K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOfficial letter of our RFE and its states:

please submit certified copies of all court and police records showing the charges and dispositions, for every such conviction.This is required even if ur records were sealed or otherwise cleared or if anyone,including a judge, a law enforcement officer or attorney, told you that you no longer have a record..

As far as I know my fiancée had sent all of the documents with regards to his police records, since in late 2005 he has committed a misdemeanor battery but it was terminated thereafter the case was closed…so my question is what else do they need?do they need the latest update that he was cleared already????please help!

It is true that no records are hidden from USCIS. There is no such thing as sealed or expunged.
It seems you aware the focus is the Assualt "battery" charge is the issue. I think what they are looking for is not copies but a up-to-date disposition from the Court with a signature from the clerk stating the outcome of the charges and/or arrest at that time. This new document to satisfy USCIS should be stamped/signed by the County Clerk. Save the Original. A copy is fine to satisfy. I would suggest to pay for 2 Originals and send One as well.

Battery is abuse. There was an Arrest and the record stands. The RFE wants to verify Documents before they let your Petition proceed.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-10-29 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCome over on Visa Waiver and then start K-1

So my fiance and I had an idea regarding being able to maximize the amount of time we can see each other the most through a K-1 (or we are thinking about doing a CR1 as well).

If she came over here on a 3 month tourist visa, would we be able to start the K-1 (or possibbly CR1) right when she got here so that 3 months of our time together also passes some file processing time?

Well, the idea you and your friend came up with is fraud to some exstent. Starting a K-1 is ok. But the intent of a tourist visa is just what it is. VISIT! Not a pre-arranged idea to find a shortcut in the system. (which is fraud to me) Moreover, you say maybe get married and go that route. Well, that is total Fraud. Not what the Visa was intended for. Hello, Visitor/Tourist Visa. Thats not your plan. The Intent of the application......... Your the reason others get hurt. Your Intent is Fraud and you are looking for suggestions how we can help you. You are asking Members with help for a soon to come scheme. Not me... Sorry, your plan is dishonest. If she violates her Visa she will get banned and kiss her Goodbye, married or not.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-10-30 03:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgetting married with a foreigner for 2nd time around....

Hi Guys!!! my girlfriend has previously been married with a guy from Lituania from 2002 to 2007 (got divorced in 2007) he was her friend, gay, so she decided to help him cos they are like brothers and she didnt want him to leave(he got his GC thanks to this marriage), I know that was not right...but no money was involved, it was just cos she loved him so much. But now we are thinking to start the process for my GC (im from South America, still living here) which im her REAL boyfriend... but im REALLY worried they could think its a sham marriage because she is doing the same twice (getting married with a non US citizen)....even if 5 years have passed already since she divorced her friend



Good Luck on your quest for your Green Card. However, that is not step #1. Don't you mean approval of the right to proceed with a Approved 129-F Petition and go from there... You use the word: My Girlfriend, you mean Finacee' don't you. You say: No money was involved: Yes there was, Fee's, plane tickets, etc. The same applies to you. You state: She helped him out because they are like brothers. What the ...... is that? Not once in your post did you say I love her? But, you definanately ask about the worry of getting a GC denied. You admitted she lied to the US Goverment to help him get his GC. It's no skin off your A... if she applies and gets denied or approved is it. If you love eachother, proceed. It just seems odd to me about asking about a GC at this point rather than getting approved for Round One.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-11-01 03:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJob loss while waiting for NOA2

I have a question that it's worrying me for a long time. What if I loose my job while I'm waiting for NOA2? Is that a problem later for the interview and the approval? My fiancee in the US says it shouldn't be a problem.

The Beneficiar having a job or no job is not important to your Petition. The Petitioner only is required to show means of support. Feel Better... Your OK
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-11-02 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!! what to do in Multiple I-129F application approval
Well, I don't think you need an Attorney. You had a previous 129-F file and approved through USCIS. You say you ignored it and wrote it off. Very possible you were issued a NOA2 on that previous petition and was transfered to her Country and it became a matter of record.
This is what I would do: Your case is in Vermont awaiting a NOA2. Call them and explain the past and currant situation. There you will get more answers than an Attorney. There is no harm with a past filed 129-F. It won't slow down your case unless they ask about the past Approval with a RFE on that Petition. Explain it over the phone while your case is early and hopefuly that clears it up. Be prepared to give the NOA1 # Your Fiancee's date of birth etc. Remember, they record everything you say and put it into the computor system be accurate, detailed and tell the truth. If you can do that, I think you will be fine. Also, inform your New Fiancee' about the past petition. There you go! Not legal advice but thats what a Attorney would do for $1,500.00.... LOL
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-11-03 02:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 years tax not enuff income, but think god i found a permanent job, will i be ok???
I to have been looking at this post and waited for a response from a Member. I'm very skepticle about the above reply. Lawyers do not Approve Petitions.
Please read my ideas and suggestions as I have applied these to my own Case/Petition and may help you. Put yourself in the interviewers eyes:
You will be asking your employer for a letter in less than 3 weeks. You will only have about a months worth of pay stubs by the time of the interview. Thats 2 Strikes.
Now, the interview. Is that going to be Strike 3 your out or take a chance for that home-run. And then start all over.
This is what I want you to look into immediately: Call the Embassey to confirm this; (this works and I have done it due to income requirements and our Petition is valid still)
Your Time-Line does not indicate you paid the Visa Fee.... Did you know that if you pay that fee your Petition is Valid for another year from the date paid. This gives you more time to show proof of income. AND YOUR PETITION IS ACTIVE. Look into this. One phone call is all it takes. Have proof/reciept of payment and date. Postpone the interview after you verify my suggestion and pay that fee. If what I said is Correct as it applies to the Philippines then schedule the interview after about 6 solid months of income verification from the employer/paystubs.. The interviwer will also be looking for a on-going relationship and proof.
A K-1 Petition Requirement is that you Filed your 129-F before 2 years of meeting. I sincerely believe that paying that Visa Fee will extend your Petition to give you time and not have to start all over again. Look into it. Tim/Mav
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-10-15 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent

It's a required document to prove that you're both can legally marry.

Provide original statements from you and your Fiance(e) whom you plan to marry within 90 days of his or her admission, and copies of any evidence you wish to submit to establish your mutual intent.

Good luck!

Well, the Letter of Intent is only required from the Petitioner in a 129-F Petition. The Beneficiary can supply one at the Interview. It is a good idea to include a signed Letter of Intent from both parties with the Application/Petiton and a Updated Letter of Intent for the Interview from both parties.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-11-03 09:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent
Well, you can't cry over spilled milk and whats done is done. Yes, your Attorney made a mistake. What is a 129-F Petition. Its a promise to Marry within 90 days of the date of her/his arrival. You signed the 129-F Form in ink right. You signed the G-325A in Ink right. So now, your Approved NOA1 left Dallas and will go to a Service Center. There they will see Your check was cashed and go through the Forms. Then, they will notice a missing document that required your signature. Yes, the Letter of Intent and they will be that picky about it. It's required! Get a long broom stick and shove it up your Attorney's A--. I suspect you will get a RFE for this before your NOA2.
But, it's not the end of the world. just a delay. I suggest you fire your Attorney since it was mishandled but don't expect any money back.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-11-03 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Signature Date
Tricky question: It will be up to USCIS in Dallas or/your assigned Service Center. You are within the guildlines of the 2 year requirement. It should be fine. Do remember though and sometimes does'nt matter. LOOK at the lower right hand corner at the bottem of the Form for an Expiration Date of that Document.
I agree with the above post to aquire a new one. It's a choice you have to make before sending. I do doubt it will be denied since you will be sending accompaning proof of a currant relationship with your Petition. I personaly, would again: Get a New One.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-11-10 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice before I send: K-1,I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18
You turned a 129-F into Rocket Science. Looks fine and over-kill but that just fine.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-10-21 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes it matter that my fiance is unemployed?

I, the USC, have a job that makes pllenty over the poverty line. She however, is unemployed in Spain. Will it matter?

NO.. Absolutely not. Her income has no bearing what-so-ever. Just the Petitioner's.. (or Co-Sponsor if applicable)
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-23 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
They cashed your Check. Now you just wait for the results of your Petition.
You can create an Account at the USCIS websit but they are slow.
The 129-F is basically a start and you just have to wait until they complete their background investigation.
Give it 3 to 6 months.
In the future, please be less demanding with a question and you will get more help.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-30 23:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd Chances For A FIlipina

Tim/Mav are you telling me to let it go???? I did, as soon as he explained himself. I was trying to put the attention back onto his question and away from how he asked it in the start. And I don't think he wants relationship advice... Just a simple answer to his question. So if you misread me or thought I was doing something wrong, I'm sorry. And I will stay out of this thread because I don't want an argument like I've seen happen in other threads.

Its a forum where when someone asks they get a wide variety of OPINIONS for the OP to consider. All comments are OK within TOS. So, you are free to state your what you wish.

Edited by Tim/Mav, 30 December 2012 - 02:55 AM.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-30 02:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd Chances For A FIlipina

Tim/Mav are you telling me to let it go???? I did, as soon as he explained himself. I was trying to put the attention back onto his question and away from how he asked it in the start. And I don't think he wants relationship advice... Just a simple answer to his question. So if you misread me or thought I was doing something wrong, I'm sorry. And I will stay out of this thread because I don't want an argument like I've seen happen in other threads.

He only asked about a 2 year rule but accidently threw-in Ad-Libb. Thats where all the trouble started.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-30 02:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd Chances For A FIlipina

There is NO SUCH RULE. Free to Marry and Legally Divorced is what the requirement is for applying for a NEW 129-F. But, caution: The 3rd attempt is not so simple.
I think the OP has got the point about maybe wording his original post in an offensive manner. LET IT GO..

Your question was answered. If you wish to argue with members then go ahead. You have nothing to prove to us.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-30 02:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd Chances For A FIlipina

Well until someone comes back with a definitive answer you may try to look it up in a search on here. I'm sure someone knows. And I think you'll have to answer questions about it at the at the interview. I've rd your divorce has to be completely final and you have to petition for someone you began a relationship with after the divorce. It doesn't matter if people think you are emotionally ready for another relationship so soon (although they mean well) you asked a specific question about a specific rule. Someone will post who knows the answer. Many smart people are on this site.

There is NO SUCH RULE. Free to Marry and Legally Divorced is what the requirement is for applying for a NEW 129-F. But, caution: The 3rd attempt is not so simple.
I think the OP has got the point about maybe wording his original post in an offensive manner. LET IT GO..
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-30 02:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Return with I129F package?
It is OK for your possible Lawyer to ask about finances. but, not required for your Petition. I don't blame the Attorney for asking. It will come-up later but not now.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-31 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 & Question
I honestly have to go with other posts which basically state facts: Your married and the K-1 is Void.
Any person in a defined area to legally marry/wed is binding even in other Countries.
It is a huge mistake to play Cat and Mouse with Immigration.
Are you Married or not is the question. Sounds like you are. Can you explain futhur ?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-01-14 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresusing husband/wife it will to deny your fiance' petition?

Thank you..can you help me how to do the timeline?thanks

Have a e-mail address...
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-29 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresusing husband/wife it will to deny your fiance' petition?

I dont think so.. (that is based to my experience) i gave lots of email, chats, cards.. That both of us use wifey and hubby word.. I was concerned about it before.. 'coz i read some forum about it too.. But in phils. we use hubby/wifey as endearment even if we arent supposed too.. But since im here in u.s. Already and i did passed my interview, you guys will be ok, goodluck:)

I'm going to agree with this. The Petition shows your both free to marry. Is it wise to use the word Hubby/Wife and submit that with the Application. NO. , it might raise a brow from USCIS. (I assume you both only sent the 129-F at this point and waiting for NOA1). Make a Time-Line.....
Have they cashed the Check?
The worst I can imagine is a RFE. I doubt that but in the future refrain from mis-leading statements than may occur to the CO when the time of the interview arrives.
Good wishes to you.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-29 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswould it be possible to expedite the K1 visa?
I think this is under the wrong catagory but:
First of all.. Since you have'nt even Filed yet you do not exist in any frame to USCIS..
After you File and get a NOA1 then make your request.
Thats my thought.
Good Luck.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-12-29 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespetition, K1 and sponsor myself
Get all thoughts out of your head you can Self-Sponsor yourself with a K-1 Petition. ONLY a USC can do that so ignore the post "some Embasseys allow that."
Serving 2 years would mean a Felony. Thats an issue and what the charges and conviction were for to a huge extent. (care to tell us why the reason for imprisonment.)
There is no reason why you can't file a petition but only the USC can do that and for a K-1 it must be your future Fiance'.
Yes, the mother can Co-Sponsor. I'm sorry for your situation. I feel any Legitimate Attorney would tell you the same. I suggest: Wait.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-02-03 23:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter the NOA2
Schedule the Medical which is good for 6 months and proceed to pay the Visa Fee. Then, schedule your interview. Good luck!
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-03-26 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone ever get RFE for wrong size passport pics?

No Passport pictures are required for a K-1 Petition in the first place. So NO .... No RFE for that...

I must correct myself there... I was wrong...
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-03-26 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone ever get RFE for wrong size passport pics?
No Passport pictures are required for a K-1 Petition in the first place. So NO .... No RFE for that...
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-03-26 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiary Letter of Intent & G325a
Both the letter of intent and G325 require a Original signature and date in ink.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-04-01 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow often does a k-1 get denied
Your fine.. You have the NOA1 now await the NOA2. Your Fiancee should not worry. Keep your job. Thats the Interview..
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-04-05 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding crimminal record

Even though you think the record was removed, it really wasn't and USCIS will be able to see that during their checks.

Yes you should mark yes and include the certified court records and any records of completing the required sentence.
Ensure your fiance knows all about it.

I can't disagree with this advice. If it were me, I would hire a good attorney experienced with this.

THIS IS THE BEST ADVICE FROM 2 MEMBERS. It would be exactly what an Attourney would do. And charge you for it. USCIS does not reconize Expungments. They do take into consideration proof of treatment, letters from providers, etc. So, I going to agree with Baron that this is the best course.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-04-12 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescontacting a congressman/senator to expedite cases..
Additionally: People always jump to calling a Congressman. You don't need one, they have no control over USCIS.
What yourself and/or your Congressman is doing is simply asking for a Service Request to pull and review your File/Petition. You don't need a Tier 2 Representitive to do this as well. You just call.
Be alittle more patient for now.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-03-01 04:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescontacting a congressman/senator to expedite cases..
Yor way to early to even worry about that for now. But, the scenerio is: 6 months. If you call before that time period the response from your Congressman is that USCIS well pass-on you are in Normal Time-Guildlines. Be aware an RFE can change that. So I suggest; Avoid Tidal Waves. Your fine for now.
Your way to early to worry much less Contact a Congressman. Your Timeline indicates 3 months 2 weeks. Not 5 or 6 months.

Edited by Tim/Mav, 01 March 2012 - 03:57 AM.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-03-01 03:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat is I-797 form???
After you get your HARD Copy. Which is Just a Piece of Fancy paper from Homeland Security. That is the I-797C (Or a NOA1) It will have a Receipt # and you can track your case.
Keep in mind. This website from USCIS is useful but not 100% reliable. Follow the Link and when you get your receipt # I bet your already there in the System. Make a shortcut on your screen to access this.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-07-14 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat is I-797 form???
The I-797C is a Confirmation from USCIS that you submitted Documents and were Acceptable. (You will also see they Cashed your check) Thus, a NOA1 soon in the mail.
Now the wait period comes into play. USCIS will now conduct background checks and you await your NOA2. As Canadian Wife mentioned a posible Request for Evidence may come later. (RFE)
Generally this only happens in about 25% of Petitions Submitted.
Your on your way. I have seen Couples not even get a NOA1. THIS IS THE START.
Good Luck

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-07-14 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition date expiring soon

Extensions are granted providing you contact them ( there is a record )  Don't do this by mail but by phone and make sure you had them note it.  Then follow by Mail ASAP)  However, the sure way since you have the NOA2 is to pay the Visa Fee  (Good for One Year) and get reciept.  Shedule the Medical (Good for 6 months.)   This will buy you the time you asked about. Make a phone call and tell them just what you posted here.  I think your fine if you get on it...

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-06-05 21:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 received, but my fiancee has moved!
Wow, I remember these days.. If your the Petitioner, you will get the letter NOA1 or NOA2. Not the Beneficiary. It's a long process so there is plenty of time to figure-out where we live. LOL.. Good Luck. (Tie your Cell-Phone into auto-mated messages from that Country.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-06-05 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWarrants?

I think she shoud get all over this and get it expunged or sealed.  Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come, with lifes problems.


Sorry BigDog..  I'll go with Canadian_wife..  USCIS does not expunge or seal records.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-06-09 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support (I-134)

The OP stated he will return to work when she comes here. He probably doesn't need to now because he has no mortgage payments. And, no, if he earns only $1,000 a month he does not need to pay taxes or file.



Bartender...  I'll have what he's having...

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-06-09 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support (I-134)


It's my understanding based on many posts here, that real estate (a home) cannot count as assets unless it is a SECOND home that you can readily sell for cash.  Your own home that you live in cannot be converted to cash without putting you out on the street and/or forcing you to rent, so it does NOT count as an asset for these forms.


I could be wrong, but dozens of posts on the forums here, as well as common sense when considering what is a "liquid asset" (as stated in the form instructions), lead me to think that the house does not count.


Every situation is different.  Yes, the home can count and a second Primary is not needed.  The OP has at this time choosen not to reply so answers/assumtions are just what they are:  Assumptions.


The OP has stated:  Limited income and IRS questions.. 


Could you live on $1,000.00 a month.   Are you required to file a tax return ?  Thats the question.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-06-09 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support (I-134)

The OP now has some information to think about.  Thats what we do here. 

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-06-09 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support (I-134)

Even though he owns his home and can use it as an asset?


Note:  Know it all...  I have'nt filed Taxes since 2004.  Everyone knows the home counts and is an Asset.   Read carefully the OP's post.  (how old would the OP be in 2004) ?  I think he fell in love and now needs a quick fix for the past.  $1,000.00 a month...  HELP

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-06-09 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support (I-134)

A  66 year-old US naturalized citizen (divorced, retired, own home with no mortgage, living on a monthly $1,000 social security & medicare) wants to petition for a K-1 Fiance visa (48 year-old lady).  I have not filed taxes since 2004 due to a fatal auto accident that resulted in the loss of 2 children, then caring for a quadriplegic ex-wife & traumatic brain injured daughter (now 17 years old).

I have an engineering professional license, doctor's degree & have taught in several universities for many years without any retirement benefits. Most likely, I will teach at local university as an adjunct professor upon their arrival. The foreign fiance & her 19 year-old step-daughter will be working in the US after adjustment of status to help with family expenses.

1. Are there a concern about the K1 visa approval?

2. Do I need a co-sponsor (my 42 year-old son from my first marriage or a brother)?

3. Did any one have similar experience? ideas? feedback? issues of concern? etc...

Thank you.



Sorry for your terrible losses in family.  2004 was years ago and you were of working age.  Contact the IRS about no return/filing.  Thats a leap forward to answer Question #1.  If money appears and No taxes paid thats a concern.


Yes, you will need a Co-Sonsor based upon your post.


Now, after years you desire to work.  Pay for teaching is Taxable.


Is your question more towards:  I evaded and now wish to Petition and it's coming back to haunt me now ?

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2013-06-09 11:56:00