USCIS Service CentersEAD status update

I have seen weekends, middle of the night. Posted Image

Yes, we got our approval at 12:39am on a Tuesday. So I am not sure about weekends but can testify to the odd hour approvals and emails. Hope you here something good!!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-05 10:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING SINCE 6TH DECEMBER 2011 AND STILL IN AP

Hello VJ members,I am really frustrated and don't know what to do anymore and also very tired because my case has been waiting result of Administrative processing since Dec 6,2011.I am so much tired and when i contacted the embassy,they keep on saying my case is undergoing administrative processing.How long did i have to wait? I need my woman and both of us are so much frustrated and don't know what to do anymore..Is anyone from Ghana also been in the same process? 8 months now and its really worrying.I need advice please.Thanks.

I am sorry you have been waiting so long, but when your case is in AP there truly is nothing you can do but wait. Some cases can be as little as a few weeks while others can be a year or more. Just try and be patience and remember this is something beyond your control. Can always pray if your a believing person. Hope it works out soon for you!!!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-03 03:13:00
United KingdomA few questions about slowing down k1 application.
Hi Clair,

Congrats on the fast action!! Okay now your case will be sent to NVC which can take 20-30 days to get your case number. Once that happens than you will be sent requests for fees and have to do your financial packet and final packet that will be sent to the embassy so that can be another 30-60 days+ depending on how fast you can pay fees and get all your
information in and all approved. Once all that is done than your case is forwarded to the embassy and an appointment is made by NVC. So you have a bit of time to work with where in which you might get your certificate in time. Something to think about! Best wishes!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-17 01:24:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanhow to sign I-130

I to have not changed by last name. I will do it once hubby is here and we do a ceremony here with my family and friends. I chose to do this because hubby is from Jordan and we had a marriage conract in Arabic then translated into English. It might have been accepted but its just easier and also money wise to do it once he is here. So you should be just fine.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-11 20:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC recieved my File, now what?

Hi everyone,

I happened to call NVC yeterday (2nd August) and found that they have received my file on the same day, i was so happy to hear that my file is finally in NVC building. I wanted to know that what should be my next step towards getting my case number? They said that they will take around 20 business days to enter the file data manually in the system and around 10 more days to generate the case number? Does it take so long to get the case number?


Yes, 30 days seems to be the average time. Also back in April when the fees went down a LOT of people waited for the lower fee to take effect than sent in their applications. So NVC was flooded with apps and has taken a bit of time to get back to normal processing time. That may not longer be the case though.

So be a little patience some people say they called everyday until they got their number I personally didn't do that and called close to 30 day mark and found out that same day we got our number. So take the route least stressful for you.
You can also start gathering your documents for I864 so you be ready to send it in once you pay the 88.00 fee. Tax transcipts can take several days to get so that is something you could be ordering now. If you haven't already done all that.

Best Wishes!!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-02 23:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview questions!!!
WOW! Mo you need to be very careful! Will the fact that she can't have kids get your visa denied? NO! Lying? YES!!! Whatever you do, do not lie. Tell the truth if they ask that personal of a question "say birth control is not necessary for us" something along those lines.

As for the interview it is only for you to attend. Your wife can join you but they will be looking for you to answer all the questions correctly without her encouragement. If she is with you I have heard they have asked the spouse a question or two. You more than your wife need to make sure you know the answers to all potential questions to be successful at the interview.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-09 20:37:00
CanadaCalgary POE

Has anyone had any experience with Calgary POE? I can't seem to find any reviews in the forum. :(


I am not sure what your asking. Calgary, Canada is not a POE into the USA. Unless it shares a border than you must look for the name of the city it borders with on US side. Hope this helps.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-17 01:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaA/P MOVING FORWARD
Oh how exciting to hear at least something is moving forward. Insha'Allah your husband will be here soon with you and your family.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-07-31 22:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbusive Relationships

This subject is so sad. As a victim of DV by a wonderful, christian, elder in the church, pillar of the community, white american man. I can say this issues knows NO discrimination. When I finally got the courage and strength to leave I left and never came back. The physcial abuse can heal or leave permanent scars like what I have but the emotional scars take forever to heal.

I am so grateful the OP was strong enough to leave and make her stand. I admire you LADY. I waited years to heal and get healthy before I pondered another relationship. This time I did find a kind, gentle, god fearing soul. Alhumdollah.

So to the original OP my thoughts and prayers are with you and if you need anything please message me.


Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-07-31 22:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed Advice if should ask for a Expidite
Ramadan Kareem and Hi,

I have a health issue that has been watched for a couple months now that I will find out for sure if it is cancer or not on Thursday. If it is the big C alhumdollah it is in early stages with minimal complications. Is this serious enough reason to ask for Expidition on our case for NVC and Embassy. I know it might not do anything if we are on AP. Please any advice would be helpful. Thanks for being here everyone.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-07-31 22:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Date Change
Sorry to hear about your interview date. But something to keep in mind when NVC made your appointment in general its just another day for them. Yet in the MENA and other muslim countries it is Ramadan and that right there hours are shortened, then will come Eid and days off for that, then last but not least the influx of student visas that need to be approved so the student can get to their college and university before school starts. They will be given priority due to the time line and most other interviews are slated for a later date to accomdate everything.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-06 22:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaYour experience with Cairo CO's

Hi everyone,

I noticed (from reading on VJ) how in some countries (Nigeria, Pakistan etc) people have a tough time dealing with the CO's at the respective embassy. I guess because of the high risk of fraud.

What's it like in Cairo? Please share your experiences so as to shed some light for the rest of us who are still waiting for their interviews.

Thank you.


Its hard to say given the region, political arena, and the fact a few bad apples have spoiled the bunch many CO's are erring on the side of extreme caution. My hubby is from Jordan and it is my understanding that all men are automatically put in mandatory AP that can be as little as few weeks to over a year with an average time of 5 months.

Just do your best to have lots of proof of relationship and all your paperwork is in order. Wish the best for you two!!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-04 21:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor Egypt and the NVC process
I realise we are in Jordan, but I didn't add but the requirements to my I130. Alhumdollah it was approved without an RFE. What we are doing now at the NVC stage to get ready is copies of phone bills, cell phone bills, yahoo chats, and emails. Hubby has the original pics from the wedding and those taken during our visit. So insha'Allah that will be enough!

I am just more worried about AP then I am about interview approval. We knew each other 9 months before I got to Jordan, got married after 3 weeks, both divorced, close to same age, and lots of family support and approval. Insha'Allah it will be enough.

I just wonder how AP will work since one VJ'rs hubby got visa without AP.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-09 20:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview on a Friday in Cairo?
I would double check the date with the embassy. Another thing to consider is we are just finishing Ramadan and Eid starts Saturday so who knows how long the embassy will close so with all the shortened hours and there is an influx of student visas they might have extended their hours to meet the demands.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-16 18:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 visa

Greetings to all! Hi I am a Filipino citizen and currently working as a nurse here in Kuwait my fiancée and i plan to get married he's also a Filipino -american citizen so he applied for k1 visa, he addressed the application in the American embassy of Kuwait in order to process the papers here in Kuwait instead of going back to Philippines . He got the 1st notice last July 11 then after that we did not hear any updates anymore, do you have any idea what will be our next step? What requirements do we need to prepare? And how long we will wait for the next update? Hopefully you can help me?? thanks in advance??


I am sorry I can't give you specific timeline because a direct consular filing is different then what most of us are doing by applying in the states. I do beliee they can go faster than the usual route.

So a couple of suggestions.

1. Make sure you have your copies of Police certificates you will need for Kuwait and your home country.

2. Make sure your fiancee has all his finances in order and another thing they will be asking for his domicile in the US
this could mean his actual home address if he owns one or using a family address of where you might be staying once
you both are in the states.

3. Check the K1 guide to make sure you have all documents ready or available.

Sorry, I can't offer more.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-19 18:46:00
Middle East and North Africanot sure if sponsor will be enough

Be sure you (and any co-sponsors) know the difference between the binding and non-binding affidavits!

Good luck!

what is the difference between binding and nonbinding affadavits? thanks!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-09-05 00:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse Victims
I think we definately need a permanent thread that one can view in their own time that talks about all aspects of abuse and have some share their stories, but also offer resources. Also need one on how to if your being scammed or not. Just a thought.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-06 22:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse Victims
Hi Everyone,

This whole thing makes me so sad. The is not related to MENA but along the lines of a scammer 18 yrs ago I lost a very dear friend to a scam situation that ended in a tragic and abusive manner. My friend Phoebe was at court with a young lady from who was filapino married to an American man who brought her over from her country and started their life together. The scam was the young lady used her husband to come to the states to be with her boyfriend whom she saw on the side and eventually became pregnant by him. So at their divorce hearing the husband in the courtroom took out a gun. and killed his wife, her baby boy who was full term and my dear friend. Killing his wife was the ultimate form of abuse one can do.

It is just sad and deplorable that one seeks a truly loving and permanent relationship with an individual only to be abused, scammed, or both by them. I am grateful for VJ in the sense that there is enough stories shared here that can help others.

Wishing you all the best!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-06 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse Victims

It has come to my attention that yet, another VJ member from the MENA region is suffering from physical abuse from her husband. He basically just arrived in the US (2 weeks ago).

I don't know about you, but I am fed up with this BS. It's time to take action. I propose we create some sort of anonymous/ confidential board amongst us to help each other out. The issue with anonimity was brought up at togetherforever13's thread; the fact that the perpetrators have access to read threads and even comment as guests.

While we come up with a strategy, can the moderators post some permanent topic on the Family Discussion portion of this website with information on domestic violence? I don't know if that alraedy exists or what else to suggest to put this in the forefront.

Maybe we can strategize by states, even cities. For example, if you live in NY and need help, you can count on the help of members living in the tri-state area.

I may be rambling here and even sounding ridiculous, but this is just unacceptable.


This whole subject is so painful to read about. Can we have a permanent thread where those of us who are interested can post our email or yahoo id that is separate from VJ and then the person can contact us directly that way and the abuser would have no way of tracking like they could here? If we want to get one started I am in and happy to help!

Carry on....

Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-06 12:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaCHECKLIST FOR INTERVIEW

**Moved to MENA forum as the questions are consulate specific.

uhhh... you goofed up and need to study your geography more. Pakistan is not a MENA country nor even in the region. you kind of have to go through Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan to get to it. Just a few kilometers off!!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-09-12 21:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Visa with a substantial age difference
AmyWrites, I didn't miss the point you didn't read what I said "most cases are automatically put in AP" period! It doesn't matter the age, culture, same religion, red flags are not they just are sent there in almost all MENA cases.

There really isn't any red flags in my case but I am sure we will be put in AP when the time comes. Recently the cases at the Amman Embassy seem to be having a double standard as well depending on the CO.

Sandanista, I hope you weren't implying that I meant all immigration staff are ogres. I don't mean that in general alhumdolllah everyone I have had to talk with have been nice. I was just referring to the double standard in general. HUGS
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-09-10 13:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Visa with a substantial age difference
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so sick of this double standard with immigration and even what I see here on VJ. If you are a man who is 15 or 20 yrs older than your sweet little oriental or russian bride, guess what?!! NO RED FLAGS!!! Heaven forbid your a a woman with a younger man.

Jen, I am sorry for all the joking and ridicule you have experienced. I say "go for it and more power to you!!". Who cares what people think. what matters is your happy!

Thanks to a few bad apples and given the fact it is the Middle East automatically most cases are put on AP. Even with the CO's in Jordan there seems to be a double standard. If you get a female CO they are more respectful while the one male CO will probably rake you over the coals and ask every question under the sun and all out short of saying "FRAUD" so I am sorry be prepared for anything and everything.

It won't hurt to be there for the interview so if you can try and be there. insha'Allah everything will workout!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-09-10 06:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco Trip
Sarah you are just to funny!! But I agree I think I would rather enjoy the beach because it can still be quite hot in the desert regions during the day.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-16 18:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait
I am sorry but either your friends info is very old or BS. I would like to say you have some favorable things in your favor especially when you were able to have both families attending your wedding a lots of support and acceptance. The fact that your age and background is similar is also a plus. I wouldn't worry about how short or long it was until you got married. Most CO's must realise that in muslim countries it is more common to marry than to date etc...

My husband I have 5 yr age difference and both divorced so I am not to worried about any red flags, but it seems mandatory AP is the norm for most countries in the region and that can last as little as a few weeks to a year or more.

So just have lots of evidence pics, phone bills, gifts, emails, chat logs, travel tickets, and anything else that would support your marriage.

Holler or send a PM if you need anything or just to chat.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-05 19:38:00
Middle East and North Africafiance's family disapproves

Hello- I have been reading the MENA forum for just a few months now, but it seems nearly everyone here has been warmly welcomed by their in-laws. My fiance's family vehemently disapproves (and certainly won't entertain any cordial introductions). I can't say I blame them, I'm sure a slightly older, divorced mother is not what they envisioned for him (our common religion notwithstanding). Actually, the patriarch of the family has yet to be informed because that will really be when SHTF (autocratic fathers are complicated like that, y'know?)

Anyways, we are almost at the interview stage and I'm guessing the CO will ask "How does your family feel about your fiancee?" Of course, the only option is to be honest about it and it may very well send up a fatal "red flag".

As we are well above the age of consent, I realize the family's express permission is not required per se, but family approval is very important to conform to cultural norms. I fear the CO will deny us based upon this unless this peculiarity can be solidly explained.

Did any of you have in-laws who objected to the engagement/marriage (to put it mildly)? How would one overcome this red flag, if it's even possible to do so? I mean, family dynamics vary widely within any culture (and good heavens, dysfunction is universal!). Does anyone have any advice as far as addressing this in the interview?


I am so sorry for the familys attitude. I think telling the truth about the family and their attitude will come accross better than having never told the family. I would also think it would be bad to hold that against you for the simple fact their are many countries where the culture runs deep and your not first to experience this. I am sure this hurts you and your partner and express that but you won't let it be a hinderance to your relationship and future.

Just be honest and provide as much support as you can to prove your relationship and how happy you are. Wishing you two all the best insha'Allah.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-04 21:41:00
Middle East and North Africacase withdrawn - process for resubmission

she was over stressed and said she didnt want the marrigae and so, she wanted separaition...thats the reason she gave to the immigration to withdraw the waht to do to re - apply again? will they aske me a lot of questions? is it possible to re - apply?


Anything is possible! So don't give up! Are you sure your wife can do it this time? I think you both need to be prepared to answer a LOT of questions, because now they are probably going to be asking some serious questions about why it was stopped the first time. Plus you are going to have to prove even more why this marriage will work and be taken seriously. Your wife may need to write a letter explaining her decisions with total honesty.

Going through this process and being away from our loved ones is just so hard, that some people get to stresed and may think giving up is easier. So try and be strong and supportive of her. Is there anyway she can come visit you during this waiting game? It would probably help her!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-11 18:22:00
Middle East and North Africacase withdrawn - process for resubmission

It will run about the same as any other case but will be examined closely for why you stopped then changed your mind. Cover that area well.

I agree with NigeriaorBust. It will take about the same time. Get your bases covered was your partner just overstresed with the whole thing or maybe finances were not best to apply? If they ask just be totally honest and insha'Allah things will work out for the best soon for you both!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-08 19:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChanges of address
I would call NVC and see what they recommend since in 40 days your case might be forwarded to the embassy.
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-03 03:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuitting job before embassy interview

I'm an American citizen living abroad with my husband. We just received notice that our AoS was approved and that an interview is being scheduled. Our AoS was approved entirely on assets in the US because we both work for foreign companies. When we can move to America, we'll both quit our foreign jobs and live with my relatives for awhile as we get our feet on the ground.

My question is this. Can I quit my job now, before the interview? If I were living in America, this would be a terrible idea. But since the AoS was approved on declared assets and not our income from our current jobs, and given that we'll be quitting when we move anyway...

My work situation is really unbearable and I've been waiting for months and months with this visa process to resign.

Thank you very much for your help

I am not sure how to answer your questions but can offer a little advice. Is it being separated that makes the work situation unbearable or is work just that difficult. I am glad you have assets to cover your situation but not knowing what countries you and partner are in its hard to get real specific. If your in a country in the Middle East or that area its very common for a couple to be put on Adminstrative Process that can last from a few weeks to a year or more. So part of me says "keep your job and save money until partner has visa in hand than quit" or it possible to come to USA and set things up until he can come here?

So a few things to think about. Wish you all the best and hope it works out soon!!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-02 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview soon! Plese help!

Well we finally got an interview scheduled on August 13 at the Kabul Embassy. My fiance and I were going through some last minute paperwork, filling it out so he can take with him and we realized something that could potentially delay our case. The name that he goes by is the name I used on all our paperwork. He thought that is what was on his passport, but we discovered it is not. They left his last name (family name) off of his passport and tazkera. He will be going tomorrow to change his tazkera and passport to reflect what is already on all of his paperwork. The only issue now is he has already been through medical and they copied his passport and passport number. Should this be a problem, and should he take something stating there was an error on his passport and that he recently corrected it? Unfortunately, it is Friday and everything is closed today. We are just so worried, trying to scramble last minute to fix this. We have been waiting so long for this interview and Im so mad at myself for missing this detail. What should we do? Thank you all for your help.


Be positive! I wouldn't worry to much I am sure this won't be the first time that Kabul will have experienced this matter so just do best you can and bring everything with you. If they ask about the differences it is easily explained and can be as simple of them asking you to bring the corrected copy if needed on another day. I have read on VJ some instances some other paperwork was needed and it was just matter of the individual bring the copy back to an embassy and in matter of days had their visa in hand. Just remember given its Kabul you might be put on AP after the interview. This is something we will probably have to face in Jordan as well. Wishing you all the best and let me know how it goes!!!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-02 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2

Hello everyone,

I'm fairly new to VJ. I found this site AFTER sending in my I-129, but had incredible luck and just received my NOA2 in 89 days.

I was expecting at least another 8-10 week wait for our NOA2, and now since it came so quick I'm kind of under the gun and have not prepared what I need for the next steps yet. I will do my research of course, but I have a couple of general questions, and I know some of you that have already been through the process will most likely know the answers off-hand.

1. I do not have an engagement ring yet. My fiance and I are pretty untraditional, and getting married/being together was something we had talked about very seriously for quite some time. I can't tell you how many times he has asked me to marry him, sitting on Skype. :P Neither of us are into the big traditional wedding thing. It has been more of a "Cant live without you so lets do everything we can to be together" (i.e. saving money for visits there, him saving money to move his stuff here, pay for his visa there, and plane ticket to the US, etc.) My fiance "works/helps" his immediate family with their businesses, and does not have a "real" 9-5 job. This is pretty normal in his country. He has money, but he is not rolling in it. We are not materialistic people, and rather than worrying about a ring we have been worrying about more important things like paying for the petition, and things I mentioned before until he gets here. My feeling is on this that they will understand the situation, I mean they have to know not everyone that petitions for a foreign fiance is rich...right?? We do plan on getting rings for the ceremony when he gets here, but it's just not been a #1 priority. :D
Why am I worried?? I just have read SO many things like "Include your engagement photos, photos of "the ring", and ring receipts!!" Is this really a MUST??

2. Once he arrives, at what point will he be able to seek employment? He is very worried about this and wants to get a job right away, but I'm guessing that he will be able to get a job after the actual marriage and adjustment of status?

3. On the I-130 (sponsor form) it asks for you to list those who are dependant on you completely or partially. I have an 11 year old son, who lives with me 50% of the time, and I do receive child support for him. They already have a copy of my divorce papers, which within it states this support, but I'm curious as to whether I am supposed to add the support amount to my annual employment income?? ...and if not, how or where can I explain the partial dependant?

Ahead of time, for all of you who help with these questions, THANK YOU. (F)


That is awesome things happened so fast. I will try to answer what I can briefly. I would say don't worry about an engagement ring, reciepts, or party. Let them know its not something you wanted and wanted to use the money else where like for tickets, savings, wedding, or what ever your specific reasons. If you have recieved gifts from each other pics and reciepts could be used instead.

Yes, you are correct his ability to seek employment after you are married and he has received his EAD.

As for your son and his income. Do you claim him on your taxes as a dependent? Is your income such that including or not including him make a difference in meeting the income guidelines for sponsoring your fiancee? You can also do a search on VJ using the keywords about it.

Hope things work out for the best for all of you!!
Moh&TamFemaleJordan2012-08-03 03:02:00