ChinaPolice Certificate
Noobie here and just started looking at the stuff needed for the interview, just how and where does one get the Police Certificate? I've been searching but so far it's not really explained it completly.

Russell TMaleChina2012-04-06 00:07:00
ChinaMoney transfer
Hawkeyez, I also like this idea since I use paypal.

Once my fiance has a paypal account is there any fees? You wold be tranfering us funds I assume.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-10 22:45:00
Chinaam i still missing something for the interview?
Good luck, please keep us informed on how it goes.

When my time comes I would really like to do the same but if there is a problem I can't afford to stay and wait so it looks like I will go after the interview so we can travel back to the US together.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-23 10:34:00
ChinaEducation questions
Thanks for the feedback. After Skyping with my fiancee I learned it takes 4 years of college to get a degree, three years to get a diploma. My SO spent three years at ABA teachers college and then taught math at her the high school she went to. It's not like she's a youngster, she taught math util 1997 and then went into helping other teaches plan their study coarses.
It boils down to just how far back do you need to go. We sit here and worry that the plug will get pulled because we do not supply enough information but after 10-15 years how much can you remember? You school phone #'s? for example one of her schools moved because in 89 the old one was destroyed by an earthquake. She plans to go back there because it's also where she was born so she can get her birth certificate and police cert, she still has great fear about going back. The 50% denial rate was not good news either.
Russell TMaleChina2012-05-27 19:33:00
ChinaEducation questions
I'm in the process of helping my fiancee get started on the P3 forms and a couple ask about her education. Form DS-157 wants school and any vocational institutions but not elementary school, does this mean starting with middle school and going through high school and college?

DS-230 wants her to list all educational institutions attended, How far back should she go?

Any help would be appreciated.
Russell TMaleChina2012-05-25 00:24:00
ChinaHelp on CCP statement
It would help others if we knew what CCP statement was.
Russell TMaleChina2012-06-01 21:09:00
ChinaUnmarried statement versus certificvate
From what I have read in past posts if your fiancee has been married she needs to supply both the divorce documents and one stating she is still single, this is what we plan on submitting.
Russell TMaleChina2012-06-04 09:55:00
ChinaGuangdong here we come
Best of Luck A&B, have a great trip and yes, we want all the details of how it goes.
Russell TMaleChina2012-06-11 14:59:00
ChinaK-1 and K-2 approval
Congratulations, I am very happy for the three of you!
Russell TMaleChina2012-06-14 09:20:00
ChinaQuestions about Hokou documents
Thanks Operator,

She is back in her hometown now and her sister is a retired civil servant so that might help. I'm just trying to help by getting any info here I can to pass on to her.
I know they do not have birth certificates but something can be issued to fill that requiement. She was divorced in the 90's and she has that doc and I had it translated and noterized here so we basicly need just the Police report, the still single and birth certificate papers. She plans on going to the Huhou in Chengdu with her sister in a couple of weeks I am trying to figure out where she can have the docs translated and noterized, would this be at the Congzhen? (China Notrial Office)
Russell TMaleChina2012-06-21 10:34:00
ChinaQuestions about Hokou documents
Hi everyone. While we wait for the NOA2 I am helping my fiance prepare the documents she will need. Since the process started she ended up moving back to her home area and is living with her sister and brother-in-law. This means I will have to let NVC know of the address change when it gets to that point.

At least she can now go to her Hukou for her birth Certificat, police cert, ect. I have been doing searchs and I'm still a bit confused. Are the Hukou and the Gong Zhen Chu (China's Notarial Offices) the same thing? Do the documents she get there still need to be notarised and translated?

One post says from the Hukou you get "a notarial document will be in the standard white notarial booklet, have an official red seal, an English translation and an attestation to the true translation"

I guess my question is the Hukou one stop shopping for the birth cert, police cert.,still single cert and divorce cert.? Am I reading this correctly?
Thanks everyone.
Russell TMaleChina2012-06-20 23:57:00
ChinaAirplane Tickets to HKG
I flew from SF to HK in Feb, cost was $1090. I flew Cathay Pacific, worst food I've ever had on a plane, had the runs before I could even get to a restroom in HK, :wacko:
Russell TMaleChina2012-07-14 07:53:00
ChinaApprox. Waiting Timer after case transferred to GUANGZHOU?
Sorry guys, you are correct, K1. Did not pick up it was about something different.
Russell TMaleChina2012-08-25 21:45:00
ChinaApprox. Waiting Timer after case transferred to GUANGZHOU?
I did not do electronic either because I'm just not computer savy.

Here's a question for everyone that has done this, I noticed the NOA2 approval has a valid date that expires 12/13/2012 so I'm assuming they have to get something setup before that time correct? I've never heard this NOA2 had an experation date anywhere before.

Edited by Russell T, 25 August 2012 - 03:24 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-08-25 15:23:00
Chinainformation to pass on and questions to ask
Thanks Darnel, I'll be going over your links tonight.

I'm not stressed just wondeing what friggin form I was looking that led me to ask! :bonk:

I appreciate eveyones help here, especially from the ones that have already been there and stick around to help the new folks get through it. :thumbs:
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-01 15:11:00
Chinainformation to pass on and questions to ask
A&B been there many times and have all the forms laid out but I could swear there was one that needed to be done on line in order to get a bar code. It's driving me nuts trying to figure out what I was looking at. :wacko:
Russell TMaleChina2012-08-31 20:05:00
Chinainformation to pass on and questions to ask
As I mentioned we got our NOA 2 in 3 1/2 months and so I called the NVC two days after getting the notice so I could change my fiancee's address. Very nice woman took her e mail address and told me to e mail the address change to the NVC which I did the same day. Yesterday I got an e mail from the NVC saying they were unable to help and to let the Guangzhou Embassy know. Humm wondered what the heck but since the NVC was closed I decided to go ahead and send the embassy a e mail. Their e mail for says they wil reply within 3 days and to wait at least that long before another inquiry. Very next morrning, today, I got an e mail from the embassy asking for the address in Chinese, wow, pretty quick. Today I got home to find the notice from NAV that my papers would be sent within one week, it was dated the 23rd so I'm thinking the papers were already gone when they got the address change. Then this evening I got another e mail from the embassy telling me they have not yet recieved the paperwork but when they do they will send the packet to the new address! I wanted to mention all of this here because it seems things are going very smoothly and the service and quick replys are highly appreciated. :thumbs:

Now I have a couple of questions, first is one of the forms needed before the interview one that has to be generated online to get the bar code? DS-156 maybe? I seem to have played with this when I was gathering all the next forms and now I can not find any mention of that.

Next is a question about the interview, some of the questions asked have me a bit puzzeled, there is no way the interviewer would know the answers to some of them, "what time does your fiancee get home from work?" as an example, they would not know the answer or "what kind of car does he drive?" I'm sure it's meant to rattle the person but it might be a good thing to talk over with your fiancee befor the interview. Your thoughts? :D
Russell TMaleChina2012-08-30 22:45:00
ChinaNOA to P3
I have been trying to update my time line but some of the dates I am unsure of.

I know I got a reply from the NVC on 8-30 saying they could not change my fiance's address, I think it was because they were already on the to the embassy. I e mailed the embassy the same day about the address change they replyed within hours saying they would use the new address but had not yet resieved her papers yet. My fiance told me today the packet3 papers were mailed to her on the 5th. That's 6 days from not having the stuff yet to sending her packet3!
I did not use any special tricks like SAFEFILE or E filing, I never figured it out :blush:

I will be busy this weekend getting the rest of the paperwork done so we can get the P3 requested forms submitted!

Darnell, I think there's a temple right up the hill from me! :thumbs:
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-13 10:15:00
ChinaNOA to P3
The process has happened so fast we didn't even have time to use the short cut! My fiancee texted today she got the P3! That's 3 1/2 weeks from getting the NOA2 to getting the P3 :blink:
I'm dazed at this point, now I have to get stuff packed up to send. I have the 1-134 done and also did the DS-230. My fiancee has her papers translated and noterized.
The hardest part is staying calm and not letting the excitment spin us out of control :wow:
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-12 23:09:00
ChinaMadical exam costs.
I see the cost of the medical exam is 800 RMB and I assume that does not include the cost of the vaccinations because it depends on which ones you need.
Can anyone give me a ball park figure on the shots? My fiancee is 48 years old.

Russell TMaleChina2012-09-15 17:00:00
ChinaQuestion on DS156
Thanks all,
I just printed off the embassy site and filled it in by hand, I SO old school when it comes to compiters! :wacko:
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-20 09:49:00
ChinaQuestion on DS156
OK, I check with my fiance and she figured it out and understands so that's another problem down :yes:

This is the form with the bar code I was aking about and everyone here said it's not a problem but I see on the main section people are talking about trying to download this and having problems getting the bar code, everyone reccommends Safari??? The sample shows it with a bar code so I am still concerned about this.

Whem packet 4 arrives does the form come with it's own bar code? This is the last thing I'm still unsure of.
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-19 08:44:00
ChinaQuestion on DS156
Thanks guys, I am planing on asking her about that today when we Skype.
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-16 10:33:00
ChinaQuestion on DS156
On form DS156 they have a list of the questions that need to be answered in Engilish and Chinese and they also ask for "telegraph code for their Chinese surnames" They say this can be found at the post office but I would like to understand what it is so I can make sure my fiancee gets it.
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-15 17:21:00
ChinaQuestions about package 3 forms
Darnell, I couid not get on the Embassy site for a couple of days to check but I found the 169 listed twice in different areas and they both do not show the EMS lable request.
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-23 11:22:00
ChinaQuestions about package 3 forms
Ok, the Guangzhou Embassy site 169 form does not show the request for the EMS lable but the one my fiance got from them does ask for it.
Thought I'd update this for general information.
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-19 08:54:00
ChinaQuestions about package 3 forms
Darnell, no dates on either set of the forms but I am have been doing what you and A&B suggest and have been going by the most current forms on the Embassy site.

A&B, thanks for pointing out the section I missed. It's amazing how you can read all this stuff and still miss it.
I think I am pretty clear on the packet 3&4 needs now and it was a good reminder to go back and read things again. I just learned some things I missed before so it was a big help.

The main thing I'm trying to do is learn the steps so I can explain it to my fiancee and make her more comfortable with the process.

Thanks again guys!
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-10 11:37:00
ChinaQuestions about package 3 forms
Darrnel, I got the one not asking for the label off the Guangzhou Embassy site that I got to via the Embassy info link here at VisaJourney The one asking for the label I think I got at the same place only I got it awhile back. Sorry but that's all I can remember.
I just went to the Embassy site to check and the 169 form does not ask for the label and says the applicant and/or petitioner will be contacted by the email listed on the DS-230 form and to make sure the one used is up to date and accurate.

Don't know if this will help you, hope so.

Edited by Russell T, 09 September 2012 - 11:07 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-09-09 23:06:00
ChinaQuestions about package 3 forms
Hi guys, I have been filling out the packet 3 forms for my fiancee, the DS 230 form and going over the 169 form and checking off the boxes for the papers she has gotten and doing my 1-134 papers. I think I'm pretty clear on the pre-interview stuff but I have a few questions.

I have two copies of the 169 form and on one it asks for the EMS label saying it will be used to send appointment packet (packet4?)
The other 169 form I have does NOT list the EMS label and says my fiance will be sent an email for the interview apointment,is this the current way they are doing it? Does this e mail contain the other required forms like the GNI-2, DS-156K and the DS-156? Does she take these to the interview or send them first?

And finally, the 169 form asks for things like the birth certificate, the police records, translations, passports etc. but does not mention divorce papers or still single papers. So I'm guessing you take them with those other items and things like proof of relationship stuff together to the interview? Is this thinking correct?

As always I appreciate your help.
Russell TMaleChina2012-09-09 22:16:00
ChinaCouple of simple questions
Thanks A&B, I hope we are prepared, then I ask a simple question and you point out the answers right in front of me, makes me wonder how ready I really am! :bonk:
I would love to go for the interview and wait like you did but it's just not feasible for us to do that.My fiance is sharp, also a former teacher and I feel her English is good enough to do her interview in English. I know how we feel about each other so I am confitent in our outcome, I figure it's better then worrying about it. She will take my ERO to the interview and in it I explained why I'm not outside but will come to bring her to the US. I sent records of many hours of Skype video and pictures I took during these sessions, copies of emails from the time I sent the F1-129 till now, more photos, she's taking all the cards and the envelopes they came in and a photo book I had made after my trip to China. Once she sends the P3 papers in we will talk about what might happen in the interview. I have been looking at embassy reviews also.
Thanks again guys!
Russell TMaleChina2012-10-01 19:27:00
ChinaCouple of simple questions
Thanks Bigdog, that helps. Yes, my fiance speaks English and writes it as well, she's not fluent but we do very well. I sent her an Evolution of Relationship letter for the interview discussing how well we can communicate.
I went to China this year in Feb and got there just after the New Year holiday ended and it worked out well. We do not want to be apart but at the same time as long as we have the visa we will feel good and then she could spend one last New Year with the family. I would go over and bring her here in Feb. We hope to go back later but just have no idea when that will be.
Russell TMaleChina2012-10-01 11:41:00
ChinaCouple of simple questions
Our process seems to be going pretty smoothly so far. My fiance got the paperwork I helped her fill out for the P3 and P4. Now we have a slight wait due to this weeks holidays.
I am self employed and we have discussed our plans and decided that I will not come over for the interview. I would love to be there as moral support but if we have any glitches or have to wait at all for the visa when approved I can not afford to stay and I can't afford to make the trip twice. Now at the rate things are going and of coarse we get the visa,it
looks like it will be this year. The first question I have is how much time does she have to use the visa? We have talked about me coming over to get her after the Chinese new year so she can spend the holidays with here family since we will not be able to return for awhile. This is a big time for families there and until we actually get aproval it's hard to make flight plans and so many people fly during the holidays the fares are high. But if there is short time period to use it this will effect our plans.

The second question I have is about the police certificate, they are good for a year correct? The notory guy told her it's only good for 6 months. It should not be a problem even if that's true but I thought I'd ask.

Thanks again for your help
Russell TMaleChina2012-10-01 10:13:00
ChinaSending in P3 tomorrow, quick question.
Thanks Darnell, that confirms what I thought But then I've been known to be wrong! :yes:
Russell TMaleChina2012-10-08 13:35:00
ChinaSending in P3 tomorrow, quick question.
Now that the holidays are over my fiance was able to get the EMS labels and will send the DS-230, the 169 form and the copy of her passport bio page and the return EMS label in tomorrow.
The Embassy page on the P3 packet mentions the 134 suport papers I sent but it's not mentioned on the 169 form, does she send this in now or take it to the interview with all the other papers listed on the 169? I figue she takes it but thought I'd check with you guys.

Edited by Russell T, 08 October 2012 - 11:18 AM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-10-08 11:17:00
ChinaImportance of being present when fiance goes for interview
I am in the same situation. My fiance and I discussed it and decided I should come after she gets her visa so we can travel here together. Several say they think it helps but many have been sucessful without being there. I wrote a letter of our relationship evolution (EVO)and mentioned why I could not be there but would come to China to travel home with her. I think if she is confident in the relationship and you provide good proof of an on going relationship you will be fine, that's what I'm hopeing for.
Russell TMaleChina2012-10-04 20:40:00
ChinaBest way to check status between P3 and P4
Thanks guys.

OK, I will have her take the form 169 required docs, 1 set with originals and a set of copies.
I'll mention to her to ask for the original sets back.
They do ask for two sets of the DS-156 and DS-157 with original signitures but I read they actually only want one of each, did you guys take both and they kept one? I'm still not clear on this .

Did anyone take a copy of the 129F papers to the interview? Like I mentioned I've read the embassy may not have the complete package and would like my fiance to have things like the pictures and meeting/trip stuff handy if more is needed.

I also told her to keep an eye out for an email! :yes:
Russell TMaleChina2012-10-18 21:49:00
ChinaBest way to check status between P3 and P4
Sorry, wrong button.

Edited by Russell T, 16 October 2012 - 11:08 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-10-16 23:05:00
ChinaBest way to check status between P3 and P4
I plan on having her take it all A&b but after reading as much as I can I am just trying to figure out how she should present it. They ask for two copies of the 156 and 157 for example,but I also read they don't take them both.Does she give them one copy at the intake day and take the second set with her to the interview? Turn in copies and take the original divorce papers,etc. to the interview. After you get it done it doesn't seem so overwhelming, just while your doing it! :wacko:
I'm trying to give her a list of all the docs to turn in and a seperate list to take with her to the interview, Example, I sent a complete 1-129F package to her, would you take this to the interview? I read the embassy does not always get the complete contens of the 1-129F and thought it might help.
Things like the new "letter of intent" would be included in the requested futher proof of an on going relationship I'm guessing.
I always forget to add this is for a KI visa and thought getting a good post about how this part is handled would also help others down the road because all the post I've read have not been consistant.

A&B, yes we are doing well and we are getting close to getting the interview and that is why I'm trying to figure this out so we don't make a mistake. Thanks for the encouragement. :thumbs:

Edited by Russell T, 16 October 2012 - 11:08 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-10-16 23:03:00
ChinaBest way to check status between P3 and P4
OK, the P3 papers were delivered to the White Swain according to an email my fiance got. After giving it a few days I figure it's time to start checking on it's status. Is calling DoS the best way or e mailing the Embassy?

We are also going over the forms P4 forms I sent her, she just needs to do the questions that require Chinese answers.
They ask for two signed copies of the DS-156 and the DS-157 but it sounds like they only take in one, should my fiance take both on document turn in day? Is this when you give them the newer "letters of intent" and finaly does she need to give original or copies of things like her divorce papers, police certs etc?
I thank you for you help as usual! :thumbs:
Russell TMaleChina2012-10-16 20:59:00
ChinaP4 received today
Thanks guys, couple more questions. Leishi, did that cost extra? I read one post saying they paid and extra fee to get same day docs. How early does the place open and are they open on Fridays? And I almost forgot, this is strictly walk in apointments?
A&B we have the same days as you guys and mentioned doing the same as you but my fience is thinking she wants to do the medical on Friday, not sure the exta days are worth the waiting in between.
This helps making the plans for sure. :)

Edited by Russell T, 23 October 2012 - 08:52 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-10-23 20:47:00