being married for 3 years did their AOS and its a bit of a 'no worries' heres your 10 year green card'....but stressfull that would be.... :blush:

Im not a fan of k1....its been a big expensive load of waste of my life....

Good Luck....keep me informed what you ended up with.....cheers.
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-04-14 09:51:00
Asia: East and PacificHow do I let my country know I'm married
Hey....I got married just over a week ago too....Congrats and Cheers...

I was thinking the same thing and asked an official here who said 'just make sure you carry a copy of your wedding certificate with your maiden name passport and make sure your ticket is in your maiden name (name on passport) if you travel anywhere'. Yes cos your visa will be in your married name stuck in your maiden name passport...but THATS OK....not even questioned they told me....but if it is you need to carry your wedding cert and show them so they can see the link.....

my SSN is in my new married name too....

I had to prove who I was the other day and just showed my aussie drivers licence and wedding cert and all was fine....

Oh, by the way, Aussie Births Deaths and Marriages say that its easier to change your name by the old depoll way than to go through the right process of providing heaps of proof......I did that to go back to my maiden name from a previous marriage....i think it was going to work out quicker as it only took a week rather than the 21 days or something like receive a new Birth you go to do the name change thing....check that way out sister in law did that too after her and my brother married in PNG....something about not recognising the celebant or some crazy rubbish....

ummmmm.....FREE???? wots this???? no pay for passport next year???? hows this work?

I also want to do this I am from NSW and rang Embassy in Atlanta and he said if I want the free one to wait 12 months then passport is free. But if needed urgently then yes change of name has to be done through BDM back home and apply now. AM going to wait as wont be going back home for a while.


wots this? something is free???? please explain????

lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-10-20 10:13:00
Asia: East and PacificMedical exam time but now a problem!
I know exactly where you are coming from...I had similiar issues not on me but for my kids....

Medicare have some innoculations listed...but they are updated once and a while and records only go back as far as 96....or some #######...then you have to apply to the state health department....then each time you apply you have to wait for a pin or something...then I thought I would go to the school and they told me that they are unable to keep health records as they are a school not a medical department...


I think the receptionists at your local GP should be able to obtain your records for you.....or what about the local pharmacy....if they can check on druggies like they do...then why not innoculations records....???

lets hope australia can get this fixed....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-01-04 11:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Traveling to Melbourne, Australia
Look around StKilda beach area as thats just a tram ride to the city and your right by the beach should you be going in the next few weeks - come may not want a beach but the restaurants down there are still good.

Totally suggest as an alternative DOCKLANDS...There are many attractions, trams, great railroad - little walk to casino...but I love Docklands...we stayed at the apartments right next to the Dome (footy stadium) about 80 bucks a night...and you can cook in them....but BOOK NOW AS THEY BOOK UP QUICK WHEN A GAMES ON....

Docklands is a walk to city as well....

aawwww wish I was going....I was born in Melbourne so I know it well....(a drive to Inverlock may be something you cld do = drop in and see philip island and the penguins)
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-04-04 10:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe dont have pictures and we haven't been to each other's country

you make a lot of ASSumptions in your post but maybe the first bolded line says why...? perhaps you have doubts in your relationship, but please dont project those onto us becasue we do not have doubts about belonging together. I am not "young" nor am i stupid...

as for the second bolded statement, well ma'am, that was just plain evil of you.

so exactly what IS a "proper ceremony"... done in YOUR religion's way because that is the only way? amazingly enough many people get married every day without ""ceremony" or co-mingling of the sexes. welcome to the real world... maybe YOU should read up on it.

Perhaps the real world would suit you better if you migrate to pakistan might be a lot easier...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-08-06 19:20:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe dont have pictures and we haven't been to each other's country

i am so stressed out reading all these forums and seeing AP after approval and denials and such... really need things to go smoothly, we have been waiting so long before filing, but his education is now completed and i have had many health issues so really need him to get here quickly!

one thing i keep seeing listed as a necessity is photos of the wedding. we have none. we got married via phone and even if i had been there in person no photos would have been allowed. his family was mostly there, father and brothers, though mother of course was not allowed to go to mosque.
we have our nikah nama (notarized by ministry of foreign affairs), have marriage registration certificate/number (where it is filed with govt) and have a city court judge affidavit as well.

as for proof of ongoing relationship, before we were married we had many phone calls and many yahoo calls (thankfully free, i dont know what we would do without them! we would go crazy!!) and since marriage last year we have had a call plan on home phone for when internet is down (500 minutes a month that we usually go over = NOT good!) as well as cell calls for emergency or when i'm out of home if i am missing him too much (way too expensive) and of course free yahoo calls every day pretty much 16+hours a day on days i'm home (ok we are weird but soemtimes we even nap "together" :) we cant stand to be apart!) and some days less if we're fussing or are outside home.
thankfully i have multiple computers/laptops and can set him up wherever i am in house and we spend time together like that... he uses bluetooth on his end so he also isnt tethered to computer. most days it's like he is right here except he just isnt :(

anyway, we have no plane ticket stubs, no pictures together (neither of us are wild about photos in first place so wouldnt have any, or many, even if i were there)... neither of us have many photos in general!
he is part of our every day life, he guides and counsels our child (my child from previous marriage, divorced in 2003) and he is such a support to me daily.

his tourist visa was denied last year, to come see me in person before we married, and i cannot travel there due to health issues (although if i could have i dont think it proper for me to travel there alone before we were married but at this time i would travel there alone if i had the finances and health!)
it kills me to think that this might mess up our immigration visa because we've never been physically together yet :crying:. it was a sacrifice we were willing to make but now i am so afraid this will cause a denial!

i DO have a letter from my doctor stating i cannot travel (written last year and could get an updated one for this year if needed) and he has the visa denial (they didnt believe he had enough holding him there to return to Pakistan after the visit but he would not have risked his education when he only had less than a year to go!!)...
would that be sufficient 'proof' to them why we have not been to each other's countries?
if you have any other ideas of things we could use as proof of marriage/ongoing relationship... we have our feelings but those cant be shown on paper :(

You know what...maybe Im old and have a bit of logical wisdom...and maybe Im just still shaking my head over things that happen in this world but at the end of the day....I worry about young men and young women throwing their lives away over some one they havnt met, someone that they only see over the internet...understandably the internet is good in one get to know someones personality through many chats, phone calls are great as someone whispers sweet nothings in your ear...but its not until you get to be next to them walk around, see how they clean they are...or how dirty they live, meet their friends, their family - let you be part of their lifestyle etc....If you were in control of visa's you would have to use your hunch and your sense and some times making decisions about who goes and who doesnt is protect the person leaving and the US Citizen....

Im about to leave my life to migrate to USA and its not a nice going to miss so much about my life and I know ill be back to australia but Ive loved this man for so long so I know where I need to be...Ive looked at everything from every angle and made my decision....

Dont make your mind up over someone you havnt spent some face to face time up on long distant relationships via net or via a book and they all say one put your best side up when your together for the w/end, day, etc...your prospective partner never gets to see your bad day you will get to see his/her bad side...then how will you react.

Right now this partner/spouse of yours is a figment of your the sense that you have designed him/her in your mind and in reality....he/she is not like I hope and pray your visa will not be approved to save you and your spouse from doing some thing you may regret....the answer will protect both your lives....

hmmm....married over the phone....I wouldnt mind doing that...then doing a proper ceremony later...

sorry If ive upset you with this...I didnt mean to...but I just want you to have a real relationship...not a cyber one...cos right now...thats all it is...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-08-06 17:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUS citizenship but remain living in Australia?
G'day and congratulations.....I am over here in the USA and my American Husband and I plan to move back to Australia one day and he too plans to be an Aussie Citizen as for us....we believe we should both be Dual Citizens....

I have read a few bits and pieces re migrating to Australia in conjunction with coming over here, and noted that there was this (married properly for 2 or 3 year period) which granted you an easier passage...or something like that...and that was both ways....

Except Aussie Govt allowed 'living together' time to be used as part of your 2 or 3 years tenure.

Centrelink has new laws which apparently are world wide...YOU CAN ONLY BE A RESIDENT OF ONE COUNTRY AT A that being said, unless you are posted on official business in like a USA compound OS your residency must be served here in the usa.

My husband is a marines vet too....I was Aussie Army and no special treatment came our way at all....I may as well have served on the communist red army for all the officials cared.

Good luck and I hope your aussie male friends aernt giving your husband too much ######, like they used to do to mine when we were both living there.
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-09-26 12:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRFE at interview.

So I went to the Sydney consulate, and fist checked in all the documents with the gentlemen at the counter.
He took everything. looked pleased and handed it back. I also saw him stamp an approved form. He said you'll have to pack warm seeing as Chicago gets really cold. And then he said oh congratulations *big smile also*.

But then when I came to the actual interveiw things were fine until the consulate asked when i'd last seen my hubby. I explained it's been since dec2008 because firstly i got denied a visitors visa and then couldn't use the visa waiver to go visit him. And then we were waiting for the fiance visa to come through so we decided to wait on that.
Vick also changed jobs during that time so he couldn't take vacation time and then later wanted to save it for the actual wedding.
I was really nervous and I think I looked it too.
She also went out of her booth to complain to the gentelmen about the approved form in the file. *#######*

I brought maybe about six photos with me, two letters and a birthday card but she didn't take it.

initially she just wanted information that we've stayed in contact between the time we've been apart.
But on the denial form she's asked for information from 2007-2010. So I'm going to hopefully dig up phone logs from that long ago with the phone companies. We have a social networking site we use to contact each other. But we both don't keep msn logs. *deep sigh*
My ticket is for 30th of may also.
This sucks. We've waited way too long. :( :( :(

ARE THESE GUYS FOR REAL.....As if an Australian would be breaking their neck to be an American....come on??? We are doing it for love and togetherness....bloody hell.... Dont they get it?
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-06-22 18:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAustralian Police Check
Brisbane city Lock up

up near qut just walk in and they do it while you wait...

I even have their phone number if you need it....If you go to your local copshop they will direct you to the city watchhouse to get it done...they do them there often...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-01-06 17:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAustralian Police Check
They will mail the police report to your home address....I think they can mail it elsewhere if you want them to...but why would yah???

go ahead get it done....its a pain in the ####### and the fingerprint stuff leaves your hands take some extra wipes with you....

good luck
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-01-06 10:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImmunisation issue regarding Medical Exam
and youll need your flu needle too....

&/or tb test...
MMR polio and all them ones you got when you were a kid....

I was in the army and for the 6 years of my enlistment...I was a pin cushion for god only knows wot???

Hope you sort it all out .... keep us posted...cheers...lyndal
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-21 15:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImmunisation issue regarding Medical Exam
oh oh...sounds weird alright.

I would be getting all your vacs thru your doc claiming them on medicare bulk bill (aaah if only I could still be using a medicare card) cos the medical exam doctor will charge you for each one...and as with all of this migration stuff it wont be cheap....

As for getting the rest of your your states health dept i.e. qld it would be queensland health.

I had similiar issues cos for some unknown reason the old records are so difficult to obtain if they are there anyway.....

medicare have a record of recent stuff but dont get updated often enough.....things are different over here.

There is another thing that needs to be understood.....depending on your age depends upon what shots you to ask your usa medical dr which ones you will need ... hopefully he can help you via the phone....maybe the receptionists cld assist....

good luck...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-20 14:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUK dual citizenship

you are required to FILE your taxes no matter where you work...the first $90k or so of earned income are completely exempt from US. Taxes you pay to the country where you are working are credited against your US tax bill, so if you are working in a country where the tax rates are higher than the US you will not pay more tax, but if they are lower (UAE, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc)you will still be paying US tax rates on everything you earned above $90k.

Thank last this has been explained to therefore...for Australians to consider taking up USC they really do need to take this information carefully.

Or does it not matter .... US residents are still under this law?
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-25 17:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUK dual citizenship
One of the Economists in the bank back in Australia and I were discussing dual citizenships about a year ago.... he is a UKC. He told me to be careful when considering taking on usa citizenship as it can have detrimental tax implications.

According to Ben, who had worked and lived here in the USA, but now was working & living in Australia......he looked into the UK/USA dual citizenship when he had been working here but decided against it as it caused issues on Tax for those with a Britsh passport. He mentioned that, should you work in Sth Africa for an example you will be taxed at the USA rate and not the British or Sth African rate......Odd..??

I mentioned to as Australians are taxed at the highest rate in the world anyway...but he said under the UK passport he determines what tax he pays if he was working in a foreign country...but American Citizens cannot - they still are required to pay tax at their countries rate regardless of where they work....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-25 15:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionObtaining citizenship and then moving overseas

I've done a little research and it's actually not that easy. Have you visited this site -

I just checked the aussie website too....

I found this the best link for the page on migrating my husband to Australia.....

it dont look too bad...and its a MEDICARE APPROVED visa - allrighty!!!!
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-03-09 16:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionObtaining citizenship and then moving overseas

Have to agree with this. I looked into it and the Aus procedure was actually more expensive and harder that the US. Keep us posted because once the DH retires we're heading back too. Best of luck.

Huh.....sounds like theres gunnu be a few of us heading back to Oz ....Im not going to work back there...unless I have to.... but why stay cold living here when I can lay on a beach at Fraser Island doing nothing but sipping good wine and cooking....

sure we will return to USA when we have to....but can see most of our time will be spent in oz.....and looking forward to it....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-03-09 16:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionObtaining citizenship and then moving overseas
Thanks for this my husband and I and heading to Australia once my citizenship comes through....and like way would I wanna go thru all this K1 stuff eva again....

Can I ask a question back to you Sophia...once back in OZ My husband will be going for Australian Citizenship...will that be the path you will go to as well? If so have you got any suggestions on making that better....I believe there isnt too much involved once youve been married for over 4 years...and living together is married in Australia....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-03-07 09:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDual citizenship

ONCE AN AUSSIE ALWAYS AN AUSSIE....I know of a few that tried to slip in without it - used their yank passport - and boy were they in just a heads up...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-18 17:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionmoving back home
Just thought I would mention something that I read recently.

Apparently psychs are suggesting kids start their new school in the middle of the terms as it quickly gets them back into the routine of the new school etc...Its a requirement that kids in Australia go to school until 16...and thats when you will strike issues....State school admins here in qld will not admit a child once he is 16 if asking discussion with that child he/she shows signs of negative approaches to their school studies....I think its a recent trend and part of this ever excessive 'once your 16 in australia you can do what you like'....I have spoken with many police/lawyers/medical/school teachers/principles etc...and until the law is changed they expect things to get worse. So my advice is to just consider that bit and get prepared!

importing the dogs...

Well my cats fying out with us Monday to LA but going back the other way is a lot harder...for me the cost for the cat vet check tick bath etc $1200 oh that includes the flight & cage too. Qantas just put their pet transport fares up and vaustralia require you purchase bigger cages. There are a heap of agents in australia who can handle the lot....vaustralia web page will help you with that...i hope you dont get too much of a shock with the price of it all.

I was tryng to get my future husband a visa to live here rather than me live fee started at $2500.00 and no definate it would be approved... a girlfriend from work said it took her 2 years and a couple of flights to and from brazil before the residency was granted...she had been married to her aussie bloke in brazil and she said at the end of it all it cost them thousands more than the 2500 app fee. I was told by immigration that the process takes a minimum of 10 advice is throw away your passports and id - youll get in free and quicker hehehe (no Im only joking)

As we are having an election here on 21 august the migration laws my change as its been a hot topic of debate....should a new government be elected or not...

Good luck with your decision....apparently there are heaps of jobs going in the mines qld WA...fifo would be good....big money...starting pay is 90k

lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-08-13 19:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPetition for removal of conditions after divorce - spouse appointment
Surely you dont have to do a thing.....

Imagine if you had remarried....GEEZZZZ if my husband was called to an interview ova an ex wife gaining her permanent residency Ide be telling Immigration to go get stuffed!

amicable or not amicable....

YOUR end of story!

Move on and good luck!
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-27 12:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPlease help, PR arrested for simple possession AFTER AOS, now time for ROC
Mate, I feel for you.....Im sorry you are going thru all this....Im propably no assistant I wouldnt have a clue what to do or what form to fill out....

I certainly hope you get someone to help you....

I was told many many years ago that I would be kicked out the Aussie army if I was tested to have been around or using drugs; so from that day on....I have never been near them....not that Im in the Army anymore...

I expect you are already a Permanent Resident and dont think getting a green card for an extra 10 years is going to cause too many issues for them...but, you dont want to have to pay that money to immigration only to be told NO....

Is there such a thing where they can opt out and give you another GC with conditions for another 2 years????

Good Luck....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-27 12:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen Card daughter and my son migrated here 2 years ago under the k1.

As most may not know, we are all under the one and the 2 kids. We all have green cards which are conditional.

My daughter is about to start college and as such has now moved out of our home (yay :thumbs: )

In a few months I will be applying for removal of conditions and am wondering, do I still put her on the same application with me and my son? Therefore one fee of 550 bucks or whatever it is. Or considering she has moved out, and she is now 19, does she need to apply for removal of conditions herself....

Because, its my husband who is the sponsor not me....and considering she has since moved out, and her age, does that mean she is no longer on our applications????

:help: I hope someone has been thru this before.....Cheers guys!!! :dance:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-08-21 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI have a question for fellow K1'ers
It was 1988 and I was on semester break from my university in Darwin, so I thought I would go down the Katherine...In the middle of no as buggery and full of flies...but a dear friend of mine was working down there and I really wanted to catch up and have a few beers....All my mates in Darwin kept thinking I must be mad to go there...but I just had to go...get away from the Darwin scene...once I finally arrived to her house after the long 4 hour trip...she announced how she had been called into work at the resort where she was a matre de. Instead of staying home to wait for her while she did a quick hour or so, I went into work with her and sat up the bar yapping to the barman in the restuarant....

Then in he struts...' mr gods gift' looked like he had just come off the tennis court...he tried so hard to get my attention...but no way...he looked to full of himself to me...then as I went to the bathroom, i missed him....#######? Couldnt wait to get out and see him again and whilst I hadnt said a word to him yet...I just couldnt stand the thought of him not being there

well he was there....he smilled I smilled and then I fell in love...then I allowed him to talk to me...'oh ###### dont tell me your a pom', I said....hahaha...damn yank didnt get the joke, still not getting most of them.....typical......but it was another 4 chance meetings like this before, and another 17 years before we finally got it.....we really could not live life without each other eva again.
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-09-29 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe're Married!!!
Well must have been nervous....We went to Vegas to do the same thing but ended up not doing it....we sort of chickened out in that we just didnt want the stress of the secret....

I think it was me in the end that chickened out....How much did it cost if you dont mind me asking....?

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-24 09:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPhone and text records only
have you not sent cards to each, pressies, have you no photos? I took a suitcase of stuff in and they didnt wanna look at any of it....sort of annoyed I had spent so much time collecting it....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-03-01 11:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage without full-blow wedding
I sit here unable to work, unable to return to my country and my house that sits on the market in flooded Brisbane under a k1....oh I can return but cant get back into this country where my biological children would be attending school.

My husband and I fell in love with each other in 1988 but didnt marry then due to all this red tape. We both wish that we had done a Vegas wedding xmas 09...

I think marrying in a courthouse is a wonderful idea because I think it would be a lot cheaper than the k1 expense. But maybe a cheap Vegas wedding wld be good too....look online..

At the end of the day the piece of paper that comes with a marriage is all that determines which way to file your request to stay in the USA. Having to marry under the k1 you get 3 mths from the time you enter and so you CANNOT have enough time to plan anything big and when you have families living in opposite sides of the world...they need at least 3 months to plan work leave and/or airfaires etc...the only person from my family that was able to attend my small church/reception wedding was my brother and his wife...oh and my 3 kids of course...

We had to wait over 5 mths just for a k1 approval...then I had to make a very expensive trip to sydney for an interview...and here I am over 13 mths since the filling of a k1 and still no real residential status....Australia has decided Im certainly not a resident there anymore...even though Im still a ratepayer....

I understand that some people will have much nicer K1 experiences....and Im sure there are others that have propably had worse...

I really do think the cr1 wld have to be a better experience than what my husband, myself and my kids have since gone through....

good luck with it all....

ps...we looked into the migrate to australia option and after speaking to my work collegue who had been through the process it sounded a bigger nightmare...took her 2 years and 10k....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-03-01 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen is a short courtship a red flag?

Thanks for the link. I have read the instructions and yes, beneficiary's assets are considered, including the equity in a property. So thats good news, we won't need a co-sponsor by the look of things. I am inclided to using am immigration lawyer at this stage there is just too much to navigate.

Mate....####### using a lawyer....everyone I know who have used one have had problems....HUGE MISTAKE...

Im not too sure what your profession is...but have you considered going down the path of applying for a visa for may be eligible to move here that way...

I wish I had moved over that way...then I wouldnt be sitting here 7 mths now without work....I also had a wonderful well paid job with all the lurks and perks in Australia....and since moving here all my savings have gone...I still havent sold my aussie property...(thanks to brissy floods) and im not used to living without my job status, my nice car, clothes, in a state of not being able to buy what I want....go where I cant even plan nice holidays....and thus far...I cant even go back to Australia due to the K1 visa structure...your stuck in the country until after your married and your employment stuff is approved ...that even means you cannot even go to Canada....

It sucks
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-03-10 14:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get married so we can start IR-1/CR-1 process

From what I understand, intent would be to come to the USA with the plan to get married. Your fiance can be denied at the POE if the immigration officer knows that the immigrant is entering the USA just to get married, because once married the immigrant can file an AOS and stay in the USA while the paperwork is processing. This can be considered immigration fraud if they chose to pursue it.

^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^ IS IMPORTANT ^^^^^^^^^^

Suggest your fiance enters USA as a visitor and if asked her intentions on what she plans to do she DOES NOT mention the marrying wedding bit....

We were going to do the marriage thing in Vegas so that we could tell immigration that we had a few drinks one day and just did it....therefore hopefully not getting any backlash when we were interviewed re the immigrating fraud etc... Vegas an option for you can just do drive thru wedding there.....quick easy and can then organise a nice wedding reception for friends and family at a later you time to plan something nice...unlike what we had to do....plan a nothing much wedding in 3 mths....under the k1 visa...wishing now I could have done vegas....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-24 09:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChange of mind: Cancel K1 to get CR1 instead

Wishing we had have done the process via the c1 rather than K1 . Now re the tax....I think the spouse has to reside with you for a certain number of days out of the 12 mths...cos my husband tried to claim my three kids and could only claim 2 as one came a month later and therefore not eligible for that year as he wasnt here enough days....

and wouldnt suprise me if the immigration dept isnt working with the IRS to make sure you cant claim spouse, and will instead not allow him to migrate earlier.

Congrats on the in the country your not going to migrate to is my suggestion...or better still....BORA BORA where its just you two! Or if you want somewhere really cheap....try fiji - I know an aussie friend who does weddings including the photos there.....

inbox if you want further details....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-08-21 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 advice

I just want things to be consistent when I go for my consulate appointment.. Ill think Ill leave it out because I booked my trip for the maximum of three months that the waiver allows, but im expecting my interview back in Sydney to pop up with in that time providing we don't get any RFE'S etc.. So I might leave the states early which makes it difficult to put down an expected leave date.. I think Ill go with Samoray's suggestion about leaving it out haha

You poor thing.....

I hope you made it over here OK....Im married to an ex marine so if there's anything I can do dont hesitate to get in touch....

hope all's going well.
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-01-04 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow soon to gather requirements
ok...petition long how long until I get my interview?

I have read posts from last year but there has been a change in migrating law early this anyone from Oz out there at my stage????
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-05-28 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some k1 advice

Okay, that's fine. What are we supposed to do about our plans, though? Is it reasonable to expect a result in 4 months?

I dont think 4 mths is gunnu do it...

My fiance submitted our petition in Feb 2010 and our approval just came through on the 25 Mar....and that was after lobbying to everyone politician we could think of requesting expediation. I got to sell a house, leave my job, get kids in and out of school and because all this has taken so long - we have to cancel our wedding date and reset for perhaps September. its very difficult this process on everyone...I still cant tell my australian family when to expect an invite to our east coast usa ... flights from australia to usa can be expensive not to mention you need to organise time off work .... oh well....good luck....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-05-28 23:58:00