IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Totally share the same frustration with you dehiguey23


While we are excited for those who get approved as they deserve it and no one should be kept away from their spouses for so long,. It really doesn't make sense why alot of the older filers are yet to be approved?

I am also a feb 10 and the best i got yesterday after putting a request to expedite was " an officer is reviewing your file and wait 20 - 30 days "


This is all good but doesn't add up if you been waiting for over 6 months and you are asked to wait 30 more days and then see someone getting approved in less than 3 months... Doesn't make sense.....


None of this has made any sense to me for a while now.  I am Feb 04 and still I am seeing late Feb and now March approvals around.  I am tickled when one of us here is approved, because we ALL miss our loved ones.  I am beginning to accept that this WHOLE process is randomness at its finest, and it won't get any better at NVC because the backlog has caught up with them now.  So...that being said, we all need to stick together and continue our words of encouragement for our brothers and sisters.  Remember that for each one who is approved before us, there are more who have been waiting longer that we have. 


I am hoping that something gives soon and things speed up (my glass is half full again :) ).  But I am also a realist and we have all seen how broken the process is, so all we can do is what we can do for ourselves by calling and emailing who we have to call and email.  Other than that, gotta let it go and it will be what it will be.  In the meantime, pass the red please, time to top up my!!  :)

Edited by Dualie, 13 August 2014 - 01:58 PM.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-13 13:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Don't worry , you guys. I am still at NSC with you!!

I see you're in the same boat as me domo22. Hopefully really soon!!

And I'm here at tsc hope'n, pray'n and toast'n to everyone's approval today. Spreading good wishes for all that's left over. Better things come to those who wait! Right?????

Haha!! And yes mrs thb, you are here with us...hang in there - there has to be some positive movement with us soon! :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-13 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

You've got this come on! Everyday gets you one step closer. It is going to happen for you.


Thanks Robbie.  You're right!  Best of luck to you and Fernando at NVC.  We will all be there together at this rate too!  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-12 21:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Dualie, we will get there soon, you'll see, let's let God do His work, and we will be as happy as Robbie :)


I know, and thanks are right.  When you have done everything in your power to a point, you have to let go of what you can't control.  Let God handle it now (and NSC, lol).


And...I am toasting to everyone's  approval  here  :)   A nice glass of red before bed, and tomorrow is another day!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-12 21:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Im so happy thank you guys now the next step I am just jumping ahead here but after the interview how long does he have to enter the US i want to come in after our 2 year anniversary so we wont have to do the adjustment  of status our income is really non existing @.@ 


I think he has six months to enter with the visa (if I am wrong I KNOW someone will correct me here :) )


Good luck with the rest of your journey!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-12 20:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Omg!!!! Robbie!! I'll feel so left out now without my buddy! Haha congrats brother! I'm so happy for you! I'm still stuck here, but super happy for you guys!


I'm feeling kinda left out too...

I'm still here, dreamin' of living the dream... :clock:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-12 19:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

I was approved! !!!!


Geez...look what happens when I go off the grid for a few days!   CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!   :joy: :joy: :joy:

Fernando and I got APPROVED today!


We are thrilled and excited! Thank you everyone for your time and patience with us.


OMG!!!!!  CONGRATS RobbieG!!!!  So happy for you guys! :joy: :joy: :joy:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-12 19:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Just filed an erequest. Feeling discouraged that so many transferes received approval so quickly. Going on six months now.
Just returned from visiting my husband. Found out a few days ago that I am pregnant. Wondering if my pregnancy could expedite this process at NVC?

You should hear something soon I hope. :)

They won't grant an expedite for pregnancy, unless it is a life or death situation.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-08 11:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Omg.....I'm so excited but so afraid.

Just got noticed our case was transferred. Notice did not say where but to await further notice. I'd attach notice but it went to Tom's phone.

It's about time Texas gets some action!!!!

Here's hoping all you others get action too!

Peace all,

Wow!! Good to hear! I am half hoping for a transfer, because NSC seems to be at a standstill. Let us know when you hear where you're going. :)

My wife called the USCIS today to see what's going on with our I-130. They told her that they're having delays in NSC. They asked us to call back in 5-7 days to see if everything is Ok with our case or if it's just a Service Center problem of Delay.
I'll keep you informed if we have any news....

Good luck with that. Hopefully you hear something soon! :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-08 11:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers
I applied online on the USCIS website and it went through, PD 02 Feb. They said I should hear something by August 27th, and I should call if I don't.

I really don't understand why someone with a PD in Dec 2013 is being denied a service request. According to Igor's List NSC is working on 17 February. I have a very hard time believing that. Maybe NSC is the service center that had all the background checks halted because of that contractor being hacked. Just checking the backlog of Nov, Dec, Jan, and Feb filers at NSC on Igor's List (as compared with the other service centers) indicates to me that there is something way wrong going on at NSC.

Just my two cents...

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-08 10:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

I understand, but yesterday alone I saw 2 feb 6th approvals. How come they got through? And that's just the ones I saw, I'm sure there were hundreds more that we don't see...ugh, so frustrating!


I am sure this is not the only contractor DHS uses.  Just saying this could explain some of the delays.  I know it's so frustrating, and it seems that things are so random regarding anything they do.   All we can to is hope and pray, and every day is a new day :clock:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-07 12:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Hey, so I just called USCIS and requested an e-request and I qualified for it so they said that I should call back should I not hear from them or get approved by the 7th of next month, but he said very nicely that he hopes and wishes we get this approval soon :). I don't know, but he stated that there's so many applications and that's why it's taking longer, but let's hope we get this thing going soon and fast!


This should explain a little...




Apparently DHS is not using this contractor until they clear things up.  :(  So background checks are being held up..

Edited by Dualie, 07 August 2014 - 12:24 PM.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-07 12:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

My heart pumps faster and faster every day. I barely see anyone here posting approvals so it's even more nerve racking. I wonder if there's another spot where we can see actual approvals and where they are in Feb :(


I have been checking Igor's List every day and for Nebraska IR1/CR1 visa I haven't seen any approvals on VJ since Aug 1...AND on the timeline for NSC it says they are working on Feb 17 petitions.  Very disheartening to say the very least.  I check there once in the morning and once in the evening, and I have seen no change in approvals for days.  My PD is Feb 04, and my husband and I are giving it until end August (we are SUPPOSED to have an answer to our e-request by the 27th), and then hubby will start with the speed dial to congressman and senator.  And it is pretty sad that USCIS lies like thieves on their website siting a 5 month processing time...STILL.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-07 12:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Alhumdulillah Just got approved... PD Feb 6...Just hit six month mark...May God bless everybody with approvals who are still waiting...


Congratulations!!  Good luck with NVC!  :joy:  :joy:

We got it we got it! Our NOA-1 was Feb 6, 2014 and just received the email that our I-130 was processed today August 6, 2014! Woohoo.


Great news!!  So happy for you!  :joy:

Good luck in NVC!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-06 12:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

I already put in for one, and I should hear something by August 27.  Geez, I hope to have the approval by![/quote]

We're doing a bike trip to Sturgis right now and only able to check threads with wifi.

I'm surprised you were able to put in an e request.

We tried yesterday,again and the auto reply came back as unable to process as we are still inside processing range. So, we called. Spoke with Nancy. She said Texas was working on Nov. 18! So, we questioned the 5 month processing average that uscis website states for Texas. She said it had no bearing. She told us there was nothing we could do for another 1.8 months!!!!! Needless to say any shred of hope we had for hearing any news soon is gone.

What is happening in Texas....other than nothing??? Anyone else here from Texas? We're you able to put in an e request?

We're so disillusioned right now. This process is consuming us. We have little faith in the system.

We're very happy things are moving elsewhere (ie cases transferred from NSC to CSC) but don't understand the inequities or inconsistencies. There is something very fundamentality wrong here!

We're on vacation and really trying to be happy and hopeful but it's a true challenge.


I had no trouble with it.  Just put in my email, the husband's US address and the receipt number.  Maybe because I am still in Nebraska...I don't know what the bejeebers Texas is doing and why you would still be considered within processing times.  -_-  <_<

Have a happy vaycay and try to let go of this while you're there.  Have a good time and maybe, just will come back home to good news!  I'm pulling for ya!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-06 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Six months have passed and I really want to file an e-request (it's better to contact uscis rather than doing nothing, right? ;-)

The problem is that it's asking for a U.S. mailing address, but my mailing address that was on the i130 application is outside of the U.S.

Anyone figured a way around this problem? Should I just find a number to call instead? 


I just used my husband's US address.  :) 

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-06 12:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

I'm making some prayers for all filers waiting for their approval. I really hope you guys don't get stuck with an RFE like me and a few others did. 


******* sending positive vibes ********* no RFE ******* no RFE ******* approval only ********  :rolleyes:




Vibes received  :energy:  Thank you!! :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-05 19:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

RFE turns out to be a huge list!


They need evidence of a bonifide marriage. Courtship, Wedding Invite, Witnesses, Photos, Travel Docs, proof of children born in marriage AND out, Languages spoken AND how/why ..... goes on and on.


I already sent statements from all my family members who attended our wedding, sent appropriate translated documents.


Dear God help us..... need to take a deep breath and start working on getting all of this together .... reminding myself to be patient and that all good things take time ....



Wow Sofi!  Well, just send them everything, as much as you can.  Don't give them ANY reason to doubt your marriage is real!  Good luck and hopefully they process the docs quickly for you :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-05 19:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Same here, we "cancelled" all our plans and actually stopped making any. It makes the wait a little more bearable.

Thanks for the good vibes, wishing you all the best too :)



Thanks!  At least the more I work here, the more I can save for my move.  We all will get to the end of our journeys eventually.   :)

Strange! You saying that doesn't even make me and lots of us including yourself feel any better even though I'm Feb. 10th pd. Don't you qualify for e-request?


I already put in for one, and I should hear something by August 27.  Geez, I hope to have the approval by!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-05 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers


A third of Dec 2013 filers are in that pile with you :D


Ohmygosh!  I KNOW!!  That helps me put things into perspective a bit.  NSC has the biggest backlog of these older petitions (according to Igor's List) and that's just pathetic.  You guys should have been the ones transferred to CSC and approved within days.   I'm going to do some heavy duty praying and pushing of positive vibes for you guys.  If anything the backlog of 2013 petitions should be cleared ASAP.


Pretty much resigned myself to spending the remainder of 2014 in Canada, shooting for the one year mark hopefully.  California_luv, thanks for reminding me that I'm not so bad off.   Believe me, every time I check Igor's List and have to scroll down through those unapproved 2013 petitions, it feels pretty crappy.  Best of luck to you! 

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-05 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Seems like no approvals from the 6th or further at all :(


The timelines here on VJ show NSC is slowest and they're processing Feb 10th.  I really take exception to PD is 04 Feb.  I am beginning to think someone is using a pile of petitions as a footrest and mine is in that pile... -_-

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-05 15:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Six months today...and from what I am reading about NVC of late, I am really not as excited about getting there.  Wait times have grown to 60 days and projected timelines from people who are in it are into October and November for (speculated, of course..).  I'm tired.  I read a post on about bombarding the media about this nonsense, as it is directly involves with the workload caused by the illegal children, and I think I will look into rallying with those folks.


Good luck to everyone here.  I'm going to bed to (hopefully) refill my "glass".  I step at a time, but right now I am feeling rather stuck in a bog.  Nite all.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-04 21:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Thanks to God for everything.


Didn't get approved yet. Instead I got an RFE dated 7/31/14. But didn't get text or email till today at 10AM. 


Now waiting for the hardcopy in the mail. I wish I could report better news ...


Sofi continues to wait ... patiently ...


But thanks for the well wishes rleela  :rolleyes:





At least you know that they are working on your petition, Sofi!   At this point I would welcome an RFE just to know someone is even looking at my stuff!  You should get the hard copy in about a week, it seems to be an average from what I have seen on here.  Good luck! :)

How many of you guys have put in a service request?


The 30 marked my 6 month pd mark and tomorrow marks 6 months for NOA1.  


Half of me says put it in, the other half says 'why?  you know what the reply will be?'


So do I bother? 





That's a tough call...on one hand it couldn't hurt and all they will say is "be patient", but on the other hand it could nudge things forward somewhat.  Never hurts to ask! :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-01 14:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Thanks to almighty God .
taxes service center
PD 18 februrary
Approveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddd 31 july 2014... lucky day for me . Special gift for me from GOD on eid day...thanks to almighty GOD again


Congratulations to you!! :joy:   Good luck on the rest of your journey!!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-01 10:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers


APPROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED     PD 02/06/2014  no transfer


YESSS!!!!!  Good for you!!  Congratulations and good luck in NVC!  :joy:  :thumbs:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-31 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

NOA2 received July 30 we were a transfer from Nebraska to California office. 

 Yay!!  Congrats to you and good luck on the rest of your journey!  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-31 10:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

NOA2 received July 30 2014, Nebraska

NOA1 Feb 3 2014


Yay!! Congrats to you!  Best of luck in the next step of your journey! 


Your PD is one day before mine....SQUEEEEE!!!!  I am so anxious (I feel so silly - I am bouncing around in my chair in my!!)!!!! 

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-30 14:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Just a little update on my case. 


I received the hard copy of my approval notice today and I got confused about this paragraph stating that:


If the person for whom you are petitioning decides to apply for an immigrant visa outside the United States based on this petition, the petitioner should file I-824, Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition, to request that we send the petition to the Department of State National Visa Center (NVC).


So I was on the phone with USCIS tier-2 officer and found that out that for question 22 on my I-130 form, I put "N/A" instead of stating the American consular post in Paris, France. So the officer has filed a request to CSC to have my case sent to NVC but if CSC turned down the request, I would need to file I-824(plus a few hundred bucks out of my pocket) myself to have my case forwarded to NVC.  The officer isn't even sure about the processing time for I-824...   I feel so dumb!!! :crying:  :cry:

Ohmygosh!!  I hope they don't jerk you around and they just move the file to NVC already.  Sending you good vibes for good luck on that one!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-30 14:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Good morning fellow February filers!

In spirit, let's all join hands for some good vibes, divine intervention or dumb luck that those of us who don't have NOA2s yet will get some great news today.

We are all in this together! Good luck today everyone!

Channeling all my positive energy..... :energy:  :star:  :energy:  :star:



I love that smiley!  :thumbs:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-30 09:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Hi! I got my approval today  :D

Congrats!!  So happy for you!  :joy:

Could things get more confusing? 

02/25/2014 noa1 NSC
07/08/2014 case transferred email 
07/12/2014 received letter with notice case was sent to TSC
07/24/2014 rfe email
07/28/2014 received rfe letter but it came from CSC
Called USCIS to confirm that my case is at CSC and no longer at TSC. They said according to receipt number my case should be at NSC. I explained that due to high volume of cases mine was transferred and I received notice it went to TSC. Agent said TSC has a high volume of cases so mine must have been transferred again to CSC but could not confirm it. Agent said to respond to RFE to the service center on the notice. 
I am happy if my case is truly at CSC but seems like USCIS agent should be able to confirm this.  Will send requested documents tomorrow and cross my fingers that everything comes together. What a crazy process, just trying to keep a sense of humor.  

Oh my, they are really shuffling stuff around.  I hope they are able to get you guys sorted out and approved soon!  Now, if only NSC would ramp it up a bit... :clock:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-29 11:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

:rolleyes:   Fingers crossed for this week!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-28 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

What if I 129F gets approved first, and k3 visa is approved. Does that still take 4-6 months ?

The K3 is odsolete. The rare one still my get through, but a majority of the time once the I130 is approved the I129 is cancelled. This is how I understand the process to work (VJ vets correct me if I'm wrong). 4 to 6 months is an average and everyone's individual case is different.
DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-26 08:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Don't worry we will get our approval b4 end of this month, heads up and stay positive, latter part is the hardest 

:thumbs:  Thanks don123. Been having a rough few days.  I am normally the "glass half full" girl but my glass sprung a leak.  I guess I am just tired.  Thanks for the encouragement.  I have to remember there are always those out there who have been waiting lots longer than me, and not to let my fatigue get to me and cloud my usual optimism.  I am sure that we will hear something soon.  (It probably wouldn't hurt to leave Igor's list alone for a while!).  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-25 12:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Still waiting for NOA2. I noticed (on Igor's List) that of the 17 people approved (February 2014 I-130 filers only), 13 were approved in July alone. Out of those 13, 9 were transferred from NSC to CSC which means that only 4 were actually approved at NSC. This is horrible!!  :wow:  :protest:


I prepared myself to wait 6 months for approval but have to admit that once I started seeing others with PDs after mine, it started to get a little tougher to just wait patiently and it's driving me a little nuts at this point lol.... :no:  :huh:


Congrats to all those who have been approved so far....I'm hoping to be in that group of people shortly! Hopefully this "glitch" doesn't delay approvals even further.   :clock:  :cry:


Thanks for letting me vent! 



It's nearing 6 full months at NSC and each day is becoming harder.  BUT...I am genuinely happy for each and every one of you who have been approved, whether you were transferred or not. :)


Just wish I didn't feel so stuck :(

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-25 10:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Congratulations! I'm very happy for you, yet it confuses me even more how come you have a pd of Feb 29th and I'm feb 10th and yours is approved before mine at the same Service Center. Anyways, enjoy the moment and may God bless you!

PD doesn't seem to matter at all these days.  Mine is Feb 02 and I am seeing all kinds of approvals for those with PDs later than mine.  The way I figure...if it keeps happening all around me, mine is sure to come soon.  :clock:


Congrats to the latest approvals! :joy:  :joy:  :joy:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-24 12:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Stuck at NSC? Welcome to my file. :protest:

Me too.  I kind of wish NSC would have transferred some of the older petitions as there are lots of approvals of newer petitions.  But alas, there is NO sense to be made of how they do things at USCIS.  :(


I would be screaming if I were you, california_luv.  I checked your timeline and you have been waiting far too long.  I hope you are making some noise about your wait time.  Good luck!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-23 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers



we were hoping for the same having this wrapped up by Christmas.  


still being optimistic, praying and keeping crossed fingers.


in the meantime, I'm getting the house ready for a for sale sign!!!!  :)

Having a low day today, glad it's over...

Thanks mrs thb, for sharing your optimism when mine has gone down a little.  Well tomorrow is another day :)

13 of 51 I-130 at NSC have gotten NOA2 according to Igor's List.  Now up to 25% of those at VJ in the same service center with I-130, IR1/CR1 visas.

Thanks RobbieG, for updating us on the got me watching Igor's List now, and it has gotten me out of the dumps.  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-22 20:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

I feel ya! I was hoping that by December my wife would be here with us, but it seems like it's gonna be for Feb, or March like you said. Well, I prayed and prayed and prayed and nothing, so I figured that God has different dates for us besides the one that I was praying for so I left it up to Him. May God give all of us the strength to continue with this journey.

Yes, that's is all we can really do.  When you think about it, it really is out of our control.  If we hang onto it and become all stressed and bitter about the process, the only ones we are hurting is ourselves.  I try to let go of what I can't control and accept what matter how wrong or messed up it may be.   I will wait my time, and if 6 months rolls around with no approval, then the hubby has the congressman and senator on speed dial.  Then we will go from there. 


God can only do so much where the US government is   Best of luck to you on your journey, dehiguey23!  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-22 11:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Look up, someone from Feb 29th got approved too, but was one of those transferred people, looks like we have to wait way longer. I'm February 10th :(

Looks like another Holiday Season will come and go at this rate.  I was hopeful for a CR1 by November, but judging how long this stage is taking, and after reading how backlogged NVC is, I am not very optimistic anymore.  The realist is me is guessing somewhere around February or March 2015.  If I shoot for that timeframe, anything earlier will feel like a bonus.  :clock:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-22 10:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
love your humour.......this made my day yesterday....and made it again today!!!!

Glad I could make you laugh. I have to keep my sense of humour or I would go completely insane by now. I feel the frustration when those who filed after us have been approved, but we need to remember that we do not know other peoples' stories...and when someone is lucky enough to be approved quickly, then God bless them! :)

I'm just holding onto my "glass half full" attitude and know that someday soon I will see "Post Decision Activity" on the website and hear from my hubby that we have been approved.

Happy day everyone! :D

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-18 10:29:00