US Citizenship General DiscussionStill no NOA??? 19 Aug 13 mailing date

we received the email notification the same day they encashed the check- aug 23rd. we sent the packet aug 16th in case you're wondering. my fiance got the NOA1 (hard copy) a week later. I know it's frustrating but there's nothing you can do but wait. You can't check your case status at the uscis website unless you have your official receipt number from uscis. it starts with three letters plus 10 numbers. Ours starts with SRC. Here's part of the email my fiance received "We suggest you wait until you have received your Form I-797 before checking My Case Status"


Be patient. I'm guessing you'll get the NOA1 next week. Hang in there! Good luck smile.png

Edited by ella7883, 31 August 2013 - 12:25 PM.

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-08-31 12:17:00

I wouldn't take a chance... I'll tell her to get a new one. She can get it online, pay the fee (accredited bank) then have it delivered. Easy peasy! 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-07-22 08:12:00
PhilippinesSignature on G-325A Form

signature means just that, sign your name as you always do. Printing is not a signature


Yup, I know that printed name is not a signature that's why I said "signature over printed name" smile.png. That's how we've always done it in the Philippines because most Filipinos have short or weird signatures. You can't even tell the person's name just by looking at the signature. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-07-22 11:04:00
PhilippinesSignature on G-325A Form

Use your signature, as you always sign documents, same as what is on your passport.



Ok, I will do that. I just want everything to go as smoothly as possible!


Thanks for the response, Hank! smile.png

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-07-22 09:31:00
PhilippinesSignature on G-325A Form

Hey guys! 


I will send the signed letter of intent and G-325A form to my fiance next week but I'm a little worried about my signature. See, my signature is short and it's a little odd but I've been using it forever. That's the signature I have on my passport, IDs, documents, credit cards, etc. I understand that some people always sign their complete name (first name and last name). I'm afraid we're going to get a RFE because of my weird signature. So my question now is, shall I use my original signature over the printed name (the same signature on my passport) or shall I sign the letter of intent and G-325A form with my complete name in cursive? Anyone else here with the same concern?


Thanks in advance for the help! smile.png

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-07-22 09:13:00
Philippinespaying for the other fees. who pays?

Help out as much as you can with the fees but if you can't, your fiance should be able to pay for everything. doesn't he know about your financial situation? my bf is putting the I-129F packet together and I told him I will save up money so I can buy my plane ticket. he is not forcing me to but I just want to make everything easier for him. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-07-22 07:38:00
Philippines22 Aug. Visa collected, 23. Aug. CFO done & 24 off to SeaTac,WA


Yes, a little over 6 months.....seems like forever !!!!  This site and all the great information and people that are involved certainly helped to eliminate the making of mistakes and speed up the process.




my friend filed august 2012 and her fiance's visa got approved a week ago (yup, it took them a year). 6 months for you... can't complain! smile.png I wish my fiance and I are as lucky as you. i'm gonna be so happy if we can do everything within 6 months. btw, did you guys hire a lawyer? care to share some tips on how you were able to get approved a little over 6 months? smile.png

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-08-23 12:45:00
Philippines22 Aug. Visa collected, 23. Aug. CFO done & 24 off to SeaTac,WA

Thank you Lord for your never ending love, support and guidance.........



I still remember when our 5 hours chatting started "Sept. 07, 2012". Then the rest is history.   Filed our petition on February got my Interview on 8th of August.   Now I am going to leave my home country to finally be with my love.


No one ever said WAITING was FUN. ClockWatch2.gif .  But once the approved Visa/Passport is already in your hand, all the pain, frustrations, and never ending questions are all forgotten.


Been a long day for me today at CFO, sure a shared story will be posted.  Just let me energize first. good.gif


I am really thankful for this forum.  I will never stop thanking you.  I sure can tell who are the VJ's.  They are equipped, ready and confident to face the battle.


..... story to be continued..... zZZzzzzzZZZZZZZ


holly molly! the entire process only took six months for you guys! wow, that was fast! congratulations and have a safe trip :)

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-08-23 12:03:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

bookmarked! thanks again, Hank! :) 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-03 11:53:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

I doubt if you'll have any trouble, but if you're worried about the USEM giving you a problem because you met your fiancé twice in four years, then your fiancé should attend your interview.  Problem solved.


maybe they won't give me a hard time. that was just me being paranoid. always expecting the worst case scenario lol! we have valid reasons why he wasn't able to visit me often. I'm sure they will understand :) the most important thing is we met within the past two years and we can prove that our relationship is REAL :) 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-03 11:38:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

The meeting must have taken place in the last 2 years.  If longer than 2 years since physical presence, you must meet yet again prior to approval.  A good time to do that would be getting together for the interview.


Yes, we met again in Singapore in June 2013 and filed last Aug. 16, 2013 :) I don't think he can be there for my interview. We're trying to save up as much cash as we can for my plane ticket, wedding, honeymoon and all other expenses. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-03 11:35:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

Having known each other for five years for sure isn't a red flag, quite the contrary, I would call that a big plus.  smile.png


Someone posted a question and she said that she and her fiance have been together for 4 years but they've only met once. someone replied and said that could be a red flag. I don't understand why that can be a red flag as long as they met within the past two years. I panicked a little bit when I read that. My fiancee and I were apart for so long (I hope they won't grill me for that) but we never let a day go by without talking to each other. Ok, I'll stop blaberring now lol. 


Thanks again! I feel so much better now :)

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-03 11:09:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)



Relax.  It's not a deal killer, oops8rh.gif happens.   Don't send ANYTHING to USCIS right now, odds of it connecting with your file are between slim and none.   IF you get an RFE for that, then be ready with a copy (you can scan and email a copy no issue, does not need to be original), not bad to have you NSO birth certificate anyway (plus a few extra copies for much later).  USCIS could catch it and could request a new G-325A and if the I-129F is wrong also, they would want one of those if not the embassy may ask.


Now later at the embassy it might get questioned, and they might ask you to complete a new G-325A.  If the I-129F is wrong regarding middle name also, the embassy may want a new one of those as well; for that possibility I suggest your fiancé send a correct one over with his signature at the time he sends his I-134 and tax return info .


Until then.... relax.   Don't stress over this... all will be fine at the end.


Thank you, Hank! You've helped so many people here. Please don't stop answering our questions! :) We will follow your advice. Been obsessing about the visa since we filed it. My fiance and I have been together five years, met each other in person twice- 2008 and June 2013 (I hope that's not a red flag) and now we're finally taking the step to be together. just want the whole process to go smoothly. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-03 10:46:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

If you want to correct the I-129F at the USCIS, this thread might be helpful: http://www.visajourn...-129f-petition/

OMG! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! This is exactly what we need. This forum rocks! wow.gif

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-03 10:38:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

You use your name as shown on your birth certificate.  You have a middle name (mother's maiden name) and its on your BC.


Its an oops.


d**n it! I wanna beat myself up I swear. Anything we can do at this point to correct it? our case status is still on the "initial review" stage. I read another thread for incorrect middle name and the customer rep advised her to send a cover letter with a copy of the beneficiary's bc. you think we need to do the same or just wait til we get RFE? 

I have "2" first names but I used my mom's last name as my middle name - as normal.

My first name now reads:  Penelope May

Middle name: Feliciano (my mom's maiden name)

Last name: Pengson


Married version;

First Name: Penelope May

Middle Name: Pengson (my maiden name)

Last Name: Spitze (my husband's last name)


This is what I used for all the forms - SSN, Marriage license, Marriage Certificate, AOS forms, EAD and AP forms.


thanks for the reply. there are so many threads about this topic and it confuses me :( I should have just followed what's exactly written on my bc and passport. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-03 10:31:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

So we already sent the I-129F package to the USCIS on August 16, 2013 and we got the NOA1 hard copy via mail on August 29, 2013. I'm pretty sure we submitted everything BUT I am now confused about the middle name part. I know I should have searched about this before we sent the packet but oh well... here goes my problem:


I didn't put anything on the middle name field because I only have 1 given name. HOWEVER, in the Philippines, the middle name is the mother's maiden name. Yes we refer to the mother's maiden name as the middle name. I understand that in the US, the middle name is the second given name. I know that middle name is completely different from mother's maiden name and for my I-129F and G-325A form, I followed the US format of writing the name. To give you an example:

US Name Format if the person has middle/second given name:


Name: Isabella

Middle Name: Pauline

Last Name: Lopez


Without middle/second given name:


Name: Isabella

Middle Name: 

Last Name: Lopez


In the Philippines, this is how we fill out the forms:


Name: Isabella Pauline

Middle Name: Castro (mother's maiden name)

Last Name: Lopez


***this is also how they do it on official documents like passport and birth certificate.


My question now is, did I do the right thing by not putting my mother's maiden name (a.k.a middle name in the Philippines) on the middle name field on the I-129F and G-325A forms? I don't wanna deal with RFE so we're gonna try to make corrections before we even get one. Others are saying to just wait for the interview to correct it while others are saying make corrections now by calling the USCIS. Been trying to call but I can't get to a human! 


Any other pinays here who can shed a light to this? For those pinays who do not have a second given name, did you write anything on the middle name field? did you write your mother's maiden name? 


Thanks in advance for the help! smile.png

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-03 10:08:00
PhilippinesCFO requirements

i'm attending the seminat tomorrow, will be there 4am and if i'll be part of the second batch then so be it, can't be there super early like 2am, sad.


Good luck! :) I hope you can make it to the morning session. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-19 10:36:00
PhilippinesCFO requirements

good :-) when i had my seminar for CFO Manila, me and my friend arrived there at 2:45 am.. whew i was 14th in line... you have to go there early sis to get a slot.. :-)


Whaaaatttt? you got there at 2:45 a.m. and you are 14th in line? yikes! there are only 15 slots in the morning, correct? So if I want to attend the morning session, I have to be there around 1 or 2 am? wow.gif If I arrive at 4 a.m. I assume I'd have to wait for the afternoon session. that's a little frustrating and it's a waste of time. I just don't understand why they would only take in 15 people for every session. I believe there are only two places that conduct the seminar- one in Cebu and one in Manila. protest6wz.gif

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-09-19 07:58:00
PhilippinesHelp in setting up interview at USEM online.

I paid my visa fee last Monday and I used the receipt number from the deposit slip that I printed (online). I was able to schedule my interview 5 hours after payment. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-20 10:44:00
Philippinescan't believe!

You all are so funny!!  It hasn't even gotten cold.... yet!!   blink.png laughing.gif


We're so used to the 95F weather so 50F is already freezing for us Pinays hahaha! 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-22 23:31:00
PhilippinesNBI Clearance Renewal

That's BS!!!!!!


I'm pregnant and I don't want to fall in line at 4AM waaaah. I hate the NBI!!


I went to NBI yesterday and I was told to come back today because their system is down. The lady told me that they don't do renewals anymore. Bummer! I'm planning to go in the afternoon (around 2 or 3) so I won't have to wait that loooooooooonnnggg. maybe you can go to one of the mall branches. I suggest you call the branch ahead of time, you'll never know, their system might be down and you'll end up wasting your time going there. 



That's BS!!!!!!


I'm pregnant and I don't want to fall in line at 4AM waaaah. I hate the NBI!!


I went to NBI yesterday and I was told to come back today because their system is down. The lady told me that they don't do renewals anymore. Bummer! I'm planning to go in the afternoon (around 2 or 3) so I won't have to wait that loooooooooonnnggg. maybe you can go to one of the mall branches. I suggest you call the branch ahead of time, you'll never know, their system might be down and you'll end up wasting your time going there. 



ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-25 22:51:00
Philippinesneed help I got my MNL#

here's the link for Hank's guide


BTW, I got my MNL Number last friday (Nov. 15), paid my visa today at 11 am and scheduled my interview 5 hours later. The earliest available date is January 16, 2014 so I grabbed that!

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-18 04:12:00
PhilippinesInterview Advise for Pinay

planning to get my photobook here

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-27 21:53:00
PhilippinesSputum Test - Positive. Symptoms.Experience.

Hi Ella,


YEah I guess reading too much stuffs here really drive people crazy lol.I don't think we should worry about it if we are confident and we don't feel anything wrong.Lol my uncle told me I'm becoming like a crazy person worrying too much haha and it hit me cause there's really nothing we should worry about just wait for the time and result.


Lucky you, you got an early interview I got feb 3 so my medical exam will be just around end of january.

LEt me know what happens to your medical exam hehe.Don't worry girl you need to sleep better.Last night I slept so well it was like the best sleep Ive ever had in a  long time lol.


Yeah my boyfriend told me to stop reading stuff from the internet. i've been driving him crazy lol. I'll send you a message once I'm done with my medical exam :) 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-12-01 00:13:00
PhilippinesSputum Test - Positive. Symptoms.Experience.

Hi guys  


I just wanna ask to those of you who have had a positive sputum test result.What did you feel in your body before knowing your test result?Did you feel anything bad, signs and symptoms or speculations?Or was it very normal and you feel perfectly fine?


I haven't done the medical yet but I just wanna prepare for it.I don't feel anything wrong with my body I feel perfectly fine and very healthy but I still worry cause if something comes up then the process of our petition will be longer and it's really so hard being apart for so long I'm sure everyone here knows how I feel.


Thanks guys.Hope you can share your experiences.


I've been very anxious about the medical exam too. Been reading about it (suspicious xray results/scars) and the more I read the more I get paranoid. I was thinking of getting a chest xray in advance for my own peace of mind but I reckon it'll be useless. It doesn't matter if your xray is clear from another clinic because SLEC will only consider their own tests. I don't think I have TB because I don't have any of the symptoms (sudden weight loss, cough that won't go away, loss of appetite, night sweats, chills, fever, chest pain, coughing up blood, blah blah blah), never had TB and I am not exposed to anyone suffering from the disease. 


Just like you I don't want any delays (I waited long enough!) so I can only hope for the best and try not to overthink it. I'll have my medical exam on Dec 17 and 18 so let's just say I won't be having a good night's sleep until then LOL.  Good luck to us and I hope our results come out a-ok. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-29 09:24:00
PhilippinesAdvance Chest X-Ray

To lessen your worries a bit... I just had my medical last week.. I only have 1 lung and guess what.. I PASSED the medical! smile.png






I don't know what to say... bless your heart! :) congrats on passing the medical exam. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-12-09 08:25:00
PhilippinesAdvance Chest X-Ray

Lol, i'm paranoid too. I've been reading a lot about the SLEC medical and out of the hundreds of posts here, there is only one I found who said his fiancee had TB history/lung scar but passed the medical exam without doing the sputum test. A lot of people here underwent sputum test, and are mostly negative.


I had an x-ray last month. It says it's clear, i have medical certificates too (all saying fit to travel/work) from 3 doctors cause I had a major lung surgery. But I am still nervous. I don't know what kind of x-ray SLEC uses and why they find so many people with spots on their lungs..I don't want to do the sputum test. I am far from Manila, I have a 3 year old son, I have work... I pray everything turns fine.. Good luck to all of us.


I've been obsessing about this whole medical exam too and I can't wait to get done with it. My bf told me that I'm freaking him out and he is starting to think I have TB because I'm too worried about it hahaha! I bet if all three of us go together at the medical exam, we're not gonna do anything but scare the ####### out of each other LOL! Good luck to all of us and I hope our test results come out a-ok.


I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person worried about this whole chest xray and sputum thingy. my bf thinks I'm crazy LOL. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-29 09:33:00
PhilippinesAdvance Chest X-Ray

Hi Everyone! 


I'm a little paranoid about what could go wrong with my medical. I've read other people needed to wait for 2 months for the sputum results because of some scars in the lungs. Anyway, I wanted to know if it's ok for me to get my chest X-Ray 2 weeks prior to my scheduled medical exam at SLEC.


Anyone who has done it? 


I'm thinking of doing the same thing but just like what apple21 said, it's basically useless. this has been driving me nuts and I have to stop thinking that something is wrong with me lol. I don't have any of the symptoms of TB and I am not exposed to anyone with TB either so I am hoping that my xray result is clear. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-29 09:28:00
Philippinesplease help!re:St. lukes medical exam, online registration!

Please complete the following fields:
Estimated Date of Departure must be 6 months from Medical Examination Date



that is what I get.I put on estimated date of departure would be february.

  what am I missing here?thanks all for the response!


are you putting the year? it should be February 2014. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-12-18 06:36:00
Philippinesjanuary and february days open for interview!!

OMG! Where are those people who are dying to snatch jan-feb interviews??? go go go!!! 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2014-01-07 02:01:00
PhilippinesQuestion regarding Medical Exam in Manila

Make sure you take note of this:


To avoid delays, applicants who have their menstrual period may choose to reschedule their appointment for one week after the last day of their period.


You will get asked like a hundred times about the 1st and last day of your period. One last thing, don't forget to pre-register here That will save you loads of time. Good luck! :)

ella7883FemalePhilippines2014-01-07 02:06:00
PhilippinesQuestion regarding Medical Exam in Manila

It took me 2 days to complete my medical exam. Came there at 8:30 then I got done with the urine test, blood test, immunization interview, visual acuity and vital signs at 9:45 am. waiting for the physical exam took forever. I had to come back at 1:30 pm then it was finally my turn at 3:30. got done with it in 10 or 15 minutes. came back the next day for my shots (they gave me 3) and results. 2nd day took 3 or 4 hours from start to finish. I stayed at Hotel Soriente. It was only a few meters away from SLEC. 


even if you'll be there at 3am, there is no guarantee that you'll get everything done in one day. it depends how straightforward or complicated your case is. 

ella7883FemalePhilippines2014-01-07 01:55:00
Philippinescheapest place to buy a ticket?

Is it easy? What time did you go? I plan to go to the 2-5 pm one, hoping I can get a spot


the seminar itself isn't difficult. i actually learned quite a bit. i attended the morning session and i got there around 3:30am. we stood in line for 3 hours straight. we were all ready to pass out by 6:30am when they opened the doors haha! those who got there around 6 or 7 am were able to attend the pm session. if you get there around noon, I don't think there will be available slots. do it asap and be done with it. i can do the embassy interview over and over but the cfo... it's a nightmare lol

ella7883FemalePhilippines2014-04-08 06:33:00
Philippinescheapest place to buy a ticket?

April 18. Lol are you done with your CFO already?


wow april 18? lol! yeah I attended the seminar last march 14 :)

ella7883FemalePhilippines2014-04-08 06:19:00
Philippinescheapest place to buy a ticket?

When are you flying?


April 17 :) booked my ticket 2 months ago. when are you flying?

ella7883FemalePhilippines2014-04-08 05:50:00
Philippinescheapest place to buy a ticket?

This is for MNL-ATL. Can my fiance book my flight for me? Would there be any problems?


I'm flying MNL-ATL too! I got my ticket (one way) for $1,150. It's a little expensive than other flights that I saw maybe because I only have one stopover which is Narita, Japan. I used but all it did was route me to the Delta website hehe. I booked my own ticket but I don't think you're gonna have problems if your fiance will book your flight for you. But just to play it safe, let him send you a photocopy of his credit/debit card and a photocopy of his ID. 

Edited by ella7883, 08 April 2014 - 05:42 AM.

ella7883FemalePhilippines2014-04-08 05:41:00
PhilippinesFilipinas in central Ohio??

avoid filipinos who thrived on small talks which we called "chismis" and always be wary when you meet someone who is "too friendly" and "too religious"...


amen to that! good.gif

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-11-25 06:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1 not been sent yet


Hello, we did not receive any e-mail confirmation yet. we used the lawyers for our K1 packet, maybe our lawyer received it i have to check it out.

as for the G1145 form, what is that?


It's an optional form that you attach in front of the cover letter. If your lawyer didn't attach that, don't worry because you'd still receive a hard copy of your NOA1 via mail. Be patient, hopefully you'll get it this week or next week. I hope we get ours too within two weeks! Goodluck to both of us smile.png

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-08-27 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1 not been sent yet

Hello guys,

we sent our K1 packet on August the 16, 2013

it was received on August 19.  today is the 27th of august and we still did not receive NOA1.

any one in the same situation? or does any one know the reason?

thanks for you support


Hi! My fiance sent out the packet on Aug. 16, 2013 (we have the same date hehe), it was received on the 20th then he got an email confirmation on the 23rd. the check was cashed on the same day (23rd). Now we're waiting for the NOA1 hard copy via mail.


Did you fill out the G1145 form? You didn't get an email confirmation? has your check been cashed? 

Edited by ella7883, 27 August 2013 - 08:37 AM.

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-08-27 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTime between NOA1 Text to Hardcopy?

I was just wondering if anyone else had a significant wait? We got the NOA1 text message on August 13th, and 14 days later we still don't have the hardcopy. Is this normal? I do notice a lot of people get them within a week apart, so just curiosity here.


I looked at several timelines and I noticed that on average, people get the hard copy of their NOA1 after 15 to 20 days of sending the packet. I could be wrong... we're still waiting for the hard copy of NOA1 too. got the email confirmation Aug 23. i'm hoping my fiance will get it on Friday. (crossing my fingers)


goodluck on your journey smile.png

ella7883FemalePhilippines2013-08-27 10:17:00