United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Had my medical on Monday a Knightsbridge doctors on Bentnick street :)

My experience was pretty much the same as everyone elses, nowhere near as bad as I thought it would fact, I was amazed at how relaxed I was.

The building was pretty easy to find...our cab driver knew the general area, but you couldn't miss the's a huge, white building on the corner. I remember there were 2 brass plaques on the walls either side of the door. The plaque on the right side had the word 'Mansions', so we knew we were in the right place.

Press the buzzer, through the door, up the small steps and turn to your right and you are in.

I spoke to a nice Australian lady, who I found out later was the nurse, she took all my paperwork and directed me to the waiting room. There were 5 other people in the room, so we sat down and prepared to wait.

Filled out my questionaire, then I was called in by the nurse. She told me that I had to have the MMR vaccine, even though my GP told me I didn't need it, but I went ahead and had it done there and then, as I didn't want to delay the process any further.
After a friendly chat and a stab in the arm, I was ushered back to the waiting room, then the doctor called me in.

I had the nice Irish doctor, who was very efficient and made feel at ease. I answered a few more medical related questions, signed a form and my photo and had practically the same examinations as everyone else, except he didn't do a gender test, which relieved me a little ;o)

Onto X-ray, which was painless, apart from having to stand in the most awkward position ever lol.
X-ray came back fine and I asked him if it looked normal...he said it did :)..and that ws it really. Paid at the hatch and the receptionist told me they would contact me if there were any problems with my blood results, but other than that, everything would be forwarded onto the embassy ready for my interview next week.

All in all, it took an hour and cost £190 for the medical and my MMR vaccine was £35

Spent the rest of the day walking around London until our train was due and that was that...nothing to worry about at all :)

Edited by Think~Pink, 03 February 2010 - 06:01 AM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-03 05:56:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
That's a really interesting scenario, but what about my passport..would I be breaking the law going over to the US on a passport bearing my single name, when I am actually married?

I'm also not sure about toe double wedding either..I would doubt it is not possible, or advisable..but what do I know lol
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-16 13:08:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Thanks so much Jeraly, it is comforting to know that..I think our time apart has made us stronger too smile.gif

I have bookmarked this site now, so I will not be a stranger..I'll be here asking for help about my immigration visa before you know it wink.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-12 10:41:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Thanks everyone for the advice and good does mean a lot.

TBH, it's not just about the wedding day..there are a lot of other factors involved which we have taken into account to come to the decision we have. It wasn't an easy decision to make, but we have weighed up all of our options, even to the point of bringing the wedding forward and getting married in a registry office if we could.

The choice we have made is the only way forward for us in our particular circumstances. I agree it maybe isn't the best of choices, but we are both aware of the consequences. We don't want to be apart any more than we have to, but there is no other option that fits all of our circumstances.

There is no way we can get married any sooner, even just a quick wedding, as it simply isn't feasible for either of us to travel either here or there..not so soon, (unless money was no object..then it wouldn't matter).

I do appreciate all of the advice you have given us, it has been invaluable, but unfortunately for us, we are going to have to do it the long way round...yes it sucks, but we have no choice.

Thanks again all smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-11 08:13:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Hi msu..thanks for the input smile.gif

I know this is the long way round, but it's the only option we have.
He absolutely cannot come over here any sooner, either because of the cost or because he could lose his job...and I cannot go over there for the same reasons.

It is our own fault..he has only been home for 2 weeks since his last visit..if we had done our research, then we would have known about this sooner and he could have done everything whilst here and we could have brought the wedding it is now, we just don't have a choice..unless I win the lottery lol.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-10 13:37:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Thanks for the replies smile.gif

I know what you mean..we have been waiting 8 years so far, but it is absolutely impossible for my family to go over to the US and I really want them to be at my wedding as it will be the only time I get married!
If there was a remote chance I could get them over there, then I would do it in a flash, as it would solve all our problems, but it's just not feasible and I couldn't do it without them..especially my mum *sigh*

You have given me some great advice though and a lot to think about..thank you all smile.gif

BTW: sorry if I was posting in the wrong place..I had no idea the foum was specifically for immigration, so thanks for bearing with me.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-09 02:30:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
As it happens, we haven't paid a deposit yet..we were due to do that this week! (I have bought my dress though crying.gif

We discussed the options tonight and we think we are going to go down the 'visit for marriage' visa route, then deal with my paperwork afterwards. It does depend on a few things though.

I have looked in the guides section here and I can't seem to find anything about this particular visa, (although I am probably looking in the wrong place).

If we still want to get married in June 09, when should he apply for the visa so it doesn't expire?

Also, as we both have to give notice of marriage at the registrar office, over here, can we get married immediately after we have done this, or is there more waiting afterwards...basically, if he came over with a completed visit for marriage visa, for a 2-3 week holiday, would we be able to get married in this time frame.

sorry for all the questions.

Edited by Think~Pink, 08 July 2008 - 03:17 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-08 15:15:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Thanks so much for being so patient with me..if I could buy you all a drink..I would!!!!

Poiteen, thanks for laying it all out in plain steps for me...I will go through your options with my fiance tonight, then we can decide which option would best suit us.

You have been a great help..thanks so much smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-08 08:50:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Thanks Poiteen..I'm still confused about everything lol

I am not against doing anything at the moment..I just want us to be able to get married next year as we planned.

All that bothers me is the fact he will have to come over here for the giving notice thing..he could lose his job and also it seems like a lot of money for a plane ticket etc, for just a short meeting.
I also only have 1 week holiday left at work too, so we are struggling.

I have just got off the phone from the registry office at my town hall and they say I should apply for the fiance visa. From what they say, we should apply much later down the line as it is only valid for 6 months..but we cannot guarantee that it will be approved in time..I wish there was a walkthrough for these things lol
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-08 05:16:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Thank you for the information smile.gif

It looks like whatever we decide to do, we are going to have to spend time apart, but depending on which route we take, determines how long.

I am just not able to go over there and wait 2 months for the advanced parole thing to come through, I cannot get that time off work.
It will be just as difficult for him to get time off work to come over here for the interview for the notice of marriage..he could well end up losing his just seems we are stuck between a rock and a hard place and it's stressing me out no end.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-08 03:43:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Lots of great advice, I am sorry I didn't find this forum sooner smile.gif

It does sound like the K1 is better all around, especially as he would have to come over here just to attend the 'giving notice of marriage' thing..he has only just gone home lol (wish we had known all this before his would have saved us a lot of headaches).

If say I take a week holiday to go over there and do the legal marriage in the courthouse..would this other thing, advanced parole...would I be able to get that whilst I am over there, or does it take a while?
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-07 16:39:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Thank you so much for your has helped me a lot.

If I wanted to go over there and have the quick ceremony, then come over here and have the 'offcial' ceremony..what would that entail?
Would I then have to apply for visas etc and would the ceremony over here have to be done by someone who is not licensed, so it would be more like a 'pretend' wedding?

Sorry for all the questions, but there is so much to have no idea how many websites I have bookmarked lol
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-07 13:44:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Hi and thanks for the reply smile.gif

I just want to clarify that I am the UK citizen, he is the US citizen and we only want to get married in the UK, (because of my family)..and then I am going to live in the US, (those visas are another story).

Thanks for the link you posted, I will definitely take a look there if it helps's just, people sometimes make things sound confusing..I am but a simple mind lol.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-07 13:08:00
United KingdomPlease help... I am so confused
Hi everyone, this is my first post so please forgive me if this has been posted before.

I am in a fix..I am a UK citizen, engaged to a US citizen.
We have planned our wedding for June 2009 and have been extremely naive. We didn't realise that he would need some kind of visa in order to marry over here and now I am panicking and stressing out.

We want to get married over here, with the intent of me moving over there as soon as possible afterwards.
We are not having a church wedding, (but if it makes it easier..then we will), but a civil ceremony at a licensed venue, (we are male/female BTW).

All the web sites are quite confusing and I just don't know where to there anyone out there who can please, please help me.

Thanks so much in advance
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-07-07 12:32:00
United KingdomVisit for marriage help needed
Thanks so much Poiteen for taking the time and trouble to find the links.

That is indeed where I saw you could have it for 12 months and also the ONLY place I have seen this since, so I had to ask.
Being able to apply for a multiple entry visa, solves all our problems and so this is the way we are going to go.

Thanks also for your concern about our situation..we have weighed up all of our options and had a lot of discussion about it. Although it isn't the quickest route, it is ultimately the best route for us to go down...TBH, we have waited so long to be together, we figure a few more months won't make that much difference and give us both time to sort things out...especially at my end.

Once again, thanks so much for your doubt I will be calling on your expertise once my spousal visa application begins wink.gif

Edited by Think~Pink, 14 September 2008 - 01:07 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-09-14 13:05:00
United KingdomVisit for marriage help needed
Hi Poiteen,

Thanks for that info. I knew about the validity of the notice of mariage, but it's the actual visa that I need to know about. Is the visit for marriage visa valid for more than a six month period.
Basically, apply for visa that is valid for 12 month, come over in Dec, give notice, leave end of Dec, come back over in June, get married, leave again, then I start the process of moving over there.

If the visa can be valid for more than 6 months, then we won't have a problem applying for it, as the timing will not then be crucial.
From what I understand of the paragraph I quoted in the above post...the visa can be valid for as long as you like, as long as the person holding it spends no more than 6 months at a time in the country. I am wondering if I am reading that right, because elsewhere, they all say you can only get a visit for marriage visa for 6 months.

Sorry if it sounds's confusing for me too, which is why I need help lol

Good luck with the Wiki smile.gif

Edited by Think~Pink, 14 September 2008 - 06:30 AM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-09-14 06:29:00
United KingdomVisit for marriage help needed
Hi and thanks for replying and the link smile.gif

He is not moving over here, just visiting in order to be married, then going back home to the US..I will then be moving over there to live with him.
I just wondered if anyone else had any experience of this or any legal information that may help..sorry if I posted in the wrong place, it's hard to find anywhere that has this information.

The website you linked to doesn't really help, but thanks anyway smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-09-13 15:42:00
United KingdomVisit for marriage help needed
Sorry, I can't seem to see an option to edit my original post.

I just came across this information:

How long will my visa be valid for?
With a visit visa you can usually enter and leave the UK any number of times while the visa is still valid. You cannot stay for longer than six months on each visit. Visit visas can be valid for six months, one year, two years, five years or 10 years. You can apply for a visa valid for any of these periods. The Entry Clearance Officer may decide to make your visa valid for a shorter time than you have asked for, for example if you are not a regular traveller or have never visited the UK before

Does this apply to the visit for marriage visa and does this mean he can get the visa for 1 year, then use it to come over in December and again in June next year and it will still be valid, as long as he isn't staying for longer than 6 months at a time?

So confusing.

Edited by Think~Pink, 13 September 2008 - 03:20 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-09-13 15:19:00
United KingdomVisit for marriage help needed
Hi everyone smile.gif

I posted a while ago about our situation and after considering all our options, we decided to go down the visit for marriage route.

My fiance is coming over here to get married, then I will apply for the spouse visa to go and join him in the US.

Our wedding is booked for June 5th 2009
My fiance is coming over this Christmas, December 20th, and during this time, we are hoping to give notice of marriage.
The thing is, I know the visa is only valid for 6 months, so our timing is going to be critical and basically,the visa will have to be issued after December 5th in order to still be valid 6 months down the line.

Does the time of the visa start from the moment you apply, or from the date it is approved?
Obviously, he needs it before travelling over here in December, so would anyone be able to advise me of real time, processing, how long it takes to arrive on average, if you can request it to start from a particular date and and if there is a fee you can pay to rush it through once approved.

Does anyone also have any advice as to when he should apply for it so our visa doesn't run out before we get married.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2008-09-13 14:55:00
United KingdomBirth Certificate
I got mine today.
I ordered it over the phone yesterday and they mailed it out first class so I got it today. I'm a happy bunny smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-11-18 16:30:00
United KingdomMedical locations
Thanks for replying smile.gif
Just a couple more questions if that's okay.

How soon before the interview can the medical usually take place.

I can't really afford to stay in London for any length of time, so it will have to be 2 separate trips, so the more space between the 2 appointments the better...also, do the medical centre do weekend appointments?

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-11-20 03:19:00
United KingdomMedical locations
Hi, sorry if this is a really stupid question, but I have looked through tons of threads and not found the answer.

I wondered about the medical exam.
I notice most people have theirs done in London...are there any other cities that you can go to and get it done.

I know you have to have a USCIS approved doctor to do it, but London is quite a trip, so I wondered if there was anywhere a little more central.

Thanks in advance.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-11-19 20:14:00
United KingdomNot in System
I'm having the same feelings...our case was forwarded to London on 30th December and received/signed for on the 4th January.

The NVC have already given me an interview date...but I have yet to hear from London Embassy so I can book medical etc.
I wasn't aware that the NVC would give me an interview date, I expected that to come from the London I am panicking in case everything isn't done on time....or even worse, the interview date the NVC game me, is wrong.

Is there a contact number that doesn't cost the earth to phone?

Edited by Think~Pink, 12 January 2010 - 11:04 AM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-01-12 11:03:00
United KingdomMedical Examination Question
There is a really helpful thread pinned to the top of this has some very detailed experiences and even photos and directions on how to get there.
You should have nothing to worry about though, it's pretty straight forward and they make you feel quite at ease.

Good luck :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-03 05:20:00
United KingdomVisa arrived!!
Congratulations...have a safe trip and enjoy the rest of your life :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-03 06:26:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!!!
Congratulations :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-05 05:18:00
United KingdomWhat now?
:lol: that gave me a laugh....think that's my plan too ;)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-19 12:04:00
United KingdomWhat now?
Ahhh you are a star...thank you :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-18 18:16:00
United KingdomWhat now?
Hi everyone...sorry if this has been done to death, but I have done various searches and can't find what I need.

After a lengthy process, my visa is now in hand and I am preparing my departure....thing is, I am kind of floundering around as I have no idea how to go about it.

Who do I have to notify I am leaving the country, do I close my bank account, transfer it or keep it...there is so much to think about and I have no idea where to start.

Is there anyone who can spin me around and point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-18 17:58:00
United KingdomTime for medical
It depends how many people are in front of you I guess.
There were quite a few before me, but I was done and out in an hour, so it shouldn't be more than that.

I also had to have the MMR after my doctor told me I didn't need it. I paid them £25 for the privilege of stabbing me, but I'd rather it was done there and then, so it didn't delay everything.

Good luck :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-18 18:03:00
United KingdomGot IT!!!
Congratulations :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-21 17:27:00
United KingdomWant to surprise my husband for his 50th
As the others have mentioned, you will be really lucky to get a ticket for a Man U match. It is mostly season ticket holders who take the vast majority of seats and season tickets are extremely hard to get...they are usually handed down through the family.

After season ticket holders, club members get next priority on tickets, then if there are any left, they will be put on general sale. It's really difficult, (and expensive), to get tickets...especially for a home match, you just have to be lucky.
Unfortunately, gone are the days where you could go down on a Saturday and queue up outside, pay a fiver and see a match.

You can check the ticket news on the MUFC website for any tickets on general sale:;categoryid=208

There is a list of FAQ's about tickets on their website too, it may help you :o)

There is a tour you can take around Old Trafford, which takes you through the stadium, media room, changing rooms and down the tunnel to pitch might want to consider's pretty interesting and for a Man U fan it's a must do.

I *think* the away fans are in the East stand, but don't quote me on that.

There is some stuff to do nearby....Salford Quays has the Lowry theatre, shopping mall, (although it's an outlet mall and quite small), cinema within the mall, Imperial war museum and you can catch a tram or drive into Manchester city centre which is really close.

Places to stay..not sure, but you can try Trip Advisor for bed and breakfast places...use Old Trafford as your search and see what it brings up.
There are a few hotels not too far...on Salford Quays, Holiday Inn express, Copthorne hotel, Premier inn and a really basic and cheap place called the Etap hotel. You can find reviews of all of these on Trip Advisor too.

Salford Quays, although really nice, was developed right next to one of the more, for want of a better word, deprived neighbourhoods, so you may want to bear that in mind although it has greatly improved.

London is about a 4 hour drive from Manchester...I have done it myself and hated every minute.
You can get some quite cheap tickets on Virgin trains if you travel off peak, and that takes 2 hours approx.

Some handy websites:


Hope that helps a little.

BTW...if you love the monarchy, then the tour around Buckingham Palace is a must's amazing :o)

Edited by Think~Pink, 04 March 2010 - 07:50 AM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-03-04 07:49:00
United KingdomOfficial stuff that needs to be done before moving on K-1
Thanks Gemmie, I'll give them a call tomorrow ...and thanks for the help in the other thread too ;)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-18 18:35:00
United KingdomOfficial stuff that needs to be done before moving on K-1
Do you think it better to keep your bank account open or close it does it work using your debit card abroad....are you charged anything to do this?

Thanks for the help...I am in this situation too and find it overwhelming trying to think of everything I should be doing.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-18 18:21:00
United KingdomShipping from the UK
Hi Madame Cleo

It's mostly sentimental stuff for me too, but I do have some household items also. I am trying to keep it to an absolute minimum and have got rid of a lot of stuff already...stuff that I would probably have hung onto if I were staying here, but every penny helps :o)

If I left it to my hubby, he would have me leave everything, but there are some things I just cannot part with.

It is expensive, but I am getting door to door service and they are packing and unpacking for me, so at least I won't have to do that.

Edited by Think~Pink, 05 March 2010 - 03:38 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-03-05 15:37:00
United KingdomShipping from the UK
You are most welcome and I can totally's been a real headache.

I eventually went with a company called John Mason International.

They came in with a middle priced quote, but I just felt they were more professional. Their website looks good and the person I spoke with was extremely helpful.
They contacted me when they said they would and always emailed me replies to the many questions I asked them.

I asked for a quote from Crown, but they never bothered to get back to me...John Mason won me over.

I just got all of their paperwork today and I have to admit, it looks very daunting...but no doubt once I start to plough through it, it will be easy enough to fill out.

I am booked in for next week...eek...then the following Tuesday I am heading for my new life, but still a lot to do before then.

Edited by Think~Pink, 05 March 2010 - 03:22 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-03-05 15:22:00
United KingdomShipping from the UK
I'm looking into this too.

I have quite a bit, so DHL is going to work out too expensive.

I found a thread on here in the search about various removal companies.
A lot of people have used excess baggage or PSS international.

I got 2 quotes from hem...with a huge difference.
The first quote came in at just over £500 then the second over £900....I was told I should never have been given the first quote as it would never be that cheap.
The first guy I spoke to also failed to tell me that it would be over £100 extra, just for delivery of boxes because I am outside of London, so wary of this.

So far, the cheapest company I have found is John Mason, who do all the packing for you...looks like I will probably use them.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-03-03 07:23:00
United KingdomI made it!
We already had the superfine sugar, my hubby always gets it apparently, so I used that and it turned out fine.

I got the same reaction from my hubby too about caster sugar ...I swear he thinks I make stuff up lol
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-03-30 10:27:00
United KingdomI made it!
Thanks everyone :)

Gemmie, I was all so overwhelming, but it did get less confusing once we were in the's just knowing which visa to apply for and how to start.

Went grocery shopping and felt so out of my depth..didn't have a clue what everything was lol...I'm going to try my hand at baking today, although I can't find caster sugar here, we will have to see how it turns out ;)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-03-26 11:17:00
United KingdomI made it!
Arrived in the US on Tuesday and seeing my husband there was the best feeling ever.
Now I am ready to start our new life together...after all this time waiting, it finally happened and it is WONDERFUL.

Saying goodbye to my family was heartbreaking, but they are all happy for me and I know I will see them again :)

Thank you to everyone who helped along the are great...and to all those people still waiting, do not give up's worth fighting for :)

Awaiting the arrival of my belongings now, but I have a lot of adjusting to do in the meantime.

Edited by Think~Pink, 19 March 2010 - 12:49 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-03-19 12:48:00