K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Hey Attaya ... nothing in the mail today other than junk mail ... hopefully tomorrow ... today was the very earliest I expected it ... what is odd is I got a touch the day after I got the email stating the RFE and our petition was put on "suspense" until either we reply to the RFE or the time allowed has passed to respond ... my guess is the touch the day after is either it was the RFE was actually mailed on August 12th instead of the 11th ( which prompted the new touch on the 12th) or the 12th they entered something putting our petition into suspense ... all this waiting and waiting is driving me nuts ... I sure hope after this RFE things smooth out for us. A person can only take so much, especially being so far from the person you truely love so much.

Have a great weekend you all ... I'll post any update tomorrow after the mail comes in ... ** crosses his fingers **
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-14 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (stlouis @ Aug 13 2009, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ashenflowers, that's great news about NVC! Congrats!

SomedaySomehow, any news on RFE? Hope everyting is going well.

Not as of yet ... the email said they mailed it on August 11, 2009. I don't expect it any earlier than tomorrow ... I am not sure how long they usually take to get to the door step ... I assume they send mail out on a daily basis so hopefully tomorrow.

I just hope it is something easy, something she doesn't have to send to me would be nice ... takes at least a week and a 50 dollar bill to fed ex something here from the Philippines.

Grats to all those having a nice fast smooth process ... at the rate our petition is moving the May and June filers will be together before Jenelyn and I sad.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-13 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Oh trust me they have plenty of evidence of relationship between her and I ... I sent in probably 10-15 full Yahoo messenger chats between her and I, cell phone bills from November 08 - April 09 , tons of pictures of her and I and her family when I was there in March/April. Chikka messages ( Chikka is a service that allows you to txt a cell phone in the phils for free from a pc and they can respond for 2 pesos) ... I really don't think evidence of relationship is the issue ...

It's either they need to clarify that we are not already married ( I posted earlier in the thread about this ) ... they may be confused as her and I both have matching engagement rings we had made by a real goldsmith in March when I was there. We both wear these and have many pictures with me seen wearing it clearly on my ring finger ... on occasion we call each other husband and wife in the chats .. or husband and wife to be soon. So they maybe asking us to clarify this for them .. I am not sure... my guess however they would of straight out denied our case if they though this was the case.

I think the more logical thing is they are going to ask for a photo copy of my full passport ... I believe I sent in the long form of birth certificate ... the long form inlcludes both the mother and fathers name on it ... which mine does.

Well I hope that is what it is because I already have a fully scanned copy of my full passport anyway because Jenelyn needed it for her CFO in the Philippines last month .. if we are lucky thats all they will need ... over night that puppy and hopefully get the approval soon after.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-11 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Sigh ... I can't imagine what they are going to ask for ... only thing I can think of is I didn't include a photo copy of my passport ... but included all airline tickets/ boarding passes / iterneries / hotel receipts etc ... and a original birth certificate ... I was all excited yesterday for the approval finally and yet we get this just to add more waiting waiting time ... pisses me right off this process ..

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Request for Additional Evidence Sent
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-11 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Well I just woke up to check the website again before going to work here ... still says Case received and Pending but still with the updated last touch of 08-10-2009 ... so like many others here I can expect to get the approval in about 2-3 days in my mailbox? I sure hope it is finally happening WOOT

Have a good day you all .. time for me to go make a penny or two
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-11 04:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Wow ... so much anxiety right now ... just got a touch literally sometime in the last 15 minutes ... I got home from work looked and it still said 5/05/09 .. just looked after taking a shower and was just updated with 8 / 10 /09 ..... wow I really hope the approval is on its way soon ..

I can't wait to join the happy train in this thread ...

CONGRATS ALLIE ... I know you been stressing and worrying like myself and Jenelyn so it is awesome to hear you got the NOA2!!

PS: However it still says Case received and Pending sad.gif

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 10 August 2009 - 06:37 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-10 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Starlight95 @ Aug 7 2009, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SomedaySomehow @ Aug 7 2009, 09:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jauque @ Aug 7 2009, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
somedaysomehow - I don't think it's time to worry yet, theres still a bunch of April filers that are still unapproved, if they pass you by then maybe its time to worry. I think the whole 'they may be already married' thing doesn't come up until the consulate stage? Correc tme if I'm wrong. I don't even think that your fathers wife being cousins with your fiance would come up, at least I can't imagine a question that would lead into that.

Best of luck to you, its coming soon!!

Very sweet and supportive thank you very much Jauque smile.gif

Well they do know Jenelyn and my fathers wife are cousins because I included it on the cover letter I made with our petition ... I really wanted it to be up front and honest and not be a suprise later in the process to anyone ... they typically ask if they have any relatives already in the US ( At least the USEM seems to ask this pretty commonly) so that is why I included that information right up and front for them. We had nothing to hide and I am glad and happy I met Jenelyn through a relative, I just hope they see it the same way as we do.

You could be right about the "already married thing" .... lucky for her and I the Philippines tracks who is single .. and she already has her cenomar ( which is a certificate of singleness .. meaning no record of any marriage in the philippines ) and she got this after I left there in April so that should be good to go ...

Also, I think the fact that you are honest does show your sincerity in the relationship. I would not worry, as their are March 09 filers in CSC that still are not approved. I get so worried as well, but don't have anything in my background check to worry about. I did get a speeding ticket, and believe it or not even got a ticket for talking on the cell phone while driving. I am embarassed about that. It was my fault, but I never will do that again. For instance, in India a lot of petitioners here do meet their fiance or wife in this fashion. They all have gotten approved, and successfully completed the process. I do not believe the way you met should be a factor.

Ahhh thank you very much Starlight .. it is good to know others have met this way and made it through this process fine ... I would be interested in how many American- American couples meet this way ... I would be willing to bet close to 50% ... I just am over analyzing every possiblity right now I think and wondering why the heck we didn't get approved with that big wave of approvals a few weeks back ... there was I believe 5 of us with the same NOA1 date of April 30th with received dates within a few days of each other ... all have been approved except for Jenelyn and I ... everyone keeps telling me to be patient the time will come hehe ... even Jenelyn told me to just relax tonight because the only choice we have right now is to wait wait wait ... nothing we can do ... she is amazing like that

Thanks again Starlight for the encouragement smile.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-07 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Jauque @ Aug 7 2009, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
somedaysomehow - I don't think it's time to worry yet, theres still a bunch of April filers that are still unapproved, if they pass you by then maybe its time to worry. I think the whole 'they may be already married' thing doesn't come up until the consulate stage? Correc tme if I'm wrong. I don't even think that your fathers wife being cousins with your fiance would come up, at least I can't imagine a question that would lead into that.

Best of luck to you, its coming soon!!

Very sweet and supportive thank you very much Jauque smile.gif

Well they do know Jenelyn and my fathers wife are cousins because I included it on the cover letter I made with our petition ... I really wanted it to be up front and honest and not be a suprise later in the process to anyone ... they typically ask if they have any relatives already in the US ( At least the USEM seems to ask this pretty commonly) so that is why I included that information right up and front for them. We had nothing to hide and I am glad and happy I met Jenelyn through a relative, I just hope they see it the same way as we do.

You could be right about the "already married thing" .... lucky for her and I the Philippines tracks who is single .. and she already has her cenomar ( which is a certificate of singleness .. meaning no record of any marriage in the philippines ) and she got this after I left there in April so that should be good to go ...

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-07 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Ian and Lisa @ Aug 7 2009, 08:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Allie - Still hanging in there? Who else is waiting for NOA2? It's been pretty vacant around here!

Jenelyn and I are still waiting ... unfourtantly my gut feelings are telling me we are going to be one of the long waits .... I think our case is a little more complicated than some of the others ... for one my fathers wife and Jenelyn are cousins ( I have been told this isn't that big of a issue especially from the Philippines) ...

However, at this point my biggest worry is they may think we are already married ... because we both have and wear matching engagement rings we had made by a real goldsmith on my trip to the Philippines to see her in March and April. It is seen in many of the pictures of us together ... the picture of her and I in a nicely flowered church with the rings on doesn't help much either ( It was the barangays fiesta that day and they decorate the church for annual fiesta ) ... and in some of the chat logs we do call each other husband and wife or husband and wife to be on occasion ... her and I know full well we have not had a legal wedding and not even a cermonal type celebration yet ... but all that stuff mentioned above has me really worried now sad.gif .... not sure what is going to happen or how long this is going to take ...

the other option of why our case isn't getting approved along with the others in the same line is we are stuck in a FBI check like some of the March filers ... which I am 100% confident that won't yield anything .. the worst I have done is get a few speeding tickets .. and driving without insurance many years back ... so we sit here and wait to see what happens ... I really wish I would have read ALOT more on VJ before sending in our petition .. I would have been alot more selective on what pictures and chat logs to include ... too late for that now ... well if anything they will see by our pictures and our chats how much we really do love and care for one another at least ...

Wish us luck and any prayers are appreciated ...

We are really happy for all of you who have been approved and pray and hope for a smooth process on the rest of your Journey's ...

Jeremy and Jenelyn ~

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 07 August 2009 - 09:11 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-07 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
I feel so out of place in this thread now sad.gif ... so many happy things going on as Jenelyn and I still wait in limbo for an approval .... hopefully soon we can join the happy train here biggrin.gif

Congrats to everyone .. and we pray for speedy NVC trips and smooth interviews for you all !
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-05 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Sigh nothing but a measly bank statement in the mailbox today and still no touch since 5/5/09 on the website ... I am starting to get worried as all the others on VJ with the same dates as Jenelyn and I have been approved and most of April all together have been approved ...

Everyone keeps telling me soon soon ... I sure hope so ..

I officially hate weekends now as well ... even knowing a update on the USCIS website on the weekend is unlikely I still check multiple times a day ... and I practically hurt myself running to the mailbox as soon as the mail person leaves lol ... it has to be coming soon right? ClockWatch2.gif ClockWatch2.gif ClockWatch2.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-03 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Aug 2 2009, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SomedaySomehow @ Aug 2 2009, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll also post a link to the dress Jenelyn picked out .. not a for sure yet .. but this is what she really likes and wants .. and its not even expensive lol ... she doesn't post here but she does log in here sometimes and looks and reads so I will do the honor for her and post the link for her smile.gif


Your bride is so beautiful that she would look great in anything and that dress is a stunner!

Salamat ( Thank you ) ... I tell her everyday that she is the most beautiful women in the world and how lucky of a guy I am smile.gif ... lucky for me she says the samething about me as well ... well minus the woman part and add man laughing.gif

QUOTE (Ian and Lisa @ Aug 2 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have a good week people. I hope the rest of the approvals come through this week!

I hope as well ... for our sanity laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-02 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
I'll also post a link to the dress Jenelyn picked out .. not a for sure yet .. but this is what she really likes and wants .. and its not even expensive lol ... she doesn't post here but she does log in here sometimes and looks and reads so I will do the honor for her and post the link for her smile.gif

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-02 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Aug 2 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the dress comments everyone! smile.gif minnew, your dress is lovely!!!

As for Vegas weddings, we looked into it a bit when we were first weighing our options, and came across some really funny ones that let you have themes and what not. Can't remember what they were now though sad.gif If I find them, I will post them.

And SS, don't worry, there's still a good chunk of us (myself included) still waiting for NOA2. Hang in there!

Thanks for the support Ashenflowers !! It's good to know we are not totally alone right now .. however I wish we all had our NOA2 already and can all move onto the fun wedding talk and stories to soon follow in the near future biggrin.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-02 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
So who else here is still waiting for their NOA2?

I really can't believe how much stress and anxiety this waiting causes ... so much worry and wondering whats going on with our case sad.gif

I do believe they may take longer on our case so we were prepared for a long wait but it still is not fun .. we met through a relative ( My father is married to a Filipina, which is my SO's cousin ) .. so I think they will be taking longer on our petition because of this ... however I don't feel we have anything to worry about as we both are madly in love and they should be able to see that from our pictures together, time spent together, chat logs everyday that we talk, phone calls etc ...

Sorry all I just felt like venting and trying to rid some of this anxiety and stress of waiting and waiting and wondering why so many Aprils have heard except for us sad.gif

On a brighter note ... I hope everyone here has had a wonderful weekend !

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 02 August 2009 - 05:41 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-02 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Congrats to all those approved ....

Who is still waiting with my SO and I still ? sad.gif crying.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-31 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers


we are in the same timeline.Hope we can get our NOA2 very soooon...

I hope soon for both of us as well !!!

I have been watching your timeline daily because we have the exact same time line ... except CSC received our packet April 17th, one day after yours, so I would assume you will get your approval before ours ... good luck and god bless ... a good chance our SO's will have the same interview date even !
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-29 09:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Allie and Nigel @ Jul 29 2009, 09:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sure hope so! Me and Nigel are getting He's thinking about maybe Sept to come and see me for a couple weeks but I told him noooo, wait till after August we may get our NOA2 soon. Soooooooo we'll see....ARRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Plus seeing him on skype every day or so just makes it harder sometimes....cause I just want to reach out and touch him and I cant! I just want to get on the floor and have a tantrum!! LOL LOL I wish we had ways to see if our friends are online on this VJ so we can all talk in realtime....oh well....i'm on msn messenger if anyone wants me.....i guess I'm getting flowers or something sent to me today(hehe) Nigel says i have to stay home this morning! Hmmmmm, will enclose photo if it comes ....

Theres actually a VJ Chat room ... look on the top of the page here and at the end of the list you will see "chat" it opens a Java chat room with your VJ forum name when you enter the chat room ....

however everytime I have went in there no one has been in there lol
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-29 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Allie and Nigel @ Jul 28 2009, 10:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Attaya_girl! I can imagine how exited and happy you are! I bet you did the happy dance in a major way! I know I sure will! You got yours in like 3 or so months, thats so awesome! It will be 3 months for me and Nigel on Aug 7th soooooo....we have a little bit to go or just give me a dang RFE for my lack of passport stamp.....baaad allie...forgot....well have it now hope they are ok with my expedia printout...but have the stamps to send in if it is a RFE whatever. Just waaaatin' and waaatchin' GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Poor Nigel's all antsy too.....this wait is the pits!!

Hey Allie,

If you included you Birth Certificate and airline tickets, interny, and other receipts showing the days you were there you probably won't get a RFE for the passport. It is hard to say I think, it seems more or less how much other supporting documents you sent.

I actually did the same thing, I wish I would of read here before I sent our petition in. I also didn't include my passport. It doesn't say to include it in the instructions for the I 129F sad.gif .... I did include my original of my Birth Certificate and all my boarding passes, intenery's, hotel receipts and other receipts ... so hopefully we won't get a RFE for the passport, all it would be doing is supporting what they already are seeing in the first place. So good luck to both of us in not receiving a RFE for this biggrin.gif

Oh and today is exactly 3 months since NOA1 for her and I ... and exactly 3 and 1/2 months since mailing it in ..... NOA2 has to be coming soon right? We sure can only hope and pray.

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 29 July 2009 - 05:58 AM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-29 05:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Wow Congrats to everyone with the newly found friends named NOA2 !!!! Awesome awesome ... last week was a good week for April Filers !!

Hopefully Jenelyn and myself will receive ours soon .... starting to get anxious, annoyed and excited all at the same time hehe

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 28 July 2009 - 05:19 AM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-28 05:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Allie and Nigel @ Jul 22 2009, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aaaaaaaaaarrgh...............i hate this waiting...................

Congrats to those in the April family who have received their NOA2's recently !! WOOT WOOT

I am with you!! It doesn't make it any easier seeing a mid May filer getting approved yesterday as well .... I am not a patient person at all but I am learning and trying because of this process hehe ... I must admit it does piss a person off seeing a petition approved who has filed only 2 months ago while we are still sitting here waiting ... it just shouldn't be that way unless it is expedited ... I think this is the first day I've somewhat lost it in a way and have actually got a little pissed off hehe ... I hope the rest of the March and April filers hear something real soon ... good luck and god speed !

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 22 July 2009 - 03:43 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-22 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Congrats to Jaque and her SO ... that is awesome news for you guys ..

However it sucks for half of the March Filers and most of the April filers who haven't heard anything yet hehe ... but we have seen this before .. its not the first time or last time ... it is blantly obvious they don't have a complete fair system going on there at the USCIS offices .. don't get me wrong I am happy for you two its awesome ... no one should be waiting half as long as we do to be with the one we love ... but it is what it is.

Did you all see there is also another April Filer with a similar timeline as Jaque's who also got approved yesterday? I wonder if a weekend adjudicator got a stack of later filers to do from home and thus why .. the good thing here is they are working on some April cases now !! Wooot go April filers!!

And once again congrats to Jaque and TruLuv on the NOA2's !

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 18 July 2009 - 07:12 AM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-18 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Jul 15 2009, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
aww attaya.... **hug**

I wouldn't wish the 6+ months waiting club on my worst enemy... well actually there's this one girl I wou--... hahah jk.

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-15 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Attaya .. I was just curious ... I don't know much about Sengal embassy ... is that a tough embassy for Visas?
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-15 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (attaya_girl @ Jul 15 2009, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I realize now I should have edited my above post to sound a little more cheerful blush.gif I am, of course, sooooo excited for her. She's a beautiful girl and deserves all the best things in life, and she's marrying a long-time friend. I can't wait to have family gatherings with them some time soon. smile.gif

It's ok .... we all honestly would feel the exact same thing inside right now .... we are about a month away from approvals ... keep your head up ... its coming soon !

Although my time line is moving the wrong way ... which is frustrating ... got pushed all the way to the end of August now mad.gif mad.gif crying.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-15 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
So wednesdays are my day off and I am starting to hate days off, which are wednesdays, saturdays and sundays ... because well I keep looking at VJ, USCIS case status and thinking of how long it has been since we started this process and have been with each other in person ... but here is something I found that is kind of disappointing .... I wish they would pick up the pace ... past performance indicates alot better than what they have been doing the past 3 months ... the good thing is I read they received around 20% less visa petitions in the month of April of 2009 ... which means they might get through our petitions pretty quick once March is finished up ... here is to wishful thinking and hope and prayer ...

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 15 July 2009 - 02:51 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-15 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
We are planning on the same thing Attaya ... we will have a small civil ceremony within the the 90 days ... its hard to plan a big wedding not knowing what time frame you are even looking at until the day you receive a visa .. so her and I both agreed to do a civil wedding with just a few family members ( maybe a small reception afterwards but not sure on this yet) ....

Than later next year or maybe even the following year depending on the money situation we will be going back to the Philippines were we will have a big wedding and celebration with her family there.

That's our current plan anyway ... however going through this process so far I've learned not to plan anything to concrete that is for sure ..

On a side note ... it looks like we may see our first April approval here in about 2 weeks ... I wish they would pick up the pace a little bit though ... still a little slow ... I remember reading in a thread a month ago though that usually mid July they start speeding up again after all the Work visa's are finished up ... so let's hope for that ... because right now our time line has been going the wrong way sad.gif

Hope you all are having a great weekend !
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-12 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Hello fellow April Filers .... been awhile since I've stopped in here ... just wanted to say hi to you all and hope all is going well.

Looks like we are nearing the start of April approvals finally ... the good thing is there really aren't that many April filers so they should sail through the April ones at a good pace ... still quite a few March to go it looks like though sad.gif

For my Fiance and I ... the next couple days are sad ... it will be 3 months on the 10th I had to leave her again in the Philippines ... and on the 14th it will be 3 months already since I mailed the petition ... I hope we get some approvals soon here ... starting to get a little bit irriated with waiting ...

How was everyone's 4th of July weekend?
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-08 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Did you include the boarding passes as well? If you only sent the itinerary there is a pretty good chance they will send a RFE from what I have read. Not really a big deal if they do this as it sounds like you would be able to produce photo copies of your passport anyway. Good luck and god speed!
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-24 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
I was curious as to that myself .... I know in the Philippines the only real document needed from the parents during the visa process is a Consent to Marry if under age 21 I believe than there is another form between ages 21-25 the parents must sign as well .... does Thailand have something similar to this?
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-14 05:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (usagroom @ Jun 13 2009, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What's your VJ adjudication prediction?

Our's is:

Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between July 26, 2009 and July 31, 2009

hehe we will trade you timelines Groom biggrin.gif

Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between August 9, 2009 and August 14, 2009*.

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 13 June 2009 - 09:42 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-13 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Hey Ken,

From what I have read here on VJ is usually if you do actually see the update on the website it does show up the day of the NOA2 approval ... so basically yes to your question ... but the problem is it seems the majority of the people get no updates on the website.

BTW ... hope you all have a great weekend ... we are all getting closer and closer ... mid July really looks feasible to see our first April approval smile.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-13 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Honestly we could possibly see April approvals sometime mid July ... IF things keep moving along now as they have started too ..... but than again I have to keep telling myself to remember .... plan for the worst and pray for the best hehe
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-13 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
***** NEWS FLASH *****

This just in today ... we officially have our very FIRST non expedited March Filer NOA2 approval .... woot things are back and moving again ... maybe early July we will see our first April approval ... there was also a expedited April approval as well ... so congrats to them and good luck with the rest of the journey!
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-10 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
I feel the same way USAGROOM ... it does cost quite a bit of money to travel ..... my biggest problem is getting another 2 or 3 weeks off of work this year .. .it's just not going to happen ... I would love to go see my SO again before she arrives here but it just won't be possible without having to look for a different job most likely when I returned sad.gif ....
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-08 04:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Nill @ Jun 6 2009, 11:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just dropping in to say hello to the group! wink.gif Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Thank goodness for video chats eh!


Good morning fellow April Filers ! Happy Sunday!

That's exactly how I feel when I leave my mailbox everyday afternoon heheh ... I say some naughty words to it as I walk away as well lol

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-07 06:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Well looking the current numbers .... they are working cases with NOA dates around the end of Feb. ( Feb. 23ish to be exact ) .. of course always previous cases that are straggling behind ... but that is about where they are currently at ... there seemed to be quite a few March applicants which could take a little longer to process ... but there seem to be a pretty small amount of April filers. I think we will start seeing April approvals already towards the end of July finishing up with most by the end of August ... the work visas should for the most part be completed now as they take around 2 months to complete and the quota fills up fast. So they should be back to normal soon. OF course this is all a guess on my part and pure speculation and a little bit of dreaming maybe hehe.

Like most here we to will be doing a Civil wedding whenever we can ... its hard to plan anything big not knowing when you will finally be able to have your wedding. So our current plan is to marry civil ASAP ... have a small reception here with the US family .... than return to the Philippines sometime next year and have a Catholic wedding and celebration there as well with the family in the Philippines ... still undecided if we will do the legal documents in the Philippines as well ...
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-06 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
First NOA Second NOA

1 Jerry and Salvie 2009-02-10 2009-06-04
2 Dan and Abe 2009-01-23 2009-06-03
3 Sean and Yan 2009-02-03 2009-06-02
4 Thitipong and Benjaporn 2009-02-20 2009-06-02

This is a good sign ... looks like they are finally getting back to the "important" applicants biggrin.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-06 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Happy Saturday to all my fellow April 09 CSC filers ! Have a great weekend everyone... I am headed to a parade and a cheese festival to keep my mind of this process for a bit smile.gif ...

Go CSC! Let's pick up the pace already!
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-06 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 K-1 Filers
Woot ... keeping a positive attitude here 1+ months of waiting done !

Hopefully only a few short months left to wait !
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-01 18:31:00