Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)

Holaaa!!!! chicas!!!


el 19 de febrero es mi entrevista, debo llamar al doctor cuanto tiempo atras?

-que documentos debo llevar?

que tipo de foto llevo y cuentas?

cuanto tiempo antes debo estar?

ami prometido tambien lo entrevistan ese dia?

cuantas preguntas hacen?


graciassssssssssssssssss  <3

holaaa nenaa de donde eres? yo tambien tengo cita ese dia a las 11 am .... yo ya llamé ayer donde el DR ROA y me dieron la cita para el 18 un día antes de la cita... y hay q ir ese mismo día  temprano al laboratorio a los examenes ellos se encargan de enviarle los resultados al consultorio del dr roa y los resultados todos o el paquete q tienes q llevar a la embaqjada te los entregan en la noche.....nena yo llevo 8 fotos en total y en foto japon saben como deben ser dices que para visa

yo iré a la entrevista sola , no es necesario que el asista pero si te sientes mas segura y pueden el ir contigo pues mejor, y las preguntas siempre varian pero las mas tipicas.... cmo se conocieron? que donde viviras en USA, que si ha sido casado antes,  y los documentos.... yo estoy esperando mi paquete 3 y 4 pra saber con exactitud lo que piden porque se que han habido cambios..... a ti ya te llego ese paquete ??     suerte y espero vernos por alla ;) un abrazo

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-18 08:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)

Hola a todos, espero que les este yendo muy bien, quisiera comentarles que el día de hoy en la mañana según USPS se entrego el paquete a USCIS en Dalla,TX. Nos preguntamos ahora que debemos hacer, esperar alguna notificación?. 




Hola wilians si lo que le llman NOA1..... cuando llega a texas y aprueban que esta bien el paquete te manda un email y despues te llega una carta con tu número de caso con el cual podras revisar en la pagina de USCIS como va tu proceso espero q sea todo rápido y no tengas RFE ;) un abrazo

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-15 10:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)

jjajajajaja bueno, iras a la cita primero que yo porque la quiero hacer para la primera semana de Marzo ... ojala sea rapido para comprar mi tiquete...  Te cuento que NO, ya ahora es mas facil hacer todito. Dime si quieres te mando el paquete que me enviaron... la unica forma que debes de llenar es la DS 160 ... debes de ir a ... ya que tienes tu BGT la puedes empezar a llenarna, no la tienes que enviar, por ahora la puedes guardar.... En esta forma debes de subir tu foto asi que preparate para escanearla.... luego de que la mandas, ellos te envian un correo de inmediato confirmando .... este correo incluye la hoja de confirmacion que debes de llevar a la embajada , incluye tu foto, tu informacion y un codigo de barras que es lo que ellos escanean cuando llegas para sacar toda tu informacion.... si quieres te mando mi paquete...

siiii auqnue tambien podria ser en los primeros dias de marzo igual viajo es en mayo asi q quien quita q nos veamos las caras por alla ;)  ... oh ok osea q eso es nuevo ya solo se llena la forma DS-160  ;) mucho mejor y siiii i te agradeceria q por fa me lo envies a mi correo es muchas gracias dancin5hr.gif 

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-11 15:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)



QUE RICO!!!!!! me alegra que hayas recibido ese numero... DIOS MIO... tu no sabes como eso agiliza el proceso.... Bueno de las citas te cuento que me meto a diario, en la manana y en la noche pero el cambio en las citas es muy poco.... acabaron de abrir 2 para febrero 5, de resto nada disponible.... se debe de demorar 2-3 dias para que llegue a la embajada dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif QUE RICO rofl.gif  ... Ahora si, ya es oficial... en 1 -2 meses a viajar 

siiii nena pero ahora hay que esperar el famoso paquete que llegue   y queremos una cita para mitad de febrero  y viajaria en mayo dancin5hr.gif .... nena el paquete t llegara por correo electronico?  otra peguntica sacame de una duda siguen siendo los DS 156, DS 156K y el DS 230 (1 parte) los formularios???

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-10 20:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)

goofy.gif goofy.gif FELIZ FIN DE SEMANA PARA TODOS... que bueno ver que poco a poco van llegando al foro... no hay tanta soledad ahora. aaawwwwww... abrazosssssss.......goofy.gif idea9dv.gif goofy.gif

Igual para ti Eli que tenas un excelente fin de semana dancin5hr.gif  , siii ya poco a poco se va llenando .... nena t cuento q ya tengo mi BGT por fis tienes lo q han publicado varias veces pero qno encuentro el orden de los papeles que te dan a la entrada de la emabajda  bueno! si es q lo tienes jiji  ya mañana a empezar ahora si alistar todo :D ando en una mezcla de sustico y alegria .... un abrazoo luv.gif 

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-10 00:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)

Finalmente hoy recibi un correo de la embajada preguntandome donde deben de mandar el famoso paquete.... Cada vez que veo las citas, lo unico disponible es para finales de enero, es decir, en 3 semanas... Me pregunto,porque no abren el calendario de citas para febrero y maezo.... Espero que todos hayan pasado un feliz año nuevo.....

Holaa luchiniski que bien que ya recibiste la llamada..... y que raro eso de que aun no esten disponibles los otros meses nadie te ha contado que le pase lo mismo ???? pues nena t cuento q ahora m acaba d llamar mi amorcito  .... ya estaba dormida y me dice amor toma lapiz y papel  y empezo a deletrearme I LOVE YOU y luego empezo a deletrear el BGT jijiji por finn ya lo tenemos el señor q lo atendio muy amablemente le dijo q hoy salio todo para Bogota..... se me quito el sueño y ahora me dio como sustico de ver como ya se acerca el día... un abrazo y espero q pronto se pueda arreglar lo  de las fechas luv.gif  

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-10 00:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)


Hola mardavi2627, muchas gracias por tus deseos. Si vamos a enviar dos cartas de intención de matrimonio cada una firmada, -como nos conocimos firmada por los dos y la otra evidencia Ojala todo salga muy bien, andamos un poco nerviosos y bueno pues yo algo prevenido despues de las negaciones de visa de turismo. Algunos tips que deba tener en cuenta antes de enviar la solicitud??




Hola wilian que bien entonces...esperemos que sea un noa 2 rapido y seguro asi será ya veras ;)   yo envie I- 129F  325 G o biografia, las dos cartas, y de evidencia... tickets d nuestro viaje a a mexico los recibos de cuando el m envia dinero... tarjetas de flores, y fotos no enviamos muchas como unas 15 fotos  yaunque recibimos un RFE no fue por evidencia fue por papeles de su divorcio..... espero de todo corazon que todo les  salga bien un abrazogoofy.gif 

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-09 23:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)

Hola a todos que tal?? Un gusto saludarlos, bueno les comento hoy si Dios permite estaremos enviando nuestro I-129F. ya se imaginaran lo emocionados que andamos!! ajaja, ojala la espera no sea muy larga.




Hola wilians las mejores de las suertes en su soliitud que todo sea rapido y sin RFEdancin5hr.gif ... t hago una prgunta envian las dos cartas de intencion? firmada por ti y por tu  novia? espero que si y que nos les falte nada y reciban pronto su NOA 2 q es lo mas demorado un abrazo goofy.gif 

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-09 11:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)

oh q bien ya somos goofy.gifgoofy.gif goofy.gif  jiji espero pronto perder la cuenta dancin5hr.gif luv.gif

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-08 22:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)

oh bueno ver que alguine entro,,,, como vas? Marda... yo voltie muchisimo pa llegar pero llegue hahaha...abrazos linda..

goofy.gif goofy.gif idea9dv.gif goofy.gif goofy.gif


sera que solo nos quedaremos las dos jajajaja ...espero que todos puedan saber como llegar  y yo  todo biendancin5hr.gif  Eli gracias en la espera de mi BGTClockWatch2.gif ....un abrazo para ti goofy.gif 

mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-08 15:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS CON VISA K-1 (CONTINUACION 7)


mardavi2627MaleColombia2014-01-07 17:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Oath Ceremony @ LA Convention Center:


I was supposed to report in @ 7:40 am but I was late was 25 minutes due to traffic and parked at the convention center for $15. It was't a big deal as they don't have time to ask you too many questions when they are covering over 3000 people. The ceremony started late because the judge forgot his robe at home and had sent for someone to get it. :) It lasted an hour in total and included 2 videos - A message from the Obama and a music video. They did not accept passport applications today which I was prepared to submit. It looked like cleaning staff were trying to sell passport and naturalization certificate covers for $15 before the ceremony. At the exit, there was a stall that was selling them for $10 each and at the parking garage the price was $5. I caved in too soon and bought the $10 ones :)


Oh, I did get a ticket 10 days before the Oath ceremony and was lucky that i got the letter in the mail to pay it off yesterday because they did ask if I had paid it off before giving me final verification approval. I had prepared an anticipatory letter explaining I had tried to pay at the court a couple of times but the ticket was not in the system yet so I could not pay. All's well that ends well.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-02-12 18:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS





I'm  a US citizen.....woohoo!!

Good luck to all!!


I've fixed the format for Cala Bel and marked KaashParinda in Red.


USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox

UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice

Cala Bel.........|06/20/13|08/26/13|--/--/--|09/04/13|10/01/13|09/17/13|--/--/--|02/20/14|--/--/--|Hartford, CT
Tom&Tanya........|11/08/13|08/31/13|09/05/13|09/04/13|09/27/13|10/08/13|10/15/13|11/13/13|12/13/13|West Palm Beach, FL
Mav_1975.........|02/12/13|09/01/13|09/05/13|09/06/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
Lars-N-Yenia.....|09/30/11|09/04/13|09/10/13|09/05/13|09/19/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ

girimurthy.......|06/16/11|09/04/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|09/24/13|09/26/13|12/09/13|01/16/14|01/31/14|Hialeah, FL
Elafito..........|01/15/13|09/06/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|10/04/13|10/08/13|12/13/13|01/21/14|--/--/--|Boston, MA
raparap..........|11/14/13|09/07/13|09/16/13|09/20/13|10/07/13|10/09/13|12/21/13|01/25/14|01/25/14|Newark, NJ
Justine+David....|06/19/13|09/09/13|09/19/13|09/17/13|10/29/13|10/31/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Dpeter736........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/21/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
letmein..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/18/13|09/23/13|10/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
psiprez..........|09/02/11|09/13/13|09/25/13|09/20/13|10/21/13|10/23/13|01/11/14|02/10/14|02/10/14|Newark, NJ
NatzG............|09/22/10|09/16/13|09/23/13|09/18/13|10/18/13|10/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Futurama.........|--/--/--|09/24/13|09/30/13|09/25/13|10/25/13|10/29/13|12/30/13|02/06/14|--/--/--|Boston, MA
mjc79............|12/17/13|09/25/13|10/02/13|10/07/13|10/28/13|11/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York City, NY

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice

alex and astrid..|01/23/13|09/05/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|10/03/13|10/07/13|11/12/13|12/18/13|01/14/14|Chatsworth, CA

Lasko12..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/11/13|09/16/13|10/11/13|10/24/13|10/31/13|12/02/13|01/23/14|San Jose, CA
newlyweds2010....|12/07/13|09/07/13|09/13/13|09/10/13|10/04/13|11/06/13|11/09/13|12/16/13|01/29/14|San Francisco, CA
WindyCity22a.....|--/--/--|09/10/13|09/16/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/31/13|12/03/12|12/12/13|Chicago, IL
RoamingTheNet....|12/02/13|09/03/13|09/09/13|09/11/13|09/25/13|11/01/13|12/06/13|01/08/13|02/12/14|Santa Ana, CA
KaashParinda.....|12/06/13|09/23/13|09/28/13|10/03/13|10/24/13|11/06/13|11/11/13|12/11/13|02/07/14|San Jose, CA

OlegAndSveta.....|09/04/13|09/24/13|--/--/--|10/04/13|10/18/13|11/04/13|11/13/13|12/18/13|02/13/14|Chicago, IL
Whtevr...........|11/26/13|09/03/13|--/--/--|09/05/13|09/17/13|10/24/13|10/30/13|12|02/13|--/--|--|Chicago, IL
Carocaro.........|12/14/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/11/13|10/25/13|11/14/13|12/18/13|02/18/14|--/--/--|Phoenix, AZ

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST


Edited by RoamingTheNet, 12 February 2014 - 06:29 PM.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-02-12 18:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Congrats KaashParinda and psiprez !!

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-02-11 18:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

I had my oath ceremony today. I'm an American content.gif



RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-30 14:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Updating timeline. Oath Letter received for 02/12.  



N-400: September 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Cala Bel.........|06/20/13|08/26/13|--/--/--|09/04/13|10/01/13|09/17/13|--/--/--|02/20/14|--/--/--|Hartford, CT

Tom&Tanya........|11/08/13|08/31/13|09/05/13|09/04/13|09/27/13|10/08/13|10/15/13|11/13/13|12/13/13|West Palm Beach, FL
Mav_1975.........|02/12/13|09/01/13|09/05/13|09/06/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
Lars-N-Yenia.....|09/30/11|09/04/13|09/10/13|09/05/13|09/19/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
girimurthy.......|06/16/11|09/04/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|09/24/13|09/26/13|12/09/13|01/16/14|--/--/--|Hialeah, FL
Elafito..........|01/15/13|09/06/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|10/04/13|10/08/13|12/13/13|01/21/14|--/--/--|Boston, MA
raparap..........|11/14/13|09/07/13|09/16/13|09/20/13|10/07/13|10/09/13|12/21/13|01/25/14|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
Justine+David....|06/19/13|09/09/13|09/19/13|09/17/13|10/29/13|10/31/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Dpeter736........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/21/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
letmein..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/18/13|09/23/13|10/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
psiprez..........|09/02/11|09/13/13|09/25/13|09/20/13|10/21/13|10/23/13|01/11/14|02/10/14|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
NatzG............|09/22/10|09/16/13|09/23/13|09/18/13|10/18/13|10/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Futurama.........|--/--/--|09/24/13|09/30/13|09/25/13|10/25/13|10/29/13|12/30/13|02/06/14|--/--/--|Boston, MA
mjc79............|12/17/13|09/25/13|10/02/13|10/07/13|10/28/13|11/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York City, NY

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice

alex and astrid..|01/23/13|09/05/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|10/03/13|10/07/13|11/12/13|12/18/13|01/14/14|Chatsworth, CA

Lasko12..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/11/13|09/16/13|10/11/13|10/24/13|10/31/13|12/02/13|01/23/14|San Jose, CA
newlyweds2010....|12/07/13|09/07/13|09/13/13|09/10/13|10/04/13|11/06/13|11/09/13|12/16/13|01/29/14|San Francisco, CA
WindyCity22a.....|--/--/--|09/10/13|09/16/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/31/13|12/03/12|12/12/13|Chicago, IL
RoamingTheNet....|12/02/13|09/03/13|09/09/13|09/11/13|09/25/13|11/01/13|12/06/13|01/08/13|02/12/14|Santa Ana, CA
KaashParinda.....|12/06/13|09/23/13|09/28/13|10/03/13|10/24/13|11/06/13|11/11/13|12/11/13|02/07/14|San Jose, CA
OlegAndSveta.....|09/04/13|09/24/13|--/--/--|10/04/13|10/18/13|11/04/13|11/13/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
Whtevr...........|11/26/13|09/03/13|--/--/--|09/05/13|09/17/13|10/24/13|10/30/13|12|02/13|--/--|--|Chicago, IL
Carocaro.........|12/14/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/11/13|10/25/13|11/14/13|12/18/13|01/21/14|--/--/--|Phoenix, AZ

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST

* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Quote" it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply (to do this, click the little grey switch on the top left of the edit box then remove the tags). You MUST "quote" the reply instead of copying and pasting the post or it messes up the formatting.
* Please add yourself to the list in "Sent" order, under the office at which you filed
* Please ensure the "..." line up
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that (except when posting "I'm a US Citizen" which you should change to RED
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly (helps the rest of us)
* If you cannot add (or update) your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
NOA1 date = Priority date, Bio = Date of appointment, Int. Ltr = date of letter, Intview = date of interview, Oath = date of Oath 

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-25 06:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Got a text and email update that I have been scheduled for the Oath ceremony and that the letter has been sent.dancin5hr.gif


Based on the LA ceremony schedule it will most likely be on 02/12 as 10000 people will be covered on that day. 10000 were covered on 01/14 as well.



RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-21 12:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Got my oath letter yesterday. It is on 01/31/14.

Someone please update me, my new browser keeps messing up the format. Thanks

Congratulations grimimurthy!!

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-19 18:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Got an update today that I've been placed in the Oath Ceremony excited dancin5hr.gif . The update came 9 days after the interview.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-17 13:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Congrats Alex and Astrid !


Dinh, if we have to go to LA, then we will probably be scheduled next month. Are you a September filer?

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-09 22:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Thanks Deep2009, silkafi88 and dinh. 


Dinh, I'm not sure because the interviewer just said that I would be notified within 60 days but my guess is that the ceremony should be at the end of this month. Did your interviewer say anything different?

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-08 20:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

I had my interview today at the Santa Ana office and I was recommended for approval !!! My INS file was over 3 inches thick...hahaha


Experience (Very Good. Would have been excellent had it not been for the wait time):

I checked-in 20 minutes before my 9 am interview. They must have been backed up because I was called in @ 9:30 am. The Interviewer was elderly Asian lady and straight away she asked to stand up and swear that i would speak the truth. Afterwards she carefully went over every question on my N-400 application and verified my answer. I think she was marking "No Objections" for each answer.


She asked me for the following documents:

1) My Passport

2) Greencard

3) Driving License

4) Proof of Selective Service Registration. (Good thing I printed it out the night before.)

5) Proof of payment of the Traffic Citation

6) Proof of child support payments (even though I'm not in divorce proceedings yet. 1 printout of a check from the bank's website was enough. I took all of them with me.)


Writing Test:

Write the sentence : "Mexico is south of United States."


Reading Test: (I think it was the same as above.)


History Test: 

1) Name one branch or part of the government.

2) How many U.S. Senators are there?

3) We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?

4) If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

5) If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

6) What does the President?s Cabinet do?


She gave me an recommendation for approval letter that I am supposed to take to the Oath Ceremony. She did not say when it would be but did say that I can expect to receive the notice within 60 days.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-08 14:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Corrected my interview date.


N-400: September 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Cala Bel.........|06/20/13|08/26/13|--/--/--|09/04/13|10/01/13|09/17/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hartford, CT

Tom&Tanya........|11/08/13|08/31/13|09/05/13|09/04/13|09/27/13|10/08/13|10/15/13|11/13/13|12/13/13|West Palm Beach, FL
Mav_1975.........|02/12/13|09/01/13|09/05/13|09/06/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
Lars-N-Yenia.....|09/30/11|09/04/13|09/10/13|09/05/13|09/19/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
girimurthy.......|06/16/11|09/04/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|09/24/13|09/26/13|12/09/13|01/16/14|--/--/--|Hialeah, FL
Elafito..........|01/15/13|09/06/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|10/04/13|10/08/13|12/13/13|01/21/14|--/--/--|Boston, MA
raparap..........|11/14/13|09/07/13|09/16/13|09/20/13|10/07/13|10/09/13|12/21/13|01/25/14|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
Justine+David....|06/19/13|09/09/13|09/19/13|09/17/13|10/29/13|10/31/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Dpeter736........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/21/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
letmein..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/18/13|09/23/13|10/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
psiprez..........|09/02/11|09/13/13|09/25/13|09/20/13|10/21/13|10/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
NatzG............|09/22/10|09/16/13|09/23/13|09/18/13|10/18/13|10/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
mjc79............|12/17/13|09/25/13|10/02/13|10/07/13|10/28/13|11/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York City, NY

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
alex and astrid..|01/23/13|09/05/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|10/03/13|10/07/13|11/12/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chatsworth, CA
Lasko12..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/11/13|09/16/13|10/11/13|10/24/13|10/31/13|12/02/13|01/23/14|San Jose, CA
newlyweds2010....|12/07/13|09/07/13|09/13/13|09/10/13|10/04/13|11/06/13|11/09/13|12/16/13|--/--/--|San Francisco, CA

WindyCity22a.....|--/--/--|09/10/13|09/16/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/31/13|12/03/12|12/12/13|Chicago, IL
RoamingTheNet....|12/02/13|09/03/13|09/09/13|09/11/13|09/25/13|11/01/13|12/06/13|01/08/13|--/--/--|Santa Ana, CA
KaashParinda.....|12/06/13|09/23/13|09/28/13|10/03/13|10/24/13|11/06/13|11/11/13|12/11/13|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
OlegAndSveta.....|09/04/13|09/24/13|--/--/--|10/04/13|10/18/13|11/04/13|11/13/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
Whtevr...........|11/26/13|09/03/13|--/--/--|09/05/13|09/17/13|10/24/13|10/30/13|12|02/13|--/--|--|Chicago, IL
Carocaro.........|12/14/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/11/13|10/25/13|11/14/13|12/18/13|01/21/14|--/--/--|Phoenix, AZ

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST

* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Quote" it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply (to do this, click the little grey switch on the top left of the edit box then remove the tags). You MUST "quote" the reply instead of copying and pasting the post or it messes up the formatting.
* Please add yourself to the list in "Sent" order, under the office at which you filed
* Please ensure the "..." line up
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that (except when posting "I'm a US Citizen" which you should change to RED
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly (helps the rest of us)
* If you cannot add (or update) your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
NOA1 date = Priority date, Bio = Date of appointment, Int. Ltr = date of letter, Intview = date of interview, Oath = date of Oath

Edited by RoamingTheNet, 08 January 2014 - 02:12 PM.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2014-01-08 14:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Got my interview letter for 7th Jan! updating timeline. 


silkafi88, I dont see what's wrong with format you have posted so I am using it.



N-400: September 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Cala Bel.........|06/20/13|08/26/13|--/--/--|09/04/13|10/01/13|09/17/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hartford, CT
Tom&Tanya........|11/08/13|08/31/13|09/05/13|09/04/13|09/27/13|10/08/13|10/15/13|11/13/13|12/13/13|West Palm Beach, FL
Mav_1975.........|02/12/13|09/01/13|09/05/13|09/06/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
Lars-N-Yenia.....|09/30/11|09/04/13|09/10/13|09/05/13|09/19/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
girimurthy.......|06/16/11|09/04/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|09/24/13|09/26/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hialeah, FL
Elafito..........|01/15/13|09/06/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|10/04/13|10/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
raparap..........|11/14/13|09/07/13|09/16/13|09/20/13|10/07/13|10/09/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
Justine+David....|06/19/13|09/09/13|09/19/13|09/17/13|10/29/13|10/31/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Dpeter736........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/21/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
letmein..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/18/13|09/23/13|10/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
psiprez..........|09/02/11|09/13/13|09/25/13|09/20/13|10/21/13|10/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
NatzG............|09/22/10|09/16/13|09/23/13|09/18/13|10/18/13|10/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
mjc79............|12/17/13|09/25/13|10/02/13|10/07/13|10/28/13|11/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York City, NY

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
alex and astrid..|01/23/13|09/05/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|10/03/13|10/07/13|11/12/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chatsworth, CA
Lasko12..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/11/13|09/16/13|10/11/13|10/24/13|10/31/13|12/02/13|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
newlyweds2010....|12/07/13|09/07/13|09/13/13|09/10/13|10/04/13|11/06/13|11/09/13|12/16/13|--/--/--|San Francisco, CA
WindyCity22a.....|--/--/--|09/10/13|09/16/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
RoamingTheNet....|12/02/13|09/03/13|09/09/13|09/11/13|09/25/13|11/01/13|12/06/13|01/09/13|--/--/--|Santa Ana, CA
KaashParinda.....|12/06/13|09/23/13|09/28/13|10/03/13|10/24/13|11/06/13|11/11/13|12/11/13|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
OlegAndSveta.....|09/04/13|09/24/13|--/--/--|10/04/13|10/18/13|11/04/13|11/13/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
Whtevr...........|11/26/13|09/03/13|--/--/--|09/05/13|09/17/13|10/24/13|10/30/13|12|02/13|--/--|--|Chicago, IL
Carocaro.........|12/14/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/11/13|10/25/13|11/14/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Phoenix, AZ

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST

* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Quote" it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply (to do this, click the little grey switch on the top left of the edit box then remove the tags). You MUST "quote" the reply instead of copying and pasting the post or it messes up the formatting.
* Please add yourself to the list in "Sent" order, under the office at which you filed
* Please ensure the "..." line up
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that (except when posting "I'm a US Citizen" which you should change to RED
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly (helps the rest of us)
* If you cannot add (or update) your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
NOA1 date = Priority date, Bio = Date of appointment, Int. Ltr = date of letter, Intview = date of interview, Oath = date of Oath[/]

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-12-07 19:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

I actually recieved the letter today and Im scheduled for January 2nd, When I seen the letter it was printed on December the 2nd I guess that's why it took a little time to be received. I actually live in Louisville Kentucky. 


Hopefully I will get mine today as well. I have been waiting for 12 days. 

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-12-05 14:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

I got a text last night stating that I have been scheduled for an interview. Woohoo!

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-11-28 15:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

No Interview letter but got a yellow letter in the mail that freaked me out until Google'd the reason. The notice said that my application was reviewed completely and it was determined that additional documentation was required since I indicated that I was arrested and therefore should bring all documentation related to it.


Wrong! I indicated that I was cited for speeding and that the amount was below $500. $143 to be exact.


I'll be taking the original citation, payment receipt and traffic school completion certificate.

Edited by RoamingTheNet, 18 November 2013 - 10:05 PM.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-11-18 22:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Is there a way to find out if my field office gives the oath on the same day?

Just saw this on USCIS: Many offices schedule approved applicants for the oath ceremony on the same day as the day of the interview. Please check the local office profile page on our website to determine if the office where you will be interviewed schedules same day oath ceremonies.

My local office is Santa Ana. It's page states:   The Santa Ana Field Office conducts Judicial Ceremonies once per month.  This office does not conduct same-day naturalization ceremonies.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-11-01 13:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

In-line for interview update received. Exactly 1 month before my 5 year anniversary as mentioned by other members. It is definitely an automated process.


N-400: September 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Cala Bel.........|06/20/13|08/26/13|--/--/--|09/04/13|10/01/13|09/17/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hartford, CT
Tom&Tanya........|11/08/13|08/31/13|09/05/13|09/04/13|09/27/13|10/08/13|10/15/13|11/13/13|--/--/--|West Palm Beach, FL
Mav_1975.........|02/12/13|09/01/13|09/05/13|09/06/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
Lars-N-Yenia.....|09/30/11|09/04/13|09/10/13|09/05/13|09/19/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
girimurthy.......|06/16/11|09/04/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|09/24/13|09/26/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hialeah, FL
Elafito..........|01/15/13|09/06/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|10/04/13|10/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
raparap..........|11/14/13|09/07/13|09/16/13|09/20/13|10/07/13|10/09/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
Justine+David....|06/19/13|09/09/13|09/19/13|09/17/13|10/29/13|10/31/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Dpeter736........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/21/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
letmein..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/18/13|09/23/13|10/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
psiprez..........|09/02/11|09/13/13|09/25/13|09/20/13|10/21/13|10/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
NatzG............|09/22/10|09/16/13|09/23/13|09/18/13|10/18/13|10/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
silkafi88........|09/28/13|09/25/13|10/04/13|09/30/13|10/24/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Louisville,KY EB 10/18/2013
USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
alex and astrid..|01/23/13|09/05/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|10/03/13|10/07/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Los Angeles, CA
Lasko12..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/11/13|09/16/13|10/11/13|10/24/13|10/31/13|12/02/13|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
newlyweds2010....|12/07/13|09/07/13|09/13/13|09/10/13|10/04/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|San Francisco, CA
WindyCity22a.....|--/--/--|09/10/13|09/16/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
RoamingTheNet....|12/02/13|09/03/13|09/09/13|09/11/13|09/25/13|11/01/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Santa Ana, CA
KaashParinda.....|12/06/13|09/23/13|09/28/13|10/03/13|10/24/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
OlegAndSveta.....|09/04/13|09/24/13|--/--/--|10/04/13|10/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
Whtevr...........|11/26/13|09/03/13|--/--/--|09/05/13|09/17/13|10/24/13|10/30/13|12|02/13|--/--|--|Chicago, IL
Carocaro.........|09/14/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/11/13|10/25/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Phoenix, AZ
USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST

* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Quote" it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply (to do this, click the little grey switch on the top left of the edit box then remove the tags). You MUST "quote" the reply instead of copying and pasting the post or it messes up the formatting.
* Please add yourself to the list in "Sent" order, under the office at which you filed
* Please ensure the "..." line up
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that (except when posting "I'm a US Citizen" which you should change to RED
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly (helps the rest of us)
* If you cannot add (or update) your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
NOA1 date = Priority date, Bio = Date of appointment, Int. Ltr = date of letter, Intview = date of interview, Oath = date of Oath

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-11-01 12:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

No movement yet on my caseinnocent.gif  I check this website 3 to 4 times a day thinking it will changesrofl.gifrofl.gif


Me too and I completed my fingerprinting more than a month ago. No Inline alert or movement of status :(

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-10-30 18:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Has anyone else who did early walk-in FP besides girimurthy received "in line for interview" notice yet? I've seen on June, July and August topics that they got in-line for interview 2-4 days after FP


Not yet. Been a week since FP.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-10-02 11:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Adding my Eligibility Date


N-400: September 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Cala Bel.........|06/20/13|08/26/13|--/--/--|09/04/13|10/01/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hartford, CT
Tom&Tanya........|11/08/13|08/31/13|09/05/13|09/04/13|09/27/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|West Palm Beach, FL
Mav_1975.........|02/12/13|09/01/13|09/05/13|09/06/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
Lars-N-Yenia.....|09/30/11|09/04/13|09/10/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
girimurthy.......|06/16/11|09/04/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|09/24/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hialeah, FL
Elafito..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|10/04/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
raparap..........|--/--/--|09/07/13|09/16/13|09/20/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
Justine+David....|--/--/--|09/09/13|--/--/--|09/17/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Dpeter736........|--/--/--|09/13/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
letmein..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
psiprez..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/25/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
NatzG............|--/--/--|09/16/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
alex and astrid..|01/23/13|09/05/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|10/03/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Los Angeles, CA
Lasko12..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/11/13|09/16/13|10/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|San Jose
newlyweds2010....|12/07/13|09/07/13|09/13/13|09/10/13|10/04/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|San Francisco, CA
WindyCity22a.....|--/--/--|09/10/13|09/16/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
RoamingTheNet....|12/02/13|09/03/13|09/09/13|09/11/13|09/25/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Santa Ana, CA

KaashParinda.....|12/06/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST

* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Quote" it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply (to do this, click the little grey switch on the top left of the edit box then remove the tags). You MUST "quote" the reply instead of copying and pasting the post or it messes up the formatting.
* Please add yourself to the list in "Sent" order, under the office at which you filed
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* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that (except when posting "I'm a US Citizen" which you should change to RED
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* If you cannot add (or update) your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
NOA1 date = Priority date, Bio = Date of appointment, Int. Ltr = date of letter, Intview = date of interview, Oath = date of Oath


RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-09-25 12:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

FP completed. In and out in 15 minutes @ the Santa Ana office.


Note: The line is outside the building (front entrance) for 8 am appointments. If you come in from the back entrance then you can get in the building but when it is time to open the office, the security guard at the office entrance will ask you to go outside the building and get in the back of the line.

Edited by RoamingTheNet, 25 September 2013 - 12:12 PM.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-09-25 12:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

FP Notice received...updating timeline



N-400: September 2013 Applicants


USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName...........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice

Cala Bel...........|08/26/13.|--/--/--.|09/04/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Hartford, CT

Tom&Tanya..........|08/31/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|West Palm Beach, FL
Lars-N-Yenia.......|09/04/13.|09/10/13.|09/13/13.|09/27/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ

Elafito............|09/06/13.|09/13/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Boston, MA

raparap............|09/07/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ

Justine+David......|09/09/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Baltimore, MD

Dpeter736..........|09/13/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Oakland Park, FL

letmein............|09/13/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.| ?

psiprez............|09/13/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ

NatzG..............|09/16/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Baltimore, MD

girimurthy.........|09/04/13.|09/12/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Hialeah, FL


USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
alex. and astrid....|09/05/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles, CA
Lasko12.............|09/06/13.|09/11/13.|09/16/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Jose
newlyweds2010.......|09/07/13.|09/13/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Francisco, CA
WindyCity22a........|09/10/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL

RoamingTheNet.......|09/03/13.|09/09/13.|09/11/13.|09/25/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice

Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove the "Quote Coding" at the top and bottom of the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size [4] <--- I do not see size 4
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!


RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-09-18 11:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Got a text and email update that the FP notice has been mailed today. I am waiting for it as I will be doing a walk-in as I have an international business trip coming up lasting for 4 weeks.

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-09-13 12:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Updated Check cashed on 09/09 & NOA1 - 09/11


N-400: September 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName...........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice

Cala Bel...........|08/26/13.|--/--/--.|09/04/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Hartford, CT

Tom&Tanya..........|08/31/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|West Palm Beach, FL
Lars-N-Yenia.......|09/04/13.|09/10/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ

Elafito............|09/06/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Boston, MA

Justine+David......|09/09/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Baltimore, MD


USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
alex. and astrid....|09/05/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles, CA
Lasko12.............|09/06/13.|09/11/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Jose
newlyweds2010.......|09/07/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Francisco, CA
WindyCity22a........|09/10/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL

RoamingTheNet.......|09/03/13.|09/09/13.|09/11/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA


USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice

Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove the "Quote Coding" at the top and bottom of the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size [4] <--- I do not see size 4
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

RoamingTheNetMaleIndia2013-09-12 22:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I OPTIN for electronic processing at GZO before I sent the DS-3032

Sorry for bumping. I am hoping someone can help address my concern~

yanxu1110Not Telling02013-08-14 12:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I OPTIN for electronic processing at GZO before I sent the DS-3032

I heard it would bad doing that, especially for GZO? But that's a hindsight...


I OPTIN and got a confirmation with the GZO case number on 8/8/2013. I then realized that I need to send DS-3032... so I sent it to NVC with new GZO case number on it. I sent the DS-3032 form on 8/8/2013 and now waiting for the confirmation email from NVC.


Will this cause a delay? How is this gonna impact my case? Any comment is greatly appreciated!!!



Edited by yanxu1110, 14 August 2013 - 01:51 AM.

yanxu1110Not Telling02013-08-14 01:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionProcessing Time at Guangzhou for submission of Additional documentations after F2A approval?
but when I called NVC, there was the option to inquire a case at embassy. There wasn't such an option before. That made me to think NVC now takes this over.
yanxu1110Not Telling02014-01-29 15:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionProcessing Time at Guangzhou for submission of Additional documentations after F2A approval?
well man. Surely not your fault but when you told me to call on last Saturday which was seemingly already too late... That was just bad luck.

I was surprised that as DOS transitioned this to NVC, but NVC is so unwilling and incompetent to help. When I called NVC, there was that option "inquire a case at embassy" now. I may try to call them again, hopefully I will speak with another person.

Edited by yanxu1110, 29 January 2014 - 11:57 AM.

yanxu1110Not Telling02014-01-29 11:53:00