Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSomehow, we did it, si man
That is so awesome, you have made it to the stage that few pass. Many congrads.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-01-25 08:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCost to Visit Russia

We have always done well enough to figure $150 per day for room and meals (for 2-3 people) We rented apartments, not hotel rooms, and did not eat at expensive restaraunts, but not bad places either. The cost of anything else, entertainment, gifts, etc. is your decision. Basic room and meals $150 per day will do you pretty well. Stay in a flat outside downtown and take the Metro

Great, that is a doable figure, so excluding lodging, about $75/day. I have a place to stay, I have figured out the train expenses both ways, and we do not plan any jet-setting. Just a simple time together, a nice dinner or two on the town, dancing one or two nights and the rest of the time walking, picnic by the river, party with her friends, etc.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-05 17:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCost to Visit Russia
Excluding airfare and visa, what was your average cost to visit Russia? In the past, money was no problem, just pay whatever was needed to go to Russia. Now, it is much more of a consideration. I have the plane ticket, will not be flying within Russia so that reduces expenses. We will ride the train from Moscow to Kirov and return, so figure about $300 for those two trips. I will be staying at her place, so food expenses and other related expenses. Of course, there is the cost of gifts, misc expenses, etc.

Anyone have an approx. budget they experience for each trip.

Edited by moosescape, 05 February 2013 - 01:02 PM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-05 13:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

You spend much time on Isle Royale?

Yes, that will be my research site. Currently, I am finishing my classwork but Isle Royale will be my study site.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-09 16:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

I was only confirming that as you get farther east in Russia (at least in 2007), the local authorities have more authority and can kick you out of a city, even if you can stay in the country. Moscow and Peter are different from Siberia in a lot of ways.

I have also noticed that the smaller the city or the farther east one is located, the more different the enforcement of regulations.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-08 09:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

I have lived in Russia for six years. There are special regulations for cities of certain importance like Norilsk that are closed cities that foreigners can't go to, but visa laws are federal. You don't apply for a visa to a specific region. The university or something could have done something not quite right, etc.

I agree that the visa laws are federal but it is the option of each jurisdiction to determine the length of your stay. Once in Izhevsk, my visa was 6 months but when we went to register, I was only allowed 90 days. I was told I could go to another area but not stay in Izhevsk past 90 days.

I am familiar with the special regulations for certain places. I have been to Yakutia, one of those places with special regulations.

Nevertheless, I prefer not to continue this discussion. If you do not believe me, either call the minister in Amur region or just be happy you are always right. The one thing I have learned in Russia, things change in Russia. Just because there is a federal regulation, that does not always filter down to the locals or may be enforced differently.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-06 18:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

I doubt it's different. I have friends who have studied/worked all over.

I am not sure why you are casting dispersions on my statements. I trust you have worked in Russia and have friends that have worked all over but you must know that Russia enforces regulations differently in each region. I was there during the Moscow metro bombing and it was not a pleasant time to be in Russia because of the hassles. If you wish, you are welcome to contact the Minister of Immigration for the Amur region (Sergei)-he will confirm that he obtained special authorization for my extended visa.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-06 17:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie
I have had a research visa but things were different in Far East Russia. I finally received an extension from the Minister of Immigration when he attended a Museum Gallery show I presented but prior to that, it was a firm 6 months.

I also had weekly visits by the border patrol, that was always fun.

Edited by moosescape, 06 February 2013 - 03:39 PM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-06 15:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

Wouldn't you be able to conduct moose research in Russia and thus spend the entire year there?

Current Russian visa regulations allow 3 year visa but only 180 day stay during that year. One needs a waiver to be able to stay longer than 180 days. When I was in Far East Russia, I received waiver but sometimes, it is not easy. This was soon after the booming of the Moscow subway and it was difficult to get waivers. Of course, if we do this, we will be married and I will eventually get a full-time residency permit. Part of the fun and frustration of Russia: Russia is a country of change. What works today can be cancelled tomorrow and what you want may be impossible.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-06 12:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie
My decision to pursue doctorate in Moose Ecology has nothing to do with my financial future other than my desire to work with this animal. My plan, before I met Olga, was to return to Far Eastern Russia and live in a hovel in the middle of the Taiga working with moose. Now, I am adjusting that plan with preparations for my new life with Olga. We are discussing whether I will move to Russia or if she will move to USA; she seems to be leaning toward USA and I am leaning toward Russia. We have plenty of time to discuss between now and my visit in May. If we decide USA, we will file paperwork upon my return. If we decide Russia, I will spend my summers and winter vacation with her. I expect to be on full research mode (no classes) the end of spring 2014. At that time, I will be able to spend 6 months of the year with her in Russia and 6 months here working on my degree. If I obtained an immigration wavier, I could spend even more time in Russia
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-06 11:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

OP, still intrigued about what a PhD program in Moose Conservation entails, si man.

A lot of classes plus a lot of research, approximately 4 years of work between masters and PhD. My research is Osteoarthritis of Moose, studying the causation, severity, body location, diet, etc.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-05 08:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

i think his favorite breed is the the ones needing help over the fence. :lol:

:bonk: :bonk:
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-04 18:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

:thumbs: we already have one on the site that professes his love for sheep.

Domestic, Bighorn, Dall... which breed of sheep?
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-04 18:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

isn't that illegal in most states? :unsure:

Real cute, but not that intimate!
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-04 17:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

Alla understands, she saw the bear swimming in the lake and ran back to the car (until them I was unaware she COULD run in high heels...YES she can!) and locked me out!

She has had one encounter with a moose. She was driving home and a moose was in the road. She got home and said

"There was a deer in the road, I stopped and it fianlly walked away"
Oh, glad you did not hit it.
"It was a really big deer, as big as a cow and maybe 2 meters tall"
:unsure: Alla, that was a moose.
"there was a moose in the road then"

When she first moved here, I think it was the first or second day, 3 deer were in the road when we drove to town.

:o "Vooooooooowhat is it?"
"Whose deer are they?"
they are wild deer, they do not belong to anyone, they are just wild
"Vooooowhat? Stupid animals walk in the road? Why don't they keep them off the road, you could hit one of them"
It happens

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-03 09:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

Good thing we ban sugary drinks from college campi to protect the students.

Too bad the guy with a camera didn't have a GUN and he could only stand by and film another person being killed...but it was Canada Another killing in a gun free zone. That stuff doesn't happen in Vermont :no:

Sorry, couldn't resist. :P

People do not seem to understand the concept of wild animals. Even if the animal has ventured into town, it is still very wild (in fact, more wild because of limited escape routes and unfamiliar territory). When I was in Far East Russia, a Japanese Photographer was eaten by bears. It was all over the news like it was some surprising thing. Bears hibernate for 6 months, when they come out of hibernation, they are starving. In early spring, there is little food so a photographer is a good snack. If one wants to photograph bears, it is best to do it in August or September during the salmon runs. Bears are well fed and more interested in fish than humans.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-03 09:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

:lol: Funny, but dangerous, Da man! You forget how jealous FSU women can be. Alla says the moto of the FSU woman is "#### all men around and kill all women moose around"

Gary, you got a "live wire" with Alla.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-03 09:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

You sure those weren't the local girls? I was in Montana once, and I am sure some of those girls had been miscounted in aerial surveys as moose.

Sorry Gary, I know a moose when I see one, especially from 2 inches away.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-03 09:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

I watched a video taken on a university campus in Canada. A moose had wandered onto the campus and was loitering near a sidewalk while he was being videotaped from a safe distance. A student tried to casually walk past the moose, giving it a space of 10-15 feet at least. The moose didn't like that and ran at this person and knocked him down. It turned away but then came back and stomped the victim. This happened several more times, all the while being filmed. When the moose was finished the victim was dead! :wow:

I have been very close to moose in the past also but no 'kissing'! Since seeing that video I will never again get that close!

Good luck on your Mayday in Moscow!

James, most likely that was during Rut, bull moose are pretty freaked out during rut.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-02 17:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie
I have had numerous encounters with wild animals. As a wildlife photographer, we become intimately involved and very close to the animals. Knowledge is key to understand the animal the the signs they exhibit. Occasionally, one misses the clues and the result is not pretty. Nevertheless, I have been kissed two times by a moose, once in Utah and the second time in Grand Teton. Moose have poor eyesight, if you are very still they will eventually come up to investigate you. They put their nose so close to you face it is like a kiss. Very tender.

I am sure Olga will kiss much better than a moose. My trip is planned for April 30 with arrival May 1 at DME Moscow 6 pm. I can almost feel my first hug and kiss.

Edited by moosescape, 02 February 2013 - 01:22 PM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-02 13:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

Welcome ! Do you have any great moose recipes?

Cute, no comment!
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-02 11:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

Hi John!

I often wondered what happened to you. Good to see you are still at it.

I don't check VJ as much as I used to. Seem to be so busy, and wife is a US citizen now.

Best of luck to you, and keep in touch.

Yes, I was out of touch for two years when I was in Russia. There was just no reason to hang around VJ feeling bad. I also needed time to recover. Life has been good to me, I will not give up. This time, I don't care if I live over there, she comes over here or if we go somewhere totally new.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-02 10:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie


Looks like we are almost neighbors! We are in Houghton for shopping all the time, my Russian step-daughter even attends pre-school there At MTU! There are a few Russian/American families here. If your sweetheart would like I am sure Olya would be happy to correspond with her about what life is like here in American Siberia! :D

Wow, thanks James, as we get closer to approval date, I would love to have your wife speak with her. I am not sure we will remain in this area after I finish the PhD, a lot will depend on her desires. I am pretty sure she is tired of cold and snow, I am fairly mobile so can relocate.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-02 10:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

Oh, sorry. I misread your post. I thought you said the fiancee was 23. Not knowing how old the son is makes perfect sense. Nobody knows how old their own kids are, let alone someone else's kids.

I found out, his birthday is in November and born 1989, so he is 23. At my age, no way I would think of dating a lady that is 23, my children are older than that.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-01 12:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie

Now everyone is trying to guess what your old name was (on VJ, I mean). Also: "about 23 years..."? Don't you know exactly?

He was born 1989, not sure of his birthday so it is either 23 or 24. I honestly don't remember my previous names on VJ. I do remember you SMR.

Edited by moosescape, 01 February 2013 - 08:45 AM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-01 08:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIntroduction but not a newbie
Hello all RUB members;

My name is john but friends call me moose. Even though my profile is new, I am not (on VJ or in life). This is not my first go with a K1. I have not successfully completed the K1 visa but have started three in the past. One stopped before interview (a joint decision after we were living together in Russia for three months) and two stopped before USCIS decision (one stopped my me and the second stopped by her because she was unable to move the USA). All girls are still my friends, one is in UK (married to a wonderful man) and the other two still in Russia. I have been involved on VJ since Slim and Neonred (I used to also live in Florida) stated their K1's and before Gary and Alla started.

After taking four years off to recover after my last failure, I am trying again. I have met (online, not in person) my sweetheart. I am trying to take it slow but the accelerator is stuck. She is everything I could ever hope for, sweet, kind, responsive and beautiful. We are currently planning my trip for a visit. This will not be my first trip to Russia. I have been over multiple times to visit my previous attempts and I went to live in Russia to work at a nature park as a wildlife photographer. This life changing experience instilled in me a desire to do more for animals and I have returned to school to earn a PhD in moose conservation (at age 56).

Oh, her name is Olga and she lives in Kirov. She has one son, about 23 years old.

I am not requesting any advice (yet), simply introducing myself in case you see my posts in response to other questions.

Edited by moosescape, 01 February 2013 - 08:21 AM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-01 08:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSometimes it is all worth it

And no one has commented on the content of the links in my thread just above, no man.

Yumm, snake steaks
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-09 10:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSometimes it is all worth it

Doesn't your husband do that for you?

I hope not while wearing a short skirt and heels.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-08 15:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSometimes it is all worth it

Of course he needs help to understand how to assemble a hamburger. :blush:

I bet he learns real quick to make a hamburger if Dasha decides she loves hamburgers! It is amazing what we will do for your significant others.

Edited by moosescape, 06 February 2013 - 05:58 PM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-06 17:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSometimes it is all worth it

Texas Aggie (A&M) jokes:

How did the Aggie break his leg raking leaves?
He fell out of the tree.

Why do Aggies keep their university diplomas on their car dashboards?
So they can park in the Handicapped zones.

Three Texas Aggies were arguing about some tracks.
"They're deer tracks," said one.
"No, they're moose tracks," said the second.
"No, no -- they're rabbit tracks," said the third.
They were still arguing when the train hit them.

Sweet, thanks!!

"When an Aggie flunks out he can go to LSU and raise the GPA of BOTH schools!"

He went with Rice, but I do not think that was the reason.

I agree that Rice has a better reputation than LSU, but I could be biased as I received my undergrad. from the Univ. of Mississippi.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-06 11:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSometimes it is all worth it
This is inspiring, thanks for posting
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-01 08:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMeteor hits central Russia

Hope everyone's friends and family are okay. Pictures of the meteor in the sky are dramatic.

Thanks for the news.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-15 11:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhen distance makes you feel useless

I'm not sure what to do, or even how to react to this.

You are in a very tough spot, you need to be her best friend and her fiance, all at the same time. Russian women are very strong, they can take care of themselves but they need our emotional support and to be an ear to listen. If she can speak fairly good English, get on skype or the telephone so she can vent. I bet she just wants to talk and to know that you support her. If you work nights or work when she needs you, find a way to break free so you both can be together (via telephone or skype). Of course, if this happened here in USA, we could have a blanket party for this a$$hole. In Russia, it is pretty hard for us to deliver some serious help so best to just be an ear for her and support her.

If you can, offer to help financially until she can find new job. Usually, it is afforable to help.

Edited by moosescape, 13 February 2013 - 01:33 PM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-13 13:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVICTORY DAY!

As I look at the page in my passport it says, ?????. Ahh cool so that's my Russian equivalent. Yea don't let the max confuse you it's a name i use when I used to pen a few stories anonymously. So I've got this visa in hand, and booked the flights yesterday, and loving how everything is fitting into place. Though an Idea struck me, "I wonder if any other VJers will be going over during Victor Day?". Well how about it anyone else? If you happen to be flying out of Detroit on may 2 through Air France at 3:25pm to Paris...we will be on the same flight.

Hi Steven, I am leaving April 30 and arriving DME Moscow on May 1; plan to stay till May 12 so will also be there for Victory Day. Formal proposal planned for May 5
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-16 12:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVermont vs. California
I am currently a PhD student in Michigan but I also own a business in Florida. Therefore, I can honestly put my address as either Michigan or Florida which is two different processing centers.

It appears that California is processing I-129F applications super slow, some blame it on the Dream Act. The reason is not relevant to this question.

Would it be better to put my Florida address so that I am processed in Vermont or put my Michigan address so that I am processed in California?
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-18 19:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslate Divorce Certificate
Thanks, just ordered the certified translation.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-19 14:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslate Divorce Certificate
I received the divorce certificate from Olga today for our I-129F package. Of course, it is in Russian. Do I need to get this translated prior to submission with the packet. I read the K1 guides but that was not specified.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-19 13:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia

Which city is she in? If that's Moscow i can give you some up-to-date advice, i've just been through the whole marrying thing here this fall. And no, you don't need an interpreter in ZAGS (as long as it's the Moscow one, at least), she just needs to make some sort of signal to you when it's time to say 'Da'.

She is in Kirov but we have decided to pursue the K1 visa route because of the speed of the K1 and also the ease of marriage in America. We will do a celebration with family and friends (celebration, not marriage ceremony) in Russia and the formal marriage in America. I would also like to return to Russia for a formal re-statement of vows after the K1 is complete and she is again allowed to travel.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-24 14:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia
Yesterday, we had numerous conversations with great results; what a beautiful Valentine's Day present-discuss our life together. We have decided to pursue the K1 visa path with marriage in America but celebration in Russia. We will submit the paperwork immediately after my visit on May 1-12. I have gathered all my paperwork (divorce documents, etc) and she is getting hers scanned. I am filling in the forms and will take with me to Russia for signatures and to review together.

If USCIS would step on the accelerator, she could be here by next Valentine's Day.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-15 11:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia

We have had a few brief comments about marriage but not an extended conversation, yet. As a scientist, I tend to over-analyze things and also plan every detail. We have just under three months to get more involved in the conversation and for me to learn the requirements for all different plans. I leave for Russia April 30. By then, I will know if we will do the K1 route or the marriage route. If K1, will take the forms along and we will complete them during my visit.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-10 17:56:00