US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2010 Applicants....
Well I did my second round of finger prints on Wednesday, and they all went through this time. I was told after my first set that they might get rejected because they weren't detailed enough. Only to return a month later (after receiving another notice for fingerprinting because the FBI couldn't read them) to do them again at the same place. This time I saw that the ASC had their biometrics machines upgraded, so the finger prints went through properly - they were much more accurate and picked up more detail. Also they've upgraded their webcams to DSLRs. Seems somebody is getting some funding.

In the meantime I got a letter asking for additional documentation to bring to the interview. No interview scheduled yet, so it seems like I'm the last January applicant who still has to get an interview date.
kappamaxMaleTrinidad and Tobago2010-04-09 08:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2010 Applicants....
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N-400: January 2010 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox

UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd...NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......FieldOffice

cle_w2000.........01/08/10..01/12/10..01/13/10..02/08/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Boston, MA
--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Manchester NH
miramira..........01/19/10..01/26/10..01/25/10..02/17/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--...New York, NY

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd...NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......FieldOffice

Dr.WhatNot........01/06/10..01/13/10..01/20/10..02/03/10..02/13/10..03/17/10..--/--/--..San Bernardino,CA
dr_am.............01/02/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..02/04/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Los Angeles, CA

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)

UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd...NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......FieldOffice

--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..San Bernardino,CA
kappamaxMaleTrinidad and Tobago2010-02-25 13:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2010 Applicants....
Updated my timeline, added dr am

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N-400 January 2010 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox

UserName.........Sent.......ChkCashd...NOA........Fprints....Int Ltr....Intview....Oath.......Office

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName.........Sent.......ChkCashd...NOA........Fprints....Int Ltr....Intview....Oath.......Office
dr_am............01/02/10...--/--/--...--/--/--...02/04/10...--/--/--...--/--/--...--/--/--...Los Angeles, CA

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)

UserName.........Sent.......ChkCashd...NOA........Fprints....Int Ltr....Intview....Oath.......Office

kappamaxMaleTrinidad and Tobago2010-02-11 17:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2010 Applicants....
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N-400 January 2010 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox

UserName..........Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName..........Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)

UserName..........Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office

Reformatted list to add Taxation12 to the format.
kappamaxMaleTrinidad and Tobago2010-02-04 13:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2010 Applicants....
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N-400 January 2010 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName..........Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName..........Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName..........Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office

kappamaxMaleTrinidad and Tobago2010-02-02 16:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Opening a Bank Account continued :thumbs:

My friend has done some research and has given me a list of banks that one can look into. He has told me this: :thumbs:

"Just a quick update on the bank situation. Most banks don't require anything at all to open an account. Some require as little as 1 Hryvnia which equates to about 12 cents!
There is a bank called "Privatbank" and they require a 50 Hryvnia deposit which is about 6 dollars....

There are a lot of banks in Ukraine now. All of them are vying for business and will even offer accounts to people with no jobs that give them up to 10,000 hryvnia/$1254 credit!! It's all madness of course and no doubt at some point in the future it will all lead to tears but for now it's very good if your a customer." :)

Hope that helps a little ?

"Some of the banks you should be looking at are :


That should be more than enough to go on. I think Privatbank requires 50 Hryvnia/12 dollars. Alfabank I think is either free or needs just the 1 hryvnia."

Ah, to quote Shakespeare again :
"Give me my robe, put on my crown; I have Immortal longings in me." :dance:

William Shakespeare

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-25 11:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

VJ is an American site. Feel free to be like an American

Thanks for the clarification :thumbs:

And thanks for the fact that I can be an "American" here without moving to there :innocent:

Now that's as they say is "Good Old Fashioned American Hospitality" for You. Thanks again for the welcoming remark :dance:

It is not the violence I am concerned about but I am concerned about the treatment issue that will be different as compared to the "other" tourists but it is always better to go there first which indeed I do intend to do :thumbs:

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-21 23:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Now here is some of the information I have on Bank Accounts in the Ukraine that comes from but this was written way back in 1997 and I do not believe it is still applicable though and I quote a portion of the article found on

Opening a Bank Account in Ukraine

Shawn Levsen, U.S. Department of Commerce

Reprinted from BISNIS BULLETIN--March 1997

"Ukraine has implemented a strict regime for regulation of banking procedures and U.S. companies will have to meet a variety of demanding legal and administrative requirements when they establish banking relationships there. These requirements have made banking cumbersome. Nevertheless, a number of Western and local banks offer services to U.S. and other foreign companies doing business in Ukraine.

Nearly 100 Ukrainian Banks are authorized to deal in foreign currency

The process for opening a bank account in Ukraine is regulated by the May 1996 National Bank of Ukraine's (NBU) instruction "On the Procedure of Opening Accounts in the National or Foreign Currency of Ukraine." Holders of hard currency accounts must also have another account denominated in hryvnia, the Ukrainian currency. The process of opening an account is complicated and somewhat intrusive, and requires documentation from your state government. An account permitting international transfers requires a license from the NBU. Nearly 100 Ukrainian banks are authorized to deal in foreign currency. Credit Lyonnais, currently the only Western bank licensed in Ukraine, will soon be joined by America's Chase Manhattan and Commerzbank AG of Germany.

Types of Accounts

Several types of bank accounts are authorized under the NBU instruction. There arc two categories--one for legally resident entities and one for those that are not fully resident in Ukraine. Resident entities are entitled to maintain "settlement," "current," "loan," "deposit," and "budget" accounts. The settlement account is used to make payments that are allowed in the account holder's charter. It can also be used to transfer funds to and from foreign entities. Companies usually open at least two settlement accounts, one in a hard currency, and another in hryvnia. Current accounts are essentially the same as settlement accounts but are intended for use by non-commercial entities. Loan accounts are for administering borrowed or loaned funds. The deposit account is used as a savings account. The budget account is for receiving funds from Ukrainian government authorities.

Two types of accounts arc specifically intended for nonresident entities. The "N" account is for non-resident representative offices. It can be used only for maintenance of the office. It cannot be used to conduct business (no contracts, international transfers, or exchanges). The "P" account is used by permanent representative offices that do not exist as a separate legal entity. It is similar to the settlement account, but cannot be used for exchange or capital transactions.

Opening an account is relatively inexpensive, the cost depending on the bank and the type of account. Hard currency accounts can cost up to $150. Fees for opening hryvnia accounts are lower. At least one Ukrainian institution, Percombank, offers no-fee accounts."

Notice it talks about Perecombank and I do not know if this still applies with this bank :whistle:

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 21 March 2012 - 08:10 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-21 20:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

And you know all this how?

Dude, just go. You'll be fine.

1. You perhaps do not know as to what I am referring to.... and I will leave that there :whistle:

2. I know such after reading travel guides on Odessa and coming across information on Odessa police brutality.

3. I am not a bad person but a good person but let's just say I am not those "other kinds" of tourists that go there and will expect a different kind of treatment when I arrive and especially I am referring to the police authorities and that can go for the whole of Ukraine at times.

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 21 March 2012 - 03:44 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-21 15:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

Also, Trinidad dude: large text is not necessary and in fact annoying. This isn't a board for middle school girls expressing their love for Justin Bieber.

1. I am not a Justin Bieber fan :bonk: and never will be. I am not into Hollywood celebrities or Hollywood celebrity worship. They don't pay my bills for me at the end of the month anyway. :thumbs:

2. "Dude" is an American term. I am not one. Feel free to use it with those that are. :thumbs:

3. I had to write "Big" so that you could know my perspective about certain issues and about the "site" you made reference to previously which I will stay silent about.... :whistle: let's just say because of.....and that's all I will say about that with a good laugh added to it. :rofl: :rofl: As Shakespeare once wrote:

"Give thy thoughts no tongue"

William Shakespeare

"He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike."

William Shakespeare

or as one man put it....

"He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass"-Edgar R. Fiedler

4. There now this post contains letters with with a lesser size. Your reading panic should be hopefully now quelled for now. :whistle: As one person wrote:

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

Henry David Thoreau

Thanks for your contribution thought...You've been a real sport.. :thumbs:

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 21 March 2012 - 03:36 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-21 15:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

You should go there. Just book a trip and go. You'll do fine.

Thank you, thank you, thank you :thumbs: -I am sure I will do fine but what I may have to be careful with especially in the Ukraine is police harassment especially in the Odessa region. Police have been known to stop you to check on your travel documents at any given moment's notice even for no apparent reason because "you" appear to them as "suspicious." However "other" visitors can be exempt from such "inspections" by simply not talking in their native language when they pass by a policeman when it is for certain I may not escape such. :(

Odessa has been known at times for police brutality of its own people might I add.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-21 14:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

A K-1 petition is something a US citizen files for. Not someone from another country. - You need to find the correct website for your questions.

1. Say what???? The topic presented here did not incorporate the ideology of the K1-Visa :ot: :wow: but discusses the Tourist Visa issue. :ot2: since the Caribbean has no need for such a system and thankfully is freed from it because of the individual sovereignty of each country deciding to not have a system like this in place. Plus some have never even heard of such a thing when it comes to getting someone from another country to migrate to their Caribbean country.

2. Where should I go?-You seem to know perhaps-Do tell as they say! :yes:

3. Are you telling me that because I am nonAmerican that I should not have the equal opportunity of wanting to go to an FSU country like Russia or the Ukraine?

The purpose of this topic is to help others who are just like me in the Caribbean who do not know anything about going to an FSU country and as such all great advice that will be given will be welcome and certainly will not be seen as being in vain :D

As Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage.."
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 17:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

yeah i forgot you weren't usc.

Hooray for Being From Trinidad and Tobago if just for the Brazilian Reason. :yes: "Trini to D' Bone"

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TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 14:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

I'd flip it around on "her." Tell her in order to process the visa you'll need "her" help to the tune of about $100. Tell her it's a processing fee or something and you'd love to pay it but it has to be paid in hvrna and in cash. She has to mail it to you before you can proceed. You really want to go on... but this new rule has to be followed.

Hmm-You make a very interesting point worth considering :yes: As Confucius said:

“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”

Confucius :thumbs:

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 20 March 2012 - 02:24 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 14:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

whatever, I don't give a #$%^, just seems like most of the people on this subforum who have successful marriages and met online used elenasmodels.

Why do YOU need a Ukrainian bank account in Trinidad and Tobago? And you shouldn't have to advise a Ukrainian on how to open an account in their own country. Anyone who can't handle that themselves is too stupid to live.

1. As for the People you speak of in reference to that place that is another whole point for debate as well I won't get into. :no:

3. I appreciate your sharing but let's just say don't think I don't know about the place you are referring to or speaking about but...I will leave that one right there and stick with only having a good laugh :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: ...But Moving Right along... :whistle: As Shakespeare said:

"Small to greater matters must give way."-William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

3. I am not interested in opening a bank account in the Ukraine. I am interested in finding out knowledge on what a Ukrainian citizen will have to do in order to open a Bank Account in the Ukraine.

4. I am not interested in giving advice to the Ukrainian citizen about their own country's affairs because I don't live there and I am unqualified to do so. I only wish to gather knowledge about this which can indeed be helpful. I don't think anyone would be against the gathering knowledge now would they? As John F. Kennedy said:

"The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth."

John F. Kennedy :thumbs:

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 20 March 2012 - 02:08 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 14:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Alright here is what I know already about opening a bank account in the Ukraine according to B-)

Opening A Bank Account :thumbs:

"Ukrainian currency is called Hryvna and is divided into 100 Kopecks....You can withdraw hryvnas (UAH) and, in some ATMs, USD...Spend all hryvnas before leaving the country as you can't take them out....

To open a bank account in Ukraine, you need your passport and a document to confirm your registration (such as an apartment rental contract or confirmation from the hotel of your stay). Accounts may be in UAH, USD or EUR. Internet banking is available with some banks, including with personal deposit accounts. The highest percentage is given on deposits in UAH, then USD and least in EUR."

1. I think this information applies to Nonresidents.

2. I wonder if the same documentation to a certain extent applies to the Ukrainian citizen as well?

3. I am still curious about the average amount that is needed to start a bank account in the Ukraine.

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 20 March 2012 - 01:42 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 13:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

Hairy Mavis, even worse!! :rofl:

Who knows and who cares-I'm over her! :thumbs:
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 04:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

Forget it and move on and use elenasmodels or something.

:lol: :rofl:

You tell me to use What!!!! :blink: Now you have really made me laugh :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: with something to also think about of course.

Besides, I have used "elsewhere" already friend :whistle:
but The best way that I can capture and explain this moment is with two quotes:

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope." :dance:

Dr. Seuss

"Present mirth hath present laughter, what's to come is still unsure."

William Shakespeare

Anyway I want to know more about the Banking system of Ukraine in terms of how much one must deposit to open a bank account there. Certainly there must be a good bank in the Ukraine :yes: where one can start a bank account with a minimum but not an overbearing amount :yes:

Plus I already am communicating to another person already from the Ukraine as well-From Kyiv Actually. :thumbs:

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 20 March 2012 - 04:39 AM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 04:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

you'll be most disappointed as brazil requires usc's to have a visa....


Nope. You are Wrong Friend-You Forget I don't live in the United States and it a well known fact that those from my "neck of the woods" do not need a visa to travel there. I have contacted the Brazilian embassy here friend and they have already told me this-What more can I say to that. My country and Brazil have that understanding already of a visa free regime because we are close to South America already and because of that we have close ties there. Who else would one expect to know about my own country than a citizen such as myself who belongs there! :thumbs:

For information purposes to prove this. Here is what the site says. Read it well

Tourist Visa

Citizens of countries exempted from Brazilian Visa:

...Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia.....etc
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 04:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

Good Lord. You aren't even communicating with this "girl." You are probably talking to "Hairy Boris." They do this for a living. By you confronting him with his errors it will only make him smarter...more able to successfully scam the other dozens "she" is "writing" to.

Actually know I had her phone number and I spoke to her by phone several times so I knew I was dealing with a woman and not a man :thumbs:
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-20 03:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
I have two quick questions on this topic. I am certain that for traveling purposes a Ukrainian citizen will need to have a tourist visa. I am also certain that an individual will need to have a bank account. My two questions are these:

1. What are some good banks in the Ukraine that one can go to so as to open a bank account? Does anyone know their names?

2. How much is the actual amount that one needs to open a bank account in the Ukraine?
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-17 14:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
There is more that I will be asking about the Tourist Visa issue but the internal passport issue has been rectified :thumbs: Oh Yeah :dance: :D

Now I will confronting this person :yes:
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-14 17:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

My friend who operates a site that fights against Scams was able to do a point verification check of the internal passport :thumbs: and here is what he found

On Monday, March 12, 2012 at 7:00 AM,XXXX wrote:


As soon as I saw this I can tell you I am almost completely sure this is a fake but I should be able to confirm that later today. For now I can say there are a few things not right. First your not allowed to smile in a photo for these or any other passport. They would not allow you to give a photo with you wearing makeup. The official embossed stamp in the top left should be "over" the photo which it clearly is not and her age is wrong. These passports are issued at age of 16 so the photo would have been of her then, not now.

I am hoping to hear back later just to confirm my suspicions but this is just all wrong to me. Oh and yes she should have sent you a copy of her International Passport because the internal one is only an id and no use at all for travel outside Ukraine so she could not get a visa with it or use it to come to you. Ask for a copy of her International Passport and see how that plays out. Bet she will be offended by that and say you don't trust her. Any "reasonable" person would be fine with that request because you have never met...

Realistically that's a crazy thing to do so the least she can do, for your own peace of mind is help you out with a little more robust identification right?

Best regards

Here is more that my friend was able to share with me

On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 8:12 AM, XXXX wrote:


Yes this is definitely a fake. We compared it with the real internal passport and it is missing the embossed stamp that goes over the photo. This is not a surface type stamp but is impressed into the photo and the card. Any decent scammer would have taken the trouble to photoshop that in but obviously this one is either too stupid or just can't be bothered and thought you wouldn't know what to look for.

Also on closer inspection it's easy to see how the photo has been pasted over the original in photoshop.

Coincidently my sister-in-law is just having her internal passport renewed and she confirms you are not allowed to wear makeup or smile in the photo, you should also be looking directly at the camera not with you head tilted least you have an idea what to look out for in the future.

Best regards,

Basically the Internal Passport is a Fake :angry: I believe this information can protect others later on :thumbs:

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 14 March 2012 - 05:09 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-14 17:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Here is a Specimen of what our identification card looks like and it isn't any passport and therefore one cannot steal a Ukrainian internal passport and make it work for one as their regular National Identification Card. That is simply impossible.

Attached File  22532_277427497551_259765527551_3223718_7720524_n.jpg   52.64KB   6 downloads

Hey Charles if the Ukrainian girl isn't all that then may be I'll try Brazil-LOL (just kidding) because we have no visa restrictions when it comes to going there. All one needs is to hop on a plane with a ticket and their passport and you're off to dance with the samba music in Brazil and with the girls there as well of course. :dance:

And also no K1 visa issues like America :thumbs:

I do agree that I will of course be cautious :thumbs:

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 11 March 2012 - 01:37 AM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-11 01:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Thank you Charles for that most wonderful piece of advice :thumbs: (High fives all around) and I will proceed with caution. The Ukrainian internal passport currently as it stands amounts to an identification card.

Wikipedia says this:

Ukrainian passport

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ukrainian passport is a document issued to the nationals of Ukraine as the main proof of Ukrainian citizenship. There are two types of passport issued by the Ukrainian government that are commonly known as internal passport and international passport.

An internal passport is used as a primary identification document of Ukrainian citizens within Ukraine.

An international passport is used for international travel.

So technically it would not be wrong to send one their ID card and besides we do not use passports like how they would do in the Ukraine as an ID card although it can in fact be used for identification purposes. However soon by the end of 2012 the Ukrainian citizen will replace this internal passport with an actual identification card.

Here is more from Wikipedia on the subject

Internal passport

Internal passport is issued as an identification document within the country. Citizens are required to obtain the passport at the age of 16 and be in possession of it all of their life. The information in the passport includes the full name of the person (family name, patronymic name, given name), date and place of birth, photograph and signature of the holder, name of spouse if married, names of dependent children (younger than 16 year old), military eligibility, and the address of registration. The passport has no present expiration date. Changes in marital status, military registration, and place of residence are subsequently recorded in the passport. Additional photographs need to be added at the age of 25 and 45. New passport can be obtained if there is a change in holder's name, most commonly due to marriage. New passports are also issued due to significant wear or tear, or when lost or stolen.

The information in the passport is recorded in Ukrainian language, except for the full name, date and place of birth, and issuing authority, which are given both in Ukrainian and Russian.

The domestic passport is of no use outside of Ukraine, except for travel to Russia and Belarus. For international travel Ukrainians can obtain so-called "abroad" passport.

Ukraine had a plan to replace domestic passports with ID cards beginning in 2008,[1] but postponed it to the future.[2].

September 23, 2011 The Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) take a decision to replace domestic passports with ID cards (uk: ????????? ??????). According to above mentioned decision the Passport cards (id-cards) will be issuing since January 1, 2012.

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 11 March 2012 - 01:28 AM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-11 01:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

Just remember to take a lot of flowers with you when you meet her at the airport! Good Luck!

To Barry:

Personally I am not into luck nor live by it and prefer rather to live by determined pursuit but I will take it for what it might be worth :whistle:

I know about the flowers :no: -They grow everywhere last I checked :yes: and dare I say it even in the Caribbean :wow: since the Caribbean isn't located in Alaska B-) . Plus I know about Ukrainian culture to a certain extent too as well. I would not want to go there and not of course learn about where I am going and hence is the reason for asking questions.

Question: Out of curiosity why exactly do you want me to succeed if I may ask being that for lack of a better term I am a "Caribbean" man (and I use the word "Caribbean" in an indigenous way)?

All who have helped me thus far-A big thank you to you all. As for the passport difference it was a moment for sarcasm. Western people such as ourselves can have a sense of humor every now once in a while.

I do not know why she sent me it but she said she wanted to and I accepted the scan of her internal passport. All that matters is point verification of the genuineness of the item in question :yes:

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 10 March 2012 - 02:27 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-10 14:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Besides a Trinidadian passport and a Ukrainian internal passport are two very different passports altogether

Obviously logic and sense should tell one such

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For one thing the cover of the Trinidadian passport is in English while the cover of the Ukrainian passport is obviously in Ukrainian.

Simple logic

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 10 March 2012 - 12:35 AM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-10 00:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

Why would she send you a scan of her internal passport in the first place?

She sent me the scan because I requested it and she suggested it. It was her suggestion and not mines

Attached Files

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-10 00:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa

She needs an international passport, which she should pay for herself.

Of course I agree with that statement 100%

I am glad I am here so that I can learn about all of this because it is time that the people of the Caribbean have equal opportunity in going especially to the Ukraine unlike the case with other countries that have no visa restrictions like the USA.

Things however I believe will change :thumbs: as it did with Russian visa restrictions for Trinidad and Tobago

Attached File  Animated-Flag-Trinidad-and-Tobago.gif   35.81KB   0 downloads

P.S. I am glad to be known as "this guy" an unusual categorization no doubt but let's hope it serves its purpose in being able to gain me more education on the matter in question which is the reason why I am here
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-09 23:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Please do not misunderstand-I received a Scan of her Passport and not the actual passport itself

I apologize if I was not clear on the matter

Actually I am not planning on stealing anything :blink: -I am trying to be careful because she was the one who sent me a scan of her internal passport which is used as a form of identification which will be replaced with a national identification card this year in 2012

One has to be extremely careful when it comes to this since some can used Photoshop images that they attach to a passport image to make it look like it is in fact the real deal.

I am grateful for all your help and yes I do know that No K1 Visa is needed for application for citizenship in the Caribbean which gives up one up on America :thumbs: . Only a visa which would in fact be a tourist visa is needed and hence is the reason why I am asking so that I may gain more knowledge on all this for my own benefit.

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 09 March 2012 - 11:12 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-09 23:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
I was also sent her internal passport which really of course serves as the "identification card" of the Ukrainian citizen though this is being phased out for an actual ID card.

My question is: How can I know if her internal passport is genuine?

What identifying marks can tell me that the internal passport is indeed the real article? B-)
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-08 00:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Here is another question I have: Do you believe that the price of the passport is correct or is it too high? I have heard that in some cases there can be bribes that can be paid in order to obtain a passport

Is such true also as well?

I ask these questions because I want to be careful of course B-) and all advice is appreciated and most certainly welcome

By the way it is 100% true that we do not need K1 visas because as I have checked with the Trinidad Immigration Services they have told me they know of no such system and we do not have such here simply because of course we are nonAmericans :thumbs: . An entry visa which by my definition for all intents and purposes as I would like to describe it as a non K1 visa is needed of course as proof of legitimacy and can be used for obtaining citizenship but getting back to the questions at hand I would like help with those questions

Thanks again to all B-)

As pertaining to asking help from a Ukrainian Embassy there is one in Trinidad but the problem is that it is nonfunctional since the representative no longer is the representative for the Ukraine there in Trinidad. So I have tried asking an Embassy for advice but they could not give me any

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 07 March 2012 - 11:56 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-07 23:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
I am sorry I did not indicate what country I am from but I am new here and have not gotten the hang of the forum as of yet but I am from the country of Trinidad and Tobago and by the way we do not need any K1 Fiancee visas for granting of citizenship thank goodness :thumbs: which I am glad about but I am not certain of the price of these items

Hello my fellow Caribbean friend from Jamaica
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-07 23:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice on Ukraine Tourist Visa
Hi There,

I am from the Caribbean and the Caribbean sad to say does not have the freedom of other countries to travel to the Ukraine because of Visa Restrictions. I have come into contact with someone from the Ukraine and they have told me that they can travel to me but they need to do so on a tourist visa.

1. Is this possible?

2. They have said the tourist visa costs 65 USD and that the international passport costs 195 USD and is such correct?

I have other questions but I do need advice on such for now and all information would be appreciated

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 07 March 2012 - 10:32 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-07 22:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresB2 visa married in US
Where did they move this topic to? :o
TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-14 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI live in Los Angeles area. Why does this site tell me to send my I-129F to Texas?
At times like these a good dose of Shakespeare is in order especially four doses seems to be the right amount to be given at this moment in time.:

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages"

William Shakespeare :thumbs:

"How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?"

William Shakespeare

"He that is giddy thinks the world turns round."

William Shakespeare

"He that loves to be flattered is worthy o' the flatterer."

William Shakespeare

Ah, now who said Caribbean people cannot be Shakespearean-I beg to differ :yes: Truly in moments such as these Shakespeare does seemingly answer it all.

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 15 March 2012 - 01:10 AM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-15 01:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI live in Los Angeles area. Why does this site tell me to send my I-129F to Texas?

Although you are a bit negative and condescending, I thank you for your insight.


I do not know why honestly you would say that to someone that they were "negative and condescending" who was trying to help you. May be it was their picture you did not like :blink: -I honestly do not know. :no:

I like you happen to be new here and you know when I joined this forum I came here with one intent and one purpose and that was to LEARN. :yes:

One can only learn as they submit themselves to the experience and advice of others who have gone before them.

I happen to be on another forum and an expert in another field other than this one that deals with these particular issues but I am a child when it comes to this field and I would be wise to learn all I can from those who can teach me. Perhaps the wise words of Shakespeare and a Chinese Proverb again can direct us appropriately.

"Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find."

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) British poet and playwright.

"A man should choose a friend who is better than himself. There are plenty of acquaintances in the world; but very few real friends."

Chinese proverb

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 14 March 2012 - 06:32 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-14 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI live in Los Angeles area. Why does this site tell me to send my I-129F to Texas?
Well, well well what an interesting topic-Lots to learn :thumbs: because that's what we are all here for :thumbs: :yes:

I want to send a shout out to islandgal-"Wazz Up Dredd"-A Popular Greeting Sent To You By One From One of The Islands :dance:

A rule of thumb: It is better to have friends

As Shakespeare once said:

"I count myself in nothing else so happy
As in a soul remembering my good friends."

(Richard II) 2.3.46-7, Bolingbroke to Percy

Edited by TheTruthLearner, 14 March 2012 - 06:07 PM.

TheTruthLearnerMale02012-03-14 17:59:00