PhilippinesWhat's the best way to end a marriage?

Really sorry for you...


Hmm. Is your fiance initiating the arguments?  Why is there are jealous of her or she of you?  I have a bad feeling she is purposefully making rukkus betwixt you two because she was only ever "in it" for the greencard...that is, if you have already filed for it. Is all this arguing really "out of the blue" or has the relationship throughout been hectic?  Is she wanting a divorce and then stay in the U.S. or she wants to return to her country?  You don't have to answer questions publically...but you should think about them and come up with the answers yourself.  If you come to the conclusion that it very likely seems your fiance was in it for the green-card or whatever, then I wouldn't go accusing them.  That'll make things worse.  But perhaps you should discuss it like adults and maybe ease the suggestion that it might be the case...  

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-16 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 RECIEVED


I-134 need to be original Signature. Supporting documents need to be Original too with like a certified copy


Supporting docs have to be original too, or just certified copies?  Just making sure.  

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-19 05:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 RECIEVED

Phil, since you've been the most help, I'm wondering if you could answer another quick question... My dad filled out the I-134...can he just email that over and I print it out, or does the doc need to be original and sent by mail?

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-19 04:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 RECIEVED


No problem.  Please come on over to the RUB regional forum where you'll find many other nice folk, from our region of choice, in various stages of the process.


I'd love to. But, just where is the RUB regional forum? unsure.png

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-14 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 RECIEVED

Moscow is the only choice.  They will figure it all out.  The NOA notice is just poorly worded.


The 134 is for the K-1 interview, the 864 is for



Thank you, Phil! You've been the most helpful.  You cleared it up for me.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-14 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 RECIEVED

In the NOA2 it sounds like I am able to choose my own consulate... that doesn't seem right at all.  Why did they word it that way?

On another note: WE'RE SO EXCITED!  We'd appreciate any advice from those who've gone through this K1 fiance process.  

I have another topic that I started a few days ago about which Affidavit of Support my dad (co-sponsor) needs to fill out.  

From what I understand, there is an I-864 and an I-134 Affidavit of Support.  Which one does he fill out?  Do I fill one out?

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-14 04:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsexcited to see my love in 24 hours!

Wow! We're happy for you!  I remember as a girl I saw people at the airport gates embracing and crying like they hadn't seen each other in years and wondered why so emotional... but now I understand and I'd like to think these were approved cases finally uniting!  Good luck!!!!

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-22 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Approved!!!!! :)

Marvelous! Good luck! dancin5hr.gif

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-15 07:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Received now what are the next steps?

Yep, no fees. Start gather all your documents for your interview.  Getting police/military/medical records can take awhile.  Go here to read up on all the required docs: http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-17 10:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSome GOOD news (I129F approval)

You are confused. We have no plans to move to the USA anytime soon. We plan to live in Singapore, and to retire in Mayanmar. I have no need to apply for a K3 or equivalent.

I am 47, and so is my fiancé. I have no children. My parents are gone. The USA has no long term future (it will go eventually go bankrupt). I will visit my brother from time to time. There is nothing I want there. My fiancé does not want to live there. She considers the USA too violent.

I am a PSTD US military veteran. I cannot cope with the high stress society in the USA. I am done with war and anything that reminds me of it. Asia is peaceful. There are lots of men like me who have retired in Asia to forget. If there is anything in this world I want to forget, it is Kuwait.


I believe it is PTSD, not PSTD but maybe it is called differently now.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-26 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED K1 VISA (15, January 2014)!

Thanks to everyone!  We got his visa in the mail today!  That did not take long!  

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-01-20 06:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED K1 VISA (15, January 2014)!


Hahaha, i remember thouse discussion any ways! But it´s better be ready for something instead of not having it at all or putting wrong info! Glad for you! 


Yes, and that's why we were more than prepared.  Thanks!

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-01-17 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED K1 VISA (15, January 2014)!

??????????! Congrats!goofy.gif  So issue with VLG or VG was a minore issue, glad all is solved!


Thank you!  Actually, there was no issue at all because they did not even look at my I-134.  

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-01-17 07:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED K1 VISA (15, January 2014)!
We arrived to the Embassy at 9am.  There were about three people ahead of us in the line outside and about five people behind us.  The guard asked for all passports of those entering.  He went into the guard station and came out a few minutes later.  He opened the little gate and passed the passports back to the rightful owner while they walked through.  We walked down a little side-walk until we came to the entrance (side of building). When we got inside, there was a super long line.  But the good thing was that is was MOVING. When you first walk in, they check your passports and your bags and then you get in line. I didn't bring my purse.  I had a few things in my jacket pocket and that's it.  I highly suggest you leave everything in a "cloak room" in the metro station or in your hotel room if you have no "check out".  It's faster and easier and you won't get sent back outside if you do not bring more than your documents and a few small items you can fit in your pockets.  Do not bring electronics.  Do not even bring your ear-buds for listening to music.  You must surrender your cell-phone(s) where there is a little white nook and a lady who takes your cell. She puts in it a little slip of a case and hands you a card which you'll use to pick it up at the end of your interview. I think we stayed in that line no more than twenty minutes before we walked through some glass doors, through the security check-point and then, into another room where there were chairs and a lot of people sitting around.  This was the room for non-immigrant visa applicants.  As soon as we walked through the doors, we saw the "windows" where you go to "check-in".  There was a line, of course, but it went very fast.  We got to the window and a nice young man asked my fiance in Russian, for his DS-160 and passport, and also my US passport.  He scanned the bar-code on the DS-160 and checked our passports and then told my fiance, in Russian, where to go. Before my fiance headed to the proper room, we decided to use the bathrooms, located conveniently on the right (to the left are vending machines with snacks and drinks).  Once we were ready, we went through the way facing towards an exit.  Then we made a sharp right to a room filled with people standing in line.  Another sharp right and there were the stairs.  The sign on the left of the stairway said "Immigration Visas" and we both smiled.  We climbed until the 2nd floor.  In front of us was the door we needed.  We walked through and on the wall in front of us there were three plaques.  The top said "Immigration visas window 23 and 24" and the one below that said "immigration visas window 24 and 25."  The last plaque said "registration".  We took the instructions to go to the right where window 24 and 25 is.  I'll state right now, this is wrong.  We sat down in the little waiting room, but we felt it wasn't right to be there.  SO we went to the window 23 and 24 room and a lot of people were sitting in chairs and staring at us.  We walked up to the window 23 where a very nice lady helped my fiance get "registered".  She took from him all nesicsary forms and documents (passport, and photocopy, birth-certificate and photocopy and english translation, military record and translation, police record and translation, etc.  My fiance's fingerprints were also taken right there on the little machine at the window.  She checked everything off the list of what my fiance needed to have and we saw that it was complete!  Proud feeling.  She also mentioned that she could see our co-sponsor's EMAILED documents (and I-134 which some were saying HAD to be original) and said it was all good and we should take a seat but not too far from the room because our name would be called and we needed to be able to hear it.  In the tiny waiting room, all the seats were taken, but an old gentleman was called soon and my fiance (being the gentleman that he is) offered for me to sit down.  I did and we just waited, smiled, and talked a little.  One by one, those that were ahead of us were called, and everyone got visas!  Well, there was one guy who didn't get it, but he was going through a different process than the K1.  One guy came out of window 25 room and said that the consulate in that room was very nice and he wished everyone luck!  So finally our turn came and we went to window 25.  Since it is allowed for the U.S.C. fiance to attend the interview with their Russian Citizen fiance, I went in with my fiance and sat down.  The consulate greeted me in English.  We sat down and he asked right away if Mikhail was comfortable speaking in English instead of Russian.  My fiance, being fluent in English told him he was happy to speak in English.  So the interview proceeded in the English language.  First he asked how We met.  My fiance nervously explained we had met online and then he did try to get a tourist visa to visit me but it failed and then we decided to meet in Mexico.  The consulate then asked Where my fiance was employed.  He answered... Next the consulate asked about Mikhail's Military service and if he served.  And then he turned to me and asked for me to tell him my parent's first names.  I answered.  Then he turned back to Mike and asked when he planned to marry me.  Mike answered.  And the consulate repeated sort of to himself what Mikhail had answered.  Then, there was a pause.  Then he said "Alright, your visa is approved.  It will be mailed to you.  It will arrived in less than ten days."   It is the second day now.  We will let everyone know when we get it (which day).  Everything went so smooth: we couldn't have asked for it to work out any better!  The whole interview with the consulate lasted about three minutes.  We got out of the embassy around 12pm (lunchtime) so total time spent there was about three hours.  
My advice:
Even if someone is telling you, don't bring a certain document because they will not need it, bring it anyway.  We were told that the I-797 was not needed, but we brought it anyway and even though the consulate never asked for it, we had it, and it made us feel more comfortable having it.  We also printed off a ton of our conversation and a ton of pictures which were never asked for.  But we had them, because it was instructed to bring them and its better to have what is needed or might be needed than to not have it and that can cause a lot of problems.
Also, the embassy opens at 8am.  We got there at 9am and we didn't have to wait a long time in a line.  Most of our waiting time was done in that tiny immigration visa room.  So, if you're running late, don't sweat it too much.  But do try to be there as early as possible because you will spend there at least three hours.  
There is a little bathroom directly located off the tiny room where you're supposed to wait. If you have to go, try to do it before it becomes around the time for your name to be called.  Once your name is called, high-tail it to the window that they tell you to go to.  Get in, get out.  It's very fast.  Especially when you're completely organized.  
I held my fiance's hand throughout the interview.  Even though your fiance might tell you, "I won't be nervous.  I'm a confident person." They are going to be nervous and you should comfort them.  As soon as I saw my fiance's face getting red and his voice was a bit shaky, I held his hand tight and smiled at him throughout his speech to reassure him I was there for him and supporting this whole process.  He calmed down immediately.  
About the I-134...  My co-sponsor was instructed by the consulate in an email that ALL documents could be emailed or faxed.  Alternatively, they could be mailed to the beneficiary and then brough to the interview.  My co-sponsor sent ALL documents by email and there were no problems.  Not even with the I-134, which we thought HAD to be original.  I thought for sure we would need the original.  But the lady at the window who registrated us, said, "We recieved your co-sponsor's documents and I-134 by email.  The consulate interviewing you sees it on your file."  There were absolutely no problems sending it by email. We did not get a 221g slip requesting the original I-134.  However, even though it worked out for us, I still advise your fiance to bring the I-134 orignal, all documents, instead of emailing.  UNLESS your fiance or you email the consulate to ask them if you can send everything by email.  If they give you the go, like they did my co-sponsor, then send it by email because it cuts down on paper and I honestly believe it is easier and that the consulate prefers it done electronicly. He didn't mention it at all.  As if he already reviewed it, had no questions and really felt relieved that it was all on his computer.  
They did not ask for my I-134 or my supposrting documents.  They did not ask for my fiance's or my letter of intent to marry. I was surprised that they did not want it.  But also relieved because it was so simple.  
Last but not least, I cannot thank everyone enough for all the help and feedback we have recieved.  Each and every advice you gave was taken and helped us tremendously!  We are going to the U.S. near the end of this month (Jan 2014).  Wish us luck!  I wish all those about to have their interview luck and success!!

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-01-17 05:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThanks God,..k1 visa approved...

Congrats! That's a long time to wait!

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-01-22 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approval!

'grats & good luck!

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-01-22 05:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status "Issued"

We received his visa five days after the interview.  He did have to go pick it up from the Pony Express because that is how he arranged it.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-03-21 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status "Issued"


Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-03-21 11:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew home

Aww it's very cute and sweet.  I especially love the back!  Good luck and congrats.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-04-08 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent Help Needed: Pls Pls Pls Reply

Call the embassy and ask a consulate your question.  Every embassy/consulate rules are different.  While it has worked for AYMAN_RINA it might not work for you.



Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-15 10:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy Congresswoman offered to help...should I take it?

That's nice!  Why would you "###### and moan" to everyone for help and then finally when someone offers it to you, you have to think about it and get advise?  Well, then my advise is for you to accept the Yesterday!.  How many of us have tried to get help and no one responded...!  Here you are with the offer so freaking take it!!!!!!  It can't possibly hurt your case: only help you.  Oh and it might "delay" your process but come on, the consulate will see it and think its awesome, doubling your chances of getting a visa.  I mean, why wouldn't they?  Someone directly connected with the U.S. gov thinks your fiance will not become a public charge and should be given entry to the U.S......signed and dated. 

Haha it censors "b.i.t.c.h." but not "bitched". :)))))

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-18 22:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI miss my wife do i have the right to visit ??? Please enter

It's not an expensive visa. No harm in trying. We tried while our K-1 was pending. The CO said with a K-1 pending she could not issue a B.


The burden is on the applicant to prove significant ties to your home country. Substantial assets, good paying job, property, etc.


Simply stating you will go back, that you have no reason to stay in the US won;t cut it because you have already shown a desire to live in the US by filing for a spouse visa.


Having a wife in the US would be a strong reason to stay. You will have to provide stronger proof that you will rather go back.

slowlyman is right.  We tried too, and they said exactly that he couldn't issue a B visa because of our pending K1.  I don't know if its the same when you're going through a different process.  


Maybe she will visit you?  I have been with my fiance for 5+ months. I know it could be difficult for her with her employment but just a visit would be nice for the two of you.

Edited by Misha'sgirl, 06 January 2014 - 04:49 AM.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2014-01-06 04:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNightmares, Insomnia, Fighting hard (K-1 Visa)
Thanks for all the helpfulness. There is no lack of fight in me so dont doubt that. I haven't given up yet and I'm not going to. I know this is a process. That is not what I am stressed about. I'm very organized and the whole binder idea is great. I'll keep an update.
Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2012-12-19 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNightmares, Insomnia, Fighting hard (K-1 Visa)
Hi, my name is Alison but I'm usually called Ali. I met my fiancee 15 months ago online. We connected immediately and began conversing on skype everyday. That lasted 11 months when we were finally able to meet in Cancun, Mexico. We stayed seven days. It was so hard to leave each other because we have fallen so deeply in love. When we each got back to our countries safely, we began sorting out what we needed to do to. Website after unhelpful website, useless calls made to consuls, and so much stress I finally find this website through a friend who has gone through same (still is, bc when does it ever end?!) and it has been such a life saver. I have printed the K-1 petition doc, the G-1145, a bunch of docs of proof we were together, pictures. Is there anything else I need to include in this package besides the $340 fee?

Do I need to also include these:

Cover letter for I-129f

Fiancee letter of intent

Extended approval


I still somewhat confused and I want to be EXTRA sure that I get everything in the package. Please help!!
Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2012-12-19 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlien Registration Number
Alien Registration Number (“A” Number) or Alien Number
A unique seven-, eight- or nine-digit number assigned to a noncitizen at the time his or her A-file is created. The 9-digit U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services number listed on the front of Permanent Resident Cards (Form I-551) issued after May 10, 2010, is the same as the Alien Registration Number. The A-number can also be found on the back of these Permanent Resident

I read that and am confused. I don't know what an A number is, dont know how to get one and dont know what an A-file is. So none of this is helpful.
Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2012-12-21 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlien Registration Number
Who fills out the G-325a form, me or my fiancee? What is a Alien Registration Number and where can I find his? Need this ASAP to finish the G-325a.
Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2012-12-20 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow should I assemble it?
Oh also, I'm making a personal check out...who do I make it out to and how much? I was told it would be $340.00.
Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-03-06 23:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow should I assemble it?
Thank you!
Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-03-06 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow should I assemble it?
The last step for me to do is assemble the K-1 into a nice black binder and send it off! In what order should the papers be placed? When the person reviewing the package opens up the binder, what's the first paper they need to see from beginning to end? Need help asap because I'm trying to mail it before the week is over.
Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-03-06 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGone on K1 visa but return back with out now

Before takeng any step is it better tht once we talk embassy or uscis or nvc .tht what step we should take now or we can reply k1 .
Or I need more research on tht?


Research, always research.  It will only help your situation to ask questions before making your decision. I wish you will have success.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-16 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmergency Situation

I'm so sorry but, you'll have to change flights.  

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-22 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out I-129F

Leaving them blank is fine.  I did, and my application was accepted, processed and approved just fine.  

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-11-29 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Supporting Information, do you think this is enough?

You need to be plain as day and crystal clear, do not miss anything, do not hide anything from the Consulate.  The Supporting documents for the I-134 form are as follows:


(A.) Statement from an officer of the bank/financial institution with your deposits, identifying the following: 1. date account opened; 2. total amount deposited for the past year; 3. present balance 
(B.) Statement(s) from your employer on business stationary showing: 1. Date and nature of employment; 2. salary paid; 3. whether position is temporary or permanent (also include copies of your last two pay stubs and your previous W-2 for the associated employer if available) 
(C.) If Self Employed: 1. Copy of last income tax return filed (or IRS transcripts); or 2. report of commercial rating concern 
(D.) List containing serial numbers and denominations of bonds and name of record owner(s). 


If you feel your income is inadequate, you might consider getting a co-sponsor.  Your income needs to meet the U.S. poverty guidelines found here:  If you find that your income does not cover, I would advise to get a co-sponsor!  Otherwise, your fiance will most likely be denied visa.

Edited by Misha'sgirl, 15 December 2013 - 05:16 AM.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-15 05:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325A Question?

Hey there! 

Just signed up after reading up on the K1 visa for the last week and I love it here. Particularly how welcoming everyone is, on other forums it feels like I'm the head of a witch hunt!! Oh and of course, the information on here is fantastic and I've found everything really easy because of you guys, so I would just like to say a HUGE thank you!


Now, this is where I have a specific question to my case, I am the beneficiary of the K1 and I have a question about the G325A form. My dad is in jail here in the UK and I'm confused as to what to enter where it asks for my fathers city and country of residence. Shall I enter the city of the jail? Also, will my father being in jail effect my application in anyway? (My police record is totally clean, I'm a good boy  good.gif )


Thanks so much guys, 




Just put the city where he is residing...if he is residing in jail, then put that city.  Don't worry about your father's predicament being an issue.  If you feel the need, attach additional information to the G325A.  I don't think they will be concerned with your fathers whereabouts.  But they might. And if you attach a sheet with an explaination, that might save you an RFE.  Make sure you sign and date the attached sheet...

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-17 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long did you know your fiance before you filed your I-129F?

My fiance and I knew each other for a year and five months before I filed the I-129f.  But after eleven months of chatting, we met in Mexico for real.  But it was about six months after the meeting before I applied.  We were trying to figure what the best process would be and we researched it a lot before we decided to start the K-1 process. 

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-14 05:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfilling i-129f

Is there any good cover letter samples around we are struggling with it.



Here's some example forms you might find helpful: http://www.visajourn...ontent/examples

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-24 06:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfilling i-129f

Where to File

File Form I-129F at the USCIS Dallas Lockbox facility:
For U.S. Postal Service (USPS):

P.O. Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266

For USPS Express Mail and courier deliveries:
Attn: I-129F
2501 South State Highway 121 Business
Suite 400
Lewisville, TX 75067



Yeah but there's more lockboxs than those and you might need to send it to a diff one out of state.  Just wait for a reply to your email.


Can i attach G-1145 and send it to any of these addresses ??


You should attach the G-1145, its realy helpful.  I don't know what address though so just wait for the reply :)

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-23 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfilling i-129f



who do we ask ?? 


I suggest emailing them: to find out for sure which lockbox to use.  Even if someone suggests you on here, I would still email to make sure.  If you choose the wrong lockbox, then they can forward it to the right one, but sometimes they will return it to you and then you have to send it to the right one...just more time consumption.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-23 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfilling i-129f

It also says to file it at a different location than what I was instructed to file it at.  It says the Lewisville Lockbox in Texas.  But I filed at the Vermont Service center because that's where I was instructed.  I would deff. check to see if you're supposed to send it to the Lewisville or somewhere else.  


Supposedly the address is different depending upon how you send it, like what service you use... That is probably why I needed to send it to Vermont instead of the center in Texas, even though I lived in Texas at the time of filing.  I really wish USCIS would start allowing the petition to be submitted Electronically.  They're always talking about paper reduction acts...well there's one way you can reduce you're paper, USCIS.

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-23 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfilling i-129f

It also says to file it at a different location than what I was instructed to file it at.  It says the Lewisville Lockbox in Texas.  But I filed at the Vermont Service center because that's where I was instructed.  I would deff. check to see if you're supposed to send it to the Lewisville or somewhere else.  

Misha'sgirlFemaleRussia2013-12-23 13:08:00