Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

Minimum income requirment for 2 individuals by USCIS is about $19,500 lets round that up to 20,000 for safe measures. A person works 2,080 hrs a year working 40hrs a week. with that estimate income should be a little over $10/hr I hope your fiance is able to find a higher paying job. I dont know where you will be living but living on minimum wage is vitually impossible without some sort of assistance and only working 40hrs a week.

yes i am agree with u so whle keepin this job she is looki another job too.these days its vry hard to find jobs with good pay,but she still tryin.or may b she will work 2 job at same time to make income above poverty guideline.she got own house tht is allready paid by her.can we use house as assects?
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-14 04:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

my visa is also k1 ,my intervw was 13th dec 2012 me still
in ap,so there is no time limit when u r under ap,

Is thy give u any blue sheet.what senction thy put on u. Must sahre ur experince .
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-13 15:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

She find a jon 8 $ per hour onky can work 40 hours per week.wht u think.she tlk to a laywer he told jer tht embassy shoukd accpet socical security pays or statment. If nothin haopen after 3 monthe we will sens embassy the job latters she got hope it will help out if its requirment meet min amount.

thy hav my passpot yet since from 31 jan 2013 wht u think about it hav any listin expwrince feom any blog or stories.plz must share.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-13 15:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

Social Security is something that everyone pays into but only get if people meet a certain catagory. Regardless of the situation people who are on Social Security are already a public charge and thus the beneficiary is also to become a public charge. The USCIS would probably frown upon that. I would suggest getting a job and getting off of social secuirty. I have not seen many people with low income get K1 visa hopefully I am wrong and someoen can tell me otherwise.

Besides that good luck!

She find a jon 8 $ per hour onky can work 40 hours per week.wht u think.she tlk to a laywer he told jer tht embassy shoukd accpet socical security pays or statment. If nothin haopen after 3 monthe we will sens embassy the job latters she got hope it will help out if its requirment meet min amount.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-13 15:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

Can you provide a DETAILED transcript of what happend at your interview?
what questions were asked and what your responce was? (This gives a better understanding of what the red flag would be)

you mention that the joint sponsor gets a social secuity check? Once again not sure what the issues are with the case to beging with but if you think that it was due to this then. How much is the income of the Petitioner? (person sponsoring you) and why do you need a joint sponsor? who is the joint sponsor and why do they get social security?

Immigration department does realize that some people who are filing for K1 visa or CR1 were previously Students and during educaiton they might not have had a job thus it is ok to have No imcome prior year, however during the sponsoring time they also ask for past 3 months of pay stubs. purpose of that is to show that you NOW have a job and are projecting to make more then the poverty guidlines. Basically need to show proof that the income is over $24,000 for the year.

Couple of things that the embassy will look further into is, Education, Age, Race, Demographics of 2 individuals beneficiary and petitioner, Career path. These are all aspects that are reviewed, the background check also goes into the review of a persons credibility to repay credit. NO one can tell why you are in AP or how long you will be in ap. some peopel never get out of AP or are stuck in it for 3 to 5 years!

anyways good luck!

the interview was on couple of questions.he saw our pics and dint ask for any other prof or anything much about me. the poin he raise to me tht u write on ur application tht ur fincace is home make,means no job at the moment,i said tht she get every money social security checks.he said tht do u hav those documents means prof of checks i said we allready giv it in file.he said we dont hav it.even i know i send thm.thn i said can i send thm later he said yes u can . and then he said to me tht i hav bit confusein about ur visa and he give me a blue sheet with only 1 mark tht is (likly to bcome public charge) thts all

now why she got social security cos he worked passed years tht y state pay her,its her own money but she dont get any benifit from gov.we use joint sponcer cos we dint meet thorw povert guaidline .and plus we thought case must b strong .but tht time we wasnt know tht thy dnt accpet join sponcer for K1 officer alos told me when i said tht we hav joint sponcer. she get about 2105$ every money tht is around 24000$.joint sponcer is her a very close friend. tht make around 50000$ per year.
now what he sould do at tht stage,should we call uscis or nvc ? we dint provide thm pay stub.and thy dint ask what we should do .

I hope things get better soon!

kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-28 14:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME
Thnx.i pray evry thing went fine. Only can wait cos nw at tht time a lawyer is also helpless.

my visa is also k1 ,my intervw was 13th dec 2012 me still
in ap,so there is no time limit when u r under ap,

Which sention thy put u on
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-27 05:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

I think this is a denial since shes herself on social security that means govt pays her money for own expenses... Joint sponsors are not accepted anymore for k1 category visa i guess..

its a refusal sheet.tht at the moment the r unable to approve visa,she get social security checks the work she did past year not any benifits from y thy keepin my passport and need time for adminitrative process?
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-26 07:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME
I email thm 2 days ago and today 26Feb thy reply me to updating the same case staus .the email i got from the is

 Dear Applicant,


Your case continues to undergo administrative processing, a normal part of the Immigrant Visa application procedure that can be neither expedited nor waived.  While we understand your concern at the delay in this case, we note that we advise our applicants that administrative processing takes approximately six months on average, meaning that some cases may take more time. 


You may also check on the status of your case at


We hope that this information is helpful to you in responding to you client.



Immigration Unit,

Consular Section, U.S. Embassy,

Islamabad, Pakistan
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-26 05:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME
hope everybody will be fine,i had interview on 31JAN 2013 ISLAMABAD pakistan after few questions the conslour officer give me blue refusal sheet with senction212a(4)(become a public charage) even i have joint sponcer .she is a home maker dont hav job but she get checks every month amount 2105$ from social security ,they have my passport yet and they give me a blue sheet denial writen and some other .thy have my passport yet,when i check my case status .it was updated on 2FEB like that

(your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrativ processing.this processing can take sevral weeks,plz follow any instrustions provided by consular officer at the time of interview,if futher information is will be contacted)

now i check the status today on 25FEB status was updated but same status that i wrriten please anybody can tell or have any experince that what they doing now or what will happen many weeks it will take more cos it allready taken 25DAY.will i recive visa or not .or what will b there nest step .will i revice some kind of call or latter ?
hav a nice day
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-26 02:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)diffrence between green and pink token ?
Hello all
after k1 visa interview on 31 jan 2013 i put on ap .co give a green token with a white sheet where from i can collect my pasport also giv me blue sheet
co hav my paspot till the date of inter view .i hav read on many places here and other tht some people given pink pink token stand for cr1 visa (marriage visa).
any body know its diffrence means ?
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-19 16:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa stamped

thx to all

thx to all

thx to all

aftwr visa issued how many days it took to get back passport islamabad embassy.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-09 05:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)issued or ap who is tellin truth????

should be on the way
how long did you wait while you were on AP?

I was in ap about 2 moth after sendin proof of income .its remain same in ap thn after 1 week its gone ready and next day 3rd april status gone issued from tht day its still showin issued.even amex sayin tht application has been deliverd kiwan.i contact amex 2 days ago plus i call dos yesterday and today.but case status is still issued.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-09 13:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)issued or ap who is tellin truth????

Hopefully you'll receive your passport with your visa.!

thnx.any idea why both dos officer hav to different answers?any body hav this kind of situation like before?
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-09 08:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)issued or ap who is tellin truth????
after many updates my case status change ap to ready and thn next day status issued from 3rd april 2013 it still also comin tht on americanexpress website tht application has beed sent to kiwan. when I call acmerican express thy says we don't hav ur passport yet,next day 8 april I call Dos she said u will recive ur passport soon.but today 9 april I call again Dos he said ur case is still in ap.allthow my case status is still showing issued and printed visa. I told him about case status and American express he said its website issue.
I m confused wat is goin on who is telin truth the embassy or thy lady .
anybody hav any idea or what should I do? or what is goin on
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-09 08:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)READY status means after AP ?URGENT HELP

I believe you will get visa within few days.

Thanx i hav bit confucion. Like why thy put consulate instead embassy.and y thy said interview instead visa ready or wat eles?
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-02 13:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)READY status means after AP ?URGENT HELP
i hav interview of K1 visa interview 31 jan 2013 in islamabad pakistan embassy?i was given a blue sheet mark (become a public charge)cos not accpet joint told me to provide me proof of income of my fiancee. i sent this documents about 14 march after this thy update my AP stauts again but remain same .ater my given interview.first stauts update 2 FEB thn update 26 FEB then after my sent documents status update 22 MARCH but same.

now thy update 2 april 2013 its shows READY .after tht line are

(your case is ready for your interview when shedueld at hte us consular section.if u hav already schedueld an appoinment for an interview.please prepair your docuemnts as directed in your appointment latter and appear at the consulate on the oppointed date and time.otherwise ,please wait until you have been notified of your interview appoinment.

i did not recive any latter of call yet,hope i will recive it soon,they have my passport till the day of this means that i have an other interview or are they going to ask me futher more documents?
please kindly let me know

kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-02 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED

you should recieve your passport within 2-3 weeks! in sha Allah. congats!

after issued status how long did u got ur passport .i also check american visa express web site link under blow us visa status tracking.its status says the application haa been delivered to kiwan. My status issued was updated 3 apr.thnx God bless u.

after issued status how long did u got ur passport .i also check american visa express web site link under blow us visa status tracking.its status says the application haa been delivered to kiwan. My status issued was updated 3 apr.thnx God bless u.

kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-06 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED




kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-05 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED

Congratulations :thumbs: !!!

kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-04 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED

6 months

Thnx .
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-03 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED
Had my K1 visa interview 31 jan 2013 put on ap due 2 221g.after 4 case status changed in 2 months nw on 3rd april status say Issued.

your visa has been printed.depending on local procedures at the location where u interviewd.your visa will b mailed or avaiable for pick up soon.if there are futher questions or if we need updated contact will b contacted.
when i will get my visa passport . And also want to knw after getrin my visa how long i hav time to travel.?
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-03 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA ISSUED! Alhumdolilah! Allah is great!
did u call DOS what thy say about ur status ISSUED visa? cos I call after my visa status ISSUED 1 day she said u wil get ur passport soon next day I call he said ur are in ap and told me its website issue.but my status is still remain ISSUED plus I check American express web site us visa trackin by given passport num ,it say that it has been delivered to me ,even I did not got passport yet or call.hav u any idea in how many days passport came after issued visa status.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-09 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsafter visa issued how much time to get back passport
hello all
hope u all will b status updated from ap to ready and nxt day ready to visa issued and printed.i also check age website us visa trackin for pakistan.its says tht the application has been recived by me.wll i did not recive any call from speedex or american express.thy say we dont hav ur pasport yet.
today 8 april i call dos she told me tht u will get ur visa passport visa Issued stastus updated 3 april.
hav any body idea how much it take time to get back passport after visa issued .
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-04-08 10:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow to start marrige based visa?
Hello all.
I am looking information that how to start apply married based imigratiom visa in pakistan .and what forms I need how to apply and when what will b happen step by step.plz I need whole information from start to till visa .all dosuments chexk list .my embassy is islamabad pakistan.

kiwanNot TellingPakistan2014-04-12 05:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

Consulates do not have to accept assets or co-sponsors. Either way you need to start over. either a K-1 again with her having a better job OR get married and do a CR-1 which avoids the consulate handling the financial information altogether and turns it over to NVC.

Primary residences are not usually accepted as an asset, if you sell them they have to be replaced. Assets must be property which can be sold within 1 year without a damaging affect on the family.

She needs to get a job and re-file the I-129f or you need to get married and file an I-130.

i m in AP after the day of interview 31 march 2013 officer asked me of social security papers tht i am goin to send in few days.thy hav my passport its about 40 days thty dint send me back,yes u r right she need a job.she get the job but its 8$ per hour .and only can work 40 hours a week,tht i dint come to meeet requirment,she need another job alos tht she is lookin.yes u right thy wont accpet house as assets .
i m in i think after 3 or 4 months later we provide thm pay stubps.

thanx for ur time lookin fwd
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-14 04:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

so while you were filling out that form i129f your fiancee wasnt working? so in a question about her present job she said " unemployed"???

yes she was not workin when we filed.thts y with her social security papers her close friend become a co sponser.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-14 04:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

BE PATIENT and wait for specific guideance from them. Take it step by step and try to do exactly what they request.

Best of Luck!

Ya may b u right we hav no option untill we should wait.but u knw wait nevr easy
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-13 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

Salam Brother,

This has happened to a few other individuals here on VJ. From what I know, she has got to get a job and prove that she can support you when you arrive. She has to meet the minimum requirement. However, even after that you will face a period of AP, how long is dependant specifically on your case. There are no two ways around these issues. That stands true for the K-1 Visa.

If you do go ahead and get married, you are absolutely right, it can and probably will take 1 - 2 years or perhaps even a little longer to get a Visa if you gauge on how long others Visa's have taken for their husbands.

The real question is what is more feasible for you and your loved one to accomplish? That is a decision that is between you and her that none of us can help you answer.

Best of Luck to you!

thnx bro foe u time.
in the ens of interview officer gave me a blue sheet but he dint return my passport and still today nw it has been 40 days thy hav my passport .thy out us on ap last status was updated on 26 feb.i m goin to send socical security papers tht officer asked to me to.evn we send but he sais we dont hav it.u think so its a good sign when thy kept ur pasport or this woild b a short AP.
she got a job 2 days ago and she started the work even she can work 40 hours in week 8$ per hour.
i am hopin tht evrthing went fine. Do u hav ajy idea is social security effect on case.cos its a money tht she work pass years in a factory.she dnt take any publuc charge.
what u suggest us to talk a lawyer will b help full and we should wait and see .
we dnt want to go for marrige visa cos its lenghty as u knw allready .so we decided to careywith K1 visa.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-03-13 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

Maybe it's the consulate? because my then fiancee now wife made just 3000 last year and we had no problem with the k1 as we had a co sponsor.

Maybe it's more for the fact that your fiancee has been using unemployment, not good. :(

may b u right .may b its from vary country to country.she is unemployment, but she get money from govement tht work she did past year in embassy .CO said u mention in papers tht ur fiancee is home maker i said yes but she gets money from govement.he said do u hav papers of it .i said i dont hav at the moment .in the last he said u can send these to us whn u recive ur passport via i m waitin for paspport .plus my fiancee try to contact embassy to know tht exect sitution.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-04 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

It is consulate specific. Some do not allow co-sponsors for a K-1. Even if they did allow them, it would still be up to the sole discretion of the CO as to whether or not they felt the beneficiary would become a public charge or not.

yes u r right about it.its all about th CO what makes thm staified .
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-04 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

Adittional processing or administrative processing I guess...

I am totally clueless in this matter. I thought if you got denied cause they won't take your co-sponsor, all you had to do was to get married and fill CR-1 with a co-sponsor and that it would take 10 months.
Apparently I am very naîve and totally wrong... Learning every day, right? Sorry I really can't help you more.

As suggested by much more experienced members the rest of the process can be very specific to pakistan, and probably other members who went through this embassy will be able to help you much better.

yes we hav 1 chance still left to go as CO said tht u can send the papers tht i told and he asked me and at the monment i dont hav with me in the time or interviw.if thy will dnt accept house gurreete plus these papers.thn we hav no option but job .thts all.
yes here thy dont accpet the co sponser.actally we thought this visa is quite simple and short time period .thts y we choose .cos who we talked thy suggest us k1 visa.
dont b sorry ,i am hapy u gav ur time to me for problem.yes u r right people who went thorw this embassy from k1 process thy can better help or can come with some idea,
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-04 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

If she gets a job she will need to submit her employment letter and 6 months of paycheck stubs. She needs to find a job or two. Good thing is you have finished most of the process this is the last step. They are not going to approve you and let you come to American when she has no income and only has enough to feed herself. Then once you come here she can quit her job and you can work.

yes she is lookin for a job tht can me matched with the requirment.6 months is not tht easy but may b we dont hav any choise.we will also try to use house gurrttne papers as not takin public chrage,hav to see if thy accet it.she dont hav job but she gets noney frm govement tht worked she did past years in a factory ,i think i need to b patient
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-04 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

I think you need to study up on getting a visa through Pakistan, it IS about the country, 99.9% of k-1/cr1 marriage based visas get put into months, sometimes years and years of additional administrative processing. Getting a lawyer isn't going to get you out of this process.

yes i collect all the info as we could.but u know thy allways look for out weakness and short points,yes u also right about k1/cr1 visas.i dont think if we hire a lawyer he/she can take out from this sittution,this is somthing tht we hav to full fill our own.cos now we know the denied reason .but we r lookin to take lawyer opnion only.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-04 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

Ok, I didn't know this, and with AP, it could take so long...

yes it is .plz can u tell me what i called AP?
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-04 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

firsst of all i know its not an easy to live apart so long from ur loved ones, yes i usually go through the pak portal most of the beneficiries put on AP, so possible 2-3 years for spousal visa, what i can suggest u here is wait for the reply from US-Embassy, n dont rush to get married, first of all pray for ur fiancee to get good job then she can provide u all nacessary Docs.

best of luck n prays are with u.

yea spousal visa took time in every country .cos after her visit to me we start to collect info we find tht k1 is bit easy and simple plus short time .cos who she talk in usa every ont told marry visa took 2,3 year .so thts y we choose k1 visa.yes we r not in rush,she seekin a job .my all prey is for her.thnx ur wishes and prey .GOD bless u .
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-03 06:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

So what happens if within that year she doesn't get a job to qualify? You wasted an entire year.

yes entire time and money tht spend on time and tour.we hav to do tht again visit agin for marry and ticket cost and re submit documnets with all new fess,

He is from Pakistan, it could very well take 2-3 years. Pakistan is a totally different animal,

its not about th country ,when u do marry in country embassy need time to handle the documnets tht why its took so long.but when u get marry in usa ,its easy for thm to manage .cos every country hav diffrent rules and .
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-03 05:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

Get a lawyer.... thats the best thing you can do right now...

we r not thinkin to hire lawyer yet.but after sh talk embassy and my passport arive with any document or with out .we r just goin to take lawyer opinion wat thy say about it.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-03 05:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal
Embassy gav us 1 year to take the request the fllowing action .so i bleave we hav 1 year to prove.we decided to go thorw with it .cos if she come back to me it will take 1600 $ plus time to save money and thn go back and thn reapply again and waitin again for passin the paper time tht is about 2 to 3 year take in my country.
we r also gone try the gurrentee thing. she is realy trying hard to get job.dont know how long job papers she hav to shown to b approved my visa.also waitin for passport comin back may b thy gave us somekind of later or how we can appeal or resubmit the papers .
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-03 05:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal
she showed the papers of this house tht she dont live on rent ot or payin house instailment.but she dint show up a house as asset or as a gurrentte tht she thinkin to do now.if myslef want as a sponser myself how much money i need to show off is thy accpet local bank statement or thy only accpet us dollor statements.
i also hear about job latter tht if she send me a job latter (tht a job is awaiting for me over there on my arrival) u think it will help me to get visa.cos at the monent she get (2095 $) per monoth, she also lookin a job too.
embassy stillhav my passport tht thy will send me via fedx i dont know why thy dint return me .thy just giv me a blue form.

1 thing at the end of the interview when consular said tht i am confused abot ur case cause of joint sponcer i said i also provide the proofe tht she got everymoneth money from govement,he said i dint see any kind of paper in file as we send .he asked me do u hav it i sad at the monent NO ,he said u can send tht papers along with ur paspport again when u recive via what we gone do we will send 1 year detail tht by months in which month she get .plus bank statement of her.cos before tht we only provide joint sponser person statement.

plus she also decided to call us embssy or email to know tht whcih kind of document will b valued to take the visa.
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-03 02:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal
to get marry we need to resubmit new case and it will take 2,3 year to get visa,she hav own house over there,what if she did the gurrente of her house and property that if i ever found to become a public charge she allow the govement to her house .u think this kind of gurrentee paper will b work out?
kiwanNot TellingPakistan2013-02-02 17:29:00