IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

we got our approval today as well!!! :joy: 3-25-2014!!!!

mike tMaleUkraine2014-03-25 20:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

spreadsheet update time!!! our petition was transferred to the nebraska service center on march 5th. our original notice of action priority date is 9-26-2013. in my timeline i used the date i received the hard copy. thanks from mike and sveta.

mike tMaleUkraine2014-03-06 22:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

you can add us the growing list of transferred petitions!!!dancin5hr.gif  wooooooooo-hoooooooo!!!!

mike tMaleUkraine2014-03-04 23:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers
By the way, 9 days until I get to see ??? ???????!
mike tMaleUkraine2014-01-07 16:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers
So blueberry, are you thinking that late this year or early 2015 you will have your interview?
mike tMaleUkraine2014-01-07 16:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

Thanks, Jen! We had an amazing time together! But... he just went back home :(
I can't stop crying, I miss him so much already... 
That's awesome, congrats girl! :) Very happy for you! 

Ok thanks blueberry. Quite unbelievable that an approval came so quickly. Wish we could all be so lucky!


Mike, Jen filed in September but for some reason her file went to CSC, not NBC, and she got approved 2 weeks later.

mike tMaleUkraine2014-01-07 01:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers
Hey folks, just thought I would bump the September filers thread. We are 3 months in and not a peep from uscis. Hey jematt, I tried to see your filing dates, but your timeline does not reveal much info. What month did you file? Thanks in advance.

Edited by mike t, 04 January 2014 - 11:20 PM.

mike tMaleUkraine2014-01-04 23:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers
I too am a September filer. Any info available for starting a new I-130 timeline without removing my old K1 visa timeline? Do I have to use another username or destroy the previous timeline info? Thanks, mike.
mike tMaleUkraine2013-09-29 17:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsANYONE GOT THIS LETTER FROM NVC? Enter !!!!!

me too!

mike tMaleUkraine2014-08-06 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWHY IS VERMONT TAKING 7 + months and california approving in 2 months?

Anything over 5 months you should submit a request to USCIS and see what's going on with the delay or contact your congressman. You shouldn't have to be waiting 7 or 8 months.

just as an fyi to those at this point in the process, i did call the uscis at exactly the 6 month point of waiting since sending of our petition. they put in a service request and stated that i should receive an email within 14 days of that phone call. i received an email less than two weeks, on the 17 of may. they are still conducting background checks and said that if i had not heard anything within 180 days........yikes!!! i know it is a standard reply and in no way do i believe that 6 more months will passs before the elusive noa2 finds my mailbox, but still a bit disheartening! so last night, i did write my congressman sam graves, and told him of our plight and sent him the contents of the email i received from uscis. again, we wait! hang in there all of us!! but think about the reason why all of us do what we do! that will get us thru all of the waiting. keep in mind that we are doing something very special and only a relative handful of people would knowingly, and voluntarily put ourselves and our loved ones thru this...why? do i have to ask??? remember what john kennedy said about going to the moon?

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard....."
mike tMaleUkraine2011-05-30 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWHY IS VERMONT TAKING 7 + months and california approving in 2 months?
our petition is at the csc, and we have been waiting for 6 months and almost 3 weeks! no rfe and only one update during our wait and still no approval. so far, there is nothing that can be done. right now, we all have to stay as strong and just be a bit more patient. it will come to all of us! good luck to you and the rest of us waiting, mike in kc.
mike tMaleUkraine2011-05-29 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresround two!!!!

ok, we are officially waiting again!dancin5hr.gif last tuesday the 24th, we sent our I-130 to uscis. i am sure that we are not the first and probably will not the last to go through the whole k-1 process, get married and then experience problems. we made a huge mistake when we agreed to part ways at least temporarily. she left before i could adjust her status, and over a year and a half and 3 trips to ukraine later, we are finally on the same page again. i wonder if any vjers have had similar experiences? and by the way, last year after my wife returned to ukraine, she received a phone call from someone from the embassy in kiev. this woman asked few questions regarding her and i and whether we got married while she was in the states and of course my wife replied yes. and the follow up question was in regards to whether she thought that we might make an attempt to reunite in the states again, and she replied that it was possible but nothing had been decided at that point.



      opinions as to the real nature of such a follow phone call  from an american embassy representative? and knowing the nature of some fellow vjers, yes, we realize that we squandered something that we worked very hard to obtain, but she and i are beyond that "brain fart", so please....please, only helpful advice and nothing from the pulpit!ranting33va.gif  (tongue firmly planted in cheek now) thanks, mikeinkc.

mike tMaleUkraine2013-09-29 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresround two!!!!

thanks guys and gals for the quick replies and good advice. will pass it on to my one and onlyheart.gif  6000 miles away! 

mike tMaleUkraine2013-09-15 15:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresround two!!!!

ok, i dont post much, so here goes. this is an ir-1/cr-1 related question obviously. ok, i married my wife while here on k-1. we had problems, but worked them through. now onto the ir-1/cr-1 spouse visa. we started the process for her return this week. our main concern is vaccinations. we are trying to gather as much information as possible well in advance of the 1-130 petition approval. after uscis processing, and beyond the nvc processing, we have to eventually schedule a medical exam and an embassy interview. we know the list of required vaccinations. she has approximately half of those required so far. now, is it possible to get in front of the process by obtaining these vaccinations on her own and taking these documents showing that she indeed received them in advance of the medical exam, or should we wait until the approved doctors in kiev look over the vaccinations she has as of now and decide what to do? and is it even possible for her to get, "caught up" on her vaccinations during the exam? this is our only worry. we went through the k-1 process without any problems and as far as document gathering and the rest, we are not worried about a thing. just would really hate for her to have to go to the medical facility in kiev and not be able to pass this exam because of few shots lacking or need to go back weeks later for boosters and such. does anyone currently in the cr-1/ir-1 process, have any experience with this issue. by the way, december we will be two years married and most likely are looking at ir-1 visa upon approval of petition. thanks in advance, mikeinkc. 

mike tMaleUkraine2013-09-14 16:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen can visa be given?
I am liking the idea of either going to TNT after the interview, or waiting for the visa/passport to be delivered to her flat. We checked delivery time from kiev to her city and the estimated 3days. So, this option is possible. Thanks guys and gals! Ya gotta love VisaJourney!
mike tMaleUkraine2013-10-04 21:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen can visa be given?

i like to ask why apply for cr1 if had a k1 visa in hand?

As with all real couples, we had some bumps along the way. My signature mentions it briefly. We got married here in Missouri, you can likely figure out the rest without me spilling my guts, which is exactly what this particular topic is not about. But we have seen the light!

mike tMaleUkraine2013-10-04 21:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen can visa be given?
The link. This line is near the bottom


mike tMaleUkraine2013-10-03 10:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen can visa be given?
Ok got it! I did a search for the same information and found similar answers but I just thought immigration visas might be handled a bit differently. The wording on the state department website can be a bit misleading. "If you are issued an immigrant visa, the consular officer will give you your passport containing the immigrant visa and a sealed packet". This was copied and pasted from the state department website in the faq area of immigrant visa section. Thanks VisaJourney members, you're the best!
mike tMaleUkraine2013-10-03 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen can visa be given?
When I and my fiance' were going through the k-1 process, eventually she was given a visa after a successful interview in the embassy in kiev. Her passport with the visa stamped inside was delivered to her apartment about a week later. Now that we are going through the cr-1/ir -1 process, when she goes to her interview several months down the road, can her visa be given to her the same day or will it be required to be delivered in the same way as her k-1?I ask because I would like to be able to attend the interview and have her fly back with me immediately after the interview. Thanks, mike
mike tMaleUkraine2013-10-03 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 petition process started
hello fellow members, mikeinkc here. i am the petitioner and i just started the petiton for K-1 visa process recently. i have read the guides, the example letters, and so far, i have only a few questions. in particular with the g-325a form, and the letters of intent to marry. i understand that both me, (petitioner) and my finace'(beneficiary) have to fill out a separate g-325 forms. my question is this. does my finace' have to fill out her copy and sign it in her country and then send it to me with an ink signature by mail of other courier? or can it be filled out by her, signed by her, and then have her scan it, and then send it thru email? my other question is the same but with her letter of intent to marry me within 90 days of entering the US with a valid K1 visa?

and one other question while i have the attention of the good folks that have already been there, done that!!! if during the period of waiting for word of approval of my petition after i send it off, i get an RFE, and i have to send originals of boarding passes, receipts, itineraries, etc....will i receive these items back so i can send these same original items along with the duplicate copy of my petition packet, to my fiance' once petition is approved?

because if i understand correctly, once my petition is approved, i am to send my duplicate petition packet, along with my original documentary proof, to my fiance'. if my originals are the subject of the RFE, how can i send the originals if they are in the hands of the USCIS? if i am missing something please tell me. i have the petition filled out correctly, copies of all of my boarding passes, ticketing comfirmation, baggage tags, receipts, photos, receipt for engagement ring, copies of random sampling of emails, messenger logs, cell phone calls, birth certificates, passport stamps, divorce decrees from both her and i, my g-325a, her g-325a(pending signature issue resolution), letter of intent from her(also in question because of signature issue)....

basically i have studied this process front to back and to front again many times, and i have most of my ducks in a row. i am excited to start this process and get it moving, but not until she and i are 100% certain that everything is in tip-top shape. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks, mikeinkc.
mike tMaleUkraine2010-09-20 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question

Russian is not an alphabet.... Cyrillic is an alphabet

yes, obviously that is correct...while i was drafting my questions, i used the words russian language a few times, backspaced and changed it up with similar wording used in the actual form. should have said, native but i was also wanting to express that it was non-roman. i should have caught it. thanks guys for the help, mike in k.c.
mike tMaleUkraine2010-09-22 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question
ok, my second question posted since becoming a member of as of september 3rd 2010, i am an engaged man to a wonderful woman just outside of odessa, ukraine. that was my second trip to see her. i met her in march of this year, i made my first trip to see her in may, my second trip obviously in september. going back in january for two more weeks. upon my srrival to the states, we began our visa journey. we both have studied this process, read the guides, downloaded the instructions of all forms, read front to back a hundred times at least, and still have some very basic questions. but they are lmited to these tiny "should i, or shouldn't i" questions regarding simple things like this;

my first question regarding her(beneficiary) g-325a form. applicants residence last five years, she lists her current address from when she began living there thru present, no problem so far. she lived there much longer than 5 years. so there is only one entry in that section. just below it asks for applicants last address outside the united states of more than one year. should she leave it blank or should she re-enter the same address from above with start date thru date that she signs the form? my feeling is that since she is the beneficiary it is a given that she is already outside the united states and should put N/A since in the section above, it already states that she is and has been living outside the united states for over 6 years. and lastly, near the bottom it wants her name in native alphabet if other than roman letters. should she write this in by hand with pen in her native alphabet of russian or is it ok to type that line in her native russian alphabet while filling out the rest of the form on her computer? i know she must sign the g-325a form in ink, i believe in blue preferably as well as her "letter of intent to marry".

i may be looking too much into this, but like most good folks, i just want to do right by her and not have any cause for their to be a reason for the USCIS to issue an RFE. she is the most important person in my life and i love her dearly! thanks visajourney in advance, mike in k.c.
mike tMaleUkraine2010-09-22 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia service center NOA2
i am in the same boat! sent my petition off saturday november 6th, they received it on the 9th. my noa1 was the 12th. one update on march 16th 2011. nothing since. today marks the 6 months since noa1. i tried to find an email addy to send an inquiry to, but when i selected "erequest" on the log in page, i could not use either forms that were available to inquire about. anyone know the number or email address to inquire to? thanks, mikeinkc.
mike tMaleUkraine2011-05-09 06:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2, now only more question regarding....
thanks gary, i appreciate it. i have read several of your posts since i have been a member and put plenty of stock in your word. again, thanks, mike.
mike tMaleUkraine2011-07-11 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2, now only more question regarding....
silly me, i should note that this question is in regards to svetas documents she will be bringing with her upon arrival to the usa. ie, birth certificate, divorce certificate, criminal record, etc. again, thanks. mike.
mike tMaleUkraine2011-07-10 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2, now only more question regarding....
we received our NOA2 JUNE 1st, i know...a bit late! here it is over a month later, the petition went thru the NVC, and sent to the embassy on the 17th of june. thanks in advance guys and gals!!! but my question is in regarding document legalization(apostille stamp). it is my belief that there is no need for this document legalization here in the united states for any stage of the process, but i would like to hear from a few of the been there, done that members in particular, those petitioning loved ones from ukraine and other fsu contries very recently preferably. obviously we have not received confirmation of our petition being in the hands of the embassy in kiev yet, but this question about the apostille stamp relates to the future and to be precise, at the adjustment of status stage. i have only seen very few references to this service here and there while using the search feature here in visajourney, and it is my belief that it is not necessary, because i read the I-485 instructions and no where does it mention apostille or legalized documents, only translated documents if they are in a foreign language. and i called the uscis and they flat out told me, it is not required to have an apostille stamp or formally notarized documents for AOS. so any senior members with a definitive word regarding this, would be greatly appreciated. and to all of those members that are still in the boat that sveta and i was in just over a month ago.....HANG IN THERE! YOUR NOA2 WILL COME, AND IT WILL BE ONE OF THE GREATEST FEELINGS YOU WILL EVER GET!!! IT WILL HAPPEN WHEN YOU ARE FEELING DOWN..IT WILL HAPPEN WHEN YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE BEEN FORGOTTEN LIKE THOSE TOYS ON THE ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS IN RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER! DONT GIVE UP AND STAY STRONG AND COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR LOVED ONE EVERYDAY AND FILL THIS WAITING WITH GOOD THOUGHTS AND LAUGHTER WITH HER OR HIM! THANKS MEMBERS!!! MIKE.
mike tMaleUkraine2011-07-10 23:07:00