PhilippinesPhilippines Flag
My fiancee wants to get a Philippines (and US) flag to fly at our house.

Has anyone here found/bought a nice one? I would prefer something of quality so that it will last. I have found some sites but there are no reviews on the products, so I am weary to buy from them.

??MalePhilippines2011-09-09 05:51:00
Philippinestrying to be upbeat

Now everything rests on her. the medical, the CFO, the embassy. I wil be iwth her to help esae her nerves.... but it is now her decision to make. the main thurst of the trip is what DOES she want? This is where now everything has been done and it is her time to decide. This is where reality sets in, no more dreaming. America or bust.......

Shouldn't this have been resolved prior to the I-129F, plane/hotel reservations, medical exam, embassy interview? What if she decides it's not for her?

Hope all goes well for you!
??MalePhilippines2011-08-15 15:55:00
Philippinestrying to be upbeat

A common-sense reminder from the U.S. Embassy Manila:

Do not finalize arrangements for travel to the United States, dispose of properties, or resign from your job until a visa has been issued and delivered to you.

My link.

No doubt! You never know what kind of monkey wrench is going to be thrown in the works...might as well play it safe. Nothing in life goes as planned.

Had I jumped the gun and made plans months in advance, I would have definitely been out a lot of money and possibly lost my fiancee. She didn't pass her LET exam and her parent's house burned down. If she had passed her exam, she would have been home in the house when it caught fire...who knows what would have happened. The LET is real important to her, so she is staying until she can take it again and then flying here 2 days later. It was crushing to me at the time learning she wouldn't be here when I expected...but all things happen for a reason.

Darren, try to stay positive about your trip and possible will work out.
??MalePhilippines2011-08-14 16:39:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

Requirements for a K-1 visa

However, a 2005 decision ruled that transsexuals, such as Thai kathoeys and Filipina baklas can get fiancé visas sponsored by the sex of their pre-op gender, so long as that sponsor lives in a state where the transsexual marriage will be recognized as heterosexual.

That's interesting...never read that far into it before filing.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-22 08:00:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

DOMA, for one. Until that is repealed, same sex unions will not be recognized by the Federal government, or will they? Seems the US has already begun the process to solemnize such unions on military installations at home and at abroad. It the DOD begins recognizing such unions for survivor benefits under the same level as heterosexual marriages, then will the DHS and DOS be far behind?

So, if that were to happen, what would be the outcome if the application was approved by USCIS?

Btw, your sig graphic is need to add religious symbols in there too.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-22 07:58:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

"but it irritates me when someone post some off-the-cuff "smart-@$$" remark as if this forum is a comedy stage" Yea, me to. I know a guy, his name is Billy J Bumblaster, and he is very interested in your question as he would love to come to the US and meet other guys like himself, please leave your name and contact info, he will be sure to get back to you..... :thumbs:

Billy, there is so much to work with in your post but I would probably be given a warning for personal attacks towards you if I responded how I would like. So I will let people infer what they wish.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-22 07:55:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

last article... since you like your thoughts to be out and shared with other people... here is an article worth reading...

How a Parent’s Thoughts Shape Their Unborn Child’s Life

We often hear the first 3 years of a child’s life are the most important. So for the first 3 years with our children, we play the right games, buy the right toys and read the right books.

But recent studies prove that 6 months into a pregnancy, the fetus is already aware, reacting and emotionally active. At 6 months, the unborn child can see, hear, experience, taste, feel and even learn.

So a child’s physical and emotional health is being shaped before it’s even born. And part of that shaping is determined by how the parents – especially the mother – feel about life and each other.

Creating a child’s personality

On some level, what the pregnant mother feels emotionally is transferred directly to her unborn child. Because of this, constant negative emotions can have a damaging affect on the fetus.

The fetus absorbs negative emotions like anger, stress or frustration. Feelings most adults experience throughout their stressful days. However, the most harm is done when a mother doesn’t want the child. These and other negative emotions shape the baby’s personality.

Then there’s the father…

Throughout the pregnancy, the fetus is also affected by the father’s feelings toward the mother and their child. That’s because the fetus can absorb its parents’ emotional energy. This energy helps create how the child will see itself in its life ahead. For example, it will feel happy or sad, be aggressive or meek, secure or insecure.

And some studies show parents begin affecting their child’s personality soon after conception.

What messages do you send your baby?

Research shows soon after conception, a level of consciousness exists in the embryo. As the fetus develops, its subconscious stores information to prepare it for its mother’s environment. But, the father’s role in relation to the mother is also important.

By the sixth month, the fetus can hear and move in rhythm to its mother’s voice. Imagine the different influence this has if the mother is happily singing or yelling in anger.

It’s no surprise that sonograms taken while parents yell at each other show the baby’s entire body flinching in agitation. Imagine the damage caused by months of feeding this negative energy to a fetus. Frightening, isn’t it? In fact, studies show a bad relationship between parents increases the child’s risk of psychological and physical damage by a startling 200% or more!

How your subconscious thoughts affect your fetus

Another powerful way parents affect their fetus is through their beliefs. I’ll explain.

Your life is a reflection of your beliefs. These beliefs come from a lifetime of experiences and interactions with other people. Most of these beliefs are subconscious. And they quietly “program” your mind to react to your world. If these beliefs are negative, it programs our minds to be self-defeating. We see it everyday in people who say, “I can’t___”, “I’m not good enough to ___, “I have am so unlucky ___” and so on.

As expectant parents, the negative programming usually comes out in fear:
…“Am I going to make the same mistakes my parents made?” …“Will my baby be healthy and deliver naturally?” …“Can I adequately provide for my child?”
Single mothers often have additional negative emotions like:
…“Will I be enough not having a father around?” …“Can I really raise my child alone?”
During the pregnancy, parents who dwell on negative thoughts send these feelings to the fetus. In turn, this programs fear into the child before it even enters the world.

It is extremely important for both mother and father to understand their emotions and deal with them in an effective manner. Continued stress for the mother takes its toll on her unborn child. Whether the mother’s thoughts and emotions are positive and reinforcing or negative and rejecting they are helping to define and shape the child’s character.

Supporting your desire for a healthy child

No matter what the situation, any parent can give their child a strong, healthy start. It begins with their choices made during the pregnancy.

The physical and emotional health of a fetus is shaped by the parents’ environment and their emotional well-being. That’s why it’s vital to feed loving, positive energy to the fetus throughout the pregnancy. Doing so helps ensure a happy, healthy, confident child.

If you’d like to learn more about a child’s emotional development in utero, I recommend

“The Secret Life of the Unborn Child” by Thomas Verny, M.D.

I still don't understand the relevance the articles you copied and pasted have to do with a hypothetical question about the control a certain organization in the Philippines holds or doesn't hold...I'm not sure if you read the posts others took their time to type out the answers to my questions, but they do contain the answer to what I asked.

Random articles about OCD and the power of thoughts and so on have nothing to do with what I was asking.

I apologize if it sounds as if I'm being an @$$, but it irritates me when someone post some off-the-cuff "smart-@$$" remark as if this forum is a comedy stage, implying that since someone is asking about homosexuals, then they must be one...GROW TFU, PEOPLE. All I was doing was simply asking a question that I had never seen addressed. I am one who thinks out of the box and am always asking questions...I always ask "why?" Just ask my wife.

Anyway, no hard feelings.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-21 19:05:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

I dont know you personally. And trying to make sure that people posting here about their random thoughs dont have OCD problem.

So you have a lot of free time and wants your thoughts out... Read the article....

Thought-action Fusion and OCD

Equating Thoughts With Actions May Cause OCD Symptoms

By Owen Kelly, Ph.D., Guide

Updated August 22, 2010

OCD is a complex illness with many causes, including biological, psychological and social factors. A psychological process that may help cause and maintain OCD symptoms is thought-action fusion. Let’s explore the relationship between thought-action fusion and OCD symptoms.

What is Thought-Action Fusion?

Thought-action fusion is when you believe that simply thinking about an action is equivalent to actually carrying out that action. For example, if a thought randomly pops into your mind about something unacceptable -- such as murdering your partner -- you would believe this to just as bad as actually harming them.

Thought-action fusion can also lead people to believe that thinking about an unwanted event makes it more likely that the event will happen. For instance, you might think that by imagining a loved one dying in a car crash, it somehow increases the chances that this will actually happen.

Thought-action Fusion and OCD Symptoms

The degree to which someone with OCD is prone to thought-action fusion predicts how severe their OCD symptoms will be. This has led many to suggest that thought-action fusion could be a cause of OCD symptoms. Interestingly, thought-action fusion and OCD symptoms and could be linked by another psychological process called thought suppression. Although just about everyone experiences strange, bizarre or shocking thoughts throughout the day, if you have OCD, you may overreact to these “dangerous” thoughts by trying to suppress them, which only causes them to come back worse than before. Of course, this can lead to a vicious circle of more thought suppression followed by more distressing thoughts.

Thought-action fusion may promote thought suppression by making you feel that your thoughts are "dangerous." Indeed, if you believe that the thought of harming your partner popping into your head is equivalent to actually having harmed them, then understandably, this is a dangerous or threatening thought. In this way, thought-action fusion and thought suppression may work hand-in-hand to create distressing obsessions. And in turn, such obsessions can lead to debilitating compulsions, which are used as an attempt to neutralize or undo the feared outcome or thought.

Thought-action Fusion and OCD Treatment

Addressing thought-action fusion is a key component of many cognitive-behaviorally oriented psychological treatments for OCD. Although the imagined link between thoughts and actions is almost always illogical, if you have OCD it can sometimes be difficult to have insight into the irrationality of these thoughts. Therapy focuses, in part, on challenging the imagined link between thoughts and actions/outcomes through experiments or observation.

For example, if you are afraid that thinking about a bomb going off in your workplace makes it more likely that this will happen, you could intentionally think about this and then see if this feared outcome comes true or not. Although initially distressing, these types of experiments can help challenge beliefs about the link between thoughts and actions as well as make thought suppression less likely; indeed, if your thoughts are not actually dangerous, why push them away?

Behaviorally-oriented therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) also work to build flexibility in thinking rather than trying to eliminate distressing thoughts like obsessions using a variety of mindfulness techniques, metaphors and life enhancement exercises. ACT teaches clients to be less invested in their thoughts, which helps to avoid to the tendency to label thoughts as dangerous.

My question was not related to OCD and what you posted is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-21 14:28:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

It's a relatively new development. Before 1996 the federal government had absolutely no concept of what marriage was, other than one of the states said you were married. I was living in Colorado at the time and was common law married to a USC. Other than my immigration atty hanging his head it was a perfectly valid marriage for immigration purposes. (This was the joker in my back pocket because I was going the H-1B -> I-485 route).

Unfortunately (or fortunately for some) Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defined marriage as being between a man and a woman, so for the first time the federal government had an idea of what marriage was.

That said, given the justice dept's recent statement that they wouldn't defend DOMA because they considered it to be unconstitutional (something about the pursuit of happiness bit) it may be gone in a few years (I'd expect 10+ years)


The trouble here is that I work with a gay man who's been in a committed long distance relationship for 10 years. His relationship has lasted longer than my first marriage did.


Thanks for the info!
??MalePhilippines2011-11-21 13:09:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

I think the only problem they have in CFO seminar is which bathroom to go. Seriously. :innocent:

They won't even reach that part. Both US and the Philippines are not allowing such relationship.

Ok, Thanks.

Seems odd the US won't "allow" such a relationship.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-21 12:54:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

I dunno what are you trying to ask but...
K1 or CR1 isn't allowing homosexual relationships.
Philippines, though still legally conservative- people are already used to it.
If your wife wants to petition a homosexual brother or sister later on (which takes forever), then that could work or her relative wants to work abroad, that's fine. No discrimination. Just be extra careful on the destination countries like Middle East because they do not tolerate that.

What I am wondering is this:

If a homosexual man or woman (say, in the US) found a homosexual man or woman in the Philippines and wanted to bring them to the US to marry, would the CFO forbid that Filipino man or woman to leave the country because they are homosexual?

This is purely a hypothetical question...based on thought and knowing how much $*!t heterosexuals have to deal with in order to get the one they love to them.

Edited by ??, 21 November 2011 - 12:52 PM.

??MalePhilippines2011-11-21 12:50:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals

Are you thinking of petitioning a man later on? :devil:
Scary thoughts when you are just done petitioning your wife.

In case you missed the topic description under the title, it said "random thought." No, I'm not going to petition a man.

We are all human and I am curious if the people at the CFO feel that they have the last say on anyone's relationship, especially if it is against their ideas of what is "right." And wondering if anyone has ever heard of this.

I am always thinking...and I'm not trying to be mean/nasty by saying this, but maybe you should give it a try sometime.

TO ALL WHO READ....If you have nothing valid to offer in this conversation, then please don't post.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-21 12:37:00
PhilippinesCFO and homosexuals
After all the stress of getting my wife to me, here's something I was thinking about recently...

What are the chances of the CFO "forbidding" someone who is homosexual to depart to be with their loved one?

Would the CFO discriminate just because the male or female is homosexual?
??MalePhilippines2011-11-21 12:23:00
PhilippinesJust Married
??MalePhilippines2011-11-20 11:49:00
PhilippinesShipping liquids from Ph to US?

I think you are right.

I don't understand the "need" for whitening products.... really not necessary.

My wife isn't dark and she doesn't use them for the whitening effect, she is part Chinese and looks it. She said that those are the only ones she has used that makes her skin smooth...she said she's tried a lot of other products when she was in the Ph...hopefully we'll find them somewhere.
??MalePhilippines2011-12-01 14:06:00
PhilippinesShipping liquids from Ph to US?

I had trouble buying the NIVEA whitening products at some stores in Makati even... bought the wrong stuff ... not good :blush:

I have wondered about finding any of these here in the States.

I don't think you're going to find them...we've been looking. ebay has them but they are coming from Thailand and Hong Kong and the shipping is outrageous.

My wife's parent's bought her a lot of it and we thought they would be able to ship. There's got to be a way to get it here.

Still looking...
??MalePhilippines2011-12-01 12:20:00
PhilippinesShipping liquids from Ph to US?

Maybe if you tell us exactly what she wants someone here might have it for sale in one of their local stores.

Here is what she is looking for:

NIVEA Body Lotion UV Whitening Extra Cell Repair & Protect
NIVEA Whitening Milk Lotion
Silka Papaya soap

??MalePhilippines2011-12-01 10:03:00
PhilippinesShipping liquids from Ph to US?

Try this website.
The price are 4 times of what it cost in philippines but average cost for the same here in USA.

I ordered my wife's facial and hair care products from this site. Also seasonings and other goods from the Philippines.

I looked but they didn't have what she is wanting.

Thanks for the link though!
??MalePhilippines2011-12-01 08:43:00
PhilippinesShipping liquids from Ph to US?

She can just bring it with her but it shouldn't be on a hand carry or accessible luggage.

She's already here in the US.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-30 20:56:00
PhilippinesShipping liquids from Ph to US?

have u tried just buying them from ebay or one of the philippine sites online?

I've looked at ebay, but the cost plus shipping is slightly high.

Can you give me some links to the Ph sites?

??MalePhilippines2011-11-30 19:57:00
PhilippinesShipping liquids from Ph to US?
My wife is wanting to have some lotions (only available in the Ph) shipped from the Philippines to her here in the US.

Does anyone know of a way to get them sent here?

She tried to have her parents ship through FedEx, but they wouldn't allow it. Any thoughts/ideas are appreciated in advance.
??MalePhilippines2011-11-30 18:15:00
PhilippinesBelgian documentary

Why would it make people angry? An explanatory sentence is always good to include in a post like this.

part 3 @ 7:39
??MalePhilippines2011-12-07 12:36:00
PhilippinesBelgian documentary
Here's a documentary I found yesterday :blink: ...this will probably anger you.

Don't forget to click the CC caption button for the English translation.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5
??MalePhilippines2011-12-07 06:04:00
Philippinescommon questions during interview

hi. if i may request you to send it to me as well as my interview is this coming aug.....i would gladly appreciate it.

Just sent them.
??MalePhilippines2011-07-19 07:44:00
Philippinescommon questions during interview

hello guys, to those of you who have done with their interview, can you please share what are the questions that they asked you?so that we have an idea what might be the questions that they will going to ask..thank so much in advanced..

My fiancee was asked the basics, what is your finace's name, address, place of work, job title, salary.

It also depends on if either of you have been married before...I have a list of questions I used to have mock interviews with her before the interview. If you want it, message me and I will send them to you.
??MalePhilippines2011-07-18 06:35:00
Congrats! A BIG :thumbs: to you both!!!
??MalePhilippines2011-12-08 06:04:00
PhilippinesSLMC Online REgistration - POint of Entry

I'm about to register online regarding my medical exam at SLMC-Extension Clinic and im stuck with question about "POint of Entry". SInce my fiance and i havent booked my ticket yet to U.S., we dont know what will be my POE. What shall i put? Any advice? :) thanks!

Just pick a POE that is near your fiance's home. It doesn't matter if that isn't the one you actually arrive at.

Just put "will determine after visa" or something similar to that.

You have to pick a state for the online registration...I don't think you can write anything in.

Edited by Chay & Brian, 12 July 2011 - 08:27 AM.

??MalePhilippines2011-07-12 08:25:00
PhilippinesPeople from Eastern NC

Only place in town where the Karaoke sounded decent. Americans can't sing. It is a fact.

That's an odd thing to my wife is playing American songs and singing with them almost every day.
??MalePhilippines2012-02-08 08:48:00

Check your state's education dept. I am a grad student in PA and we work in schools.. I had to get a police clearance, child abuse clearance, FBI clearance.. we have a temp. Teaching cert until I graduate, but I needed my undergrad transcript, 20 observation hours here in US, BLS life support cert to obtain it :) I work 20 hrs a week at a public school. Most states near PA have similar guidelines

Thanks for that!
??MalePhilippines2012-08-07 04:47:00

Unfortunately, not that I am aware of. Each organization sets its own rules for hiring. I am only aware of this because my wife applied for a GS job, and some require citizenship, some do not. It's in the job description. But I suspect MOST state and local jobs would not be so stringent. You'd just have to ask the school(s) at which she might work what their requirements are.

??MalePhilippines2012-08-06 20:28:00

She can teach in both public andbprivate school even though she is just green card holder or ead. She just need to get certified and have her undergraduate credentials get evaluation. To become full time teacher on certain level, she needs to pass some sortbzof exam. But for substitute teacher, just credentials and certification. Other state nightshade more requirement though.


Is there a guideline somewhere with info on employments restrictions for immigrants?
??MalePhilippines2012-08-06 17:29:00

An EAD, which is no longer valid/needed once the GC is obtained (and is supposed to be destroyed or turned in to USCIS), allows a person to be employed in the US. However, there are certain jobs which are only available to US Citizens; these would not be open to an EAD or GC holder until they get their citizenship.

Thanks for the info. Where can I find the info on restrictions for employment?

??MalePhilippines2012-08-06 15:52:00
My wife recently got her EAD and we have been job hunting in the private schools but there is basically nothing available.

Is she allowed to work in the public school system?

??MalePhilippines2012-08-06 13:43:00
Philippinestracking visa at 2GO..


Thanks for that!!! :thumbs:
??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 11:57:00
PhilippinesReport of Marriage pdf


Your wife is still a Philippine citizen.


Yes put in your complete address (which will be the same for your wife ;) )


So they removed the BEFORE in the latest forms, with our form it asks civil status before married, that was dumb on their part.  Anyway that is what they are asking for - status before marriage.

Thanks again Hank_!


??MalePhilippines2014-04-10 11:47:00
PhilippinesReport of Marriage pdf

citizenship will be PH for your wife as she is not a USC yet

civil status will be what you were before the wedding, were you single, a divorcee or a widower?

residence- why not put both.. ex, Philadelphia, PA. 

Thanks Messybrownhair!

 #7 put your citizenship ---- your still in the reporting of marriage, your wife is a citizen of PH of course

#8 Residence               ---- your address here

# 9 Civil Status            ----- your status before the two of you get cannot get married if you're already married..

# 16-19                       -----  just list persons who know you and their address

Thanks n and m!

??MalePhilippines2014-04-10 10:45:00
PhilippinesReport of Marriage pdf



Look at the tab to the left, top part is info for husband, wife info is below that.   7 - are you a US citizen?  #8 - where do you live?


As for # 16 the key word there is "BEFORE"  - Civil status before this marriage, which is why married is not listed - can get married if already married.   ;)   :lol:


And for witness list the person(s) and their address.


Date and time is when you sign the form.

Thanks for the reply Hank_!


Yeah, I noticed it's split in two for husband and wife.


#7 - Yes, I'm a US I put US for my wife?


#8 - Do they want city and state?


#9 - There is no "Before" in that section;   9. CIVIL STATUS   [ ] SINGLE [ ] DIVORCED [ ] WIDOW/WIDOWER

Edited by ??, 10 April 2014 - 10:38 AM.

??MalePhilippines2014-04-10 10:38:00
PhilippinesReport of Marriage pdf

Hi All,


My wife and I are going to D.C. to renew her passport and will be reporting the marriage as well.


A few questions about the report of marriage pdf:

#7. Citizenship - do I put PH or US?


#8. Residence - What do I put?


#9. Civil Status - they left out Married - options are Single, Divorced, Widow/Widower


#16 - 19 Witness info - I'm guessing I put the aitnesses to our marriage in the boxes for both of us


We/Isolemnlyswearunderpenaltyoflawthatthestatementsmadeonthisreportaretrueandcorrect - Is this for the date and time we are signing the forms at the Consulate?

Thanks in advance for the help!

??MalePhilippines2014-04-10 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Posted Image

Chay & Brian!!! WoooooHooooooo Rock On VSC!!!!!!!!!!

Many thanks Mari!

Let's hope that everyone stuck in the VSC will be liberated soon!

This was totally not expected today...I was thinking it would be at least another 2-4 weeks. I hope this is a ray of sunshine for all VSC Decemberites.
??MalePhilippines2011-04-21 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Posted Image to CHAY & BRIAN!!! NOA2!!!! woooohooo!

Thanks much!!! I hope everyone's NOA2 arrives soon!
??MalePhilippines2011-04-21 11:59:00