Asia: East and PacificSending flowers or gifts to VN (Nha Thrang)
I was just curious if anyone knows of a reliable florist to have flowers sent to VN? VN addresses dont use postal codes that I know of and Im not sure who to trust. Also same thing for gifts, chocolate etc.
I found this website googling flowers to vietnam: http://www.flowersto...ult.aspx?lang=e
selderMaleVietnam2008-08-20 17:21:00
Asia: East and PacificCancelled application and starting a new one for a different relationship

I have spoken with Kevin and apologized to him for my misdirected post. This topic is closed as far as I am concerned. Thank you Peter for your thoughts, I will have a very strong case and document everything we do.

I understand everyone's skepticism in my regard, and we will just have to wait and see what happens, I will post my progress as we move along.

Best regards to all and Luckytxn it was inappropriate for me say I thought you were immature, I apologize to you too.

Anyone else out there I need to apologize too? LOL

Take care all.

selderMaleVietnam2008-08-26 13:23:00
Asia: East and PacificCancelled application and starting a new one for a different relationship

I am new to this forum and the whole USCIS process, I do see many others who have had unbelievable experiences for many reasons. Each one of our cases are different and who knows what will happen with each application.
Why you feel the need to vent against my post I dont understand, I am not a serial applicant Im just naive and uneducated about ####### I got myself into.

You seem to think I am some sort of marraige broker or something and calling me out without knowing the full details about me or my story is in my opinion inappropriate and immature. I dont appreciate this comment in particular:

"It is this type of stuff that makes it hard on the others".

Who the hell are you to insinuate that I am some fraud dealer of some sort? I hope you will reply and explain exactly how what I have done by cancelling an application just as millions of others have done is contributing to making the process harder for everyone else? Actually its not necessary to reply back whats happened is over and I am moving on.

Phuong and I know exactly what we need to do and we both have immigration lawyers available who will help us as we decide what our next steps will be.

I do wish you good luck with your situation and feel free to contact me offline if you want to discuss further.

selderMaleVietnam2008-08-25 10:05:00
Asia: East and PacificCancelled application and starting a new one for a different relationship
Listen guys, Im feeling pretty frustrated with all the negative comments around my situation.

Yes it is true I made a mistake with a woman from China who was not honest with me and deceived me. I cancelled the relationship after I found out I could not trust her. 2 days after I ended the relationship I signed onto another dating site looking for a woman from Vietnam as I have always been fascinated with the Vietnamese culture and when I was younger I dated a woman from Vietnam for several years but when we decided to get serious her parents would not accept her marrying an American and we eventually broke up.
As the things go I was contacted by several women on the website, but 1 in particular I found very interesting and of course attractive. Phuong reached out to me and we have been communicating everyday for several hours. I am very happy in my new relationship and yes I do feel genuine love for her and we cant wait to meet in 10 days for the first time.

We are going to take this slow and I am prepared to wait 2 years if I have to for reapplying without a waiver. I am more informed now and I understand the VN consulate will scrutinize our application but I am confident we will find a way to be together eventually. Phuong speaks and writes english very well and has an english degree from the university in Nha Thrang, we both have friends who have gone through the process and we will leverage all the support we can to carefully navigate the process.

I hope this helps people understand our situation and I look forward to sharing our story with everyone as we go through this process. I will post pictures when I return from my trip so everyone can meet us smile.gif

Thank you everyone who replied I appreciate your thoughts and candor.

selderMaleVietnam2008-08-24 15:09:00
Asia: East and PacificCancelled application and starting a new one for a different relationship
Greetings everyone,

I thought I would keep this thread alive and give a quick update on my situation.

I am leaving Sept 4th for 2 weeks to meet my sweetie and establish/document our relationship. This is a dream come true for me and we are both so excited to meet each other. My partner is fully aware of my recent relationship that ended and we are both moving on with our lives together just as anyone else would.

I submitted my letter of cancellation for the I-129f to the woman from China 2 weeks ago and of course have not heard from USCIS as yet that they have received it or any action taken.

My question is this:

Would the VN consulate be more forgiving and tolerable of my fiance application after I have visited VN 1 more time later this next spring? I realize I would be crazy to submit another application right now so soon after the resolution of my first but what if I reapply next spring?

Any opinions or related experiences would be appreciated.

selderMaleVietnam2008-08-20 17:14:00
Asia: East and PacificCancelled application and starting a new one for a different relationship
I appreciate everyones responses to my dilema.

At this time I am planning to visit my Fiance for 10 days in early Sept. I will of course keep all my travel documents and we will simply enjoy our time together and Im not going to get too concerned about how difficult the process will be getting her K1 visa approved.

I have written a formal letter of cancellation for the relationship I spoke of in my first post and I imagine it will take weeks for that cancellation to process. In the meantime I will just enjoy the new relationship I have begun.

If we are meant to be together as I feel we are then I will just be patient and follow the laws as necessaary. I will submit for the waiver and explain exactly what happened with the resolution of the first relationship.

What is the worst case scenario for me?

That I have to wait 2 years and before applying again?

I will reach out to Mark Ellis and see what he thinks, thank you for mentioning his background to me Lucky D.

Finally, I know I screwed up starting an app and having to cancel, I had no idea how heavily scrutinized subsequent relationships would be. So for now I will just wait a few months and let Phuong and my relationship grow and hopefully next year begin the process anew.

Take care all,
selderMaleVietnam2008-08-08 08:28:00
Asia: East and PacificCancelled application and starting a new one for a different relationship
Hello everyone who replied to me.

I think I am still okay becuase I have not initiated anything new with USCIS in regards to my new relationship. All that has happened is I have met someone very special to me and I am trying make sure I dont dig myself a deeper hole than I already have. We chat and write letters back and forth but I have not begun any paperwork.

Here is my plan:

I will send the USCIS office a cancellation letter this week and wait for confirmation that it has been terminated. Then I will wait a couple more months before I send a new I-129f.

I am flying to Nha Thrang on Sept 5 to be with my new partner (Phuong) for 2 weeks, should I hold off doing that until the old application is terminated? I really want to fly and see her now as I wont have much time over the next few months to go to Vietnam other than early Sept.

How does that sound, does everyone agree that would be safe?

Thank you everyone for your responses, Im very grateful for this site!

selderMaleVietnam2008-07-30 14:06:00
Asia: East and PacificCancelled application and starting a new one for a different relationship
Greetings all,

Im a new member and have a question about overlapping applications.

I submitted an I 129f application a month ago to the cal USCIS office but I realized I was making a mistake marrying the chinese woman due to a number of circumstances and I have terminated the relationship. When the USCIS contacts me regarding the application I will cancel it.

I have since met a vietnamese woman I am deeply in love with now and I am ready to start the application process all over.

Can anyone tell me if I would completely screw things up by starting a new application while having another pending? The answer seems pretty obvious not to submit it, I just hate losing so much time getting the long process started.

I have only been a member a short time and will create my profile soon. Please dont criticize my poor judgement in cancelling an application and then turning right around starting a new relationship. I had no idea this wonderful woman who is for me my dream partner would come into my life.

There is no rhyme or reason in life it seems and I am grateful my fiance' Phuong has come into my life.

Take care all, I look forward to meeting other members and learning from everyone while I navigate this harrowing process.

selderMaleVietnam2008-07-29 22:31:00