K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Guide, General Guide on filing for a K1 Visa
This one should be PINNED or it'll get lost *nudges Ewok's small furry self*
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-28 07:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhoto Issues
You might get an RFE for the correctly posed pics - thats not a denial - its just a request you provide more (or better) info.
Wait for THEM to contact YOU and see - if you contact before then your new pics may not meet up with your original file and you get an RFE anyways (the service centers store their files in WAREHOUSES due to volume, thats why a lot of paperwork goes walkies)
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-27 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificate for even the US?
Less than a year you dont need one

Source:Police certificates are required for each visa application aged 16 years or older. A separate certificate is required from the police of each country in which the applicant has lived for twelve months or more after the age of 16; the period is six months if country of birth or current residence. This certificate must cover the entire period of the applicant's residence in that area or country and state what the appropriate police authorities records show concerning each applicant including all arrests, the reason for the arrest(s), and the disposition of each case of which there is a record.

Thank you for your e-mail correspondence.

Consular Information Unit

U.S. Embassy London


Edited by Jaylen Brit, 21 February 2006 - 07:31 PM.

Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-21 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan boarder guards turn you away with a K-1 visa?
I think I read that they could turn you away if they suspect that the envelope marked "DO NOT OPEN" (You get it when you get your passport returned to you once your visa is approved) has been tampered with.

I've always been a bit curious about this question though. Never read of anyone being refused, but I know that technically it can happen. Makes me wonder whether I should ship all of my stuff (and my animals) over with me, or wait until I'm safely in the country and then send for them.
FrostyMistFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-13 05:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Letter of Intent - Notarized
We did not submit notarized letters of intent for our original I-129F application, and we had no problems or delays whatsoever.

However, if it is over four months from the date of the petition approval when you apply for the actual visa interview, then you do need to provide notarized letters of intent from both parties.

When I phoned a recognized notarary official about this today, they began to suggest that it would be less expensive and easier for me to get it "overseen by a comissioner" (or something to that effect, I cannot remember the exact wording now) but when I explained it was for a K1 visa required by the US embassy in London, the lady immediately told me "Oh, then you need to get it notarized."

Edited by FrostyMist, 11 November 2009 - 12:37 PM.

FrostyMistFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-11 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnough evidence of ongoing relationship?
1) We usually spend time alone when we meet and he's not so fond of taking pictures (he's a little sensitive about his weight) and we don't have that many pictures of us together. Most of our pictures together are taken in June 2007, I have three photos of us from Oct 2009 with his cousins and me and him on the beach. Can I still send in the photos from 2007 and will these photos still be seen as evidence even though it's been passed over 2 years since they were taken? And if not, is three photos of us together then?

My fiance and I spend most of our time alone together, so many times we have almost gotten through entire trips without remembering to take pictures of us together. We had about 8 photo's of us together (over the course of about 4 trips) when our I-129F petition, and it all went well.

2) I have the same questions about our emails, during the last 1,5 year we talk much more on the phone, in the beginning of our relationship (2006-2007) we usually mailed to each other a lot, I have plenty of his poems and stuff on my mail account. Will it still be seen as evidence of relationship or do I have to have something that is wihtin the last 2 years?

We did not submit any emails at all. Didn't cause us any problems that we didn't.

3) I have all my boarding passes left, all the e-tickets from my trips, I can copy my stamps from the immigration but there is one that is covered due to that my dad applied a Chinese Visa when we went to see my relatives. The visa is covering the whole page and I don't wanna remove since it could damage my passport and become invalid. How should I do? I can prove that I boarded the plane and that I was admitted into the US on my trips after that one. Also I have an e-ticket from me and my boyfriend going to Miami together from NYC, we don't have the boarding passes but would an e-ticket be enough?

We sent photocopies of my fiance's passport pages, and printouts of e-tickets. The stamps in his passport were extremely dificult to see (often almost completely faded), but our petition was still approved just fine.

4) How can we prove our ongoing relationship? I was in the US latest Oct 2009, I've asked my boyfriend to get his cell phone bills specified so it will show that he have called to Sweden (my country of orgin) and that he has recieved internationall calls (I usually call from a pre-paid phone card). There is a few e-mails I sent him about him calling me and stuff, very ordinay. Is that enough for an ongoing relationship?

If you have friends, family, tutors, anyone else that can write a letter of support for you, to say that you are in a relationship, then this might be good. I had a tutor write a letter of support when we submitted our I-129F. The letter included details such as how she knew me, how long, and that my fiance and I were in a relationship and wanted to get married.

We also saved any mail we sent to each other, and submitted the envelopes as evidence.

My fiance and I both also wrote letters of intent. These explained how we met, how our relationship progressed, and our intention to marry.

FrostyMistFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-03 02:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting the process! -or- are all lawyers this useless?
First thing my fiance and I did when we started our visa journey was to buy a visa and immigration "how to" book. It cost us $30 each (I brought a copy for myself, he got one for himself) but I think it was a worthy investment. And, we can also sell both of them after we're done. The particular book I have is really good because whilst it's aim is to tell you pretty much what a decent attorney will do for my standard cases, it does also tell you when you would need to seek actual legal advice.

As most people on here have said already though; is a really invaluable resource for information. Since our packet 3 arrived, I've actually been using VJ far more than I have our visa book. Infortmation I've found here is oftentimes much more specific, and at least it doesn't get as easily out-dated (unlike the visa book I have, which already has forms in it that are out of date)

Only you can know whether your case really does require legal assistance. Myself, and other VJers here, can only advise you based on our own experiences. When I began my visa journey, I was strongly encouraged by many members of another community to seek legal advise. The outcome of our visa application was a concern to me, because our case isn't quite as straightforwards as some here. However, in the end, my fiance and I decided that at least for the I-129F stage, we would handle the application ourselves.

Our I-129F was approved with no problems, so whilst it was a bit of a leap of faith to trust we could get everything right (I know those forms can seem daunting!) it did pay off. Looking back, I think I would have only stressed and worried that our attorney (had we had one) was not making the effort to check and re-check every tiny little detail for errors, which I knew I would happily do until 5am if need be.

We've opted to continue the rest of our K1 visa journey ourselves. At this point, I really don't know what an attorney could do that we aren't able to do for ourselves already.
FrostyMistFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-03 03:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoral Turpitude

You need to post your question in the waiver forum. There are several Brits there going through the waiver process.

Disregard advice that correlates US law to UK law. They are not one and the same. And disregard whether or not a crime is "spent" or otherwise deleted from the record in the UK. The US does not recognize spent crimes.

Someone in the waiver forum should be able to tell you how juvenile offenses are viewed by the Consulate. And someone there should be able to tell you if you have somehow misrepresented yourself on the visa waiver by ticking NO to crimes of moral turpitude.

If memory serves me there was a member with a similar "record" when we were processing. He had his court records with him on day of interview and I do not recall him having a problem. But I want you to ask your question in an area of the community where you can get better answers than "maybe" or "I think". :)

Thanks will do that...and sorry for the mispost
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoral Turpitude
So when it asks the quesion in the process of have you ever commited or served a sentence for moral terpitude do I respond with yes? based on my lifetime record or no as an adult??? although the question is Have you ever?

This has me confused somewhat
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-14 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoral Turpitude

The conviction you are talking about occurred when you were still a minor. At least in the US, unless you were tried as an adult (which generally only happens in cases of murder) your record would be sealed and could not be used against you as an adult.

I don't think you should have a problem with this, but you might want to talk to a lawyer.

Howwould this look after saying no on the I-94W?
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-13 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoral Turpitude
I have been hovering the board and have to say fantastic info here...

I have not seen anything similar to my question and hope that you may be able to help or direct me, My position may seem complicated, but will keep it simple and to the facts...

I am UKC and fiance is USC we want to get married but know we need to apply for the K1 and know we need understanding of the following.

My parents immigrated to canada in 1965 and 4 years later to the usa and I wouldve been the time I was 13 my parents need to return home and requested assistance from the british conulate general in L.A weeks later it was agreed the consul would assist our return to England and they had green cards taken away and escorted to the airport in 1977. I am currently pursueing any documentation from the office as we speak.

2 months of being in England i was accused of greivious bodily harm to a boy slightly younger than me and it eventually went to court with a conviction, but suspended probationary period, but had frequent visits from a probation officer for a few months afterwards.... I have requested a poice check PNC to see what shows up, but will be honest on the application when the time comes but still feel the need to track down the court files on this if i can to prove my prudence in all aspects of the application and how serious I am of being honest

in the late 1980s wanted to go on holiday to USA and asked the embassy if the assisted removal would affect me and they said no so went and filled in the card on the plane checking no to each question.

few years later went again, but applied for a multiple entry visa as i was going to the behamas and returning to the US after a 2 day cruise and it was approved.

Since then have been many many times and unkowing the meaning of moral turpitude, sumising it was not related to me....I know no exscuse for ignorence, but was my honest assumption and was not aware of applicability to my childhood.

I have been to see my fiance 3 times alone this year and fear that all previous visits are now ileagal entries and may go against me.

Out of intrest do cases of moral turpitude get looked at and still approved for the K1?

any advice greatly appreciated
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-13 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetting a K1 expire...what happens next?

I had a quick question. My fiancee and I got the K1 visa.
If she comes here from canada and in the three month period we do not get married, what happens next?
Does she have to go back instantly or is she able to stay for the six month period minus a day as if she was just visiting?
Can you get an extention on the K1 expire date before use? Or an extention onthe visa once crossed the border?
Has anyone had their K1 expire and then try to apply for another K1 with the same person? What are the issues with trying to apply for another K1 after having one expired, will it be harder?
I am also a Canadian citizen, if we let the K1 expire and I go up there and we get married...would they frown upon that if then we were married and I wanted to bring her to the usa?


Can only answer from the UK point of view where by there absolutly no chance of extending, you may however cancel as said and apply later without reprise, but no overstays must occur
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-15 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Other One

Thanks all for the response. Issues about our Exs do come up in our conversation from time to time. I know that to the visa officer it will show evidence of open, good relationship & communication afterall we all have past, good or bad.

What you are doing by discussing with your new partner is right in fact its a must, you hit the nail on the head Relationship & communication are vital for any marriage or relationship.

Your partners past may hurt her as much as it may madden you or may not depending on your demeanour, but here is my take on things from reading the odd post on this thread

One poster said that London will not grill you....Dont take thier word for it, just because they werent questioned about it does not mean to say others werent, we may never know unless they come here to post thier experiences.

In my opinion, if you truly know your significant other, you will know about thier achivements and tribulations, good days and bad days, likes and dislikes to know about thier past will help you learn to truly love and care for her/him and prevent making the same mistakes the others did to hurt thier partner.

Today on skype, my wife and I were discussing EXs and how I tend not to bring mine up as much as her and asked if she should stop....I said no, I need to know, but equally I told her more of my ex, which hurts me and know it hurts her to have to hear how I was treated, but she knows the triggers if she ever wanted to hurt me like my ex, but know she wouldnt and know she will avoid them.

In short, It is best to know about your partners past no matter how trivial they think it might be, but if you truly love them and know them, you will know of them regardless of any pain that it may contain.

If you have copies as we do of everything although ours will end up being a CR-1 and not K-1 now would be a good time to read up on past divorces, learn and understand them.

My wife and I have both said the same about getting married , "we aint doin this again" We have found our true soul mate!
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-22 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLength of time dating before marriage proposal
Had same concerns, but love takes many guises and recent studies suggest it takes a fith of a second to fall in love. That said we met online via an online radio station chatted for a month or so engaged 6 months later, married a year later and will hopefully be together a year and a half later being july august 2011 with many trips since our first meeting to and from each other inc Ireland, paris, scotland
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-21 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE I'm LOST!!

Pictures are good, but only as secondary supporting evidence (it is hard to prove the dates of these photos, now that we're in a digital photo age).

Whilst it is hard it is not impossible, but if you have a photo or photos of yourselves on your puter you can actually prove when the image was created, modified and accessed and show the stamps of all three in a screen dump and attempt to use as evidence or try to get the photos notorised from a disc.

step a file that contains the image you want to use as evidence and locate the image.

Step the image, but keep it in a small open box, then right clck the image to open dialogue box and select properties and click.

Step 3... put the dialogue box and opened image side by side to get the stamps and iamge as you would like then open paint.

Step 4...minimise paint and assuming you are running only one monitor press Ctrl and Prt Sc SysRq buttons together, pull paint back up, place your cursor in the white area of paint and paste or press ctrl and v together

And have the image you want to submit as evidence with name of file and dialogue box confirming the name and showing the stamps.

Whether they accept this is to be seen, but thought I would share this gem with you all!

Edited by Rushton50, 01 June 2011 - 12:03 PM.

Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-01 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration service providers

Anyone used the immigration service providers? The ones who promise to do the paperwork for you? Just curious if anyone has and what the experiences are. Also, which is the best.


To be honest with what we have done ourselves, I am glad we didnt as we not only saved money, but time in waiting and with the help of this forum and the steps and questions we knew what to expect ahead.

There will be delays in communication when you could have been onto the next step and what if they do not meet your expectations.

The only thing we have done as a precaution is hire an attorney who is working in the background and is waiting for our instructions, this is how it should be, when we say jump to him, he asks How high? not that we are jumping through his hoops, we have enough of those to jump through
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-05 05:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRecieved NOA2 last May 6 but application still not with NVC or Manila Embassy

I was able to get my MNL number by emailing the NVC.

You'll need to tell them your USCIS receipt number, the petitioner's name and date of birth, the beneficiary's name and date of birth. They should be able to tell you the MNL number after that.

Good luck.

You could try this way as well and all you need is your NOA 1 recipte number call NVC 001-603-334-0700 and follow the messege prompts, this will lead you to you MNL number
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-05 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDAtes (Interview Dates - Dominican Republic)

Hey everyone... do yall know when they schedule interviews.. I heard itz between the 15th-20th of each month... is this true>????????????????

I have heard that they do the CR-1 interviews the first two weeks of the month so it could be true
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-06 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Examination

Hello VJ's,

Here i go again...i need some suggestions. My visa interview will be on 28th of July. But i need to do the medical examination first before the interview, can i just do my Medical on 25th-26th, isn't it a problem?..How long does the medical get done?

I would suggest that if you can do it now, do it as if the xray does not turn out or they need to call you back in for re-test, which is very rare then at least it will not put off your interview as these are normally alotted around a month before and could set you back if your medical results are delayed in getting to the USEM
Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-07 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - Cairo (Age Difference)

The difference in our age does not matter in this situation as we both care and love for each other. My problem is when a man is older than a woman they approved their visa but when it comes to a woman why they do not approve. I do not look like my age and he do not look young either he is 27 and more mature than any man i have meet.. My question now is WHAT IS THE NEXT THING TO DO...

I think you will find the question was a genuine and valid one, the age difference does matter to US goverment officials, it is common ground for them to query mass age differences. They do not look at the LOVE connection side of things.

The person asking the age gap was merely trying to help you to reason, shooting them down by not answering something that may able to help you understand.

Its your choice to provide information that could or could not help you!

It is not possible to second guess the interviewing officer, but if you are a young male intending to marry a much older female, then he has to ask himself the true nature of the relationship so in essence he has every right to approve or deny!

Edited by Rushton50, 18 May 2011 - 04:49 PM.

Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-18 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow old the police report has to be?

Hi guys, how old the police report has to be? Would it raise a red flag if the police report obtained before packet 3 received? Does it matter if is already 2 months old by the time of the interview? Any input would be appreciated.


I got mine as soon as I could as close to sending my ds-230 off, but I think it has to be valid within a 6 month period when they request it unless things have changed?


If you know you are getting ready for it I would order it, UK police were slow and can take 4 to 6 weeks, but if there is a 2 month difference, wont make any red flags, they will see you have been reading ahead to see what you need! Thats my guess!

Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-03 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Form I-134 Affidavit of Support


Lykali has the right idea. 


Every form that we have had to deal with so far asks you to list on a separate sheet and can not see why you couldn't do the same for this.


I would furnish additional documentation and ensure you mark the other sheet with the question number and give details 

Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-11 04:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused... denied


Well boarding passes are a great idea but are not absolutely necessary if you don't have them because people can lose those. They won't expect you to travel all the way to see each other again just to obtain them. But if you have any primary evidence such as receipts, boarding passes, credit card bills etc. that put you and him in the same geographical location then collect all of those and send them to him. Also, another thing would be to show evidence of recent correspondence since you received the petition approval. You might also want to both write a new and updated letter of intent with it clearly dated and signed by both of you to indicate you are both still in a relationship and both still intend on marrying since the petition approval. 

In fairness they are very important and I would say very necessary! Especially for the fiance process as it is evidence that a person may have used it to board a particular flight to arrive at said destination to meet the other, that on its own may not be solid proof, but backed up with an invoice and photos it holds weight.


Without the boarding pass and photos, how else can it be determined that a couple have met? Given the powers of technology and computers these days! I am not saying for one minute that anything anyone has submitted is or has been tampered with!


I have always said and will remain in the corner by saying throw anything and everything at them even if you think its weak, but it may be the one piece of evidence/information that ties it all up.


Bare in mind that USCIS can check to see the point of entry details of past visits if dates are given to be verified

Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgetting a k-1 visa

Question! Why did she apply for the visa when she could have used the VWP or visa waiver program which would allow up to a 90 day maximum visit? Norway is a VWP participant!


You can still go down the K-1 route, she has not been disqualified for all intent and purpose, just means she will not be allowed to visit until she can prove strong ties to her homeland.


And now she has applied for a visa and been denied, it is unlikely she will be allowed to use the VWP ever again which is of no concern as you will petition uscis for her to apply for the K-1.


Alternatively, you could visit her, get married and petition for the CR-1 but last I heard. the K-1 would be the quickest!


Good luck!

Rushton50MaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 after 90 no marriage

Thank you for responding, When we first apply for the K1 visa he agree to come here and live in US. While we were waiting for the visa he found a good job that makes a lot of money, he start to have doubt about moving here. He start to tell me maybe I should move there and just stay at his house without having to worrie about rent. He start to bragging how better health care system there and I agree but that wasnt the plan you know. I have already spent all my time and money try to get the damn visa and I didnt want to waste it, so I ask him to come anyway and hope he likes the city. Plus I started a business here with a friend and is growing I cant just drop everything and move to Sweden and be a house wife ;o)

Finaly K1 got approved, he quite his job came to NYC. I have never live with him more than 6 weeks, so this was kinda like a test in away. I did learn a lot about him and myself. The first 2 months I was ready to just send him home :o) we would fight about small little things like why American people are so rude, or why American have to use Fahrenheit instead of celsius, stupid stuff like that. But after 2 months things start to get better. Now, I just let the man complain and when he is tired he will stop haha... So,We only have few more days to go before the visa expire I just dont think I have to time to do go get Social Security Number, get marry, AOS...etc. :o( If we had 6 months instead of 3 months I probably wont be in this situation.

Anyway, if anyone in the same situation I would like to hear from you! :o) Sorry, english is not my first language but I try.

Your english is fine :) I went out and spent christmas with my fiance and that was almost like a trial. She had to carry on working so I stayed at home and looked after the house and the cat. It was a holiday for me and a chance to spend more proper time with my fiance and was a little look at what the future would be like.

I'm moving on my visa in June. It is going to be hard. You've got to get married in three months... and there's adjustment of status on top of that. The whole move will be stressful, too. It's a lot to ask a couple to just go from not having been around each other much to then suddenly live together. But again, if you really love each other and you want it to work, it will work out.
You just have to deal with that, though. If you want the relationship to work, it will. You'll deal with everything in your own way. By talking, probably arguing. You argued over small things, really... Just the cultural differences.

We use celcius and different words in some cases and pronounciations... there are so many things that are different. We are very different even though both countries speak english. You just have to deal with that, too.
Not all Americans are rude, either. You obviously aren't and I'll bet you many people on the boards aren't either ;)

You just have to take time to get used to being in a completely different country...

The 3 month part does suck... The UK's is 6 months but I'd rather I went to the US, which is what I'm doing.

I don't like the fact there is no NHS in the USA, but that's one of the many things I'll have to give up.

Everything just takes time, Swede. Unfortunately you haven't got much of that left, now. You maybe should have got married when he went there, as by leaving the country again you've wasted all that time, money and caused yourself all of that heartache for very, very little. You have learned a lot about each other of course... but... at what cost?

What will you do now?
MattHeartCassMaleEngland2010-03-16 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAGE DIFFERENCE
I've got all of my typed conversations saved. It automatically saves. If I ever need it it'll come in handy. I've got all of my phone bills as well. If I ever need that it'll come in handy.
Gender Shouldn't be a problem. Doesn't mean that it isn't. Your case should be based on your relationship and interaction with each other, not who is older and so on.
MattHeartCassMaleEngland2010-05-12 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAGE DIFFERENCE

I plan on going to his interveiw and stand by his side. I know that they dont like the USC their but this is our life they are messing with. I just pray that they will not deny us. Thanks for the true. That helps alot. Besides, if he cant come here, then Im moving there.

I imagine that's how everyone feels, whether their partner is a lot older or not. Everything feels like a scrutiny. I know that everything has to be looked at properly, but blimey...
MattHeartCassMaleEngland2010-04-17 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAGE DIFFERENCE

:rofl: :rofl:

it used the PUMP the wrong way...... :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :devil: :devil: :devil:

She, you mean?
MattHeartCassMaleEngland2010-04-16 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAGE DIFFERENCE
I honestly don't have a problem with age gaps. I think that it is a testament to love that a couple can love each other and find things they love about each other and have things in common, all the more so if there's a large age gap.
To everyone who has an older or indeed younger partner, you're brilliant :)
MattHeartCassMaleEngland2010-04-14 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAGE DIFFERENCE

If you're afraid that the age difference may result in a denial, the USC attending can help nip in the bud the bonafides, even if they can only sit in the lobby during the interview. Typically, an older man doesn't have many problems (though, I'll be honest: 40 years may be pushing things, from the consulate's point of view as that age difference is *very* uncommon in the US), and it's an older woman (5+ years) where you will see issues at many consulates - MENA, especially.

Legally, they CANNOT deny you for your age difference, because it's something that USCIS and the NVC was aware of when your petition went through the approval stage.

However, it is a red flag, and if there are any other red flags (mismatching stories, limited communication, only one or two visits, unusually fast engagement, not disclosing criminal/martial history, too many K1 applications, how you met, etc), you very well may see yourself being kicked into AP, kicked back to USCIS for reaffirmation, or flat out denied.

If your fiancé cannot be at the interview, make sure you are well prepared and all your documentation is in order. Make sure that any other potential red flags can be addressed with evidence or thoroughly explained.

Be prepared that you might have to fight for your visa.

I find it interesting how 'an older woman' being five or more years older might be a problem. Why five, for example. Very odd. I can see the point where the age gap is 30/40 years. I don't see anything wrong with that but I can see why the Embassies/USCIS might throw a wobbler. As long as you have proof and stay true to yourself. I don't mean to imply that your relationship isn't legitimate, but I can see why the USCIS might be more demanding of evidence.

My other half is 5 years older than me (at present, it'll be 4 when my birthday rolls around next month). I wonder what it would be like if I were 5 years older than her. Why, as I say, is there suddenly a 'flag' at five?

Love doesn't know age, only the length of time you're in love.
MattHeartCassMaleEngland2010-04-14 05:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Medical and the Vaccines you need to get
His immunisation records should have every jab he's had since birth. I received mine yesterday and I've got it going back to 1988.. I'm not 100% sure on the tetanus situation, but I'm getting my own one re-done as I've not had a booster done since 1992.
Susan&DanielFemaleEngland2011-04-20 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHair Colour
A different hair colour isn't going to be a problem. In my visa photo I had brown dreadlocks, I've now got a short bob and it's purple..

But guess what? My face hasn't changed a bit and that's what matters at the end of the day! Don't stress yourself about it, unless you've had major reconstructive surgery I wouldn't worry a moment longer about it and change your hair!
Susan&DanielFemaleEngland2011-07-12 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent!!! please help us!!!
Our payment didn't clear due to putting on the incorrect bank details and I got a letter back two weeks later with all of my documentation with a note saying "Please re-send with correct payment details".. So if you sent a cheque, maybe cancel that cheque with your bank and they may send everything back because the initial administration fee has not been paid, so why would they continue with the administration of your petition?
Susan&DanielFemaleEngland2011-09-11 23:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate "background checks" re: the FAQ
Thanks for the reply. What "trouble" did you get at the border?

I was wondering today about the length of time since I last visited my SO, and whether - if I don't visit in September - that will adversely affect my visa interview. It's been almost 5 months now, and will be at least 7 or 8 months by the time I get to interview - will that be considered evidence against a bona fide relationship? We talk and webcam every single day, so far without exception, so the relationship is definitely strong. But we've only seen each other twice, both occasions within six weeks of each other, beginning late January this year.

Perhaps it's worth the risk of a denial of entry and/or going into AP between NOA2 and Packet 3 in order to offset the risk that the CO will look adversely upon the huge gap...
inhopeofgloryMaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-05 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate "background checks" re: the FAQ
Thanks for the link. I'm still considering visiting my fiancée, but as we're so close to potentially getting NOA2 I don't want to put a spanner in the works...

Anyone know when the Consulates start their security checks?

Edited by inhopeofglory, 04 August 2009 - 04:52 PM.

inhopeofgloryMaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-04 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate "background checks" re: the FAQ

It's likely we'll receive NOA2 within the next month, as we're late-March filers, and I'm thinking of visiting my SO sometime in mid-late September for a few days. With that in mind, I have a question...

Does anyone know when in the K-1 process the "initial background check" (as referenced in the FAQ - "... some newsgroupers have reported that once the initial background check is done by the Consulate, subsequent visits to the US required an additional FBI check done by the Consulate, which resulted in a delay in the visa application process.") is done by the Consulate? Is it immediately after the NVC transfer the documents to the embassy? Or do they wait until they receive the completed Packet 3 first?

inhopeofgloryMaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-31 17:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting your fiance during the immigration process
Kimbear, what evidence did you take the second time you were refused entry? Did they elaborate on what they meant by "insufficient ties" in your case?

On a more positive note, I see you received your NOA2 a few days ago. Congratulations! :-)
inhopeofgloryMaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-10 01:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting SO during K-1 process... stories/advice please?
QUOTE (Gary_UK @ Jul 29 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My packet 3 arrived two weeks before a pre booked final visit to the USA to spend some time with my loved one and to help with wedding plans and had a couple of questions asked by the border guard.

Can you remember what you were asked? How did that occasion differ in the questioning/attitude of the CO to the previous 4 occasions?
inhopeofgloryMaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-30 06:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting SO during K-1 process... stories/advice please?
Gary_UK, when you say you "have never been shy" about mentioning your K-1, do you mean to say that you volunteered the information (e.g. when the CO asks "why are you entering the US?")?

On another point mentioned, I'm currently considering making this visit to my SO in mid-late September, which potentially is a good month after we (may) get our NOA2. Is that too late in the process to be "safe"?
inhopeofgloryMaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-29 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting SO during K-1 process... stories/advice please?
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Jul 29 2009, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would also mention that even though you're coming on VWP, and will most likely be let in, just be mentally prepared for a secondary interview. Nik has been pulled in every single time, but always passed through in the end. Just having that in mind will make it easier to get through if it's not a surprise!

Nik has always wound up telling the POE officer of his relationship with me, and they let him in all three times (5 days, 88 days - traveling together this time -, 16 days).

I'm thinking of going for ten days, not long. My previous two trips back in January and March were of similar length.

Do you know what questions Nik was asked when he was pulled in for second interview, and how he answered? I am convinced that honesty is always the best way, but I don't want to provoke needless questions...

Thanks to everyone who has answered so far - it's much appreciated!
inhopeofgloryMaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-29 16:01:00