United KingdomDCF London - G325A question
Sorry to bother you again...i'm just so paranoid about getting these forms right! With the G-325A at the bottom it asks what this form is submitted in connection to. Do we both just tick the box other and put in connection to I-130 application? Or do we tick status as permanent resident?
indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-27 02:40:00
United KingdomDCF London - G325A question

We are getting ready to file an I-130 for me in London. We have been going through the checklist of everything and we have all our paperwork together. I just have a quick question about the G-325A. I have completed one for me (Spouse - UK citizen) and one for my husband (US citizen) and printed them out.

When they print out there are 4 copies of each? Do I send in 4 copies or just 1 each? Also...the I just staple them to the bottom right hand corner of the form? If i have to file 4 do I have to have 4 photographs?

I've been reading around the forums but I can't seem to get a clear answer on this.

Any info would be appreciated!!!!
indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-25 10:01:00
United KingdomG-325A - Another question!
Sorry to bother everyone again but I am just so paranoid about filling these forms in..I want to get them right first time.

My husband and I are applying for me (UK citizen) to get a Spouse visa. We are filing in our I-130 and associated forms to send to the london embassy.

At the bottom of the G-325A there is a question "This form is submitted in connection with an application for?" Should we tick the 'other' box and type "in connection with an I-130 application" or do we tick Status as perminant resident?

Any help would be appreciated!
indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-27 05:29:00
United KingdomNorthern Ireland Police Certificates

I was just reading your post. My husband (USC) and I...(northern ireland resident) have just started the spouse visa process to get me over to the USA. I went last weekend to my local PSNI station with the form you have linked to. Is this the right form for me to have filled in to get a police certificate? Did you and your partner find out? When I went I had only ticked the box to get the Northern Ireland records checked as I have never lived in England...but they told me to check the nationwide box as they said embassies always want to see nationwide records even if you have never left Northern Ireland....its such a COMPLICATED process!!!! I hope your application is moving faster than mine!

indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-09 09:57:00
United KingdomDCF London - Just recieved my NOA1 - whats my timeline now?
Hi, I am doing DCF to obtain a CR-1 visa at the embassy in London. I just recieved a packet from the embassy after waiting just over 2 months while they processed my I-130 application. I was just wondering does anyone have any idea as to how long it will take to progress to the interview stage....i.e. if all goes will how long untuil I can go to the states???? I am filling in all the forms that were in the packet they sent today and mailing them back tomorrow. I'd love to know how long this stage will take!
indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-19 09:54:00
United KingdomI'm doing DCF - can I still travel to the USA before my visa comes through?
Hi everyone,

I thought I would check something out before I book a ticket and I hope someone can help. I am applying for a green caard at the US embassy in london by DCF. I just recived my packet ( after a 2 and a half month wait) and am getting ready to send everything back. My husbands sister is getting married in NYC in october and I want to go over for the wedding. My husband will already be over there so I will be travelling on my heres the question. Is it ok to visit the USA before my visa goes through? Will immigration have a problem with it? I have heard that they don't like you travelling over there while you are going through the immigration process.

Any help would be appreciated!
indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-28 08:07:00
United KingdomQuestion about the documentation to bring to US embassy in London
Hi...I have a quick question for you. I've read through the embassy website but it can be vague in places! When I go to the embassy for my interview next month for the CR-1 visa do I need to bring my husbands passport with me? He is the USC and I am the UK citizen. I have everything else...police certificate, marriage certifacte, affidavtis, utility bills, photogrpahs, birth certificates....a whole heap of stuff....I have my passport...but do I need to bring his?

indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-26 15:19:00
United KingdomNorthern Ireland Police certificate - anyone had a similar experience?
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Oct 28 2007, 07:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Muuuuah @ Oct 28 2007, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds like you everything you need. You will not get anything from Scotland Yard if you dont have any convictions. So you can send your info off to the embassy as you seem like you do not need to wait for anything else

I don't have any convictions and I got a letter from Scotland Yard confirming that. I got it 37 days after requesting it.



Did you apply directly to Scotland Yard or did you apply through your local police station?

indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-28 15:53:00
United KingdomNorthern Ireland Police certificate - anyone had a similar experience?
Hi...I was just wondering if anyone else is having the same trouble as me. I applied for my police certificate on august 23rd. I got a letter on October 9th to say that the Police Service of Northern Ireland had no record of any prosecution/ conviction history and that if I had applied for a prosection/conviction history on the national computer that scotland yard will be in contact with me. I have had no letter from scotland yard yet and we are nearly in November!!! Has this happened to anyone else? I thought that 40 days was the maximum time you had to wait??? I'm worried as I have packet 3 but can't apply for my interview at the Embassy in London until I get the police certificate!
indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-28 13:48:00
United KingdomDrivers License
I went to Virginia for a year on a J-1 Visa. I had no problem using my UK drivers licence if I rented a car but when I bought a car I ran into trouble getting insurance. The insuracne companies told me I needed an international Driving Licence or a state licence...I of course didn't bother to get an international licence so I had to go get a state one. I went to the DMV and they just switched me right over...although the licence they gave me was only valid until the day my J-1 visa expired. When I go back on the IR1 visa I think I have to take the test...but before you go over just get yourself an international drivers licence here in the UK...I think you get the form at the post most insurance companies will not insure you without it. I went with Geico in the end. They were really cheap and offered good service.

Good luck!

I'm on my way to Charlotte NC in early August on my newly received IR1 Visa (yeahhhh!)...

Can anyone advise me on what I need to do wrt my Drivers License...



indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-19 03:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConvalidation (chruch blessing) in Ireland?

So last year my wife and I went through the K-1 nightmare, finally got our K-1 visa last year and had our 90 second civil wedding ceremony in the courthouse in New York.

However, now we're planning to have a church ceremony with family, friends, the whole deal in Ireland where her family is. The plan is to just have a convalidation of the marriage or "church blessing" since we are already civilly married. However the parish priest insists that we go through all the diocese paperwork necessary for a first time marriage.

We have no problem doing this, however, I believe I read somewhere (maybe on this forum) that a church ceremony in Ireland is considered legally binding and would be considered being married twice.

Does anyone know if this is really the case? And if it is, what are the consequences of us doing this?

Our original plan was to just have a church blessing of the wedding with no paperwork filed, but the parish priest has said he will not allow the ceremony if we do not file the papers.


I am doing exactly the same thing. My husband and I had a civil ceremony in Virginia, USA just over a year ago but we are having a convalidation in Ireland this August.

I don't think it is the case that you will be married twice. You are already married all you are doing by having the catholic ceremony is taking the sacriment of marriage and to do that you will need to give your priest a certified copy of your original marriage certificate and fill out some additional paperwork with him. You do not register your marriage as a civil cermony as you already had one of will need to register it with the catholic church in the same way that they they registered your baptisim and Communion etc. The priest (when you meet with him) will have you both fill out a pro nuptia agreement...which is a simple form to say that you both enter catholic marriage freely. He'll ask a few questions about how you met, how long you have been married etc etc. Nothing too scary. That is then filed with the catholic church and only ever sees the light of day if you want to get an annulment. He won't let you marry unless you fill them out. Its qucik and easy and nothing to worry about

Good luck with the service. Mine is in 7 weeks time!!!!!
indigogirl1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-18 09:12:00