Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Brazilian illegal in US wanting to wed US citizen
people are judgemental about your situation me think because of the following :For every illegal there is a legal suffering from this. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who ve been waiting for years for their loved ones to get a simple priority date or visa number.
I wish you all the best and hope you will achieve your goal of being together !
maoreMaleChina2007-08-14 12:58:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy email "Your e-mail was deleted without being read"
first rule : never write a nice letter, everybody hate that _hehehe

second rule : the embassy needs money (I am not talking corruption here )
so call our nice number and be charge 5 quids to get a CI number which you need to use in the subject of your next email

Callers from within the United Kingdom should dial 09042-450100. Calls to this line are charged at £1.20/min from BT landlines; some mobile and network providers may charge more. In addition, callers from outside the U.K. and some mobile and network providers cannot access this number.

third rule : after doing all this, you will have the "privilege" of getting a response after 7 days if and only if your case was dealt by our world class service for more than 60 days

Sorry for the sarcasm but during this process we have to keep our sense of humour because " God bless America " :lol:
Don t get discourage it is just a lengthy process and you will sometimes feel depressed/happy - just focus on the result to be obtained.
maoreMaleChina2007-03-21 13:03:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanwhat to do when u dont speak the languge?
I put a former girlfriend in the same situation and I feel sorry for this. Talk to your special one and tell him his/her job is to translate otherwise you can help /participate and feel excluded from the family matters.

maoreMaleChina2007-03-15 04:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLottery Interview denial lagos embassy
QUOTE (kunle @ Jan 5 2008, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Omoba @ Jan 5 2008, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kunle @ Jan 4 2008, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for all your replies, I think the child here is under 21, its sad case. Anyone know if mothers have to do DNA test to bring their kids to the states?

That is embassy specific, sometimes yes and sometimes no.

I don't understand the high fees of $ 3000. What exactly was the fee for ? Form filing fees or did they use a service to help them file ?

To my understanding or knowledge, I was told each one of them paid $755 (4 people). Got to find out more on this fees, to me it sounds ridicuolus also.

there is an extra charge for diversity visa (to make it a self funding program) so reg visa is around 300 + surchage X number of applicants.
The department of State has very specific instructions :
1) All the family members should be listed in the application (including couples seperated) + pictures of everyone
2) All application need to be run until a decision is reached (ie visa granted or denied)

In terms of remedy to get reimbursed or appealing the decision , I am afraid the reason for the visa denial looks pretty clear cut to me (forgot to include a member of the family in the initial application )
maoreMaleChina2008-05-21 08:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS london embassy headaches
Hi All,

I am a dual british/french National and my spouse is Chinese (EEA visa for 5

Myself and my spouse went to a Visa interview to the US embassy in January
and was handed the form 221(g) , it stated we had to wait for the medical
result(took place one day before the visa interview) and we needed to
provide proof of relationship.

I am puzzled by the whole thing since we got married in March and the
lottery winner announcement was sent in June(i.e. we got married in March ,
I actually completely forgot I applied for the greencard lottery_hehehe).

Anyway I diligently sent:
+ CD of pictures of us before the interview took place
+ copy of mobile phone bills (being a contractor we mainly communicate via
phone- I come back in the UK on the week end/ it is a pretty tough
situation for us but the financial gains will free us from working soon)
+ unfortunately I could not send emails correspondance because the site
which stored all the emails was unreachable from the UK

We are now in February-March and I have not heard anything from the US
embassy of London in terms of the case status and if they received all the
documents (sent through courrier).

My questions are the following:
+ I managed to get the email correspondances records , should I bother to
send them ? will it delay the case further ?
+ who should I contact to get an update on the case ?
+ Usually how long does it take to process this sort of application (US
greencard lottery winners and derivatives status) ?
+ What would be the worst case scenario ? Wife denied ? Conditional status
to the wife ? Myself denied under the ground we could not proof the strength
of our relationship ?
+ Shall we expect another grilling interview ? I am not going to mention the
questions asked during the interview but I would say sometimes it verged to
the indecent ?
+ If you were me would you be bothered in sending comments about this whole
process directly to the Embassador

My comments about this whole visa process is , the US embassy of London are
not making the job of their staff very easy , they could have setup a site
where you just type your case ID to check the status - I am sure not many
people would mind an increase in the visa processing to finance such a

A guy in the process of loosing his hair !!!

maoreMaleChina2007-02-28 10:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiondiversity visa derivatives
Hi All,

Anyone with the following experience ? I am DV2007 winner , my wife and myself had our interview in January ( still pending ).
I was wondering if we could withdraw my wife application because basically she needs to attend to our business in the UK and at this point do not desire moving to the USA.
what would be the consequence of withdrawing the derivative from an application ?
how would the spouse of a Diversity visa winner follow up at a later date ?

Thanks in advance
maoreMaleChina2007-03-17 09:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLanguage question to you ALL

English when posting would be a good idea though lol I can only understand half of this thread.

Actually me think this thread is completely wrong we have had a bit of spanish , english and no chinese or gaelic - that 's it for me I am out of here
maoreMaleChina2007-03-28 17:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLanguage question to you ALL



Take a break and go to Lima - you know you need this break after working your sock off at work !Your presence will be supplemental evidence and imagine the great times you will both have together.

Your presence is not absolutely necesary but you can be there for some help and support : you do not want your sweet one to face the music by her own or you are running the risk of hearing about it for years (trust me I have plenty of experience of this - brought up with 4 sisters - I am below 30 and feel like 90 years old) .
maoreMaleChina2007-03-28 17:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLanguage question to you ALL
as long as tu puedes hablar un poquitito espanol then there should be no problem
maoreMaleChina2007-03-28 13:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow many coloured CO in London ?

The question was probably 'consumated' instead of 'consumed' (altho humorous images do abound..)

I still don't get the point of your rant? That there isn't enough diversity in the racial make up of the current staff in the Immigrant Visa Unit of the London Embassy?
If that is it, maybe you just got there on an off rotation. Staff come in and out every couple of years. Can't have people placed based on their race now, can we? (tomake sure there is a perfect racial balance at all Cons posts all the time?)

Yes you are right ,I was probably in the wrong shift (morning) and used the wrong world- all freaking grumpy(including myself) except for the asian lady (managed to joke around while throwing our papers all over the place).

Maybe you misinterpreted my questions,I am not talking about all consulate around the world I am talking about London US consulate which is a special city (it is not Athens, bratislava, or Moscow it is London).Would you be concerned if you went to the british embassy in NY and all the guys who interviewed applicant were scottish ?

My worries is not to inforce any racial make up (although I would not mind if there are a few ethnic greeks even if I have difficulties pronouncing their names but that 's my problem) . It is funny when people jump into their guns as soon as you refer to diversity and try to make you feel guilty because you used the nastiest word ever created :Diversity.Oh by diversity you mean racial quotas and positive discrimination - right ? Not quite right, I mean diversity is a neccesity to me and me only.

What I am questioning here is the lack of diversity :diversity is in the backroom staffing but not in the CO interviewer position .It seems odd/bizarre/abnormal to me in a city like London , in an embassy like the US embassy. Fair enough if you do not consider this a problem, I personally see it as a problem based on my experience .I would not be bothered if I was in a police station in Prague full of czech( no insult to the czech it is just an example among millions ).

Assume you have a cloth shop in oxford street what sort of staff would you hire ? Well I would make damn sure that 's I hire: qualified muslim/hindu/buddhist/catholic/atheist no orthodox black/white/asian/green/yellow male/no female because I am from a multi cultural background and because from my experience it does create a dynamic work place more ready to provide answers to a diverse world/customers.

on the same note , I am contracting in Holland and it makes me sick to the stomach not to see any woman in a managerial positions . I am not just focusing on colour : I live in a diverse world and I need it to be reflected everywhere in my life that 's my personal choice. It is acceptable for individual to have a different view but it is unacceptable for a governmental organisation supposed to represent the American people to the great city of London.

I really hope/wish you are right about me being in the wrong shift/rota.
maoreMaleChina2007-03-28 15:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow many coloured CO in London ?

Are you concerned that questions may arise because of the differences between you and your fiance? If so, yes, a variety of different kinds of questions may come up at any interview.

Oh yeah check this one out :
CO question: "have you consumed your marriage ?"

in me head: Not your damn business ! but since you ask I have my fair share of love actions - but I doubt you want any sort of love actions after a day in this office , right ?

I am such a sissy I just answered "Yes"
maoreMaleChina2007-03-28 14:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow many coloured CO in London ?

I think your thinking too much. Your a person like everyone else. When you begin to segregate yourself, then you will tend to think what others think of you. Don't worry. Especially where I come from in Seattle, Washington state, there are mixed couples everywhere, we don't even take a second look.

Good luck in your adventure and don't think about it so much....

Seriously do not worry about it , the only way me think I segregate myself is in my hatred for Dutch food and excuse my french but I learned not to give a toss about what others think about me because as you put it in such a good way - you end up restricting yourself and what they think it is their own problems none of my business.

What I have a serious problem with is giving any kind of money to any organisation not representative of the society I live in (London being a striving and dynamic multi-cultural place with a few bombing there and then but well we got used to it after a while)-

I definitely agree with you ,the US in general is a multi cultural place that 's why I have a great believe and trust in its people , the US london consulate is just at odd with this image and is not representative of its own people (US) or the city where it is located in(London)
maoreMaleChina2007-03-28 14:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow many coloured CO in London ?

In the US:

To be Black you have to be African American.

:blush: In the UK: the word went through quiet a lot of phases
1960's let us label all these bloody british subjects from some funny tropical places as Blacks ( mainly west indians/ and indians)
then suddenly people realised oups it looks like these guys do not eat the same thing - alright then some will be afro carribeans and other asians (and no we do not include all the guys from the very far east- we got no idea when they will come around for the party)

To use the term coloured, or colored, you also have to be Black, US style.
As far as CO's are concerned, I can not comment, I do not see colour, I have moved beyond it.

By couloured I meant anyone without a scandinavian look or someone with a pronounced sun tan (trust me on this, my observation skills made me fail my driving test twice) <_<

Fair enough if you see beyond and I have to recommend you for it.
I have seen a comedy show about a south african bus driver during apartheid: he was driving and some white and black kids started a fight in his bus because one group insisted on sitting in the front seats of the bus. He stopped the bus and shouted " stop it !! there is no more blacks and whites , you are all green . Now we have this one sorted out ,all the dark green please sit in the back and the light green in front of the bus".

I was brought up in a multi cultural society/family: my friends are from england, vietnam, portugal, tunisa, ireland, india, china, algeria, ivory coast and senegal . because basically we were brought up in the same dirt cheap place and went through the same experiences. Do I see colour or focus on it ? I think I focus on a lack of it and I promote/strive on diversity (yes I do include my whities brothers/sisters in it). I would be bored to be living in a place only full of martians (even if they are fun to be around).

No organisation can afford not to be diverse because it create a dumb workforce (imagine a workforce with only guys like me): people thinking the same way and taking the same decisions.

Let me give you a concrete example how dangerous it is : do you think a mixed "race" CO would ask to a mixed couple " why did you marry a chinese " ,yes I was asked this question and I fell silent to such an idiotic question. But I would definitely ask to a couple from liverpool and manchester why they got married ?
: :devil:
maoreMaleChina2007-03-28 13:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow many coloured CO in London ?
I am sorry to bring this subject into this forum but I am reading a very high rate of success at interview when the couple involved are whities ( I mean it in an affectionate way ) . I am asking this because I have a large chip on my shoulder ( or whatever the right expression is ).

The last time I visited the US embassy of London ,I saw a significant number of back room staff being coloured (one of them she 's the famous asian lady a few people mentioned who danced with all the paperworks an obsolute model of efficiency) but I have not seen any coloured consultate officer ( the people who actually have the power above our dear Queen and God). What is going on ? No coloured people want to do a career in the foreign department ? Or no coloured CO want to move to London ( fair enough myself I would run away from this city like peste ).

Call me worried by nature but I usually get really concerned/scared with any organisation who have people in power who are solely white or entirely coloured :blink: .

Maybe I am not impartial in asking these questions because I am black and my wife is chinese but you will have to admit when I see the rate of whoorai after a 5 minutes interview compared to the 45 minutes grilling ( I even forgot the name of my mom during this interview, sorry Mom !)I was subjected to with my wife - it does raise some suspicions and questions.

I ve compiled what go through the CO minds (take it lightly it is not a serious study):

CO 's mind :marriage between different ethny is suspicious , guys you do not have anything in common so what the hell are you doing together ?
Me :are NY caucasians so similar with scouser ? if you knew a bit more about the culture of people you might see more similarities than differences.

CO 's mind :marriage between people with large age gap is suspicious
Me: I don 't care it is not my case :yes:

CO 's mind: marriage between third world looking people is suspicious
Me: Well all third world looking people might not go through a dodgy deal just to be in the USA especially when settled in the UK and earning quiet a lot of dineros

CO 's mind: marriage with a chinese is totally suspicious
Me: as far as I know the chinese exclusion act was repelled quiet a while ago , and chinese are already americans (not interested in terrorism/or changing the politics of a country they just want a BIG piece of the pie (business)

This CO sometimes remind me of driving examiners and VISA applicants are like testing candidates: the truth does not matter (I am a crappy driver) what matter is how you perform on the day when interviewed by the SPECIAL ONE.During the interview they do not care about the right points (used the right gear,observed well,etc...) only the bad points will fail you during your exam and if you get a serious fault/mistake that 's it you are back for more driving instructions (paperworks/or administration processing) before daring showing your face in front of the SPECIAL ONE.

Just the thoughts of an IDIOT = ME
maoreMaleChina2007-03-28 11:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother blunder from US embassy of London
Ladies and Gents.
I would like to share my experience to release my frustration with the US consulate of London.

I am a DV winner of 2007 - I got married in March 2006 and was informed of the win in July 2006.
A visa number was allocated in january with an interview on 10/01/2007 ,

After the interview with a CO we were handed a 221G requiring proof of relationship ( interviewed my wife for 45 minutes and the principal applicant me for 10 minutes).

We sent the proof of relationship within a week of the interview - One month later Embassy reply to one of my email , stating evidences sent were outdated (Feb 2006) - I send another set of document (In march) and no reply for 5 months (as a reminder DV applicant pay double in terms of processing fee for the pleasure of being treated this way .

August 2007 - follow up interview and the interviewer stated " no reason to refuse you a visa as a sole applicant please pay the delivery cost and wait for your visa " - great I celebrate (never skin the bear before killing it ).

2 weeks still no visa - doing more running by checking with the embassy what is causing the delay then receive 2 email stating " additional administrative processing is required " on the other email they use the term " waiting for clearance from the DOS " .FAIR enough the US /its citizen/LPR and visitor need to feel safe and everybody need to go through this process.

What upset me is the consulate left it so late before initiating this security checks and at every single steps of the visa application they have not shown a single ounce of being pro-active , it seems to me they just act in a mechanical way. I am not asking to be treated in a special way but what I am asking for is pretty common :value 4 MONEY and some sort of service (keep people regularly informed/up to date of their application).

I am applying for an AUS working visa just in case they do not get they act together before 30/09/2007. My advice to future applicant : when you have sent what they requested for - keep requesting for update every two weeks because if you just wait your file collect some dust.
maoreMaleChina2007-09-03 08:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy DV visa experience and what I learned from it
Here 's a bit of background .

I am franco-british born in the Island of Mayotte , I hold three passports (2 british for professional reasons) and 1 french + 1 french ID card - I.T consultant working through my own company(generating + 60 k /year in revenue) specialised in the data storage/backup ,I worked for the HM Inland Revenue (gone through security clearance like a breeze) and supported US customers (US army/university/companies) in the use of a backup software.

My wife is a chinese citizen born in Dandong with leave to remain in the UK. Well what I can I say about her : strong character and will not stand for any wrong.

Nov 2005 I applied for DV lottery I found it fun to participate to something free and you could actually win big. Oh boy ! how much I was wrong :zzz:

March 2006 I married my wife :thumbsup:

July 2006 I have been informed by KCC I can apply for DV visa
* It took me one month to get the form correctly filled out :
- Do not leave any blank instead write " not applicable "
- The forms can be emailed back or sent via fax to speed up the processing

Dec 2006 visa number became current

10/01/2007 interview at the US embassy .
Interrogate my wife for 45 minutes and myself for 10 minutes and bang 221g requiring more evidence of relationship with questions close to being classified as racist such as " why you married a chinese ?" I would expect this kind of question from Nazi germany not from an employee of the US government
* Be prepared for the interview ,bring updated pictures/phone bills/email exchanges and proof you actually leave together - if you are a contractor working aborad you are in for a tough luck
* under no circumstances ask for your passport back (it will further delay the application
* for those who follow up the time line our relationship needed to be demonstrated despite being married well before being informed about the DV win - where the logic ? Only those clever guy at DOS would be able to answer ? Basically you are guilty until proven innocent such an un american concept well we are just bloody foreigners so we do not count for much smile.gif

10/08/07 after chasing them for 7 months for an update they finally decided to " invite " me for a follow up interview ( we previously discussed with my wife I will go alone in the US while she takes care of our business - property management ) so the application will be for a single person without follow up or derivatives . Interview went well - the CO could not find any reasons to deny me the visa , told me to pay my delivery fee and wait for the visa

15/09 started filing mandamus action (kind of late ) but filing for the principle , it costs me 350 $ but the DOS will share the cost and maybe maybe it will realise there is room for improvement on the way visa are processed. Security is a legitimate concern but why the security checks was not done since January 2007 (for those who still following up the story)

25/9 application still under additional administrative processing or the other euphemism used " clearance required from the department of state "

My advise to all visa applicants , if you know you do not have anything to hide under your bed go for it and fight for your rights (thanks fatbrit I understood a bit late) and be proactive :
* sue under mandamus action after one month if the embassy has received all the requested information (221 g) - email me and I will provide details/assistance on how to file a civil action against the dos (court DC columbia + defendants + 350 $ + complaint + cover sheet + summons (5) )
* request from DOS information held about you under the freedom of information act
* request from the FBI information held about you under the feedom of information act ( a full set of finger prints will be required )

Notes : You do not need an attorney to file a civil action and most attorney will charge you for just having a chat (fact finding) but it is advisable to hire one to actually get the job done right straight away (filing pretty gruesome process)

In conclusion based on my experience the main mistake I did was to trust the Embassy will be dealing with my application in a timely manner , I should have sue a lot earlier.
On the bright side I just realised I have sufficient point to get a working visa to Australia.:cool:
maoreMaleChina2007-09-24 20:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPackage received from us london embassy , what the H@*& is it ?
I am a DV2007 winner
Today 10/04/07 I received a package from the US embassy without any explanatory notes .
The package contains the following (opened by my wife because I work in Holland and pack was received in our home address in the UK) :
1. passport (no stamps)
2. x-rays myself and my wife
3. picture ID
4. email exchanges between myself and my wife

What 's going on ? I am expecting the visa to be denied because basically the Diversity visa expired on 09/30 . What I am shocked with is this package does not contain any explanatory notes and leave me more and more stressed
maoreMaleChina2007-10-04 07:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWife raped
I am sorry to hear about what happened to your wife. If I were in your situation I would personally do the following :
+ support my wife in reporting the crime - the animal can not roam free and do this to someone else
+ finance a trip for both of you to a place were abortion is legal
That 's my personal opinion interview or visa are really not what worry me in your situation , what I would need if I were in your situation is to rebuild my life and of my special one.

I apologise in advance if it is not what wanted to hear
maoreMaleChina2007-10-02 15:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiji Consulate
you should be fine going to the US as a tourist . Just make sure you have a big file in your suitcase demonstrating you will definitely be returning back to Fiji: work contract/letter from employer . property ownership /etc... basically they will suspect you intend to immigrate and you need to proof to demonstrate the contrary.
maoreMaleChina2008-01-03 02:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionProblems with the US consulate in London
I really understand how you feel : The US embassy of London to my amazement is just not fit for purpose . I can understand things are not done as fast as the applicants desire but it is absolutely unacceptable to be lied by an employee of the US government especially after doing it the right way !
All the best and hope you will reach the goal you want to achieve, cheer up and concentrate as you have done on alternative way of getting what you want.
maoreMaleChina2008-01-04 12:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionProblems with the US consulate in London
welcome to the US embassy of London. Basically due to their incompetence they delay the processing of my DV visa - what I did is suing them under mandamus civil action . The case is still running , I think I will loose the case (deadline was sept 2007) but I am going to make as much noise as I can.

I learned one thing about the US embassy , being diplomatic(sic)/patiente just does not work. If i were in your position I would do the following :

- Make sure I have a strong case
- Collect two copies of every single paperwork they requested
- send them in recorded mail one copy with a sweet letter reminding them you are here to help them
- call the premium number and send them an email indicating the recorded mail reference number and list of paperworks you sent
- start a mandamus civil action (350 $) and in the exhibit of your civil action put the second copy of all the paperworks they requested

Then sit down and relax let a Judge deal with these people .
maoreMaleChina2008-01-03 02:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow do you speed up administrative processing?
QUOTE (A Wang @ Feb 26 2007, 06:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I see... so does the embassy do a FBI name check for the interviewee and the sponsor (I-134) or just only the interviewee?

sorry for the late reply : just sue their a**

http://www.immigrati..... Mandamus.pdf
maoreMaleChina2008-05-21 09:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDV lottery notification
Hi quick question , I wanted to find out during which period DV lottery winner notification is expected to be received. I have a friend of mine who received her in begining of May (Czech republic) and 2 years ago I received mine in June (France).

maoreMaleChina2008-05-22 08:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa DENIED!!! I need your help
QUOTE (LuciansGirl @ May 20 2008, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for all your responses.

I just talked to the immigration assistant, Monica Maxwell and she said not to worry, it's not the end of the world. I sent Monica a couple of emails after I found out about the denial and told me that she will forward my emails to the CO who interviewed my fiance. She told me to expect a reply directly from the CO this week and he will tell me what else he needs. I asked if our file will be sent back....she said that the CO will retain our file until he gets back whatever he needs from me.

I feel a little better and if a second interview needs to be scheduled, I will be there with my fiance. I will keep you guys posted. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

1. Get written statements from both side of the family (yours and his) describing your relationship , even more rock solid if declaration made in front of a solicitor (lawyer) .
2. Get your Senator or Governor on the ball as early as possible by sending a letter describing all evidences provided and timeline
3. Write to the Chief consular officer (recorded delivery) stating you support them all the way /explain your concerns/explain what make your relationship common and uncommon (between you and me it is not their business but they definitely like when you are as straight forward/opened as possible)

And most importantly fight toe and nails to keep your application in the Embassy (how to do this effectively ? No idea but I could look at it , if you need it)
maoreMaleChina2008-05-22 08:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdditional processing after interview in London - name check..
QUOTE (tom_1984 @ Feb 16 2008, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My name got flagged at my K1 interview yesterday. Someone with the same name as me has had trouble at the US port of entry or something and they have sent my application to Washington for additional processing. They gave my passport back and said they would call when they hear back from Washington.

Is this going to take weeks? months? years??

I am so stressed that this will be stuck in administration.. I can't believe this happened.. I am really low sad.gif

Any advice or consolation?



Apparently it should takes approx 60 days

But if you feel like they are taking the mickey: sue their a** !
maoreMaleChina2008-05-29 04:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDOS Security Check after consulate interview
I am so sorry to hear you are now going through this. An update can mean someone looked at the file and stamped something on it basically it means "nothing /nada" until the security clearance is completed .

Here is an excellent website explaining the possible type of security clearances :

I assume you have already thought about how to get things moving , from my experience here is what I would advise :
1. write to the embassador - ask him/her what is happening ? and inform them you are about to get your congressman/senator involved
2. write to the chief consular officer - ask him/her what is happening ? and inform them you are about to get your congressman/senator involved
3. write to your congressman/senator and ask him/her to request for an update
4. In case you feel like preparing yourself to sue them and let a District Judge decides if 6 months is reasonable to wait to complete a security check(400 $ well worth spent) by requesting an FOA with CIA , FBI and Department of state

I have to admit my advise is not impartial I would like to see more visa applicants sueing the department of state because me think it is the only way for it to improve : more than 6 months to identify a potential terrorist/criminal does not make the US or the world a safer place... That 's my own personal point of view

In your particular case for example any reasonable person would think :since 06/29/07 DOS had plenty of opportunities to go through these security clearances (well before the interview date).
maoreMaleChina2008-07-16 06:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCase under Administrative Process

Sue their A** !!!

More than 90 days to figure out if the person is a potential terrorist is unacceptable

But the good news is your Loved one passed all the hurdles now it is down to a few people pushing papers around
maoreMaleChina2008-07-24 11:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday we lost a MENA jewel
Sincere Conlescence : I am speechless ... All our thoughts and support go to the surviving member of her family and friends.
maoreMaleChina2008-06-19 07:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTottally frustrated
do not wait sue

I really think one year is too much at every sort of level
maoreMaleChina2008-02-07 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI dont see many Vietnamese people in here
I ask the same question to my driving instructor: why people from affluent area have a higher passing rate at the driving exam , is it because of racist ( that 's my own chip on the shoulder ) or because of age discrimination ( I was 18 - plenty of chip on shoulders) ? he laugh it off ( he was a retired white male officer and now driving instructor) and explained me " listen son people fail because they are not prepared - and guess what rich people have more money to spend in preparation ( many courses ) and collecting information.
Now back to the topic , a low passing rate at an embassy just mean most people going through the process are not experienced enough or properly prepared. That 's why America is land of free, you will be treated like ###### by the administration regardless of your colour/nationality/religion/sex/sexual orientation - isn ' it great !!!!! It is what I call equality Love :thumbs:
maoreMaleChina2007-03-15 04:44:00